In Her Absolute Way [OreGairu x FILWTV]

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In this world or in another. With blades and magic or without them. In a world where the elements answer to your beck and call depending on the color of your eyes, and the most important people around are "capture targets" to seduce and recruit. Yukinoshita Yukino will still do things the only way she knows.
Cutscene: Prelude of a New Game
Disclaimer: Trend of crossposting aside... I am but a shitty fanfic writer. My Teen Romantic Comedy Is Wrong As I Expected is the sole property of Wataru Watari, and Falling In Love With the Villainess the property of Tsukino Ayato. Go check them out if you haven't yet.

Falling In Love With the Villainess is a Web Novel starring a guy reincarnating into another world. I... Don't think many people have read it, which puts this fic into an awkward position of narrating with the setting's premise, and having to explain said premise to say the least. Nonetheless I've greatly enjoyed the read (however basic the worldbuilding and writing are) and would greatly suggest giving it a go.

In any case, I'll try to fill in the worldbuilding necessary for people who haven't read it or are not that interested in it and make this story fresh enough so you guys won't be discouraged and not read canon FILWTV. Really, give it a try.



In the modern world, where science and capitalism runs the foundations of modern civilization, people still cling to the concept of "fate" as if it was not a complete contradiction of today's advances and discoveries made by the greatest of minds through history. Society has faith so thoroughly ingrained, that modern countries like Japan still cling to its traditions and folklore with determined diligence. And while it is true that the preservation of customs and tradition as part of the legacy left through time by the ever-shifting societies, the truth is that these customs and tradition are ultimately just that: The echo of a former civilization persisting in time.

In other words, esoteric concepts like destiny, luck and karma are but lies that society has yet to get rid of. To think that otherworldly forces would decide the tides and outcomes of our lives is like saying magic is real: A complete, and utter case of nonsense. People, by definition, are flawed. But it still baffled one Yukinoshita Yukino that people could scoff at magic like thinking individuals, only to bend down at the sight of mundane trinkets boosting their so called luck or to the influence the planets far away in the galaxy supposedly have on their chances of finding their soulmate that particular day.

They were, without doubt, just a bunch of buffoons that know no shame at all.

Or so she would like to believe.

"My lady." A young woman in a full maid suit bowed her head in a respectful greeting. She was almost done adapting to the secondary aspects of maturation yet her frame was already flawless. Obviously, because of the rigorous training the servants of the manor have to undergo every day "Your carriage is ready for your departure. We are all praying for your success."

Yukino sighed. She didn't believe in what she couldn't corroborate. To do so, would be the height of foolishness. But it is also true that one cannot keep denying reality when it unfolds right on their nose without being as much of a fool.

After all, if it meows, is cute and fluffy, it's rather obvious that you're in front of a cat. If she insisted she was seeing a dog, not only would she look like a fool, but like a lunatic even.

"Thank you. I will be down shortly."

"Please, take your time."

So she would have to rethink her belief about the unlikely. For as she fixed the folds of her long dress, she was reflected in a massive mirror of golden frame situated in a room that could have been ripped off of a book about the Renaissance.

She didn't know how she got there… No, that was a lie. She knew why she was in that room, her room. She had fallen asleep like any other day, and woke up like any other day to fulfill her duties as heir of the house. What she didn't get is how on earth she went from being one (1) Yukinoshita Yukino to the heir of a noble household in a world of swords and magic or, and she'd have to take a page in Hikigaya-kun's taste for literature here, why was she in a bloody "isekai"?!

"Relax." It makes no sense! According to Hikigaya-kun, the common trope in such a low-rate excuse of literature is for the lead to be reincarnated into another world after dying! And it's always a male to boot! She's not a male! Nor did she die, for that matter. Yukino remembers as clearly as if it was yesterday, that she went to her apartment at her designated time after doing homework and studying and went to bed. There was no reason, at all, for her to wake up the next day in a strange land that made little effort to make any resemblance of sense! "Relax…"

No good. Her thoughts sounded like those of a madman even to herself. She knew she had to make peace with her predicament. That, as far as she knew, there was no way of coming back. That everything she had gained, everyone she had met, was lost forever without any way of getting it back. It pained her heart, had been the cause of several nights of unrest and days spent in despair as she slowly pulled herself together. No matter her opinion, the truth is the truth and it is unwise to rear one's head just because it's unpleasant. In this world, her family has power and a firm duty towards their kingdom. And, in an ironic turn of events, it was that same duty the thing that helped pull herself together to move forward.

She has a duty to fulfill and expectations to uphold. It was familiar enough that it had kept her going until today, the day she leaves the mansion to go to the Academy to better hone her abilities as a mage and learn everything she needs to for when her time to take care of her family's duties come.

She was a noble, at least on paper. Because a barony was more of an ornamental title than an actual one. Meaning that, in the end, she was as much of an asset as the unpowered commoners. It was relieving, in a way. It meant a lot to her, that this life was at least somewhat different from her original one. That in the end, her responsibilities were similar only to those of lesser stations.

Well. Her morning panic attack receding, Yukino proceeded to finish the tidbits of her dress before departing from the room and into the entrance hall. It was well-known she had little control of her magic, so the servants would not ask question when they had to clean the thrashed room she left behind. If anything, they'd feel relieved their last clean-up was due.

"Maria, darling. Look at you. All grown up into a proper lady already." Her mother greeted her, amidst the rows of servants standing in two rows, one to either side of the gate doors to the outside of the mansion. She wasn't that young a woman, but her refinement was as sharp as ever. The expression lines that did begin showing themselves giving off an aura of growing wisdom instead of senility "I reckon it's a difficult day today?"

Maria. Right. In this world Yukino's name is Maria Theodore. The adopted child of the Theodore barony and child of Michael Theodore and Margaret Theodore.

Margaret, her mother, was a kind woman. Yet sometimes she made these kind of comments that made Yukino feel a bit… Uncomfortable.

"That is not the case, mother." Yukino answered once she came down the stairs and had a close up sight of the noble woman. Straining her voice a tad in an attempt to keep it level.

"Is that so? Oh, dear. Just imagine the mess…" Yukino knew she didn't mean to offend her, yet the woman constantly put her foot in her mouth like that. Margaret would only do this with her daughter, though. Whether that was a good or bad sign of their relationship, Yukino couldn't tell "Don't worry, we will send a letter for the academy to let you bring more servants along."

Those were bold words for someone who had walked the fine line between being in disgrace and keeping her status. Yukino didn't raise the subject.

"That won't be necessary, mother." The girl shook her head before eyeing the servants seeing the nobles interact "It is the purpose of going to the Academy that I master this power of mine. I shall not fail in this endeavor."

Her mother smiled "Of course, my dear. I wouldn't suggest otherwise." The woman got closer, placing her hand on Yukino's cheek with warm care "If only your brother was here to see you… I pray for your success, though I reckon you will not find yourself in need of them."

The woman stepped away, the servants bowing in unison as Yukino walked out of the house. Leaving behind memories muddled with those of her previous life, and a cozy family she should have been able to call her own.

Her father was waiting for her in front of the carriage.

"Father." Yukino acknowledged him, allowing him to kiss the back of her hand with his mustache and beard making it somewhat itchy.

"Though you're a grown lady already, never forget this is your home." The man whispered, his face cradling her arm "You've been a blessing to this house ever since we took you in. May the Elements guide you in the path you take."

"May the Elements guard this household in my absence." Yukino parroted without thinking too deeply about the words. She wanted to say something else, to be moved by this display of deep emotional attachment her parents showed in spite of being people of status and code. She could only bitterly compare them to her actual… No, to her original family. Back in Japan. It tainted her voice with feelings, but not those this situation merited.

In the end, this life was not too dissimilar from his time as Yukinoshita Yukino.

"May them." The man agreed with a chuckle "They knows we'd have fallen to ruin without you, years ago."

"Your words fill me with pride." Yukino bowed before Michael stepped out of her way.

"And you fill me with it." He gave her a couple pats on her lower back, sending electrical pain through her nerves as she broke her composed position with a groan. He chuckled again, a harmless prank meant to dissipate the tension "Go. The scholars are waiting." Michael leaned forward in a conspirator way. His grin was akin to that of a malicious kid when he whispered so the servants wouldn't hear "Give them hell."

"I'll be on my way, then." She glared without ill intentions behind the action. Her father saw her off as the ride left the manor behind, along the worst of her days in this world.

Perhaps she should have said something in the end. But what? Could she have lied about their bond and how adversity brought them together as a family? That their parenting was the reason she could do what she does? Now Yukino felt bad for them. They didn't ask for a daughter carrying the memories of her previous life… Probably. And they wouldn't want their role as parents be taken away by people that doesn't even exist in this world either.

They just got a hand that they couldn't play themselves. But Yukino could and did; and she made their life so much better in exchange of never being quite the parents that she needed or wanted. They thought her prodigious, and allowed her to do as she pleased so maybe it's not that big of a secret that she raised herself but…

Well, at least she didn't have to pretend their presence was meaningful anymore.

Arcadia Academy*. Otherwise simply known as "The Academy" is an institute situated in the capital of the Gram Flame Empire. It was impressive on an intellectual level. Yukino was sure many historians would give anything to see the rich architecture of the time and the people just going about their day to keep the markets and plazas alive until the sun descends on the vast ocean and gives way to a night sky full of constellations that Yukino can't identify nor remember the names of.

The academy proper was a marvel of architecture by itself. Built to house the young heirs of the Empire's nobles, and the promising minds of the commoners that were capable of fighting the system to pass the exam and enroll to get a better position; it obviously was a rather thick-built fortress of proportions rivaled only by the King's castle itself. The Theodore mansion was more akin to a hotel in comparison, and the thickly secured buildings with mage towers in the perimeters gave it a vibe of a prison, if it wasn't because it was walled off only on the lower levels of the elevated terrain it was built on.

On another time, it had served to protect the people when war was waged right in the capital's doorsteps. Because, of course. Given how her world's history unfolded with just mankind's wits and fascination of screwing up everything nice they come up with, it wasn't a surprise with magic in the equation these people had been stuck in a conflict spanning several generations and kingdoms until they realized, a bit too late, that waging war for so long would sink their lands into oblivion before they reached victory.

Who knew?

And, because she was reborn into the Empire the risk of such a war spanning several kingdoms was always a concern. If a lesser one. But again, the Theodore were given their title because of achievements of war. War, that had to be fought not too far in the past since the title couldn't be inherited.

Oh, how she missed the time her biggest problem was mother being passive-aggressive about her decision to move into an apartment by herself. Hindsight, she decided, is a massive ablïtoran.

"Relax." Well, thinking like that leads nowhere. She knows, she knew, she would know. So she backtracked and tried taking her thoughts into a different path. Like the Academy. Right, what's so special about it?


"Milady. We've arrived." Joseph informed her as the door of the carriage was opened, leaving Yukino without enough time to compose her thoughts.

"Ah, thank you." Yukino said as she took the man's hand to help herself down the steps of the transport that while not old, it was far outclassed by the cars she used in her previous life. It wasn't uncomfortable just like she didn't need Joseph's help to get off of it. But something about big, flashy dresses made the help very appreciated just like the heat wood (however precious and refined) trapped within the big fancy cage made air conditioning feel very valuable.

Ah, hindsight! Can't you give this poor reincarnated maiden, like, five minutes of rest?! Must you be this much of a bitch all the time? Maybe Hikigaya-kun would say something like that. If he was here instead of her, that is. Or maybe he'd have gotten himself in some noble's bad graces and died before he could even come of age. Who knows? If anything, it was probably for the best it was Yukino who was sent into this world on grounds of everyone else being ill suited to even begin working in the predicament.

"You endured quite well, young lady. From here onwards, the stage is yours to play as you see fit." Yukino was not sure if the man was referring to the ride or her situation in the manor, and at that point she wasn't going to ask "May the Elements guide your steps."

"Thank you, Joseph. I wish I could take you with me, but that's not the case." That was the truth too. The man was capable, something Yukino found a lot of people lacked as qualities goes. And really appreciated his insight and dedication to the multiple duties he fulfills for the Theodore household. Alas, taking away such a capable man would be disastrous with her away as well. She wouldn't take him along on good conscience even if the Academy allowed it.

"Your words are too kind." He bowed with a hand to his heart. She wasn't exaggerating, though. Customs could be useful like this when talking to outstanding individuals.

"They are but the truth." He didn't need to treat her like a noble. None of the servants did. They were more akin to employees. After all, Yukino was a commoner in everything but name. They still did their best in spoiling her rotten and to fulfill their jobs to the best of their capabilities. Yukino hated crowds, people in general when there were so many buffoons both in this and the real world. But these people? They won Yukino's respect many times over already.

Had she not gotten her memories back, she'd even consider them family. Alas, the very thing that allowed her to carry her whole household back into its former glory was the thing that made her keep them at arms' length.

But that was fine. These servants, employees, were irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. After all, Yukino hadn't just reincarnated into a medieval world with swords and magic. But into one of those worlds with swords and magic. One that was more similar to the settings Hikigaya-kun was used than to those Yukino herself was.

She was, after all, reincarnated into the world of an Otome Game. And just like in the game, the world couldn't help but revolve around its main character: Yukino herself. Everything else? Irrelevant. So much the world would bend backwards just to follow the script it has planned for her playthrough.

Not like Yukino has any way of knowing, unknowledgeable about videogames in general as she is. Let alone otome games of all things.

But with her knowledge or not. With or without her consent. The game would progress.

So, of course. When her luggage was placed out of the carriage, waiting for servants to come and help her pick the things out, a handsome young man peeked out of his own carriage carrying such a fresh smile he'd make mints jealous.

"Greetings… Milord." Yukino bowed when she recognized the crest the carriage was carrying. The coat of arms of the Windhill household. One of the three pillar noble houses that support this kingdom and host of the direct aides of the king himself.

"Indeed." The young man nodded in a faux bow, unfitting of his station taking in account Yukino's commoner status "Me and mine are meaning to go through this gate. Could you please move your luggage aside?" The young noble reminded her of her previous world's Hayama Hayato, but not completely. Natural blond hair and unnaturally green eyes, proof of the wind element he carries, staring at her with a mask of approachable amicability. He didn't look quite like Hayama did, his fellow Sobu student had a slimer, more stylish complexion, and the hair color and style were wrong. But the resemblance was uncanny enough Yukino lost her composure for a moment.

"Umm… Miss?" The boy's expression changed to one of concern. He looked troubled, not knowing if he should try again or give her a moment. Or at least, that was Yukino's impression "…Is everything alright?"

"Quite. My lord." Yukino gritted her teeth as to avoid sarcasm from seeping through her words. She didn't resent Hayama any longer. To do so, would have been the height of childishness. She was already a young lady in this life, to harbor ill will against someone that was not only no longer here, but also many years into her past would be too self-centered even for Yukino. Still, seeing the young man stirred a dark feeling in her stomach.

Yet, how many times had she dreamed of meeting someone, anyone, from her real world? How many times had she wished to find Yuigahama find her in her bed, to cradle and promise everything would be okay? Too many to count. So many it made her dizzy, or perhaps it was the nervous breakdown she was about to have?

"You don't look too well." The noble stated. He took off his carriage and decisively grabbed her to make himself his support "Is it perhaps today's weather? A young lady like yourself shouldn't be under this sun for so long. What are the Academy's servant thinking? Shall we fill a complain once you've gotten your bearings?"

Yukino moved aside so violently it made the noble flinch. She could almost hear the contempt in his voice. Why wouldn't he despise her? She was a commoner after all. Or was it just her imagination?

Too much. It was too much for Yukino's mind.

"I am perfectly alright, milord." She stated sharply. She did not want to deal with this Hayama-look alike any longer "What was your business again? My luggage? Please forgive me. I'll take care of it immediately."

"Ah, no. If you're feeling unwell…"

"As I said. I'm fine." Yukino cut in sharply.

Those things were reacting. The creatures that represented the four elements were acting up on her awry emotions. She prevented them from consuming her mana and transforming her surroundings into a wet mess, barely on time. It wasn't as bad as back home, so Yukino was confident in her capacity of reigning them in.

"I'm afraid I must insist. I-"

"You have no room to do so!" The voice of another boy interrupted the noble, surprising everyone for a moment, Yukino included, until he made himself known. He looked like one of the Kaihin Sougou High representatives from back on her original world when the Service Club…


"Ah, Lancelot…" The original noble looked out of his depth when he saw his fellow lording, stepping back once when he saw the other's bombastically walking towards them.

"Indeed." Yukino swallowed. He looked like someone who she had seen a dozen times at most, yet it was hard to look at him directly. He had almost shoulder long hair and was ginger*, with deep blue orbs that glared at the Windhill noble with scorn the likes Yukino hadn't seen in this world be displayed "What would be the meaning of this? Taking advantage of a lady's status to order her around? Is the Windhill's house dignity so lacking you can't get commoners to obey otherwise?" He also had that self-centered vibe to him. Yukino already disliked him.

"It is certainly not." The blonde frowned.

"Then behave according to your station and apologize! For this lady and-"

"There's no need." Yukino interrupted before he could go on with his nonsense. She was aware he had to be a fellow of the first noble, and going by his eyes he was clearly an Aqusmea. The smallest action could be used to get her executed, but Yukino had enough of his nonsense "We were done before milord interceded. Isn't that right?"

The blonde looked amused "Of course." Then, turning to her he bowed a bit lower this time around "It was unbecoming of this one to treat you ungentlemanly when the Academy's central objective is to have its students live in an ambient of equality."

"…" Oh? Did this Lancelot not agree to this? Yukino enrolled precisely because she would not have anyone bullying her just because she wasn't born in a house with more power. If that's the case, then she can write the noble off from the beginning and save herself some trouble "Just be gone." The ginger said with less energy than before.

"Certainly." The boy's carriage got closer, with the servants having moved Yukino's things while the nobles argued. The boy hoped in "Allow me to introduce myself-"

"His name is Vincent Woodville." The blue eyed aristocrat scoffed "Pay him no heed. He's a complete disgrace to the marques."

Ah, yes. Yukino already knew who not to approach. Not like the world would have any of that, but still.

"Maria Theodore, milord." She bowed to the blond "The pleasure is all mine." The carriage moved, leaving her behind with a problematic character who she couldn't talk back to.


"You waste your kindness with that person." The blue eyed boy assured her "Unlike this Lancelot Minister, he has nothing to offer to this academy nor to the country."

So she was right. He's the one who'll inherit the title of marques in the Aqusmea household.

If all the nobles are like him, then there's no doubt why the commoners don't like them very much in spite of carrying the mystic arts with them.

"Simple decency takes you a long way, milord." But you wouldn't know, would you? Yukino had to bite her tongue to avoid disrespecting the child that could order her execution should he feel offended.

"That is indeed correct." The boy flashed her a charming smile "Speaking of. Where are my manners? The name is Lancelot Minister, heir of house Aqusmea of the great marques house." Of course, Yukino already knew all this. But she couldn't voice her thoughts to the young noble "And you might be…?"

"Maria Theodore." She already presented herself, though. If someone of such a high station as Lancelot couldn't even grasp this much information, then Yukino couldn't help to worry for the kingdom's future. Or at least, that's what she thought in her heart.

"Maria. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Lancelot spoke like he hadn't thrown a tantrum at his fellow noble "Normally, our different social standings would make impossible to meet like this, but don't hesitate to come to me if you ever need anything."

"I will keep this in mind." Not like Yukino would ever need anything. She was acclimated already to this world, and had her knowledge of her original one to fall back to if she found herself in a pinch. What could this lording possibly offer?

He began referring to her in a more amicable way as they entered the Academy. He insisted on having his servants carry Yukino's luggage and since she couldn't reject him, she had to play along the boy until they finally separated.

That day Yukino took a long bath after a lot of exercise to calm her nerves.

How could people force themselves like that on others? Were the nobles not duty bound to act with dignity and mind themselves as examples of the unparalleled standards of the Gran Flamm Kingdom?

Because Yukino was under not misconception. That person got away with pushing Yukino's buttons because of his heritage. Had it been back at Sobu High, she would have already blown his ego to bits.

It was unbecoming. Reminded her of the kids that would bully her for being better than them in all accounts. She could do nothing about it and that, in Yukino's humble opinion, was the worst feeling there is.

Impotency. That horrid word. That thing no one should feel. In the end, her academy days began like this.

"Relax." She reminded herself not for the last time, before going to sleep. She'd need the strength for the next day. And the day after that.


Alright! My very first fanfic in this site. What can I say but enjoy and review. Feedback will always be appreciated. Just... Y'know. Don't go too hard on me, please?

*In canon Falling In Love With the Villainess the Academy isn't named, nor is given a proper description so this is me going AU on it.
*The novel doesn't have a lot of descriptions going on, so I'll go with ginger Lancelot here.
But First, Her Reason Needs to be Heeded
The Academy hosts not only noble younglings, but also commoners of good enough standing to be able to clear the high-demand entrance exam and get them a place within its halls. Since its purpose was to nurture the greatest minds of the kingdom, it went through great lengths to ensure these youths would get exposed to those of different standings of them. Nobles would attend classes with peasants, and commoners in return would be dignified by the nobles' presence. Or at least, that's how it was described.

In reality, Yukino wasn't so sure why such a place existed. Since, taking into account the assumed time period this world was living in, it's unlikely it would be as close to modern education as it displayed. The general feel of the school was known to Yukino, who not only had studied in Japan but in America as well. She knew how the rotation of teachers worked, the display of scores, the cafeteria and PE grounds (which were renamed to training grounds, but nevertheless). The Lounge was a mystery to her, though. No matter how much she thought about it, a place for the nobles only went against everything the Academy stands for, but she understood those people were in desperate need to feel special.

Since this world did make the distinction, being nobility means something: that you have the ability to wield magic. Yukino wouldn't be able to complain too much. Even if she achieved twice as much as she had with her enterprising, she also understood she wouldn't be respected half as much if she couldn't wield magic herself.

A noble in all but name. How simple-minded of the people to think that. How deplorable to just respect her because she had standing. No wonder their society doesn't advance in spite of magic. Their lacking intelligence is so blatant that…

No. That's not right. She should not be thinking like that at all. Composure. If she couldn't reign her feelings in, then she is no better than the common folk.

"Miss Theodore. If my subject is so uninteresting to you, maybe you could exemplify this formula for the classroom?" Of course she can, you dim-witted buffoon. Her calculus is on another level entirely. How could you possible compete?

"Of course." The classroom was similar to those of Harvard or other American colleges, with rows of desks shared by the alumni which were one step higher the more in the back they were in a semi-circle. The board was, of course, in the center of the classroom.

Yukino went down a couple of steps and took the chalk out of the professor's hand "Should I also explain the method or just solving it suffices?" To be fair, they should be at the age a lot of theorems were in practice but not all. Yukino wasn't sure what was already common knowledge or if she would suddenly blurt out a formula never seen before.

After all, it's been years since she skimmed a history book from her world. Oh, well. Simply doing what the teacher was doing should be enough. Bonus points for the small vein beginning to appear on his forehead.

Yukino got a glimpse of the textbook he was using (were textbooks already a thing back when her world what on this century? She couldn't remember either) and proceeded to unfold the procedure without slowing down. This much wouldn't be enough to warm up even if the teacher chose the hardest problem his meager textbook had.

"Incidentally, the professor's answer is off by 0.62 units. But I'm sure he simply rounded it up for simplicity." Yukino kept her deadpan even as she threw barbed words at the man. She was kind of surprised he could do the math in his head, so there shouldn't be a reason to be disheartened by an error of a bit more than half a unit.

Impressive. But the man fired the first shot. Evidently, Yukino's purpose in this class couldn't be other but to embarrass him from now on.

"That is… Correct." With a nod she walked back to her seat. There was no need to ensure he acknowledged his mistake, so she didn't. Any more bickering would place her on his bad side. Since he's most likely a noble, Yukino would be hard pressed to win an argument against him.

Besides. Since most of the class are nobles as well, they might take a dislike for her. She couldn't care less, of course. She would never, ever, care about what others have to say about her. But there's real risk of losing footing because she angered the wrong brat. She couldn't place her family under such threat, even if it was because someone dared to pick on her.

This chaotic world has no room for commoners standing higher than the nobles, after all. Much less in what should be their main subject.

"Oh! Miss Maria can use magic as well?" Since Lancelot Minister was in her class as well, it was impossible to avoid him forever. Much less when the commoners were screened and moved elsewhere to the nobles could have their magic classes.

The magic system in this world was simple enough Yukino understood it the first time it was explained to her. The Gran Flamm kingdom worships the elements of nature, the four ancient elements: Fire, water, earth and air. Each marques family specializes in one: The Aqusmea in water, Windhill in air, Fatillas earth and the royal family's attribute is fire. With other nobles also having an attribute that allows them to use their element, which is reflected in their eyes' color. Their bloodline carrying mana alongside their genes.

Yukino, being capable of magic in spite of not being a noble, also has an attribute. Since her light blue eyes only changed a bit from her previous life, she was bestowed the water attribute.

Well. Since she reincarnated into an orphan, Yukino came to the conclusion her original parents came from nobility and simply abandoned her. Such a things as "some commoners also have magic" in spite of the mana being carried in the blood was simply laughable. If anything, it just comes to show how petty and lacking in common sense the nobles are if they think such brittle excuses would let them avoid the subject of abandoned children.

Unless, of course, magic is ingrained so deeply into this world it even affects genetics. Meaning that there was a way to measure one's affinity, and that there were genes responsible for it. So someone with noble ancestry, no matter how ancient, always has the opportunity to be born with magic. After all, these people knew little restrain and would most likely release their genes on the wild faster than they spend money. But Yukino doesn't want to go there. Her knowledge of genetics is already lacking without taking in account the ten years without contact with modern technology, so even she knew her memories were bound to degrade as time goes by.

"Yes." Yukino refused to elaborate. Opting to see the many robbed old men that were surrounding a single individual a bit further away from the main group of students.

That had to be the crown prince, right? Only someone like him would require (and afford) several private tutors in the matter of magic. After all, the crown can't lose face and say royalty has an average ability at anything. Yukino would scowl if it wasn't a capital offense.

Such a ridiculous world.

"Impressive. Miss Maria must be someone special." Such flattery coming from a lording was probably the highest honor one could possibly get as a commoner.

"Oh, you're way too kind." So Yukino resorted to low-key sarcasm. Otherwise her sanity would be at peril. She couldn't just allow herself to unleash her frustration on the world, that probably went alongside her duties towards the country.

Kind of. Maybe. She's pretty sure this world has a very rudimentary understanding of legal loopholes.

"Nonsense. I'm just stating the truth." It didn't help they shared attributes. Yukino had the excuse of going to the group that would learn water magic taken away from her. Just like that. Cursed might her beautiful, charming and breath-taking eyes might be.

"I see you're fast on your feet. Courting a young maiden on the first day is quite like you, Lancelot." A girl their age approached with her maid not too far behind. Brilliant chestnut hair flowed down in a mane of the girl approaching. She had something about her that simple drew attention. Yukino had seen such presence from rich people and her sister, Haruno, herself. It too rose complicated feelings, but not like seeing the other look alike had.

"Surely you jest, Charlotte." The Aqusmea boy chuckled "I am merely having a conversation with Miss Maria over here. She's capable of magic in spite of being a peasant." He waved in her direction, giving her the attention of the noble girl.

"Really?" She looked interested but just slightly surprised. Maybe she knew people like that?

"Maria Theodore." Yukino was getting really tired of bowing "I am an adopted child." The nobles could be really roundabout with subjects they didn't want to touch upon, so it'd be fine if she left it at that for an explanation.

"Verily? My apologies." Or not "I am Charlotte Lanchester, of house Fatillas."

"The pleasure is all mine." Yukino followed the etiquette, seeing an opportunity to get herself untangled from the ginger noble brat "I must go to the teacher. I assume lord Lancelot is left in good company?"


"Clearly." Charlotte replied, a tad smugly if Yukino were to be asked "Rest assured, Maria. He's in good hands."

With the pleasantries out of the way, Yukino excused herself. She did go towards the magic teacher. After all, magic was a subject she didn't understand and had not managed to breach her poor control over this unearthly power. It had costed her several times, and Yukino was more than ready to cut those expenses off as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, she was no heir of a marques house. So her pleas were ignored.

Fortunately, these young lordings were full of shit. And so, they didn't have too much understanding of their powers either.

"…To think Miss Maria could use the same spells as most of the nobles." The instructor wasn't impressed. He was sweating buckets. Yukino understood this meant he understood the nobles would take offense on some no-name commoner knowing as much magic as they did, but she failed to see how that could be her problem. So she approached the marques lording that had been praising her earlier and exchanged pointers with him in front of the teacher.

Yukino was not salty. Promise.

"Water Pulse is one of the simplest water spells." Lancelot explained while the both of them were busy seeing the lesser nobles fail at the higher end of the low tier spells "It's a close range spell designated to practice magic and get used to it. I'd be hard pressed to use it even in mock battles."

"Is that so? But if you change the output and make the area of effect bigger…?" Yukino stole a glance to the instructor, who was for all intents and purposes ignoring them.

"It'd take time." Lancelot replied without thinking too deeply about it "Maybe a couple of second depending on the breadth of the spell. But those two seconds make the change impractical in combat."

"It could be used to maneuver and avoid crashing too hard on things, though." That attitude of his didn't rub her right. Yukino was convinced he wasn't trying to use his repertoire to its full extent, but she'd be hard pressed to say she had the experience to back her thoughts. She just lacked the field experience necessary to argue and she knew it.

"In that case, maybe. And even then it might be meaningless if you don't react on time." Lancelot shook his head "After all, most attacks will come from swords, axes and shield bashes. And that's if you go on the melee. Which you should ideally avoid if you can wield magic. Just spells instead. Which is the point I made. Water Pulse is useless for anything but to practice."

"I see." She'd concede his argument made sense. At least, until she got enough experience to come up with a way to make use of those useless spells on her own, that is.

"Still, your idea has some merit. Perhaps it'd come in handy if one managed to speed cast the-" Lancelot's words were interrupted by a loud detonation.

Cries of protest rose in the field as the students backed away from the cluster of private educators surrounding the explosion.

"…As expected of his majesty, I guess." Lancelot looked a bit pale at the result of the young royal's magic.

"If that was intentional, that is." Yukino rose an eyebrow at the obvious cover-up for the royal.

"What are you saying? It had to be. His majesty Arnold has great control over his flames." Lancelot gave her the evil eye fruitlessly. Yukino backed out after remembering they weren't supposed to be equals.

To be fair, that level of destruction wasn't hard to accomplish. Most mornings Yukino came close to it, after all. But since no one was harmed by the heat, the force of the detonation nor the flames themselves it did look like it had been a controlled action.

She needed to get a hold of her magic. Pronto.

"I wonder how he deals with those things." Yukino muttered while seeing a blonde guy she assumed to be the prince put out the flames with a gesture.

"What could Miss Maria be referring to?"

"Those things that congregate when someone's using magic." Yukino turned her head to the noble slowly, realizing what he asked "You mean to tell me milord doesn't see them?"

"Of course I do." He replied like she was being ridiculous "But I do not understand what "dealing with them" means. These are the essence of the elements. Of course they appear while using magic. The mage produces them."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, did I say something strange? Was, perhaps, Miss Maria not aware of this fact?" No, she was. Or at least, Yukino read about it in the textbook.

What she didn't understand was the part about the things being produced by magic. Because, when she said they congregate she meant they were already everywhere.

She saw them arrive when her emotions were astray. They came, weren't summoned. Yukino knew because paying attention to this phenomenon had served the purpose of getting her mind off Yuigahama, Hikigaya, Hiratsuka-sensei and even her sister's face. Embed deep in her mind's eyes. She had focused on them so hard she realized something was wrong with the way magic was taught when she read the books about it.

It couldn't be these people, whose worth was precisely being able to wield magic, weren't even aware of how their powers work… Right?

"…I did read that up." Yukino replied neutrally. Further research would be required. Maybe she shouldn't get too entangled with these affairs?

"It's quite alright! I wouldn't expect a commoner to be so knowledgeable on magic subjects. You're already quite impressive as-is." On the other hand, Yukino could make a break in the way magic is used in the kingdom and get recognition for it. Hell, she could patent her school of magic. If things went right. Too bad it wouldn't go under her name name. It'd go under Maria Theodore, but nothing is ever perfect.

"And I am not intending to sit idly either." Yukino felt something rise up in her stomach "Mastering my magic is the main reason I came to the academy, after all."

"Is that so?" Her resolve was broadcasted clearly to the young lord "Then you should be diligent, Miss Maria. The Marques houses won't lose, much less when it comes to magic."

"Be it a Marques, or a peasant, or the king himself. It matters very little." Yukino's chuckle sounded sarcastic even to herself "No one will come higher than me."

"I wouldn't be so quick to make promises, Miss Maria." Lancelot looked a bit perturbed by her use of the crown's name like that. Obviously, Yukino was being impertinent after all. It wasn't mocking as much of a serious warning.

Yukino would meet his seriousness with her own.

"It is no promise. This is a fact." She stared at the floating, pseudo-invisible things around the mages and watched how they reacted to the chanting of each spell "Be grateful. You're about to witness me getting serious. Do try not to fall too far behind."
And Second, the World Has No Say In The Matter
This chapter is sponsored by Spacebattles nekaO's feet fetish. Please support the official release.


The Academy's subjects weren't like those of modern Japan, at least not completely. It also taught things like agriculture and economics on a general style. Yukino understood it's because of what the commoners are looking for in the academy, and since compulsory education it's not a thing yet, it comes to reason a school that tries to mimic modern education but lacks the knowledge to do so would become a weird mixture of a university and a labor teaching institution.

Yukino had to be diligent not to fall behind in these subjects, seeing as she never researched such subjects in her previous life. She'd have to do with this world's outdated knowledge instead of the agronomic revolution that unfolded in the previous one for the most part. She didn't have any plans to dedicate herself to farming or attending to livestock, but the knowledge wouldn't do any good if it wasn't taken, so she might as well.

In that regard, the library was a huge help for her. Yukino spent the following days of the start of school in the library. She didn't plan to forsake her studies, but the library had a lot of books on magic and other subjects of interest. Yukino wanted to obtained everything she could to get enough foundation to begin mastering her magic, and since the academy gave her the resources and time to do so, she would be a fool to let the opportunity pass.

Besides, the nobles were beginning to get a hint of her existence. In the other world, this wouldn't be a concern. The Yukinoshita name had enough standing to get her words heard by the authorities even if they were incompetent and reluctant to correct certain misbehaving students. But in this outdated, ridiculous world? Not a chance. The noble girls were probably aware of Yukino's speaking terms with almost-but-not-quite marques Lancelot and she made a point of embarrassing the math and history teachers, while keeping her usual pace on the rest of the subjects. These people would have to be blind not to see the difference between Yukino and themselves.

So spending time at the library it is. Better safe than sorry.

She could go to the cafeteria too. And she did. But she really needed her magic improvement to start, and there would be no shortcuts to be taken. So short lunchbreaks and straight back to studying it is, at least for the time being. Everyone would be happy about it. Everyone but the world itself, that is.

You see. The protagonist wasn't supposed to go the hermit route and get herself bunkered down in a non-descript place filled with books and dust. The protagonist should be out there, springing flags while advancing the story. Yukino's current attitude would not do.

Fortunately, the school had plenty of opportunities for the plot to get back on track.

The evil eyes Yukino was getting weren't anything new. There were more of them, of course. That couldn't be helped since the school places a board with the students' score in a list of which place among all the student body each one got. The name at the top, on the number one spot was none other than prince Arnold Highland with a 998 score.

That was fine, that was to be expected.

What Yukino didn't like was her spot as the fourth place.

She knew why she got that place. Or more accurately, could deduce why she was only fourth place. There were mock tests the last week, and although she studied for these tests, the contents got her mixed up with things she knew from the other world.

Things like dates and events were blurred when the Merican Kingdom came up during the test or how certain events would match with normal world events.

On top of that, she still failed to grasp her magic and the theory test could be called nothing but a failure. With the majority of the other tests being most likely perfect scores.

Yes, she felt like a failure because she couldn't keep up her perfect grades. No, she wouldn't accept any less than what she could do in her previous world.

Even while nobles glared at her for her audacity of knowing more than them, it wasn't enough for Yukino and it honestly baffled her these people looked content to be on the top 10, top 20, top 30 and even top 50! How could they be so happy with their mediocrity? The academy supposedly only accepted the best of the best. Even taking into account the gaps between each place there should be no excuse to let oneself do less than their absolute best.

"Ah, Miss Maria beat me to it." The heir of the Windhill appeared among the students, nodding his head with a small smile at Yukino. A quick look told her he placed just below herself.

"I'm sure if milord tried he'd had made me bite the dust." Yukino gritted her teeth through the lie. There was no way she would allow something like that to happen, of course. She has standards.

"Doubtful." Vincent motioned against the crowd and most people made room for him to step out. Yukino followed the convenient path he opened "I went the extra mile there. It's a miracle I even scored on the top 10. Let alone the top 5."

"Hard work betrays none, my lord." If he really went the extra mile, then he just needs to keep doing it. Right? Why wouldn't he score similarly again if he already showed the ability to do so? "I am sure this is to be expected."

"Not everyone is a genius," He chuckled her words away "Miss Maria. At least, not like you."

Yukino stopped, looking at his green eyes like he had grown a third one.

What did he mean by that?

"Ah, don't misunderstand. This one is not looking to undermine your efforts. It's just…"

"It's perfectly fine. You would not be the first to say something like that." Tiring as it is, Yukino has the knowledge of her previous world, so she knows people will not stop pointing out how improvable her skills in every subject are. Some people wouldn't even believe it in the real world, so it's understandable the people of the other world would be doubtful as well. More so since their envy ran thicker in these people.

"Is someone perhaps not overstepping their-" Three noble girls approached with scowls that gave them vague bulldog-like features. Yukino did not comment on this fact "-so what is a commoner doing talking to lord Woodville so closely? Know some shame!"

Yukino stared, dumfounded at the display of gracelessness of the supposed ladies.

It was happening. Again, like in her previous world. Yukino totally called it, but wasn't in the mood to be smug about her marvelous insight of people.

"It is in the nature of worms to crawl their way into places they're not supposed to." Chimed in one of the girls with a grin.

Yukino eyed the blonde noble. Who looked as lost as she did. Neither of them knew who these people were, or where they came from. The scene was so bizarre, in part because it felt like a déjà vu, in part because it came so out of the blue Yukino almost thought they mistook her for someone else.

"Indeed…" Alright, Yukino had enough of their nonsense.

"I will be on my way, lord Woodville." Yukino interrupted the third girl before she could get to speed "Do work hard for the next set of tests."

"Ah." The noble woke from his apparent trance and hardened his eyes "It's perfectly fine. Do not let these crass women harass you."

"Lord Vincent?!"

"Silence! Did I allow you to talk? You people are unsightly enough as it is, do yourselves some favor and be quiet." The young noble kept his tone as even as he was able, but through the grind of his teeth Yukino saw the effort he was making.

That was… Not good.

"Lord, you can't do that." In this world, disputes between women were strictly among them. Having a man step in could only be considered distasteful, though these girls had clearly involved the young lording by themselves. She still couldn't have him step in for her. It'd make her, and by extension her family's, social standing go down.

She didn't care what they said about her. She cares their families don't turn their heads to her projects and smash them on a whim.

"Their behavior is not tolerable, less so for nobility. They should know better." The blonde stated.


"I approached her on my own accord." He continued, heedless of their protests "Would you have her ignore me when I called out to her?"

"…" The girls looked among themselves. Without the momentum they had gained, they didn't have words to defend themselves. Such was the case of bullies.

"Answer me." The young lord would not stay silent, though.

"…No, my lord."

"Then go. Do not act so foolishly again." Once they left, the noble sighed "I apologize for this. It should never had happened. I will be going too."

Yukino blinked.

"Don't look at me like that." He smiled, a bit sadly "Do you think our esteemed Lancelot would let this go?" They weren't too far from the other students looking at their scores. They could almost feel Lancelot making his way to them, ready to rebuke Vincent's actions. Yukino wanted to roll her eyes "I will be on my way."

"Likewise." Yukino began moving as fast as she could without going into a full sprint. She didn't want to deal with any more troublesome characters and having the other marquis house heirs around only spelt trouble.

Her mood already sour, she moved all the way out of the perimeter of the score board and moved towards the cafeteria.

For a moment she entertained the idea she would find those impertinent girls there. But, of course, they were nobles. The would go to the lounge instead, maybe trying to suck up to the higher nobles in the process. Well, Yukino wouldn't let them go. She memorized her appearances. Their uniform was the same, but their blond hairs were easy to identify.

Actually, why are all of them blonde? So mysterious.

"Maria!" Yukino groaned inside when she heard the noble's voice calling out for her.

"Did you call me, my lord?" It was beyond unfair Lancelot could call her out however he wanted but she couldn't. The academy wouldn't protect her from his house if she did…

Well, the reasoning is clear to her. No need to keep hammering it in, right?

"Yes, I saw that guy Vincent-" Does the guy have a thing for the blonde noble? At this age, homosexuality was frowned upon back in the real world. And it's not like using homophobia to hide homosexuality is an unknown practice. But she couldn't ask that lest she wanted to get in trouble.

"He was quite pleasant to talk to." Unlike you "There is no need for lord Lancelot to worry about it." Actually, why is he so friendly with Yukino? Does he have a thing for her too? Oh, my… How scandalous.

"I doubt he had any good intentions." Lancelot frowned. Did he hate to have his expectations foiled so much? Such a spoiled brat "And please, do drop the honorific. It's getting tiring since we get along so well."

Dropping the… Honorific?

"I'm sorry. What." Yukino stated flatly. Blinking as if to clear her eyes of something that shouldn't be there.

"Yes. It'd please me if you talked to me more informally."

"But… That's…" Well. Wasn't she thinking about it? Why hesitate? Well, he did intend it to get closer. For sure. But the result would be the same. Right?

Wrong. Nobility is still nobility. Yukino wasn't certain she would keep her thoughts to herself if the wall of customs of this world wasn't there to filter them. She did not want to get killed for something she said.

"It's completely fine." Lancelot assured her, placing a hesitant hand on her shoulder. The first physical contact he made "Ah. Isn't the school supposed to promote an ambient of equality or something? It should be fine, right?"

Well, if he puts it that way. Yukino couldn't help but-

"I refuse."

-Indulge… Him…

Or not?


In FILWTV, the world follows the script of the original game (called Elemental Party, but that's not relevant). It follows the MC and changes according to her decisions, but strictly follows the script in accordance to the consecuences of each route. I don't think this is a huge spoiler, more like an important plot point you should be aware of while reading the fic.

However, I believe you guys can draw your own conclusions of what this means for Yukino. So I'll leave it at that. Enjoy the chapter.
Cutscene: The Heir Apparent (Arnold Highland)
Prince Arnold Highland is supposed to be many things. Mature, strong-willed, smart, quick-witted, a powerful magician, but most importantly, a strong leader. As the crown prince, it is his duty to do his best to be worthy of inheriting his father's throne and ruling over the Gran Flamm kingdom.

Still, as any teenager, Arnold is not perfect. Not even close. But he always does his best to get better, lest he wants to hear the endless criticism that his teachers would subject him to. In a moderate, polite way. Of course. Since he is the crown prince Arnold. He actually didn't feel like the praises are any better. Because they always downplay his efforts. Always remind him that it is to be expected of the crown prince.

That's why Arnold dislikes dealing with people as much as he does. His closest friend, Lancelot, is the only one who treats him as closely as an equal as it gets. And if it wasn't for him, Arnold would probably have lashed out already.

"Your highness." Charlotte came as a close second. But she kept herself at arm's length. Always using the proper way to address him, always doing things the way nobility does "It's Lancelot again."

"I know." The commotion was hard to miss. There were people murmuring and openly staring at the two students in the center of all the gossip. They only got quiet when a loud slap took them out of their conversations and left everyone staring in bewilderment at the girl that dared raise a hand against a noble.

Arnold himself couldn't believe what he saw. He stopped in his tracks and stared dumbly at the girl. The world apparently frozen by her actions. Only because he could see her magic acting up did Arnold break out of his stupor and walked into the scene with as much confidence as he did.

"You dare?" His iron voice didn't shake the girl in the slightest. He felt even more shaken by her decision to ignore him, the crown prince, in favor of giving an icy glare at his friend. Arnold could see his own breath already, the air around him and the others dropping in temperature as the girl continued to feed her magic mana "You dare not only raise your hand against a marquis, but to use magic against him?" Arnold said with more authority. Voice raised as if the girl was deaf, risking embarrassing himself in front of everyone by being ignored by some girl on top of everything.

It did work, though.

Cold blue eyes graced him with their glare. A piercing gaze that could almost hurt by itself, barely contained. They jumped onto something to Arnold's right, probably looking at Charlotte, and opened in surprise only to jump back at him.

She blinked twice and turned to face him entirely.

"Your highness." The girl bowed. It felt so jarring after seeing how barely contained her emotions were. Even Lancelot didn't know what to say "Forgive me. I did not realize you were here." More like she didn't know who he was. Which, again, bewildered Arnold.

Still, he finally got to her.

"Forgive me, highness. But as far as I am aware, he is no marquis." The girl continued speaking, voice even but eyes still fierce "Lord Lancelot is yet to inherit the title, and as such, has no right to hold that position."

What ridiculous things is she saying?

"Then I presume you are of a rank higher?" Like there is such a thing. Arnold knew this, Charlotte knew, everyone does.

"That is not the case." Indeed, it isn't "I am but a commoner. A commoner that, nonetheless, has the right to defend herself against uncourt individuals."

"You'd call Lancelot uncourt? I will tell you I know this man. He stands proudly to his station. His manners are perfectly fine."

Her right eye twitched. The temperature dropped some more.

"That might be so. But we're all human, no? Anyone can make mistakes." Even you. He almost heard the words she left unsaid "Even if I am a commoner, I'd rather not be touched without my own permission. It is uncourt to push your will on a lady, is it not?"

Arnold looked at Lancelot, who silently looked to the floor in bewilderment. He wouldn't help himself. Probably didn't even realize how he screwed up.

"Highness?" The girl pressed him. Cold eyes staring in perfect contrast to her long black hair. No wonder her mana had such reaction on the environment. Even Arnold knew the black hair means a special proficiency in magic.

But a commoner? That did sound unusual.

"Cease to push this while using your magic on us. Do you not realize this in an attack not only on Lancelot, but on my person?" The girl looked surprised and unfocused her eyes. What a strange fellow.

"Ah." She looked like she just realized and did something because while the temperature slowly returned to normal, her magic was still doing something. Moving about and expanding without head or tails in what it was trying to accomplish "Relax.".

"You can't even control your magic. Then what is your purpose in the academy?" Arnold inquired, already feeling in his comfort zone after getting back in his role as the authority.

It made him sick in the stomach, but that wasn't new.

The girl stared blankly at him. Like he suddenly grew another head or something popped out of it.

"Why, to master it. Of course." She stated so matter-of-factly he almost took her words at face value.

How… How did she plan to accomplish that? That makes him question twice as hard what would she be trying to accomplish in the academy. She should strive to learn the basics instead of foolishly proclaiming a goal so obviously so out of her reach.

"As I said…"

"I can't control it. Right." The girl interrupted him. Him. Crown prince Arnold. Does she have no fear? "But, your highness. You misunderstand." Her magic stopped. Frozen like time itself had stopped "That, is but a matter of time." Her magic dispersed, swiftly like it had never been there. Their surroundings were forced to comply to the sudden lack of magic and the temperature got to normal levels, but felt unbearable in contrast. She gave him a small smile "Do not presume I know not of my limits. More experienced men have lost their dignity because they underestimated me and mine." Her expression didn't change, yet he could feel viciousness rearing its head through her cold eyes "Take this as an advice from a loyal subject."

Do not get in my way. Those unsaid words were written clearly all over her face.

"I shall admit I'm partly to blame." Her voice conveyed clearly that she was doing him a favor "I apologize. To you, highness, to lord Lancelot and lady Charlotte. And to the nobles and commoners alike that had to witness this unsightly matter. My deepest apologizes." She bowed down in the general direction of the people that were staring. That in turn, arose whispering again.

Arnold felt agitated. This girl single-handedly took the situation and spun it around in such a way she looked the most dignified while apologizing for her mistakes. Somehow, someway, she managed to keep her head up even while physically bowing down. He could lose face if word got out that a simple commoner did what she wants without consequence…

But he couldn't bring himself to do anything.

"Your highness?" Charlotte grabbed his sleeve as if to shake him up. He realized he was spacing out again.

"You, girl." He spoke to the troublesome woman again, who begrudgingly gave him her attention once more.

"Yes, highness?" What do you want now? She accused him with her glare.

"What is your name?" He asked, heedless of her anger. That was hardly his problem, and he'd dare her openly challenge him in any case.

She sighed. Sighed. At his question.

"…aria Theodore." In the end she had to answer, even if she didn't want to.

I see. Arnold burned her name in the back of his mind.

"Miss Theodore. I hope to see better things from you." He could see his personal guard approaching close to the walls. Time to wrap up, apparently "Do not deface the academy with your shenanigans." Not bothering to hear her answer he turned to leave. That would teach her. That girl should know her…

Did she just giggle?!

"Your highness." Lancelot gingerly said, following from behind like a kicked puppy.

"Not now, Lancelot." Charlotte voiced Arnold's thoughts while remaining pointedly neutral "His highness Arnold saved you from losing more face. Do act grateful by shutting up, at least."

"No, it's just… What Arnold said." Lancelot chose to voice his opinions by bouncing them off Charlotte instead of directly speaking to Arnold. He knew he would hear "She was right behind us in the last test."

Say what?

"Really? Is the same Maria with an almost perfect score that just slapped you in front of everyone?" Funny way to put it, but Arnold would lie if he said he wasn't curious at least "I find it hard to believe." She chuckled, shaking her head at the nonsense her fellow heir spoke.

"It's the truth, though." Lancelot kept firm on his words "She has also improved her magic. When I first met her, she had troubles calling it forth and dispersing it."

"How much troubles?" Now Arnold was skeptical. That sounded like what happened just now, and perhaps that girl was more meddlesome than expected getting in Lancelot's mind like that.

"She couldn't cast Water Pulse to save her life."

"Huh?" Lancelot's words were ridiculous. Water Pulse is the most basic form of water magic there is. Similar to Fire Ring for fire magic and Land Fracture for earth. There is no way in hell the same girl that got part of the hallway frozen had troubles casting that spell.

"And when she finally began casting, her spells kept going. Her control was so bad she was forbidden from casting until she fulfilled the basic drills we were taught as kids." That… Still sounded too great a leap to be cleared in a couple of weeks.

Arnold himself began training from a young age. And it took a considerable amount of time before his teachers allowed him to begin learning the chants. In part because his fire element would be disastrous if it ran out of control, in part so he had a solid foundation to fall back onto when the training for casting under pressure came. The basics aren't something that are taught after learning to use magic. To begin with, Arnold never heard of someone having their magic leak without their active use.

Could it be she boasts too much power? It'd make sense, if he took into account the black hair, but to have so much mana… And a commoner of all things. Even if doable, what would the probability be of such an occurrence be?

She'd have to be a chosen of sorts. So preposterous.

"So she's not as bad as she initially intended to make us think." Arnold quickly dismissed the line of thought. He has enough problems as is to add another one "And she studies properly? Guess some of our fellows could learn from her."

"Indeed." Charlotte chuckled "Though it seems Vincent is not disgracing his family anymore."

"He still lost to a commoner." Lancelot's grudge didn't wane. Arnold doubted he would forget the other noble from hijacking his Calling even if after they grew. Which would spell trouble for the future, since once they became the heads of their respective house that little animosity would become the king's problem, ergo, his problem.

"Pick a side Lancelot." Charlotte felt short of groaning "Are you infatuated or not of that "commoner". Because the way I see it, she'll bring a lot of problems to us if you insist on chasing after her." Them. Not to Lancelot alone. Such is the world of politics.


"Leave him." Arnold sighed once they arrived at the lounge. He turned around, ignoring the servants that welcomed them in and opened the gates "Lancelot. I know you. I'm just going to say this: Do not get entangled with her."

"But-" Lancelot wanted to protest but Arnold stopped him with a raised hand.

"Do as you please. But understand your position. Don't mess around unless you want to get your standing at risk. How many powerful men fell to ruin because of a woman?"

Charlotte glared at the prince for a moment but didn't venture a reply. She looked away, resigned to wait for the two to get their bearings.

"I… I understand." Lancelot finally replied.

"Good." Arnold knew him. If he said he got it, Arnold would trust him "I don't want to hear anything about that girl. I won't help you out every time you get rejected, okay?" His jab got him a light push from his friend and both grinned. They are young, after all. No matter their linage, boys will be boys.

But Arnold's words still hung in the air. He couldn't possibly know he was jinxing himself. Because wishing to get away from the protagonist just wouldn't do. And the world began acting up to fix Maria… To fix Yukino's standing with her capture targets. So, contrary to what he wanted, he'd continue to hear about Maria Theodore's slow but steady raise to the position of the academy's finest disciple.

One crushed ego at a time.
To Avoid Derail, Some Hasty Corrections Must Be Made
Falling In Love With The Villainess is a pretty niche novel, OreGairu is better known. Still, most things are referenced while taking from the source material. I'll also answer any questions, so don't worry about it.


The letters eventually came, but Yukino was expecting them already.

Joseph wrote about how things were going for the small enterprises the young Theodore involved the family into. Yukino initially expected things to go either smoother or worse than what Joseph told in his letter, which gave her mixed feelings. Because, even if things didn't collapse on themselves without her, they could still improve a lot. Not in vain did she make sure to leave orders behind and periodically sent letters to her parents nudging them to learn from a certain book or talk to the workers about a certain rumored better way of doing things.

Also, training delivery birds did the trick for easier communication.

The academy's library proved indispensable for these things. The knowledge in those books helped her refresh her own knowledge, and gave her the tools to pave paths for things to develop.

In this way, Yukino surely would carve her niche in the capital even while physically at the academy. And by the time she graduates, she'd already have assets to build big things. Enough that the nobles wouldn't be able to simply shake off her trees and collect the apples.

These thoughts put her in a good mood. She bid her time reading each letter, making sure the information she read was correct and writing a response accordingly.

Her room served the purpose of a studio. With the desk and chair she brought to the academy being the ones she had back at the mansion. It made for an enjoyable morning while drinking tea to the wind blowing through the window. Her bed's sheets spread on it to let them dry.

Yukino would be hard pressed to call her room tidy. But at this point she hardly minded. Her parents wouldn't allow her to keep a minimalist place with easily replaced things. But at the academy? No one can fault her for having things as she wants. No one can complain the out of place things if she put them in place before leaving anyways. She vaguely remembers Yuigahama's bedroom had a similar "orderly mess" aesthetic, but she wouldn't place her money on those memories.

Besides, that'd just depress her. So better not think about it too much.


The magic motes reacted to her emotions. Such small things could cause so many problems, so of course Yukino would be wary of them. But as days went by and she listened to the magic teacher less and less she found her proficiency in wielding her power improving. Slower than she'd like, but improving nonetheless. Coming to terms with these things being a big step that needs some working, but she's sure she's going in the right direction.

It was a long time coming. Finally, her day were beginning to get some semblance of peace. Barring the occasional prod at her nerves from the noble bodies. But these instances wouldn't sour her mood. Not when that's what they were trying to accomplish. Yukino would not give them the pleasure.

Besides, she wasn't alone in her endeavors.

"So it's like that, huh. I am unsure if what Miss Maria is saying is correct or not. It hasn't been tried before." John, a guy from another class was a commoner. And like Yukino, he was trying to get a good foothold by enrolling for his future.

His unassuming features were unlike those of the nobles. And in more than one occasion, he had openly debated Yukino's decisions on her way to approach the market. But in the end, Yukino understood he simply lacked the knowledge she did have about the modern approach to economy.

The guy has talent. And Yukino found herself more than eager to finally talk to someone who had even a shred of common sense. Yukino learned not too soon after her reincarnation, she'd have to take her wins wherever she found them.

"It's just that you've not seen it in practice." Yukino scoffed "If Mister John is unsure if it is the correct approach we can always make an experiment."

"An experiment?"

"Why yes. After all, I've been doing this for a while. I doubt it'd consume too much money to make a small business to see if it'd sell." Yukino's smug smile made the poor guy groan.

"Miss Maria doesn't have to rub in my face her money." The guy shook his head, having a bit of the food he ordered while speed reading Yukino's notes "But if you're sure of this, maybe a cousin can help staffing the place."

"I doubt we'd need too many people." Yukino assured him.

"No matter how small the place is. It still needs a few." John pointed out before taking another bite.

"As I said, it's fine. I've been using people from the slums to stock business for menial tasks." She commented as she changed the page of her book.

"Verily?" John looked surprised, but Yukino didn't pay him any mind.

"Yes, indeed. Is there a problem?"

"Well, it's the slums. Even if Miss Maria is good at this. Those people can't be trusted. They are real scum, you know? Even I would advise against going anywhere near those parts of the city."

"We bought their loyalty the same way the royals do: Offering protection, food and places to rest. To begin with, it's doubtful those people would engage in illegal activities if they could help it. But there is great inequality in this kingdom. And as such, some people have to commit to crime to subsist." It also grated her nerves to see people in such deplorable circumstances. Had it been her world, the capital's slums would be deemed inhabitable. Yukino didn't even want to think about the slums in economically frailer cities and towns.

"…Miss Maria shouldn't be saying these things out loud." The tanned boy shook his head.

"The truth is the truth, no matter how you put it."

"Ah. This might be out of the blue. But what is Miss Maria's class doing for the field trip." John changed the subject before Yukino could mouth off more.

"The trip through the forest? I ignore it." Yukino really didn't want to have to spend time planning with the heirs of the marquis houses. Even less with the prince, for no other reason that she couldn't oppose them directly. Ah… Had it been her world… "But I hardly have to worry about it. Since the prince is in the class, it is unlikely there's going to be any problem with the marching. After all, if royalty got hurt in something as ineffectual as marching drills…" Yukino scoffed. Maybe if she got in another class she would worry. But as things stood, that just wasn't the case.

"How lucky." John grinned. Yukino enjoyed his company and insight, but the way he behaves sometimes is… Well, something had to stick from this world and she didn't like how he ignored etiquette sometimes "The plotting is going to take precious time."

"What would you use that time for?" Yukino inquired.

"For myself, of course!" He laughed and Yukino simply sighed. No point in humoring him more "Oh, don't tell me you wouldn't rather go out to eat pastries or do literally anything else? Us commoners can't even partake in swordsmanship lessons. This parade really makes no sense for us."

He did have a point. Not like that stopped Yukino from practicing the movements she saw from the class when she could spare see them practice for a bit. That endeavor would have to be on hold for now.

She didn't plan to get in the order of the knights, so as John said. The trip lacked any meaning for her as well.

"Miss Theodore?" A short haired guy approached them. Older than both commoners but for a couple of years at most. He donned a black uniform, some kin of gakuran with silver lining like she'd expect from a Japanese school.

Again, this world could be so bizarrely silly at times.

"That's me." Yukino knew him. A bit. Had seen him following the prince around from a distance wherever he went. Plus, that uniform, he has to be a royal guard. The prince's personal guard if she had to hazard a guess.

Which means, she can't just ignore him into submission. A shame.

"The crown prince requests your presence back in his classroom." The guy stated with little intonation. She knew he disliked her, but couldn't find a reason to care so long he treated her with decency.

She gave John a look and the guy shook his head. Yukino knew the prince would criticize her. Had done so a couple of times already, and probably still wanted to. Except Yukino had cut every opportunity by actually being competent and putting some effort in everything she does. But this matter had been put aside, and as such, Yukino knew she'd be reproached for it.

What could be worse? The prince acting all smug about nothing of his business, or Lancelot trying to chime in? Well, how about both?


"Miss Theodore?" The knight frowned, not quite catching her words. Or word.

"It's perfectly alright." Yukino assured him as evenly as she physically could. Which is to say, with a cold glare mixed in "But you will have to tell him that it is not possible at the moment, for as you can see," She motioned to the table filled with books and sheets of paper "I will have to take care of this before leaving."

John opened his mouth, most likely to tell her he would take care of it, but Yukino shot him a glare to shut him up.

"If you require help, I shall aid you to hasten the process." The knight's eyes narrowed at the blatant plan to delay her meeting with the prince.

"Why, thank you." Yukino smiled coldly "Please do."

"Glad to be of service." The knight shrugged, proceeding to close books and stack papers over one another.

"Ah! Not those!" John snatched a bundle out of the knight's hands "My charts! Those are mine!"


"Sir Mister Knight." Yukino also took the rest of them and began separating them on smaller stacks "If you're going to help, do so properly. What will I do if I miss a letter because it got mixed up with the paper I have to present next Wednesday?"

"A lady shouldn't have this much of a mess to begin with." Oh? Sassy, aren't we?

"It is an orderly mess. You might have found the sense in their position had you not barged in and thrown it all into disarray."

"I beg to differ." The knight scoffed.

"That is fine, Sir…?"

"Marcus. His Highness' personal guard." Marcus stated proudly.

"Sir Marcus." Mhm, like that's important "I will have to ask you to leave this to me. Otherwise it could become problematic to sort out later on."

"And go back to my prince without you? As if."

"Then wait." It's that simple, but probably no one had been so blunt with him in a while "I just need you to stop messing my things any more than this."

There were notes on her magic as well. Yukino didn't need anyone snooping into these matters, not even John. But she had grown careless. To begin with, Yukino should have separated these notes from the rest of her stuff, yet there she was. Trying to hide her diary like a maiden-hearted teenage girl.

Yuigahama would be proud.

"…Very well." Finally, he begrudgingly understood his place and stopped placing his dirty hands on Yukino's turf.

The girl quickly strapped documents together and saved them between books and other papers. She placed most of the books on the table, though.

"John, do me a favor and take these back to the library."

"Sure." The commoner shrugged "Take care."

"Thank you." Yukino looked at the knight and waited.

Marcus blinked.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, a bit perplexed by the blank stare the commoner girl gave her.

"My things." Yukino stated.

"What about them?"

"Good grief…" Well, what could she expect? This world couldn't even do such small things right "Are you not going to offer carry them? Or is the kingdom's knight order lacking in common sense?"

"I am not your servant." To begin with, even if he was a servant he wouldn't have to serve a commoner.

"I am a lady and you, presumably, a gentleman. Is that not enough reason?"

"I… Right." The knight approached and raised his hands. Yukino stared "…Would you like my assistance with those?"

"Why, of course." Yukino allowed a small smirk show "Thank you very much, Sir Marcus."

"Always glad to help." The knight shook his head.

"Indeed. One can always count on the Order when they are in need." Yukino shot back "Would you kindly accompany me to my quarters? I wouldn't want Sir to carry these all the way to the prince and back."

"Oh? And here you were saying you are a lady…" Marcus murmured, surprising even John with his words.

"Hmp. Surely you jest. Unless Sir Marcus is well acquainted with fellows of little decorum? Ah, but that would be shameful for someone of his station. My apologies for insinuating such a thing."

"Woman, you say yourself a lady. But your tongue is poisonous like that of a viper."

"I merely speak my thoughts." Yukino feigned ignorance "I would not dare lie to someone of your station."

"Speak your thoughts or say offensive things?" Marcus glared at her, though he took her things from her hands.

Yukino blinked, to stare at him blankly afterwards.

Marcus, personal knight of the heir apparent of the Gran Flamm kingdom saw exactly when malice replaced confusion in Maria's eyes.

"Yes." Oh, she wants to play that game? Marcus didn't survive the screening by the royal servants themselves to be outdone by a girl not even his age. Two can play the sophisticated jabs game.

And through it all, the world stared in bafflement at one of the most ignored capture targets getting more attention than the prince himself. Sometimes it wonders if it made a grave mistake choosing Yukino of all people.
But Since It's Yukino, the World Can Hardly Hold Her Back
The trip shouldn't be worth any mention for what it entails. Each classroom simply chooses one of three paths that lead through the forest close by and march their way through it and into a designated point of reunion on the other side.

Supposedly, it nests a few of the lesser demonic beasts that roam this world because magic and stuff.

Though, Yukino would be hard-pressed to give these creatures any importance. This close to the capital, the numbers of demonic beasts were culled to avoid them entering the city by the knight orders. And even if they didn't, the students taking the trip are nobles. Not even mentioning the royal present, it'd be too much to ask of her to consider the trip dangerous in any form or way. It simply went against everything this world has taught her to think that the academy would allow these people come to any harm.

"Good evening." Yukino greeted the people that were her classmates. She made space for herself closer to the center and approached the map the marquis youngsters were displaying. A very good quality parchment, as expected of something made for them.

"Maria." Lancelot's voice felt like a physical slap for the reincarnated heroine. She never conceded to have that name used casually by him. She made a scene and went beyond and further to ensure he'd not do that. Yet he made her efforts null in but a breath.

"Milords. M'lady." She bowed to hide her displeasure "Have you decided on the course of action?"

"We did." She didn't expect any answer from them, hoped none would talk. Lancelot did not heed her prayers "The middle path is the shortest. It'll be the best for the ladies to have an easier time. And while it's theoretically the most dangerous, all of us have expertise in magic." That "us" probably excluded about 90% of the nobles, who weren't as proficient as the marquis nobles because… Reasons "Besides, we have a few guards with us. It shouldn't be problematic."

In any case, Yukino did realize most would only become a hindrance to the dozen or so knights stationed along the group. Even if the prince brought his royal guards, the fact they'd have to defend from beasts at the front and esoteric spells at the back would make things harder.

"I see." Yukino eyed around the people gathered, who would glare at her, look away or stare back blankly. She wouldn't find the answer she wanted and that made Yukino sigh "And the formation?"

"Why do we have to explain this to you?" The prince asked with that self-important voice of his. It made his ignorance all the more painful, and harder for Yukino to keep her tongue in check.

"…Unless this was explained already, it's in everyone's best interest if the procedure is well-known from the beginning." Yukino would have used apples and stick to explain it if they were at hand. That'd have had consequences, but this is the most basic of the basics of teamwork "Meetings have been held before for this very purpose. True. But it's a good opportunity to make sure everyone is well aware of what is going to happen."

Oh, no. These are the future rulers of the country. If someone doesn't slap some sense into them, Yukino will have to do it herself.

"Certainly." The prince did a weird sound, but fortunately still has some sense in him "Marcus? If you would illustrate Miss Maria?"

Oh, now they're talking business.

The knight approached, very much confused as to why he got dragged along like that when his duty was limited to be around the prince a bit on the back; but dutifully listened to his master.

"Miss." His sarcastic tone almost made Yukino scoff. She did cross her arms in response "Glad to see you're well."

"Lively as usual." They had not talked after that time she got summoned by the prince, and neither made any actual attempt to do so. Yukino simply felt more at ease with people closer to her social level.

"It's part of the job." The teen cleared his throat and began telling the basic idea behind the trip. It would short and easy, with breaks taken so the girls that weren't used to so much walking wouldn't fall behind.

Yukino only needed the general idea, but allowed the prince's guard to finish speaking without a word. That was the least she could do for the rare sensate person she had met.

"Any questions?" Marcus asked once he finished. People stared at each other, probably trying to make the other say what they had in mind. Sheep mentality to its finest. So much for nobles, but Yukino actually felt disappointed in the commoners.

"There is none." Well, if they didn't want to speak up then no point in beating around the bush "When shall we depart?" Yukino probably should have asked that to the prince himself, or the other marquis heirs. But decided to keep referring to the knight instead. At least that way, she would get a decent conversation out of the event.

So, obviously. the knight turned to face his master. And, in the smuggest voice he could muster without making it obvious, he asked "Highness?"

Oh, the nerve of that…

"As soon as everyone's preparations are ready." The crown prince answered to his guard, not even bothering to look at Yukino "All classes will leave at the same time. So we'll have to wait until all preparations are complete."

"I see." In the end, that was but a childish attempt to display dominance. He probably felt bitter of Yukino's eloquent comebacks and wanted to feel even slightly at her level. Well, no matter. Yukino would give him the satisfaction. After all, Yukino is the bigger person. And wouldn't deign to go down to his level "Thank you for parroting my question. Sir Marcus always find ways to cheat my expectations."

"Marcus?" Yukino took the heir apparent's questioning look as her cue to leave. Quickly disengaging before she got dragged into yet another fight with the royal.

Yukino estimated it'd take some time to depart, so she'd use that time to get away from the noise and relax. The small settlement gave her the place and the silence she wanted. The chit chat going around being at an all-time minimum thanks to everyone being busy doing their own thing. Only the oddballs were letting time pass. Them or the prepared, which weren't a lot. Then again, Yukino wouldn't expect otherwise.

"Now then." Yukino sat down, looking around with focused eyes "Who will it be?"

Yukino has never been a fool. She realized her alone time got cut heavily by appearance after appearance of annoyances that just didn't know how to leave her alone. From the young marquis heirs, to other nobles looking for some trouble, to nobles not looking for troubles. No matter how she looked at it, Yukino found the persistence of distractions odd. Could it be magic at work?

She'd have to find out. But to do that, she needed to corroborate her hypothesis. She suspected this occurrence to be arbitrary; that's why she sought a place with little presence from her fellow students. This moment was perfect because the chance of someone having the time to spare was minimal. It'd take an oddball or a prepared person to get the time, and Yukino already knew a small number were like that.

So, sitting in place, she waited.

And waited.

And kept waiting until boredom crawled up to her and the experiment began looking moronic with each passing second. But Yukino is a cautious person, so she brought along a book to pass the time.

If she knew she was pocking at the world's business, perhaps she'd have made her attempts more discreet. But with no way of knowing, the world was able to take cautious steps to make its machinations feel as natural as possible.

The people in charge began rallying the students loudly. Yukino snapped out of her read and realized nothing had happened.

Telling? Yes. Conclusive? No, not really. She'd need to test matters further. There wouldn't be a point if a single case could lead to a conclusion. Yukino at least, knew this much.

"Ah, Miss Maria." When she returned to her classmates, a voice called for her. Her eye twitched, what should she think about this?

"Lord Vincent?" She didn't expect him. Well, a little. But he didn't register as recurring annoyances because of how little they actually interacted. He wouldn't go out of his way to call her, simply greeting her and exchanging pleasantries whenever they crossed paths. It made things harder to analyze.

"Yes. Just, give me a moment." He told the boy that was talking to him and got closer to Yukino "Is Miss Maria ready?"

"As ready as one can be." Yukino wasn't one to shrug, but it felt appropriate. She didn't have any interest in the event, and conveyed as much.

"I see, I see." The noble nodded in affirmation, apparently not minding the lack of follow up "That reminds me, how is Miss Maria's magic class going?"

How did that remind him of anything? To begin with, that's none of his business. Why should she answer him?

"…Not that good, I see." The noble interpreted her silence to his convenience, but he really, totally got it wrong. There is no way Yukino would choose to stay quiet just because things weren't going her way. Not a chance "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll get it. Since you have a good affinity with the spirits, it's a matter of time."

"Spirits?" What was he talking about? In no book is there anything about spirits. They talked about affinity, yes. But to the elements instead.

"Yeah? The motes of light that dance around when you're using magic?" Vincent raised an eyebrow "They're the representation of the elements. Since the elements have a will, it comes to reason these are beings that you can interact with."

May the Elements guide your path. Yukino stared at the familiar yet not quite face of the noble, like her mind couldn't wrap around his words.

"So are these like, fairies?" Squeezing her mind to her knowledge of the real world's folklore, she ventured a question.

"Well, they're intangible." Vincent replied, allowing Yukino to move her idea to a clearer path.

"Elementals." Yukino murmured, her mind already running a mile per hour. Her emotions attracted these… Elementals, and even the noble noticed.

"You've got a good affinity." He repeated, a bit surprised.

"But… Our mana? What of that?" Yukino didn't mind sounding like an illiterate idiot. What the marquis heir told her could become the stepping stone she required. The nail that, once removed from the horseshoe, could save the kingdom in her half-baked metaphor.

"Well. They're alive, and sentient." Vincent smiled, like he found joy in talking about it with someone else "I think they feed off our mana."

"Feed? But then…" Yukino fell back to the breathing exercises she had been drilled into. Allowed the esoteric energy lying somewhere within her to expand cautiously.

The elementals, the spirits, came to her. Dancing, like the noble said, in lazy patterns like leaves carried by the wind. They got close, but stayed at a fixed distance from her.

Yukino pushed a bit more and they understood, because they touched her. It felt… Odd. Like a not-sensation. She wasn't touching them physically, but they were still in contact. She felt through her not-vision as they impregnated themselves of her mana, changing like they'd change colors: A sign that magic was at work. But were content to simply absorb from her mana without a care in the world.

Vincent had a smile so big it split his face horizontally. He reminded Yukino of a Cheshire cat, at least somewhat.

The noble wasn't half as cute, but still.


"I… I… I honestly don't know what to say." Yukino still found an eloquent way to convey her lack of speech "Thank you. Very, very much."

"Hey, what am I here for?" The noble shrugged in that juvenile way that was so lacking in the people of the academy these days.

"For real. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart." Yukino bowed. When was the last time someone had actually been of real help to her? Wasn't it Joseph? She couldn't say everyone in this world was lacking in skills, John a good example of the contrary, but Yukino genuinely felt like no one had been of so much help in a long, long while.

"Sure thing, Y-"

"Maria!" Lancelot called over the people that were trying to get to their classmates "What are you doing? We're leaving!"

Yukino rolled her eyes "I have to go."

"Ah, s-sure thing." Vincent made himself smaller to avoid being seen by his fellow heir "May the Elements guard your journey."

"May the Elements bless your travel." Yukino allowed a small smile to show "I have a lot to think about."

"Do." The blonde nodded "Well then. Until next time." Lord Lancelot must be really hard on him. Because the Woodville heir hurried to get among his peers rather hastily. Yukino didn't blame him, though she did begin to wonder why that was the case.

Should she do something about it? But how? Should she ask Lancelot? Did she want to ask Lancelot? Well, might as well make use of the trip.

While musing this, she repeated what she did with her mana and began fiddling with the spirits around her.

Would they like to be meowed at?
Event: The Steep Path Ahead (Part 1)
The forest might have had three ways cleared for these marching events, but it stayed a forest nonetheless.

The trees were maybe older than the kingdom itself. Evident in the tall and thick trees that hid most of the ground from the sunrays of the evening. The read did have sunlight, but the trees still covered quite a lot with the branches and leaves. It felt more magical than the academy and castle themselves; Yukino really felt in a fantasy world seeing so much life and so many spirit motes that surfed through the air currents that moved leaves around and didn't really allow the forest fall silent. Even the small animals scurrying around when they sensed their approach.

The sound of a distant river, the smell of plant life, the breeze playing around with the smallest strands of her hair. It was an experience unlike anything that her previous world could offer. And they hadn't stranded too far from the capital! For the first time, Yukino entailed the curiosity of what this world had to offer outside of the Gran Flamm kingdom.

Yukino's classmates shared her amazement with differing degrees of immersion. Some simply glanced around while walking, while others were actually spooked of being so far from civilization with only a few knights to make them company.

Foolish. How could they not appreciate what they were seeing? How could their minds be so closed off as to not want to drink in everything that they had around them? Yukino would have scolded them if she wasn't so busy letting the spirits drive her eyes from place to place, from cranny to cranny across the forest. Yukino could have stayed there for an eternity. It was just so… So beautiful.

And then it wasn't.


Yukino opened her eyes to the deafening roar of silence. Her vision swam with the movement of the world around her, light obscuring the meager little she could make out as if to keep her out of the loop for as long as possible.


It took her what felt like far too long to realize she did not stand; but instead looked to her surroundings with her head resting on the dirt of the road they were supposed to take but in reality it couldn't have been more than a couple of seconds. She spent a similar amount of time slowly sitting up and gingerly understand what unfolded in front of her.

The rank and file of students were in disarray. They ran and scattered like frightened deer caught in the sight of a fierce predator. They heeded none of the screams directed at them, actively ignored those who came to meet them by pushing and shoving in their haste to run away.

"MARIA!" A hand clasped her shoulder from behind. Yukino turned and swatted it aside with clockwork precision, seized it with her own and locked it to the perpetrator's back before kicking the back of his knee to make him kneel into submission.

The cry of outrage finally snapped her out of her half-unconscious state.

"Release him!" The prince roared with a fire Yukino had never seen used before. The jarring contrast with the usual, uptight, royal she knew made her already lacking mental processes halt for a second time. Enough for the person she had subdued to break free from her lock.

"Lancelot! Are you alright?!" Charlotte approached her fellow noble and helped him stand. The reality of what she did slowly creeping its way into Yukino's grinding mental gears. She blinked as if that could clear her mind faster and belatedly realized she couldn't see from her left eye.

She quickly used the sleeve of her uniform to dry her face. She had awakened to her magic going awry many times, too many to count actually. And didn't strike her as weird to wake up scared and confused as she did. In a place other than her room? That was a first, but that fell into irrelevancy after the chaos made itself clear when her hearing returned in full.

Her spirits were going insane too.

"I am fine." She told the spirits, since she didn't really know how to soothe them "I am… Fine…" The gravity of the situation caught up to her. There shouldn't be any reason for this mess if things had gone right. She couldn't just have fallen and knocked herself out and cause so much fear, after all "What… What happened?"

"You are not alright!" The marquis heiress got in Yukino's face "You attacked Lancelot! What is wrong with you?!"

"I…" The situation was dire and Yukino didn't know why. The lack of information prevented her from acting, she had to sort that out first "I didn't know. I don't know what's happening."

"Demonic beasts." Lancelot groaned before Charlotte could throw another fit in her face "They came out from the west and almost surrounded us. The knights intervened, the students panicked." He explained between pained breaths, cradling his right arm with the hurt someone who had been dispensed unjustified pain would.

"We don't have time for this!" The prince nodded to his guard before continuing "The beasts caught to us once, there's no reason to believe they'll let us off with just this. They're savage and hungry, let us depart immediately."

"There are injured, highness." Charlotte muttered "What do we do?"

"Has everyone suddenly gone retarded? Why aren't you using healing magic already?!"

The field was messier than Yukino initially expected. A couple of dark-wretched being laid prone in pools of their own blood, accompanied by the unlucky student or knight that hadn't retreated fast enough.

She understood what happened, now. These people panicked, probably tried using magic and got in the way of the knights or outright hurt them. The demonic beasts seized the opportunity and broke through the defense line and got to the less prepared students. This, in turn, made the circle start anew.

Her heart leaped at the figure of one of her classmates. It was a girl whose scorn hurt worse than normal because she her ample chest and short hair reminded her of Yuigahama, if just as a shadow mockery of her best friend. Yukino stared, and limited herself to thank whatever deity would listen that the girl wasn't who Yukino thought she was.

She returned to the heirs, prying her eyes off the bodies she didn't want, nor had the mental fortitude to acknowledge. Anything would do so long she could pretend those weren't there and that she almost joined them in the dirt.

"You're hurt." The prince stated, glaring at her with the venom of someone who simply didn't want to deal with the situation at hand "Can you heal yourself? You're not going to turn on us again if we let you to your own devices, right?"

The situation was so alien Yukino blushed at her own blunder. She also didn't know how to heal herself. Hadn't learned more than the basic spells because anything more complicated would have ended in major property damage.

"I don't know how…" She also didn't have time to filter her thoughts. It's not as if she could just ask the spi… "…!"

Yukino raised her arms and allowed her mana to attract the spirits. They were close, moving around like afraid critter running away from a fire. She still reached out, and they answered once they realized.

"What are you…?" The prince's words were filtered out. Yukino tried to convey her hurt through her esoteric spirit juice alone, but she knew it would help little without proper communication.

"Help me." She whimpered to the air, pleaded to the will of the world to lift her hurting. The spirits answered her call. They surrounded her, materialized as liquid currents that oozed through her body and relieved the pain there where they touched her tender skin.

Yukino's body returned to her in full. The dullness that her black out brought receding from her perception. Fingers that felt cold and numb rolled on themselves to become fists. Quick and shallow breathes became deep and full of vigor as her ribcage stopped trying to squeeze her heart out of life. And the pain of her injuries knocked the door off the hinges for Yukino to deal without the protective wall of a concussion. She felt alive, if a lot sore. It relieved and surprised her both that so much had escaped her senses until now.

"What the hell." Arnold's eloquent summarize of what he witnessed brought Yukino's attention back to him "How in the bloody heavens did you do that?!"

"This is not the time." Yukino suppressed a groan from her hurting limbs. It'd be worse tomorrow, she knew. But they needed to get to safety for the day to arrive.

"Highness! We're ready!" Lancelot came back, when had he departed? What about Charlotte? Those were a lot of their classmates in tow "Let's go!"

He didn't pay attention, his focus wholly on Yukino instead. On an aware, and now focused Yukino who reacted quicker than he did.

"If the healing is done then bring the knights to encircle those who are still unwell. Did we send someone out already?" Ignoring the prince, Yukino turned to the people behind Lancelot.

"Some of the commoners ran away before!" One of the girls yelled full of contempt "They abandoned us!"

"Good." Yukino nodded "Then there's no need to split further." They wanted to protest her words, yet Yukino didn't have time for petty squabble "If they ran off before then they'll get to the meeting point fast. Which means reinforcements will surely come. Now move. We will rendezvous with them ahead, so we have to clear as much distance as we can." There is no way in hell they'd let the marquis heirs and the crown prince get hurt in such a place at such a time. Yukino knew so long they kept moving they'd get out of this mess sooner or later, and she intended to make it as soon as possible "Knights, around the students! We will march this way so the nobles can engage the beasts with their spells! Knights, only engage if the beasts get too close to the formation!"

The knights were older, more experienced men that had been drilled into their positions. They recognized the head of the chain of command when they saw them, and began herding the students among their less numerous ranks to fulfill the only orders being issued to hold the situation.

"Students, on alert." Yukino stared at Marcus, who simply nodded in acknowledgement and seized the prince to start moving "Fire to your own discretion. Do not let any beast come close to the ring of knights. Now, advance!"

Her legs hurt, as did her chest and arms. Yukino frowned at the hurt and pushed through to dictate the pace at the center of the haphazardly made circle.

"Those who can carry people do it!" Lancelot barked at his classmates "Those who can still heal do it immediately!"

"Stay close!" Charlotte picked the momentum after Lancelot to join her own voice "Help those that carry people! We won't go anywhere if you tire!"

The prince being dragged, didn't offer his own orders. He wanted to talk, opening his mouth only to close it soon after. Yukino stopped paying him attention as she picked up a hurried chant.

Dark creatures sprung out of the woods. Magic soared through the air to crash at the first to show themselves, but the others leaped out of harm's way before more of the students could pick up what was happening.

"Link arms with someone seeing ahead! Do not let them get close!" Yukino turned her own attention to the beasts, clasping the prince from the neck of his uniform to avoid toppling over while aiming.

"Come." The spirits rolled into her waiting palm. She didn't have time to figure out Vincent's advice. She only knew they would listen, that they were aware. Yukino could only hope they were also inclined to cooperate "Like the bottom of the sea! As wrathful as thunder! Soar and ravage! Now!" The spirits congregated as Yukino recited her made up chant. They pierced through the fabrics of reality to accommodate the spell she was trying to fire.

Her magic surged forwards. Clearing the distance between her and the monsters almost instantly. Yukino saw her intentions conveyed at least partially as the water column collapsed the body of beasts under the pressure it released.

Had it been how she intended, the monsters would have been pulverized by the condensed surge of water. The bottom of the ocean had that much pressure. She knew for a fact nothing short of some bullshit super magical lifeform could survive all those Newtons crashing on their body. It needed practice, but at least she knew it could be done.

Yukino gathered mana in her other palm, ready to throw the magic out the moment the last flickered out of existence "Once more!" The spirits answered a bit faster this time, simply doing the same they had done before. Yukino called for her mana in the palm she had used at first. Her support from the crown prince forgotten as quickly as she had come up with the idea.

Her control was imperfect, the execution poorly performed, but she was ready.
Event: The Steep Path Ahead (Part 2)
The fight quickly devolved into a hasty retreat the moment the first students were bitten and dragged out of the encirclement by quick bestial jaws that retreated before the knights could pull their swords through the thick fur that encompassed their sinister forms.

From the beginning, the formation was just a makeshift replacement for a proper plan. Haphazardly put together, it wasn't meant to hold for long, but to do so just long enough for Yukino to pull her thoughts in order. Yet, she misunderstood the situation. She couldn't just expect everyone to keep a cool mind and await instructions, these weren't Japanese people, and even the Japanese would find it difficult to keep their composure while their lives were in danger.

The creatures were big and scary. Wolf-like creatures with maws that resembled more those of horses in length than of their own canine nature. Jagged fangs threatened along the low guttural growls the beasts released while a mixture of thick saliva and blood slid from between teeth and snout. Yukino had never seen dogs this big. They looked more like bear-dogs, ancient creatures from the Eocene period if Yukino remembered right. These creatures were apex predators in their time, and although these ones couldn't have been taller than her chest height on four limbs, Yukino wasn't counting on them not being able to raise to two.

How, or why they existed in this world was beyond her understanding. Yukino's mind would have come to an absolute blank if it wasn't because those pitch-black creatures were ready to mow down through her classmates to devour them all.

Right. As expected of this world. Her situation doesn't make sense at all.

"Keep moving." Yukino's breath was caught between her own painful heart beats and the drowning panic of the students. The effort to draw enough breath to her lungs to shout making her eyes water a little "Move!" They did, in different directions. Making the encirclement bob like a just-blown bubble before deciding to move away from the threat.

It bought the beasts a moment to take down one of the dozen or so knights still around. The protective perimeter becoming thinner the moment one of the swordsmen wasn't in position anymore.

Not enough. She didn't have nearly enough control over the situation. She needed more. A moment of respite to get a hold of everyone.

A few spells were launched. The beasts were agile and pounced around them to cover the distance of their marching prey. The knights did their best to cover for their lost teammate and struck sure to kill in single blows the approaching monsters, using their own momentum to make every stab, every swing be a killing blow.

Not enough. Not nearly enough. The beasts were many and they were growing bolder by the minute, the hesitation that the first bombardment of spells bought fading away quicker than expected. They were savage creatures, sure. But they shouldn't have been this recklessly ravenous… Right?

"Highness!" Yukino managed to hear. The knight fired words rapidly, which in the middle of the chaos were close to nonsensical gibberish. Yukino barely understood the contents, a request to move away to protect the prince. Such a thing was understandable, the knights had a duty, the lives of the students secondary to it. But in the middle of this? It simply drove home just how dire the situation was.

Yukino reeled from the metaphorical slap, her mind pointing back to what she could do. She didn't remember any spells, she just wasn't familiar enough with any to be of assistance under pressure, yet she found the spirits ready to come to aid her.

"Halt them!" She raised a hand she had used to keep her classmates at bay, allowing them to crash onto her already hurting body when she made way for them. It almost cleared her thoughts out of the task at hand. She reached out, and the spirits answered her call.

The spell didn't look like anything she had casted before. The spirits travelled in their inorganic form, heedless of the laws of physics as they phased through any obstacle to place themselves between the people and the beasts.

The water spirits froze the very air the next moment. A solid wall of pure white rose before leaping beasts to have their snouts crash against its solid form. There were roars that could have either been of panic or of anger. One couldn't be sure. Those who had cleared the distance before the spell did turn to witness their pack mates behind the wall with threatening growls at the alien structure.

The knights swiftly struck the monsters nearby, only to bark orders to keep retreating when the next moment more poured from the edges of the wall.

Yukino's reaction was to drive spirits to build a second one on those edges, a bit closer to them to halt the advances of the beasts that had already circled around it. It'd have been funny if these things hadn't butchered a knight in full armor plate and some of her fellow students moments before. She could have felt satisfaction if the walls were big enough to buy them more than a couple of seconds.

Her sweat felt cold against her scalp. Her options were running thin and she knew it.

"Keep fighting." Yukino grabbed at the collar of a weeping student just to her right "We have mana, we can still fight."

"We're going to die!" Came the screech of a girl that had long given up on her fate.

"No, no we're not." Yukino's voice came almost as a whisper. She couldn't breathe against the phantom pains of her injuries and the pressure of her fellows' owns. She couldn't keep rattling orders because her voice wouldn't reach these people. She could only fight and set an example for them to follow.

Well, then.



Yukino lucked out of a reaching hand that threatened to pull her back into the formation. She leaped away from knights to get out of the mass of frightened bodies and neurosis. Her lungs almost thanked her for the fresh air that followed, her nerves were screeching for her to get back in the middle of the meat shields she had. She paid them both no mind.

"Come!" Yukino called for the spirits. Out of protection and in the open, with dozens and dozens of blood-red hungry pupils trained on her the emotions that called for them to wreak havoc so many times in the past were flashing like a lighthouse in a clear night sky.

How many times had she tried to suppress them? How many times had she wished she could just rule her emotions in to stop the magic from destroying her bedroom every time she dreamed of a silent evening with tea and barbed comments along her friends? Too many to count, too many to bother recalling.

But there and then? She would use an unwieldy weapon instead of none at all.

"Come." Beasts leapt to meet her. Claws reaching and maws open wide as if to swallow her whole. She raised a hand in response, an orb of water whirling like a whirlpool had been planted in its midst. She did not launch the spell, but instead detonated it. The water exploded outwards and into the wanting limbs of nightmarish beasts. Pressurized bullets of arcane liquid were propelled like magic shrapnel by the violence of Yukino's spell.

It found little resistance in the thick fur of the beasts. Yukino ducked, and behind her landed deflated bodies of dead monsters, turned on themselves as the inner structure of their bodies could no longer hold them as solidly while pulverized by Yukino's water shotgun.

A trained magician would have frowned at the graceless way she waved around her magic.

Yukino? Yukino did it again when the other beasts hesitated to throw themselves at her like the ones before them. A grin firmly planting itself in her face at the small leverage she bought.

How small it mattered little. That was all she had ever needed to turn tides in her favor.

"Get away!" She shouted, vigor running through her veins as fast as her hammering heart "I'll hold them back! Shoot a signal! Regroup! Just go!" She shot the group she had left speechless a vicious glare. She could hardly make out even the howls of defiance against the blood rushing behind her ears but she knew they weren't listening.

Perhaps it was the prospect of being shot in the face the same way as the monsters that sprung the knights into action. Perhaps it was an unheard signal or command from within the formation. Whatever it was it put the group in motion again. That was all that mattered.

The momentary shift of her attention made the growing number of beasts bolder. They leapt again, and again they crashed against an ice wall. This time casted right in front of the recklessly bold girl. This time covered by spikes as long as the younger trees around them but just thick enough to support their dangling bodies when they impaled themselves against the fortification.

Yukino did not need them to keep flinching with her every move, so she melted the wall and commanded the spirits to compact the rushing water and detonate them into point-blank shotguns that ate away even at the previous walls she had erected.

The gore that resulted was far from pretty. The forest she once marveled at got covered in the innards of horrible creatures and the steep path her group had travelled through turned crimson from the death she brought onto the savage horde in front of her.

She should have been horrified at what she was doing. She could only chuckle in satisfaction.

For every beast she brought down, for every howl of pain that ceased to be by her martial prowess, her satisfaction grew. Yukino should have felt nauseous of the smell of blood and freshly exposed organs around her. She could only meet the screeches with orders to the spirits accompanying her.

Because, for every monster she killed with her magic, there was a moment of distress she vindicated. Every spell that successfully connected, every shape she managed to pull off, was a drowned cry consoled. Every time she bent the spirits to her will was a moment pulling herself together to face her new life not spent in vain.

After about a decade of telling herself to be fine. To be strong for her new family and her new responsibilities, she finally felt the reins returning to her. Not by the knowledge she had brought with her, nor the memories that plagued her dreams. But by her own stubborn will of living her new life in spite of it all.

At long last, Yukino was feeling that─I WilL bRInG THiS wOrLD to iTs kNEes AnD bEg FoR MY foRgIvENEsSssSSSssSSSs!
















─She was getting back at the world that had wronged her for so long. Her heart screamed as such. At least, until the bear came around and knocked the walls that had held firm against her relentless assault.
Event: The Steep Path Ahead (Vincent)
The pillar of flame that rose from the horizon was as good a sign of alarm as any.

Only the royal family and their most powerful retainers could create so great a blaze. The same royal retainers that came from it but did not inherit the throne. Turning instead into elite guards, magicians and similar stations short of being marquis-tier in authority.

The citizens of the Gran Flamm kingdom knew since birth that it was to the greatest wielders of the fire attribute that they owned their loyalty and obedience. It was so ingrained that it couldn't be called anything but common sense.

Vincent Woodville knew this well enough. And when the signal was received from his side of the forest, he could do nothing but order everyone to keep moving and engulf himself and the knights stationed along his class in the wind attribute to aid their charge into the waiting presence of the crown prince.

"Lord! Please stay back!" One of the knights pleaded as the young lord rushed to the front of the soldiers. Aided further by his magic, the knights couldn't win in speed as the magic that allowed them the speed they were managing also came from him.

"Nonsense. The spell would not hold for enough time." Vincent aided his voice with the wind instead of wasting breath in raising it "Hold fast. We might be diving into a bad situation." For the heir apparent to request aid in spite of the guardsmen stationed to protect him, it really was a dire situation. The howling in the distance didn't help disperse the unease creeping through his back.

"Lord!" The noise made the knight refocus into the task at hand. Better than arguing and wasting time, he supposed. Resignation would have to do in place of conviction for now.

Yukino. In a corner of his mind, his focus was not on the heir of his kingdom. Capable. Not enough to hold for long. Lacking in stamina and endurance.

He had not been born with this knowledge, nor did it exist anyone in this world with a name as strange as "Yukinoshita Yukino". Yet he knew this. He knew in his heart the commoner girl known as Maria Theodore knew similar things and held similar memories to his own.

Prince Arnold is better suited for closer-ranged magic. In the metaphorical opposite corner of his mind, his thought recalled what he knew of the heir apparent. In danger. He learned of this as he grew up. The information in his memory rang true with the reality of this world, yet he knew these memories were not truer than those not rooted in this world. Deep within his heart, he understood his existence was far from natural.

And through these thoughts, another name came up. His own. One he had not been born with in this world.

Hurry up. Both sides agreed. Equally as eager to leap to his fellows' aid. Both equally as scared. Both equally as ready to crush the hesitation ruthlessly. Both done with giving up for most of his life.

It hadn't been this easy at first. He had lived a dual life with conflicting morals and memories. Had seen the world through different tinted lenses until the similarities allowed both to unite and become a cohesive unit.

Like the lobotomy experiments. Both sides of the brain could live while separated, aware of the other yet unable to connect. He didn't know what to do with that information when the other half was more independent. He hadn't known how to feel about that sort of information being available in the other world so readily.

But it wasn't all that bad. Vincent learned to put his feelings aside and meet everyone's scorn with a pleasant smile. He realized his worth and reigned the need to keep everyone happy in. He could be better, so he became better. He found ways to improve his skills, so he did. Found himself better suited to fulfill his duties so he fulfilled them and more.

Yet he still found himself wanting.

He knew it wouldn't be enough. That his heart would crave for more. Both sides complemented each other in a weird way. One that made the two halves whole, yet did not fill in the void in his heart he knew not how to fill.

No longer was it whispered words of scorn in his own household. No longer could people that didn't know a thing refuse his rightful position due to a lack of nobility. It made him laugh now, the very idea. But not because he found the notion silly. Not entirely at least. He understood it, at least a half of him did. The other accepted it, even if didn't agree. Nor could he say he still wanted to shoulder that responsibility.

Not any more than he wanted to see Ariel married off to someone she had barely met, at least.

"We're clo─!" The knight kept his words in his throat when a demonic wolf leaped to meet them. It leapt off a tree and bounced off to land right behind the makeshift squad running "Wah!"

Other wolves appeared, these two sorted them out like obstacles needing clearing. The visage was so bizarre the people stopped dead in their tracks and stared dumbly and the fleeing demonic beasts.

"Well, that's not ominous or anything." Vincent's comment would have earned him evil eyes if the knights hadn't been as confused and spooked as he was.

They're going in the direction of the class. He belatedly realized.

"…Let's hurry." The knight in charge turned around, probably thinking what Vincent did but tried to divert their attention from the subject "There are still knights stationed along the road. Milord, please bestow us your aid once more."

Oh, so there were countermeasures still in place? Good to know.

"Indeed." Vincent took the opportunity to raise his blade. A sword passed down from the heir of the Windhill household to the next in a ceremony exclusive to the family "Lend us the grace of the wind. Let our movements be graceful and swift."

The spirits answered and surrounded all of them. Reinforcing the abilities with Vincent's attribute to let them surpass them for a while. A buff, if there is one in this world.

"Let's go!"

They cleared the distance even quicker than before. Now certain something had gone horribly wrong. But the uncertainty of what and how was eating them all from the inside.

If something had happened to the Heir Apparent… Their lives would not be spared.

"Highness!" They found their fellow knights as soon as they got out of the woods and into the middle road. They were battered in blood and sweat. The students they were protecting shaken and ready to lash out at the first unexpected movement.

The prince quickly got to them, almost out of breath. His knight close by in a stance ready to unleash his blade.

"Where is Maria?" Once seeing the boy was fine, Vincent's priorities moved on on the list.

"Lord Vincent!" One of the knights tried to make him back off, but the young lord paid him no mind.

"Highness?" Normally he wouldn't be so direct. That was Yukino's thing. But abnormal circumstances yield abnormal results, and he could always ask for forgiveness later.

"Miss Theodore…" The prince's face twisted in an expression of pain. Vincent had half his mind ready to slap some sense into him. The other would have yelled at the first if it could. Their difference becoming dizzying for Vincent's consciousness "She stayed."

No sooner than the prince said that, Vincent sprung in a gale of wind.

"Wait!" No, no he wouldn't. Not even for the prince. Vincent ate terrain with each leap. Made sure to fuel his magic as much mana as he could get away with.

"Lord Vincent!" The knights he had imbued with his spell were close by. Lancelot holding for dear life by the neck of one of them. Vincent would have laughed, but Yukino's life was more important.

When he found her, she was alive. But that could change at any moment.

The beast in front of her was a bear, or at least looked like one. The side of him rooted in this world had never seen one; the otherworldly side had, if only on "TV". Its crimson red fur made it look like grizzly bear, except its claws were more like those of a pangolin and its size closer to that of a moose, but who's here to tell?

Several ice lances clung to its fur, but it didn't seem to mind them. Most ended up breaking out of it by its every movement with its powerful limbs. They only held because the girl fighting it kept launching slings of water only to freeze them as they impacted its massive frame. Perhaps in an attempt to stall its movements.

"What the hell is that…?" Lancelot's dumbfounded voice didn't even register in Vincent's mind. The boy was already thinking of a way of aiding the girl without putting his own neck in line.

Cowardly, perhaps. But no one could reproach him trying to help smartly.

"That, Lancelot," Vincent called for his spirits. They surrounded his blade like a small tornado to add the wind's own cutting power to the blade's edge "Is a thing that has to die."

Vincent leapt into action. Maria reacted, taking her attention off the monster in front of her with surprise written all over her face. Vincent would have yelled for her to not get distracted if there were time. Instead, he threw himself to roll on the ground in time to have a sling of pulsing water fly past his head and amputate a tree out of its roots cleanly and used his momentum to keep running.

He swung his blade downwards, and the wind answered by releasing a crescent rush of wind to crash on the roaring beast.

It staggered, but his spell failed to go through.

"Dammit." The paw that answered his attack was bigger than his head, the claws sharp as metal blades. Vincent managed to roll out of the way and get another wind attack in before the beast could recover.

Maria used the distraction to pummel it with pressurized water, showering the beast in a sort of violence that would have left a man as nothing more than pieces of itself. The girl breathed in a lungful of air, sweat getting solid as she created a field of ice where the beast couldn't stand properly and tried again.

It dug its claws into the ground to keep itself rigid, breaking the ice with its massive weight in the process, but every moment it clung to the ground was a moment it wasn't attacking.

Their spells might be dealing chip damage, but the beast was a single individual, even if its claws could break through armor and barricades like butter. With Maria dealing punishment from afar, Vincent had the opportunity to get a bit closer and use his razor winds effectively. And, when the beast tried to go for Vincent, Maria would punish it by freezing its limbs and pummeling on its spine as hard as she could.

Vincent could use longer ranged spells, but his expertize turned out to be towards closer quarters.

With his blood pounding behind his ears, and the life of the girl fighting alongside his own on the line, he didn't have time for clever stratagems or fancy wind arrows that would still not penetrate the beast's thick frame. They needed to avoid injury. So long as they lived, other things were irrelevant. It might be stronger, but humanity's endurance far surpassed that of any other creatures.

Anything could be stronger, faster, deadlier. But none would be able to keep it up the way humans did. Eventually, they'd get tired and give up.

Like Maria was doing.

"Yukino! Hang in there!" Vincent blew the girl with a spell back, throwing her closer to the knights before the bear could crush her skull with its powerful jaws.

Vincent used the wind to jump several meters into the air and release a barrage of circling wind arrows to drill on the back of the bear.

He landed closer to the uselessly standing guardsmen in time to lend a hand to the girl to stand up.

"Y-You." Her bloodied face couldn't hide her surprise. The watering of her eyes evident even as her features conveyed nothing but physical hurt and her right eye was closed off by the swelling on that side "…How?"

"Not the time." Vincent frowned. He couldn't even think of healing her because the bear-like monster charged them the next instant.

"Incoming!" Right. It was ready for round three. They weren't.
Yukino. In a corner of his mind, his focus was not on the heir of his kingdom. Capable. Not enough to hold for long. Lacking in stamina and endurance.
Huh. Well, that's an early reveal-ish? Although I guess Yukino being Yukino might have trouble carrying a story like this on her own.
Event: The Steep Path Ahead (Charlotte)
For Charlotte, Maria's appearance in the marquis group had been a real bother from the beginning.

Not directly because of her, mind you. The girl had a grace that most nobles simply lacked. She presented herself in a way that befits someone of Charlotte's own station better than that of a commoner.

Again, nothing wrong with it. Really, people could begin raising their standards and take the commoner as example. For a lady raised by a marquis house, most students simply lacked in etiquette in comparison to even the servants tending to the house.

The problem began with Lancelot, followed by the girl's appearance in whispered conversations and even the teachers began showing her on a pedestal as time went by.

Sure, the girl had both looks and brains. Sure, she has the black hair that is the proof of someone having an outstanding magic aptitude. But Charlotte would be hard pressed to say she deserved the attention she got. Not because of jealousy, but because something was at work, and the commoner girl was in the center of all that.

It wouldn't be hard to figure out. Incurring favor like that was the daily bread in the world of nobility. If the girl was looking to raise her station by incurring Lancelot's favor she would have understood. The problem being, she made her absolute best to avoid the young heir. And whispers were shut down, good or bad alike, whenever she caught them. Maria simply acted against her own benefit, even gaining the ill will of some of the people that thought like Charlotte did and tried to take advantage of the fact.

That should have been the end of it, but she caught Arnold's temporary guard, Marcus, stealing glances in her direction whenever they crossed paths. Maria, always the polite lady, greeted them according to their noble status. Flawless etiquette except for the evident emptiness of her words. Her eyes, ever the brighter blue, spoke volumes about how little she thought of them. It felt like the girl did not distinguish between Charlotte's friends and the walls of the schools. She did not respect them, but treated them more like a royal jester: A person humoring the ruler to appease him.

That she did not respect them was like a slap on the face, an unthinkable fact presented in front of Charlotte to break the walls that her upbringing erected. Why that would be was alien to the young lady, and it bothered to no end.

That is, until the cold facts hit her face with the subtly of a brick crashing on a window.

"Lancelot!" Prince Arnold tried to reach for the young heir as he clung to a wind-enhanced knight running after Vincent.

The Windhill heir had brushed them with his gaze in a frenzy. His eyes softening as he saw they were as unharmed as they could after what happened, and sharpened once more when he inquired about Maria.

Charlotte had met Vincent but a few occasions. The boy had grown out of the petty, fat kid he used to be. Had she not seen him across the halls of the Academy, Charlotte would have had a hard time imagine the young man that appeared in their time of peril, dashing into danger with his entourage of knights at his back.

That dashing, blonde nobleman leaping to aid the commoner. To aid that… That monster.

The noble girl had seen magic before. Had met Lancelot while he practiced, had sparred against him and even his highness Arnold as they grew up. She had witnessed the royal sorcerers conjuring arcane power in showcases of might, and once saw the king show his son the power meant to protect the Kingdom. She had seen noble people wield the might of the elements, and it had showed their pride, elegance, brilliance and willpower.

Maria's magic was like a dark reflection of those virtues.

The girl's mana bristled like an angry ocean, ready to crush the mightiest ships and sink them into its depths. Her spells ran like the tides amidst the storm. Without rhyme or reason. They simply crashed into the monsters, brilliant only in the sheer brutality being displayed. Her answer to the savage beasts giving chase was more savagery, but ever the scarier because her brutality was targeted, planned. Her spells twisted in midair, curved themselves to seek and destroy the targets like possessed birds of prey diving into animals that were too strong for them, knowing their velocity would kill them, but would also hurt their prey.

At some point, the girl stopped chanting. Choosing instead to twist and expel mana to create her water spells as if she was flexing her arms.

Her black hair did not explain this extreme amount of control over her magic. Charlotte's mind boggled at the thought of this girl, who so far had barely managed to conjure anything, being this skilled in her control over magic. It simply did not make sense. This level of proficiency exceeded even the royal sorcerers if only in the control department…


"We have to aid them!" Arnold told the knights that were urging him to keep retreating. Charlotte would have joined her voice to theirs if she hadn't been rendered mute by the revelation she got when her life suddenly was in no danger anymore "If Vincent went, then it is my responsibility to do so as well! What kind of ruler sends his servants to die in his stead? A good commander leads his people from the front!" Or so he said. Charlotte would have not complained if he had led them to safety instead.

Then again, Vincent had gone…

She shook her head.

"We can hear the howls no longer." Charlotte spoke, getting Arnold's attention by her determination alone "We can draw a perimeter with our magic. If there are less monsters, we should be able to defeat them."

"They are dead already." The knight replied, and Charlotte could see even Marcus recoil "Lord Windhill went with knights, they should at least bring…"

"I won't let my people die." The knight's words backfired, prompting the young prince to act "Whoever feels like this is too dangerous, is free to go. I will not begrudge your decision to preserve your life to serve another day. But I ask you, believe in me. If we all work together we can challenge destiny itself! No mere beasts will force the future watchers of the Gran Flamm Kingdom to run away!" He took his blade and unsheathed it. Like Vincent's, it was a blade forged with special materials and an arcane method. It could bring these beasts down in one swing if it was wielded correctly. Maybe even the creature Maria was fighting, but getting up close to that was simply too dangerous.

Still, the sentiment was enough for most of the students. Whose upbringing prevented them from not following Arnold. Charlotte saw him once more behaving like the rightful future ruler of the kingdom and her chest felt tight with emotion.

"Let us go!"

His authority was different from Maria's. Whereas she had crushed the people's wills and replaced them with her own, Arnold's authority was earned. Charlotte believed this, but couldn't help feel like the reaction was different. People hesitated even as Arnold finished his speech. The hype of the people agreeing soothing those who still wondered but not convincing them altogether. Maria left no room for such hesitation. Her iron voice bent the nobles' common sense and made them obey. Her orders were carried with the authority of a ruler. She simply held herself that high.

The students encountered more beasts, fleeing beasts that is. Charlotte couldn't fault them. She too, would be scared if she had been in the receiving end of the commoner girl's magic assault. For the briefest moment, when she glared at them with viciousness oozing off her eyes, prompting them to go, Charlotte had feared for her life.

The scenery they found gave her no peace of mind.

The beast looked like something right out of a nightmare. Gigantic, with grotesquely long claws and fangs. The pieces of a broken wolf still clinging to one of them. Its crimson fur showed the world how many times it had bathed in the gore of its fallen victims, its eye shinning like a star above the beastly snout showing its teeth. The right eye was gone, replaced by a gaping hole that could have room when a fist went through it. It looked hurt but very much alive and pissed.

Vincent looked thoroughly beaten. Covered in sweat and blood, he panted heavily because of the effort he made since he gallantly dashed to help. His clothes were slightly thorn, but he remained relatively unharmed. The blood was most likely of beasts he slayed.

Maria was a different matter altogether. She looked like a war maiden. Her uniform thorn there were the beasts had managed to glance her with their claws in the initial assault. Blood clung to her clothes and skin alike, giving her a mysterious beauty as Charlotte realized she was uninjured. Mostly. She must have spared magic to heal herself as she got hurt. It was a reasonable assumption after witnessing the frenzy she unleashed onto the horde. Maria's beauty was not tarnished by her ravaged appearance. Her body language did the trick.

Heavy breathings like those of a dying man. Her two feet barely holding her weight as she did her best to remain upright and failed utterly at it. The girl was at death's doorsteps. Alive and sensate by virtue of an astronomical miracle after spending so much energy fighting nonstop.

Of course, Maria was only human. No matter how talented she was, the beasts were too many to fight alone.

The knights had come to their aid, but they had done very little. A few of them were dead already. The tip of one's blade clinging to the fur of the beast, the rest of the weapon laid prone along its wielder, both broken.

"Lancelot!" Arnold urged his fellow heir to join the ranks. The defending knights cried in alarm once they saw the heir apparent once more behind them.

"Why are you here?!" Vincent demanded with the little willpower he still had "Run!"

"I will leave no one behind." The prince announced "Now, nobles! Fire at your own discretion!"

Chants began. The beast charged. It was stopped by an ice lance growing out of the ground. Maria.

"Get them over here!" The prince ordered his knight as he joined the incoming spells.

Charlotte herself conjured holes in the ground. She saw the lance collapse on the beast's weight alone. Her earth walls would not only not stop it, but would hinder the spells of her compatriots.

"Keep firing!" Marcus leapt for Maria. He took her in his arms like the heroes of legend and lucked out of the monster's claw by mere inches. He circled around it, taking advantage of it covering its face from the worst of the spell barrage. It could not see Charlotte's waiting traps and got its limbs stuck. The noble girl quickly chanted to close the traps to buy more time for the twenty or so nobles firing nonstop.

"Keep firing!" Marcus found Vincent and helped him stand in spite of having the girl in his arms, mindful of not dropping her. The Windhill heir used a spell to aid their movements and quickly dove into the woods to avoid the spells and the beast both.

"Fire!" The knights ran to the opposite side of the beast. The creature now in the middle of some sort of pincer attack. Charlotte urged the earth users to help trap the creature and leave the attacks to their classmates.

"Keep going!" The knights used the massive body of the creature to shield themselves from the spells. They used the opportunities Charlotte's holes brought them to pierce the creature's hide when it couldn't defend. A few remained in front of the students, but they too were ready to leap into action at any moment.

The thing fell. The World smiled as it had accomplished its goals, so it cut the students some slack and allowed them to inch their way into victory.

The thing wanted to stand again. The students pummeled it from above, not giving it any respite. It trashed its way free of the earth, only to sink deeper. Its movements more sluggish, with less vigor.

"Highness!" Lancelot pointed at the thing's missing eye amidst his chant. It got so deep into the earth that its jaw got trapped in it. The combined efforts of the earth mages keeping it from closing it in spite of its powerful jaws.

"On it!" Arnold surged forwards, his fire engulfing his blade like the weapon of an angry god. His feet were aided by the wind, Vincent suddenly close by as both nobles charged the trapped creature.

It saw them coming and got its maw out of the earth. A sickening snap heralding the loss of some of the muscles that gave it mobility. Vincent's answer to the sudden movements was to get them higher. His wind blade crashed on its snout and the noble landed on its neck.

His blade pierced fur and muscle. The creature howled in pain for the first time after Maria gouged its eye.

Arnold landed his blade in its empty socket. Bathing its innards with the mighty flame of the Gran Flamm ruler. The fire detonated like a lightning bolt had struck the beast, melting its tender inner layers.

It fell for the second and last time, dead.

The main event of the trip had come to its conclusion.
Cutscene: The First Step
Sensation returned to Yukino one at a time. First her eyes opened and the world spun in flashes of white. Then tact, she felt the blankets of her bed and the wind on her face. Then her hearing, though she could hardly distinguish coherent words with background noise. She didn't register when she could smell the clean out of the room, but she did realize the metallic taste in her dry mouth.

"Ah." A woman dressed like a nurse stopped in her tracks once she noticed Yukino staring "You're finally awake."

"I noticed." Yukino held back the sarcasm as much as she could in her confused state. It went as well as one would expect "Where am I?" She read about this very scene several times already. Always thought people should know better than to recite this very exchange every time this scene played out. Now in the situation, though. Yukino could only recite the only lines that came to mind "How much time was I asleep?"

"The Academy's health quarters." The nurse replied sternly "Your injuries were inconsequential, but you spent a lot of mana out there."

Inconsequential? She didn't feel sore anywhere, true. Yukino could even say she felt really good except for the grogginess plaguing her mind.

"I… See."

"May I ask a question?" The nurse fidgeted with the end of her skirt, not looking at Yukino directly "I don't mean to trespass, or anything. I'm but a servant working for milady in this academy. But if you were to answer just one doubt this one has in her mind…"

Ooookay. That was new.

"What is it?" The nurse's nervousness was contagious, it seems. Yukino could feel herself beginning to sweat. Why, she wasn't sure. But only her employees would act like this. And only when delivering bad news to boot.

"May I ask who you are? The children of house Aqusmea, Fatillas and even the Crown Prince came to see if milady was alright. I can't help but wonder, and the people in the know say milady is the child of a baron. You see how this doesn't make too much sense…"

The marquis heirs? Now that's the definition of bad news. It's one thing to have Lancelot having a crush on Yukino. It's a different matter entirely to have all of the Marquis heirs snooping in her business.

The nobles never like when people get too much power by their own effort. They grow resentful and jealous of what their name alone can't get them, the satisfied faces of those who earned what they have make their stomach turn in hot-red agony. She remembered clearly the lord of the city the Theodore state is located in getting in her way time and again as she "usurped" his power by actually doing something good for Marren*. He even followed his harassments once she began settling down restaurants and warehouses in the capital proper, prompting other nobles to act as if they were thugs protecting their turf.

A bit of digging would get her the resources to blackmail the man into submission, no doubt. But Yukino simply lacked the materials and people to do it. Perhaps Joseph could arrange people, but even the man is human. It'd be a long shot to infiltrate and snoop around to find a nobleman's skeletons.

Yukino doesn't quite remember how the saying goes, but she won't give up. It'll come out of her memories one day, and she'll use it to its full extent then.

"It is unbecoming of a servant of such an exalted institution to engage in rumors like this."

"Please forgive me, milady. I shouldn't have─."

"What they say is true, though." Yukino sat up, using the pillow to rest her back on the bed's frame comfortably.

"Don't tell me, you are…!"

"Nothing more than a Baron's daughter." Yukino stated before the nurse got carried away. She couldn't begin to imagine what wild speculations could be born in a world of magic beasts and sorcery, but going by the insults spread through the students, Yukino decided she didn't want know "Though I admit. I am too beautiful for my own good."

"Ah…" The nurse's face was a milkshake of emotions "That's, huh… That might be true, milady." She commented in that tone of voice people use to humor others so they can move on from a topic. Yukino did not blame her. Even Hikigaya-kun had a hard time facing this simple fact, so she would not expect someone from this world to understand her predicament.

The woman would never face a dirty old man with power offering riches and lands for her hand or sink her into ruin if she dared refusing. Yukino didn't wish this for anyone, not even this unscrupulous nurse.

Yukino now turned to the past and lamented never having assured Hikigaya-kun she did not mean to call him a sexual predator. It was one of the things that, in retrospective, weighted the heaviest among the things she should have done.

"I-In any case! I will notify them of your awakening immediately! Please, rest for a bit more…"


"Eh? Well, the health staff. Of course." Yukino narrowed her eyes. Something sounded fishy in the way she worded it.

"Who are you going to notify?" Yukino's voice made clear she did not want to repeat herself a second time.

"U-Ummm…" The nurse shrunk under her glare. Seems like however many days she was out didn't affect her edge "T-The Crown Prince requested to be notified of…"

"Don't do it." Suddenly, the bed wasn't as comfortable as before "I shall rest in my own bedroom. You can notify him once I've left."


"Did I stutter? Or are you unable to understand simple commands? Please, go get your ears checked if you can hear me clearly." Yukino freed herself from the blanket and realized she was wearing a white gown that went down to her knees "…Huh?"

She looked at the nurse, her previous line of thought returning with a vengeance.

"Who dressed me?" Yukino's cold voice was more of abject horror than anger.

"T-The female servants helped changing milady into more comfortable clothes." The nurse's words calmed Yukino a lot. At least, her fears were unfounded this time.

"Come to think of it. You did not tell me how much time I was out." Yukino tried moving on to allow her thoughts out of the dark spot they were in.

"Just a couple of days, milady. The excursion was in the evening three days before." That didn't sound right, but Yukino wasn't in the mood to correct her.

Besides, there were more pressing matters she needed to attend to.

"I see."

"W-Wait, please!"

"No, can do." Yukino could clearly remember the scene.

Vincent Woodville calling out for her. Not for Maria Theodore, but for Yukinoshita Yukino. A name she thought would remain buried for the rest of her life. Her original, real, name. The name of the Sobu school girl that went to sleep and woke up to a strange land with magic and centuries back in innovation. She knew not what happened to her previous body. Had it ceased to be alive or was there a Yukinoshita Yukino hanging out with Yuigahama and Hikigaya out there? Was her body now a simple automaton? Whatever the answer, Yukino only knew that person had ceased to be the moment her name became Maria Theodore, and yet…

And yet, after years of having given up that name. After so much time, someone used it. Without having been used for close to a decade, it now was said from a person Yukino had never had contact with before.

It could only mean one thing, and one thing alone. It filled her with a strange emotion. Yukino couldn't describe it, but was unbearable. She needed to go to him. To question about the nature of his existence, because that person was someone she had known. In her… Their original world. In these very halls was another person from Japan, one she knew about.

She just couldn't sit idly knowing the miracle had happened at long last.

"Ah, I see you're awake." The door opened before Yukino could reach for it "Though I believe, you shouldn't be up and about yet, Miss Aria."

"Highness!" Prince Arnold allowed himself in followed by Lancelot and Charlotte. The royal's knight, who had opened the door, closed it behind him and remained behind the nobles. He had a mysterious expression, one of mixed feelings Yukino couldn't grasp.

Yukino was not one for smiles, but she could feel the eagerness drain from her face and twisting her expression closer to the despair she was feeling.

Not this. Not them. Not now, please.

The nurse, who had unhelpfully announced his arrival, excused herself and left in a hurry. Yukino wanted to be that woman. To half-heartedly explain she needed to go to the medical staff and run for dear life to avoid these people that insisted on consuming her time ineffectually. Yukino was actually quite surprised when the spirits didn't become "noisy" with the emotions she was feeling.

"I keep telling you, her name is Maria. Not Aria." Lancelot scoffed. They didn't seem to pay her any mind. Which bothered Yukino a lot, since they apparently had come to see her.

To waste her time.

"When she presented herself, she called herself Aria. So Aria she is." Prince Arnold coughed on his fist, looking perturbed about the situation. Yukino did not remember the meeting, and she didn't care about it at the moment either.

She needed to go, as soon as possible. Sooner than that, even.

"…Lords." Yukino gritted her teeth and bowed. Trying to psychically move them aside would not help matters, so she chose to try and hurry things along "You didn't have to come just to see me." She really didn't want them to either. So there is that.

"You held back a horde of Ebon Wolves, it kind of merits the visit." Marcus crossed his arm and rested his back on the wall. His serious expression didn't match the sass in his voice.

"Not taking into account the Vampire Bear we took down thanks to you." Vampire Bear? What kind of stupid name is that? The Prince kept going unaware of Yukino's thoughts "If not for gratitude. We at least require some answers."


"Where is Lord Vincent." Questioning meant explaining. Explaining meant having to break down things as well as she could, which translated to time. At least, she'd like to know where she has to rush towards once they're done with her.

"Vincent has left the Academy." Yukino's heart stopped. For a moment, at least. She could only stare dumbly at Charlotte, who chose this time to speak "He'll be back, just not today."

"You have to understand this is a mess from start to end." The prince informed her. He didn't look too pleased either "Why the Ebon Wolves were there or why a Vampire Bear exists so close to the capital is something that should be impossible."

"But they were there." Another impossibility to the list, then. Since Vincent wasn't even in the Academy, she might as well get as much information as possible. After all, if the demonic beasts had survived the extermination efforts of the army, then she'd have to make plans to guard the goods travelling between Marren and the capital.

"Indeed. The royal knights are investigating as we speak." That didn't make Yukino feel any better. She didn't even understand why the prince was fine with leaving this like that "But enough of that." No, wait. She's not done with the subject "Aria, if you could…"

"My name is not Aria." Yukino couldn't stop herself fast enough.

"Ah…" The prince looked flustered "I understand." His knight stared. Yukino glanced at his creeping smile. She could have said something about it but wasn't in the mood "Take it as something you earned."

"Earned." She had heard people say dumb things, but her neurons died at that much idiocy being uttered by a royal, no less.

"I can give you no titles yet." Arnold hurried to explain "So allow me to call you Aria instead. To show my appreciation for what you did."

"A pet name from the prince himself." Marcus chimed in. The royal in question looked vexed by his words "A big honor."


"I'd also like for you to drop the honorifics." The prince hurried to explain "For everything you did, I'd like to speak to you not as lord and retainer, but as equals."

"Me too." Lancelot interrupted "Maria hasn't done it already, but I think you deserve at least this much. Right, Charlotte?"

The lady looked like a deer caught by a flashlight, Yukino shared the sentiment of not wanting to be there "…Indeed." Then, she composed herself and frowned "Though I'm more interesting in hearing how Miss… How Maria did what she did." Charlotte faced her, a strange light shining in her eyes "Let us be frank. Maria, your magic is abnormal. And not just that, you weren't capable of this before. Arnold said we would treat you as equals. And I agree. But now I need you to answer to authority. I demand you explain what happened."

"Charlotte." Lancelot glared at his fellow heir "There are ways to ask."

"Indeed." The prince nodded.

"This goes beyond pleasantries." The heiress of the Fatilas explained "Don't you see how groundbreaking this is?"

"She has black hair." Lancelot said as if it was the answer to everything.

"Magic doesn't just turn around after being casted, Lancelot!" Yukino and the nobles recoiled when Charlotte snapped. The young heiress turned to the knight behind them with a glare on her face "Tell them what they call her. What she did went beyond being gifted, that was…!"

"An ice magician that brutalized feral beasts with the might of the water attribute." Marcus' calm voice felt out of place in the current situation, yet the young knight didn't seem too bothered by it. Not even when he interrupted the heiress of a marquis house "The most grateful think she's got the Touch of Water. The ones that were scarred the most call her the Ice Beast."

Why ice, though? Yukino used mostly pressurized water to kill the creatures.

Well, since their scientific knowledge is dramatically lacking, they might be trying to make sense of what she did.

"It's an unflattering moniker. I personally prefer Aria." The prince coughed on his fist.

"It's just her name without the M." Lancelot pointed out.

"An Aria is a musical piece with only one voice." Yukino stated without thinking much of it.

"It's also a very high tier of magic." Charlotte replied "Though it's forbidden, because it usually kills the user after being casted."

Ah, that doesn't sound too flattering either.

"I like her interpretation better." Lancelot frowned "It has some artistic flair to it, instead of such… Tragic connotations."

Standing alone is always tragic. No matter if it's during a performance on in life. This truth was hard to swallow, but Yukino would not delude herself after yearning for her friends for so long.

"Will that be everything? I'd have to excuse myself, highness─."

"Arnold." The prince corrected her without much thought "Please."

"…Arnold." Yukino corrected herself, mentally shaking her head at the strange situation she found herself in.

"We're not done, though. We tell you this so you are aware. At this point, the whole school knows of what happened. And I personally would rather have all the facts before proceeding."


"We were there, Maria." Marcus looked like he understood something, though Yukino couldn't guess what that was "You might not realize, but the rumors don't paint you in a good light. You don't remember because you passed out in my arms." Yukino's eye twitched, the knight smirked a bit "But that place is currently unusable."

"That… Might be my fault." Charlotte looked down, embarrassed.

"Regardless of my lady's fantastic teamwork." Marcus eyed the noble before turning his eyes back to Yukino "Everyone knows you fought alone until Lord Vincent and company arrived. The corpses left bleeding and splayed all around the road easily numbers the hundreds. Even I have a hard time looking at the results and not think "slaughter". And you, Mi… And you, Maria, did all of that."

So the students were scared now. Well, she had feared her power too. Yukino's control had gotten better. The infirmary was intact, something that would have been impossible when she enrolled in the Academy. But Yukino had a hard time imagining what Marcus talked about. After all, she could only recall flashes of the events. Moments were her consciousness was enough for her to perceive what happened around her. Such is the essence of adrenaline-fueled moments. The details simply escaped her.

"Do not be ashamed." The prince assured her. He approached and kind of meant to put his hand on her shoulder but hesitated. He ended up awkwardly hanging his hand until he crossed them on his chest "You saved us all. Whatever the means were doesn't change the fact. So, I will personally help you to make the students to see this simple truth. That's why we're here, to hear your side of the story."

"It'll also help calm our worries if you could tell us how you did to use your magic so proficiently." Charlotte insisted. Her fellow nobles glared for a bit.

"Lord Vincent can do the same." Yukino pointed out, saving the noble girl from a scolding.

"Vincent uses short, simple spells." Arnold replied like Yukino was being silly "His proficiency is better than I remember, true. But he can't do what you do."

That wasn't true. Yukino saw what the Windhill noble could do. Not on her level, true. Absolutely correct. No one is on her level. But his magic was no slouch either.

Could it be he kept his technique a secret?

Yukino stared at the nobles. She had considered them a hindrance so far, but now she saw different. Before she thought them an obstacle… Nay.

Yukino wasn't that blind. She realized why she had not tried to make connections in spite of having the marquis heirs as acquaintances being a sure-way to make her plans grow exponentially. She chose to delude herself, but not anymore.

At least, she'd try to live up to his expectations this time.

"Well. It's actually something I had realized for a long time, but didn't have solid proof until recently."

Yukino had chosen to make her plans progress slowly. First getting the Theodore household a solid standing. Then, to expand restaurants, training and entertainment places. And when she began taking in the poor, to give the better living conditions. But she never did do her best.

Because those goals were placeholder.

They were meant to distract her from the terrible truth of her lonely existence. They held her back from ending it. They were meant to give this life of hers a purpose, however simple it is. If she fulfilled them, what would she do? Go back to lamenting? Go back to restless nights and days full of gloom and meaninglessness?

She wouldn't. She couldn't. There's someone else in this world. There is proof. He said her name.

Who is to say there aren't more people in this world?

She has to know. That feeling, that determination she lacked for several years returned. For a moment, she felt as the Yukinoshita Yukino she was born as, once. Back in Japan.

"So, bluntly speaking? Your whole magic system is founded on a lie." She'd either save or destroy this world. Whatever got her to find those who are like her.


*Marren is the city/town where the Theodore state is located for this fic. Canon doesn't touch upon where Maria lived before enrolling in the Academy.
"So, bluntly speaking? Your whole magic system is founded on a lie."
something something fifth holy element is Void wait no wrong system

Interesting glimpse of what she's been up to before coming to the academy. Is it wrong that I think that interests me more rather than her having to verbally fence with nobles and royals she doesn't like? XD I've read too many Duke's Daughter type series...
Hidden Event: Once Again
Ah, I've never gone past the church problem for Duke's Daughter. And, well, this story does touches upon glimpses but it's rooted on the present. Last time I played with time in a story it became an uncomprehensible clusterfuck.


She got the royal mages teaching the prince fired. All of them.

Just like that.

Which wouldn't be her problem except people in a position of power now had a reason to hate her guts for real. It was the same thing with the noble stationed in Marren, except worse. On the other hand, the prince's entourage promised to pay her to teach them the ability to communicate with the elemental spirits, which was nice.

Gold coins are gold coins, in the end. No sane person would refuse such an offer.

"We will keep things low-key for now. If we obtain visible results, I will put a word with the principal, and even Father. Mastering magic on this degree will assure not only the military advantage, but better life conditions for the Kingdom in general." The prince had said, cupping Yukino's hands on his own "The future of the Kingdom rests on your shoulders, Maria. Please do not disappoint."

"I will be sure to deliver." Right, no pressure at all "Though I need time to translate this knowledge into teaching materials." She remembered Yuigahama and her cooking. She couldn't expect everyone to understand something Yukino herself stumbled upon by accident. She'd do her best, but that requires some background work.

"Agreed. I suggest you to ask for some days off to recuperate yourself. After that…"

"I can begin immediately." Yukino assured him "I will do my best."

Lancelot and Arnold smiled, Marcus scoffed.

"Do not push yourself too hard." Charlotte warned her.

"I know. Thank you, my lady."

"Charlotte." The heiress corrected her "Truth be told; I feel dubious about all this. But I will at least believe in the trust his highness and Lancelot place on you. Show me who you really are, Aria."

That would get cringey really fast. Yukino knew. Still, her mood had improved greatly since the night she woke up. So she would let the aristocrats enjoy playing with her name for now.

It mattered little in the grand scheme of things. She has a duty; one she will do her best to fulfill. And to do it she'll have to consult with the person with the most experience in the magic department. It helped Yukino had her mind made up to meet him already, but that certainly was not the thing in her mind as she decided to do it. Nope, absolutely impossible.

"What does someone of my station have to do to cross paths with one such as yourself?" Yukino's question caught Vincent right before he could take the contents of his spoon, leaving his mouth wide open as he processed Yukino's words. She felt a bit of satisfaction, she chose such bombastic sentence for that very reason.

"Greetings, Miss Maria." The aristocrat gave up on the food he took. He motioned to the chair in front of him and left the spoon back in the bowl "Albeit that's hardly the way to greet a noble, I reckon you look in better shape than a few days ago."

"Hai, sore wa subete anata no okagedesu. Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita." Yukino smiled, as innocently as she could. Which proved difficult once the heir frowned, perplexed.

"Can you repeat the last part? I didn't quite catch that."

Yukino would have kept going, but she understood years without practicing would rust anyone's mastery of their mother tongue. No matter. They'd have time to practice.

"Ah, you're just messing with me." The chuckle was so jovial Yukino kicked herself inwardly for not having made the connection. It was so blatantly obvious Hikigaya-kun would have used it as ammunition for their verbal spars for days, if not forevermore.

She could almost hear his voice mocking her lack of insight.

"I am." She didn't quite manage the smile, but tried nonetheless "I am so overwhelmed I feel numb. It's a strange feeling. Just believe I am glad you are here."

The blonde nodded "Sorry for using your name. Shall I call you Yukinoshita again?"

"It hardly matters, I think. The Yukinoshita are no more." That wasn't true, but Yukino couldn't word the thought any better "But please do. The familiarity helps."

"Very well." He took the spoon again and ate "I will be honest; this is not the reunion I expected."

"Oh, and how did you think it'd go?"

"I don't know? Perhaps at night. With a heartfelt confession of who we are in a whisper? It feels too anticlimactic this way." He took another sip before continuing "I would have preferred to wait, to be honest."

"Why is that?" The thought stirred ugly feelings in Yukino. What would she have done if she hadn't known? The prospect was grim, to say the least.

"It doesn't matter." When he noticed her glare, he elaborated "I will explain. Just… Not now?"

Yukino nodded.

"Actually, I came to ask about the spirits."

"So this is not about our heartfelt reunion?" He looked surprised, if just theatrically so.

"Hayama-kun, please." Yukino placed her hand on her head "Let us be honest. I am glad you're here, but leaving me hanging like that gave me time to think. And a night is too much time to ponder about a third-rate mystery like this one. You might as well have asked me to think about nothing at all."

"Ah, sorry about that. I had to go to the Estate. Since I don't have a valet, I had to do a lot of things myself. Get the injured moved to the manor, explain things to Father and request healers, report the situation to the Academy and send a letter to the palace… Y'know. My hands were full."

"The prince did mention you have no servants in the academy. Why is that?"

"I can take care of myself just fine." Hayato frowned in that way she remembers him doing when they were kids, back in Japan "It's a hassle sometimes. But having servants for everything is too much for me."

"Fair enough." Yukino could remember clearly her hand-picked maids trying to help her change clothes. She was aware that not all people are interested in the opposite sex. She had not been aware some people could be so shamelessly straightforward in their pursuit of who they fancy.

"Anyways. Let's do the catching up later." Hayato proposed with a smile "You said something about the spirits? Guess you figured it out, right?"

"Yes." Yukino still had a hard time grasping the full meaning of their existence, but progress is progress. She just needs to do it a bit faster "Why are you the only one who knows, though?"

"Oh, I'm not the only one. Ariel knows, as well as Father and Mother." Hayato shook his head "It's just house Windhill has kept it a secret since dear sister and I discovered the truth."

"Then why tell me?"

"Tell you? What about? That a girl with the black hair, proof of exceptional magic aptitude, figured it out after enrolling the prestigious Royal Academy has nothing to do with this Vincent Woodville. We have hardly met. Isn't Miss Maria a bit presumptuous?" He could barely contain his grin. Yukino allowed herself to mimic his with her own.

"That logic is flawless. As expected of Lord Vincent. Your words can't be argued against."

"Right? I do know you told the other marquis heirs, though." He didn't look too bothered about it, but his voice didn't sound pleased "Good. This secrecy affair was getting old fast. A weapon loses its edge when everyone has access to it."

Yes, politics were even more vicious in this world that was ruled by bloodlines still. Yukino had barely scrapped the surface and she already felt sick to the point of not wanting to get involved ever again.

She'd count halting a marquis household from betraying the country in search of more power as a win to her actions.

"So. How do you do it? I'm meant to teach the prince and the heirs within this week. And I only know how to crush things with pressurized water."

"You have to stablish a connection to your spirits." He raised a hand and magic gathered close to his finger "Talk to them, make them like you. Then train along them."

"Like dogs?"

"No, not really." Hayato frowned again. His expression changed more than she remembered. The years in this world changed him too, it seems "That way of thinking is bound to botch it, you know? They're your partners. You're the orchestra director, you dictate the pacing and tones. They make the instruments work. It's teamwork."

"I sing alone, though." Her sarcasm was beyond his understanding, but he understood she wasn't talking about something particularly pleasant.

"Get to know them. They'll be your closest friends."

"And that's it?" That couldn't be right. There had to be more to it.

"Pretty much." Well, she stands corrected "It all comes down to your relationship with the spirits and how much you train to cooperate with them. You don't seem to have this problem, though." He pointedly avoided the subject of where she had used her magic. She felt oddly thankful about it.

"I don't know how I do it, though."

"Of course not." The blonde chuckled "It comes naturally to you. I wouldn't have expected any different."

"I will need to practice."

"Do you need some help? I can arrange not to attend to a few magic lessons. With your water and my wind attribute, we should be able to figure out the differences and similarities in how the spirits work."

"I… Could really use the help." Yes, it'd be good for her mental health to spend some time with him. Especially since he got the knowledge of the Windhill house. Perhaps she could get pointers in navigating the egos of the lords of the city?

Food for thought, it seems.

"John says you've been planning some stuff with him." Hayato sounded like he had caught her doing something cheeky "If I can help…"

"Yes. Yes, you can." Yukino immediately replied "There's a lot to be done. We don't even need financial support. If you could…" She stopped when he raised his hand.


"You're different." Yukino replied. She didn't know how to feel about it. Once, she might have said he had managed to do the impossible. Now? It conflicted with her memories of him. The feeling that resulted was not pleasant.

"I'm not only Hayama Hayato, but Vincent Woodvile Windhill as well." He shrugged, as if it wasn't something too important "I have to act my position. I've been raised from birth for it."

"I… I don't identify as Maria. Not completely, at least." The differences bothered her, made her feel the gap appearing once more. She feared it, her only anchor to the real world getting away as soon as it appeared.

"I bet." Hayato didn't pay much mind to the subject, though "For you it might just be a name. For me it's an important distinction." He put a hand forward on the table, in replacement for placing it on top of hers "Nothing's ever simple, is it?"

Yukino chuckled bitterly.

"No, it never is." She released the breath she didn't realize was holding in a long sigh. Relax. She had known this for a long time. Her getting impatient here meant she hadn't learned a thing, something more than forbidden for someone whose added age would be closer to Hiratsuka-sensei's than the age her current body suggested.

It was unbecoming.

"You've changed too." Hayato's smile reassured her little, but it's the intention which matters. Supposedly, at least "That's good. If you ask me, of course. You hold back less, like when we were kids."

That episode in their lives was bitter. Yukino's emotional state was such that she could look back and still feel somewhat fond of it. She'd let Hayato off with just a half-hearted jab.

"Oh, and I wonder whose fault it is I changed then?" Her elbow on the table, she pointed a finger at the speechless reincarnated aristocrat "If you feel guilty then lend me your strength. I'll think about forgiving you if you do well enough."

Whatever he thought of the subject, he limited himself to change his smile into a worried one "I'm getting exploited, am I not?"

"Oh, don't worry." Yukino's smug smile felt as natural on her face as it had felt in her previous life "I will grind you only half to death."
Cutscene: I Am Here (Flay of the Slums)
Fun trivia: "Oregairu" can be translated to "I am here/I exist".


He knew he was different since─Mankind being naturally good is a lie. It is nothing but evil.

I was taught this simple fact from a young age. Hated and scorned for something I had no control over or awareness of. I raised myself in the slums. Where the only law is the law of the jungle.

I did not know where I took that name from, at first.

I was taught not how to neither write nor read. Yet as time went by, I began knowing how to write strange symbols without being taught. What's more, those symbols had a structure, meaning. I did not know how to write or read, yet this strange language came to me as naturally as breathing.

The first word I learned how to write and read was a name. Not my own, mind you. It took a while for the slum dwellers to utter my name in my presence. Choosing instead call me things like "trash", "deviant", "waste", or on very good days, they'd call me "child" with as many swear words as they could chain together under the effects of cheap alcohol.

How the adults got their hands on alcohol when I couldn't even get scraps of food that weren't already rotting was beyond me. At first. The strange language wasn't the only thing that came to me as I grew up.


"Hey, Bree. How is the fever?" The child approaching me couldn't be older than 8. She had her hair cut in a bob with the scissors the Theodore milady procured for us and delivered through her subjects, or so we were told. Her chestnut hair was cut haphazardly, of course. I knew not how to cut hair. That's the reason I couldn't cut mine and risk losing an ear. None of the adults would touch me, in spite of all of us being "equal". Not unless it was to harm or touch me.

People does not change. They accepted jobs for better living conditions, accepted working alongside me, but their scorn never changed. It was only hidden when the people supervising were looking. They'd not miss an opportunity to spit at me on the supervisor's back if they could. I hid the clothes provided to me so they'd not be torn apart as I slept. The shoes were a lost cause, so I didn't bother.

"Better." She still had troubles talking, her petite form looked healthier than when we met. Yet she still looked malnourished.

Malnourished. Must be a word I picked up from those strange memories as well. Must have associated it in this language somewhere when the healers came. There is no shortage of malnourishment in the slums.

Bree made me feel things. Not disgusting things like the adults described when they…

When they to me…

"Flay?" Her face still gleamed with the ingenuity of childhood. There is no way I could call it innocence. Even her knew how to pick a rock and smash a person's nose when she felt in danger. If she couldn't do this much, she wouldn't have lived past the first couple of days.

"It's fine." The first word, the name, appeared in my mind when I saw her. It always came with a feeling. A feeling I could neither understand nor name. I knew not of this emotion for it hadn't been directed at me before.


The first name came with others. Eventually. I identified the one that felt my own before I knew my name was supposed to be Flay. Both felt equally as alien when I thought my name was Excrement for the longest time.

I knew these things that hadn't happened were real. How I knew this is beyond my understanding, but after I began eating food that wasn't stale. After I had my stomach full for a day and washing all the dirt for the first time was offered to me these memories came more easily. I knew what I knew had no place in this world, and to this day I have a hard time wrapping my head around it.

I only know these experiences are so far from me as the moon itself. Which is round, by the way. Not a circle, but a sphere. Like the world… The planet. Isn't it fun how words change the way we perceive our surroundings? I was good with words, once. In the other world. I still failed to communicate properly most of the time.

I knew the name. I did not know why it meant so much to the former me. I had flashes, insight into what once was, but nothing clear. I only know the former me would go to great lengths to spoil that Komachi rotten. I hate that expression, but it's one the other me used for his Komachi. It must have had a positive connotation, once.

He would bend backwards for her, because I'm sure it's a her, and would proudly talk about her to those he knew, and sometimes those he barely did. He held that strange feeling for her alone, at first, and for the longest time. From all of this, I think this feeling is a good one. An important one. I just can't name it myself. It was so special it was tied to the name so clearly I could almost see her face, remember how she referred to that me. The moments with her came as close to a vivid memory as anything ever could.

I think he thought she was important. So I made sure not to forget.


"Here you are. You fucking piece of shit." The grown man meant danger. The adults usually did, but this one in specific? Really bad news. He took Bree by the neck and squeezed. He looked so impossibly strong for someone living in the slums. He enjoyed licking the tears of children, and other things that still make my body shake in a sick feeling.

I could not forget him even if I wanted.

"Running off to wage your tail to some money girl? Have you forgotten your place, huh?! Answer me, bitch!"

The subordinates of the Theodore family said we were helping. That we were working for the betterment of society, and they were paying us to better the country. We knew they were filling their pockets with our work. The dwellers of the slums would know better than anyone. The full bellies and beds that aren't paper thin didn't allow us to complain, yet there will always be people who doesn't like change. Who can't lift a finger to save their life, but can't help but drag everyone down alongside them.

This man, is such a creature.

"Release her." My words made him cackle. He raised her in spite of her attempts to breath, shook her with the ease adults have to inflict pain to the young ones "This is your only warning."

The motes of light answered, though. They knew these words. I had told them they meant to get ready to act.

He insulted me. As usual. He said Bree was of his property and suggested what he'd do to the both of us if I didn't shake my ass for him. The anger wasn't new, nor was the hatred. But Bree was tied to the name, and the feeling tied to it made my blood boil in a way I hadn't felt in a long time.

Wrath. Ah… I knew I would have a word for that feeling. I knew it, both in this life and in the other. It came as no surprise I could pinpoint it so easily.

"Don't harm Bree." I lifted my left hand when the man thought I talked to him. The motes of light I could perceive with one of my eyes got themselves in position. They pulsed. An affirmative in their way to communicate. They were ready "Agidyne."

That wasn't a word. Not in this world nor in the other. The other me picked it off from a form of entertainment he was fond of. It made me feel sad I didn't have it with me, but it didn't depress me as much as knowing I couldn't picture the face tied to the name.

Such a bittersweet feeling…

The elementals answered, though. I picked it precisely because it had conveyed the meaning I needed so effectively. The man was set alight. He screeched and trashed, releasing Bree from his grip and throwing her to the nearby trashcans the Theodore had procured in their aim to clean up the slums a little. The blaze never touched Bree for a moment.

"Answer me, are you alright?" The man's trashing distracted me a lot, but if I couldn't deal with bothersome things I'd have died a long time ago "Bree!" She didn't answer, I knew what to do.

I focused on the elementals of my other eye "Dia." This world came from the same entertainment as the other, and it too, conveyed a meaning with a single word.

Water appeared and surrounded Bree. It healed her, I knew this because I told the elementals to do this when I said the word, and her eyes moved before long.

"…Flay?" The man tried to get close. I slapped his hand away. The fire spirits were still working on him. He would not harm anyone anymore.

"It's alright." The sheets I had been provided clung to my shoulders. I used them as means to keep myself warm, and took them with me even on hot days because otherwise the slum dwellers would steal or shit on them and leave them for me to find "It's alright." I covered her ears with them. She didn't need to get deaf from the man's cries "You're so noisy!"

Good grief. Can't you die a little faster?

"Bufudyne." An ice lance pierced the man's stomach, making a mess of the corridor we were at. He could not move out of it without throwing his innards everywhere, but I don't know if that's why he stopped trashing.

"…Magic!" Bree whispered with the little strength the man's grip had left her.

"Yes. I did it. I will protect you with my magic, Bree." The former me thought "Komachi" was important. If Bree's face brought similar feelings to the name, then I'd treasure her with my life. I don't know why this is so, but the answer will come, as the memories always did.

The former me had been ready to put his comfort in the line for her smile. He hadn't had to deal with the worst of the worst. The current me? I will shred this world apart to its last foundation. And from the ruins, create a new one. Thriving with life. All to keep Bree safe.

I'm sure the former me would have agreed with the notion.
...well then. I wasn't sure if everyone's favorite 8 would actually show up, but Yukino+Hayato alone is a weird pairing to carry.

Also oof.
In Her Own Way, Yukino Explores the Routes
Forgot to update yesterday, have two chapters.


Lancelot's spirits were not as reactive as Yukino's own, but since she could see their reaction in its entirety, they provided much-needed insight into how this relationship mage-spirits work. Hayama's own training helped her, a bit. But the difference between being able to see mana and the element at work cannot be compared to seeing the spirits themselves acting and reacting.

"When you called it simple," Lancelot pondered, looking rather disappointed that his magic didn't flare up with the new method of casting "I was thinking along the lines of "will be able to cast known spells immediately"."

"Well, we're breaching into unknown territories." Yukino didn't pay too much attention to the heir's mood and chose to take notes about the spirits' reaction to his disappointment instead "How did Charlotte call it? Groundbreaking. We're doing groundbreaking work."

"Besides." The heiress looked smugly as she began replicating a Stone Bullet spells ever so slowly without chanting "Weren't you the one who said Maria's magic expertise was to be expected because of her black hair? Where's that conviction now?"

"To be fair, she does make it look rather easy." Hayama deposited his practice sword on the tree, besides Yukino "Anything useful?"

She shook her head. Analyzing Lancelot could only get her so far. She needed more water mages. It occurred to Yukino that this could be a case where personality interferes with one's affinity.

Lancelot didn't deign to give his fellow heir a proper answer, choosing instead to grunt and give the training a rest. He approached and Yukino knew he'd sit to her side before he even came to arms' length.

The hypothesis looked sound, and saying it out loud didn't come as nonsensical. But this could hardly help when the spirits also have personalities. Yukino would be hard pressed to find the common denominator that can be used to standardize magic training. For the ultimate goal of mass-producing more effective mages, the guidelines to stablish a relationship with spirits are important after all.

"Well, it's just a matter of time." The child of Aqusmea shrugged "We just need to keep doing this, right? Something will come up." The boy's valets protested his choice of sitting, but he dismissed them. Yukino would have rather have him listen to them, but she knew better than to protest.


"Besides, we're inventing a new magic system! If we prove this can work, as Maria clearly demonstrated, our names will be engraved in history!" He practically beamed at the prospect. Charlotte smiled at her friend's antics.

"Do you think they'll add a holiday in our name?" The heiress joked before taking a glass of water from one of her maids with a small 'thank you' "Hey, if this saves the country maybe we'll get carnivals and stuff in our honor."

"…Most likely." Hayama added his part politely, before the conversation could get stuck "In case of war. Let's not head there."

"Oh, Vincent is no fun." The Fatillas girl chuckled before asking him if he wanted something from the kitchens. Hayama politely declined, of course.

"Thinking like that is unbecoming." The prince approached once his sword session with his knight "Remember the betterment of the kingdom is our first priority. Whether it brings glory or not is a secondary concern."

"It wasn't serious." Yukino rolled her eyes internally. She knew the guy, alright. He hadn't changed that much.

Marcus appeared in Yukino's field of vision. Right behind his prince but slightly to the left. The knight nodded to her and she nodded back. Turning instead to compare today's notes to the ones of the day before.

"I think someone's jealous." Lancelot stood up, hopefully taking the hint, and beamed a smile to the royal boy "We'll be the first to use chantless magic and his highness is jealous."

Indeed. Yukino refused outright to train Arnold. And for a good reason too. His element being the most chaotic, she didn't feel like messing up and blowing an heir of the three great families in an accident. She did tell him how to call for the elements. But he did that after the others were done as to recreate a somewhat safe environment. Charlotte and Lancelot had a big chance to end up ineffectual, but having Hayama ready to help her put down the royal's flame did make Yukino feel a bit more confident in this course of action. So while they got "in tune" and practiced, Arnold had sword training with Marcus.

Yukino wouldn't have any amount of time be wasted on her watch.

"That's not the case." Arnold turned out to be easy to shake up. In other words, he's weak to teasing. A rather weird chink in the royal's armor and even weirder way to find out. But that's something Yukino would rather stay silent about "I understand the risk training me in this new form of magic represents. And I shall respect your choice to be careful." He looked at Yukino, as if expecting to say something or back him up.

Yukino didn't know what to say. So long she didn't get framed for harming one of these nobles she would okay proceeding. After all, had it been her choice to make every single one of them would have been grinded into getting results for the investigation.

Too bad they kind of have the authority in the whole thing.

"His highness should be able to practice too." Hayama looked rather serious while saying it. Not only just to look good "We're talking about a partnership after all. Trust should be the first thing to be put on the table."

"But what if he injuries himself or someone else?" Lancelot just had to defend the opposite argument. Yukino would have tuned them out. But Hayama discovered this method. Any insight could end up helpful.

"He has to trust the flame spirits not to do so then." Hayama stared dead into the Aqusmea boy's eyes "I won't go as far as say there is no risk. But the same is for all the elements."

"The fire element is the most powerful." Lancelot stated, his body tensing "It's not the same as my water or your wind attribute."

"You speak nonsense." Hayama closed his eyes with a frown "Miss Maria. If you could?" Oh, hells. Here we go again.

"Maria doesn't count." Lancelot hurried to inform his fellow heir as Yukino steadied her mind and stood up.

"While Miss Maria's magic proves exactly my point, I'm not planning to use her as an example." Ah, so that's it? Yukino did want to find out where Hayama's strength lays in a direct clash.

She couldn't help look forward to it a little.

"Oh? Miss Maria looks kind of fired up." Marcus grinned in that half mocking half joking way of his.

The attention on her didn't come up as bothersome as Yukino would expect. She did want her reincarnation fellow to hurry it up.

"They did work together after all." Charlotte nodded "She saw Vincent's magic work first hand."

"Second hand." Yukino commented "I am yet to clash with him to test his magic."

"That… Sounds closer than first-hand to me." The prince frowned "Or am I missing something?"

"Nothing highness. It's just the Ice Beast being herself, don't mind her." Yukino glared at the knight, pointing a finger at him. He raised his hands as a sign of peace.

"Do you want to be on the receiving end of it?"

"Miss' or Lord Vincent's magic?" The knight asked non-committal "Or do I get to choose?"

"Mine, of course." Yukino gave him a good ol' cold smile "He would hold back, after all."

"Let's not go there, please." Hayama picked his sword up, placing it on his shoulder while getting into a fair distance from them "Miss Maria?"

Yukino almost corrected him, but took her place before she could say it out loud.

She saw the building right in front of her. With Hayama giving it his back. This way he wouldn't harm anything by accident. Yukino only needed to defend, so she wasn't concerned about her magic damaging the Academy's property either.

"See. His highness' element is the most blatantly dangerous." Hayama readied himself, taking the practicing sword horizontally to the floor right at his mouth's height. His eyes flashed slightly as his mana began acting up "But all the elements can be equally destructive." He nodded once to Yukino and she began calling for the spirits "Purge regret and shame."

The wind acted up. It converged around the sword's edge and circled it like a small tornado coming to life. The trees' shook their branches as if a pleasant wind passed by. But Yukino could see clearly the speed the wind covered Hayama's blade and she could feel the mana at work.

Yep. This is the guy that fought with her, alright.

"Penitence Severance Blade*." Had Yukino not understood what Hayama tried to say, his serious expression and intent would have done the trick "Ready?"

The spirits were expectant. Yukino risked paying attention to them instead of the armed noble in front of her "We shall endure his attack. Just one is enough." Their answer didn't completely compute to her. Non-verbal communication with astral motes of light being that bizarre, but as Hayama said, she'd trust they got it.

"Ummm…" Lancelot looked like the only one concerned "Is this necessary though?"

"Let's go." Yukino expelled her mana explosively. Her spirits swirled around to alter reality with the water element. Hayama swung his sword.

"It's all or nothing!" The wind got propelled by the power behind the swing. Yukino knew he preferred those crescent shaped wind attacks, so it didn't come as a surprise that he chose to use one.

It surprised her he spent all the wind he gathered, creating a wind blade as big as two people standing on top of one another.

"Keep liquid!" Yukino didn't get to complete her sentence. Her spirits erected a barrier already amidst solidifying. It got hit by the razor wind head on, detonating the solid parts into specks of ice that showered Yukino.

Most of the shield held. If only by virtue of the water's cohesion allowing it to bend into the attack's shape without breaking down.

Before her fall on her back even registed, Yukino dashed to circle around where the attack came.

"No, wait!" Hayama's guard was up before long. He tried to keep her on his vision, but she didn't plan to go anywhere.

"His legs. Affect his footwork." The spirits rushed to soak him into a tide up to his ankles. Yukino made a crushing motion and the water froze.

"Yukino!" His wind attack was dodged. Trying to block it would leave her vulnerable.

She shot her hand forwards, as if she had thrown a ball or something different. The water spirits rushed like an excited dog after the ball. They shot into Hayama's stomach and made him collapse. Feet still frozen in place.

The World helped the wind be noisy for a moment. Then did its equivalent of grunting in annoyance.

Panting, Yukino turned to the horrified aristocrats looking their fellow in a coughing fit on the dirt.

"Ice Beast indeed." Marcus didn't sound too amused at the sight.

"Well." Lancelot didn't look too sure how to formulate his thoughts "What did we learn today?"

"Wind is terrifying." The knight answered while poking the sonic boom out of his ears.

"Water is terrifying." Charlotte answered almost immediately. She blinked as if something had just occurred to her "I might be able to do something similar with my attribute."

The prince winced.

"I got it. Flame is not especially dangerous." He had the decency to help his fellow noble break out of the ice and stand up "Would you rather help me train or train with Maria again?"

Hayama looked almost offended by the question "When do we start?"


*Penitence Severance Switch is a magic skill in the light novel Apocalypse Alice. Hishiro Shiro reminds me of Hayama. Greatly recommended.
Yet Choosing One Is Still Beyond Her Grasp
Time really goes by when you're invested in something. It also stretches pretty thin when unexpected things happen.

"Are you going to say something? If that's not the case, please leave. As you can see we're busy at the moment." Yukino's room remained as Spartan as she could afford. The wood that got damaged on previous weeks got replaced, and the window allowed for quite the nice breeze to enter the room.

She sat giving her back to the desk, facing Joseph who had her spare chair and used the bed at the center of the room to scatter the papers he brought with him haphazardly but with enough space that they did not cover each other.

Marcus stood dumbfounded. Staring at the girl hosting a fairly attractive young man in her private room like that, and then allowing him to enter and catch them amidst whatever they were doing. It went so against customs he almost felt like he had caught them in the act. To his credit, he didn't even blush.

"If you were busy, you could have said so." The knight finally spoke, eyeing the man that did the same to him.

They were measuring each other, and Yukino couldn't help scoff at the blatantly childish display.

"We are almost done." Yukino turned to Joseph "Right?"

"I insist milady should take it easy." The young man made a pained expression "I understand you loath being treated like a frail lady, but you must take care of your healthy properly as well."

"I am a frail lady. Whatever are you talking about, Joseph? I am a lady an I shall be treated as such." Yukino put her hand on her forehead and faked disbelief "When did I go wrong with this one? I made sure to give you a bit of education, yet you act in such an uncourt matter?"

"Forgive me, milady. Of course you're a frail lady." The young man sighed, knowing defeat when he saw it.

Marcus would have retorted, but the sight puzzled him still. So he didn't.

"Indeed I am." Yukino nodded, basking in being right "Now. I suggest you get going. Timing is of utmost importance in business,"

"I am well aware, milady."

"You better be." Yukino turned to reach for her quill. She began writing while looking at a parchment to her left "It's to my understanding the slum dwellers are slacking in their work to clean the places where they live? Well, we have to teach them some proper manners. Cut down the jobs they get other than cleaning, give filling compensations to those who do and find a way to land those who actively try to undo our efforts in jail." Once she finished, she reached for the spirits and asked them to draw the excess moisture out of the letter. Once done, she thanked them and passed it to her aide.

"This is…?"

"A formal request for the Order to aid us in raiding the slums, of course." Yukino frowned "I've been tolerant, but everything has a limit. I'll leave to you to think of a way to make this happen."

"Of course." The young man skimmed through the contents, making sure not to have his whole attention on the words "If I may, this is more forceful than usual. Is milady sure about this? There were fires close by to the region we're operating into. Nothing big, but it's still sign of unrest."

"When given a choice, people will always choose to remain where they are. Comfortable in their mediocrity. You're well aware of this."

"Indeed." Joseph nodded sagely, but pointedly avoided meeting Yukino's eyes.

"I have no use for mediocre people. We're getting everything to speed." Yukino rose a finger "With better living conditions we get people better suited for longer work journeys. With people doing more things we can prepare places to begin producing instead of just selling and buying. With that, we can really begin to introduce changes." Yukino wanted production lines. History called the original ones inhumane in some instances, but they worked for their time. If she could introduce personnel rotation, so everyone did something different every time, then she could bridge the gap in education for these people by teaching them how to do things.

She didn't need them to be architects, doctors or scientists. But, if she could get everyone into it. Then suddenly she doesn't just have able bodies at her disposal. But has instead people that can cut down and refine wood, caretakers, cooks, builders, miners, farmers, hunters, fishers, repairers, first aid personnel, producers. The fact they would come as some sort of Jack of all trades is a very welcome bonus.

"By your will." Joseph gave her a shallow bow and scratched his light brown hair out of his eyesight "I presume you won't listen to me and return to Marren to rest?"

"Your worry is hardly necessary. I will part to Marren shortly, I just need to take care of a few nuances before going. Besides, given that I'm already in the capital, I want to see how things are looking for myself. Also, I want to see where the bird tower will be located."

"…The bird tower?" Joseph tried to recall everything that the reports said and the conversation he had with Yukino so far "I thought you needed to present the project to the pertinent authorities."

"That's why I'm going to talk to Prince Arnold." Yukino huffed "I will give him the plans so he presents them in the court."

"To the Prince? I see." Joseph didn't look particularly surprised, but needed a moment to stomach the information "He is attending the Academy, after all."

"He is." Marcus took it as his cue to participate "Speaking of, Miss Maria's presence is required in the Lounge. The Royal Prince is awaiting you."

"I should go, then." The young man stood up and began getting the scattered papers in order "I wished to travel back alongside milady, but I know better than to insist." Yukino nodded, no need to elaborate further "I wish you luck in your travel."

"Thank you, Joseph. For keeping me up to date, and for taking care of my parents. The Elements know they'd be lost without someone babysitting them." Yukino wanted to roll her eyes, but stopped herself before doing it. No need to look like she wanted to undermine them "I will see you soon."

"If you excuse me." Joseph left, making Marcus have to step into the room proper as he waited for Yukino to sort her things out.

The knight looked nervous.

"So… That guy is…?" Yukino smiled for herself. Speak about being discreet.

"An employee I handpicked myself." Yukino answered, fully intent to not elaborate further.

"Is he good?"

"A capable fellow, he is. Was my first choice for a right hand when I needed it. Is yet to disappoint."

"Right hand? Ah, Miss Maria has business to do, yes?" Marcus relaxed a fraction, fixing the neck of his uniform when Yukino didn't have her attention on him.

"I am ready." There really didn't have to be a conversation of that sort, so Yukino cut it short.

"Are you sure you want to go looking like that?" Marcus' words forced Yukino to look at herself. Her uniform couldn't be more pristine, and the fabric itself would normally be used for more formal wear. She just couldn't wrap her head around the knight's words.

"Aren't we going to the Lounge?" She finally hazarded the question, about ready to start crossing her fingers behind her back like she had seen Yuigahama do so many times in the past.

"Yeah… Couldn't touch on royal matters with an unknown around." The way Marcus addressed her subject almost made Yukino turn her sharp tongue on the poor knight, but she resisted. The nobles being ridiculous didn't come as a surprise "We're going to the Palace."

Had she been drinking something, she would have spilled everything on her desk.

"Come again?" Yukino… Yukino simply stared.

"To the Palace." Marcus' lips twitched where he wanted to smile but kept a straight face instead.

"Why do you say it like that? I can almost hear the capital letter."

"The Palace is the Palace. It's not a palace, but the Palace." Marcus patiently answered, as eloquently as he physically could. Like he had to explain it to a child "Is Miss Maria okay?"

"Why are you going to the palace?" Yukino ignored his question in favor for pushing for hers. She felt the spirits stir, and only then did she realize her hands were trembling.

"You're coming with us." The knight stated "Accommodations have been arranged and departure is due. I think Miss Maria will find the visit filling for her sensibilities."

"You ignored my question." Her words earned her another lip twitch. She barely registered it, if at all.

"Before vacations start, his Highness Arnold wished to celebrate a tea party in the Palace's grounds. It seems like our monarchs approve of this, so all of his acquaintances were invited." He allowed a playful smile to show now "Which of course, means Lord Lancelot and Lady Charlotte are the only ones going. Isn't it gratifying?"

"No, it is really not." Yukino's eyebrows got closer together as she frowned "I wished to give my regards and leave as soon as possible. This is not possible if we're talking about going to the royal palace. I have to reschedule and plan."

"I thought Miss Maria wished to speak with someone of authority? Truly, this is an optimal opportunity."

"I don't want to speak with someone with authority, I want to speak to someone with authority. I want to get things done and bid my farewell." Yukino allowed a long sigh to leave her chest to settle her emotions. It helped a little "I see them every other day, why can't today be just for myself?"

"Trust me when I tell you they regard you highly, at least as a capable individual if nothing else. I doubt they'd begrudge you were you to ask for a bit of their time." The way he worded it made it sound like a warning. Yukino knew when she walked dangerous roads with nobles, but the prospect of her sightseeing of the grounds her people worked into being cancelled like that didn't help her school her emotions.

"Right. I must have something better suited for this meeting. Do call a maid, please."

"I can only hope Miss Maria heeds this one's words." Marcus bowed without much feeling behind it. Yukino followed the customs, but the loyalty these people displayed to the social castes was utterly beyond her.

"Your worries are misplaced, Sir Marcus. But I am getting to speed and I'd rather take advantage of my momentum than slow down and crash." Yukino bled disdain as she approached her drawer.

"This is something I never understood. Miss Maria is doing all this crazy stuff, yet you speak of these better and harder things that are to come. What you've done so far works. Why are you risking so much in gambling with fate like this?" His question made her stop and raise an eyebrow.

"I'm afraid I don't understand." She really didn't. She didn't feel the need of an explanation but she asked nonetheless.

"Miss Maria got extremely lucky." Marcus scoffed "It's very blatant, yet you speak and act like everything that has happened so far was granted. I think that you should cherish what you have, thank the Elements for─What's so funny?"

Yukino would have laughed more openly, but it wasn't in her character. Instead, she chose to be cold to the fool that tried to sermon her in the value of things.

"Nothing that I've gained has been done through luck. I've earned each coin, each centimeter of land, each successful spell." Yukino stood. She didn't come to Marcus' height, but decisively stepped into his personal space "All rightfully belongs to me. All of it. To myself and no one else. I think Sir Marcus heard when I told Joseph I have no need for mediocrity. I will not tolerate being talked down like this." Her mood already sour, she had no problems in taking it into the knight.

He stood his ground valiantly, but his rough breathings became visible and he didn't look as confident while the edges of his short hair became entrapped in frost.

"If someone were to come at you with the intent to kill, then you do not hesitate to use everything you have. I simply cannot understand people being so shamelessly lazy when it comes to putting effort in the things that matter. I shall come to realize my full potential or die trying."

Her eyes could have frozen entire lakes and rivers, yet they shone bright like sunrays reflected on the crystalline surfaces of the ocean. Marcus had never seen it, but he was sure it wouldn't be as beautifully full of life as her eyes. The impossibility of her anger making her features so easy on the eyes could only be explained by the life it brought to her fair skin.

Marcus could understand Lancelot when it came to Maria Theodore. Yet he had a duty to fulfill.

"I look forwards to see you climb higher, then." He could only answer in line while he was on duty.
Hidden Event: Premature Rank Up
It wasn't an everyday occurrence that Maria Theodore smiled as openly as when she lost herself interacting with the water elementals. The trio of aristocrats came to understand her flawless etiquette didn't spread beyond the boundaries of social norms. Her way to follow customs and give respect couldn't be faulted, but that didn't mean she understood how to navigate the complex labyrinth of social interactions that is the world of aristocracy.

And really, it shouldn't have been expected otherwise.

Born a peasant, it wouldn't be fair to expect her to know how to sort out the craftsmanship that nobles put in their social interactions. Lancelot understood this first, but the other two soon came to realize not too late afterwards.

Charlotte voiced her worries about having her in the Royal Palace because of this, though not inviting her didn't come out in the discussion. After all, the progress they made during their first year in the Academy had already surpassed their own houses' expectations. Even if they would not say so.

"How is it, Maria? Did you ever expect to be a guest to the Royal Family at some point?" Lancelot was all smiles and jokes. The boy enjoyed greatly being able to just relax along his friends after the tedious journeys studying and practicing. His posture had broken soon enough. It couldn't have been more casual if he tried.

"Indeed. Though I admit it's a bit premature, even for me." Maria's collected answer didn't betray a thing. On arrival she had taken in the architecture and listened intently to what was explained to her. The history of the castle, the important events that had happened within its halls and even a bit of Arnold's memories in it. She turtled back up once they were in the garden, and didn't attempt to make conversation at all. Limiting herself to respectfully answering when spoken to and drink the tea served to her with the occasional snack.

She still felt the pressure of the difference in social standing, that much was evident. The noble younglings had never interacted with someone of her position, so they didn't know how to approach the subject without looking forceful.

She had never denied them any request. Tried to stall, yes. But never outright went against their whims.

Unless, of course, her patience was exhausted.

"Well, yes." Arnold leaned closer from his seat, like his words were dangerous to be said in the open "She did discover a new magic system, after all."

Charlotte chuckled, Lancelot groaned.

"I know." Said the boy before returning to his tea "I know. Kind of a boorish question." His gaze fell upon the girl again. The elementals danced around her even while her mana stirred not even slightly. Her calmness wasn't a common occurrence either. The girl was, no doubt, an emotional soul. The occasional burst of mana kept the elementals content. Kept them forming patterns around her like a shining veil that encompassed them at all times.

Lancelot doubted anyone could see her as he did. No one could come as close to see how she really looks like, perpetually accompanied by her power like only she was, the sight could become overwhelming like the sun if one stares for too long.

"I am more interested in lord Arnold's advancement." Maria told them as she left her cup on the table "It's important, so do tell, highness."

"Please." The royal smiled sadly "I believe I've asked you many times to call me by my name. I have enough people calling me highness I barely remember them at all."

Oh, right. She did refuse to call them informally from time to time. As if they would forget they asked her not to do it and kept trying to get away with it. It only served to remind them how out of her depth this smart girl is.

Gifted or not, she's only human after all.

"That's…" Maria's hesitation made Charlotte sigh. This back and forth had happened many times, and the young lady didn't become fond of them in the meantime.

She could have interfered, but she knew better than to get in another lady's business.

"As I said, it is fine. How many times do I have to remind you?"

"It is uncourt for someone of my station…" Yeah, yeah. All of them know the rulebook to heart. It didn't help the mood, but the girl didn't seem to realize.

"Ah, enough of this." Arnold scoffed, standing from his seat and startling the maids that had been tending to them in the process "I said it's fine, so it's fine. Is our social standing such a problem? Let us fix that immediately."

Maria's eyes widened. It felt like the air had suddenly gone cold, and it wasn't Maria's doing this time around.

"No, wait." Maria called out. Standing herself but not really knowing how to stop the already walking away royal.

"Why? I don't get you. I really can't understand you. Your behavior makes no sense and it's granting." The prince turned around and faced the girl that had consistently kicked his ass in magic sparring for the past months with the pride only someone of royal blood could "You do all these things, but when faced with the consequences you back away, no matter how beneficial. I know who I am, I know of my position. You saved our lives yet you pushed away our classmates when they praised you for it."

"It is what anyone would have done." The reply came monotonous, practiced. Arnold's frown deepened.

"You discovered, and consequently began training us, in new arts of magic. Yet you shield yourself behind Vincent's capabilities to… I don't know. It doesn't even make sense! All of this. All the things you've done and the achievements you've earned, and you hide behind your status to keep a wall between us and you! Do you hate us? Do you dislike our company so much? Or is it something else? I've heard of the harassment, so if you need help I…"

"I need not his highness' help." Maria's words came like a slap on the face. A particularly disarming one, at that "What lord Arnold speaks of makes no sense to me. I am merely exerting my duties as a subject, and nothing more." Her eyes became sharper "If we're speaking frankly, it is tiring. You say I've done all these things, but anyone could have in the end."

"That's not…"

"Anyone." Maria pressed one, getting fired up by the second "Goodness! Just look at yourselves! I've been unable to use magic for most of my life. You've trained from a young age, you have your etiquette classes and these social gatherings." She waved her hand in the general direction of the tea table. A maid fainted in the distance "Yet you come and tell me you have a hard time grasping the spirits? You come and tell me you can't form a working partnership with the things that have enabled your whole life? You know what these things were to me? They were pain, suffering. They prevented my life from ever being normal by destroying everything around me every morning! They obfuscated my sight when they conglomerated in front of me! I hated them. I don't know if I'll ever stop hating, deep in my heart."

"My accomplishments? I was expected to know magic since a young age. Not grow into the skill, not have specialized teachers because these were all booked for the nobles. Because otherwise I would keep destroying everything. I had to grow so I could have something worth for my name. I had to be smart, because I was a constant drain of money and resources by just living indoors."

Her spirits did not raise to her heightened emotions. It was all the World could do to protect her from herself and leave her enough room to make her own choices. It still needed her, after all.

"I have done nothing more than raise to the challenges of life. Yet you come in here and tell me I've done so many things. You people know nothing. Those who do not work hard have no right to be jealous of the accomplishments of those who do. It feels like I'm being spat on the face."

So close. She was so close from triggering a flag, and yet…

Well, the World could cut her some slack too.

"I… I see." The prince didn't look as poised as before. He looked more like he had been given bad news after bad news until he could only look to the horizon and sigh, for no other emotion would come out.

Then, his crimson red eyes shone with resolution.

"Maids." He called out in a strong tone. The women witnessing the outburst of the unknown girl scrambled to get to their master "Escort Miss Theodore to the King's chambers. I will see to it shortly."

Maria's expression became a determined one. It was almost comical; she didn't understand at all.

"Arnold, what are you doing?" Of course, Lancelot was the first to come to the girl's aid when she left "She didn't do anything!"

"I'm not going to punish Maria, relax." Arnold frowned "It took her spitting it out for me, but now I understand. This girl is not so unlike us, she did not wish for her circumstances and has constructed herself around them." Like any of the teens in the garden. Arnold had never wished to be a prince, but he worked hard nonetheless because that's what he had to do. For the sake of the country, he had to forsake his childhood to become a ruler that would bring prosperity instead of ruin. Lancelot and Charlotte, even Vincent should he inherit in the end. They had to grow into proper heads of their households. Not taking into account the eventual fragmentation of their friendship as the needs and whims of their families engulf them. They had to be good enough for them "Will you help me, my friend? I wish to give her some respite. But I need your voice to join mine in this."

Maria had to grow smart and strong, because otherwise she'd break down and die.

"Of course." Lancelot stated without missing a beat.


"I have an idea of what you're trying to do." The girl nodded, standing up after being stuck to her seat while Arnold and Maria argued "I will follow through, no problem."

To say the king was disheartened would be an understatement. Along his wife, he decided he would not intervene in his son's social circle. After having ignored this part of the aristocratic life for so long, the boy finally began partaking in the custom. He'd not force him to have pompous parties filled with guests until he was ready, he'd let him grow at his own pace.

So imagine his surprise when he sent a commoner to his throne without further notice.

The girl looked resigned too. Resolute, but resigned nonetheless.

"You Highness." Arnold came, the marquis heirs in tow. They all looked stern, and it didn't help the monarch soothe his worries.

"Boy, explain the meaning of this." The king's most trusted subjects were staring, he would not lose face from treating Arnold with a bit more softness, but his education comes first.

"At once." Arnold didn't look particularly worried. The king's curiosity spiked "This one here is Miss Maria Theodore."

"Theodore?" The Knight Commander inquired.

"Indeed. My father is Michael Theodore." The girl replied, eyes closed solemnly and her hands joined behind her.

"Oh? So Michael of the Blazing Hand had a daughter." The man nodded "Though you do not resemble him at all."

"I'm adopted, Sir."

"…Makes sense. If memory serves right, his wife is an earth mage."

The king rose an eyebrow, but didn't inquiry anything. He wouldn't be interested in the story, of course. Maria's father was a freshly enlisted skirmisher. Without a head of command, he managed to drag most of his remaining fellow soldiers into retaking two consecutive frontier cities.

Even the commander didn't know the full story, he had been at the front at the time.

"That's a story for another time, I suppose." Arnold tried hiding his confusion by coughing on his fist "Your highness, I'd not have asked for some of your time if this wasn't important."

"Then, be quick boy." The king nodded. Giving his son the benefit of doubt wouldn't be a stretch, after all.

"Then a demonstration is the way to go." His hand went up in the air. The prince had the whole room's attention "Behold: This is Miss Maria's school of magic!"

He concentrated his sight in the motes of light. He began making circles with his raised hand the spirits began swirling accordingly. He saw Maria do something similar several times. Had asked Lancelot what her elementals did when answering to her emotions. After months of practice, this wasn't too difficult "Come!" He released a burst of mana. As explosively as he could. The spirits answered, rushing to devour it and come momentarily into the physical plain.

A flame ignited on his raised palm. Like a spark of light amidst the king's chambers. Arnold told the spirits to deposit the torch-like flame closer to the king please and they did so. The flame floated at arm's length to the startled monarch. Harmlessly but very pointedly continuing to exist in spite of all the laws the sorcerers of the kingdom knew by heart.

The topic of Maria's origin had no further room in the present people's minds.

"I shall explain further, should my demonstrations not suffice." Arnold smugly looked for the royal mage serving directly under the king. His reaction would make for an amusing memory in the coming vacation days "But I would not try to take Miss Theodore's findings as my own. I also recommend Miss Theodore to be given a place as a magic instructor in the Academy. In light of her discovery, I find the current teacher's materials are lacking."

"This is why you dismissed the tutors." The king realized and looked at his wife, who had been silent so far. She shared the same blue eyes as the girl looking stunned into silence "And you say this girl discovered this?"

"That is indeed the case, your majesty." Arnold gave his dad a shallow nod "Miss Theodore can command what she has labeled "Elemental Spirits" to great extent, and I'm sure her capabilities are on par at least with an Archmage."

The whispers of the servants were silenced once more.

The girl in question looked like a deer caught in the light spot. A particularly nervous, and socially inept deer that was trying to remember the customs for groveling she thought herself too prideful to employ.

More and more she looked like she did not want to be there.

What a curious fellow. Or so the king thought.

In reality, the Chosen was trying to keep the spirits from doing anything at all. She thought her control far from the norm, no matter what others said, and pointedly ignored how she herself talked about her standards being different from those around her. Perhaps that was the only thing that helped her disperse the image of an opportunist from the royal subjects and family.

"Demonstrate." The king spoke firmly. His authority magnitudes different from Arnold's. The Chosen couldn't help but comply.

She rose her hand like the prince had. The queen gasped. Twin rivers began spinning around the length of her arm in a helix that got closer and closer to the chamber's huge roof as she ever so slowly twisted her limb so the spirits knew to keep going.

This cemented not only her standing with the young nobles and the rulers of the kingdom, but the future development of the Plot. As the World understood the Chosen was clearing every obstacle too easily, it decided to finally rise the difficulty instead of sending higher level mobs and events and risk making a mistake.

So in an abandoned fort, not too far away from the capital, evil forces stirred. Yet the whispers of the prodigal black-haired water mage would reach even farther. So when a newly recruited guard made his patrol close by, he'd find nothing unusual. And even if he was a bit more cowardly than usual, he'd report nothing out of the ordinary came to pass, nor would hunters nor travelers find anything unusual for some time.

Back in the Windhill household, a ditzy maid would fail to recognize the tells of a rodent being around the kitchen. And would keep cleaning the place accordingly, until days later its presence would become apparent as the lady marquis of Windhill falls ill for reasons unknown.

The lower caste wouldn't go unaffected either. Rumors about the advancements in a sector of the slums beginning to stir unrest in other areas. Violence, that wasn't uncommon in the slums to begin with, would become more apparent. Maria's request, prompted by the Prince's personal retainer to his fellows in the order, would be taken far harsher than intended. People forced to live by the day would find themselves in dire circumstances as petty vandalism suddenly became a lot tougher.

A little girl would be found stealing an apple far away from the places the Theodore family were working on, and a guard would threaten her to cut her arm if she didn't comply and followed him to the Order's quarters. The knight would have his career irrevocably destroyed by the Wretch. As he reports a monstrous being cutting his limbs and falling short of taking his life altogether. Fear would spread among commoners and knights alike. The night would become infernally quiet after its first appearance, not knowing what to fear anymore.

In Merica, the secret civil war began to settle down. The results would throw the country's reign in disarray as the World loosened its grip so the Plot could continue. Reports of demonic beasts in the southern* borders of the Gran Flamm kingdom would become close to zero with no one the wiser.

Now then.

It took a while. But shall we begin hard mode, Yukinoshita-san?


*Merica is to the south of the Gran Flamm kingdom.
Cutscene: A Baron's Worries (Michael Theodore)
In which we learn Yukino doesn't take care of herself properly.


Michael Theodore knew the blade better than the quill. This much, he would admit himself without hesitation. Born with a lower status, his education had been lacking from the beginning. But it was enough to land him in the military. His fire magic came as a pleasant gift from the heavens once he found out he could use it. Ever so slightly, in the smallest of ways, but he could.

When the war with Orcus came around, he proved himself irreplaceable by providing a constant supply of secondary benefits with his magic alone. He had cooked, dried clothes, rallied troops, boiled water, and even cauterized the wounds of friends when they'd otherwise had bled to death. The smallest of flames kept those who would eventually become his men alive. If anyone mocked him for such laughably mundane magic prowess, they'd laugh alone in light of his achievements.

"Is Maria in bed already?" The same man was at a loss when it came to the women in his house. His wife's magic saved the soldiers on numerous times, and her insight for powerful opponents got them out of traps more than once. As for their daughter, Margaret chose her among the children. Something caught her attention, and eventually Michael would come to understand it.

"Not yet." The head maid didn't look like a mother of three. If anyone asked, she could as well pass like an elder sister or a particularly young adult. She had the common sense of a hare, too. But Maria corrected the worst of her behavioral flaws with… Strict, and constant training "But she will be shortly. The girls already wrapped her around the blankets. Mister Joseph is helping carry her to her bedroom."

The man made Michael restless for the longest time. He and his wife knew everything that could be done in a room strictly for work when a man and a woman were left to their own devices for so long. Maria always behaved professionally and her no-nonsense attitude reassured him. But she is a teenager, after all. Just ask Michael how many "friends" contacted him again after he got his title.

"This girl…" Such ridiculous behavior could only come from Maria's bizarre common sense. The girl hasn't stopped working since her return from the capital, and consistently refused to leave her studio like some kind of workaholic shut-in "Make sure she doesn't…" Maria ran around the corner, already in her night clothes but still chased by three maids spreading her bed sheets like some kind of fish net to trap her.

"Ah… It's so wonderful to have milady back at home." The woman placed a hand on her cheek, a pleased smile making her youthful features look oddly motherly.

It made Michael a bit sick in the stomach, but in a good way. The women of this house were always such strange creatures. Michael had the feeling Maria chose them on purpose sometimes.

Sigh. Why did he ever wish to live in interesting times? Right, because otherwise life would be too boring.

"Please, go to sleep." When Michael arrived at the studio, Joseph looked ready to begin crying. The guy wouldn't be helpful in the end.

"You're not my dad." Maria didn't bother to look up from the documents stacked on the desk. She wrote diligently and without breaking stride. Mumbling a bit while she did so.

"Go to sleep." Michael didn't bother knocking or announcing himself. The head maid trailing behind him.

"I am old enough to manage my time just fine, father." Maria looked up from her work and smiled weakly "I'll be done shortly. Thank you for your care."

"Ara… Is Lady Maria behaving like a spoiled kid?" The woman spoke with that sweet voice of hers. The three people in the studio flinched.

"I… No. This is important." Michael's daughter began sweating. She too, was aware of the kind of woman the maid would never stop being "Joseph, take Shanon out of the room. Please." She sounded as pleading as her retainer sounded not moments ago. Maria looked ready to jump out of the window.

"No, can do." The young man shook his head vigorously. The head maid chuckled.

"I will take care of Mister Joseph later. For now, please go to bed Lady Maria."

"…I'm sorry." Maria apologized. She could do nothing but apologize. She stood up on her own accord and left the room.

No one pointed out how she sounded apologetic to Joseph. Michael knew some sacrifices were needed to achieve victory.

Well, at least they were done for today.

"Lady!" The head maid's favorite girl almost tripped as she caught up to them "There is a carriage from the Windhill that came to see you!"

Oh, gods fucking dammit.

Maria's mood improved, and her smug neutral face came back in full force "Fetch me something to wrap on my shoulders. Tell them to enter."

The teenager that arrived had the blonde hair and green eyes of the Windhill household.

About Maria's age, he carried himself in a way that befitted his affiliation to the marquis house of the wind, yet his physique did not correspond to it. Michael knew the appearance. A body meant to carry weapons and do the heavy lifting in any task necessary at the shortest notice: The youth built himself like a warrior.

He looked somber, but his smile neutralized the negative connotations of his appearance almost entirely.

"Baron Theodore." The young aristocrat had his hair combed in such a way stands of hair eluded the knot that has been so popular in noble young men for the longest time. It didn't make his appearance look any less well kept "My apologies to intrude at such time. I am Vincent Woodville Windhill. First and foremost, congratulations in Miss… Viscountess Maria's naming. I am well aware she deserves every recognition." His voice soothed the man's nerves, which made him feel more on edge, because the smooth talkers were always the worst.

Just ask the late Kanz if he would trust a smooth talker again, the answer would be no. He did not live to learn the lesson, but Michael's men did.

"You're way too kind." Still, etiquette demanded he replied in kind. Michael would play the game if it gave him some insight of the youth's true character. He heard someone squeak behind him.

The young noble chuckled. He didn't carry a weapon, and the two young men behind him looked like butlers from their attire to their slim bodies. Michael couldn't know their capabilities with just that, but he wasn't old enough to lose to these people. Unless the marquis child used magic, that is.

"Nonsense. Viscountess Maria is an excellent woman, no wonder with who raised her." His face became more serious. Michael couldn't be sure that sentence wasn't meant to be a signal "But my visit is not merely a celebratory one, as you might have guessed." Now the somber look returned, he motioned to his servants "Please, allow me to speak to her in private. It shall not take long."

"Girls." The twins came. Two maids that hurried to Michael's either side with quick and small steps that did not befit their height "Please show these gentlemen some hospitality. I reckon it's not too late for a cup of tea?"

"At once, milord."


Vincent nodded, and his retainers thanked Michael for the hospitality.

"Thank you, Baron. It shall not take long." The aristocrat entered his daughter's studio and closed the door behind him. He did not ask for permission, not really, nor was he interested in Michael himself any further.

It dawned on the man his daughter now outranked him entirely. His authority, which had been lacking to being with, now became null as Maria's achievements made her grow more than Michael's years of military service.

His little girl grew so fast…


"Woman, shut up." Michael didn't want to hear what they were doing from the maid's mouth, so he did as her and put his ear on the door frame.

"…Grows from corn and…" Maria's voice sounded as level as usual. The man's pounding heart began slowing down.

"I didn't come for an encyclopedic lesson." The aristocrat didn't sound too pleased, but at least he did not snap at Maria yet.

"Humor me." The girl didn't seem too affected. Michael heard creaking and realized the noble had been standing so far "Penicillin was usable even before its core component was isolated. I… If I remember correctly, which I doubt, it's useful for bacteria only. Sorry, Hayama. But I don't remember much more."

"Do you think you could produce it if we found it?" Was it about the rumors of the marquis lady falling ill? Michael didn't know what they were talking about, nor did he understand what Maria called the young noble but they sounded close.

"It's a mold, Hayama. I wouldn't be able to know which produces penicillin and which would worsen your mother's condition." Ah, so his gut didn't fail him.

…Why come to Maria, though? He should have doctors and alchemist for days, why Maria?


"I am no doctor. I do know a bit of medicinal plants. Maybe father has something we can use."

"There's people already looking for it." The noble's stern voice sounded even so flat Michael didn't know if he was being sarcastic or not.

"Maybe they're overlooking what they need." Oh, no. She's determined. More work for his little girl. She's not resting enough… "Even if we can't find it. Maybe this world has records of something similar. Maybe there's even a miracle drug somewhere and we just need to find it. Don't worry, I'll look into it."


"We're in this together, are we not? I will help to the best of my capabilities."

"Should we tell her about the Viscount?" The maid asked, getting away from the door and talking in a low tone.

"If she hasn't found out, she will." Michael scoffed, mirroring her movements "Now he has no authority over her, though. And I have the feeling his threats won't be as effective anymore either." The aristocrat opened the door and stared at the adults making guard outside the room. His smile conveyed he knew they were hearing.

"Is everything alright?" Vincent asked evenly, he didn't let anything show.

"I am waiting to see my daughter. Do forgive me, it is quite late." Michael replied without much worry.

"…This can't be faulted. My business is done. Thank you for your consideration, Baron Theodore."

"No, no. By all means, we're here to serve. If Lord Windhill wishes, he may spend the night here."

"I wished to return to the capital immediately."

"You travelled four days to come here." Michael smiled "I insist."

"I will see to it." The woman behind them spoke "Worry not, milord. You will find your stay quite enjoyable."

Huh? Wait…

"Father." Maria peeked through the door. Her eye bags were showing "Ah. Is everything alright?"

"It is." The woman assured her "I will show Lord Vincent a place to rest for the night. The girls can tend to his retainers." The aristocrat turned to Michael's daughter, who nodded listlessly.

"Fine." Vincent finally gave in.

"This way." The woman smiled kindly.

"I shall head to my room." Maria bowed demurely "Rest well, everyone."

"Ah, good night little…" Michael realized Shanon had gotten away "Wait, no! That woman is going to get us killed!"

Maria looked tired and done with her father's shenanigans. But, as the seconds went by, her eyes began opening until Michael feared they would pop out of their sockets.

"Oh, that was Shanon. Wasn't it?" Michael could only nod slowly. As if any movement would trigger their doom.

"Well, good thing virginity only matters for women. Right?" Maria looked thoroughly beaten. Not only had she been correcting the mistakes made by those who worked in her stead while she studied in the Academy. Her projects started showing problems, faults that weren't apparent until mistakes were made and deals were broken.

She always worked hard. But now, she didn't even dine with them anymore.

"Only for nobility." Maria never talked about these things with them. She was demure like that, a little too much if Michael was honest. Margaret never shied away from such subjects, nor Maria's people for that matter. So it came as a surprise she said what she did. Michael would reward her openness with his own "It never came up when I was young."

"I see." The implications were obvious, so hopefully Maria would catch on. She didn't comment on it, though "I'll go to sleep. I'm way too tired for this now."

"Rest well, dear." Michael kissed his daughter's forehead.


Yeah, the Theodore family would really need it.
No Matter How Hard, Yukino Simply Does Her Best
Being a Viscountess brought forth a legal loop when the lord of Marren left. The administration is automatically the responsibility of the highest ranked individual until the lord comes back. But it so happens that now Yukino has the same rank. Meaning that with some reverse psychology she ended up as the person in charge while Vincent took him to the capital.

The man hadn't liked that the marquis child ignored his position as the ruler in favor to go see Yukino directly, but his complains wouldn't fly after Hayama's mood got to its all-time low and lashed out at the Viscount. Too bad he couldn't be a boot licker to his heart's content.

Anyways, her father feared for her health, but such a golden opportunity couldn't be passed. She brought as many servants from the house as possible, and began reading and copying achieves about various affairs of the city.

Originally meant as a settlement to prepare for arrivals at the capital, Marren intercepts commerce and travelers alike, people looking for some rest before their arrival into the capital city end up spending some money in the city for a day or two, which means it flourished as a town instead of city. It couldn't develop further with the level of traffic it gets, but it could do a lot worse.

And so, Yukino hollered down in the studio of the Viscount's residence. That is, until her retainers had enough of her nonsense.

"Milady, visit."

"Joseph, I already told you. I will not host any of those uncourt savages. If they wish to talk to me, they can do it through you or…"

"Wow, rude." The voice made Yukino snap out of the reports she had on hand and almost threw her chair away as she stood up to her full height.

"Lady Char…"

The girl gave her the evil eye. Yukino cringed.

"I mean, Charlotte. What a surprise." Yukino saw Joseph smirk. She would have hit him with a water whip, but didn't want to hint the aristocrat to the house of wolves her household actually is.

Surrounded by lunatics, deviants, perverts and heretics, the noble would think she's one of them. Especially with the number of perverts in her roaster of servants.

She is not, in any way or form, one of them. Absolutely no possibility. Yukino is a cultured individual who lives her life politely and following etiquette. They're just opportunists that took advantage of her generosity and never left.

Truly, a bunch of scoundrels. Doesn't help Yukino distributed a copy of the house's keys. But she's only human.

Not at fault there.

"Well, imagine mine when the newly appointed Viscountess ran away before any kind of celebration could be arranged." The noble girl scoffed, letting herself in followed by her usual two maids. She took a seat without another word and smiled "And here you are, Viscountess Maria holed in a small town like some kind of fairy tale princess waiting for her prince."

Now Yukino scoffed.

"Right." She hid her eyes with her fingers. Closing them hurt. How much time has it been since she blinked? "I was not given the title for free. I shall live to the duties I'm entitled to, and I'll begin with making Marren great again." Heh, not the best of jokes. But Yukino could use someone who got it.

"This is your birthplace, yes?"

"I am unsure. When I gained consciousness of myself, it had been a while since I was adopted. I could have been born in Bandeaux for all I know." She couldn't say she came from Japan, as no country like that exists in this world as far as she knows. The maps only describe landmasses and seas without any sort of resemblance to any continent Yukino was familiar with, not real nor fantastical anyways, so it could be that there were more countries beyond the Great Dune Sea of Sarin*. Which did make her think of the Sahara, but that wasn't more than speculations.

Merica exists, though. Imagine the coincidence.

"Is that so?" Yukino knew she killed the conversation. Normally she wouldn't mind it. But the marquis daughter came just to see her. It'd make her a poor host.

"I planned to send a letter to you, by the way." Yukino procured a sealed letter from the parchments scattered around the desk "I wanted to discuss the curriculum we're going to cover."

"Us?" Charlotte raised her eyes "You are the teacher here."

Yukino remembered her cooking lessons with Yuigahama, and the tennis practice with… Sai… Saika-san.

"I am unknowledgeable when it comes to teaching." Yukino limited herself to state that.

"That didn't stop you with us." Charlotte rose an eyebrow "Nervous?"

"Indeed." Yukino decided to cut the chase "And since you people are my first students; you'll be helping me train the school."

"Hold on." Charlotte's eyes became sharper. She got a meaning she didn't quite like "The school? Why did you word it like that?"

Yukino smirked. Charlotte shuddered a bit.

"I plan on teach the whole school, teachers and students alike, at the same time."

"What?! Why?!" Charlotte stood up as she rose her voice "That's madness!"

No, not really.

"Because, as Arnold said, it's for the country's betterment. It'd be unfair to teach normally. Not only would the third years not get as much use as the first and second years, but the teachers would lose their jobs permanently. I will teach as many people as I can, so when it leaks to our neighbors we already have the beginning of squads moderately capable of cooperating with the spirits."

"When it leaks?"

"Why, of course. Knowledge is power. Do you think his highness the king sleeps peacefully at night just because of the royal guards? No. He does because he has spies and a net of information that keeps him informed of the movements of other countries. It's not infallible, but it takes a lot of weight off the shoulders." That's why she's raiding the manor for fishy deals, after all. The sooner the lecherous man leaves Marren, the better.

"Ah, that's what you mean." Charlotte sat down, still disturbed "I get the idea, but this is still too big a task to ask of us."

"I will be focusing on third years." Yukino pointed at the letter Charlotte had in hand "You'll mainly aid me with the first years and I still don't know what to do with the teachers. Maybe a presentation? No, I'd need PowerPoint for that…"


"Ah, please don't mind me. It's just nonsense." Yukino waved it off and continued "No, wait. I need you with the second years. Since you personally know some of them, it comes to reason you'll have an easier time dealing with them. The first years have more time. I'll prepare a schedule. We'll try different approaches, so make sure to write down any idea you have. Same goes for Lancelot and Lord Arnold. I'll send them their letters."

"I can tell them, if you want." The noble stretched her arms, placing them on her knees and pulling "We'll be seeing each other anyways. Won't Maria come to our tea parties? Lancelot insisted you should meet Erwin."

"I am unaware of who that might be." She knew, of course. Hayama had disclosed it in confidentiality, so she'd pretend she knew nothing. Maybe Yukino could even give his fellow reincarnator a heads up when it came to the battle of succession.

Erwin being an illegitimate child had little chance to become the head of the Windhill house. Yet before Hayama awakened, Vincent consistently pummeled the good faith of the household's followers. When the rumors of Erwin being better suited even while younger began to spread, the poor thing couldn't correct his mistakes anymore.

And on top of that, Hayama awakened amidst that problem. She could imagine the derail of the boy's plans when he suddenly remembered what being a smooth operator feels like. Yukino became catatonic for some time when she awakened. She could understand the dilemma.

"Oh, it's the third son of the marquis of Windhill." Hmmm… "He's a sweetheart. Too bad he isn't allowed into the main state." The noble leaned in, as if conspiring "He's an illegitimate child, you see." Gross. The marquis is gross "He's worked really hard to be acknowledged in the smallest of ways. I think you'd find a kindred soul in him."

Doubtful. The only kindred soul she's found in all her years in this world was, in a particularly hilarious twist of events, none other than Hayama Hayato. If she were to be told another person like her would be introduced by other people Yukino wasn't sure she would not cry in outrage.

Imagine if Erwin ended up being Hikigaya-kun's weirdo of a friend. Yukino wouldn't be able to endure it.


He wouldn't survive the nobles. Nor would Yuigahama, for that matter. In a way, Yukino felt relief the bubbly girl didn't come to the world. She'd be devoured by the perversion lying in the heart of men with too much power. Hikigaya-kun would get himself killed. Yuigahama-san?

Yukino felt sorrow just thinking about it.

Yes, if… If anyone could be out there. Then Hikigaya-kun would do. She would teach him proper manners. That alone would make him useful enough to go through with her plans. If it was with him, then she'd learn to be okay.

The only other person that could work this world into making some semblance of sense would be the other Yukinoshita. But Yukino felt conflicted about the elder sister she learned to miss.

She changed, how would Haruno change when the sky is the limit?


"Eh?" Yukino blinked. The noble in front of her looked worried.

"Is everything alright?" Charlotte turned slightly, as if seeing the viscountess from another angle would give her some insight "You look... Unwell."

"Milady has hardly eating anything." Joseph, who had stayed close to the door, spoke "Maybe lady Charlotte could get some sense into milady's thick skull."

"That's no good!" Charlotte rose once more "A proper lady should take care of herself! C'mon, Maria. Let's get you in shape. You can't look intimidating wearing those eye bags!"

"I'm not looking to look intimidating, though…"

"And you!" Charlotte pointed a finger at Joseph "You've got some nerve to let her do this to herself! Are you even worried about her well-being at all?!"

"Don't treat him so harshly."

"Why? He deserves this much."

"Because…" Yukino stopped, looking at her retainer "Just don't."

"Well, someone's got to take responsibility for this." The noble scoffed, bringing her fists to her sides.

"I will." Yukino calmly approached the Fatillas girl "Joseph, prepare us the tea table."

The man sighed, a relieved smile lighting his mood "At once, milady."

Yukino simply sighed. The concept of taking it slow returning to her as her mind began taking more and more details, exiting from the zone as she did her best to walk straight.

Not her firmest steps by any margin, but she didn't feel like her legs would be failing her anytime soon, so she'd take that as her not hitting her limits yet.

"You look terrible." As if prompted by Charlotte, Yukino felt light headed. She blinked to get her bearing, stopping in her tracks and placing her hand on the chair nearby as discretely as possible.

"You must be exaggerating." Yukino lied while trying to focus her sight in the bookshelves and excessively expensive decoration of the viscount's studio "Must be I'm not taking enough sunlight."

"Must be that." Without another word, Charlotte offered her hand. The trans-dimensional viscountess didn't think too much about it and took it, letting herself be led out of the office in spite of time being crucial for… For…


"Now, Maria. I came to distract you from the surprise gathering that's being prepared at your home." Charlotte informed the black haired mage when she made sure she was sitting down "But this won't do. You cannot go there and look like a ghost." Charlotte clapped, her maids hurrying to see what their master needed "So, in light of how poorly you take care of yourself, I have no choice but to steal you and teach you how high society ladies take care of themselves." Yukino faintly recognized the mischief in the look the noble girl gave her maids, if only because their eyes lighted up with a giggle. Yukino shuddered "So, we'll have a girl's evening. Don't worry, you're in good hands."


*Sarin is the name of my first Terraria world. Bite me.
Hopefully, Her Efforts Will Yield Results
The celebration was a touch Yukino appreciated even if she didn't agree to it. The nobles were puzzled with the "humble" way Yukino lives, but made no further comment about neither the house or the quality of the food and ambience. Even Arnold, in a surprising turn of events, made time and arrived just on time for the cake serving and the night couldn't be called anything but pleasant. It almost felt as the usual: Lancelot teasing Arnold, Charlotte defending the flustered prince and subsequently turning it back on the Aqusmea child, the side glances with Marcus when the teens did something that eludes Yukino's common sense, and the half-hearted talks about the future.

In the end, Viscount Aguerel came back with a slap on the wrist and nothing more. The man behaved more modestly than usual, but it didn't take a genius to figure he wouldn't be punished for just throwing a tantrum. A shame, for sure. But it came as no surprise. Yukino couldn't do anything but abandon her efforts of finding evidence of the man being corrupt to kick him out of Marren. Her mood soured for a few days, but work didn't let her dwell on it for too long.

She left town more than once. Being free from the Academy allowed her the ability to see for herself how things were going and where were the errors that almost fractured her plans whole. First to see how the business fared, then to see how the people she employs behaves when they think no one is watching.

John had been right. The slums are full of scoundrels, but once Yukino found one person doing things wrong she couldn't help find another.

And another, and another.

It felt like a nest of ants. Bother the entrance and dozens and dozens skitter around looking for trouble. It didn't help her mood either, but doing things by herself did help correct things. So she'd power through the headaches to see it done.

A whole district got imprisoned.

Some were purchased as slaves. Yukino looked forwards to their change of attitude. Except doing things that way didn't bring her joy. It went against her morals. She couldn't even believe she got away with purposely stripping people of their human rights to make them work, but some things simply have to be done.

Reformation among others. Yukino reasoned their attitude would change when they had to work for absolutely no reward or else.

Blood was spilled. She hadn't seen a prostitution center by herself. That time…

Well, some things are better left unsaid.

It didn't help the slum dwellers were on edge. Upon seeing her magic, some even attacked her on the spot. These fellows must have been under some sort of strange effects, because their desperation could only be compared to her classmates when the horde of monster wolves attacked.

Yukino didn't care of being called the Wretch. But dealing with people so far gone didn't sit well with her either.

So people were arrested, abandoned buildings purchased and streets cleaned now that she regained direct control of her projects. In this way, Yukino's vacations were spent with no outside intervention whatsoever.

The day classes began, Yukino stepped into the academy grounds not as a student but as a teacher. She partook in special tests to clear her of the other subjects taught, so she could avoid the awkward scenario of being both a student and a teacher. One year. One year and the academy could offer her no more.

"Look at you!" Charlotte took her hands in hers when the students were called to the magic training grounds "It's not your style, but you make it work."

"Thank you." Yukino didn't don the uniform, but instead wore a white blouse with a black pen skirt. Boots and stockings covered her legs and a particularly big red robe with golden linings identified her as part of the capital's mages*. The hoodie was the only part that didn't remind Yukino of someone from the previous life.

The irony wasn't lost on her, nor did it make her new position any easier. Hiratsuka-sensei had earned her position as someone you could trust. Yukino could only strive to come close.

"Nervous?" Charlotte smirked, Yukino's face contorted slightly as she tried (and failed) to mirror her expression.

"Ready." She corrected the noble, stepping on the small platform arranged so she could see the whole three years of students staring at the only person their age not donning the uniform. Teachers hung back, some scowling, some curious. In the end, this would be as new for them as for her. They were all leaning on the start line, waiting for the signal.

Yukino took a deep breath and remember her speech.

"Greetings." She levelled her voice, trying not to outright scream at those closer to her. She nodded to Lancelot and Arnold, but missed where Hayama was. Curious "I am Viscountess Maria Theodore. Recently affiliated with his majesty's most trusted guild of mages. As those of higher years might have noticed, the whole academy is here today. This is not a coincidence, as the lord Principal has been generous enough to give me this small space to talk to all of you." In the end, Yukino decided she couldn't talk to all of them by classroom. She needed everyone to understand, to see they were all told the same "From today onwards, I will teach you the ins and outs of magic. The reason I summoned all of you here is simple. To give you a warning. Heed my words, for they will make this transition smoother: Forget everything you think you know. The age of that magic system is over." This brought attention to her words. People that had scoffed were taken off guard and incredulous looks filled the ranks. Good.

Yukino rose her hand. Reached.

Her spirits answered, creating a dome out of pure water that shielded the whole audience with its surface.

"From today onwards, you'll be known as the first generation that mastered this new system. We were taught from a young age that this World is composed of the four primordial elements: Flame, wind, earth and water. This is true. And it is so true those elements are capable of loving. They give their blessings to those who can make contact with their incorporeal forms and allows us to perform miracles we call magic."

The dome exploded, people screamed in surprise. Yukino's spirits recovered the water they created, preventing anyone from becoming wet at all.

"But so far we've harnessed but a fraction of that power. With my guidance, and your personal efforts, you'll rise to become what the Kingdom needs: Powerful mages to bring prosperity and safety to its realm." Yukino rose her hands to either side, putting more weight to her words "Carve this into your hearts! You'll become more powerful. And that power shall serve the Gran Flamm Kingdom like it's supposed to! This is why you've been given your titles and privileges. To serve and uphold our country's power against those who would see it in ruins. With your efforts and, if you choose to make them, your sacrifices, we'll see the Gran Flamm Kingdom stronger than ever."

The students remained silent. Looking at each other without reacting at all. Yukino's strength didn't lie in conveying an idea. Seconds passed and nobody moved.

Prince Arnold began clapping, as did Lancelot and then Charlotte. The teachers followed suit, as well as the first years that were even less aware of what was going on than the rest of the school combined. The second years followed suit, and lastly the third years clapped.

It felt meaningless, hollow. Yukino would have to work on that too without outside forces aiding her lacing social skills.

"That went well, don't worry too much." Lancelot placed a hand on her shoulder once lunch came and they found their usual spot in the Lounge.

"Indeed. I was truly moved." Arnold thanked the maids for his croissant and placed it on the table "Speeches are always hard the first times. I'm sure you won't have problems once you get used to it."

"Listen to him." Charlotte chuckled, pointing at the prince with her eyes "He'd know."

Arnold looked troubled, but faced it with enough dignity to blush just a little "Indeed."

"If I went ahead of myself too much, it's fine to say so." Yukino took a sip of her tea. Shanon's came to mind faster than she'd like to admit. That woman knows what she's doing after all. There is a reason she hasn't been kicked out of the house... Well, many. But only one is important.

"That's not the case." Charlotte assured her "Really, it's going to be just fine."

Yukino could almost hear John laughing. He'd know how embarrassed she actually felt, and wouldn't shy away of poking fun of it. Good thing the young nobles weren't as perceptive.

"Come to think of it." Lancelot schooled his features a bit. The shift thankfully distracted the other two from the subject "Erwin contacted me before. Shall I call for him?"

Ah. The illegitimate child.

Yukino successfully avoided him thanks to her workload during the vacations. But she wouldn't be able to do so at the academy. The illness of the lady marquis of the Windhill prevented Hayama to be involved in the gatherings during the break, and the fact Yukino had yet to see him even in the cafeteria felt like a small splinter in the middle of her hand.

She knows it's there, but she can't put it out because she can't find it.

"Oh, why yes!" Charlotte looked positively delighted "By all means do. I told Maria way before but they haven't met. This is as good a chance as any."

"Is that alright?" Yukino asked tentatively "I don't know if the crown prince should show such partiality in the Windhill's affairs."

"It's perfectly fine." Arnold waved her off "The Windhill's matters are theirs. Vincent has shown he can be excellent should he put his mind into it. I'd not favor Erwin in any way."

"Then why is he not with us?"

"I don't know." Arnold confessed "I told Marcus to extend an invitation for him too, but he informed me he didn't find him." The knight in question remained outside. Yukino had voiced her complaints about favoritism towards her from the beginning. But the knight was more stubborn, refusing to go inside because he "is on duty".

She didn't like it. But she'd respect the knight's choice.

"Must be with his mother." Charlotte commented "Lady Windhill barely survived last month. Erwin told me there's rumors she'll stay weak for a while."

Hopefully not. Yukino cringed at the thought she hadn't been able to do more than to procure medical supplies exclusively for Hayama. Which his family could do, and did, but helping just a bit felt better than not helping at all. Or at least, that's what she told herself to pacify the small shaking of her hands.

Yukino felt both reassured and conflicted that she didn't have to face her fellow reincarnator today.

"Well, she recuperated. It should be a matter of time now, right?" Even if worded as a question, the teens knew the prince was dropping the subject with his words. He drank from his cup sternly, looking at them until he finished "In any case, I believe Erwin is well-received here?"

Both Lancelot and Charlotte nodded. Eyes fell on Yukino.

"It is not my place to say." She didn't like shrugging, much less with her new nobility title, so she didn't. But made her words do the shrugging for her.

"That won't do, Maria." Charlotte informed her "That makes it sound like you don't want to."

The lady of the Fatillas had made it her job to teach Yukino to talk less frankly and sweeten her words according to her social teachers. Yukino wanted to learn, the girl had a firm grasp of the noble social circles after all, but this particular subject eluded her as much as magic had before. Except, no one was at risk of dying by being close to her.

Before her etiquette had been praised… For a commoner. Now? Yukino sounded like the most brutish viscountess to ever live.

The irony of being told this for the first time in a banter session with Marcus was not lost to her.

"Excuse me, highness." As if her thoughts reached him, the knight entered the Lounge with his professional face on.

"What is it?" Something must have clicked in the royal's head, because his mood soured a fraction with the interruption.

"Lady Ariel Woodville wishes to see his highness." The table tensed. The prince's mood was ruined altogether.

Arnold's fiancé and Hayama's little sister in this world. To say Yukino was curious wouldn't be too far off. But the Chosen felt something else for the girl she had heard about only by second hand: Wariness.

Hayama was an only child back in the real world. To see him talking fondly of a girl made Yukino feel conflicted. Not because of hidden emotions or anything of the like, but simply because Hayama had no brother instincts whatsoever.

Yukino still remembers the days looking up to Haruno. Days she now remembers with nostalgia-tinted glasses but days that had once brought despair because of the elder Yukinoshita's choice to discard her façade in Yukino's presence.

How cruel, how prideful could someone grow under Hayato? Yukino didn't know. She didn't want to judge either. But she couldn't forget her path was irreversibly changed by him once, in another life.


*Basically, Yukino is dressed like Yue. Except the lab coat is replaced with an Adeptus Mechanicus garb.
Event: The Villainess Steps On Stage
"My prince!" Ariel Woodhill looked way too pleased for her expression to be genuine. She walked as briskly as the droning of social norms allowed and bowed almost ninety degrees when she got close enough "It is my pleasure to be in your presence. From today onwards, I shall partake in this school life alongside his majesty."

That's… Not what Yukino expected. But then again, what should have she?

Yukino stole a glance at the knight behind the noble girl. Marcus' poker face would have been funny if Yukino hadn't looked for his reassurance.

"Ariel." Arnold's tentative greeting felt lacking even to Yukino in comparison "…You are indeed here." Yukino snapped her face at Charlotte. Why could the prince be bad with words but not her? Go ahead, correct him. Tell him what he should say instead with E. Ve. Ry. Sy. La. Ble. Bro. Ken. Down. C'mon! Be fair.

"That is correct, highness." Ariel didn't seem to mind, and simply humored the royal "It's a great honor to share the privilege of attending classes together. Please, treat me well." She bowed again, not as deeply this time, hands clasped in front of the hem of her skirt. The perfect posture and elegance of her movements complemented her features perfectly.

Whereas Hayama looked jovial, but without doubt masculine. Ariel's face already looked promising in the beauty department. The combination of blonde hair and green eyes should have reminded Yukino of another Sobu student, but Ariel's beauty simply left room for no comparisons.

For a moment, the Chosen's mind simply drew a blank.

"Good morning, Ariel." Charlotte broke the silence before it could stretch too thin "I'm sorry about your mother, but it's a pleasure to see you are doing well."

"Ah, thank you Lady Charlotte. Dear Mother is recuperating. She's by no means a weak woman." Ariel turned her attention to the brown haired noble, skipping Yukino at first. Then, with a double take and her eyes fell squarely on the Chosen.

They stared at each other for a moment where no one spoke. Yukino didn't register Lancelot and Charlotte sharing a concerned look.

"And who might you be?" Ariel's words reminded Yukino of the rank system. She hastily stood up to bow.

"Lady Ariel. I am Maria Theodore." Yukino winced "Viscountess Maria Theodore. At your service."

"Ah." Ariel placed her fingers on her mouth. Not quite covering it, not quite… Well, not "Are you perhaps the genius woman my brother talks about so much?"

Now Lancelot and Arnold looked at each other. Marcus caught something too, since his eyes were inquiring without saying anything.

Yukino had to stop herself from reacting when it clicked. She knows.

"Lord Vincent is way too kind." Hopefully Yukino could deliver a message in a similar fashion. Would it be acted upon, though?

"He is a weird one." Ariel nodded. Did that mean she knows he's like her? Must be. Otherwise the first message would have made no sense "But that's just the person he is."

"Funny." Lancelot took Yukino out of the loop, also making Ariel look at him even if just with a side glance "When he picked on Maria at the beginning." Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"Lancelot, please." Even Arnold knew better "What Maria and Vincent's relationship was like before is hardly any of our business. If they're fine with each other, that's it."

"Ara? Is Miss Maria so close to his highness as to refer to each other so informally?" Alright, first? Yukino didn't want to. And second… Why should she justify herself?

Ugh, so tired…

"Not only did she act as our personal instructor for close to a year now." The prince's voice became cold in an instant. If that's how Yukino sounds to people, no wonder they get the chills "She also saved our lives. Maria has proved herself worthy addressing me and mine however she pleases."

"Eh? Did that happen, now?" Ariel looked puzzled but… Not really. Her expression carried too much feeling. Making her a little too reactive for what she was told. It gave Yukino the feeling the younger noble merely humored the older one "When did that happen? My esteemed brother never said anything about that."

"That can't be the case." Charlotte's voice came level, but not soft. She too, was using her lord (lady?) wannabe voice "Vincent was there. In fact, he fought alongside Maria for gods know how many minutes before help arrived."

"Ah, during the march." Ariel's eyes lighted up in realization. She looked way too cute for someone her age too "He did say something about it. But he's always declined to talk about that particular event any further."

With good reason. Yukino's been told it was… Bloody.

"So that's how it is. Well, this can't be faulted. His highness is absolutely right." The blonde gave a shallow bow, lifting the skirt of her uniform as is the custom even while it wasn't long enough for it to be appreciated as easily "You have my gratitude, for protecting Lord Arnold where I couldn't."

"I just did my part." Yukino allowed herself to sit back down.

"Not many would, given the circumstances." Ariel replied matter-of-factly. She wasn't lying, but the way she worded it didn't sit well with Yukino.

"Ariel, is there further business here?" The prince asked, stealing a glance at Yukino taking a deep breath. So tired… "If not, I'll bid you farewell. As you can see, I'm currently busy."

What? She's… His fiancé! You can't just tell her off like she's an expensive maid!

"Is that the case?" The cheery tone ceased, as if a battery had run out and it diluted itself into shutting down. The blonde didn't look downcast, merely like an actor who had been told to stop "In that case, I shall be going. Best regards."



"Actually." Yukino spoke up her thoughts aloud this time "If Lady Ariel is alright with it, you may join us… If there's no objection." Charlotte gave her a funny look, Lancelot looked more curious himself.

The only one who didn't seem particularly eager was Arnold himself. The one whose opinion actually matters.

"Oh? Is there anything you'd like to discuss?" Ariel turned herself to face them once more. Yukino knew that body language. She most likely looked forwards to leaving.

Well, too bad. She can make her weight a bit lighter.

"Am I correct so assume you have control over the wind spirits?" Yukino forgot about customs for a moment. Beating around the bushes wouldn't help.

"You'd be correct. Brother trained alongside me." Ariel's response came out measured. As if she just said enough to pass for an answer.

"Then, won't Lady Ariel lend me her strength?"

"Eh?" Arnold reacted first. Snapping his head towards Yukino so fast something should have cracked there "Maria, you don't mean…"

"You want to give your responsibilities to me?" Ariel frowned "That's something totally unacceptable. Who do you think you are slacking like that?"

"There is a logic to it." Damn. She didn't bring her notes. They would be useful for explaining "Basically, since Lancelot, Charlotte and prince Arnold are already capable of it, they're no longer partaking in magic classes. Instead, they volunteered to help me stir along the students." No good, she's losing her.

Less words. Yukino needs to explain better.

"My aim is to stabilize the new curriculum from year one. Basically…"

"…To make it so even those who are graduating come out with the prowess of those who'll take classes for two and three years." Ariel brought her hand to her chin, cradling it pensively "I see. I guess it wouldn't be too fair for the third and second years to only get a fraction of the education."

"Correct. So I'll invest more effort in the third years. I'd like to request," Heh "Of Lady Ariel to lend me her strength for the first years. With further assistance, I believe it is possible to allow for everyone to learn properly."

"I am a student, though."

"I need not for you to give classes." Yukino shook her head. The very idea sounded crazy. Ariel is just a child "But act as a coach. There are just too many things to take into account. I need to investigate how things develop, since the way magic works can't be as simple as making friends with some elemental ghost things."

Her elements stirred. Yukino didn't know the meaning of what they were doing, but it came out as some form of protest.

"Ah, sorry. No offense." Yukino quickly apologized. Lancelot chuckled.

"I am of the same mind." The young noble approached the table once more, aware of who Yukino apologized to. Or at least, paying the words said to the air no mind.

Marcus quickly left and came back with an extra chair for the blonde girl. She sat down with a "thanks" and positioned herself so she could face Yukino.

"I would like to hear more."

"Oh, no. Here it comes…" Lancelot groaned. He didn't mean ill, but Yukino glared at him nonetheless.

She soon found Ariel doing the same thing.

Her way of carrying herself had felt jarring at first. Because Ariel didn't stop being cheerful at any point. Her expression felt like a mean. Something she uses to help herself navigate social norms and not something she actually feels.

The current her, though? That looked more like the real her.

Hayama must have taught her to get her own way while pretending to follow through whatever the situation called for. How very clever of him.

Also sweet. In a very strange, twisted even, way.

"Ummm, Maria. I'm not sure if this is a good idea…" Arnold's complains didn't come as strongly as Yukino would have expected. It could only mean he didn't know how to put his thoughts to words properly.

Yukino glanced at Charlotte. Pointing with just her intentions to the mistakes not corrected. Alas, her wishes of equality couldn't come to fruition.

"Nonetheless, it's worth trying." Yukino didn't face the prince while talking, choosing instead to look at the Windhill heiress.

Ah, she'll need some paper.

"…If you say so." Arnold huffed, not trying to keep the line of conversation any further. But clearly against it.

"I'm not sure if it's a good idea to talk about this now." Lancelot took it where Arnold left the words unsaid "Not that I'm underestimating Ariel or anything,"

"It's perfectly fine." The girl assured him with an even tone.

"Regardless. Our lunch time is limited. And maybe Maria is fine with talking business all the time. But this time would be better spent relaxing."

"Agreed." Charlotte didn't add anything else, simply keeping up Lancelot's point and turning to the royal in a silent motion for him to speak.

"That is correct." The heir apparent coughed on his fist "You will have to forgive us, Ariel. But I'm sure we'll have to get you up to date with our plans." The way he stressed "our" made Yukino turn to Charlotte once more. The Fatillas girl was growing visibly tired of her silent protests.

"Ah, don't worry about me." Ariel's smile returned. How regretful "I am yet to grab anything to eat either. Originally, I planned to simply pay my regards to my Prince. I didn't have in mind a lengthy visit."

"Will you be going to the cafeteria?" Yukino's question brought the attention to her, but this time something in their looks felt different "In that case, I can make you company. A change of ambience would be great."


"If you so wish." Ariel shrugged, even that motion looked refined. Neither her nor Yukino paid Arnold's unfinished protest any mind "Miss Maria can do what she pleases."

"Ah, just Maria is fine." Yukino couldn't know what Ariel knew, but if they'd be interacting anyways, at least that would help make things less tiring.

Yukino didn't notice the silence that followed.

"Is that so? Then, as a special treatment call me Ariel as well." Yukino would have thanked her, but she didn't feel like the situation merited it.

She felt the conversation… Natural.

"I will be bidding you farewell, then." It felt like a good change to the norm.

"There's no need to hasten this talk." Lancelot frowned.

"Ah, don't worry. I'm doing this because I want to." Yukino's words had a heavy effect on the mood. She looked at the nobles a bit bewildered.

Are they feeling ill? What's with that reaction?

"We're in the middle of tea." Charlotte informed her but it couldn't possibly be that important. She has seen nobles leaving food and refreshment alike left almost untouched because it tasted too salty, or simply because they had second thoughts and didn't feel like paying. It couldn't be that important if she left her tea unfinished.

"We can have more, later." Yukino assured her, with a small smile. As good as she could muster anyways. The feeling of these three standing in the way wasn't new, but it felt almost playful compared to the drowning resignation it had been before.

She changed. Hopefully for the better.

"Shall we go?" The green-eyed noble's small smile reminded Yukino of Hayama's neutral face. His sister, after all.

"Sir Marcus, my cloak."

"Here." The knight's neutral expression didn't fit him. Never. But it went well with the rigidity of his movements "Have fun."

"I will."

The other three weren't pleased. Then again, no one would like to be discarded in favor of the villain. No matter how charming.

Their good girl simply jumped on the bad boy's motorcycle and rode with him into the sunset right in front of their eyes.

Erwin wouldn't come early enough to know how to sort the landmine of the most powerful children's bad mood.
The Burden of Carrying the World On Her Shoulders (Part 1)
"So, do you also have a name so infuriatingly difficult to pronounce?" Ariel asked once they were out of earshot from the guards stationed at the doors of the Lounge.

"How rude. My name is perfectly pronounceable." Yukino huffed, releasing her silky ebony hair from the hood of her cloak.

"Pray tell?"

"Yukinoshita Yukino." The girl frowned when Ariel couldn't contain her initial laughter.

"That's pronounceable? It's even harder than Brother's!" The noble did as well a job of not laughing as a kid who saw a magic trick for the first time. If a little less adorable looking.

"Only if you're completely ignorant of Japanese." Yukino's indignity-filled voice made Ariel chuckle. But the black haired girl didn't share the sentiment "And even then."

"Oh, but I digress. How can you even say it? Surely, you're not telling me you practiced your Japanese with someone?" Ariel lowered her voice as people walked past them. She looked like a conspirator, with a smug smile as she revealed how much she knows.

Which seems to be a lot.

"There are people who knows Japanese in this world." Hayama, for example "But no. I haven't. But it'd be simply ridiculous to use that as an excuse to let my Japanese rust." Besides, the words helped soothe her nerves when she used to lay on her bed. Not crying, but certainly suffering.

"Reasonable." Ariel commented as she looked for a place to sit down "Brother taught me a bit, by the way. It'd be a good exercise for me, if you'd like to have someone to converse with."

"If I get time." Yukino felt her mouth twist upwards "Ah, there is Mister John over there. We can sit with him."

"An acquaintance of yours?" The question sounded more like a 'wow, you have friends?' and it made Yukino question what Hayama told the girl about her.

Questions for another time.

"Closer, I'd say." Not quite a friend, but at least an associate of sorts. He's conspired with her to move projects forwards after all "Not quite the gentleman, but he's certainly not a brute."

"I know the kind." The blonde's smile must have been because of a fond memory "Shall I leave it to you? I'll order something."

"You don't have a maid?" Hayama didn't bring a subordinate. But Ariel didn't strike Yukino as the kind to do something like that. She didn't look particularly fit either. Her constitution didn't come from exercise, but was natural instead.

"Not presently. One will be provided to me, though." Ariel's expression changed again, now something unpleasant must be in her mind "Mother needs assistance more than I do, after all."


"Reasonable." Yukino left it at that. She clearly didn't want to talk about the subject "I might be able to procure more, if you'd like."

"Eh?" That took the blonde by surprised "From where?"

"My house, of course." Since the girl stopped walking, Yukino decided to take the initiative "I've contracted a lot of people. Some of which could use better jobs. I can recommend you a couple, if you'd like."

"You have people to spare?"

There is never too much people working. Less so now that her projects are fighting to get going once more. Yukino needs as many people as she can get a hold of. But…

"I can spare a few." In the end, they're employees. Not servants. They have the right to choose to work under better circumstances. Unlike the…


Unlike the slaves.

"I wouldn't want to impose." Ariel quickly told her. No good, she must have seen something in her face "Really, it's of no consequence."

"No, it's not that." Yukino shook her head "Don't mind me. Go, I'll be waiting with John."

"…" Ariel stared her in the eyes. Long seconds went by without any of them moving, until the blonde sighed "If you say so."

Yukino gathered her feelings and pressed onwards to the table. The boy didn't look too pleased.

"Ah, Miss Maria. I mean, Viscountess Maria. What a surprise." His attempt at humor fell short. His shoulders were down and he looked quite troubled. Yukino could relate.

"What's wrong? Ah, something happened. What is it?" She did her best not to come up too harsh, but she wasn't in her game mindset.

"Things are getting worse by the day." John's frown grew. Yukino could see the expression lines that would stay in his face when he becomes older "There's a lot of unrest in the city. Just a couple of days ago, the marketplace was raided."

"No way." That couldn't be true. That place is patrolled all day by the city knights and even the royal order. There's no way the market of the capital of the whole country was raided.

"But it was." John sighed "First, a demon appears. Now it's getting raided? Give me a break."

Those were news to Yukino.

"A demon appeared in the market place?" She couldn't be more incredulous if she tried. John looked at her like she was the one talking nonsense.

"Yes, didn't you hear?" When the girl failed to retort, he sighed "A demon appeared in the middle of the marketplace. Soon after we got our vacations. It mutilated a knight and injured a lot of people. The knight reported, and I quote, a "monstrous creature shrouded in cloth, hatred and steam". I think he died? Not sure, but people are going crazy over the tale." Of course. An appearance this public would cause an impact. It doesn't help that the scandal regarding the monsters in the forest not even a day away from the capital became public not even a year before "Many of my classmates almost didn't make it back to the Academy. Their parents didn't want them to be out of their sight with a demon out there. Some almost begged to be allowed inside during vacations, because prince Arnold is here, and must be the closest to a safe haven outside the castle."

"I can understand magic beasts, but to go as far as to call it a demon?" Sure. The bear creature did look like a demon, but that's not the moniker Yukino would have chosen for it. Aberration, or maybe hell spawn maybe. But demon?

"It kidnapped a child, just like in the fairy tales." Said fairy tales, are nothing but stories the parents of this world use to make their children behave. Yukino remembered similar tricks being employed back in the real world "Magic beasts can't make explosions, and there are a finite group that have tentacles on them."

Gross. She knows what he's talking about.

"I have a bad premonition about this." That sounded way too specific. Normally coincidences only go so far and people fill in the blanks themselves. But John clearly thought this case couldn't possibly be one of them. What is Yukino missing? "It didn't just kidnap one, right?"

"It's not about how many." The boy looked away "It's about purpose. It clearly wanted the child, and once it obtained it, the creature just fled. Some say it can fly, others say otherwise. But the rumors are too uniform. It doesn't strike me as something someone would do to discredit the business going on there." Right, there'd be no merit Yukino can think of. It'd affect everyone equally "And the government is not helping. Instead of trying to dissipate the rumors, security increased. You should take a look at the slums. I'm told there's a war going on there."

"War is too strong a word." Yukino didn't want to think about it too deeply. It carried connotations she didn't want to acknowledge.

"Well, there's clearly something big going on there. People are being driven out of there by the dozens. People on the ground say that they're fleeing our dear not-demon."

That didn't make sense. There are no children on the…

Oh… Oh my god…

"I'm not feeling too well." Before she could protest, John jumped off his chair and rushed to her side.

"I can see that, Miss Maria." The boy barked while pulling the chair to have room to snake his arms below her and rise her "We're going to see the doctor."

"What's going on?!" Yukino recognized Ariel dropping her food to run to her side. John almost didn't notice her before he began walking briskly.

"I don't know! She suddenly got pale and fainted!" The boy didn't stop to face the noble, and instead half-ran, half-walked out of the cafeteria.

Every step made Yukino feel like her stomach would explode in acidic… In acids.

Not good, she has to…

"Hold still, Maria!" John groaned as the girl wormed her way out of his embrace. She rolled and made John trip. Falling on her hands and knees and having the boy's weight forced on her to slam her face on the ground. The groans that followed informed everyone only their egos got hurt "What the hell is your problem?" John half whispered and half whined while rolling over and clearing Yukino of his weight.

"You don't even know… Half of it…" Yukino wheezed, slowly standing up with the help of the hall's wall. At least the seizure made her forget her previous panic attack.

When she couldn't hold her weight properly, the raven haired girl chose to sit down and rest her back on the wall instead. Ariel stared silently at her.

"What was that about?" Good question. Did the blonde beauty always say the right thing?

"Oh, don't worry. It's nothing to be concerned about." Yukino said, clearly looking like someone you'd worry about after a single glance "I just need to make a trip to the slums."

Ariel blinked "Why?"

"Because there's still work to do." Yukino's mind was on the prostitution center. It made her so sick she could have ripped the walls off with her magic and she'd still not feel any better "My responsibilities don't end with teaching and managing. There are things that must be done personally."

"But looking like that?" The blonde noble looked like she wanted to see through Yukino, vitals and all. That sort of scrutiny felt way too professional for a girl her age "I think not."

"But I must…"

"I think not." Ariel repeated, more firmly "You're clearly indisposed, and if Maria is not taking care of her health then someone must do it in her place." The girl crossed her arms, scoffing "You're going to go rest and I will call the nurses. Am I clear?"


"Am I clear?" Now Yukino frowned.

"That's not your place to decide."

"Ladies…" John clearly wanted to be anywhere but in front of them. His previous pain forgotten, his legs were more than ready to sprint out of that place when the air began behaving funny.

"Oh? Maria says such mysterious things. As far as I am aware, I kind of have the authority to decide." Ariel fixed her hair. Almost as a reminder of her pedigree. Yukino would not have any of that "And, since you're so stubborn as to insist risk your healthy like that. I must pound some sense into that thick head of yours." Ariel kneeled, cradling Yukino's face so she would not move when the blonde got close enough for her breath to grace Yukino's ear "Or shall I take this to his highness? Maybe Yukinoshita-san would rather deal with someone more befitting to give orders?"

"You wouldn't." Her tone betrayed her. Horrified didn't come close to describe the way her heart wanted to burst from her chest from fear.

"I wouldn't." The noble agreed, taking some distance to get face to face with the raven haired girl. She didn't let go of her cheeks "It's just not believable. But something tells me if it's Maria, his highness will find a way to twist it into something reasonable. I wouldn't want to explain how I know either." Ariel finally let go, getting her distance but with a hand caressing Yukino's head "Maria's hair is so beautiful… I've never seen hair so dark. Must be why you're so good at magic, right?" The implications of Yukino being special were conveyed clearly. The reincarnator didn't feel like arguing against Ariel's point.

She could just take deep breaths. Everything felt unreal. She knew her light-headed self couldn't think properly. But she still felt unreasonably irritated with the blonde that got the upper hand in the argument.

"Are you feeling better?" Ariel's question brought attention to the fact. The scare did help clear her mind, even if it left her confused and angry.


"So, are you going to tell me what happened?" Ariel stood up, crossing her hands again. It didn't bother Yukino that she was looking down on her.

"I have to go to the slums. I have projects there, and I must see the people stationed there. John brought something to my attention."

"The demon attack." The boy provided while being watchful of both.

"Ah." What? Ariel knew? Now, that's not fair. Yukino's directly involved, why didn't she know?

"So, we're going to the slums." Eh? What is Ariel talking about?

"I must…"

"We're going, you mean." The noble's smile looked so forced it turned menacing. Yuigahama had never pressured Yukino this hard.

"By all means, do as you please." Yukino didn't feel in condition to argue "John has a couple of business around the area. He'll lead the way, right?"

"Do I have a choice?" The boy cringed "Someone gotta look out for the ladies, right?"

"That'd be appreciated." Ariel interrupted "Ariel Woodville."

"Ah. Lady Woodville, it's a pleasure." The boy scratched the back of his head "The name's John. I'd have hoped we met under less distressing circumstances."

"Just John?" Ariel didn't look like she believes him.

"Son of peasants. Barely learned to read." He shrugged "Just John."

"And you say you have businesses?" Something fishy was going on, and Ariel knew it. Yukino never discussed their past, so she felt like something didn't make sense as well.

"Hey. Got employed in a shop. Learned everything there's to the trade on the fly." He puffed his chest "Quite the accomplishment, if I say so myself."

"Please…" Yukino scoffed.

"That is the case." Ariel sounded like she simply wanted him to shut up.

"Fine. Look down on me." The boy shook his head, apparently mocking the girls "Let's see how long you last without my guidance through the lower belt of society."

"You do remember I grew up a commoner, yes?" Yukino's deadpan heralded the improvement of her condition.

"Of course!" John's bombastic response was as exaggerated as it was mocking "How could I forget, Miss daughter-of-a-war-veteran I-make-money-for-days-with-no-prior-training-of-trade and magician of the element of I-can-pull-any-trick-from-my-ass, my lady Viscountess???? Truly, you're one more face among the common folk."