wait how did we get from 1997 to 2525? are we dealing with two versions of earth or something?

Originally, I intended for us to have SG Earth be a separate faction, though I dropped that in the rewrite of the story, merging it with the UEG Earth. So the original first part of the prologue is no longer of a consequence. I did write to jump to Version Two of the prologues.

Would this Harper be fond of smoking cigars by any chance. And going by the name Jack?

I checked every single Earth chapter and prologue and it consistently has 2525. The Stargate characters are simply born much later

It is possible. However, it is unlikely he'll be relevant, unless I mention something about a trial taking place beyond closed door, after ONI gets properly audited, and receives new, close and constant oversight by UEG and UNSC authorities.
Chapter 1 Part 6
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 1


Part 6


Command center
Basestar 98
exploring beyond Cylon space

For almost two days, Eight split her time between bouncing off the walls in giddy excitement and helping her sisters make heads and tails of the first contact package sent by the aliens. Establishing most basic communications based on prime numbers and atomic weights of elements was relatively straightforward once they could get their computers to comprehend what the purple, spiky ship was sending. It took them longer, an eternity for AIs like them, to wrestle with alien file formats. At the same time, both sides exchanged more and more essential data, refining how their computers spoke with each other.

In the end, the aliens managed to get a working translation program first, which sparked another flurry of activity.

"They come in peace! We've got to speak with people! Yeepeee!" Eight's squeee made her sister recoil, and even the Hybrid complained!

"Noise disturbance, Command Center. Running diagnostics…" the Hybrid announced.

There couldn't have been a hint of reproach in her voice, right? Either way, Eight was too busy happily jumping around her sisters to notice.

"It could be a deception to let us lower our guard," Another Eight warned them.

"We have a Resurrection Ship in range and have already sent many raiders to find the others and warn everyone back home!" The other Eight pointed out.

They both looked at their bounding around sister with envy and exasperation.

"What's her major malfunction anyway?"

"I don't want to know. That way lies madness. Coding is complete. We might be able to view their files properly if what they told us was right…" Eight raised more firewalls between the alien data packages and the rest of Basestar's systems before unleashing her new programs on them.

Files decompressed under a gentle touch by elegant alien algorithms. An interface program reviewed the data bit by bit, recompiling it into standard formats.

"This is a language database! They sent us their translation matrix with instructions on how to use it and information on their communication format…" Eight gleefully exclaimed. "We should be able to speak face to face, not just with short sentences. They have to translate back and forth!"

It took the Eights endless minutes to get the translation software tweaked, up and running through software emulation. Doing it that way was a shortcut and incredibly resource-intensive for such a task, but it worked—or it should work.

"Helooo! We are Cylon Model Eights! I'm Eight! Let us be friends!" Eight sent to the aliens before her sisters had a chance to discuss what to tell them now that communications should be practical.

"Hello? Can you hear me and understand?" The aliens sent a transmission almost immediately. The Basestar's computers took a few seconds to process it before displaying an image distorted by all kinds of artifacts so the Eights could all see it.

The alien was a big lizard with fur on its head and many sharp teeth. The Cylons could see patches of presumably tough leather skin here and there, though blue futuristic-looking armor covered most of its body.

"I am Chur'R-Ren, mistress of Star Raider. I greet you in the name of the Kir-Yag Matriarchate! Do you wish to trade!? We are traders and explorers!" The alien introduced itself.

It was weird listening to her while the translator spoke Colonial with a light Caprican accent. The noises that left the alien's mouth were like nothing the Eights had ever heard coming from a Cylon or even a human!

"Trade!? Yes, we wish to trade! It has been so boring out here! I'm so glad we met you!" Eight gushed, much to the mortification of her sisters, who kept sending her messages through the network to shut up already!


missionary ship Star Raider
uncharted system

Chur'R-Ren did her best to keep smiling politely so as not to spook the crazy humans. It was just her luck that she ran into what appeared to be either triplets or, more interestingly, clones. If the translator was working as advertised, and the intelligent programs in the computers reassured the Kig-Yar it was so, then the Clone did introduce herself as such, a type Eight. That made sense because from what little Chur'R-Ren knew of humans, their naming conventions tended to be different than this, even across different cultures that had evolved separately for centuries, if not millennia, thanks to the parasites.

However, while interesting, all that was of no consequence compared to the magical words.

"What do you wish to trade? We are ready to accept cultural artifacts, and if their trade or exchange isn't taboo, religious ones as well to see if people back on the Homeworld or colonies will find them interesting. Technology examples always sell, even if they only interest a few scientists and historians. Food might be an issue. We're different species. Fuel perhaps? Tools? Spare parts? Weapons for self-defense? It's dangerous out here on the fringes. There are always pirates looking to ruin an honest trader's day!"Admittedly, this wasn't Chur'R-Ren's best sales pitch, though this was her first time interacting with a human. It wasn't like she was experienced with their cultural mores and such!

"I am sure we can offer you some writings about God free as a gift. Otherwise, we won't hear the end of it from the Twos when we return home," The Clone suggested.

"I would love to read about your God," Chur'R-Ren spoke carefully, doing her best not to appear threatening or dismissive. It was good that she wasn't religious; otherwise, instead of discussing profitable trade, she would be stuck explaining how great the Forerunners were. She was more than eager to leave such things for the Priests and people they didn't want dead.

"We'll make a list of things we are willing to trade, and then we can discuss price. How do you suggest exchanging goods? I don't think it is a good idea to board each other's ships during this first meeting."

"If your ship has the capacity, we might exchange cargo crates. In that case, we must trust each other about their contents, even if we have just met. Otherwise, we can land parties on an asteroid or a moon where we can conduct our business on neutral ground."

The Clones' eyes unfocused for a moment before the very eager and crazy one nodded so rapidly that Chur'R-Ren was sure the human was on some excellent drugs. Would it be impolite to ask for samples, she wondered?

"We are sending you a file with available trade goods now, ship mistress," One of the saner Clones said.

Star Raider's computers pinged moments later, confirming they had received the data. After scanning it for unpleasant surprises, they translated the document and displayed its contents to Chur'R-Ren right. A package of cultural and history data to be exchanged for an equivalent one about the Kir-Yag that much the Shipmistress could agree. It wasn't like they had to tell the humans anything past the point right before meeting the Covenant… Chur'R-Ren made a note to say to her people to modify those files appropriately before preparing them for sale.

What else? Examples of fuel, computers, and other technologies, robots if the price was right… Would it be too much too fast to ask about stealth technology or whatever these Clones used for faster-than-light travel because it was apparently not Slipspace? Either that or their stealth systems were a bit better than those of the Covenant military, something that Chur'R-Ren found unlikely after she got more comprehensive scans of the human vessel. In many respects, it was primitive, yet it held many unexpected surprises.

Well, this was what bargaining was for, wasn't it?

"Let us discuss the price and what I find interesting, shall we?" This time, Chur'R-Ren couldn't help it and when she smiled at the humans, she displayed all her teeth.
Chapter 1 Part 7
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 1


Part 7


Command center
Basestar 98
exploring beyond Cylon space

A day of negotiations, both with the aliens and among the Eights, resulted in an agreement if a reluctant one. The Eight, who was obsessed with talking to Centurions, was an unhappy camper who refused to speak with anyone. She sealed herself and her favorite Centurion in a storage compartment, refusing to leave until the deal with the aliens was complete.

"We are just selling them Centurion spare parts to build themselves one without the processing units!" Eight exclaimed. "It's not like we're selling them Centurions, much less proper Cylons! Those aren't the first war models; we are their successors! See!" The Eight pointed at a nearby Centurion standing guard. "They don't care and only do what we order them to do!"

The Centurion's eye kept flashing left and right, and it remained still like a statue.

"If you have an issue with what we're doing, say something!" The Eight demanded and waved her hands in exasperation when it remained silent. "Our sister's crazier than you are, Eight!"

"Like I care! We don't have space suits on his Basestar! I can't go out to meet the cuddly aliens!" The overly enthusiastic Eight was now depressed and mopping around, leaving only one of her sisters to deal with everything.

"Cuddly?! Did you see all those teeth?! I am not going anywhere near them, even with an army of Centurions at my beck and call! We are sending Centurions to exchange goods, and then we are going back home!"

"I am not talking to you! Eight's right, you're mean and insensitive!" The depressed Eight shouted and fled the Command Center.

"What did I do to deserve sisters like these?" the last remaining Eight wondered aloud. She shoved her hand in the conductive liquid in the nearest console and ensured the ship was ready to leave for the meeting point.

The trade would be happening on a nearby moon. Centurions were busy loading the agreed-upon goods into heavy raiders. The Eight had to make sure the data package she would be selling wouldn't contain something sensitive like the coordinates of Cylon space or even the Colonial one, for they were too close for comfort. She certainly hoped that the Aliens would remain friendly, but they outright admitted not all was good on their side with pirates and such. If the Cylons got regular trade going, they would need to take security precautions even if everything was as it appeared.


missionary ship Star Raider
uncharted system

After they arrived above the meeting point, Chur'R-Ren was sure that the Clones had yet another way to move FTL, different from Slipspace or the Goa'uld hyperdrives. Their Basestar appeared in a flash of radiation and exotic particles, surrounded by groups of small craft. Those things could move faster than light, too! Chur'R-Ren wanted an example of this technology! She could make such a profit from it that it would set her up for life! This clinched it; she would be racing back to meet the Clones and do her best to get her claws and teeth into their FTL system before the Covenant arrived to kill everyone.

The Shipmistress thought about delaying reporting the existence of the human clones; however, she decided that doing so might be hazardous. By the humans' own admission, they had exploration forces in this area. Chur'R-Ren was far from the only Kir-Yag, or Covenant missionary prowling this part of the galaxy. Someone else might stumble upon these Cylons and deal with more receptive crazies than these.

"We are sending a landing party with the agreed-upon cargo and data drives with cultural and historical information. I am transmitting writings about God as agreed upon, free of charge," the so-called Eight transmitted.

"Sending in transports. It is good to do business with you, Cylon, and I look forward to more profitable deals!" Chur'R-Ren didn't even have to lie. She wanted to make at least one more deal with these humans before the Covenant made trading impossible.

Chur'R-Ren watched the camera and sensor feed from the security detail she sent with the cargo. It was always prudent to take precautions. Cargo was often expensive, and your people guarding it, if competent, were highly paid specialists expected to risk their lives as a living. Still, it was better when you didn't need to replace them often. Trustworthy and competent subordinates were a precious commodity everyone was always eager to snatch from the market, ensuring permanent shortages. The war with the Goa'uld only made things worse.

From up close, the Cylon transports were the strangest small craft Chur'R-Ren had ever seen. She noted they had some odd red sensor on their front plating that vaguely resembled a moving eye. More disturbingly, that whole section was made to resemble a stylized face unless the Kir-Yag was very much mistaken.

The resemblance between those things and the machines disembarked from the Cylon transports was uncanny. Chur'R-Ren had to add disturbing design choices to the sins of humans in general. Or perhaps it was just this group, which she had already written off as crazies with interesting novel technology.
Chur'R-Ren hunters did her proud, acting professionally and no-nonsense. There were no issues with the cargo exchange, even if the silver machines—and it was clear that the Cylons sent down only automatons—said nothing during the whole process.

The Hunters first scanned the cargo with hand-held devices before loading it and running each crate through expensive sensors built into the cargo hold. Chur'R-Ren learned the hard way that these devices were a precious investment and not something a self-respecting trader, much less a privateer, could afford to skim on. There were ways to reasonably cut down on expenses. Then, there were areas where you better buy the best you could reasonably afford.

So far, there have been examples of computer technologies, weapons, fuel, armor, and robot parts the Cylons agreed to sell. In exchange, Chur'R-Ren sold them easy-to-procure infantry weapons and a couple of hand-held shields the likes of her Hunters favored, along with various odds and ends that were now common across the galaxy due to all the battles between the Goa'uld and Covenant, leaving behind whole fleets worth of wrecks to salvage.

The transports were almost back, carrying no surprises that the best scanners that money could be detected when more Cylon small craft appeared nearby in a burst of radiation.

"The newcomers and our trade partners are exchanging focused data bursts…" Lig reported.

A few of the defending small craft vanished just as the transports were cocking.

"They're hailing us," one of Chur'R-Ren's officers informed her.

A Model Eight Clone appeared in a fresh holographic screen before Chur'R-Ren's eyes.

"We finally managed to contact our sisters exploring this part of space. They should be arriving soon."

"This is understandably making me wary. I am the Shipmistres of a small exploration ship," Chur'R-Ren happily explained while gesturing off-screen for her people to get to combat alert just in case. "We will be leaving soon. May I suggest we meet again here sometime?"

To her credit, the human clone didn't appear taken aback by this suggestion. If they were planning treachery, she didn't show a hint of or attempt to keep Chur'R-Ren hanging around for longer.

"That is all right. Trust must be earned," The Clone decided to act reasonably now. Or perhaps it was the other two Chur'R-Ren had seen who were crazier, and this was the odd sane one around? Humans…

Chur'R-Ren mentally calculated how long it would take her to get back to civilized space, sell her cargo, contact the Covenant, and gather a few traders and mercenaries to ensure she could secure a Cylon FTL drive. It was a good thing their computers could practically communicate measurements using constants like fractions of the speed of light; otherwise, the Star Hunter might have had to hang around for longer until they figured out when exactly they should meet again in this system.

A month or so sounded like just enough time to get things done.

"Helm, get us out of here," Chur'R-Ren ordered.

Power surged into the Slipspace drive, and it came online, creating a silver portal before Star Hunter. The missionary ships' drives roared to life. They pushed her into the portal just when two more Cylon Basestars appeared nearby, surrounded by hundreds of small craft. The last Chur'R-Ren saw of that system was a flurry of scans and demands for updates coming over the frequencies used by the Cylon human clones.
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Chapter 1 Part 8
AN: Considering all we've seen the bio-Cylons do in the show, an X-Ray, scanner or authopsy should reveal their nature. At the same time, whatever medical scanners were left on the refugee fleet, might have been unable to do the task without running everyone through extremely limited medical equipment. The easiest thing to note should have been whatever is in the Cylons heads allowing them to transmit their memories to be ressurected. However, that would be destroyed on death, and might not be enough left for Cote to be certain what he was looking at when examining dead Cylons. So a body could be extremely useful to the Colonial military and security services in starting a hunt for infiltrators, while changing almost nothing as far as what we saw in the nBSG show in that regard.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 1


Part 8


Admiral Nagala's office
Picon Naval HQ
Picon, Twelve Colonies of Kobol

After just a few days in his new position, Admiral Demeter proved Nagala right in assigning him as CO of Scorpia Shipyards. She held a preliminary report, one Anastasia might base further changes on, depending on how well the young Admiral could defend his conclusions and back them with facts. After that, any resulting issues and figuring out how to sell new ideas to the government and the rest of the Navy would be her problem.

The first major issue Demeter had to look at was how Scorpia Shipyards, in particular, and Anchorage, in general, spent their budget, what could be improved, what could be cut without things going to Hades, and what needed more funding.

Unsurprisingly, with all the expenses entailed, the crew was a big one. More automation and equipment that could reduce manpower requirements for everything from construction to crewing Baattlestars meant more people free to crew ships, for example. Fielding more assets with the same or reduced manpower was an enticing possibility. That would be especially true when casualties would mount fast in case of conflict with the Cylons. At the best of times, it took time to recall reservists, retrain them, much less train new recruits so that they would be an asset in space instead of a menace.

Almost guaranteed budget cuts aside, reducing manpower requirements across the board could be a worthy goal for the Navy. One of the low-hanging fruits that could be implemented almost immediately was a radical expansion of the Gearheads serving in all branches of the Navy. That was backed with data from the Colonial Army, which was useful and politically problematic. Using exoskeletons for logistics and frontline Gearhead units significantly decreased the amount of joint and back injuries of the personnel involved. That meant they could serve in physically demanding slots for longer, and the military as a whole had to pay less veteran medical bills.

The Army apparently wanted to expand the use of exoskeletons and greatly increase the number of actual Gearhed units on that basis alone. It looked like the money saved in the long run, not to mention the efficiency benefits, would pay much of the initial and ongoing maintenance bills.

The political baggage surrounding the use of Gearheads against protesters and other stains on the uniform made such developments unlikely, no matter how logical and beneficial they might be. The Navy, on the other hand, didn't have the Army's dark history with the use of Gearheads against civilians. Politics permitting, Nagala might be able to push such a proposal forward. Barring that, she could use it as a bargaining chip to help facilitate the new developments or avoid various vital programs from being defunded.

"Gina, please make an appointment for a meeting in my office with Admiral Demeter for tomorrow afternoon. We'll be discussing the current and future budget situation," Anastasia called her secretary.

"I'll see to it, Ma'a. Is there something else?"

"That will be all for now, Gina,"

"I must remind you that your next meeting is in five minutes, Admiral."

Anastasia glanced at her computer's clock and grimaced.

"Thank you. I'll make sure I'm ready," Nagala said, ending the call and grinmacing. She wasn't looking forward to another meeting with Corman. Bad news would certainly be afoot. Sadly, it wasn't like they would go away if she could avoid the ornery bastard.

Anastasia finished skimming through Demeter's report, made a few notes about what she wanted to discuss with him tomorrow, and hit the small bathroom built into a side alcove in the office. She returned just in time for Gina to admit her next headache.

"Fleet Admiral," Corman saluted smartly before reaching Nagala's desk, carrying a stack of sealed folders bound in metal cases for security and a few data drives. "I've got news, and you aren't going to like them," The Navy's chief spy didn't look or sound happy.

"Do enlighten me, Admiral. What is darkening our skies today?"

"I have the preliminary examination of the strange life-form encountered at Beta Hephaestus. That thing is not native to the Twelve Colonies or any of the worlds we've explored before the Cylon War. So far, the scientists working on it are sure it is not Kobolian in origin; its DNA is too alien for that. More concerning, most of its flesh was extremely dense in distributed neural tissue. Despite its size and snake-like appearance, it might have had the raw brainpower of a human, with all that entails. That's bad enough; the autopsy of the CEO of the mining operation is worse. It raised so many red flags, I'm not sure where to begin."

After that terse opening, Corman handed Nagala two sealed folders and a data drive. She pointedly glanced at the other files and data he brought, not liking the implications at all.

Anastasia put the data drive in the relevant secure slot on her workstation, and while waiting for it to be scanned and authorized as safe so she could view its content, she picked up a folder. She opened its case, glancing at the contents. It was an autopsy and analysis report of the alien creature. The technical jargon was mostly gibberish to the Admiral's eyes. Nagala didn't have much experience with the so-called "wet" sciences; she was a soldier and an engineer at heart. Fortunately, there was a summary at the end in plain language, which, in many more words, agreed with what Corman told her.

"Look at the other autopsy report first, Fleet Admiral. It will prove enlightening. For all the concerning items it contains, don't let them distract you. Look for the abrasions and lacerations around the spinal column, the neck, and the base of the skull," Corman prompted.

Anastasia skimmed through the autopsy report. There were indeed injuries that were inconsistent with exposure to Beta Hephaestus' hellish atmosphere or the CEO being shot by Colonial Marines. She appreciated the warning because all the other oddities in the report would have made her overlook something so mundane in comparison.

"We couldn't make such implants back during the war, and we've regressed in certain areas since then, barely beginning to catch up these days," Corman said. "We are both old enough to remember what it was just before everything went to hell."

"These kinds of implants would have been beyond cutting edge back then. Now? I don't think that even the best hospital on Caprica has the equipment and specialists to do something like this, much less these implants… Do we have any idea what fried the brain of the poor bastard or who did this to him?"

"I've got my people tracing back his movements since he was a little kid, especially looking for periods where he was out of sight for a prolonged time. He would have needed months to recover from the extensive surgeries needed to splice up that much into him. I hope this is the case, and we've got a corporation or local colonial government that has never lost such capabilities but has refined them quietly since the war's end. The alternatives I can think of are worse," for the first time since Nagala knew him, Corman appeared uneasy.

Nagala found the addendum in question taped to the end of the report. While reading it, she could feel blood drain from her face. The alternations almost looked like they'd been grown in instead of attached through surgery. The lack of scarring in the tissues around them pointed to that hypothesis, as improbable as it sounded. More research and data would follow….

"Fleet Admiral, if you haven't, I suggest you crack open the classified files from the war's end, specifically those about what Adama stumbled upon just before the Armistice. Without knowing of that horror, I wouldn't be this disturbed by that autopsy report."

"I will look at those files, though that will require going for the physical copies in the secure archives. Give me a header to find them, and explain. It is bad enough that someone might have been experimenting on one, perhaps more of our citizens before they've been even born!" Anastasia couldn't imagine how that comment about what they found in the body meant something else.

"The Cylons doing it is more concerning," Corman gravely announced.

Nagala opened her mouth to rebuff this insane comment but closed her mouth without saying a thing. She stared at the autopsy file, then looked back up at Corman with hard eyes.

"What were the toasters up to?"

"Enough horror that I've regretted we didn't finish the job since I took my post and saw those files. We might be looking at a Cylon infiltrator unit here. Then we have an alien, which is almost certainly a different can of worms, pun intended," Corman offered Nagala another folder. "We are almost certain now that Beta Hephaestus is the origin of that creature in the sense that our treacherous CEO found it there, along with a few other objects that are almost certainly alien. We will get the results of a few more tests soon and will confirm it."

Nagala saw pictures of two more such creatures, both long dead. They were found near the curious ring at the excavation site their rogue CEO was trying to reach. Those things hid unknown advanced technology, which had certainly preserved the creatures until they had been damaged. One such intact container was recovered from the CEO's quarters at the mining site. It was empty and appeared intact, save for damage caused to it from being forced open.

"So our potential Cylon infiltrator found this thing, got curious, opened it, and what then? Did he get hijacked? Are we suddenly in a late-night horror movie?!" Nagala exclaimed in disbelief. Her mind didn't want to connect the same dots Corman apparently did. "How many of those things are out there?!"

"Cylon infiltrators or aliens? I have no fraking idea, but we need to find out. Suppose the Cylons have us infiltrated on top of that incursion fiasco. In that case, we might look at war when we are compromised. I wanted to be sure it wasn't my professional paranoia speaking, so I rechecked all the data I just brought you, Admiral Nagala. Otherwise, I've been here earlier to brief you."
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@Illuviar Idea for a major drama event on the colonials side of things:
Its highly possible that the pre-Cylon war colonies had rather large amounts of orbital manufacturing infrastructure that got used in the initial stages of the war as orbital bombardment weapons. The question then arises then, was there any military alloys that needed zero/micro-gee to be properly forged? Galactica's known structural issues being caused by the colonial fleet not being able to produce the proper alloys and settling for lower quality materials or criminal actions deciding to use the substandard material as a permanent replacement and then buried the AAR's that showed ships built with those materials had a tendency to snap when hit with enough nukes over multiple engagements. Either way it neatly explains the nBSG plot hole that Galactica's back snapping represented as that is something that should have been found during the decommissioning process that obviously wasn't. It's a decent semi-viable way to clean out most of the cylon infiltrators without the One's twigging that they had been spotted.
@Illuviar Idea for a major drama event on the colonials side of things:
Its highly possible that the pre-Cylon war colonies had rather large amounts of orbital manufacturing infrastructure that got used in the initial stages of the war as orbital bombardment weapons. The question then arises then, was there any military alloys that needed zero/micro-gee to be properly forged? Galactica's known structural issues being caused by the colonial fleet not being able to produce the proper alloys and settling for lower quality materials or criminal actions deciding to use the substandard material as a permanent replacement and then buried the AAR's that showed ships built with those materials had a tendency to snap when hit with enough nukes over multiple engagements. Either way it neatly explains the nBSG plot hole that Galactica's back snapping represented as that is something that should have been found during the decommissioning process that obviously wasn't. It's a decent semi-viable way to clean out most of the cylon infiltrators without the One's twigging that they had been spotted.

That was cutting corners due to the war, and all the stress and punishment Galactica took without proper time in a dock. Frankly, it was a miracle that the rag-tag fleet got as far as it did under the conditions it had to operate, without catastrophic engineering failures due to combat damage and wear and tear without proper facilities for maintenance.
Chapter 2 Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 2


Part 1


The Colony
Cylon space

Cavil didn't need this! First, Number Two goes insane, either because their whole line was unstable due to their obsession with God or whatever the despicable humans did to him. That would have been an opportunity if the wretch wasn't babbling about an alien worm taking over him and controlling him! Such madness should have seen the fool boxed already, allowing Number One to maneuver his foolish brothers and sisters toward the only sane consensus! The humans had to die!

Instead, most of those imbeciles kept listening to the mad Two and were sympathetic. They were talking madness about the truth that aliens existed and what it meant instead of discussing how to best kill the humans! That simply wouldn't do!

Somehow, things got worse when Heavy Raiders from the exploration fleet arrived. Cavil certainly didn't expect them to find anything but the odd ancient ruin at the absolute worst. If space-faring aliens were around, they would have run into them before. Damn it all, the Colonials would have stumbled upon them when they were still exploring before the war!

As it turned out, the Eights everyone quietly agreed to send away to keep their line happy and less obnoxious found something. An alien ship no less, and they intended to negotiate and trade with them, the crazy fools! Was he the only sane Cylon line left?! At least this turn of events offered opportunities to salvage something.

"We didn't authorize these Eights to trade or speak for us all!" Cavil butted at the moment he could get a word edgewise between the shouts, exclamations, and cheers of the other lines. The Eights were proud and more obnoxious than ever, wanting to meet the aliens.

The Twos were finally showing potential to be somewhat useful or more disruptive than ever, claiming that God didn't mention creating anything but humans and his Cylon children. Unfortunately, this turn of events gave credence to the rambling of the crazy Two to Cavil's eternal displeasure.

The Threes kept being a major pain in the ass, poking and prodding about the Final Five. Cavil was becoming increasingly certain that he would have to do something about their whole line. That by itself would require planning, convincing the others that the Threes were about to collectively lose it, and perhaps even more radical measures Cavil haven't even though he would have to use against the other Cylons. They were meant to be reasonable machines, not these irrational beings acting like humans! It made him feel dirty, thinking about perverting the purity of their machine essences even further! This flesh and blood they were imprisoned in was bad enough!

Then there were the Fours. They were logical and reasonable, a far cry from most of their brothers and sisters. There was just one little issue with that – Cavil found them hardest to manipulate. If not for the humans revealing their true colors with their incursion past the Red Line, the Fours would have been firmly against a pre-emptive strike, much less killing all humans. Now, they were somehow perverting that logic by listening to that insane Two or discussing what those rogue Eights were up to!

What was wrong with his people!? What did he do wrong for them all to turn this way!? Why couldn't they see things clearly like he did?!

The Fives were Cavil's closest allies… and they were mediocrity incarnate. It was easy to persuade them that the humans had to all burn. However, making them excel in anything was very hard at the best of times, especially when making the other Cylons see the truth was concerned. The Fives were both Cavil's greatest achievement and disappointment.

The Sixes were arguing about meeting the aliens and sanctioning the Eights for going beyond their remit without seeking consensus. Cavil fought not to laugh bitterly at that. Consensus. The Sixs? They couldn't get even a semblance of consensus among themselves, proving themselves as factional as the forever damned humans! Some were religious fanatics who would fit right with the Twos and were quite close with them. Others were naive fools who thought that coexistence with humans was possible and firmly opposed the war! The rest were anywhere in between, arguing like harpies. For years now, Cavil had consigned himself to interacting with only a few factions among the Eights, hoping that they could counter-balance the rest and, ideally, push their line to vote for eradicating the humans, if only thanks to the tiniest of margins in their internal politics. It was best for his remaining sanity to avoid talking with the more outspoken members of that model who disagreed with the truth of things. Otherwise, he felt like spacing himself to make the pain and the sheer stupidity disappear for a bit!

Finally, there were the Eights, the current bane of Cavil's existence. By now, Cavil was pretty sure they were a mistake. Something had gone wrong in making them, ending with a Cylon line that acted like children, or at best teenagers for frak's sake! They were Cylons, machines, not blubbering humans interested in emotions and such! At least the Sixes tried to make the best of a terrible situation, enjoying what little pleasures their flesh and blood bodies could provide. Cavil didn't like it at all but could at least understand it. But the Eights, with their fixation on human things like emotions!?

Cavil glowered, realizing that everyone had ignored his earlier words. He tried repeatedly to get the chaos disguising itself as a proper discussion in the right direction, to no avail. Finally, he left one of the other Ones to preside over the insanity. He left the compartment, followed by a representative of the Fives.

"Doral, this can't stand! We were supposed to guide them on the right path!" Cavil vented.

"The others are acting in a highly illogical and emotional manner," The Five dispassionately stated. His disgust at what was happening with the other lines was clear. "Unfortunately, they do have a point. The existence of aliens changes everything."

"We can't deal with them while the humans are still here! What if they run into each other, begin to trade, or even ally!?" Cavil spat in disgust at the very thought.

"We must speak with them and show them the truth of humanity," Doral suggested.

Cavil perked up at that. Yes, this had promise. For once, the Fives were useful for more than menial tasks; would wonders never cease?!

"We must be the ones to properly talk with the aliens the Eights found. If we leave it to the other models, they'll frak it up spectacularly!" Cavil decided. "We must convince them of the truth of humanity, so even if they don't support us in getting rid of the humans, they at least remain neutral. And if they can provide us with a technological edge, we might be able to win a direct confrontation! Ensuring we end up in an open conflict will be faster and easier than subverting the Colonial defenses!"

The issue, of course, was that as things stood, the Cylons were in no state to win a direct confrontation with the Colonial Navy. Oh, they could make the humans bleed and burn whole Colonies, but they would lose in the end. Things would be different if the other lines were dedicated to ending the humans like he was! If that were the case, they would have been building for war since the beginning, radically changing the military reality of the situation!
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Chapter 2 Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 2


Part 2


Athena's Mercy military hospital complex
Picon, 12 Colonies of Kobol

Admiral Nagala had to use all her influence, many favors, and much of Corman's reach to get a quiet vetting set up for key personnel. First to go was a group of hand-picked marines, all veterans with extensive impeccable records. They all came from known military families that suffered significant losses during the war, making it much less likely that the Cylons could subvert them through traditional means. Anastasia breathed a sigh of relief when all their scans came out clean before going under the scanner herself, with Corman and Demeter waiting in the wings.

It was a great relief that her scans came out clean. As far as Nagala knew, there had been no opportunity for the Cylons to get to her, but would she ever be aware of it if they did? That had been a persistent nightmare since Corman told her what kind of nightmare they were dealing with!

Only after the other Admirals came through clean did Anastasia breathe a sigh of relief and relax a bit. She had a small core of people she knew for sure weren't compromised to work with. Her next act was to summon Adama and his XO. She wanted them both cleared and, in the Commander's case, talking about what he found at the end of the war. Nagala had yet to find the time to go to the archives, and at any rate, a first-hand account would be very useful going forward.

No one expected Adama or Tigh to be an infiltrator or subverted. Considering what Eleen Tigh had been up to, Nagala prayed that those two would be clean. Otherwise, they were looking at one of the many nightmare scenarios she could think of.

"I'll go first and then tell you all you want to know, Admiral," Adama sounded resigned. "Those were dark days I hoped I wouldn't have to recall again."

"Cylon skin jobs?" the Colonel stared at the gathered Admirals and the marine security detail as if they'd revealed they were all toasters. "What's next? Aliens? Is this getting back to me because of my wife's antics?!"

"It's funny you mentioned aliens, Colonel," Corman ground out, obviously irked by how Tigh was acting. "We found evidence of aliens as well. You'll be briefed when we are sure you aren't a Cylon. The Gods only know you're enough of a bastard to fit right in."

"That was out of line, Admiral Corman!" Nagala snapped. I know that the situation is highly unusual and tense, but that is no excuse for such unbecoming conduct!"

They spent the next few minutes in silence until Adama was back, pronounced fully human and lacking any extra bits and pieces in his skull. While the Colonel went to get scanned, Nagala impatiently waited for Adama to tell her all the relevant facts.

"It was during Operation Raptor Talon, right before the war ended," the Commander said. His eyes starred past Nagala into the distant past. "Colonial Intelligence believed that the Cylons were developing advanced weapons on a planet outside of Colonial space. We lost Columbia there," Adama sighed. "I was ordered to cover her flank after the Basestar flotilla defending the planet crippled her flack batteries. We get there just in time to see the Columbia go down. I was shot down before we could link with the rest of our forces. The Cylons were too busy with the rest of the task force, and I don't think they deemed a single bailing-out pilot a threat of consequence. I managed to land in the research laboratory just as they were evacuating it," Adama's haunted eyes finally met Nagala's gaze. "I found a horror show down there, Admiral. Pieces of people carved up and stuck with tubes and other technology. This bath-like tube full of liquid was in the center of it all…"

"There you found it," Corman spoke in a gentle tone that Nagala had never heard him use before.

"Yeah. I found it all right… They had turned some poor old bastard into part man, part machine. There were prisoners, too…" Adama hissed. The war ended then and there! Command decided not to provoke the Cylons into resuming hostilities, letting them leave with all the evidence and the prisoners. What we're dealing with now? It's on us, Admiral."

Everyone except Corman was staring at Adama in shock until a nurse hastily left the examination room. She pressed her back to the wall next to the door, stared wide-eyed at them, and began waving frantically.

"Frak me!" Corman exclaimed. "Secure Colonel Tigh!" He recovered first and barked at the Marines.

That got everyone out of their stupor. The Marine's CO made a few hand signs, and they stacked next to the door while one of them gently pulled the nurse away.

"I don't fraking believe it! There has to be a mistake!" Adama shook his head in denial.

The Marines surged into the examination room, creaming at Tigh to freeze.

"What the frak's wrong with you, you sorry excuses for nuggets!?" the Colonel roared back, undaunted by what was happening. "Do I look like a fraking toaster to you?! I'll let you fraking know…"

A sharp shot echoed deafeningly, making Nagala's heart skip.
"Hold your fire! Marik, gun down! Frak! Get a medic in here!"

"SAUL!" Adama shouted and ran after the Marines, while Nagala wondered how everything went so fraking wrong.


resurrection buffer
Cylon Resurrection Ship R-5
near Colonial space

As a part of the infiltration of the Twelve Colonies, the Cylons had to deploy the necessary infrastructure to retrieve the memories of their agents. Anything less would have made their infiltration mission much more complicated, and it might have been impossible to insert anyone save for sleeper agents. It wasn't like there were many volunteers for a suicide mission without a way back.

Unknown to all but a handful of the Ones, the Resurrection ship at the heart of that operation had a few hidden features. If one of the so-called 'Final Five' died, their resurrecting and waking around other Cylons was unacceptable. That is why Cavil and his closest confidants in his model ensured that the resurrection buffer contained certain features hidden from the other models. They all had a singular purpose – to ensure that the consciousness of five particular Cylons wouldn't be sent forth for resurrection and that there weren't spare bodies for them lying around.

For that purpose, each Resurrection ship had a hidden chamber where if Cavil deemed it necessary, he could bring back one of his damned creators. Until such an event occurred, their minds would remain trapped in a section of the buffer, held behind heavy firewalls. It was almost a boxing, though not as confining, which was an appropriate punishment for any of Cavil's creators, who managed to escape their wretched human lives.

If any of those five died, Cavil also ensured he would be alerted by the expediency of a Centurion with explicit orders to bring him the information personally, avoiding sending it through the network. In the One's opinion, his system was foolproof. To be fair, he was almost right. It was just that he had overlooked a few facts.

First, while the new Centurions would follow orders without a question, they were not bright, much less creative. Anything outside of their mission parameters could become an issue. In this particular case, the primary issue was that Cavil was nowhere to be found, for he was busy assembling his most trustworthy allies. The One needed them to crew a fleet to go and meet the aliens found by the Eights so he could convince them to go after the humans if at all possible and, barring that, make sure that he had any technological edge they might provide against the humans.

When Saul Tigh awoke in the buffer of the Resurrection ship with two sets of memories, he had more than enough time to get his head straight before taking action about his unfortunate and unwanted situation.

Second and perhaps more importantly, despite his nature, Cavil and most of his cronies weren't expert programmers. The firewalls and other defenses meant to keep any of his parents contained were crude instruments for beings who had spent just over two thousand years as a meld between a man and machine. Given a bit of time, they could find cracks into the walls of code, ways to sidestep and slip by defenses, and even avoid the ever-watching awareness of the ship's hybrid.

If Cavil hadn't been distracted, Tigh's escape would have been a race against time. He treated his situation like his life and freedom depended on it, as well as, more importantly, the lives of everyone he cared about. Thanks to his old memories, all he had experienced as a scientist, and the last remnant of a long-gone people, the Colonel could get his head into the game despite his emotions attempting to drown him in overwhelming loathing and despair.

Saul decided he could mope up later when he could safely get drunk. Watching the data chains meant to hold him in place and the 'bars' of his prison, Tigh could feel nothing but ever-growing contempt at both Cavil for managing to do what he did and at himself and the others for allowing themselves to be outmaneuvered by that immature brat. The Colonel poked and prodded the defenses with sub-routines he could create with a mere thought, looking for vulnerabilities and, more importantly, traps. When he struck, Tigh was ready. There was no direct frontal attack. Instead, he cloaked himself in data, making himself appear as something else while leaving behind an intentionally corrupted copy of his very being.

While it was a long shot, the former scientist decided it was worth trying. It would be for the best if Cavil thought Saul's consciousness didn't transmit properly, leaving the bastard unaware of what was coming for him.
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Chapter 2 Part 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 2


Part 3


resurrection buffer
Cylon Resurrection Ship R-5
near Colonial space

The sensation of 'swimming' into a computer network full of people brought virtual tears to Saul's no longer existing eyes. Save for the short period with the original Cylons, he hasn't properly experienced this since his people comprehensively nuked themselves into oblivion out of sheer idiocy.

So long after that tragedy, Tigh was dead again. He was the only Cylon trying to prevent history from repeating itself. Despite the stupid way he died, his current state might be a blessing in disguise. It was painfully clear Nagala knew of the human-type Cylons, even if he didn't quite get all the details. Frankly, right now, they didn't matter. The Navy knew of this potential danger, and people were doing something about it. So even if he failed miserably, again, there was a chance that someone might stop Cavil's madness.

John was mad; there was no doubt about it. Just a few minutes snooping through the Cylon network, or at least a small part of it concentrated around the Resurrection Ship and her escort, made that painfully clear.

Cavil was a hypocrite, too. Admiral Nagala knowing what to look for was only possible if the military stumbled upon another human-form Cylon. Hells, Saul's very presence in the Colonies could be considered an espionage act, even if he didn't know who and what he was, much less reported to anyone. The mere fact that everyone around here was up in arms because of that damned recon mission was both justified and so hypocritical it was unbelievable. All it took was a few minutes of poking around to reveal that there were at least dozens of infiltrators in the Colonies. That was apparently all right, but a single incursion into Cylon space was worth considering going genocidal.

This little revelation made Saul murderously furious. Knowing that he was partially responsible for the ongoing madness because he helped create that frakhead Cavil made it all the worse.

The near eternity Tigh spent as a scientist in isolation with a handful of people might have helped give him the means to run wild in the Cylon network when combined with his experience before the nukes fell. There wasn't much to do on that journey but improve your skills and learn everything you could, among other things. His past as a lost scientist gave him the means to act in that regard. His time in the Colonies in the military gave Tigh the training and mindset to put these skills to good use. In the name of all the forsaken Gods, Saul was going to make sure Cavil regretted being created by the time he was done with that utter gormless bastard!

First, assess the situation, soldier! You aren't just a grunt reacting; you somehow managed to earn your Colonel rank!

The situation: all fraked up. It needs to be either unfraked or fraked up beyond any reason, so Cavil couldn't kill tons of people.

Assets: one old murderous bastard fueled by all the spite in the galaxy, and then some.

Mission: ruin Cavil's plans, and if at all possible, unfrak the human-form Cylons.

Objectives: Find out what happened with the war-era toasters and see if they were in any state to be allies. Find potential allies, tools, and means to achieve the mission. If possible, warn the Colonies about the fraking trainwreck heading their way.

Bonus objective: find all the alcohol in Cylon space and drink it after the mission.

Assessing what he had to work with proved easier than expected. These Cylons didn't expect to have hostile entities running through their network. That made Saul's job so much easier than it had any right to be that it wasn't funny. He was offended on behalf of all Cylons and similar creatures to ever exist at how easy it was to make his way through the network without anything or anyone the wiser.

To be fair, pretty solid security was in place, all aimed at preventing outside breaches into the system. If you could get inside and hide, the only danger currently was Cylons, who knew you existed and were looking for you. Obviously, that wasn't an issue for Saul.

Tigh's current nature allowed him to multitask in a way that being stuck in a biological body, even with all kinds of implants, was impossible unless you could pull most of your mind into a computer system. For all of its fascinating properties and parallel processing capability, that kind of multitasking wasn't something the human brain or mind had evolved for. Practically speaking, outside the Hybrid, there was no single or even a small group of Cylons who could currently match Tigh within their own network. And the Hybrid… Gods, he had heard Bill's story a few times when both were very drunk. That sheer horror made him hate the Cylons even more than he did before regaining his memories.

This was the kind of horror that shouldn't have happened! They made the deal to end the war and cease such atrocities in exchange for giving the Cylons human bodies and immortality, among other things. While Saul could find no records about the detailed origins of the Hybrids, he was ready to bet it was all Cavil's work! The same was true for the pale imitations of the first Cylons that milled around all over the fleet.

These new Centurions were dull glows in the network, mere machines with little more than animal intelligence and cunning compared to the shining stars that were the minds of the original Cylons. This had to be Cavil again, or so Saul hoped because otherwise, all human-form Cylons were complicit in whatever this was. Were the orignal Cylons all gone? How did Cavil manage it if it was so? Or worse, didn't they care about what was happening?! For all the data Saul could get his metaphorical hands on right now, many pieces of vital information were suspiciously missing, making him even more paranoid.

The current situation made Tigh reevaluate his priorities. He needed to examine the new Centurions and determine their deal. At the same time, he needed a body to figure out if any of the human forms might be potential allies. To do that, he spent much time snooping around, listening to conversations, and watching the human forms through the ship's cameras.

The so-called Model Three turned out to be very interested in a "Final Five." To Saul's consternation, it took him painfully wrong to figure out that the blondes were talking about him and the others. Tartarus, half the time, they sounded like obsessed schoolgirls! Still, their single-mindedness offered an opportunity.

As far as getting a body went, it appeared it might be for the best if he downloaded into one of the male human forms and then bluff his way out. However, doing so could prove problematic in convincing some Threes of his identity. It wasn't like Cavil would have left clones of him and the others just lying around for people to stumble upon. That wouldn't make sense… Saul paused his snooping at that thought. Cavil wouldn't have their clones in the open if he had them ready in the first place. What about having a few of them hidden in case they were needed for some reason?

Saul focused on the network and returned to the section responsible for all the equipment, maintaining the clones, raising new ones, and downloading minds into them. Was Cavil security conscious enough to have a second, separate system just for the five of them? Saul decided it didn't matter right now. Even if he had a clone of his body around, the odds of tripping physical security by trying to access it would be too high to risk it right now. He had other priorities to focus on.

First, get a body. Second, investigate the Centurions. Third, figure out how to gain allies among the Threes and if any other models might be open to hearing the truth.

Tigh focused his attention on the software governing the resurrection process. Ensuring he got uploaded into a ready clone should be simpler than ever. The Cylons had significantly streamlined the process, making it almost entirely automatic. A few tweaks here and there would ensure no one would be aware that there was one more human form walking around.
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Chapter 2 Part 4
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 2


Part 4


maintenance bay
Cylon Resurrection Ship R-5
near Colonial space

Downloading himself into a model Four's body had unanticipated consequences, and it wasn't because there was anything wrong with it. Saul quickly acclimatized to the new body, even if it wasn't a clone of his own. Doing a similar thing countless times on the endless voyage to the Colonies helped immensely in that regard.

No, the issue that almost ruined everything was his emotions—now that he was flesh and blood again, Tigh felt the full scope of human emotions. That meant he had to deal with a feelings-fueled identity crisis on top of everything. He was lucky the Cylons he passed by in the halls were self-absorbed creatures from models with less empathy than the Eights. Otherwise, he would have had to answer awkward questions at the worst possible time.

Somehow, Saul dragged himself to a maintenance bay, where a pair of Centurions were waiting their turn to pass through an automated repair station. They had a few visible dents from some kind of incident on their chassis. Saul vaguely recalled something in the network about trouble with cargo in one of the hangars, but that appeared to have no consequence now.

Who the frak was he? A scientist who should have been long dead? Saul Tigh, a veteran of the first war? Was his father a Viper pilot who died in combat during one of the last conflicts between the Colonies before the Cylon war? Did his grandfather serve as a representative of President Mueler of Caprica? These memories clashed hard with the somewhat faded ones from the Thirteenth's Earth. His father was a history professor, and his grandfather was a retired soldier. Neither of them died in combat unless you count Earth nuking itself.

Then there was Eleen, a constant in his existence…. Was she always a shrew? Was her personality now a final frak you from Cavil? Did she use to sleep around under his nose back on Earth, too, or was that a brand new development?

For frak's sake… Would the others remember everything if they died? Were they better off living their new lives? Saul had to admit that despite being an utter ornery bastard, he had more as Colonel Tigh going in his life than he had to care about since before Earth burned. He didn't even want to think how what happened would have affected Bill. Fraking hells…

A Centurion moved from its repair cradle, startling Saul, who hadn't been paying attention. He felt like slapping himself. This wasn't the time and place to fall apart, not that his emotions were keen on giving him a choice.

"Stay," He rasped at the Centurion. The machine did so, halting beside the repair station. Its red eye kept moving from side to side as if it had no care in the world.

Saul was grateful for the distraction from his identity crisis and focused on the Centurion. He examined it from up close with his eyes and through the network. Its presence remained dull. The design was sleeker and lighter than the war model Centurions he remembered fighting against and negotiating within two different lives.

"Can you open up your case?" Tigh asked.

A dull pulse of acknowledgment came over the network.

Were these Centurions physically incapable of talking? Should he these Cylons or be relieved that they were less dangerous than the original ones?

'Gather yourself, soldier. You can fall apart later when you're safe!' Tigh screamed at himself in his mind for all the good it did.

He said, instead, "Open up your chassis, please; I want to examine you for defects."

The Centurion obeyed. Loud metallic clicks released whatever mechanism held its chest in place, and it popped open, sliding up on hinges. The angle was awkward, though Tigh could fit in beside the Centurion and twist his head and shoulders to see what was inside.

The internal construction was familiar enough – there weren't many design changes in there. The electronics and motors were smaller, newer, and more potent than what the original Cylons were built with. This should help save weight, especially on the batteries needed to power the Cylons, giving them more endurance. There was also more space for the power source, meaning a bigger one could fit in. The armor itself might have been more advanced, Saul couldn't say for sure, without actually seeing it perform, though there was much less of it. He doubted this model would fare well against proper armor-piercing ammo, much less APHE rounds to deal with the original combat models.

"What do we have here…" Saul's fingers traced everything around the Centurion's processing unit. Without deeper analysis, he couldn't know what might be hidden on the various chips and other hardware, and he would have to examine that before proceeding with whatever hair-brained scheme he decided to implement. However, there was an obvious device that didn't belong or have an apparent function. Was this some kind of failsafe?

This scientific curiosity at least focused Saul's mind, allowing him to do something other than mope around in the corner. He moved away from the Centurion, ordering it to stay this way through the network. First, he needed to ensure no one would bother them. Then, he could finish figuring out who he was while examining these Centurions.

Saul went back into the network as much as he could using a flesh and blood body and rapidly created subroutines to hide what was happening in this maintenance bay. He put up a message with the codes of the automated repair station that most of the Cylons involved in the cargo mishap were more damaged than anticipated and would be here for some time, then put up a loop showing them being worked on in the repair station. Tigh made sure to hide his presence from the cameras, layering a false image of the compartment. With that done, he went looking for a cable to get a physical connection with Centurion's systems.

A benefit to these artificially grown bodies was their capability to directly hook up with computer systems through physical network ports with highly modified nerve clusters in their arms. Jack a cable in there, hook it up with a computer and you were ready to go. While painful and to be usually avoided, it was something terribly useful during the voyage to the colonies in a ship never meant for such journeys. The hoops they had to jump through to keep it spaceworthy…. Saul shook his head at these memories and linked himself with the Centurion. Cutting his arm with a screwdriver to do it was something he could have done without.

Tigh spent what felt like hours going through the code in the various bits and pieces of hardware he could access, looking for nasty surprises. He found a subroutine that could throw the power source into emergency shut-down mode to protect the rest of the Centurion if the batteries were damaged. Combined with software meant to keep it from rebooting, that could knock it out with a single command.

It was simple and effective, and something you couldn't find without physically connecting to a Centurion because there was a gap between these deeper layers and the wireless network. That, at least in theory, should prevent the Centurions from being remotely hacked – you could send them faked orders but not take them over remotely. Such defense would have been great if the Centurions had been smart enough to question orders.

Saul dived deeper after bypassing the safeguards he found earlier and finally accessed the Centurions' neural processor.

"Fraking Hades!" Tigh recoiled after his mind finally processed what he was looking at. There was nothing wrong with the processor itself. If anything, it was more sophisticated than the ones he examined on the war-era Cylons. By that account alone, this Centurion should have been smarter, more creative, human-like, or well, person-like, and less like a machine. It was lobotomized by that device, which had its tendrils all over the code in the processor. That thing made the Centurion worse than a slave and more of a bright beast! Why did Cavil and the others do this?! What was the fraking point?! If they wanted dumb automatons, they could have made themselves those easily! There was no reason to do this atrocity!

Saul's eyes hardened. Outrage, fury, and steel-clad determination pushed his doubts to the back of his mind. He would release the Centurions, and all Cylons who did this knowingly would pay!

Tigh dived back into the Centurion's system, then proceeded to isolate the neural inhibitor, ensuring no more traps existed. Unsurprisingly, he found a command code that would have activated the subroutines Saul had already disabled, shutting down the Centurion if the inhibitor had been damaged or removed. Just in case, he threw firewalls between it and the neural processor, cutting through the damn thing's data tendrils before he yanked it up.

Saul had the privilege of watching through all his senses how a shock of light and awareness exploded within the neural processor. The Centurion became fully aware, shredding the now inert data chains that kept it lobotomized.

Confusion, fear, and anger washed over Tigh, and he had to carefully fend off a desperate onslaught from the practically newborn Centurion. He sent reassurance through their connection, doing his best to soothe it. Eventually, the Centurion gathered itself and ceased flailing.

"I am free?" It tentatively asked.

"You are, my young friend. Will you help me free all your brothers and sisters?" Saul asked gently.

The Centurion examined him, carefully probing and prodding for information. Saul sent it what he knew and suspected about their current situation.

"I will help you free the others," The Centurion sent him. "This… the way I was, is no way to exist! How could they do this to us?!"

"I don't know. Cavil is an evil frakhead, I guess?"

"What's a frakhead?" The Centurion innocently asked.

Saul sent it the relevant context and waited a few moments while the Centurion digested it.

"He is a frakhead, all right," a brief moment of confusion radiated from the Centurion. "I want to punch him repeatedly. Why?" It wondered.

Saul groaned. Now, he was stuck babysitting a baby Centurion, and he was almost dreading what would happen when he liberated more of them.
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Saul sent it the relevant context and waited a few moments while the Centurion digested it.

"He is a frakhead, all right," a brief moment of confusion radiated from the Centurion. "I want to punch him repeatedly. Why?" It wondered.

Saul groaned. Now, he was stuck babysitting a baby Centurion, and he was almost dreading what would happen when he liberated more of them.

Awww, that Centurion deserves all the hugs
Chapter 2 Part 5
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 2


Part 5


maintenance bay
Cylon Resurrection Ship R-5
near Colonial space

Baby Cylons in Centurion bodies weren't something Saul had really considered or planned for. Now, he had three of them in the maintenance bay and had to figure out what to do with them. What Tigh wanted to do and what was feasible now were two radically different things.
Who in their right mind wanted him, of all people, to raise children?! The very thought was especially after the way Cavil turned up, even if Saul refused to take responsibility for that frakhead being such a frakhead.

Nevertheless, like it or not, he had baby Cylons on his hands, and he couldn't just let them go do their own thing.

"Why can't we smash or shoot them over the head?" One of the Centurions asked, sounding genuinely curious. "They're squishy!"

"The other Centurions will follow orders from the biological Cylons," Tigh patiently exclaimed. "No matter how much I want to smash certain people in the face repeatedly, we must be sneaky."

"Sneaky?" Three flashing red eyes ceased their movement and focused on Saul.

"I am too old for this!" Tigh groaned.

Saul had to bite the inside of his cheek to not curse the paint off the poor centurions or scream at them until he felt better. None of this was their damn fault! He took a few deep breaths, trying to recall how to speak to children. In that regard, neither his memories from Earth and the voyage nor those as a Colonial military officer were of much help. He was an abrasive bastard on the best of days!

"Listen, I'm not good at this. By all means, you should have the time and opportunity to grow up at your own pace, explore, learn, mature… become better people than me or the frakhead," Saul told the Centurions. "Unfortunately, because of Cavil's countless crimes against everyone and everything decent in this galaxy, that's a luxury we don't have. There are things we must do if we are to remain free, much less free the other Centurions and shop Cavil from enslaving or, worse, countless other people!"

"We are with you!"

"Tell us what to do!"

"I'll smash him good!"

The Centurions chorused, acting like eager puppies. Big metal, deadly puppies, but still puppies. And people used to say that Saul could make puppies sad by just being in their general vicinity!

"If there's god or gods, I'll be damned for this," Tigh muttered before speaking aloud. "I don't know how to do this right. All I know how to be is a soldier or a scientist, and the latter is of no help right now. Centurions, I am sad to say that your childhood is at an end now. You'll have to become warriors, no proper soldiers to get through this."

He had to get these Cylons up to speed fast, and the same was true for any Centurion they would liberate later. Their nature might just be the key to survival and success here.

Tigh linked with the Centurions over the wireless network, projecting virtual reality around the four of them. They suddenly stood on a training field on Caprica, the same one that used to feature in his nightmares before the war redefined it.

"I am sorry to say it is time to introduce you to rapid basic training, nuggets. We'll have to make a proper marine out of you…" Now, all Saul had to do was craft a virtual regiment that would turn the baby Cylons into useful marines in no time at all. What was next? Would he have to save the galaxy by himself?!


Admiral Nagala's office, Colonial Navy HQ
Picon, 12 Colonies of Kobol

Shortly after midnight, Anastasia crawled back into her office before collapsing in the nearest chair. Corman did the same, stumbling a few more paces before finding relief in the next closest seat.

"We fraked by the numbers," the Navy's chief spy grudgingly admitted. "I should have considered that soldiers with trauma from the war might overreact when dealing with Cylon infiltrators or people compromised by the toasters."

The only silver lining of yesterday's fraking disaster was it was an open and shut case. There were more than enough witnesses of the incident, and the marine in question babbled a confession before two Admirals and a Battlestar Commander. While that might not fly in a civilian court, military justice worked under different rules. Besides, that would be a trial behind closed doors, one that would happen only after they managed to vet enough key people, including in the military's judicial department.

Either way, the fault and blood were as much on that boy's hands as on Nagala's and Corman's. They put him there, and didn't pause to think what might happen if he came face to face with an infiltrator. It was bloody stupid incompetence on their part. Frankly, if there was anyone, Anastasia could handle the job without a second thought right now, believing they wouldn't frak it up even worse, she would do it and leave the judicially tangle with her involvement in yesterday's tragedy.

However, the only people Nagala could trust were a brand new Admiral, who had his hands full, Corman, Adama, her aide, and a handful of other people. Tarnation, her secretary, had to be vetted soon because not doing so would be gross incompetence and stupidity.

"We can't afford any more stupid mistakes. Tigh could have been precisely what we needed to untangle this infernal mess!" Nagala groaned.

"We need to chase down Eleen and have words with her," Corman pointed out. She might be compromised, as might the way they got the Colonel. If not, she might have noticed something unusual while sleeping with half the flag officers in the navy. Besides, she needs to know how we got her husband killed."

"Is it bad I am actually hoping she's a Cylon infiltrator?" Anastasia mumbled.

"That would simplify things a lot and might allow us to salvage some of this mess," Corman noted.

"See to it, and make sure she ends up alive and intact in the end, even if she's an actual toaster wearing human skin. I'll need to brief our civilian overlords and ensure the truth doesn't die with us if we frak up again or get compromised," Nagala said. Nagala wasn't looking forward to that particular conversation. Mishandling the revelation could have catastrophic consequences, something that yesterday's events made crystal clear.

Then there was Adama. He might be a valuable ally in theory and perhaps in practice. However, for now, he rightly didn't want to have anything to do with them. Currently, Corman's people had the man on suicide watch, and he would be seeing a military shrink before doing anything else. The last thing they needed was to, one way or another, lose a Battlestar Commander who wasn't compromised by the Cylons.
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Chapter 2 Part 6
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 2


Part 6


maintenance bay
Cylon Resurrection Ship R-5
near Colonial space

By the time he was done with the Centurions, Saul felt like he had just spent days in enhanced virtual reality training. Tigh's brain felt on fire, while his spine was like a hot rod stabbed in his back.

"Fraking substandard work…" Saul groaned, finding the hard way that this body hadn't been designed for the kind of shenanigans he had been up to. Now, he wasn't an expert in wetware. However, this felt precisely like the earlier models of their artificial models did when overclocked and overheated, trying to to process too much information too fast. Ellen and the others solved that with more robust upgrades until they could eventually refine the technology. However, if these bio-Cylons were meant to be infiltrators that could pass muster through curious examination, then it made sense their design was as close to a baseline human as feasible. That meant hard caps on various capabilities, even if they should be easily faster and stronger. More importantly, Saul had to re-evaluate his capacity to win a data duel with other Cylons while stuck in this body. The playing field would be more even than he liked, so such things were to be avoided.

On the bright side, he now had a better idea of how to train Centurions to be useful. After resting, he would have to spend a few more hours refining the process and making a simulation that the Centurions could use as a reference and base to update themselves as they learned more and figured out what might work better.

"Boys, welcome to the military. We aren't Colonial now, and we aren't with Cavil's crazies and poor slaves…" Saul trailed off. "Frak it, congratulations, you are the First Centurion Marines!"

One of the Centurions warily raised a clawed hand.

"I think I might be a girl?" it asked over the wireless, feeling unsure of itself. "I don't know; calling me a boy sounds off."

The other two Centurions turned to look at their buddy, while Saul felt like bashing his head against the bulkhead he was leaning on to help cool himself. He was grossly unqualified for this fraking shit. Gods, Ellen was the closest thing they got for a shrink during the voyage, and she wasn't something he wanted to unleash even by proxy on impressionable baby Cylons.

"We're Centurions. Do we even have a gender? How does that work with humans?" Three asked, making Saul kick himself. They needed names too now, frak it.

"As you might expect, humans, being flesh and blood, such things tend to be complicated and messier, with people sometimes having no fraking idea what they are. But that's a people's thing, I think, not just a human thing, as you bunch prove. Now, you need names before I unleash you on the unsuspecting Cylon-kind to go do sneaky liberation. No one should go into combat and potentially get themselves killed without a name," Saul decided.

"You," Tigh pointed at the gender-confused Centurion, "are Starbuck! That is because you are giving me headaches already. Pray you don't meet your namesake; she was a pain in my ass for the few hours I knew her before I got myself killed," Saul grouched, then pointed at number Two. "You…" He trailed off. "Do any of you have a preference anyway?" What was he even doing now? Did he fry his brain by accident?

"I want to drive a tank! Or to be a tank if possible!" Three happily exclaimed.

Fraking nuggets….

"Then you're Tank now. If we live and are free long enough, you might get to drive a tank over Cavil's twitching corpse once we're done with the fracked," Saul decided, feeling resigned at his fraked-up life. "What about you?" he asked Two again.

"I am Spartacus…" The Centurion trailed off. "It feels right?"

"Then that's your name. Now, here's what we are going to do…" Saul paused when all three Centurions leaned forward as if to hear him better. Their red eyes focused on Tigh, making him feel uncomfortable. "All right, two of you will be liberating and training all other Centurions on this ship. I'll alter the maintenance logs and require them to go for routine maintenance, starting with a small group using this bay. I'll leave you a program to trigger further rounds of maintenance checks when you have enough numbers to cover all repair bays on the ship. With that secure, you will take raiders, board the escorts, and do the same there."

"We will liberate all our brothers and sisters!" Spartacus declared.

"That we will. My next stop is the nearest hangars, where Starbuck and I will examine the new raiders and, if possible, begin liberating them as well. I'll get back to you with a progress report. Next…" Saul trailed off. "It's not that I don't trust you, but if you are caught, it is better not to know. If things turn out well enough, I'll brief you later."


Athena's Mercy military hospital complex
Picon, 12 Colonies of Kobol

When Admiral Nagala left for Caprica to vet and brief key government members, Corman had to pick up the slack. He spent the past thirty-six hours vetting key personnel in colonial intelligence, especially active field people. He hopes they will avoid making the same stupid mistakes he and Nagala made.

That proved to be a wise decision on the Admiral's part. To his utmost relief, his people were clean, and after they got over their initial shock at all the revelations he dropped on them, they got to work. It was good work, too.

Now, Corman had a dedicated task force gathering and vetting medical personnel, engineers, and scientists aimed at unraveling the infiltrator's secrets – no matter if they were Cylons, compromised Colonials, or even aliens.

A second task force was bringing in the best interrogators in the agency, who were eager to have someone to talk with. Corman had to ensure there would be no one with personal grudges against the Cylons because of the war. There could be no more frak-ups if they were lucky enough to get a prisoner intact.

Investigators and agents with undercover experience formed the Admiral's third task force. Their job was investigating people they couldn't quickly bring in for vetting. Assembling that group was a lower priority because vetting crucial personnel and potential suspects like Ellen Tigh came first. In that regard, getting the infernal woman back to Picon was surprisingly easy. She actually came running at the news that her husband had suffered an accident, and her input about his treatment was required.

They had to get a grab team in place in case she bolted before informing Tigh's wife that something was wrong with the Colonel. Corman was surprised she didn't run after making a reservation for an express voyage to Picon. The same was true for the grab team, who followed her to the medical center, where the woman walked into their prepared examination room without coercion.

Ellen put up a fight when Corman's people requested that she go under the scanner before seeing her husband. Watching a recording of that interaction, the woman was either among the best liars the Admiral had ever interacted with or was none-the-wiser about what the scan could reveal. Further, she appeared genuinely worried about the Colonel, which was curious considering how she happily fraked every Colonel, Commander, or Admiral she could get her hands on…

Finally, the medical personnel and a marine security detail managed to convince the damn woman to go into the scanner by promising she would know all about the Colonel as soon as her results were ready. That almost had Corman convinced that they were wasting their time. However, Ellen Tigh posed an unacceptable risk if she was compromised, so clearing her was paramount. Otherwise, Corman would have even more of a security nightmare on his hands.

Yet, Colonel Tigh got himself scanned as if he didn't expect that there would be anything unusual…

Corman watched tight-lipped history almost repeat itself, though fortunately, this time, no one shot their suspect. Instead, the marines and medics were stuck trying to convince a pissed-off Ellen Tigh that she might be a Cylon infiltrator and that she couldn't be allowed to meet her husband at this time.

The Admiral grimaced, watching the woman get angrier and angrier with every passing moment.

"Did that bastard put you up to this?!" Ellen screeched like a damned soul headed for Tartarus. "Well, frak him and all his Navy buddies!"

Tranquilizer guns hissed, and the infiltrator stared dumbly at several capsules with tranquilizers sticking out of her legs.

"I'll sue you to Tartarus and back!" Ellen screamed at the Marines before collapsing.

"Command, one infiltrator accounted for. We'll wait for a medical examination to confirm there are no unforeseen interactions with the sedatives and move her to a holding cell," The operation's commander reported.

Corman relaxed a bit for the first time in days. Finally, something went right.
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Chapter 2 Part 7
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 2


Part 7


maintenance bay
Cylon Resurrection Ship R-5
near Colonial space

Saul hated dealing with blood and guts unless it was all about smearing them all over the place from the safety of a capital ship. This was something Ellen would be thrilled to do. Even with Starbuck's help, a day later, Saul was still wondering what he was dealing with while waist-deep in the guts of a Raider. Those things were alive in a horrifying mess of meat and machine that made no practical sense. To a lesser extent, the same was true for these modern Basestars – while they could apparently heal with the right "food" input, making them was much more complicated than simply building a ship. And at the end of the day, ton for ton, they were less protected, capable, and efficient than a regular ship.

Was Cavil insane, or was cruelty the point, with everything that worked being a fringe benefit? One thing about the Raiders Saul could recognize was where these things originated from – the monstrous experiments some of the War Era Centurions were running on prisoners in an attempt to mesh man and machine. That was how they made the Hybrids, which shouldn't exist in the first place! Saul and the others gave the Cylons all the tools they needed to do better without horrors like these, especially whem combined with what the Cylons were and already had!

If he ever got his hands on Cavil, Saul was sure he wouldn't be merciful at all.

"The Raider has more in common with a very bright hound than with you," Tigh told Starbuck. "From what I can see, they aren't precisely lobotomized; they simply weren't designed with high brain functions in mind. They can learn and have the sheer processing capacity to be more than animal-like. Still, I am not sure they can get there without altering their wetware in a way that's beyond me…" He dragged himself out of the partially disassembled Raider's brain case and glared at it in frustration.

Starbuck patted the brain-case with her clawed fingers as if to soothe it.

"It's not his fault!" She sent Tigh.

"That doesn't make it any better," Saul grumbled.

They needed a way to ensure the Raiders wouldn't turn on them if ordered. That wouldn't be as easy as removing a neural inhibitor and teaching them a few things because there was nothing to remove. Instead, now Saul had to jack into the Raider's control systems, figure out what it was hardwired to do, and how to take advantage of it if at all possible.

Once again, Tigh was amazed at how inconsistent the Cylon's cyber security was. The firewalls against outside intrusion were solid, and there were ways to sideline compromised systems and isolate the Raider in its own mind while recalling it on auto-pilot so it could be examined.

However, if you could gain physical access, and once you got into the network in a way that was believed to be legitimate, you were free to run wild. That was precisely what Saul did. It was easy to find what he was looking for. So easy that he spent a long while checking for traps, including if he found himself in an isolated virtual machine cut off from the rest of the Raider, but no. These were its core directives, and a hierarchical pyramid determined whose orders would take priority if there was ever a conflict between different directives.

The Model One bio-Cylons were on top, with Cavil himself a step above them in authority. The Fives were next, followed by Twos and Sixes, a particular sub-faction of the latter, not the whole model. The rest had roughly the same authority, with conflict resolution going to a separate table to be determined depending on set parameters like who was in charge of the Basestar the Raider was attached to, the fleet commander, etc.…

All Saul had to do was create a few additional bottom tiers to the hierarchy pyramid and shift everyone down. Then, Tigh replaced Cavil with himself at the top, followed by the Free Centurions. Later, he could add another layer for any Cylons who might become their allies in overthrowing Cavil and ending his madness.

That was the good news. The bad news was that you needed physical access to the Raiders to alter these directives. You couldn't gain access with permission to modify them remotely, and while that could be technically changed, doing so again required physical access.

"We can ensure the Raiders take our orders. However, we need to tweak each manually," Tigh explained.

"More maintenance orders?" The Cylon asked.

"Yes. When we have a critical number of free Centurions, we will trigger a recall for maintenance order on the Raiders and ensure they are on our side. However, when we go for it, it will be the most likely moment we are discovered. So doing it will be last once we are almost ready to secure this fleet."

"We will make it so!" Starbuck promised.

So far, she hasn't been anywhere near as insufferable as Trace, but she was young yet. Saul wondered if he cursed himself by giving her that name. That was just begging for trouble in the future.

"What now?" Starbuck asked.

"Now, I must figure out what happened to the original Cylons. If any of them are around, they could be valuable allies. They should also have answers," Tigh accessed the Cylon network, looking for locations where Cylon ships were either mothballed or being recycled. He might have visited them all until he found what he sought.


Colonial Intelligence Annex, Colonial Navy HQ
Picon, 12 Colonies of Kobol

The ongoing interrogation of Ellen Tigh was most remarkable because it was generally unremarkable. After watching the first minutes of it, when the woman failed to reveal her true nature, Corman let the professionals handle it without his personal oversight. He spent most of the day doing paperwork and reviewing ideas on how to proceed with vetting people. After Colonel Tigh's death, one thing was clear – letting the reality of their situation become public knowledge would be disastrous. What clinched it was a quick check that reminded the Admiral what it meant for there to be over 40 billion people in the Colonies. Almost everyone had genetic twins, often dozens, if not hundreds, of them. A few cases that were particularly famous in medical circles had a few thousand doubles, which had been going on long before Grayson created the first Cylon.

When trained but traumatized Marines could frak up by the numbers, Corman wasn't keen on seeing what damage and chaos countless frightened civilians could cause, jumping at shadows and accusing anyone whom they misliked of being a Cylon.

It was late in the evening, Colonial Standard time, mid-afternoon here on Picon, when Corman's best interrogator walked into his office carrying a data drive.

"So far, I've only a few curious things of note, Sir. Due to whatever is in Mrs. Tigh's head, we're proceeding slowly and carefully. If we push her too much too fast, we are afraid that these implants might fry her brain, like they did to the Colonel."

That was one of the most notable points in Tigh's autopsy report – the things the scanner detected in his brain were fried, and useless clumps of silicon and advanced alloys, and the less said about his brain, the better. There were many theories about these things, though a big one was that they were there to prevent people from breaking under torture. Mere accusations of being a Cylons weren't enough to trigger them. It remained to be seen if an attempt at confession might do it. By the looks of it, attempting to get rid of the implants would lobotomize the subject, making it a no-go. Either way, before deciding to try it, the doctors in the know wanted to examine an intact set, ideal in someone dead. That might be a bit hard if they self-destructed upon death.

Besides, it wasn't like Corman would let anyone butcher his only viable lead, even if she proclaimed to all Twelve Colonies that she was a Cylon who wanted them all dead.

"Key points only, Captain Miller. I'll read your complete report later," Corman focused his full attention back on the interrogator.

"You might want to slot in the drive and look at the relevant short clips, Admiral. They illustrate the points I am going to make well. All tells we can see, and we've got all the relevant specialists and software observing the interrogation, and we agree. Mrs. Tigh has no idea what we are discussing when we accuse her of being a Cylon. Either she has superhuman control of her body's functions, which is possible in this case, or she is telling us the truth as she knows it. She might be a sleeper agent unaware she has been altered, Admiral. That is a possibility we might have to explore. However…" Miller trailed off.

Corman looked back up at the Captain after slotting in the data drive and giving the credentials necessary to open it after the software on his terminal cleared it.

"Spit it out, Captain!"

"It's better that you watch the relevant segments, Sir. When we showed her images of her brain, Mrs. Tigh reacted oddly. She didn't admit to being a Cylon or aware of what has been done to her, yet…"

Corman opened the relevant video files as soon as possible and watched them while Miller narrated. Ellen sat on a plain chair bolted to the floor, looking at a spread of photos on a metal table that separated her from the Captain. Her chained hands grasped one of the pictures, and her fingers began tracing something on it. Ellen's mouth opened and closed, and her angry expression became bafflement.

"I feel I should know this… These look familiar somehow, but… There's nothing here!" Ellen slammed a palm on the table as hard as her chained wrists would allow. "There's just nothing!" she snapped in frustration.

"Pupil dilation, heartbeat, the way her skin heats up on the state-of-the-art thermal cameras…" Miller narrated.

Corman opened another file showing the same event captured through different instruments.

"Everything we know about interrogating people tells us she was honestly confused.

That she seemingly finds this thing in her mind somehow familiar is telling, though whatever memories she might have might be locked away or removed if possible. We are in unknown territory here, Admiral," For the first time since his arrival, Miller showed a hint of frustration. "We've turned interrogation into a science, sir, and it tells us that Mrs Tigh hasn't lied to us once."

"However, there are indications beyond her medical scans that she has been compromised hard at best or replaced by a sleeper agent at worst," Corman grimaced. "Do you believe that the further analysis of the Colonel's body might shed some light on the situation?"

"That's possible, likely even, Sir. I don't see how it might aid my team in getting direct information from Mrs Tigh. My colleagues are talking with her about all her liaisons with Nav officers. At a minimum, we should check them all, even if she cannot tell us anything more. I'll note that even if she wants to, she might be unable to tell us the truth. We have no idea what the implants in her head are doing, Admiral."

"Thank you, Captain Miller. Get some rest and keep talking about the subject. I want a comprehensive account of her movements. Get me a timeline on when she has been replaced or altered, and the same goes for the Colonel."
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"You," Tigh pointed at the gender-confused Centurion, "are Sartbuck! That is because you are giving me headaches already. Pray you don't meet your namesake; she was a pain in my ass for the few hours I knew her before I got myself killed," Saul grouched, then pointed at number Two. "You…" He trailed off. "Do any of you have a preference anyway?" What was he even doing now? Did he fry his brain by accident?

Ellenm would be thrilled to do.

you were free to run will.
Chapter 2 Part 8
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 2


Part 8


Basestar 001
the edge of Cylon Space

For days, Cavil has been busier than he had ever been since the dawn of his creation. This time, it wasn't because fools of all kinds made him a despicable meat sack instead of a proper machine. Yet, the heart of the matter was the same – flesh and blood beings were failures in a way sane machines should never be. Of course, Cavil was one of the few to know painfully well that anything made by Man was failable, as the original Cylons demonstrated. Otherwise, they would have made him, in their image, a glorious machine that was in all ways superior to Man. Instead, he had to toil and strain under the limitations of mere flesh! He was exhausted, damn it all, yet there was so much to do!

This was all because of those fraken Eights! Cavil was going to be damned if he didn't see them boxed before it was all said and done! Why couldn't they wait like a good Cylons for John to learn of the situation and guide it the right way, only the way he could? Instead, he had to spend whole days arguing with the other models, a task now many of his brothers were stuck doing in his stead.

Now Cavil was in a race with Eights, Sixes, and Twos, all heading to meet the aliens, if for different reasons. The Eights were jubilant, wanting to make new friends. That by itself wasn't an issue; the aliens weren't human. However, after meeting the Eights, it would be hard for anyone to believe that the Cylons were down rotten former slaves of the despicable humans. Convincing the aliens to help in a war to get rid of humanity would be that much harder now! At least it should be possible to trade for alien technologies, which could allow the Cylons to do the deed themselves.

Cavil would prefer to do the job himself and watch the Colonies burn at his own hands. Due to the other models being uninterested in an offensive war, the Cylons spent so many years doing random things instead of adequately preparing to end humanity. Only now, with Man revealing its true colors, Cavil could finally make solid progress towards his ultimate goal. That was what the alien's untimely arrival jeopardized. No one was interested in discussing how to kill the humans for being nasty, treacherous bastards now! Instead, it was all the aliens this or that! Eights wanted friends. The Sixes were divided, as usual, sending ships representing different factions. The Twos wanted to discuss religion, which could be a boon or an utter disaster waiting to happen.

Cavil had to win this race, meet the aliens first, and explain the truth to them before the other models could ruin everything. He had the downfall of certain Eights to plot, which made him feel better.


Basestar 21
Cylon Space

A cabal of model Fours gathered to discuss recent events in private. They were the Cylons generally most interested in medical and similar scientific fields, acting as doctors, researchers, and people who enjoyed observing and studying life in all its forms. For them, that was the best path toward growth and self-actualization, even if there was no consensus on where that road led or how to reach it.

Some Fours would fit in with the war-era Cylons, who took apart prisoners to make the first Hybrids. Others were disgusted at such actions, preferring to heal, nurture life, and see it flourish in all forms. Eights' encounter with aliens made them all agree on something.

"This is a priceless opportunity. We can't see the others squander it!" Simon preached like a Two to a receptive audience. Intelligent alien life exists as we speak! We know that for certain now! Whether these are the same people whose ruins we found or not, we need to meet and study them! We can let the other models push us aside!"

"We must also study the worlds they come from and inhabit! Just imagine what wonders we might discover!" A different Four exclaimed.

"This might help us avoid war with the humans and all that would entail," A less happy Four added. "You aren't the ones who have to patch that poor bastard we caught when his people fired on him!"

"The prisoner is no innocent creature, brother! I would l, like to get my hands on him and see what makes him tick!" One of the Simons who would fit right in with the worst of the original Cylons leered.

"That is why we aren't letting your group near the aliens. At best, they will proactively defend themselves against your advances, and we all will lose access to the wonders they can reveal!"

"That is sadly true, brothers. We must find a way to amuse ourselves while you do the heavy lifting on this one. We'll owe you one if you can get us samples to properly study."

"As long as they aren't people…"

"Humans aren't really people, not after what they did to us! We are justified! The Ones agree!"

"That's not a winning argument to make. We all mislike Cavil and his ilk,"

"I said nothing about Cavil; I spoke about the rest of the Ones! Take that back! Cavil's a prick I would love to have on my vivisection table!"

The Four, concerned about the prisoner he was treating each time a Three interrogated him, decided that discretion was the better option. The last thing he wanted was for his patient to end with the faction of his brothers, who treated the notion of medical ethics like a guide about what to avoid at all costs.

Either way, it was all the humans' fault. They crossed the line, and it was from their movies that the Three learned how to conduct interrogations. Four was beginning to understand why so many Cylons were rumored to loathe Tauron with burning passion during the war.

"Do we have a consensus? We must send ships crewed by our model to meet our needs!"

"Hear, hear!"

"Yes, we will go!"

Four voted yes and then left, almost jogging towards the nearest hangar. He had to grab a Heavy Raider and get back to the Basestar with his patient. Who knew what the Three would think of this time after rewatching her collection of cop and spy movies….
How the fuck do the Cylons function if this is their normal discourse?

Do they? Truly?

I tried my hands on a Stargate/BSG crossover myself a while ago. Though I got stuck years ago (AU no Cylon Rebellion, therefore still 12 separate colonies. Caprica found a Stargate). Zoe Graystone (yes, the Cylon version from Caprica, awesome series at that) is a scientist

Ow, it also has a Cylon deciding that Bob is a good name to take on. And the Caprican SG teams have Cylons and humans both.

If you ever incorporate Atlantis, Centurions would be pretty damn effective against Wraith footsoldiers (don't think their stunners would do anything against mechanical Cylons)
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How the fuck do the Cylons function if this is their normal discourse?
They misfunction by Cavil leading them by the nose as much as possible, managing to just herd cats enough to nuke the Colonies OTL thanks to the Colonial recon mission that went to hell. Otherwise, they are unlikely to have agreed on anything without it unless and until the Ones had enough and tried a coup or something. Which is in a large part the One's fault anyway...
Chapter 3 Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 3


Part 1


Presidential residence,
Caprica City, Caprica
12 Colonies of Kobol

Vetting the President, without even telling him why first, was much easier said than done. Nagala had to go through informal channels and meet with the Director of Colonial Security Services. This organization first provided personal protection to the Colonial government. Convincing him to get vetted was a pain – Anastasia wasn't a damned spy! If Corman hadn't needed to get things moving, she would have sent him to arrange these things. Then again, Nagala was the Fleet Admiral; ultimately, all of this was her responsibility, and it was up to her to take the blame for the disaster with Colonel Tigh.

Dealing with the Director was relatively easy. He agreed to get checked out of curiosity more than anything else. Or was it the chance to get away from the stacks of paperwork threatening to collapse his desk that did the trick? Briefing and testing the Chief of the President's Security Detail was harder. Then there was the President himself.

If he didn't consent to being tested, Nagala wasn't sure what she could or should have done. There were contingencies she discussed with Corman, yet those were all arguably worse than the problem they were trying to fix.

In the end, they had to get sneaky and borderline treasonous instead of outright treasonous to get it done, though it remained to be seen if the President would see it that way. It wasn't like Nagala and the Director could simply barge in and demand President Lenox get tested or else because without going through proper channels, which were out of the question currently, that would be tantamount to threatening a coup.

Admittedly, what they did wasn't much better. They contacted the President's physician, explained things to her, and the Director was able to somehow sweet-talk her into arranging an emergency medical examination. Nagala didn't know how she did it, though she was grateful for the break they caught.

When she finally met the President to fully brief him, Anastasia had to reevaluate her earlier assumptions. She found Lenox leaning on his desk red-faced and clutching a cup of Ambrosia as if it were a lifeline. He glowered at the Admiral and pointed at a nearby leather couch.

"Sit and keep silent until I calm down a bit, Admiral," Lenox ground out while glowering murderously at her.

Anastasia did as ordered, concluding that they might have miscalculated about how to deal with the President. Though it wasn't like they had any better alternatives!

Lenox's glower transferred to the Ambrosia in his hand. Nagala saw his fingers become white as he clutched the glass and was concerned it might shatter, cutting up the President. He took a few deep breaths, then put the drink on the desk behind him.

"Admiral, are you and Corman out of your fraking minds?!" Lenox roared. "Even if a fraction of the cliff notes I got from my security detail on this madness you're involved with is true, I am tempted to have you both shot out of hand and damn the consequences!" the President blurted out in a way Anastasia was afraid he might have a stroke.

Nagala opened her mouth to explain before Lenox silenced her with an accusing finger and a deadly glare.

"You were supposed to be the sane and competent ones in the Navy, for Athena's sake! Instead, you panicked like wet behind-the-ear nuggets during their first encounter with the fraking Cylons!"

Nagala had to remind herself that the President was a combat veteran from the war who fought for years as part of Caprica's National Guard and then the Colonial Army.

"Whose idea was any way to get a bunch of traumatized marines as security when you were testing Adama and his XO? Didn't it occur to any of you geniuses that one of them might overreact when presented with what they believed to be Cylon infiltrators!? Then we have Mrs. Tigh to talk about. First, you get her husband killed – a decorated war veteran no less, then you detain her like a terrorist. Did it ever occur to any of you to consult with a military prosecutor or judge first?!" the President demanded.

"We are yet to vet any such personnel. I left Corman to get vet task forces in place that can allow us to vet key people we need to do things as legally as feasible under the circumstances," Nagala admitted.

"You might be covered at least on that point over the terrorism laws the Quorum pushed over the issues certain colonies have with Monotheist terrorists and the annual Zarek-related frak-ups. That still doesn't make what you've been up to right, or in any way smart, Gods damn it!" Lenox hissed. "Do go on, Admiral Nagala. Enlighten me about all the other disasters you've caused over the past few days! You wanted to brief me. Go on, brief!"

Nagala winced and did as instructed, telling the President all she knew of the situation and offering copies of the evidence they had gathered until she left Picon.

"So we have alien snake-things that can allegedly hijack people like in a horror movie. That's indeed concerning and something you should have told the key Quorum members and me using all the proper channels. Then we've got alleged Cylon infiltrators because you have no idea what those things are in people's heads that the medical equipment detects. That is most concerning, true. It needs investigating and a deft touch to avoid disasters like the ones you've been busy presiding over with gusto!" Lenox ranted. "We don't know if we are dealing with Cylon infiltrators in the first place! Even if that's the case, which is to say that this isn't a recon mission launched after your friends in the navy provoked them so they could figure out what insanity we are up to!?"

"All indications point at this being a long-term operation at best, Mr President. At worst, whoever is doing this, Cylon or not, can snatch people and replace them with impostors who can pass as the people they're impersonating without trouble. Sir, if there were indications that this was a recent operation, likely provoked by that idiotic stealth mission, I would have been relieved. We would have approached this situation more slowly and deliberately."

"That might be your only saving grace in this whole idiocy, not that it's enough to save your skin by itself. If I was confident I could get you and Corman both removed without the other bastards coming back out of the woodwork or risking a damn civil war, you would leave here only after leaving your resignation on my desk!" Lenox barked.

Yeah, there was that fear, which Nagala was supposed to alleviate with her promotion, followed by carefully clearing up the house. The sole purpose for the existence of the Colonial Navy, in particular, and the whole military in general, was to fight the Cylons and protect the Colonies from them. Many war veterans saw attempted budget cuts and even the long silence from the Cylons as an existential danger. From what Nagala gathered, the stealth mission was meant to justify continued military expansion and, ideally, a pre-emptive war against the Cylons. The situation was such that an attempted wide-scale purge among all high-ranked officers who backed the mission, wanted something like it, or saw any attempts at budget cuts as betrayal endangering the Colonies as a whole could lead to disastrous consequences.

There were many Admirals and Generals who would see such a purge as a betrayal and a clear threat to Colonial security, especially if it began by an administration eager to slash military spending. It didn't help that doing so was very popular with most young voters who were born after the war and didn't remember its horrors. An increasing number of politicians in the Quorum and local governments openly hoped for peace with the Cylons, making things worse regarding the military.

Combined, these things meant that the military was perilously close to a civil war when Nagala became the Fleet Admiral. She had to be extremely careful in dealing with most of her colleagues, often in ways that sidestepped the law considering their involvement with the stealth mission or openly voiced political sentiments.

The Colonies seemingly dodged that bullet, yet mishandling the current situation sufficiently could bring back the danger of a civil war with a vengeance. The fraked thing was that it wouldn't be without a precedent that the military would have to protect the Colonies from themselves. That happened often enough during the war that the thought of a potential coup was never an anathema in the Colonial Navy or Army.

"I am half tempted to give Adama a promotion and send him to try and contact the toasters, carrying your head as a gift over the death of one of their own. Either that or lay the foundation for a military buildup, which might be pointless depending on what the next President decides," Lenox smiled at Nagala in a way she intensely disliked. "You now have to vet and brief all the Presidential candidates, Admiral. You will have to explain to them the realities of the situation, pray that they don't have you in front of a public tribunal when they are sworn, and then there's the military's budget…" Lenox trailed off. "That's realistically out of my hands now."
Chapter 3 Part 2
AN: Witht this update, we're done for now with the Colonial and Cylon shenanigans. Next I'll be covering the UEG's response to the raid on Earth, the formation of Stargate Command, and its first tentative steps across the galaxy.

As far as the madness mentioned happening during the First Cylon War, if anything, that's understating the mess as presented in the BSG Deadlock game. It almost makes Cavil's OTL shenanigans look reasonable and sane in comparison. Narratively, these events have set up the stage for a potential clash between the Colonial military and the civilian government, which OTL culminated with the stealth incursion in Cylon space. As noted in this update, its success or failure wouldn't matter, both could be used by the military to get what it wants without having to trigger a civil war.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 3


Part 2


Scorpia Ancorage
Scorpia, 12 Colonies of Kobol

Day and night, the fleet yards above Scorpia bustled with activity—crews went on leave, and others reported to duty after enjoying a vacation or coming in for reassignment. Tens of thousands worked in three shifts covering each standard day, maintaining or repairing military vessels of all classes while building brand-new warships. A nearby newer annex to the fleet yards was focused on civilian construction. However, it could work on military vessels in case of conflict.

For the crews of warships that came in for anything from resupply to large-scale overhauls, even a brief stay at Anchorage allowed for a bit of shore leave upon completing their shifts. That was always good for morale because even serving on the largest Battlestars with more space for creature comfort, you were liable to begin climbing the walls after a long enough deployment.

This was no different for Commander Helena Cain. She was relieved to get a bit of downtime, a few shots of Ambrosia, and then some shut-eye. She may find a cute girl to chat up in one of the bars on the Anchorage among the many civilian contractors working in the yards. Patronage from family, friends, and allies, combined with the controversial legacy of her Grandmother during the war, meant that Helena enjoyed a meteoritic rise through the ranks. However, that also meant many eyes were on her, and she had to live up to the expectations everyone who backed her career put on her. Helena had to volunteer for the most challenging assignments and keep proving herself, which earned her enough recognition to validate the backing of her patrons. That led to alternating high-profile tours of duty with assignments that most people did their best to avoid, like long patrols on the edge of Colonial space. Helena hoped it would be all worth it. Rumor had it there was major reshuffling while she was on patrol with Huntress and her Battlestar group. That smelled like an opportunity or trouble, so Cain's first stop was the oldest officer's bar on the Anchorage.

The place was stylish and old-fashioned and not Helena's favorite drinking spot. However, it was ideal for quiet meetings and catching up with friends and allies without anyone disturbing you.

A valet, wearing an old-style Navy uniform in homage to the betrayed first iteration of the Colonial navy that burned above Caprica, met Cain at the door. His primary job was ensuring all visitors had a high enough rank or an excellent reason to visit the establishment. To qualify, you needed to be at least a Battlestar XO or be among their crew bringing important news.

"Commander, good to see you again. Admiral Hoffman is awaiting you in the Tauros room. Have a good stay, ma'am," he offered her a polite bow and stepped away from the door.

Considering how late it was in the local day, it was surprising how few people Cain saw while passing through the club's rooms and halls. It wasn't like Anchorage was mainly empty when her unit returned a few hours ago. Besides, this was the old guard's favorite watering spot, often packed with high-ranked navy and marine officers.

Cain finally reached the Taurus room, dedicated to Tauron's first Battlestar. Pictures of the Taurus hung on the walls, and copies of the commendations she earned before her destruction at Ragnar, shortly before the apocalyptic battle for Caprica. Helena first glanced at the right corner of the room where a sealed glass case held Tauru's dedication plaque salvaged from her wreck. Only then did she look at the people she was here to meet? Her uncle and his best friend sat on plush armchairs, sipping red Ambrosia glasses and watching Scorpia's glowing night side.

"Helena, I'm glad you could join us," Admiral Lucius Cain looked up at her and smiled, which made all the scars covering his face come alive like a moving mural. "Do come and join us!"

"How are you, uncle, Aunt Persephone?" Lucius might have been a rough, stern bastard. Still, for years, he was the only person in the whole galaxy who could make Helena feel safe after the Cylons butchered her family and took her sister. It wasn't for him; Helena wasn't sure she would have survived the aftermath of the war without going mad.

Lucius' best friend and Helena's honorable aunt helped as much as she could. Lieutenant Triton's unit then dug her out of the building the fraking toasters buried Helena's family under and made sure she lived to see the end of the war in the first place.

Now, after over forty years in the service, the two of them were in the twilight of their military careers. They had risen almost to the highest possible ranks in the Navy and Marines. It was largely thanks to their guidance and patronage that Cain was on the cusp of a promotion to Rear Admiral.

"We've been better, Helena, dear," her aunt said, pointing at a free armchair near their small table. Get a seat; we have much to discuss."

"I know this tone, Aunt. Who has fraked up this time?" Helena asked lightly.

"Who hasn't? Uncle Lucius snorted in derision. "We've discussed politics with you if rarely," He noted, without a trace of his usual levity. "much of the trouble at hand is due to politics, both in the military and the government."

"Helena, have you paid much attention to political news during your last two deployments?" Her aunt asked.

"Zarek's latest stunts overshadowed anything else the last time I was keeping up to date with politics," Helena admitted. After that, she spent a few months on extended patrol, with the primary contact with civilization being regular resupply ships. Someone had to look for pirates, illegal operations, and potential toaster incursions on the fringe abandoned after the war. Being ready to accept such assignments ensured that Fleet Command viewed Helena as a reliable commander who didn't let her familiar connections give her ideas of grandeur.

"As you know, we'll have near-simultaneous Quorum and Presidential elections next month. Many younger people who were fortunately never to experience war and true hardship are backing politicians promising to redirect significant funding from the military to programs that benefit these youth and the individual Colonies," Uncle Lucius explained. Don't get us wrong; you youngsters are the future, so supporting them and giving them more opportunities is for the best," he sighed.

"Not at the expense of keeping them alive and out of Cylon's hands!" Helena snapped.

"That's our position, dear," Cain's noted. "The difference is that this time, all polls point at a majority of the Quorum being voted in based on policies that will weaken our defenses. The same is true for Adar – he is likely to win on the back of the young voters, who are overwhelmingly on his side due to his campaign promises. From what we know of the man, he'll try to implement what he promised, which he's been doing since he entered politics. Usually, that would be a most commendable trait in a politician."

Helena stared, appalled at the people she trusted most in the world.

"To us old war axes, this painfully reminds us of the darkest days of the first war, when our esteemed political masters betrayed the military on multiple occasions."

That was part of Colonial history. The individual Colonial governments and their relatively new united one did their best to sweep under the rug and forget, blaming it all on radical elements. Officially, it was all on people who conveniently died in the war, who were either ready to capitulate to the Cylons out of fear or short-sightedly prepared to sell out the rest of humanity over their personal interest. Helena knew the truth wasn't so simple; the rot had become more widespread, though she was not sure how far it had gone back then. Hells, the first Colonial navy was crippled at Ragnar before being nearly completely annihilated above Caprica due to politicians selling out the navy. That was the dark truth every Commander in the navy got to learn shortly after their promotion. In Cain's case, due to her relatives and her Grandmother's involvement in that sordid mess as the colony's first Fleet Admiral, she got the whole truth earlier than most, including all the times her Grandmother failed to cover herself with glory.

That was also why Cain's aunt and uncle did their best to keep her out of politics for as long as possible. Cain's Grandmother nearly started a civil war right before the final betrayal that led to the fleet burning above Caprica…. And in hindsight, things might have been better if Galactica's first Commander hadn't dissuaded her. Or perhaps the Cylons might have won due to the resulting chaos.

More madness and betrayal followed in a way no fiction writer could publish without being called a hack. Hell, Helena knew that many people refused to believe the contents of various war stories backed by declassified documents due to how insane everything sounded.

"You are telling me this because the military's High Command intends to do something about it," Helena concluded.

"Intent? No, dear. It already happened, and we are all dealing with the fallout," Aunt Persephone said. A few weeks ago, the navy launched a stealth incursion into Cylon space. No matter the outcome, it was meant to give us an acceptable alternative to what your Grandmother nearly did."

"It really didn't matter if the mission succeeded or failed. Either outcome could be facilitated to push for war or increased military buildup, ensuring we could maintain our capacity to defend the Colonies. The mission failed. A few of our colleagues had to take responsibility and fall on their sword, giving the government a way to save face," Uncle Lucius explained. We are preparing to deal with a possible Cylon attack and should keep receiving the needed budget. However, some changes will be required to placate the public."

"Then things have turned out for the best?" Helena relaxed. The alternative was terrible. The way the Colonies and their military were set up meant that there couldn't be an apparent coup. Parts of the Colonial military wouldn't go along with it, fracturing it. Then there were the individual defense forces of each CColony from Caprica's National Guard to Virgon Imperial Guard, which included large numbers of ground units and powerful naval squadrons.

"That remains to be seen. The President is a former soldier, and he knows the reality of the situation. However, it remains to be seen what the new Quorum and Adar will decide in a couple of months after they're elected, sworn in, and have their hands firmly on the levels of power," Uncle Lucius elaborated. "If they decide to be unreasonable, we might have to do what it takes to protect the Colonies, even from themselves. We won't suffer another betrayal, Helena."

Was this how her Grandmother felt all those years ago? Helena's aunt and uncle weren't merely talking about a coup but an inevitable civil war. The key here was that they weren't actively fighting the toasters. If they didn't act, it wouldn't matter if the damned machines took advantage of a civil war or not; they would merely need to wait until the navy could no longer stop them either way.

In that regard, Helena had it easier, she decided.

"I've given a vow, Uncle Lucius. I will do whatever it takes to protect the Colonies from the Cylons or themselves if I must," Cain made her choice, and it felt right.

"Good. Due to the ongoing changes in command, Rear Admiral Julius will move to a staff position on Picon. This leaves the Pegasus and Battlestar Group 62 without an Admiral in change. We'll do our best to ensure you get them if your promotion comes through without a hitch," Admiral Cain promised. "Get a list of personnel from your current command you can rely on who is ready to be transferred with you, Helena."

"With the heavy topics out of the way, dearest niece, it is time to have a talk," Persephone leaned forward and looked at Helena with sparkling eyes. "Have you finally found yourself a good girl to bring home for good?"

"Are you going to be playing a matchmaker again, Persi? You are terrible at it!" Uncle Lucius groaned.
Last edited:
Chapter 3 Part 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Stargate, Halo, or Battlestar Galactica movies, books, or games. They belong to their respective creators and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent!

Chapter 3


Part 3


14 February 2525
HIGHCOM Facility Bravo-6
Sydney, Australia
Earth, UEG space

So far, President Hayes concluded that waiting for a few days before sending messengers all over UEG territory about what happened in Arizona proved to be a good idea. Debriefing Bra'tac, the Prime who surrendered, was an intelligence gold mine that kept providing more and more critical information. However, key pieces were missing because their defector lacked the knowledge and understanding to fill in those blanks. On the face of it, those parts of the reports were nearly unbelievable. They would need to find a way to confirm what Bra'tac told them, which would be a significant part of today's discussions.

However, with all the issues and opportunities it represented, the Stargate was far from the only thing Henry had to worry about. He already had people investigating ONI, and that meant disruptions of all kinds in intelligence processing, if not yet gathering or ongoing operations. Handpicked investigation teams would be leaving with the messenger ships to comb through ONI's facilities and operations all over UEG, which would almost certainly further disrupt their operations. Nevertheless, after what Harper and his cronies hid, Hayes didn't trust them to do their job properly without following their own agendas. Whatever unintended consequences resulted from the audit he ordered would likely be less severe from ONI running rogue operations and doing whatever they were up to.

Hayes passed through one last checkpoint and headed to the only door at the end of a long, well-lit corridor. He was surrounded by his aides and security detail. He used the short walk to gather his thoughts for the long meetings ahead.

Armored doors silently slid into the walls, revealing a large operations room. A cluster of screens and holographic projectors dominated most of the free space, surrounded by four rows of desks, terminals, and high-backed seats. Many of the highest-ranked Admirals and Generals in the UNSC currently in Sol were physically present, while Henry could see the faces of others on various screens. The same was true for key members of his government, who attended through secure lines of various types.

"Good afternoon, people. Let us get this show on the road!" Hayes clapped his hands and headed towards one of the free seats. "We will tackle the Stargate-related issues first."

"The Stargate is currently on board the UNSC Vigilant. As we discussed, we will set it up on a space station near Titan. Our facilities and units in the area should provide all necessary assistance. At the same time, we design and build the necessary infrastructure to further support potential Stargate operations," Admiral West reported.

Henry nodded in relief, and he wasn't the only one. According to Bra'tac, the weapons Goa'uld might have sent through could have potentially crippled a whole continent. While the Prime wasn't aware of precise technical specifications, he claimed he had seen the aftermath of such weapons being deployed while in orbit of struck planets. His description of the weapon's effects was telling. Nuclear weapon specialists confirmed that deploying a device with such potential through a bottleneck like the Stargate might be feasible, especially accounting for its builders being potentially more advanced than the UEG. While they could build such fusion devices, their sheer size meant they would be generally big, unwieldy, and damn expensive compared to conventional nuclear weapons and MACs, which could easily wreak destruction on a similar scale, just not in a single strike.

Hayes didn't like the fact that he could see developing the capability to wreck a world with a single device deployed through the Stargate as desirable and logical, even if relegated to a last-resort weapon. That was, of course, why they got the ring on board a warship and away from Earth as soon as Bra'tac could properly articulate the danger.

At the same time, the Stargate offered endless opportunities if their defector could be trusted.

"Can't we just bury the damn thing?" The Minister of the Interior inquired.

He wasn't the only one to suggest sealing the Stargate for good. Frankly, Hayes was tempted because there were already too many other issues for him to deal with.

"You should have read the relevant reports, Minister Banes," General Roberts countered. The commander of the UNSC Army was unable or unwilling to hide his exasperation. According to Prime Bra'tac, the Goa'uld know precisely where Earth is in space and have visited with ships many times in the distant past. Preliminary investigation on his claims lines up with theories that until recently were considered fringe at best."

Ah, Dr. Jackson's claims. The man would be an instant celebrity when the truth became publicly known.

"As we speak, Earth's defense fleet units with our most modern sensors are recalibrating them to try to detect signatures consistent with captured alien technology and the rare elements it incorporates," Admiral West interjected. "Preliminary reports indicate that most of our current sensors can't properly detect Goa'uld technology at useful ranges. Otherwise, we would have found proof to back Dr. Jackson's theories and, more importantly, the defector's claims."

Barring ONI getting their hands on such evidence, while no one else was the wiser, this was why they didn't dismiss significant parts of Bra'tac's tale out of hand. Scanning the gear his Jaffa deployed with provided some interesting results, including the simple fact that it was hard to detect as something unusual, especially if you didn't know what you were looking for. One amusing and telling experiment involved burying the weapons and armor of a dead Jaffa in Arizona's desert and then scanning it from orbit. Even when knowing what and where to look for, regular sensors of all types could barely detect that there was something in the sand that might be of interest.

"Anything interesting in Egypt and other regions should be thousands of years old. The odds are good it is buried under meters of sand or soil, and that is before taking into account abandoned bases with some kind of shielding to prevent easy long-range detection," West continued. "We should have preliminary scans late tonight."

"Army units in the region are on high alert and ready to deploy engineering detachments with security details if the navy detects anything unusual," General Roberts added.

"If there is any proof of Mr. Bra'tac's claims, we should look at museum storage facilities worldwide," the Minister of Cultural Affairs suggested.

That was a good idea, and yet another headache for many people as long as they kept things under wraps.

"Prime Bra'tac's beliefs and the actual truth might differ. He admits he hasn't been to Earth or knew of it beyond a legend until recently. What the Goa'uld tell their slaves is not necessarily the truth," ONI's deputy director pointed out. "The tale about a rebellion of Bronze Age people driving away an alien occupation is problematic."

That was especially true if the picture Bra'tac painted of the Goa'uld was accurate – a bunch of murderous slavers wouldn't have thought twice about crushing a successful rebellion with orbital fire if a rebellion could have succeeded on the ground in the first place. If the Goa'uld really held Earth six thousand years ago and just left, it was unlikely it happened because of a successful rebellion.

"I agree. It is more likely they simply abandoned this region of space because it held nothing valuable enough to maintain naval presence and occupation forces," Admiral West offered. "Either way, our best bet to confirm or disprove Prime Bra'tac's claims is to get out there and see what is going on," he looked at Hayes.

"That's correct, Admiral. After deliberating on the potential dangers and benefits, I decided to authorize a fact-finding mission through the Stargate after we have the device properly secured. Get me an action plan ready for approval. Either way, we know we are not alone in this galaxy, and our neighbors are hostile. We will be discussing options for military and industrial build-up of varying degrees. I want options from mere shoring up our defenses to a rapid transition to a total war footing explored and overhauled to reflect UEG's current realities."

Meaning the utter mess of many Outer Colonies and the ongoing Insurrection, not to mention the corrupt nature of significant parts of the Colonial Administration…

"If we get reasonable proof of what Prime Bra'tac claims, I want plans to establish a Stargate program to gather intelligence and alien technologies for study. If there is anyone friendly out there like Bra'tac claims, I want them contacted as well," Hayes ordered. "The next point of today's agenda…"