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Disclaimer: any resemblance to people, whether real or fictional is unintended and merely a...
Prologue 1


Banned Forever
Over there
Disclaimer: any resemblance to people, whether real or fictional is unintended and merely a coincidence.


Congratulations on activating the Gamer system!

Those were the words floating right in front of me, as I laid on the hospital bed. Most likely in the burn unit, seeing as how the last thing I remember was the Mk.3 exploding in my face. But onto more presing matters, the screen floating right in front of me.

Throug the Gamer system, you can experience Life as if it was a game! Isn't that fun?

Not particularly, no.

Perks of this include the Traits Gamers' Mind, which allows you to think unimpeded by stress or psychological status effects, and Gamers' Body, granting you the ability to recover from even mortal wounds with a nap, alongside the HP system, making it possible to fight through your injuries with little to no loss of capability! These, beside several smaller benefits, such as the Inventory and Perk systems. Will surely make your experience enjoyable!

On one hand, that is pretty handy, if proof that the detonation knocked more than a few screws loose. On the other, I wasn't looking forward to the many near-death experiences I will most likely have to go through.

Even better, thanks to the Multiverse DLC, you have also attained near-unlimited growth potential, increasing your maximum level by five for every world you affect!

Well then. Time to dump everything into Luck so I won't end up on Catachan with my first jump. Or in the Eye of Terror. Or on a ship infected by xenomorphs. Or anywhere else where I would die in an extremely painful but drawn out manner. But that can wait, because for all I know I might get to choose where I go.

Then my musings were interrupted by a doctor walking in. A doctor who I didn't recognize, which was a prety big deal, considering I ended up here at least twice a month and was on a fierst name basis with every person in this wing of the hospital. Oh well, hello new person, prepare for befriending.

Sadly, my plan to freak him out by acting like a zombie was foiled almost immediately by them noticing that I was awake.

"Good afternoon Mr...." he trailed off, trying to read my name from a clipboard I was fairly sure he didn't have when he walked in.

"If you're trying to read Emma's handwriting, stop. Nobody and nothing can, trust me."

"In that case, I hope you are ready to fill out your own paperwork, if you're so adamant about me not reading it," he said in the tone of someone mildly peeved.

"Fine by me."

"Here you go then," responded the trained medical professional who would probably get fired for this, "fill it out yourself. I will be back in half an hour."

Alright, I may have been a bit rude with him, but he is either about to commit career suicide or possibly get sent to prison. Altough prison wasn't very likely. Could he even go to prison for this? Regardless, clipboard right in front of me. Turning it over, I noted with no small amount of surprise – and the 'what the fuck' kind of surprise, not the 'oh' kind – that a brand new window opened in front of me.

You are S.P.E.C.I.A.L!

Please keep in mind that your stats scale with level and that there are several ways of raising them!

Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 5
Luck: 5

You have 5 free points to assign. You may remove points from a statistic to add them to another.

Well. It seems like I have gone completely insane. That or reality broke, and I only know of one way to decide which.




And the menu came up, freezing time. Let's see what I can choose. Resume, not right now, Save and Load are greyed out, as is Options and Quit, but a single option was not: Help.

Time to RTFM.


I have an absolute lack of faith in my abilites as a writer, but this is happening anyway.
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Prologue 2
Nice to see a new Gamer story. :)

Oh the woes of not having a betareader (thank you for that, by the way) and the wonders of having a backlog of chapters to post.
Speaking of which:


The manual was more complicated than I initially believed it to be. It did contain a weatlh of information that will accelerate my leveling and probably save my life a few times, but the interface was utter ridiculousness. Every page had links to other pages, and having to go through the entire thing without any indexes or a roadmap was a nightmare. On the upside, they managed to fix the mechanics clash reasonably well.

Willpower got rolled into Inteligence and borrowed whatever stat you had there, and magic got rolled into a single skill. Psionics? Magic skill. Nasuverse magic? Magic skill. Ninjutsu? Magic skill. And how did they prevent it from getting overpowered? No mana bar. You had Action Points for physical activities, but all magic was cast with HP. Weaponry skills similarly got rolled somewhat together. Energy Weapons governed everything from laser cannons to tasers to plasma rifles, Kinetic Weaponry ruled over everything that used the physics behind fast-moving objects to cause damage, Melee Weapons also included weapons such as throwing knives and tomahawks, beside the usual fare of swords, axes and maces. Unarmed was unchanged from the Fallout games that I have played.

There were also two brand new skills, Crafting, which was fairly self-explanatory: higher skill, better stuff can be built, or you can build low-quality stuff, but cheaper. The system used for crafting shared several characteristics with the one used in Fallout 4, which is a polite way of saying it was copied in its' entirety. The second one was Piloting, and it applied to using any and all vehicles, from bicycles to the Death Star.

Perks also got reworked a tiny bit, in the sense that there were also Traits, such as Gamers' Mind and Body, and could only be acquired by performing great feats related to them. I will get to choose between two and zero of them towards the end of character creation, kind of like in New Vegas.

I also kinda get to choose where I go with each Travel, which is what the game calls going to different universes. I get three choices, a random one of which cycles every 72 hours.

Alright, recap complete, don't think I forgot anything, onwards to character creation we go!


You are S.P.E.C.I.A.L!

Please keep in mind that your stats scale with level and that there are several ways of raising them!

Strength: 4
Perception: 8
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 1
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 7
Luck: 4

You have 0 free points to assign. You may remove points from a statistic to add them to another.

This should do. Charisma to 1, because dump stat, Intelligence to 10, because god stat, tiny bit of min-maxing for higher starting explosives and being somewhat faster so I can run away from my explosions. Done.

Please Select Your Tag Skills!

Explosives, Crafting and Science, obviously. How else am I supposed to perform !SCIENCE!, if not with these skills? Sure, my Barter and Speech may be nine, but my starting explosives is 38, which is apparently enough to disarm a nuke, if Fallout 3 is anything to go by. Done.

Please Select up to Two Traits!

Let's see what we have. Logans' Loophole is out, as is Small Frame, I might pick Skilled if there is nothing better.. And it looks like there is something better here! Two somethings, in fact. Both unlocked by my lifestyle, apparently. The first is Insomniac Inspiration, giving me +1 to Medicine, Science and Crafting per 48 hours without any sleep. Being knocked unconscious did, in fact, count as sleep for the purposes of this trait. The second was Improper Safety Precautions. For every 40% of my Max HP lost due to my own explosives – or for every 80% of my Max HP lost to enemy or neutral explosives - I permanently gained +1 Explosives. Done.

And then I had a HUD. Somehow. I would say "blame ROB" but there isn't one here.

Quest added!

Medical Malpractice

*Find out who wanted you to fill out your own papers.

And my first quest as well, apparently.
Prologue 3
*sees likes and panics at having given them standards*


Shortly after I got out of the hospital bed, a rather burly man walked in, wearing a police uniform. His nametag helpfully informed me that his name was F. Marcel.

"Good morning," he greeted me, reaching into one of his pockets.

"Good morning," I greeted right back, just before he pulled a photograph out of the "doctor" out of his pocket.

"Have you seen this man before?"

"I have, just a few minutes ago. He," at this point I waved the clipboard around a bit,"told me I could fill out my own papers."

"Sounds about right for him. His name is Tobias Moore, and he has been masquerading as a new hire in several nearby hospitals, charging patients exorbitant fees for treatment. Did you see where he was going?"

[Perception 8/7] Success! +10 XP!

Then I looked out the window saw walking to another wing of the hospital at a rather brisk pace. Pointing towards him, I said, "There he goes."

"Thank you for you assistance. Goodbye," answered the policeman, running off after his target.

Quest Medical Malpractice Completed!

Well that was easy.


Frederick Marcel was a beat cop for twelve years, and as such, he has already talked with a wide variety of people. However, the man who pointed Tobias out to him would stay with him for a pretty long while with how unsettling he was. Still, he was a police officer, he couldn't just judge people based on first impressions.

But maybe he could allow himself the luxury when the person he has to talk with is so far in the Uncanny Valley he would have needed to bring a drill to find them. If anyone asked him in what sense was the man in the hospital so weird, he would have said he couldn't explain it. Like something obviously not human decided to make one, but simultaneously put too much and to litlle effort into everything.

When it was speaking, it overshot the articulation on one word by just a bit, then it articulated just a little below what was natural. What should have been. When it blinked it took just a little shorter than it should have. When it was pointing out the window the outsretched arm was too straight and too crooked at the same time. A little too short, but only because it was a little too long.

So what why was it so wrong?


I wonder what sort of Impression I made on him with my 1 Charisma. He seemed relatively nonplussed by it.

But onto more important matters, since I wouldn't see him again due to my (presumed) ability to travel the multiverse. After getting discharged from the hospital with a clean bill of health I went home and started gathering equipment and crafting materials in preparation of leaving.

An item of note was The Jumpsuit. Capitalization mandatory.

It was a hand-me-down from my dad, who, in turn, got it from his own father. I was also reasonably sure it was enchanted, despite the Gamer thing telling me it wasn't. A normal jumpsuit doesn't survive 60+ years of wear and tear with no visible damage, despite pretty heavy use. At the moment it had DR 3 and nothing else. Lets' see how far I will be able to upgrade it.

Other stuff included a backpack and some medical supplies I had laying around.

Then I went into my workshop and Disassembled averything that wasn't vital to the structural integrity of the building.

+300 Steel
+220 Fertilizer
+95 Aluminum
+90 Lead
+70 Plastic
+60 Rubber
+40 Adhesive
+5 Circuitry

Apparently stuff you can make explosives out of is also always is fertilizer. Who would have guessed? Oh well, time to start crafting.


I'm done! Turns out time doesn't freeze when I'm crafting.

+250 XP!
Level Up!
You have 15 points to distribute!

And crafting things apparently gives me XP! Alright, Craft to 30, Lockpick to 25, Kinetic Weaponry to 25 and Science to 40. Perk is Intense Training, Agility to 8.

Now to take stock of my gear.

The jumpsuit was turned into actual armor. By adding some chainmail and steel plates between the two layers of thick cloth I managed to up the DR to 24, at the cost of also increasing weight to 20. I also refurbished a motorcycle helmet I got for Christmas two years ago into something useful. Namely, by adding a flashlight to one side and uparmoring the entire thing, while also adding the filter part of an old gas mask to it. Some Steel, Rubber, and Adhesive later, it was sealed with the helmet and jumpsuit being integrated into each other, meaning the filter was actually useful, since it was airtight.

Some extra welding gloves and a pair of combat boots also got added to my ensemble after a few minutes of crafting, which meant I looked like a stereotypical faceless mook from some alternate WWII FPS. The whole ensemble together gave me a DR of 36, 80% resistance to airborne poisons and smoke, but weighed 36. Don't ask what Carry Weight is measured in, the game doesn't tell me.

On the weaponry side of things, I had a .45 caliber semi-auto homemade rifle with a magazine size of 20, and I had 80 bullets for it. The two dozen jury rigged HE grenades and the dozen incendiary ones were given considerably more attention. I also added a pair of hunting knives I had laying around to my equipment. They took up 26 Carry Weight.

For miscellaneous stuff, I had some canned food and a canteen so I could pretend to be a normal guy, alongside four "first aid kits" I made, each capable of healing 60 HP.

As such, I deemed myself ready to brave the multiverse an hopefully not get gibbed by my own grenades. According to the manual, I only had to intend to travel the acro-

Please Select A Destination!

Well that was easier than I thought it would be. I wonder if the other shoe will be hypersonic when it drops.
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Prologue 4/ XCOM 1

Wait, no, Cancel, you're not supposed to be this stupid, me! You have 10 points in Intelligence. Skill Books exist, or at least I think so. I have, over the course of my life, collected a rather large amount of books, which I've kept in my attic for no other reason than that carrying more than 300 pounds of literature to the library would be both extremely tiring and time-consuming. There's bound to be a few Skill Books there.

It'll also give me to get some time to get used to my armour, too.

[Locked: Normal]

I've forgotten about that. Rarely used keys: easier to lose than practically anything else.

[Agility 8/8] Success! +10 XP!

Time to climb in through the window, then.


+1 Kinetic Weaponry
+1 Repair
+1 Survival
+1 Medicine
+1 Survival
+1 Sneak
+1 Unarmed
+1 Piloting
+1 Unarmed

After trawling through my literal mountain – well, hillock, really – of dead trees in book form, I took stock of, then read into nonexistence several pieces of literature. In order: a book on modern contemporary firearms, a handgun maintenance manual, a wildlife encyclopedia, something that was basically anatomy for dummies, a handbook on local herbs and a similar handbook on how to burglar-proof your home, somehow written by the same person. These were followed by a pair of martial arts train-yourself guides and a coursebook that my grandfather told me would help me get my drivers' licence.

Now I can go.


Please Select A Destination!

Choice 1: TESV: Skyrim

Nope. It may come as a surprise to some, but I didn't particularly fancy fighting Discount Flying Necromancer Godzilla, proper non-glittery vampires, zombies and the cold. Next!

Choice 2: XCOM 2

Alright, this is better. Earth may have been taken over, but there is a resistance and explosives have been proven effective agains most potential enemies here. Also less freezing to death, that helps too.

Choice 3: Lucky Star

What. Gmkchi.exe has crashed. Please wait while Gmkchi.exe reboots. Ding! Thank you for you- What. Go home game, you're drunk. Very, very drunk. Lucky star is an anime, not a game! And even if it was, there would be no challenge there, I demand ans- Oh look the help menu opened up on a page I haven't seen before.

Apparently the system isn't limited to games and one setting is always extremely easy to "win at" so as to appeal to a larger audience, altough there is nothing preventing a player from picking a more difficult universe. That, and they clarified that the game is exclusively single-player, but companions may be acquired.

Maybe when my Charisma isn't at 1. Anyways, Choice 2.


Reality shuddered then broke like a glass pane hit by a tank. Not in the "tank shot the window out" sense, but in the "some lunatic just threw a tank at it" sense, revealing a swirling blue-black-green yellow-pur-

Alright, fine, closing eyes...


"That was trippy as hell," I mumbled to myself, nearly falling on my face because I didn't get any warning that I'd be snapping back into reality. Quick selfcheck, kept all my gear, no missing limbs, senses still functioning, time to get the date and place.

Place – somewhere forested, on a pretty large hill, apartment buildings down the slope. Apparently abandoned as well, judging by the local flora... Wait a second, is this my hometown in the XCOM universe? I hit the ground and shouldered my rifle the way only 8 Agility and adrenaline can make possible.

[Perception 8/8] Success! +10 XP!

No movemen-

+10 XP!

Only a wild dog and I've wasted my element of surprise. Time to check if the neighbors are home. And possibly loot the place. Move up to that dumpster, then through that alleyway and I should be at the Lookout – a part of the concrete foundations that supported the nearby buildings, jutting out a bit. It was left there because of lazy construction workers and if you were on it you had a clear view of about half the town.


[Perception 8/8] Success! +10 XP!

This is the third Perception check I had to make up here and still no movement. If I remeber correctly, Europe was conquered, not destroyed. Moving deeper into the city – because by local standards it was one – I finally found clues as to what happened.

The first one was a giant graffiti telling the Elders that "we will not bow" on the side of the town hall.

The other was the incomplete human skeleton laying on the ground under it.
Watched, I wanna see what'll you do to xcom-verse, may I suggest stealing and jacking an avatar body even if it meant going against xcom?

It's a good thing I don't tire physically anymore.

Otherwise digging the graves of the fallen would have taken considerably longer. While I didn't know any of the rites usually given at a funeral and I was a pyromaniac since I was seven, I felt they deserved this much. Five thousand bodies and graves, all told. Three thousand missing, probably taken away to help with the Avatar research as subjects or fuel.

I found what I presumed to be my alternates' corpse. Charbroiled in my/his workshop, with a pair of burnt skeletons in a similar state to him. ADVENT Stun Lancers, if the uniform was any indication. Old man Ivan was missing, but based on the amount of spent shells and blood in his house he didn't go quietly. There were signs of struggle everywhere in the town, from most houses to the hospital to the convenience store at the corner.

It was at this point that I decided to be a bigger thorn in ADVENTs' side than the remnants of the XCOM project. They had numbers and supporters, I had a ridiculous growth speed and a grudge and ADVENT had more enemies than Redmond Boyle.


+200 XP!

Six single-use rocket launchers, each weighing 6 CW, made from the local scavenged materials. An equal amount of medical kits, this time taken from the hospital. Each capable of healing 100 HP. Old man Ivan had a small box of ammo in his garage, from which I took the 60 bullets I could use and left the rest there.

+1 Piloting
+1 Kinetic Weaponry
+1 Repair
+1 Medical
+1 Science
+1 Explosives
+1 Kinetic Weaponry

A few skill books still in good enough condition to be read, either by not being exposed to the elements or by being printed on tough enough paper. Most of the library was collapsed and my alternate never had a "bookhoarder" phase, but what I found was enough.

It was time to hunt down some ADVENT patrols.


Officer designation EU-5-2731 wasn't bored. He physically couldn't be bored, the neurons responsible for boredom, ambition and several other unnecessary traits have been removed shortly after his creation so that he may better preform his duties. This was done with almost all of ADVENTs' forces, including the fellow officer on his left driving the patrol vehicle and the six troopers in the back.

However, his vigilance has failed to warn him about the rocket about to slam through one of the trucks' rear windows.



[Intelligence 10/8] Success! +10 XP!

The rocket only killed the six troopers in the back, the driver and the one next to him were merely lightly injured and somewhat disoriented. Time to fix that. With more explosives.


Officer designation EU-5-2732 hit the brakes as soon as he could after the impact. Driving around in a damaged vehicle was generally ill-advised, especially during an ambush. And wasn't that unexpected. 18 years of almost complete peace and submission from the locals, to the point where the Elders decided to get rid of the second transport for patrols on most of the continent, and then they got ambushed. As he was grabbing his communicator to call for reinforements, he heard a shout.

"I got a present for ya!"

After that he didn't do much of anything, including, but not exclusive to hearing and calling for help, having been dismembered by a jury-rigged grenade.


Level Up!
You have 16 points to distribute!

Shouldn't that be 15 points? I'm not complaining, but-

[Intelligence 10/1] Success! +10 XP!

Oh hardy har har, it's because of the stats scaling with level. No need to be this sarcastic game. Now then, to assign my points. Crafting to 40, Sneak to 25, Repair to 30, Science to 45, all in preparation for better gear that can be crafted at a workshop. Now then, looting time! Or at least it would be if I wasn't careful about tracking devices.

Time to head back, resupply, and maybe look harder at the incomprehensible maze that is the Help button in figuring out how stats scale, exactly.


Stats apparently scale +10% with every level up, but this scaling only affects derived stats, such as skill points, HP, Carry Weight and Skills. To actually increase them as a primary statistic, I either need to use perks, implants or level up considerably more times, since they scale at +1% per level. Both the increase types were also rounded down, naturally.

Now to see how my Skills were affected by that.

Barter/C: 9
Energy/P: 25
Explosive/P: 41
Kinetic/A: 32
Lockpick/P: 27
Medicine/I: 31
Melee/S: 15
Repair/I: 32
Science/I: 47
Sneak/A: 27
Speech/C: 9
Survival/E: 21
Unarmed/E: 21
Crafting/P: 42
Piloting/A: 27
Magic/W: 29

If I keep progressing like this I might end up maxing my skills out before I hit the level cap. Especially since I picked Educated. Time to hunt down a few extra patrols. Gonna be a bit slow to gri-

Quest added!

Disrespect Your Elders

*Destroy 6 ADVENT patrols. (1 destroyed)

Nevermind, then. Time to set some ambushes and traps up.


Does this count as doubleposting?
XCOM 3 (This is where things go horribly wrong)


Cooking up a few high-yield remote detonated bombs wasn't particularly difficult, which will make wiping out a few patrols pretty easy. A single one going missing probably won't tip the Ethereals off too much that I'm here, and setting up a few AT and AP mines around town didn't take too much effort in case it does.

While taking breaks from manufacturing explosives I managed to fix up a radio, through which came nothing but propaganda about how the Elders will lead humanity to a new golden age and definitely won't harvest them to build new bodies, that the date is 2033, and that today is the finest fifth of April we had this year and other such bovine excrement.


Officer designation EU-05-3152 wasn't annoyed that he has been pulled from patrolling a peaceful and law abiding city to chase after a patrol that hadn't reported back. After al-




Wow. That was about an order of magnitude more explosion than I expected. At least it took all of them out. Now to run away and hide, in preparation of the next patrol.


Level Up!
You have 16 points to distribute!

Science and Crafting to 50, Sneak to 32 because I have no idea how they haven't spotted me yet but I don't wanna test my luck. Crafting because there is only one patrol left and if I'm genre savvy enough they'll send something completely overkill so I plan to counter them with dubious amounts of mines, remote explosives and some rifle fire for good measure.


Officer designation EU-05-122 was one of the elite, or at least he liked to think of himself as one. Unlike his less fortunate and skilled brethren, he could, in fact, think for himself. The neuron removal was almost perfect, but it wasn't well and truly that. Officers, Troopers and Lancers like the men under his command, after several live-fire scenarios did develop a few emotions.

Those emotions were generally contempt towards the general populace, or, in this case, anger at the perpetrator of these attacks that ended up with him and his men in an APC barreling towards a supposedly empty town, which was the most likely hiding place of the assassin who left five patrols utterly destroyed.

Still, they would know defeat. His wasn't the only group sent, with a second APC approaching their target from the opposite direction. That, and the fact that the Elders saw fit to send a Muton with each group practically assured it.


Well they certainly didn't skimp out on me. Two groups, with a muton riding on top of each vehicle. I was on top of one of the apartment buildings towards the city center, with a rifle in my lap and a map of the place righ next to me, covered in buttons. Why?

Because I had to find a way to keep track of which remote I was pressing. 49 remote bombs, 327 AT mines, 247 AP mines. A nice, round 100 bullets in my inventory, the rest having been disassembled for the defenses.

As the team on the eastern end of the town rolled in I pressed a button, detonating a charge hidden in the sewers under them, dropping them undergound. No XP report, so all of them are still alive, but it will slow them down quite a bit. As for the team on the southwest?

They rolled right into a mine, got out, and immediately ran into a building rigged with
anti-personnel mines.


21 Troopers and 2 Mutons left. I might actually stay alive through this.

Now for the other group. They ran into a house – one of few I hadn't rigged. Still doesn't mean I can't shoot at them. Shoulder rifle, deep breath in, hold, safety off, aim. Armor can probably stop the bullet, especially at this distance, target a joint...

And now I can truthfully say I kneecapped an alien. Now, where is their Muton, because he probabl- There he goes, running straight towards me, from approximately 2000 feet away, giving me ample time to hit another detonator and gib him.


One down, one giant monster and approximately twenty soldiers to go.


Did- Did that Muton just attempt to charge towards the building I was hiding on top of and somehow managed to set off an anti-tank mine doing so? And the future XCOM Rangers took those things on in melee. Reasonably sure that's a feat I'm not planning on pulling off. Though the dust cloud makes seeing where they ar-


That was a glancing hit. How the hell did it take off the fifth of my health with a glancing hit?! Alright, these guys are a few dozen steps above the grunts I've been blowing up until now, but I am now extremely happy I managed to take those two lumps of armed and armoured alien out early on. Now, how should I retaliate? I should also find way to disincentivize sticking my head out of cover, since it seems like I cannot into pain anymore. It doesn't hurt where it hit, it's just uncomfortable.

And wasn't that a weird thing to say about a hypersonic piece of metal nearly taking off my head.
[Perception 8/8] Success! +10 XP!

Wait, what's that noise? It kind of sounds like a jet engine...

Now, I might not be the most experienced person about what the noise generated by an aircraft means in a combat situation, but it probably means either more ADVENT or an airstrike since I don't really have the infrastructure in place for air support in place, while they do. Considering the fact I just took out both Mutons, an airstrike is more likely.

So I did the only sensible thing I could think of.


I set off all my remote charges at once...


...followed shortly by firing a pair of rockets into the two groups, who have wisened up to my tactics and spread out...

[Agility 8/8] Success! +10 XP!

...leapt over to the neighboring building, throwing a grenade ahead of myself to collapse a part of the roof, dropped in through the hole, used one of my first aid kits to bring myself back to full HP, sprinted down a few floors, and braced for impact.


[Endurance 6/10] Failure!


Alright. I've been knocked unconscious before. That isn't new. What IS new, however, is the rebar skewering my face. Extract slooowl-


Ow. Fine. Medical attention first. Boom. At max HP. Now to pull the damn thing out slowly... okay, it's out. Next first aid kit and...

You have no healable injuries!

If you say so. Time to check how long I was out. Getting up, I noticed something was off. The doors, and floor were kinda not where I could swear they were before I got K.O.-d. Stumbling my way down the corridor, using the wall for support, I finally was why everything seemed so weird.

Because on the reflective doorknob I saw my helmets' broken faceplate, and through it, the gaping hole where my left eye used to be.
Nice if in the future you get asked "why aren't you dead?" As they see like like hole in your chest or head you can reply like a badass saying "my hatred for (enemy of current world) keeps me alive and won't let me die"

[Willpower 10/10] Success! +10 XP!

Despite the fact that my face had a fucking hole where one of my eyes used to be I didn't feel particularly afraid or like I was on the edge of panic.

I only felt angry enough that I wanted to march out of the building, grab the guy who called the airstrike and shove his head so far up his ass they wrapped right back to having euclidean geometries, but I was perfectly aware that doing so would end with me gunned down.

So I just walked through the doorway, checked how long I was laying there – two hours, according to the clock – and took up position next to one of the windows. Through it, I saw the remaining ADVENT soldiers stand around the APC partway stuck in the ground, metaphorically scratching their heads.

I only saw a dozen of them, so the rest were either away somewhere else or the collapsing buildings, mines, or friendly fire from the airstrike got them. Time for an introduction, then.



Nine down thanks to my last rockets, two dead from gunshot wounds. See, this is why ambushes were invented: massive amounts of damage dealt quickly with little risk to yourself. Altough you probably couldn't replicate my level of ambushing with what me switching rocket launchers by sending the spent one into my hammerspace inventory and replacing it with a loaded one in less than a second.

Speaking of hammerspace inventories, explosives away and knife out because this Lancer came a bit too close to shoot or blow up.

[Agility 8/8] Success! +10 XP!

Rule one of almost all combat: what can't hit you can't hurt you. In this case, the ADVENT soldier couldn't hurt me because I just dodged his swing thanks to him being wounded and then proceeded to jam my knife into his relatively exposed wrist before kicking the Stun Lance out of his hand.

[Strength 4/6] Failure!

He caught my arm in a vice grip with his uninjured hand when I went for his throat, but that meant I could just stab him with the second knife I materialized in my other hand.


Quest Disrespect Your Elders Completed!
Level Up!
You have 19 points to distribute!
Reputation with Elders set to Nuisance!
Reputation with ADVENT Ground Forces set to Hated!
Reputation with ADVENT Civilians set to Feared!
Reputation with The Resistance set to Accepted!

Through the completion of your first quest in this universe, Your level cap has been increased to 25!

Holy shit that's a lot of stuff. A lot of XP too. I'm guessing due to the reputations ADVENT's gonna shoot on sight, nothing new there. The civilian and resistance reputation changes are probably due to the regime propaganda spreading some information about me. Like the fact I killed several dozen of their guys.

Anyways, skill points! Medicine to 50 because I want to be able to replace my missing eye ASAP, Crafting to 55 for pretty much the same reason, and Explosives to 50 because I haven't blown myself up recently.

Now, since they know I'm here, time to loot the bodies and use the stuff to craft myself some proper gear.


+700 XP!

Ah, the sweet smell of XP gained in a way that doesn't involve getting shot at.

Sweet new gear as well. I replaced my armor with a heavily refurbished and repainted ADVENT suit, now with added camo netting, meaning that besides the 32 DR it also gave +5 Sneak. The helmet had to be built from scratch, because the ones my opponents wore weren't designed with human heads in mind. My entire new suit provided me with 45 DR and was pretty lightweight at 24 CW.

My armaments also got changed pretty heavily. Gone was the homemade rifle, replaced by an assault rifle based on the ones the strike team used against me, using the same ammunition. 300 bullets collected for it, all of them loaded in 30 round magazines. I also decided to make a pistol in case I needed a backup, sharing the caliber of my rifle, and having 96 bullets all to itself, with an ammo capacity of 8. For good measure, I also stole one of their Stun Lances, but ripped the genetic identification and tracking systems out so I could make room for a bigger power bank. 40 CW all told.

I couldn't forget my schtick of explosives either, so I packed myslef a dozen HE grenades, a doyen incendiarz ones and a honest-to-goodness missile launcher with eight shtos in my inventory. While it couldn't track anything smaller than a Muton, it packed enough punch to knock one of the damn things out with one shot. 36 CW since missile launchers tend to be pretty heavy.

And because I knew getting into a shootout was basically guaranteed, I also brough enough healing items to bring myself back from he brink of death to full HP a little more than twice. While my skills weren't high enough to restore my eye or make a new cybernetic one, I decided to put a certain proverb into effect.

Using the not-incosiderable amount of explosives left over from my engagement, I made a bomb. A big one, hidden inside the APC which got the road blow out from under it. That done, I rigged it to explode should anyone open the door or should the vehicle move faster than 5 miles per hour.

After that, I only had one thing left to do. And that was finding a resistance camp and joining up.


Trooper designation EU-05-487-6 had a bad feeling about this mission. Sure, on paper it was only going to pick up a strike team because their target managed to take out both transports, but there was still something off. His feelings were proven to be right when neither team responded on the comms after yesterday afternoon.

Upon arrival, when both he and his comrades saw the corpses around the APC, he was only slightly reassured when his superior called for reinforcements. Upon their arrival, they tried to pry the door open, to see if there were any survivors within the vehicle.

They were succesful, but only in prying the door open and triggering the literal ton of explosives inside the troop compartment.



You have gained the trait Eye for an Eye I
For each body part lost due to enemy action, you gain +20% damage against the perpetrator and +5% damage against their faction!

Now I finally understand what people mean when they say mixing busines with pleasure.
... just how many body parts are you going to lose? Should we be playing the Deus Ex or Robocop themes in the background?
... just how many body parts are you going to lose? Should we be playing the Deus Ex or Robocop themes in the background?

Fun fact: I write only on impulse, instinct and stupid ideas. I might end up as a brain in a jar in a giant robot. I might end up losing nothing else.

Getting into my notes is impossible because I don't have notes.
Just found this, looks good.

I know it says you haven't played the game, but are you going to include anything from the dlc or expansion? I know that it's not out but a preview of all the super classes have been released and the ex-advent one looks right up you ally.
XCOM 2 has DLC? Good to know. It will probably get left out, since I have no idea how to implement it and because I lied a bit with my last post since I do, in fact, have a very hazy, disjointed plan that I might follow.
"Shen's Last Gift" and big game hunters or something like that are the two relevant dlc. Last gift adds a new class of soldier and a multi-part mission that adds backstory to the class. (Robot soldiers), Big game hunters adds three super aliens that get to act every time Xcom does anything and you can turn their corpses into really neat armor. it also adds a few neat weapons.

The expansion isn't out yet (I think)
Upon arrival, when both he and his comrades saw the corpses around the APC, he was only slightly reassured when his superior called for reinforcements.

Would be funny if this section of the multiverse played out like horde mode on some games. Never ending reinforcements only defeated by proper planning and preparation. The Other half of the story comes from the perspectives of the canonical main characters wondering who's drawing Advent in such numbers from their checkpoints when they attack them, which until recently were teaming with Advent troopers and now only have skeleton crews.
On a side note: A good idea for replacement parts would be to make something called "ghost organs" which are basically flesh with the cells stripped out. Conventionally made by removing the cells from a normal organ, even animal organs, but i'm sure that you could do anything that makes sense.