The Exam 1
"How big is each wing and how many rooms do they have?" You ask the first question of the mental list you made, leaning forwards in your chair.

"Good question." KT Agent Daniels clicks the remote, the visuals swapping back to the blueprints and layouts. " The North and South wings each have two floors, 20 rooms each. The East wing has 10 rooms on each floor, not including the gymnasium—which you are also expected to clear."

"Can we use the files from the previous cases of Waterhaven?"

He nods. "Of course, the files will be provided to you on the way there."

"Has anything strange or uncommon happened or happening currently in the vicinity, outside of the school?"

"Nothing beyond reports of strange lights, weird noises, and the odd flicker of movement."

"Was the portal closed or just sealed? Displaced maybe?" You ask.

"Very good question." He eyes the rest of you. "It's important to make the distinction, especially when writing up the report." Agent Daniels pauses, checking his notes—presumably. "But, to answer your question, it was only sealed. The Service of the time was in its infancy and was a great deal more lax in its standards then it is now. On account of having to deal with exponentially more situations than we do now."

"Why wasn't it dealt with once everything calmed down?" Jess adds, her muscular arms cross as she furrows her brows. And she has a point, why didn't the Service clean it up afterwards?

"Bureaucracy, unfortunately. While Helen has many talents, clairvoyance is not one of them. She does a good job with sorting the labyrinthine files of the archives, but sometimes things slip past. This was one of them."

"Damn paperwork." Sean swears in a half-joking manner, a grin on his face.

"Affirmative." The Android nods in agreement.

"If there is something a team can't handle, can we somehow signal the other teams or the kill team—if we can't escape?" You receive a couple snorts as you keep on going.

"You will be provided Communicators, guaranteed to put you in contact with TOC and other agents in all conditions—barring severe magical interference or super-science jamming. Or not being present in the same dimension, it is difficult to send a signal through to another dimension when said dimension is filled with cosmic horrors." You get the feeling that he's speaking from experience here. And, given that he's still here to talk about it, you should definitely pay attention to what he has to say.

And you arrive at your final question "Was the building in active use or was it abandoned since the last case?"

"Fully abandoned, save for a few foolhardy urban explorers or ghost hunters. It tends to be difficult to reopen when 400 kids died—few parents or guardians will trust it."

You nod, done with your questions.


You slide the pistol, safety on and chambered in 10mm, into the holster resting over your heart and strap it in place—fastening the button to lock it down.

"A good choice," Andy's bones click as he speaks, his lower jawbone swinging in an approximation of speech, "small, discrete, effective for most foes, not overly threatening to a witness when being questioned."

The armorer nods, jaw flapping. "A good choice." He asserts, patting you on the shoulder as he carries on with his unending work. You shake your head, a wistful sigh escaping your lips. It must be nice to be undead and not get tired––you'd get so much work done!

A little while later, after you pack everything away in their respective pockets, you follow KT Agent Daniels as he leads you to the transport. Seeing an opportunity, you take the time to check what the others are bringing along.

Sean is the focus of your observations, as he's to be your partner for this training endeavor. The Dullahan, perhaps predictably, has a spine-like whip coiled on his right hip, over the greatcoat flowing by his legs. He likely has forgone lockpicks or a prybar, given his people's ability to unlock things just by approaching them.

(Perception Roll DC 60: 25+10=35, failure)

The easy grin on his face as he strolls along repels your efforts to figure him out. A shame, as you'd like to get a read on how he's feeling right now, well, beyond the facade of easy-goingness he's currently putting up.

Amelia's next on your list, given that she's likely had some experience against the demonic with her background being what it is. She's dressed, well, much the same as she always does—with the exception of what appears to be a load of various holy objects.

(Perception Check DC 85: 81+10=91, success)

She hasn't given so much as a hint of dropping that small smile on her face—the subtle upturn of the corners of her mouth is all the evidence that it even exists in the first place. If you were to harken a guess, you'd say that she's feeling genuinely happy about this.

Your gaze drifts down to her hand, following the flow of the twice-blessed fabric, to where she fingers the rosary in her pocket. Every few minutes she shifts to the next bead, slowly making her way through the prayer.

Probably a good decision, given where you're heading.

Done observing the more important trainees, you turn your attention towards the others. They're dressed much the same as you, a suit and greatcoat—with subtle changes based on the individual. Ryan, the ninja, has a shotgun on his shoulder and is carrying his sword by its sheathe. Jess has slipped on a pair of brass knuckles and is currently flexing her fingers around in them, getting used to their feeling on her hands. And TJ, a shock to you, is lugging around what appears to be a mounted gun—guess super-strength comes in handy. Or, well, it probably isn't really super-strength as it's a natural part of his biology. Trolls, unlike a lot of beings, don't have magical enhancements to their musculature––it's all natural for them.

(Passing Idea Roll DC 50,70,100: 50, bare success)

Oh wait, what if you could make some sort of… muscle enhancing fiber based on his biology? You've had experience with muscle suits in the past––your father having grown a few biological ones in his lab, but you've never had a chance to work with one until now. What good providence!

(Idea Gained: Troll-Muscle Fibers)

But, any ideas you've got rattling around in that big noggin of yours is gonna have to be put on hold as you've reached the transport.

It's… well it's a van. An armored one, much like the van that KT Agent Daniels picked you up in. All black sides and tinted windows, the letters "SSS" written on the sides in big blocky text. A larger vehicle sits beside it, two of them in fact.

These vehicles are much bigger than the van, with each of them having turrets mounted on the roofs. There's no mistaking these for anything other than a machine built for one thing and one thing only: violence. And ferrying Kill Teams to their destination, judging by the armored agents––about fifteen of them in total, milling around the backs of the opened APCs.

And the agents themselves, well, there's no mistaking them for anything other than a Kill Team, all black and blue armor and faceless masks. Bulging pouches adorn their armor, equipment hangs from webbing. You squint, is that a can of MSB-10? Yeah, yeah it is!

"And this is where I leave you," KT Agent Daniels says as you climb into the back of the van, "I need to see to my team, make sure Peters isn't screwing around with the gas grenades again." He mutters that last part, robotic eyes staring at an armored agent as he stands inconspicuously beside a box of, presumably, grenades. "Good luck, not that you'll need it." He turns and stalks towards Peters, his long legs carrying him half the distance in a blink of an eye.

The van door closes as you hear muffled yelling. And you're off.


It feels weird, you realize as you clamber from the van, to not be in the HQ. You've spent five months, nearly half a year, there and it really doesn't feel like it. It feels more like you've been there only a couple weeks, but… But this is it, the final test and then your career can really begin.

(Perception Roll DC 35: 63+10=73, success)

Waterhaven Elementary School looks… foreboding. Tall brick walls once a cheerful cherry red now leer at you with tan malice. Wind whistles from broken and boarded up windows, shards of glass littering the ground underneath them. The ground bears an impact crater, where the asphalt playspace in the front of the school used to be––evidence of something big falling here.

The reports had mentioned a secondary portal opening, though that one was permanently closed when the agents on site blew it to hell. Literally.

You frown as your eyes dart over the asphalt field and the darkened sky. There's something… wrong here.

"Hey, Sean." You prompt as he climbs out. "You notice anything weird with this place?"

The Dullahan looks around, eyebrows furrowing as he makes the same connection as you. A frown crawls its way across his cream cheese face. "Yeah," he begins, glancing at you, "it's dark here, too dark for how long we were travelling here."

"I was thinking the same thing." You nod, pulling out a pen and paper to make a note of it. "Well, we'd best get going." You say as the rest of the group piles out.

And you do so, passing through an empty door frame and entering the school. The mostly-tiled ground is littered with deep gouges and the occasional empty casing that a scavenger missed. Overturned tables and cracks in the walls––a hole in the ceiling would let in light, had the sun been up at the time.

Together with Sean, you head into the East Wing, your greatcoats billowing behind you as you walk.

(Do You Find Something? Or Does Something Find You?: 2, well that's an odd one)

(Perception Roll DC 15: 18+10=28, success. Your rolls today are weird, ngl)
(Sean's Perception Roll DC 15: 66, success)

You're emerging from the seventh room you've checked, a science room, and are in the process of heading towards the eighth when you freeze, as does Sean beside you.

In the near absolute quietness of the school, where the only noise is the whistle of the wind and the thumping of your own footsteps, the loud talking coming from down the hall is like thunder to your ears.

The sudden glaring light coming from down near the main entrance isn't helping much, either.

"Hey guys," the loud voice begins from down the hall, speaking towards a cameraman, "and welcome back to another one of our exploration streams."

You and Sean share a look as you process the words, dawning horror on your faces as you realize what you're looking at here.

"Today, we're taking a look at the old Waterhaven Elementary School, in good ol' Chicago. Yes, chat," who the hell is chet?, "I am talking about that Waterhaven, the one where 400 kids were whisked away to the depths of hell." His voice sounds like a well-oiled machine, like he's practiced this many times before.

You sigh, as does Sean. Pulling out your communicator, you call up the other two teams. "Team Two here, we've got what appears to be a…" you look at Sean, who mouths the word 'streamer' at you, "streamer? A civilian in the school, we're gonna go escort him out, over"

"Team One received, over." Amelia's curt voice answers, a thrum of emotion in her voice that blows all previous encounters with her out of the water.

"Got it, stay safe. Team Three received, over." Jess confirms she got it as you turn to Sean. You open your mouth and start discussing how to do this.

How do you approach this?
[ ] Just get them outta here with whatever force is necessary.
[ ] Approach with words and reason, perhaps they'll understand and leave easily.
[ ] Write in


GM's Note: wtf, my sense of time is so screwy. Days just keep blending together! Sorry for the lateness. Voting will be called tomorrow at 6 PM, CST. Thanks for reading and voting.
The Exam 2
"Let's just… I dunno," you exclaim, an exasperated huff punctuating your words, "go up and ask them to leave? Politely, but firmly."

"Right." Sean bobs his head, the characteristic smile of his peeling its way across his face––he's got some mischief planned, "and maybe we'll give them a little fright while we're at it." And with that, you approach the streamer and his crew.

"H-hey Magi?" One of the crew, the boom operator, asks as he points a shaky hand at the darkness. "W-what's t-that?"

"What are you talking about, MaARK!?" The streamer springs back, clearing at least three feet as a body stumbles from the darkness clutching at its throat.

"He-help m-mee…" The figure takes one, two steps before the head tilts forwards––gurgling all the way as it hits the ground with a clatter.

"O-oh my fuc-" Somebody says, all eyes glued to the decapitated body.

"Apologies for my partner, he can be a bit of a jokester." You say, stepping from the darkness. The cameraman immediately pans to you as you, in one smooth motion, scoop up Sean's head and hoist him up by his hair.

He grins, the smile peeling back far further than a human mouth has any right to. "You gotta admit, it was funny." Judging from the pale looks––and the nauseous expression on the boom operator, they don't exactly agree with him.

"Ah hahaha…" The streamer tries laughing it off, but only manages an unconvincing stammer. He keeps glancing at the camera, making sure that he's somewhat in it at least. "What a great prank!" He exclaims, smiling as the camera pans back to him. "Who are these strangers? Chat, is one of you squatting here and didn't te-" You push past him, the camera zooming in on you

(Chat Recognition Roll DC 95: 100, success, you have got to be kidding me
86+0=86, double success, auto succeed in getting them out)

"But seriously, you guys can't be here." You try explaining, but he's having none of it. "There's an ong-" He pushes in front of you, cutting you off.

"Says who? It's been abandoned for thirty years!" He demands, scowling at you.

"57, actually." A crew man adds, correcting his boss.

"Close enough, Jordan!" The streamer waves him off. "Regardless, there's nothing and nobody saying I can't be here, just that I shouldn't."

Sean's body climbs to its feet and plants his head back on, wiggling it around to make sure it's on properly. "You know," he says, walking into view, "you're wrong about that. There is something saying you can't be here."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"Us," the Dullahan pulls out his ID and flips it open, "the Service."

"Fuck me running." A goblin crewmember, the light operator, bites out––wincing all the while. He'd had a contemplative expression on his face the whole time, only putting two and two together right before Sean revealed his ID.

Similar expressions flash across the gathered crew. If the Service is here… well, that means something else is here too. And given the things that they deal with… a streamer and his crew wouldn't put up much of a fight. Unless one of them was something that could stand up to it, but you find that rather unlikely.

"Right, now that that's out of the way, why don't we get you out of here nice and quickly?" You say, grabbing the streamer by his arm and placing a hand at the small of his back. "Wouldn't want you to get hurt, after all."

He stares at you, something akin to realization dawning in his expression as you half-drag half-lead him along. "Hey, what a second…" He starts, brow furrowing. "I recognize you! You're Itzabella Williams, right? The singer?"

You stop dead in your tracks, mouth agape as you gawk at him. …How the fuck? No seriously, how the hell did he know that? Moreover, how the hell did he know you for your short-lived music career and not the whole 'daughter of a pair of ultra-rich parents' thing.

He awkwardly half-shuffles in your grasp. "I, uh, I'm a big fan of your work. I use it for my, uh, streams—'EyeoftheMagi' is my handle." That does explain the 'magi' comment from earlier. You catch a too-wide smirk from Sean in the corner of your eye—you're gonna suffer that for some time, you reckon.

You nod, not trusting your voice to stay cool as you direct him to the exit.

"Are you gonna do more music?" He asks, somewhat hopefully.

You wince, it hadn't been a skill issue that caused your career to sink… "Not likely." Especially since the record label dropped you after some random supervillain took a potshot after they signed you on, apparently. You doubt that was the real reason, but it's not like there's anyone to ask about it now.

"Oh," he looks away, the camera catching his face flushing bright red from embarrassment.

Knowing the internet… shit. Double shit.


ImperialFister: He's blushing!
Eyeless: not arrested peepoHappy


Leaving the streamer and his crew with a unit of Kill Team Agents, you return inside the school. But not before checking up with the other two teams.

(Team One's Roll: 52, Gaze of the Mayan Gods Triggers!
Team Three's Roll: 35, Nothing special)

"This is Itza, Team Two, we escorted the civilians out of the school with minimal difficulty, how's it faring for you? Over." You talk into your communicator, located on the lapel of your greatcoat.

Team Three radios in first, the speaker crackling as Jess speaks. "This is Jess, Team Three, haven't encountered anything of note other than some ectoplasm, which we took a sample of. Over."
And then Team One calls in, a slight static effect coming through as an almost rusty sounding voice comes through. "This is Ryan, Team One, we've encountered an object with a significant spiritual signature in room 247. The object is a mock-up of an Mayan Shrine, likely from a historical project. Moving to investigate, over." He's very matter of fact as he conveys the events. You frown at the mention of a Mayan Shrine, something that Sean catches.

"Hey, you good?" He asks as he steps closer to you, a concerned look on his face and his arm extended.

"Yeah," you say, shaking it off with a shudder, "just… some bad history with the Mayans, nothing that'll jeopardize the mission." You add hurriedly.

(Does Sean Push? 2, no)

He looks at you, eyes searching for something before, after a few moments, he nods. "Alright, just, don't be screwing up out there."

"Don't plan on it." You return with a small smile.

And that's when an explosion rattles the building, shaking dust from the off-yellow ceiling panels. The thunderous sound deafens you for a moment as you find yourself stumbling, vertigo overtaking your senses.

(Resist (Physical) Roll DC 45: 80+5=85, success)
(Sean's Resist (Physical) Roll DC 45: 1, well shit)

"Holy hell!" You cry out as you stumble into a pinboard-covered wall, propping yourself up with a toned arm. "What was that!?"

Sean, unfortunately, is unable to answer as he's currently staring at the floor in complete silence. Following his gaze you spot the issue: a large fissure right underneath him, a widening one. His gaze snaps to you as the ground releases a heavy groan. "Well, shit."

"Don't mo-" Sean disappears, swallowed by the ground. "Dammit!" You dive, sliding across the floor for his hand.

(Athletics Roll DC 75: 25, no dice)

Your hand grabs air as you slide to a halt, Sean having slipped by just before you got there. You slam a fist into the ground. "Damn!" You swear, spikes of pain radiating from your hand.

(Perception Roll DC 35: 30+10=40, success)
(Resolve Roll DC 55: 14+50(In danger)=64, success)

Skittering sounds of claws on tile echo around you as you scramble to your feet. You breathe heavy as you glance around, searching the now dust-filled corridor for the source of the sound. Dammit, first Team One, then Sean, and now this?!

Today is just not your day.

Pulling yourself together with a shake of the head, you get to thinking on your situation. You've got a couple options, though you're going to have to pick quickly, as the skittering noise is drawing closer.

What do you do?
[ ] Jump in after Sean, well, carefully climb down after him
[ ] Head towards Team One, that explosion seemed to come from their direction
[ ] Wait for the skittering noise to close in and prepare for a fight (Knowing the background of the place, it'll likely be a pack of imps or, possibly, the lingering souls of dead children)


GM's Note: Alrighty, I got this one out quicker than the last, though I've been muddling through vertigo for the past couple days so it wasn't as quick as I would have liked. Voting will be called tomorrow at 6 PM CST, thanks for voting.
The Exam 3
With the skittering, scraping sound growing closer, you make a split-second decision to go after Sean.

Releasing the hold you had on your heavy pistol, you plant a foot on the edge of the hole, the inky darkness within hinting at its unknown depths.

(Athletics Roll DC 40: 85, success)

After a few moments of climbing, you drop to the debris covered floor, flicking on your flashlight as you recover. You frown as the beam cuts through the darkness, illuminating it and revealing your odd surroundings. Walls of gray rock greet your eyes as you shine the light around the cavern-like room. There's no sign of Sean anywhere near, he must have gone deeper in.

(Intuition Roll DC 35: 44+10=54, success)

You press a hand against the stone, feeling its smoothness as your frown deepens. It's too smooth and uniform for a natural cave, it must be man-made somehow and it's definitely not a sewer—there's no tell-tale smell for one.

What sort of thing could have made this? Regardless of what made it, it's probably going to have something to do with what's going on. And knowing your luck, you're gonna be running into it soon enough.


(Perception Roll DC 30: 56+10=66, success)

Pebbles fall, brushing against your shoulder, and your head snaps up, the flashlight following as you stare up at the source of the skittering noise. Your nostrils burn and your eyes from the acrid, sulphuric stench wafting in the air.

Long teeth, pointed and jagged, jutting out from a snarling, slobbering maw. Sickly pale red skin, clammy with a sheen of glossy sweat in the flashlight beam. Long, angled ears ending in blunted tips, ragged and torn from hundreds of fights. It has footlong claws, five on each hand, which are jet black and razor sharp, glinting in the light. Topping the whole hunched thing off, a pair of smoking yellow eyes glare out beadily from small eye sockets set deep in its bald head.

This is an Imp, a Minorus Imp to be exact, and it doesn't seem to like you much, given the way it glares down at you from its hunched perch on the piled debris.

(Perception Roll 25: 29+10=39, success)

Your ears pick up the sound of combat, coming from behind the Hellspawn in the darkness beyond. It's a snapping sound, like a spine breaking again and again. It's the sound of Sean's whip, if you were to make a guess.

If you want to back him up, you're gonna need to get past this Imp. It seems to realize this too, if they way it lowers itself is anything to go by. Your eyes narrow, fingers dancing across the hilt of the dagger at your side. Too much noise and you'll draw the Imps from above, looks like you're knife-fighting the knife-handed monster.


Itza vs Minorus Imp
1st Round Initiative
Itza: 22+20=42
Imp: 27+5=32
Itza 1st, Imp 2nd
1st Round Combat
Itza's Attack: 55+10(Combat(Daggers))=65
Imp's Dodge: 47+5=52
Damage: 3d4=12, Imp Killed
Combat Victor: Itza

It moves, leaping at you with its hands outstretched, a hiss on its breath as it lunges. Those claws are deadly, able to slice through a metal wall like it's not even there. It'll easily be able to get through your armor if you let it hit you, which is why you don't.

You move too, the Service Knife at your waist flicking out as you lean into its charge. Your gloved hand snaps out, wrapping around the hellspawn's heated throat as it gurgles in confusion. Its back slams into the ground as you pivot, the knife glinting in the light as you raise it towards the unseeing heavens.

It flails in your rock solid grip, your weight pinning it down as your knife slams home, the broad blade splitting its neck wide. Blood, black and brackish, sprays out as the creature wobbles, its head limply falling back as it loses its strength.

You slide the dagger away as you rise to your feet—after you wipe the blade clean on its oddly hot corpse, of course. You turn away, greatcoat flaring behind you as you head into the darkness, towards Sean and his fight.


(How's Sean doing?: 57, he's doing fine, but he could use some help as he's starting to flag)

You turn a too smooth and rounded corner, flashlight bobbing as you come face to face with a pack of Imps. A pack of Imps facing off against a whirling cloud of twisting death.

Sean flicks his wrist and the spine whip sails out, snapping against the body of an Imp, keeping them at bay as best he can. A few Imps lay dead or dying, slumped against the walls or on the floor, but it's not enough, not compared to the Imps still standing. Forked tongues slip from between pointed teeth as they hiss at him, trying to encircle him.

Sean's holding his own, but you can tell that he's starting to flag against the onslaught of foes. Along his sleeves you can see frayed cuts, drops of pale blood pooling in the wounds.

(Resolve Roll DC 55: 92+50=142, success
95+42=137, double success
97+37=134, triple success, Itza once more showing off how determined she can be
78+34=112, quadruple success, lmao
97+12=109, quintuple success, oh my god
51+9=60, sextuple success, phew, I was running out of quips!)

Your heart skips a beat as you see all those Imps, at least a dozen of them still standing. Then, you feel your fist clench around your knife, ironclad determination overtaking you and dashing your fear against the rocks.

Your partner is in danger, are you just gonna sit there and let them take him? Let them cut his life short with cruel, scything claws?

Hell no!

With a snarl, you leap into battle, knife a bright blur as you gut one top to bottom, infernal intestines spilling to the floor alongside its tainted blood. Another spins, claws wide as it lunges. You meet it halfway, jamming a pair of gloved fingers in its eyes as your knife slams to its hilt in the underside of its jaw.

You yank the blade free, the blood spray sliding off your greatcoat with ease. They've taken notice of you now, the sulfur stench joined by the rotten smell of death as they screech at you, like nails on a chalkboard

Sean grins at you, his mouth peeled too far back. You return the smile, knife at the ready as your own teeth glint in the flashlight.

Itza and Sean vs Minorus Imp Pack
Itza has a +10 bonus to all actions this fight
1st Round Initiative
Itza: 67+20+10=97
Sean: 64+25=87
Imp Pack: 31+5=36
Itza 1st, Sean 2nd, Imp Pack 3rd
1st Round Combat
Itza's Attack: 92+10+10=112, oh christ
43+12=55, phew
Imp Pack's Dodge: 80+5=85, good, but not good enough Imps
Damage: 6d4=21
Sean's Attack: 94+15=109, good lord
Imp Pack's Dodge: 75+5=80, not today, Imps
Damage: 10d4=28
Imp Pack's 1st Attack (Itza): 96, these guys are rolling well, wowzas
Itza's Dodge: 78+10+10=98, but not well enough!
Imp Pack's 2nd Attack (Itza): 6
Itza's Dodge: 89+10+10=109, Opening gained!
Opening Attack: 99+10+10=119, jesus christ on a bike
86+19=105, oh my goodness
Imp Pack's Dodge: Auto-Fail Because Opening
Damage: 9d4=24, Imp Pack Killed

You move first, closing the distance between you and the next Imp in but a few steps, knife flashes and blood spurts from the stump where its head used to be. It's head lands in front of the next demon, hitting the ground with a thud, tongue lolling from its lipless mouth.

The next lunges for you, claws sparking along the rock wall as you shoulder check its chest, feeling it crumple from the force as you slip your blade up under the ribcage and puncture its heart. With a twist, you step aside the falling body, ready for the next in line.

Which you don't have to deal with as a spine-like whip sails by your head, punching a hole through the neck of the spindly Hellspawn in front of you. You shoot your friend a grin and a thumbs-up, which he returns—snapping his whip and yanking another Imp into the path of your blade.

Together, you battle against the hordes of the Hellpit, planting a boot on their necks and kicking in their teeth with a furious stomp.

A pair of armor piercing claws slice right past your face, drawing a thin line of blood across your cheek. Your knife removes the offending limb, the creature screeching in pain as you plant your dagger in the side of its head.

Drawing back from the blood-spraying red-skinned beast as it falls to the ground, you take in the carnage you left behind you.

Bodies litter the narrow corridor, limbs splayed at odd angles and with numerous puncture wounds at odd places. Blood splatters against the walls, as Sean leans against one of the rare bloodless spots. He breathes heavily, drawing in ragged breath after ragged breath.

As he sees you staring, he pushes off and steps closer to you. "So," he breathes out, a low thing, "that was…"

"Intense?" You finish for him.

"I was gonna say violent, but that works too." The Dullahan nods with a laugh, before turning serious. "Hey, you good? You got a little bloodthirsty there, I think."

You scratch the back of your head, scrunching up your hair in the process as you kick the ground—accidently knocking over a slumped demon in the process. "Ah, well, that's just sort of how I am, you know? I end fights as quick as I can, the longer they go on the more danger I'm in."

"I get you," he nods, seemingly accepting it. "So, what's next?" He flicks a thumb back the way you came. "Want to go back, climb out of here?" He spins, pointing a finger ahead of you. "Orrrrr, we could see what's so special to have a pack of Imps guarding it?"

You bite your lip, picking at the dry skin. Fighting works up a sweat and you're feeling awfully thirsty… You grimace as your fingers touch something cold and wet. Damn, looks like they got your water in the chaos. RIP the water bottle, he served you well.

But, you still have to respond to Sean. What do you say?
[ ] Climb out, you can check this out later but first you've got to…
-[ ] Help Team One out
-[ ] Find the source of the Hellspawn
[ ] Push forwards, find out what they were guarding. Besides, the source might be down here


GM's Note: Hot diggity dog, guys, you just tore that pack of Imps up! Then again… Imps, Minorus Imps at that, aren't exactly very threatening. I'm trying out a new method of combat and I'm liking how it's turning out. Not entirely happy with my writing for this one, but oh well. Voting will be called tomorrow at 6 PM CST, thanks for reading!

Q: How do Openings work?
A: When you crit on a dodge, and you have something that gives you the chance to get an Opening, you get an Opening which is just a free attack that the enemy can't dodge against.
The Exam 4
"Team One sounded like they needed help, so let's get outta here and back them up." It's the best option, you reckon, out of the choices at hand. Sean nods and fishes his communicator from his coat, some of his pale blood has been splashed against it in the fighting. He clicks it, trying to call up Team One, by your guess, only to receive nothing but fuzzy static. The Dullahan attempts it again, his frown deeping each following try.

"Comms are down." The agent-hopeful sighs, giving the communicator a final, weighty button press. "I think there's something weird with this place."

"Same here," you point a hand at a wall, brushing your knuckles against the too smooth surface, "the walls are too smooth. Here, give it a feel." Sean pulls up next to you and runs a leathery hand against the stone surface.

"You're right, this is too smooth." He steps back, putting a few strides between him and the wall. "Come on, we can talk about it on the way." You half-jog to catch up to him, his previous long steps slowed by a slight limp. You decide to not mention it, if it were affecting him he'd say something.

(Knowledge (Magic) Roll DC 85: 100, success, really?
69+0=69, double success, wow, okay)

You half stumble, missing a step as an idea comes to mind. "Hey, is the jam caused by a magical source or a technological one? Cause I just had an idea." Sean, by virtue of being a magical being, has a degree of magical senses.

Sean's brows furrow. "Magical, but… I'm not sure, it feels weird."

"Weird? In what way?"

"Weird as in it feels…" He shakes his head, struggling to describe it. "...Lifeless, for lack of a better word."

"Lifeless? Like it's been killed or died, or was never alive in the first place?"

"The former." You nod, thoughts circling.

"These walls are smooth…" You trail off, muttering as you fish out half-remembered lessons on magical ritual. Your eyes shoot wide open, an idea spiraling into existence. "The walls! Smooth! Magic!" You shout, ranting and raving as your super-science aligned brain switches gears—arms flailing as something akin to mad science takes hold.

"You okay?" Sean's bewildered fear is a simple thing to deduce for one such as yourself. After all, you are the greatest of all ti-!

You blink, heat rising to your cheeks as you rapidly stumble over yourself. "Sorry," you offer sheepishly, taking several steps away from him.

"No biggie," he shrugs, dismissing it with a wave of the hand, "but, you said something about smooth walls and magic?"

You blink again, memories striking you like a comet. "Right!" You nod rapidly, reaching the hole in the floor––or ceiling, rather, that you came through. "The smoother something is, the easier it is for magic energy to move along it. Without any rough parts or ridges to catch on, any magic finding its way into this network of tunnels is going to get channeled towards something, likely some kind of magical ritual." Sean's eyes widen, his own thoughts racing.

"The ritual, if there is one, is cold. The magic's dead and gone, now at least. However," he mutters, conclusions and possibilities running through his mind, "it's completely possible that the ritual was activated recently…"

(Obsession (Lower Realm) Resolve Roll DC 35: 49+30=79, success)

"We can check it out later, for now, we've gotta back up Team One and check up on Team Three." You declare, beginning the climb back up. You shake off your impulse to examine a potential hellish ritual, you've got a job to do and you're not going to give up on it that easily.

Sean agrees, following in your 'footsteps'.


(How is Team One doing?: 32, not great, not great at all, though they're giving as good as they get)

Your footsteps beat a steady staccato as you stomp through the halls, your boots slamming against the tiled flooring as you run towards Team One. The sound of violence, of clashing weapons, rings louder and louder as you draw closer. A booming sound, the noise of a gunshot, joins the cacophony of combat.

You round the corner, skidding to a halt as you lay eyes on the scene before you.

Large, statuesque men dressed in jaguar pelts and leather belts wield what you recognize as macuahuitl, a wooden club with lengths of embedded obsidian blades. Their skin looks as if it were carved from stone, a brick-like pattern decorates their bodies. Flaming eyes that remind you of the sun stare blankly from their sockets.

Jaguar Warriors, the standard warriors of the Mayan Gods.

Across from the warriors, of which there are three, is Team One. They're still standing, though the blood staining Ryan's clothing doesn't bode well for their condition. Amelia has a cool exterior, placing the sights of her pistol on them and blowing a small chunk of stone away with every pull of the trigger. Ryan has a katana in hand, lightning arcing along its curving edge—he's keeping the Mayans away from the rest of you the best that he can.

(Resolve Roll DC 65: 26+50=76, success)

You ready yourself, ignoring your knife and drawing your pistol, wishing you brought something a bit heavier along for the ride. Regardless of any wishes you may have, you throw yourself into the chaos––Sean by your side and with whip in hand.

Team One and Team Two vs 3 Jaguar Warriors
1st Round Initiative
Itza: 13+20=33
Sean: 5+25=30
Ryan: 87+35=122, damn Ryan
2+22=24, damn Ryan
Amelia: 53+20=73
Warrior 1: 34+10=43
Warrior 2: 65+10=75
Warrior 3: 8+10=18
Ryan 1st, W2 2nd, Amelia 3rd, W1 4th, Itza 5th, Sean 6th, W3 7th
1st Round Combat
Ryan's Attack (W1): 73+30=103, damn Ryan
W1's Dodge: 82+15=97, not good enough
Damage: 12d4=31-(3-4)=31 Damage!
W2's Attack (Ryan): 84+15=99, woah boy
Ryan's Dodge: 92+15=107, hotdamn Ryan
Amelia's Attack (W1): 67+15+5=87
W1's Dodge: 58+10=68
Damage: 3d4=9-(6-0)=3 Damage
W1's Attack (Ryan): 69+15=84
Ryan's Dodge: 34+15=49, ouch
Damage: 4d4=11-(8-1)=4 Damage, not too bad
Itza's Attack (W1): 80+10=90
W1's Dodge: 33+10=43
Damage: 3d4=8-(1-1)=8 Damage, W1 dead
Sean's Attack (W3): 25+15+5(A 'Young' Dullahan)=45
W3's Dodge: 31+10=41
Damage: 5d4=12-(2-0)=10 Damage
W3's Attack (Ryan): 89+15=104, yeowch
89+4=93, holy cow
Ryan's Dodge: 71+15=86, not good enough, sorry pal
Damage: 8d4=19-(5-3)=17 Damage, ouch
1st Round Over
Team One and Team Two vs 2 Jaguar Warriors
2nd Round Initiative
Itza: 12+20=32
Sean: 49+25=74
Ryan: 34+35=69
Amelia: 1+20=21 fucking ouch
Warrior 2: 87+10=97
Warrior 3: 62+10=72
W2 1st, Sean 2nd, W3 3rd, Ryan 4th, Itza 5th, Amelia 6th
2nd Round Combat
W2's Attack (Ryan): 2+15=17, lmao
Ryan's Dodge: 28+15=43, he's fine
Sean's Attack (W2): 95+15=110
W2's Dodge: 9+10=19, lmao
Damage: 10d4=32-(4-0)=28 Damage!
W3's attack (Ryan): 67+15=82
Ryan's Dodge: 94+15=109, damn
98+9=107, hotdamn
Ryan's Attack (W2): 91+30=121
93+21=114, Ryan, dear God
90+14=104, Ryan, you mad bastard, kick his ass
97+4=101, *jaw drops*
43+1=44, yeah, this is hitting both Ws, holy shit
W2's Dodge: 52+10=62, not even close
Damage: 12d4=34-(1-7)=34 Damage! Jaguar Warrior Dead!
W3's Dodge: 2+10=12, this guys not gonna be in the sequel, holy shit
Damage: 12d4=32-(4-5)=32 Damage! Jaguar Warrior Dead!
2nd Round Over, Combat Over

Lightning sparks, arcing along the blade of Ryan's katana as he moves, sliding under the sweeping swing of the first warrior. His legs bend as he reaches where the wall meets the floor, bouncing off it and twisting midair, delivering a deep gouge across the chest of the Jaguar Warrior as he lands, like a canyon on a rocky landscape.

The second warrior steps in, grabbing Ryan by the scarf and slamming him to the wall, dust poofing up as he impacts the red brick. It rears back, aiming to decapitate Ryan with a well placed swing—a well placed swing that never connects. Ryan slips from his scarf, letting obsidian-bladed club turn it to tatters as he hits the ground with a roll, already setting up for his next attack.

Until a holy bullet whistles in, whispers of prayer follow in spirals. It craters in the head of the first warrior, blowing a chunk of its brow clean off and exposing its eye. If it could glare, you think that it would be now. Amelia meets its gaze with one of her own, sliding a fresh magazine in and racking the slide all in one smooth motion.

The Jaguar Warrior swings at Ryan—who's darting across the hallway to meet it. They clash, the blue arcs of the Ninja's blade sparking against the polished wood of the stone Mayan's club. The warrior advances, its crushing weight forcing Ryan to move—right in the way of the thing's rocky fist.

He bounces off the ground, right into the path of the third Jaguar Warrior, Sean's whip embedded in its uncaring neck. The razor sharp obsidian blades carve across the Ninja's back, peeling skin and cloth away as one.

The first stomps forwards, a heavy stone foot aimed to crush Ryan's rib cage in and finish him off. It raises its leg up, the weighty, death-dealing foot falling with a heavy thud—except for a trio of bullets, bullets from your gun, cracking into its exposed eye, shattering the golden sun into fragments. It falls back, away from the recovering Ryan and towards the approaching second. The first crumbles to dust, its yellow mixing with the gray of the school.

It raises its own macuahuitl, ready to finish what its sibling started. But it's not to be as Ryan leaps away, springboarding to the left—towards the third. The third Jaguar Warrior swings, aiming to bisect Ryan down the middle. The lightning spouting blade meets it halfway, a brilliant blaze of blue electricity thunders out, the front half of the macuahuitl falling away as Ryan spins, landing on his feet and ready for the charging second.

A spinal whip sails out of the blue, Sean stepping forwards, and arrests the sword arm of the stone warrior, forcing it to the ground.

Ryan leaps forwards, feet falling on the side of the club as he runs up it, twisting off and carving a deep, very deep line across the neck of the third. He spins, the sword following him as he drives it through the head of the living statue.

The American-born Ninja lands on his feet, sheathe in hand as he slowly, as if in slow motion, slides the blade home. With a click of the guard, the two stone Jaguar Warriors turn to dust as one—crumpling in on themselves as they become piles of dust on the ground.

The hero of the hour stands there, swaying slightly in the breeze-less air. Red blood spurts out of the wound on his shoulder, coating the dust-filled ground and muddying it up. You swear you can see bloody bone through the debris of his back.

He falls to his knees and the rest of you rush to him, medical supplies in hand.


(How's Team Three doing?: 8, that's not good)

You step away from the blood soaked Ryan, he's been patched up as best the rest of you can give him—making sure none of the dust, be it from the school or the Mayans, got in it.

Pulling out your communicator, you call up Team Three, who it turns out has been trying to reach you for the past several minutes.

"Finally!" Jess snarks, flecks of anger sparking in her voice. "I've been trying to reach you forever now!" Her speech is hushed, like she's trying to stay quiet from something.

"What's going on?" You frown into the communicator.

"It's… easier to explain if you see it. How close are you to the gym?"

You glance down the hall, counting the doors. "About four-ish doors away, why?"

"Come and take a look at this—and be careful!" The urgency in her hissing voice causes you to take note, creeping to the doorway and looking out the window.

(Knowledge (Hellpits) DC 50: 69, success, nice)

"Fuck me running… that's a big demon." You breathe out in awe, a slight edge of fear tinting your words.

And you're right, it is a big demon—or devil, rather. This particular specimen is large, slightly taller than the decrepit basketball hoops that line the gym. A long gray beard sweeps across the floor, as it drags a long sword behind its hunched back. This is known as a 'Great Bearded Devil' and they're a large degree more dangerous than your common Imp. Though, thankfully, there don't seem to be any Imps near the Devil, probably because they don't get along very well.

"You got any ideas on how to take this big bastard down?" Jess pulls you from your thoughts. "I guess we could call in the Kill Team…" She seems kinda grumbly about that, probably because she hasn't fought very much yet, if you were to make a guess.

Well, first things first gotta get an inventory of your options. Amelia has Holy Water Grenades and Incense Grenades, two of each—along with a supply of holy bullets. You're pretty sure that TJ's machine gun would do some damage, and the breaching charge he brought along too.

Any plans?
[ ] Plan name
-[ ] Write in

Or you can just call in the Kill Team… but you won't be able to explore the ritual zone and a good portion of your fellow trainees aren't gonna be very happy about it.
[ ] Call in the Kill Team

Or you could go back to the ritual zone, see if there's anything there that could help you deal with a dangerous Devil? After all, if they were summoning things, surely they were prepared to accidentally summon something they weren't ready for, right?
[ ] Explore the rest of the ritual zone


GM's Note: Hot damn was Ryan the MVP of that fight. I got inspired and speed ran this one. Voting will be called tomorrow at 6 PM CST, thanks for reading.
The Exam 5
"Sean and I discovered a sub-level, an artificial cave which we suspect is being used for a ritual of some sort. Likely to summon Hellspawn, like it or not." The communicator crackles as you speak into it, a slight buzz in the air. "We're gonna go check it out, see if there's any chance the summoner's were smart and prepared rather than dumb and stupid, over."

"Got it, stay safe out there. We'll keep an eye on this big bastard while you do that. What's the condition of Team One, over?" Jess' voice crackles out as you peek around the corner, looking out at the makeshift machine gun nest that Team Three made out in the bleachers.

You look back at Ryan, who is currently sitting up in the lotus position––doing some meditation, by the looks of things. Even if the wound across his back is patched up, he's in no shape to be fighting. Amelia's standing off to the side, still as a statue. After the fight she loaded another magazine into her gun and placed it back into her suit jacket, which had become scuffed in the fighting.

"Yeah… yeah, Team One's down a member, Ryan took a hit across his back. Amelia's in fighting form, though, and looks to have a supply of anti-Hellspawn weaponry on her. We're going to bring her along with us, when we explore the ritual zone. Sound good to you, over?" Amelia's ears twitch as you speak her name––the tips of her ears poking through the veil of her hair.

The communicator is silent for a moment, Jess is likely talking with TJ about it, before her voice comes back in with a slight crackle. "...Sounds good to us. Drop Ryan off with us, over."

"Got it. We'll be on our way soon, over and out." You click the communicator off and stuff it back in its pouch.


Your knees bend slightly as you drop into the cave, flashlight beam joining your partners' as you rise fully.

"Amelia," you begin, catching Amelia and Sean's attention as you gesture towards where you suspect the ritual takes place, "Sean and I encountered some Imps, Minorus, when we came down here earlier so be on your guard, alright?"

(Perception (Visual) Roll DC 70: 69+10=79, success)

For a moment, a shadow of a smile passes over her face. Her impenetrable eyes gave way to a joyous spark. A hint of emotion emerges on her cheeks, giving her something of a glowing aura. If she had a drop of Angelic heritage, you'd bet that there'd be a halo over her head, such was the level of emotion compared to her previous.

And then, all at once and all of a sudden, it's gone––once more replaced by her normal stoic mien.

She nods, racking the slide and chambering a blessed round in her pistol and drawing her holy knife. "Acknowledged." The half-elf speaks, a hint of excitement unfolding from her syllables like a flower blooming in spring.

Sean doesn't say anything, simply unfurling his whip from his waist and adjusting his grip on it.

And with that, you set out into the inky darkness of the smooth caverns––weapons ready for whatever comes your way.


It doesn't take long for your progress in the smooth caves to be harried. In this case, it's a wooden door at the end of the tunnel. A trivial obstacle in your way.

It also doesn't take long for the problem to be solved. All Sean had to do was step forward and let his natural Dullahan magic take effect. The door unlocks, swinging open to reveal the large chamber hiding behind it.

Your flashlight beams dart across the room, revealing the dome-like nature of its structure. In the center of the chamber is what appears to be a summoning circle, geometric shapes with infernal characters line the ritual. In the 'front' of the smooth space, right before the door, is an altar. An unsettling aura rises from the dry red marks on the cubic altar, something that grabs all three of your attentions.

(Investigation Roll DC 45: 92+10=102, success
56+2=58, double success)
(Amelia's Investigation Roll DC 35: 29, failure)
(Sean's Investigation Roll DC 45: 79, success)

"Blood," you whisper, brushing the back of your glove against the sticky substance. A shiny something, a coin, catches your attention as you examine the altar. The coin is a thin gold circle with a man's head on the side—the image's mouth is sealed shut.

(Knowledge (Magic) DC 65: 66, success)

That's… that's the source of the jamming effect, if you were to make a guess. Picking it up, you slide it into an evidence baggie, the magic blocked by the enchantments on the bag. Clicking your communicator on, you see that you've got a signal. Looks like you found the source of the jammer.

"Somebody died here. Several somebodies." Sean speaks up, his Dullahan nature kicking in. "Kate Willgrove, James Logger," you close your eyes as Sean carries on, unable to stop speaking the names of the dead, "Jeremy Myers, Laura Myers, Adam Green, and Harry Hroldsson." He finishes, each of you silent in respect of the dead. "May their spirits find rest." His words ring hollow to your ears, being sacrificed in a ritual like this one… spirits are weak immediately after death, easily consumed by a stronger being. You open your eyes and Amelia unclasps her hands from a quick prayer.

"Any more information you can gather from that? Their identities? Date of death?" You ask as you step in next to Sean.

"They've all been sacrificed recently, the earliest six days ago, another sacrificed each day since. Nobody was sacrificed today." He says as you put two and two together.

"Six days? Why not seven? Seven's a much more magically potent number then six for mass summoning…" You frown, connections forming in your mind. "Which means there's still time to save the seventh!" A sense of urgency lays its way across your mind, mirrored in the thoughts of the two next to you.

"We have to find them." Amelia's words scythe their way across your racing mind. "We cannot allow those responsible to complete this ritual."

"But where are they?" Sean steps in, drawing closer to her. "You have an idea?"

In lieu of answering Amelia clasps her hands together, intertwining her fingers as her eyes screw shut with focus. It doesn't take a genius like yourself to recognize prayer when you see it, the sheer weight her following words carry is clue enough.

"Oh Holy Father, our Lord in Heaven, please show us the way, reveal to us what we are missing. Lend us Your Sight so we may be so blessed to carry out Your Will on earth. Amen."

As her words trail off, carving themselves into the silent air of the chamber, a rumbling thrum of power answers her prayer.

White fire burns itself into existence in front of her hands, spreading out and lathering the room in holy flames. They ebb around you and Sean, avoiding your touch as they focus on a single point: an outline of a door carved into the wall.

Amelia falls to her hands and knees, her body convulsing as she hacks up a chunk of blood-stained phlegm. You rush over, you and Sean helping her to her feet as she wipes her mouth, a handkerchief appearing from nowhere.

"You okay? What happened?" You demand as she pulls away from your grasp, steadying herself on shaky legs.

"I invoked a miracle." She hesitantly says, as if that's enough of an explanation for what just happened. "I can do one more."

"And," you gesture at the slimy piece of… something on the floor, "that happens whenever you do that?"

"It is the price I pay." She says, back to her stony exterior. "We will not have much longer, please examine the results as I need to keep it focused."

Sharing a glance and a shrug, you and Sean approach the outline, examining it for any useful clues.

(Perception Roll DC 75: 80+10+30(Prayer)=120, success
81+20=101, double success
95+1=96, triple success)
(Sean's Perception Roll DC 75: 33+30(Prayer)=63, failure)

Sean begins scratching at the bandages around his neck as he frowns. "I don't see anyth-"

He's cut off as you push him out of the way as your arm darts out, clicking the button hidden in the wall. You smirk at him as the outline disappears, he returns with a flat expression as a hidden door slides open. Dust floats in the air as you peer in, flashlights illuminating a figure chained to the wall.

"H-hello?" The voice of a subdued young boy calls out from his chained position on the floor. "A-are you here to t-take me away too?" He blinks at you, blinded by the light of your flashlights.

You don't say anything, keeping your distance from the child––refusing to step any closer than you already are. There are many things out there that could easily impersonate a child, and none of them would have good things in mind for you if you get too close.

(Perception (Auditory) Roll DC 60: 2+10=12, failure, uh oh)
(Sean's Perception Roll DC 60: 44, failure, that's not good)
(Amelia's Perception Roll DC 70: 43+10=53, failure, well crap)

Claps echo from behind you, a cruel noise in the silence of the domed room. You freeze as you turn, Sean stock still beside you.

The first thing you see is a smug smirk under a pair of darkened eyes. The second, and more pressing thing, is the gun shoved in Amelia's mouth. The wisps of gray hair and the heavy wrinkles on his skin gives him an air of advanced age. Long red robes brush against the ground as the man holding the gun opens his mouth to speak, the image of a horned goat has been tattooed onto the roof of his mouth.

The cultist speaks, the cruel, spiraling dagger on his waist rattles as he does. "So you've found my ritual chamber, good job. Not that you'll be able to stop my plans!" He laughs and you oh so dearly want to shoot him but with Amelia held hostage… "And soon my plans too will be complete! This place is easily accessed by the demonic because of those events so many years ago, when my predecessors nearly completed their ritual. They were stopped, of course, by your own predecessors in the Service. Now, however, all that's needed to finish the ritual is a single life." He grins, jostling the pistol in Amelia's mouth. "And if any of you make a move, well, I don't need to tell you what happens, now do I?"

What do you do?
[ ] Play along with him
-[ ] Also contact someone (Optional) (Unlocked)
--[ ] The Kill Team (Requires no stealth check)
--[ ] Team Three (Requires a stealth check)
--[ ] Both
[ ] Attack, maybe you'll be fast enough to shoot him before he reacts—he is rather old after all


GM's Note: Shit's gone south, but maybe you can make something from it? Not super happy with this update, but it is what it is. Voting will be called tomorrow at 6 PM CST, thanks for participating!
The Exam 6
"Delay." You mutter to Sean, keeping your voice as low as possible. He doesn't react, but it's clear he heard.

"This plan of yours…" Sean starts, turning his charm up to the max. Your hand starts inching towards the communicator. "It certainly sounds ingenious."

(Sean's Persuasion Roll DC 40: 93+15=108, success, woah
60+8=68, double success)

"Ingenious!? It's far more than that! It's…" He frowns, glancing across the room for inspiration. His eyes light up as he passes a glance over the altar. "It's diabolical!" He cackles, your hand drawing ever closer.

Sean nods, laying it on thick as he does. "Indeed! It's the most diabolical plan I've ever encountered," he flicks a hand up and down himself, "and I've seen a lot of plans in my career."

(Sean's Deception Roll DC 40: 31+10+5=46, success)

The cultist squints, a suspicious look on his face as his eyes skip up and down along Sean before he settles on the Dullahan's own face. Your heart skips a beat as the old man readjusts his grip on the gun. "Hmm, yes, this plan is my plan! And it's the best anyone anywhere has ever had!" Your hand creeps nearer and nearer, just a few moments away from brushing up against the communicator.

"I'm sure it is truly great, but… how can ones as simple as ourselves comprehend such a diabolical plot?" It rankles you to be called 'simple', even in a situation like this, but you suck it up.

(Sean's Persuasion Roll DC 50: 62+10=72, success)

"My plan? Why, it's a truly intellectual scheme." He begins, if he didn't have Amelia in a hold right now you reckon that he'd be making some dramatic, sweeping gestures. "For a truly intellectual purpose! I was there, you know, back when the demons poured in and slaughtered my classmates and teachers." He smiles wistfully, it churns your stomach even looking at it. "I realized something then, when I watched them die so powerlessly, so helplessly." You grasp the communicator, thumbing the distress signal. "The powerless have no chance, for the powerful will exploit them to the fullest! And knowledge, knowledge is power! So I gained more knowledge, knowledge of how to get more knowledge!" His eyes are wild and crazed, wandering sightlessly from person to thing to person again. "I made deals with the very beings that enlightened me, souls for power! Knowledge is power so souls are worth power!" It's clear that he's bereft of his sanity, foam spewing from his mouth as he rants and rambles. Just how long did he spend down here?

(Obsession (Lower Realm) Resolve Roll DC 35: 92+50=142, success
24+42=66, double success)
(Obsession (Knowledge) Resolve Roll DC 55: 38+50=88, success)

You clench your jaw shut, squashing the dual desires for both knowledge and the lower realm beneath the heel of your will-toed boot. Not today, not today…

The cultist doesn't seem to notice, carrying on with his deranged rants and ravings. "And with that knowledge… I will gain so much power! I will be unstoppable!"

(What's the level of the Cultist's drama? 94, very high)

You blink, as does Sean, in shock and bewilderment as the cultist draws the gun from Amelia's mouth––his desire to gesticulate getting the best of him, you suppose.

(Amelia's Wrestling Roll: 1+15=16, that's bad, that's really bad)
(Cultist's Wrestling Roll: 73-20(old age+insanity)=53, o_O)
(Cultist wins)

Amelia wastes no time, lunging for the gun as soon as it's not pointing at her––her limbs a blur of movement as she moves.

The cultist growls, having been ready for this since he got there. He body checks her as she's moving and unbalanced, knocking her back a step or two. He raises the gun, the barrel pointing straight at her as she's recovering.

(Initiative Roll DC 50: 44+20=64, success)

Time seems to slow to a halt, your breath caught in your chest and your heart like a drum beat in your throat. You can save her, you know you can pull it off, the only question is…

…What do you do?
[ ] Shoot him (Guaranteed to save Amelia but has a significant chance of triggering the ritual)
[ ] Tackle him (Not guaranteed to save Amelia but won't trigger the ritual––if you're successful)


GM's Note: Short one today, my apologies, but this is far too important of a choice for me to make for you. Voting, as always, will be called tomorrow at 6 PM CST, thanks for reading!
The Exam 7
(Wrestling Roll: 48+15=63)
(Cultist's Wrestling Roll: 25-20=5, not even close)
(Itza wins)

You push off the ground, hitting your stride in an instant and crossing the stretch in but a few steps.

The cultist doesn't see you coming, too engrossed in Amelia's imminent death, and you drive your shoulder into his side. He falls, the gun flashes as spasming fingers pull the trigger, the echo of the gunshot thundering in your ears. You wince, tinnitus screaming in your ears as you twist.

He hits the ground backfirst, spine arching in a jolt as you pin his arms above his head and plant your knee on his stomach. Sparks of baleful energy spray from his eyes as he twists his head, locking gazes with you. Cold fingers of confusion stab into your mind.

(Resist (Mental) DC 35: 100+5=105, success, holy cow
41+5=46, double success)

You punch him. Once.

His head bounces off the smooth floor, brain rattling in his skull. The crazed man slumps back, dazed drool leaking from the corner of his mouth. Sean slides in next to you, restraints in his hands. He immediately starts securing the cultist, arresting him for later questioning––and charging.

You pant, rising from the crumpled body of the cultist. You wipe some of the man's drool from your suit and flick it off with a look of disgust. A flicker of movement draws your attention, as Amelia stands with a look of, for her, intense emotion on her face.

"I am sorry." Amelia says as she climbs to her feet––looking to all the world like nothing of any significance just happened.

You stare at her, open-mouthed and stunned, honestly baffled by what she means––though you have your suspicions. "W-what do you have to be sorry about? That you got caught by him?"

"I wasn't able to resolve it myself." The half-elf says, back straight and scarlet eyes clear.

"He got the drop on you, it happens." Sean says, having finished securing the cultist––who's been gagged and finger cuffed. "You're still alive and kicking, that's all that matters."

"No, I wasn't enough. If I were more capable it wouldn't have happened." Stunned, you watch as anger crawls across Amelia's face, a shocking display for one such as her. Her mouth curls down in a scowl; her hands twist into tightly clenched fists––blood leaks from in between her fingers and knuckles. The half-elf shudders, her shoulders shaking as she tenses, thoughts flash like lightning across her mind.

And then, all of a sudden, it's gone and Amelia's back to her normal self, like nothing ever happened. The only evidence that something even did is the blood under her nails and the puncture marks on her palms.

You open your mouth, then close it. You… have no words, not right now, not in the immediate aftermath of the cultist's actions. Sean moves to approach her, but comes to a jerking halt a few steps away, something telling him 'don't'.

"We should deal with them." She pivots, marching towards the hidden door and the prisoner within.

You and Sean share a concerned look, but follow Amelia's lead regardless.


(Perception (Auditory) DC 60: 62+10=72, success)

As you climb out of the collapsed hole, the boy being carried on Sean's back and the cultist being escorted by Amelia, you pause at the mouth of the hole. A sound, like tires squealing on pavement, reaches your ears. You shift, looking down the hallway towards the front doors––lights, headlights, grow larger in the glare of the doorway glass.

And then you clock it: they're getting closer.

Your eyes widen, muscles tensing as the front door crashes inwards, a splintering of wood, glass, and cheap steel thrown out in a shower under the weight of the APC, the cannon immediately sweeping the room.

You can hear rumbling from behind you, the sound of something taking notice.

The back ramp drops and a stream of armored KT Agents pour out of the APC, a variety of weapons at the ready, covering every angle. Swords, rifles, a staff, all this and more are the weapons on display. You spot their leader, KT Agent––or Captain, rather, Daniels striding forward, an animated suit of plate armor keeping pace next to him and a particularly muscle-bound woman walking behind––the torn off sleeves giving you something of a gun show. KT Captain Daniels' is still slightly scorched, though he seemed to have swapped out his greatcoat for another.

Huh, Daniels wears the standard agent attire, greatcoat, suit, and tie, while his subordinates all wear the KT Armor––when they are capable of doing so, in the animated suit of armor's case.

"Gall, ID 'em." Daniels says as you step closer, eyes peering past you and down the hall––towards the gym. The suit of armor 'nods', its 'head'––an armet, bobbing up and down. The hollow metal man raises a gauntlet, a circle of magic spiraling into existence around it, spider webbing down then fingers of the armored glove, rings of magic telescope out from the empty palm. Eventually, the suit nods, giving KT Captain Daniels a thumbs up. "Thank you, Gall."

The Android turns his attention to you, the woman behind him taking up the watch. She carries a club in hand and a bow slung on her back, a quiver on her side. Just by looking at her you know she's a heroic descendent of some sort, the very air hums with power unrealized.

"Trainees Willams, Raegin, and McCullen report." He orders, an air of serious purpose to his words. "What are we looking at here?" He looks the cultist up and down, his eyes the only thing moving in his head.

"Things went south quickly, "you begin, a hand flipped at the collapsed floor, "the floor col-" You're cut off, KT Captain Daniels stepping in with the weight of authority.

"I'm not looking for the full report, Trainee Williams, I want the rundown of what we'll be facing and where it is." You wince at his cold tone, heat rising on your cheeks. That's gonna be playing in your head later, you just know it.

You resist the urge to apologize and carry on. "W-well, there's a Great Bearded Devil in the gymnasium." You point down the hallway. "Team Three and Ryan are keeping an eye on it now."

"Beard length?" You blink, mind racing to remember that seemingly trivial detail.

(Learning DC 35: 18+10=28, failure, ouch)

You open your mouth, reluctant to admit that you don't remember when Amelia suddenly cuts in, saving your ego another hit like the savior she is. "3.57 Meters." And that's an interestingly exact number for an eyeball measurement.

The woman grins, twirling the club by its leather strap. "Finally, something even resembling a challenge!" She leans in towards you conspiratorially, stage whispering to you behind a theatrically placed palm. "He never lets me off the leash." KT Captain Daniels doesn't respond, ignoring her entirely and gesturing for Amelia to proceed.

"Ritual room below floors, beware of potential Minorus Imp stragglers. Ritual needs one more life to activate. Ritual suspected to involve the acquisition of knowledge, potentially by the summoning of a knowledge demon." She reels off robotically, the cultist struggling in her iron grasp as a pair of KT Agents approach. The half-elf hands him off without a fuss, though you reckon that she wants to. Another agent takes the boy from Sean, saying that she's bringing the prisoner to the medics for checking over.

"Confirmed." Daniels acknowledges, his team falling in behind you as he steps past. He pauses, glancing back at you. "Report to HQ for debriefing. Or," he adds, a hint of levity returning to his voice, "you may assist in the clean up."

[ ] Proceed to debriefing
[ ] Stick around for clean up


GM's Note: And here we are, arriving at the end of the exam––how'd you think you did? Voting will be called tomorrow at 6 PM CST, as always. Thanks for participating!
The Exam Finale
The clean up crew, a nickname that the Kill Teams give themselves, is a monument to overkill, massive amounts of overkill.

"So, boss, gonna let me give it hell?" The heroic descendent, who you would later learn is called Eleni, presses KT Captain Daniels again.

"Aw, come on boss, you ne- wait, really?!" The absolutely radiant open-mouthed smile that spreads across her face could melt snow with how much it reflects light. The Android nods as he directe his team around, readying to breach the gym where the Great Bearded Devil is making a ruckus.

"Disarm it and we'll pin it together." He responds, his body reconfiguring under his suit. Large meathook-like hooks fall from inside his sleeves, swinging from tough looking cables. Eleni deflates, the smile falling from her face much like the hooks.

"I knew it was too good to be true." She mutters, scuffing the ground with her boot. The woman shrugs, seemingly already over it. "Oh well, at least I get to hit it around for a bit."

She rolls her shoulders, stretching as she stands before the door. She pulls the club from her waist and taps it against her palm. The glazed window of the gym doors darkens, a shadow falling over and a sickly yellow glow shone out in a circle––the eye of the Great Bearded Devil peeking out.

The club, a dense wooden thing with bands of iron, smashes through the glass and into the thing's face.

The Great Bearded Devil stumbles back, a gnarled hand pressed to the side of its face––where the sleeveless woman had struck it with her club. The infernal beast snarls, spitting sparks from its unhinging jaw, its tendril-like tongue writhing in the air. The bearded monstrosity raises its sword and swings, the 8 foot blade aiming to bisect Eleni hip to hip.

She plants her feet, a joyous laugh slipping through her mouth as she claps her hands around the blade––the lacquered wood floor splintering as she drives her boot-clad feet deeper. The devil tries to retrieve its weapon, to pull it back, but it can't––Eleni's got too good of a grip on its sword, her fingers digging into the hellish metal.

The heroic descendent wrenches the sword to the side, twisting and pulling the much larger devil off balance as it stumbles forwards, only letting go to avoid falling over entirely. Eleni twirls the sword around, planting the blade on her shoulder as she rears back like a baseball batter.

The sword carves through the chest of the devil, the already unsteadied demon stumbling back even further as its brackish, infernal blood sprays out in a great crimson arc––liberally coating the floor and an unlucky basketball hoop.

And then, KT Captain Daniels leaps into action, pneumatics in his legs propelling him to great heights. The cords of the hooks trailing behind him as he sails across the sky, the hooks themselves secured firmly in his ungloved grasp. He twists as he reaches the demon, spiking the hooks into the hellspawn's collarbone, one on each side of the neck.

The artificial man lands on the ground with a slight bounce. Lengths of metal shoot from the front of his torso, tearing through the suit and driving themselves deep into the ground, giving him something to brace against for his next action.

He hauls on the cords. His whole body twists to add unneeded strength to the movement as the beast is already nearly falling over, it just needs a little more of a push. A push in the form of a super science-wrought man of metal and machine.

(Perception Roll DC 45: 36+10=46, success)

You see, from your spot by the doorway, the beard of the Great Bearded Devil comes to life. The thread-like hairs of the beast twist and dive into the great gash in its front. They crisscross, bringing the two edges of the wound closer and closer together, sewing it closed at an accelerated pace. When they leave the wound there's not a single piece of evidence that there was a wound there in the first place. You feel an idea coming on, bubbling up in the back of your mind like a burbling witch's cauldron.

(Passing Idea Roll DC 50,70,100: 74+15=89, double success)

What if you could… create a sort of fiber that functions similarly to the Great Bearded Devils' beard? A fiber that would stitch your wounds shut on the field? That would be quite useful, you reckon, thinking back to Ryan's back injury.

(Idea Gained: Auto-Stitching Fibers)

The beast hits the ground with a calamitous roar, the floor cracking under its weight as it thrashes in KT Captain Daniels' grasp. Eleni leaps into action, by kicking the thing's chest in and jumping off––joining Daniels in keeping it down.

A trio of KT Agents rush up, each carrying a compact rocket launcher on their shoulder. The lead and Daniels share a nod and he releases the hooks––which slide back up his sleeves. The devil immediately reacts, rolling to the side and to its feet––right into the trio of screaming rockets, all of which slam into its left side.

When the smoke clears, all thats left of the Great Bearded Devil is a pair of ankles and wrists, and some of its beard, the hairs drifting in the smoke. The head of the beast lands, hitting the ground with a meaty smack, adding a bit more blood to the already well-coated area. You grimace and brush off a bit of bloody bone that landed on your shoulder.

Agents rush past you, one carrying what looks like a backpack mounted sprayer of some sort. The unburdened agents collect and toss the remaining parts in the crater while the sprayer agent sets up, pointing the nozzle into the pit.

(Knowledge (Super Science) Roll DC 30: 43+15=58, success)

Oh, wait, you know that! That's a thermathrower!

The thermathrower carrying agent pulls the lever, unleashing a torrent of liquid thermite into the hole, completely annihilating the remains of the beast. All in all, it took about 30-40ish seconds to complete.

(Perception Roll DC 60,80: 84+10=94, double success, nice)

Floating in the air, right by you, is a small clump of wiggling beard hair, nearly translucent in the light of the fire. Thinking quickly, you grab it and stuff it in your pocket. They'll be useful for your work later… as long as you contain them properly, so you make sure to get them in a baggie.

(Roll twice when designing the Auto-Stitching Fibers)

The rest of the clean up proceeds in much the same way. They find something, they kill it if it needs killing, then dispose of any remains or artifacts.

The light of the body-burning fires reflects on your glasses, the warmth kissing your skin. This… this is what happens when you call in the Kill Team. You should remember that, as you watch the bodies of those poor people that cultist murdered be tossed in the pyres like sacks of potatos. You've seen some messed up stuff in the past, your time in Troy being a notable instance, but this…

You want to throw up, exhaustion tearing through your body at an unbelievable pace as the adrenaline finally leaves your system. On shaky legs, you hobble to the van, climbing in as the sun begins to set, the unnatural darkness lifted.

With the rest of the trainees sans Ryan here in the van with you, you have a choice to make. Do you want to interact with them on the way back or just try and get a couple winks of shut eye, what little that'll be.

[ ] Talk to the other trainees
-[ ] About what? (Write in)
[ ] Just turn in for however long you can get


GM's Note: Alrighty, 16k words and 44 pages later, we've arrived at the end of The Exam! Woo! As always, voting will be called tomorrow at 6 PM CST. Thanks for watching!
The Exam Debriefing
With drowsy eyelids you turn over in your flip-down seat, using your thick, heavy, and, most importantly, warm greatcoat as a blanket. Leaning your head against a hand hold, you close your eyes and let the rocking of the van lull you to sleep.


A day later, with the light of the morning sun greeting you when you woke up, you, along with the rest of the trainees—sans TJ, are back in the briefing room, Briefing Room C. KT Captain Daniels stands at the back of the room, at the head of the table. He looks each of you in the eye as he drops a folder on the table.

"Four of you passed, one dropped out, and one failed." He bluntly drops onto the scene with all the grace of an ogre in a ballet. What little chatter there had been is gone now, silenced by the statement. The very air itself thrums with tension, your shoulders hunching.

The Android draws a file from the folder, a picture clipped to it—your picture. You remember when they took it, during processing, though the other pictures on the file you don't recall being taken. "Trainee-Agent Itzabella Williams, TA-7257, you passed with exemplary marks thanks to your leadership. Good job." You feel a small smile grow across your face as tension leaves your body. Your shoulders fall, relaxation flowing through you. "There is a note from your Mentor, though I'll leave that to him."

"Trainee-Agent Jessica Farrow, TA-7246, you passed with noted usage of defensive positioning." He lays her file down next to yours.

"Trainee-Agent Ryan Tuckenburg, TA-7247, you passed with exemplary marks thanks to your combat prowess and selflessness. Good job." His file joins the others. "Though, it is recommended that you don't put your life on the line so much."

"Trainee-Agent Sean McCullen, TA-7254, you passed with noted proficiency in talking down a mad cultist, though it is preferable to refrain from scaring civilians." He places Sean's file ontop of the others.

"Trainee-Agent Theodore-Jeordine Harlington, TA-7259, has decided, while he passed, to drop out from the program. The Service wishes him well in his future endeavors." Daniels lays the file away from the others.

"And finally," he pulls the final file from the folder, Amelia's picture clipped to it, "Trainee-Agent Amelia Raegin, TA-7265, has failed to pass the exam."

(Perception (Visual) Roll DC 85: 44+10=54, failure)

Amelia doesn't react to the words, save for a slight twitch of her ears. "You struggled with communicating your actions to the rest of your group, doing things with no warning and little explanation. On the field that is an essential skill. Like the last time, you are free to go through training again." He turns to the rest of you. "Thank you for your time."

He nods to you and passes your files to the respective persons. "Those of you who passed, and don't yet have mentors, will report to processing to receive one in a week's time. You have leave for that week. For the next year you will be learning from a Senior Agent on the field." He finishes up, turns, and leaves—his heavy steps thumping out as he moves.

With little else to do, you flip open your file and start reading.

[ ] It's clear that your magical deficiency is a detriment, as much as you hate to admit it. It's time to find someone to help you (Contacts roll)
[ ] Search around for some way of getting your hands on parts for super science research, amongst other things (Contacts roll)
[ ] Perform Super Science
-[ ] Research Something
--[ ] Dullahan
--[ ] Write in
-[ ] Brainstorm New Ideas (Come up with new ideas that you can then start designing)
-[ ] Design a Creation (Create an actual design from an idea)
--[ ] Troll-Muscle Fiber
--[ ] Auto-Stitching Fiber
-[ ] Test a Design
--[ ] Cutter Rounds
--[ ] Zoom Powder
-[ ] Optimize Creations. Which? (Have a chance to improve on a design in some way)
--[ ] Burninator
--[ ] Infragoggles
--[ ] Anti-Plant Spray
--[ ] MSB 10
[ ] Visit a Facility
-[ ] Study at the Archives (Increases Mental Health) (Has a chance for you to come across some interesting bit of knowledge)
-[ ] Meditate in the Chapels (Has a chance to increase Spiritual Health)
-[ ] Workout in the Gym (Increases Physical Health)
[ ] Train something/with someone
-[ ] Damien Rhodes (Blades of the Crow)
-[ ] Damien Rhodes (Dance of the Crow)
-[ ] Damien Rhodes (Knowledge (Write in))
-[ ] Sean McCullen (Unarmed Combat)
[ ] Visit someone
-[ ] Damien Rhodes
-[ ] Helen, the Librarian
-[ ] …Your parents
-[ ] Someone else (Write in)
[ ] Take a Personal Action
-[ ] Go for a walk
-[ ] Write in

GM's Note: Debriefings like this are going to be much shorter than normal updates, just the way things go. Voting will be closed tomorrow at 6 PM CST, thanks for reading.
Downtime 1
Stepping into the Chicago Labs, you breathe deeply of the sterile air, feeling it flow through your lungs and reinvigorate your body. This is it, you're an actual agent of the Service of Supernatural Solutions. You passed the test, with flying colors at that. All that's left is a year of mentoring under Damien and you'll be a full and proper Special Agent. Just thinking about it sends giddy feelings bubbling up in your gut.

But first, before you can even think about your future, it's time for you to get down to Super Science! Cracking your knuckles and rolling your shoulders, you cast your gaze across the large, sequestered off room and step up to your lab area and run your fingers over the tools on display. Almost caressing the screwdrivers, you turn your attention to the files you'd brought with you.

Placing the screwdriver down you flip open the file on Dullahans, specifically their detaching necks. It's… sickeningly empty, you'll have to fill it up and what better time to start than now?

(Knowledge (Fey) Roll DC 50,75,100: 58+10+10(Learning)=78, double success, one more needed)

Stepping back from the stacks upon stacks of files and treatises on Dullahan, you raise your arms over your head and stretch, satisfied with your work for the day.

Tomorrow, you'll see if you can't design that troll-muscle fiber you've had bouncing around in your head.

(Craft (Super Science) Roll DC 50,80: 13+15=28, failure)

You snarl, tossing aside a bundle of wires––which lands in the trash. You've had it up to here with this damn supernatural bullshit!

Stomping off, you decide to try again. Just not now.

Besides, tomorrow, you're going to be testing the Cutter Rounds and that'll be exciting!

(Cutter Rounds Testing Roll DC 40,90: 62+15=77, success)

One, two, three times you pull the trigger and one, two, three times does a target splinter in half, the axe-shaped bullets splitting the wooden silhouettes clean down the middle. You grin, adjusting your safety goggles as you hold the smoking gun. The Cutter Rounds seem to heat barrels up quite a bit, meaning you can't put too many down range too quickly, something to work on in optimization.

(Cutter Rounds now available for field use!)


"Mistress, perhaps you should…" STEVE's voice picks up as you're walking the halls, a box of your things under your arm. You've been moving your things from your old trainee room to your new agent room, until you find some place for yourself, that is. You shake your head, a soft smile on your face. You'd been so busy recently with training and super science that you hadn't even considered a place to stay! Fortunately, the Service took that into consideration and has provided you and the others in similar situations with lodgings for the time being. "...look into your struggles with magic? Not that you struggle with anything! You're far too powerful and insidious to ever struggle with something!" He hurriedly corrects himself.

You frown, mulling it over before sighing. You'd hoped to ignore it for as long as possible, but, frankly, you're a bit surprised that they passed you when you've got such a glaring weakness. "...maybe you're right," you finally reply, cutting the furtherly stammering STEVE off mid-plea, "I need to deal with this sooner or later, preferably sooner and under my control than later and out of it."

"I knew you'd puzzle it out right away! You're amazing, Mistress!"

"Yes, yes I know." You grin and, after glancing around to make sure you're all alone, let a small maniacal cackle slip free. Your back arches as your fingers curl into claws, your face turns towards where the sun would be, were it visible from this place. It wouldn't do to give your new co-workers the wrong idea! "I am amazing, aren't I?"


"Okay, you can stop now."

"Yes, Mistress!"

You sigh, sometimes you forget about your past self and then it all comes back to you in a rush. Memories of your past cringe self bombard your mental defenses with the undiluted and unrefined edginess of a 12-year-old. You shudder, disgust creeping across your face as you cringe violently.

"Regardless," you cough, drawing yourself back to full awareness, "I need to find somebody, or something, to help me out with this. Thoth knows that books don't help me." You pause, realizing something rather obvious. "Hey, STEVE, you know of anyone that could help me? I know you've been active in the databases."

"Why yes, yes I have!" He leaps into action, eager to serve as always.

(Contacts Roll DC 40,60,80: 97+10+20(STEVE)=127, triple success, oh my god
100+27=127, quadruple success, no fucking way
89+27=116, quintuple success, why
95+16=111, sextuple success, I don't even question it anymore, he says, lying
74+11=85, septuple success, phew)

STEVE provided exemplary directions that lead you out the Service building and down several streets, taking you all the way to the South Side, where you'd seldom been back in your 'parents' 'care'.

You find yourself standing before a dingy looking parlor, the red, white, and blue spiraling pillar next to the door tells you that this was once a barber shop. The windows are quite greasy, dirtying and obscuring any view inside that you could've gotten from an outside glance. The sign, old and musty just like the rest of the place, reads 'Potions, Curses, and More!' as it hangs over the faded red door. You doubt that the place is actually called that, the sign more a descriptor than a name, but that doesn't really matter too much, now does it? STEVE says that the lady who owns the place is an accomplished and well respected member of the magical community, so she's probably going to be a good bet.

With slight hesitation and a hitch in your stride as you hit a loose step, you enter the storefront––a little jingle signaling your presence. You find yourself vaguely disappointed that the culprit is just a normal bell and nothing magical.

The first thing that strikes you as you enter is how dark it is, what little light filters through the windows reveals plumes of dust in the air, thick enough to cause you to cough. The second thing that strikes you are the stacks upon stacks of old, musty things. Ancient-looking books pile atop one another, mounds of dried ingredients rest on tables as their not-yet-dry siblings hang from clotheslines in the air.

And the third thing that strikes you is the absolutely gargantuan old lady emerging near silently from around a stack of books, a rolling pin clutched in her ancient gnarled hands. She's the very pinnacle of the Russian 'babushka', shawl and all. You know, if babushkas were mountains of muscle with faces of little old ladies, well, more than they already are.

She blinks, as do you, and sets the rolling pin down. You catch a glimpse of her palms, at the white powder coating them––she must have been baking. At least, that's what you're hoping she was doing, you can never tell with babushkas.

"Hello?" She speaks, her ancient, slavic voice sounds like she's been eating dust. "Why have you come here, child?" She steps forwards, broad shoulders looming in the low light levels. She presses a hand against your forehead, her fingers a blur as she moves too fast for you to clock properly. "You're not sick, not physically." She whirls around you, magical sparks leaping from her fingertips as she twirls around the room, her muscled mass an odd sight given how spry she seems. The sparks land on piles of this and that, the sundry objects righting themselves and tidying themselves up. She appears next to you, a clapping a clacker right in your ear, causing you to jump in startlement. "Hmm, not a matter of the mind…" The beshawled old lady pauses mid-spin, you'd have sworn you saw a lightbulb go off above her head as she fixes you with a sly smile, cozying on closer to you and. "Perhaps… it's a sickness of the heart?" You feel the corner of your eye twitch. "Perhaps the young dearie before me is pining after someone, yearning to be with a strapping young man. But the strapping young man doesn't love her back! Oh, how tragic!" She makes a show of falling backwards in a faint, falling into an overstuffed chair that slides from the darkness to break her tumble. "Don't you worry your pretty little head, dearie," she wiggles a wrinkly finger at you, winking conspiratorially as she gets up, sprier than a spring chicken ever was, "Old Baba will fix that right up! Just you wait!"

"I'm not here for a love potion, or anything of that sort." You finally collect yourself, shutting your wide open jaw with a Click!

Baba ignores you, or at least she deliberately misunderstands you because there's no way she didn't get it. "Ah, I see! You want to do things properly, by the strength of your arm," she flexes, "and the quickness of your tongue! A good choice for an adventuring lass like yourself! But, that doesn't mean you can't go without an ace in the hole in the form of a Princess Charming Potion!"

"I'm not looking for potions of any kind." You say firmly and assertively, gaining her solid attention for who knows how long. "I'm looking for somebody who can help me with a problem, a magical problem."

"Oooo, a magical problem!" Baba leans in, a sparkle in her eyes and a shine on what few teeth she has left. "Baba is quite good at those, puzzles in general too." She flicks a thumb over to a slightly better lit corner of the shop, where a particularly large puzzle sits half-finished. "That ones been stumping me for the past week! I've been tempted to get out my crystal ball and divine the piece, but that wouldn't be true to the spirit of the game, now would it?"

"I find myself… struggling… to learn magic. It just doesn't… click for me." You admit, both to her and yourself. She eyes you up and down, quickly coming to a conclusion.

"You're one of those super science types, aren't you?" You nod. "I had thought so! Superscientists always have problems with magic, it's something of an unwritten law of Forged Existence as far as I've seen. Though, much like all rules, there are exceptions and allowances, we just have to find you a good one for you!" She twirls back around, gathering ingredients from various piles and containers. "Now, why would you want to learn magic? No, wait!" She stops you as you go to answer. "Allow me to guess!" With little other choice, as you suspect that she's going to regardless of what you say, you acquiesce and give her leave. "You want to impress somebody, a boy perhaps? A boy who's only interested in the mystic arts of magic and has no time for something as silly as science! The only way to get him to notice you is to learn magic yourself! How romantic!"

Old Baba seems to be rather concretely lost in her delusions, but she's not charging you for this service, so that's a win.

(Gained Old Baba as a magical teacher, she'll help you with your magical inertness and, potentially, your love life)


In an attempt to recover from Old Baba and her, well, Old Baba-ness you find yourself cloistered away in the Archives, fending off the world one book at a time.

(Learning Roll DC 30,50,70,90: 96+10=106, quadruple success, you can't make this up
61+6=67, quintuple success)

Your eyes glimmer as you come across a piece of offhandedly mention technology, which led you to a footnote, which led you to the Technopedia, which lead you in turn to a thesis by a Doctor Wallace Williams, a name you recognize as an ancestor of yours––your great-grandfather on your father's side. From the thesis you stumbled across his diary, which you had sworn was in the family vaults. Dr Wallace was something of a family historian, he was very heavily interested in the history of the Williams clan and, specifically, the mysterious, demon-slaying progenitor from which all Williams come.

The Chainsaw, one of the first pieces of super science ever made and a legendary piece of demon-slaying equipment. While there are many chainsaws like it, this one belonged to Ashley Williams, the founder of your family. Since the days of Ashley, however, the Chainsaw––and his Boomstick for that matter, have been lost to time.

Dr Wallace dedicated his life to tracking them down, but was unfortunately unsuccessful. But now, with all his notes and his findings, you might be able to finish what your ancestor started.

With great reverence, you speak the word your family has uttered for decades before embarking on endeavors both safe and dangerous: "Groovy".

(Gained option to further research the whereabouts of Ashley Williams' weapons)
(+6 to Mental Health)


(Combat (Dagger) Training Roll DC 30: 100+10=110, success, wow, okay
54+10=64, double success
Second Roll:
18+10=28, failure, yeah, we're going with the first lmao)

You duck under slicing blades, the mad laughter of Zerada-Kil dancing in your ears as you dodge. You swipe a lock of sweat-soaked black hair from your face, tucking it back in the ponytail. You've got a long road ahead of you, but it's one you're determined to take.

(2 Successes towards Blades of the Crow II, 18 left)


It's time for the first case! The only question is… which one?

The Cases:
[ ] Sadistic Trap Making Child
[ ] Griffon Smuggling Ring
[ ] Fey Screwing Around
[ ] ???


GM's Note: I had a lot of fun writing this update, I won't lie. Voting will be called tomorrow at 6 PM CST, thanks for consuming.