In Amentia Veritas - A Dubiously Original Dystopian Cosmic Horror Corporate Adventure

Well, it appears that this was my negligence for not ensuring the vote was closed. Very well, I suppose I'll wait another day in hopes of a tiebreaker.
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Well, as it is definitely past time for the vote to close, and seeing as there is a tie, I took it upon myself to flip a coin. Perfidious Grasp was heads, and Sinful Obeisance was tails.

The coin came up tails.

Vote Closed.
Aw, I really love the premise of this quest, kinda bummed I only found it after the main character was chosen.
This last vote was pretty interesting too, I was surprised to immediately get such a blatant sign of favour/temptation from an Outer God(?).
I would have definitely chosen Sinful Obeisance i guess, since I really would like to play a manipulative/suble main character in a narrative quest, rather than going the charismatic frontline tank Joshua seems to be predisposed for..
Anyway, loved the prose and the idea too, hope you'll continue, AmusedOracle ^^
Aw, I really love the premise of this quest, kinda bummed I only found it after the main character was chosen.
This last vote was pretty interesting too, I was surprised to immediately get such a blatant sign of favour/temptation from an Outer God(?).
I would have definitely chosen Sinful Obeisance i guess, since I really would like to play a manipulative/suble main character in a narrative quest, rather than going the charismatic frontline tank Joshua seems to be predisposed for..
Anyway, loved the prose and the idea too, hope you'll continue, AmusedOracle ^^
I've been quite unwell recently. I intend to get back into this, though. Who would you have picked as your choice of main character, hmm? Also, Sinful Obeisance has been selected, so you are in luck.
Hmm, since this setting compels me to try intrigue, I'd have chosen Cynthia probably.
Not that I don't like Joshua, but it feels like we're going to be at the center of attention and political struggles from the beginning, with little time to explore the hidden things within the setting.