...Aaaaaaand I just got bored. Oh well.
I'll finish.
[ ] Munaxes, The Ravine of Whispers
Soul of She Who Lives In Her Name. Embodiment of her progenitor's hatred of words that betray blood, liege, and faith, Munaxes' title isn't for show; like "Green Sun", it's a physical description of her, a living, bottomless rent that cracks and heals the ground to move, one which swallows the words she so despises right out of the air to echo within her forever. She is primarily consulted on matters of security and ensuring loyalty...and dickered with for use as a siege engine, because while the ground will heal as she moves on, anything she topples will not.
Erembour, That Which Calls to Shadows
Soul of the Ebon Dragon. Embodiment of his relationship with physical darkness, Erembour appears as an outline of a beautiful woman with silver eyes and a rat's tail hidden in her robes. She carries a great horn with her that she constantly plays, with all those in the Dragon's shadow (the closest thing the Demon City gets to night, as even Ligier cannot penetrate the might of a Yozi) hearing it. She's quite the gifted musician, pouring out her love for the night and all the things it represents, trysts and murder, secrets and beauty, into every note. All those who hear it soon come to love it as much as she does, dancing in joyus celebration of the night as their newfound passion remakes them into strange creatures of the shadows-and then the Dragon passes, leaving Erembour's revelers to be burned by Ligier, forcing them to retreat beneath Malfeas, as they curse her name for showing them what real happiness and love felt like.
[ ] Orabilis, The End of All Wisdom
Soul of Cecelyne. Like his fellow Third Circles of the Endless Desert, he represents a boundary, specifically the boundaries of knowledge. Appearing as a noble who constantly sheds his progenitor's silver sand, Orabilis has the ability to spin this sand into mystical glass he spins into great libraries, for he has no quarrel with people learning within the boundaries he sets. He also spins the sand into his sapient Eyes to serve as the Yozis' secret police, for knowledge is a form of strength, and those who become too wise pose a threat to those above them-all well and good, but it must be regulated to maintain order. He is also associated with the dying stars of Malfeas' sky, for he is the one who makes them-there are some things known only to the Yozis, and should someone, anyone, anywhere,, learn one of these secrets through inference, Orabilis will appear to them, and tell them of it. Then he lays his hand upon them, and should the hapless scholar not be an almost uniquely potent being, they will take their place as part of the red constellations in the eternal day.
[ ] Madelrada, That Which Wears Down the Mountains
Soul of Kimbery. Representing the eroding power of the tides, Madelrada is one of the Eight Masterful Demon Generals that lived through the divine rebellion against them, specializing in guerilla tactics. One matches wits with the indigo-colored woman at one's own peril; she will lose any battle to win a war, and she is a master of psychological tactics and ambushes. Personal combat with her is little better-she is a master of every weapon, and the instant she recognizes a personal threat, she wields them, summoning thousands of arms made of ice that work in perfect tandem with the rest.