In Her Absolute Way [OreGairu x FILWTV]

The Burden of Carrying the World On Her Shoulders (Vincent)
Ariel's angry face was as cute as an angry face could be. Her doll-like features remained childish enough for Vincent's heart to still need to spoil her when she acts this way. To the other him, it'd come as an alien feeling, but the current him? This is a matter of fact.

"You did not tell me she's an absolute lunatic, Brother." Ariel's words still forced him to put down his book and stare. No matter how cute the girl looked, those were words he did not expect to hear from her nonetheless.

"What could you be talking about?" It didn't strike him as uncommon for her to be this displeased. After all, she always sought to improve things whenever she caught something that could be improved, but he's pretty sure she's never talked about anyone like that before.

He needs to make sure he heard right.

Ariel scoffed "Who else? I met Maria Theodore recently, and she looked about ready to drop dead." Tension rose in her body language, a sign she was trying to hide hurt "Brother, do correct me if I'm mistaken. But someone who actively chooses to ignore that they look like Mother is no sign of "mental health". What else can I call that but lunacy?"

The way she measures his reaction shows she still distrust his "Vincent" feelings. That's not why he chose to be sincere. The original Vincent would have hated to hide things away from his sister. This Vincent? He felt conflicted about his sincerity being met with this sort of distrust.

It just didn't strike him as fair.

And yes, the image if their mother in his mind's eye hurt. After all, she's his mother too. It'd be too weird not to feel anything while seeing the usually strong-willed woman bound to her bed and seeing the life go out of her with each passing day.

He felt secretly glad the academy gave him an excuse not to see her like that, but that didn't mean he'd neglect his duty as the first son either. The current him has a lot of complicated feelings like that.

"There are many ways." Like depression, though as far as he's concerned Yukinoshita Yukino would fall under the high functioning depression type. On second thought, that does sound about right "In the other world it's called "depression" and it's considered a form of sickness. It can be diagnosed and treated with medicine." Only when it's too radical, if he remembers correctly. Japan isn't precisely the best place to learn about medicine for the mind.

Even the way he refers to it feels a bit off, but the original Hayama Hayato is no more to ask about it.

"I see." Ariel adopted that stance when she begins thinking deeply about a problem and comes up with a completely unrelated solution. It's too bad he can't help her any more to look for answers when his own memories of the other world are so outdated "So there's no way we can help her?" Hmm? How strange. She hasn't come up with her own conclusions with such scarce knowledge?

Oh, his baby sister is growing up. How heartwarming.

"I didn't say that." He motioned so she would sit but Ariel completely ignored him. Well, not much he can do against her stubbornness "But Japan didn't precisely take kindly people getting depressed." That guy popped into his mind. The emotions that surfaced felt way too alien to delve in them for too long.

How misguided had he been? How much did his previous country's scorn for emotional problems made him blind to the obvious signs in front of him? The power of conditioning is truly frightening.

"Explain." The girl did her best interpretation of patience, but Vincent knew she was anything but.

"High suicide rates, long work journeys, high rates of hikki… Of NEET population." He thinks, could be completely off the mark "There was even a forest famous for being a place where people ended it. Take everything I said with a grain of salt, but that little factoid says something about Japan."

"And those NEETs you talk about are people that hardly leave their living quarters." Ariel's comment made Vincent nod. He could wait for her to say what she was thinking "I see. Everything fits."

Excuse you?

"Excuse me?" The boy could hardly believe he lived long enough to hear Yukino be linked to NEETs of all people.

"Maria hardly rests. She's always writing, always planning and calculating. To this goal, she would barely leave her room if she didn't have to work at the academy. And according to what you told me about that incident. Well, she didn't precisely fight for survival, did she?" How does she know this, though? Did she actually go around asking people? Would it be too personal to ask?

Also… Well. He doesn't like the implications. The fact that Yukino wanted to die did not sit well with him. Hayama's numbed emotions aside, the current him did carry similar feelings for the girl. As well as a form of comradery as a fellow reincarnator. His emotions could be described as…


"Then we do need to do something."

"Well, that's what I was saying." Ariel scoffed again. Her cuteness was completely forgotten "You know her better than I, Brother. What do you suggest?"

"Helping her out with her teaching sessions is a good start." He allowed a practiced smile to creep into his face "If nothing else, having someone to rely on will help immensely."

"That sounds underwhelming." The girl ignored the maid's attempt to get her to sit. Vincent had to dismiss the poor woman after she returned the chair she moved to its place.

"The matters of the heart are complicated, dear sister. Yukino-chan was always a lonely soul. If nothing else, I believe your presence in her life will improve her mood greatly." He did not carry any misconceptions about their chemistry. Ariel herself was more like Yukino than he would ever be, and part of that allowed Hayama to get fond of her, in his time. After the fusion completed, that small piece fell in line and allowed the current Vincent to truly love Ariel as the previous Vincent did.

Truly, what a lucky break to be reborn as a Windhill to meet this girl.

"So you say." Ariel didn't sound convinced, but she'd just have to take his word for it this time. Explaining why would be too complicated, and Vincent had the small suspicion it'd lead Ariel to wonder about her own "matters of the heart" "She wants to go to the slums because of the demon thing."

Ah, the Wretch. It sounds too far-fetched a story be believable. People are easy to be made to believe almost anything. He'd have liked to take the tales with a grain of salt, if it wasn't for a sighting way too close to the estate to ignore. And Ariel says Yukino wants to go there? No way. Absolutely out of question.

"It'd help my peace of mind if you didn't suggest to accompany her." Because of course Ariel would. She's that kind of girl that tries to right wrongs whenever possible. Way too similar to the younger Yukino he knew.

"Do you read minds or something?" And sharp-tongued as well… "Of course I'm going along. You said I could help her. So, of course I will."

His heart was beating faster now. Not good at all.

"Does his highness know about this affair by any chance?"

"Hmm? What does prince Arnold have to do with this at all?" Ariel didn't sound salty per-se. But she could be charged for disdaining the royal if properly angled. That didn't sound good for their future relationship at all "Ah, could it be he's actually charmed by Yukinoshita?" She had to slow down because of her name. It'd have been funny if not because Vincent was amidst a crisis "She is an exotic kind. It'd be easy to become entranced by her, but I didn't think he'd actually fall for her cold exterior. Is his highness a masochist?"

No comments.

"I don't know." He simply shrugged instead of actually answering the question "But people say he hasn't been very pleased recently. Call me crazy, but that's related somehow."

"Hmmm…" She didn't look like she cared all that much. Which again, troubled the young aristocrat but he still got the reasoning behind it.

"Ah… It can't be helped." His sigh sounded way more tired than he expected. Maybe he needed to rest too? Nah. Even if he has to tend to both the estate, the school and his part of the teaching he should be nowhere as tired as he sounds like.

Maybe later.

He'd need to get an escort. People capable of getting not only Ariel, but Yukino out of trouble as well. For that he had the perfect individual.

"Me?" Marcus struck his blade against Vincent. They had made a habit of sparring a few times a week.

The young knight kept his footwork constant. Not even their discussion between swings distracted him.

"Indeed." Vincent swung horizontally, making sure to leave enough ground for the other boy to duck "You've dealt with Maria before. It's only natural I'd like you to take care of Ariel as well."

"Forgive me, lord Vincent. But I fail to see how these things are related." The knight kept the pace and began taking ground, forcing Vincent into the defensive faster than anticipated.

"They are pretty similar." The blond stated. Realization shone in Marcus' eyes.

"That they are." The knight nodded while breaking down the young aristocrat's stance. With a side kick, the blonde fell "Good work."

"Ah, yeah." Vincent tried to get his breathing back into a regular rhythm before jumping into a standing position "So, would you consider it?"

"I'd gladly help lord Vincent, but my duty is to protect prince Arnold. I can't just leave my station like that." That wasn't completely true. The older boy only worked as the royal's personal guard while he studies in the academy. The prince actually has an adult as his actual royal guard, but for convenience Marcus acts as his guard at school.

Vincent knew this, but he also understood the boy actually aspires to become the royal's permanent personal guard. He'd have to respect that desire whether it's convenient or not.

"Still worth asking." The young aristocrat shrugged to take pressure off the subject. His small smile actually made the knight return the gesture "Thank you anyways."

He understood telling the knight this would have consequences that wouldn't help the situation, and in fact, would make it worse. After all, if the knight knows then Arnold knows. It's a simple affair that only the World's intervention would make the reincarnator miss entirely.

No such outside influence affected their conversation.

"But, if you cannot help me. Then I have another request for you." His smile couldn't be called anything but fond. Vincent smacked the knight's back as if to replace a bro hug Tobe had been so fond of "Could I ask for Sir Marcus' discretion? I'd not want to offend his highness if he were to know I asked for his personal retainer behind his back."

"Ah." The knight nodded "That'd be problematic. Worry not, lord Vincent. I will not raise the subject with his highness." After all, the young aristocrat treated him like a friend and it showed. Marcus wouldn't betray a friend's trust so easily. He's loyal like that "I don't think it'd be good for him to know the Viscountess wishes to visit the slums. That is no place for nobility."

Excellent. Marcus said it without prompting. That could only mean he'd say nothing at all of Yukino's trip. To have the prince get in the way would be disastrous. Not only for Yukino's emotional health, but for Vincent's plan as well.

He'd need another escort. A quick swipe through the place before the girls' visit should help make it safer and his intervention would, hopefully, not be seen as an intrusion by his fellow reincarnator.

But man. A depressed Yukino? That's… Problematic.

And troubling. Vincent does not like the implication of his insight being lacking in these trying times.

He's still Hayama Hayato as well, after all.
Side Event: The Feelings of Wanting to Protect Someone Precious (Wonderland & Vincent)
With the villainess and the Chosen One in their love nest* doing their best to derail the Plot, the World followed after the Shining One's footsteps. It didn't get surprised by how well the Chosen and the villainess were hitting it off, and actually felt a bit of relief with the Chosen taking a damn break from her boredom-inducing work. At least this way, she'd be forced to invest some time with plot-relevant characters, instead of sitting around giving the Greedy orders and falling into a bad end with no one the wiser.

The Prince's jealousy would spark a flag sooner or later. That or he'd correct the villainess into her fate without the World's interference. Which one ended up being, did not matter. There is a script to follow and the better acted, the least stressful it'd be for the World in the long run.

If only its Chosen would cooperate…

Well, no matter. The Knight is waiting for his chance, so not everything is lost. Furthermore, it's been a while since anyone triggered the Knight's growth. Back in Elemental Party, the game, not a lot of players followed the Knight's route. It required some relationship points with the Prince after all, and the Knight would leave the player for a while during his route. All of this would often result in players choosing the Prince's route.

Here, though? The World was ready to trigger the Knight's route. That he got along so well not only with the Chosen, but the Shining One as well felt like an early Christmas present for the World. One it'd enjoy greatly later on.

For now, the Shining One with the Greedy in tow walked through the slums dressed like lower-end citizens of the capital. The World didn't agree with his misbehaved costume, but it's not as if it could go down and slap some sense in its players yet. It'd have to wait, as the Plot is still at work.

"Forgive me for my rudeness, but why is Lord Vincent doing this?" The Greedy asked, while turning to have the Shining One in his field of vision "Does Lord Vincent fancy milady?" He looked at the knights they brought along, mindful of being at enough distance as to not have his words overheard by people who had no business hearing them.

"She reminds me of my sister." The Shining One's chuckle could have made any minden's heart skip a beat. The Greedy simply closed his eyes a bit.

"That has strange implications, Lord Vincent." The World would have chuckled. Those small details in the Shining One's resulting personality were such a treat to witness. Even with all his social fu, he still needed to adapt to his family. Having the Shining One be thought to have that kind of feelings for his sister felt tempting. But the World wouldn't meddle with the no-name characters following the two.

"I'm implying I'm fond of her, but more in a brotherly way? It's hard to describe." The Shining One didn't even sweat while smoothly explaining himself. Had the Plot been of other kind, the Shining One would have had a battle harem ready to wreck the Plot the World so carefully constructed.

That's a big no-no, much more with the Ravenous One lurking in the shadows, ready for her moment to enter the stage. The Chosen One alone will not be capable of handling the event, let alone the Shining One. So these improvised changes to the Plot must occur in a very specific way. This is why the World got the Shining One's back in triggering the Botched One's event at this moment.

How insightful of the World, right?

"You worry too much, Joseph. I am not pursuing Maria in a romantic way, it's neither correct nor the time. And I can't ignore that it's not beneficial for my household." His excuses sounded like nothing but what one would expect of the rightful heir of the Windhill, yet the melancholy behind his words couldn't be hidden completely "It's not meant to be. But I'll root for her happiness nonetheless."

Oh, how cute! Well, too bad his sister is closer to the Chosen's heart than him. But enough chit chat.

It's time the World gets to work. Hard mode or not, it's still behind the wheel.

Vincent's spirits shifted. The aristocrat's attention snapped from Yukino's subordinate to the wind that tried to convey something. He couldn't have known he was walking into a Plot hook, but he'd not doubt the spirits he came to befriend and rely on now.

"Something's going on." Joseph's steady walk halted, and the warriors following them dutifully stopped as well. He turned to the aristocrat and tried to look at where he looked at. He found nothing, of course, since he couldn't see Vincent's spirits acting without them materializing.

"What is it?" The young man procured a short sword from his sleeve. It looked like it had been carved from the iron in that shape to begin with. A beautifully crafted blade made by the best of forgers. The short sword, or perhaps long knife, had seen work before. And Joseph was ready.

"I don't know. But Zephyr… Err, the wind is howling." Vincent's insight in the element's shenanigans didn't help him understand them this time around. Something that didn't help him stay calm.

Something's happening, he can feel it.

"I hear nothing." The young main rose an eyebrow, now more relaxed. With his weapon resting lazily in his grip. The men following them didn't know what was going on, so they remained with their guards up.

"That's not what I meant." Vincent interpreted his spirits' movements as them asking for him to follow them. They had helped the men avoid traps from the slum dwellers before, so Vincent would trust them even if they were being stingy with explaining themselves "This way."

The labyrinth-like corridors of the slums would have prevented the event to occur by themselves. Without some interference, it'd have been outright impossible for the event to unfold. But it is time, so the World juggled with the Botched One's safety blanket and the Shining One's fragment of itself so this encounter was perfect.

Vincent's heart pounded in his chest. He knew his spirits, and they did not behave like this. His worries intensified, and he unsheathed his sword while running around after the wind element in what felt like a chaotic spiral with no end.

"Lord Vincent!" A sound like thunder made both men jump for a moment. The earth shook under the violence displayed amidst the alleys of the slums and Vincent's spirits stilled. The knights unsheathed their blades and hurried to make a formation to surround both men.

The silence felt all the more dreadful. They didn't know where the noise came from, nor did they feel encouraged to look for the source when everything else seemed to hold their breaths as if waiting for it to happen again. Or for something to go away without noticing.

The sound of wood snapping turned a dozen men or so to point their swords at a cane-bound old woman.

"The hell's yer problem. Coming here and making a ruckus. Ya' assholes will make things worse." She spat close to one of the knight's feet, the rags she had for clothes sagging as she used her cane to allow herself to walk in her crooked form.

The warriors didn't know how to react. Had that old hag not heard that noise of something having a critical existential failure just now?

"Please, it's not our intentions to be a bother." Vincent moved two guards aside and flashed the old woman an understanding smile. With her crooked back, she barely went up to his chest, but she looked about ready to slap him senseless if he wasn't careful "My name is Vincent. I am here to see how things are going. Mister Joseph here works for the Theodore… Do you know who they are?"

The woman spat to the side "Yes? The goodie two-shoes that got an interest in us lowlifes, right? If yer looking for more bodies to take away, then you can look somewhere else. There's nobody here but the bitches that were left from Bors' little business."

Vincent couldn't help but frown. His noble pride hurt by the way the woman spoke to him, but understanding she just knows no better.

Again, conflicting emotions.

"We heard you're having a rough time." Joseph stepped away from the formation, asking the knights to tone it down and got close once they sheathed their weapons "Milady's heart is hurting from knowing her aid is not enough, so we came…"

"You assholes can come in the bitches for all I care." The woman barked, rising her cane in a vaguely threatening manner before she had to put it down or else topple over "You think you can lull me with pretty words? Ha! Think twice. You don't live long around here if yer easy to fool."

"That's not our intention." Vincent chimed in with a neutral expression, but still polite "You said there are women here? Can we see them?"

"Barely women." The old woman ignored the glares from the guards "The older one should be about lord's age." Vincent's reaction made the woman show her missing teeth "What? Didn't I say you couldn't fool me? You're still wet behind yer ears, brat. I might be a crazy old hag, but I'm not empty in my skull either."

"Please, we just want some answers." Vincent's insistence earned him another spit, closer to his feet now.

"Oh, that's fine and all. I just want nicer closes and hot water, but nothing's ever that simple."

"Fine." The young noble reached behind him and procured five gold coins from his pouch. It had almost been stolen more than once, but Zephyr has his back. Even if the spirits are behaving weirdly "Would that suffice?"

"Heavens! Look at that!" The woman greedily rose her hands, her face shifting into that of a harmless old lady "Please, if lord finds it in his heart. Won't be share with this poor old lady a bit of his spare coins? Those one should suffice."

"Ah, you almost fooled me there." Vincent chuckled, placing the coins on the woman's hands "By all means, these are yours."

"Lord's magnanimity knows no bounds." If it wasn't for her sarcastic tone, Vincent would almost be fooled "Now, now. This is a special occasion! If lord wants to hear something, lord can rely in this old Megg all he wants."

Her oval-shaped face didn't help her name, but Vincent didn't comment on that.

"Are you sure?" Joseph asked "These people can't be trusted."

"That's your first mistake, Joseph." Vincent assured him and, turning to the woman, he tried smiling again "Now, Miss Megg."

"Oh, stop it." The woman hid her cheeks with fake shyness "You'll make me blush."

"…Right." The young noble took the mockery in stride, moving on without acknowledging it "You said there's no one here? Why is that?"

"This is that shitty Bors' turf. He had his little bitch nest and kind of got some respect. At least you knew who to pay the fee to, you know what I mean?" The woman sighed, almost as if she missed the man "Then that thing comes down from the sky and butchers the man into a messy slump. Everything goes to shit and a lot of rascals are either killed or maimed. The bitches are hiding in their nest. They got their hands on the keys and now don't want to come out. Hilarious, right?"

Murmurs erupted among the knights. One of them said the word, but the others tried not to acknowledge.

The woman showed her lacking teeth once more.

"Ah, so it's about the Wretch after all. Knew yer too well armed just to see how us lowlifes are doing."

"Please, don't refer to yourself like that. You're worth a lot." Vincent's words made the woman release something between a single laugh and a duck's sound.

"We know what we are. No need for yer pity. That's the first mistake." The woman ever so slowly moved aside, allowing entrance to the door she came out of, with a jar in hand filled with something liquid "But time's up, lord. Better get the hell out of here now, we're kind of busy."

"Really." Joseph deadpanned.

"Really." The woman mirrored his sarcasm "These bitches need tending, they only know how to─"

"Alright, that's enough." Vincent snapped, the woman smirked "Thank you for your time."

"Oh? Yer not paying more to hear what I have to say?"

"Should I?" Vincent asked plainly. Earning another smirk.

"Yer not as stupid as I thought. Good, good. Now get out of my face before I fuck you up." She rose her cane once more, and again had to lower it before she fell "I might be old, but you don't live too long around here if yer not hard to mess with."

"Do you require assistance? I can heal some wounds with my magic." Vincent suggested, about to get close to the woman but deciding against it at the last moment. She glared, but kept on walking.

"You can go fuck yourself with yer pity."

"Right. We'll be back with medics. Don't worry." Vincent ignored her insults "We will help all of you."

"Die in a fire, asshole!" The woman almost threw the jar at the blond boy, but decided against it at the last moment.

"Is that alcohol? You must be treating someone wounded, right? It helps avoid infection." The blonde's voice remained even, the woman's scorn bouncing off him harmlessly.

"Ah, you don't understand, do you? Fine, yes. There are wounded. The Wretch fucked everyone up. Happy?" The woman's slow gait didn't stop for a moment "Heavens! What a persistent fart, fuck!"

"Do you know anything else about the Wretch? Anything at all?" Vincent insisted, smiling at knowing the woman didn't feel inclined to insult him anymore.

"You don't know when to quit, huh? Alright, follow me. If yer so inclined to get fucked, then who am I to get in yer way?"

"Wait a moment!" Joseph intervened. His eyes sparkled with realization, he did not look alright "What was that thunderous noise from moments ago? What in Heavens happened?"

The woman's face contorted.

"Ah, fuck. Almost got out clean."

To call the hand that erupted out of the entrance Megg left behind big would be an understatement. It flew into the alley and grabbed one of the knight grasping him by his whole height before disappearing back into the darkness of the small building with the man's screech as only indication of its presence. The glassless windows allowed for similarly ghastly arms to reach out for more men, hurling them back into the wood house and snapping their necks when the thing brought them vertically and allowing them to have their spines crushed by the violent hit against the wood.

The sound of pressurized air escaping buzzed in the men's ears. The screech that sounded like moans from a thousand deceased following soon after.

The knights tried to get in a defensive formation again, but the monster bursting out of its hiding spot so suddenly threw them into disarray along with the wood and trash its massive form released when it came out of such a small gap.

A ghastly mist shrouded its form in darkness, the only lit part being two massive glowing orbs in what should have been its head as if it had orbs of fire for eyes. Said part seemed to shapeshift slowly before everyone's eyes. Vincent noticed a deer-like head before turning into that of a wolf, then that of a shark. It had no apparent mouth to speak of, and two horn like protuberances grew from the back of its head in sinuous lines that waved like carried by the wind.

It crouched and still looked about two stores tall. Rags and pieces of cloth or dirty bandages clung to its many limbs like some kind of monstrous mummy right out of Lovecraft's wet dreams.

"Zephyr!" Vincent's instincts screamed for him to run. He grabbed Yukino's aide by the collar and jumped out of the way of a massive claw breaking a hole into the dirty pavement. Flame erupted between its claws, the knights and woman thrown into the air to land on the crates and barrels around the alley like discarded puppets with their strings cut.

The thing hissed. The sound of pressurized air following its every moment, like a steam machine out of a steampunk movie.

"By the Exalted!" Joseph coughed when both young men landed on a roof two blocks away "The hell's that thing?!"

It jerked its mawless head their direction. The knights' cries completely ignored until it breathed fire down on them.

"What we were looking for." Vincent's pounding heart felt vindicated. But he was not happy about his gut feeling being right.

The silence returned save for the sound of steam as the Wretch clawed its way towards them. The laments of an old woman drowned by the monster's hateful gait.


*World-chan isn't jelly I swear!
Side Event: Clever Boy (Vincent)
"It's bigger than I thought!" The monster clawed its way to a rooftop, its limbs extending beyond what Vincent originally thought their reach would be.

He used the wind to jump out of the way when it threw claws at them that broke the untended brick in small detonations of flame between its claws.

"Man, aren't you a bringer of joy?" Vincent couldn't bite tongue before he replied. He really did not need Joseph's insight now.

Vincent pointed his blade at the monster mid-air, gathering his spirits without a second to waste, the sweat produced by the being's heat making it difficult for him to aim.

"Zephyr, get it out of my face!" The spirits detonated wind orbs with the fury of the other world's tornadoes colliding with earth. The Wretch's limbs were mauled by the spinning razor-sharp winds growing from nothing fueled by Vincent's mana. Not big enough to work to their full potential, but good enough to blow up the Wretch's limbs.

The monster recoiled, steam rising to the midday air in industrial quantities as the only indication of Vincent's spell hurting the thing. It did not cry nor screech, it did not sound hurt nor did it roar in anger. It simply hated.

It also jumped very high. It'd have crushed Vincent and company if the young aristocrat hadn't spent enough time sparring for his body to automatically get out of the way.

Is it smaller? Not by much in any case.

"Damn." Vincent cursed, guiding his spirits to his ankles for a quick fix after the rough landing. He released Joseph from his grip and took a double-handed stance with his sword "Get to safety."

"I can't leave you here." Joseph sounded horrified at the very idea of leaving a marquis heir to his fate. To be fair, death would be a mild punishment in that case.

"Then go call reinforcements! Just get out of here." Vincent detonated an orb of wind between the two of them. Launching them clear out of the Wretch's path. It released more twisted limbs to kills its own momentum with the building's walls, and twisted around more swiftly than something of its size has any right to.

It wailed again, its nasty noise eclipsing the sound of steam for a moment before its orbs lit up brighter and it "spat" fire in the general direction of the two young men.


"Joseph!" Vincent dug the sword into the ground, flooding his surroundings with mana and a silent order to his spirits.

Wind exploded all around the young noble, carrying the fire out of the way but lighting it even more due to the oxygen carried by his magic. The young commoner didn't look to beat up, but he'd require healing.

Every moment he didn't stand up was a moment that his situation could get worse.

"Go!" He stood up at the noble's words, looking back to see the blonde leap several meters into the air surrounded by a wind shield and into the beast's head. The heir's sword cut clean into the Wretch. Steam rising to the offender as if to retaliate while the abomination reeled back to claw at the aggressor.

The slums were on fire now. Smoke and super-heated mist coating the alleyway in a blanket that didn't help the noble spot the beast any better.

Its ghastly frame became increasingly harder to spot as it released more and more steam after getting clear of every attack without any apparent harm at all. The previous monster Vincent fought had resisted the most brutal attacks because of its thick frame, but wasn't outright immune to damage.

The Wretch took every hit but didn't get hurt. Limbs that should have been thorn off its body still functioned and lashed out when Vincent got close enough. The head that ate several wind grenades and half a dozen Penitent Blades kept on seeking the noble's whereabouts when he fell back to catch his breath. The liquid that oozes in its veins instead of blood simply evaporated in the air, adding to the mist that made the fight increasingly more difficult.

By the time Vincent realized his attacks were completely ineffectual, the slums already looked like a ghost town out of a horror movie. Shrouded in steam in such a way some buildings could only be outlined at a distance and no farther, the Wretch's frame becoming half-invisible save for its eyes and the tethers that clung to its frame.

It had no mouth to speak of, yet Vincent could feel the smugness radiating from its body language. It was far more intelligent than it had any right to be.

"You're not a demon. Who the hell's making you?" Between pants, Vincent glared at the being that decided to take things slowly and take its time to reach the breathless noble. He didn't detect any mana, except for the monster in front of him but demonic beasts sometimes have a "miasma" to them that can be confused for it.

Still, the young noble dropped his enchantment and focused. If he wasn't mistaken, there should be someone fueling this creature into existence. But who? And most importantly, who'd be capable of pulling something like this off?

Zephyr sometimes chooses to get a corporeal body like a ghost, or sometimes as a bird made out of wind. The same goes for Ariel's spirit… Could this be a manifestation of spirits too?

But out of which? Yukino showed the ability to manipulate the state of water, and given this creature's body simply pulled itself together and became steam at such high temperatures then it had to be water.

Vincent drove his sweaty hair out of his face.

That doesn't sound right. By themselves, the spirits have a tendency to manifest themselves in their element's main incarnation. To be made out of steam it'd be more logical for them to be commanded. But from where?

From within?

The radiating orbs were pointed his direction. Those were as much of an enigma as the being itself. Those couldn't possibly be made out of water. That had to be fire, but that didn't make sense with his suspicion.

Vincent pulled out. Charging and feinting wouldn't help at all. The Wretch followed his movements as if it knew he'd try to deceive it. The monster's strikes almost caught him off guard every time it took an opportunity. It fought ferociously but not savagely. It didn't aim to hurt him, but drain his morale in a battle of attrition. Otherwise, it'd not allow itself to be harmed. Vincent already knew it is swifter than its size would suggest.

He swung his sword to clear out a mistless path he could take. Being mindful of jumping from roof to roof in erratic patterns, so the Wretch wouldn't catch up to him as easily.

How? What are his winning conditions? It can't just be invincible, something has to work on it. No matter how ridiculous. Not even the Vampire Bear was unbeatable. Nothing ever is.

Vincent drove his blade into the roof below his feet and swung upwards, demolishing the entire building before jumping off out of the Wretch's path.

It sunk to the ground, limbs reaching out but not fast enough to keep it up while tons of stone and wood collapsed as furious wind spikes came out of it to disperse mist and monster body alike in their path.

Without a second to hesitate, Vincent jumped back to the building the Wretch collapsed on top of and kicked.

The wind carried him down like a comet. Enhanced by his magic and the protection that he practiced for moves like this, he dove into the ground with the speed of a cannonball, followed by the cracking noise in accordance.

He couldn't have possibly calculated accurately where the Wretch's center would be. But he didn't need to, because his magic made his area of effect bigger. The results were akin to having jumped onto a balloon full of water.

And it popped accordingly too.

Vincent's sweat got cleansed away when the rush of scalding water and steam simply exploded on him like an angry geyser after holding back its contents for a bit too long. The burns would have been way more serious had he not taken precautions to both enhance his resistance and cover himself with magic shields.


He rested one of the edgeless faces of his sword on his shoulder.

"Easy." He spoke against his drumming heart and burning lungs grasping for fresh air. Staring at the place where the magic presence escaped to "Now then…" He swung his sword again, cleaning the area of the mist without difficulty. Only to rest the weapon against his shoulder away "Let's see who's behind the mask, gang."

A tentacle rose to his provocation. The dark blue tendril snapped at him with such violence the cracking sounded like it broke the first sound barrier for a moment. Vincent's shields collapsed completely, and the young noble threw himself out of the whipping path before it could lash out again.

The Wretch lashed out with a second tentacle. It collided on the walls and floor with small fire explosions detonated everywhere it struck. Vincent parried a couple of hits aided by his spirits but had no choice but to keep falling back before they could overwhelm him.

It bought the monster enough time to run for it, disappearing into an alley like a rat scurrying for cover. Its petite body making the analogy a little more fitting.

"You're not so menacing like that." Vincent forced a chuckle through his dry mouth "Way more approachable. Would invite you to dinner, even." He only saw a glimpse of long black hair and more tethered cloth. Nothing to draw conclusions, but at least he knew he was dealing with a person "Are you perhaps shy?"

The silence that followed was to be expected. Vincent looked around, especially towards where the mist began clearing on its own. The dull sound of fire cracking in the distance the only indication of the fight without being able to see most of the slums. He'd get to hear moans and protests far away and he knew Yukino wouldn't be happy.

No, don't think that way. You screwed up big time, but if you help out rebuild and relocate people… You can turn this into an improvement for the better. Make amends instead of lamenting.

The magic presence still lingered, circling like a predator waiting for its prey to drop their guard.

Vincent smiled. The Wretch had taken the initiative from the beginning, but now that their real body was discovered they took cautionary tactics.

What a clever thing.

"If I had to ask something, then it'd be "why?"." He spoke loudly, swallowing the hot pain in his throat. He needs a drink, preferably one made by Ariel "I've only met one person so grossly talented at magic." Vincent kept looking around, while very aware of the presence's general location "What is someone like you doing in the slums?"

The only answer he got was the hissing noise of steam behind him. Vincent unleashed his blade and cut down the forming head before it could become a whole body. Steam rose and Vincent unleashed wind blades to defog the place.

He didn't strike anyone, though. Because his detection works with magic. Someone who's not using it can easily sneak behind him with a knife.

"…?!" The stab didn't feel like anything that people describe it as. The wetness of his own blood escaping his body an alien sensation until the weapon was twisted and his nerves screamed agony until his own voice echoed the feeling.

"You know?" The voice sounded immature, still in the middle of development. The hands weren't as small as Vincent thought, and they carried a firmness that no child should possess "That's a pretty good question."

The Wretch swiftly took the knife out and twisted around to make it land in Vincent's neck. The noble blocked the small blade with his arm, allowing it to find its way between muscle and bone. His legs gave up due to the pain.

The eyes that glared at him were mismatched. A blue and red eye looking down at his bleeding form. The frown as much as an indication as any.

He couldn't be older than Ariel. His long black hair hid his small frame, yet the child-like face carried none of the joviality of his age. A face riddle with scars and dirt. He smelled a lot, even when it was apparent he had tried to wash himself without much success. But what stirred Vincent's gut the most was his gaze.

The frown looked so natural on his face it'd have felt strange if he smiled. And the eyes made his soul scream when a single glance made things make a lot more sense.

"Y-You…" That… That guy. The monster from his Hayama memories.

"Strange, you look familiar?" The boy tried pushing the knife even deeper, but his strength wouldn't allow him to break through bone. Didn't matter either, Vincent still screamed at the violation of his wound.

"…Why?" Vincent felt like puking. A bizarre mixture of regret and fear going up his throat like bile ready to mess up his feelings. It was one of the most real things he'd felt since he became himself. It actually scared him that everything else had been detached in comparison.

"As I said…" The monster of logic pulled the knife out of the noble's limb. Going for another thrust without missing a beat "That's a rather good question."