Imperium: A Quest of Ancient Rome

[X] Postumus
[X] Horsemanship
[X] The Julians

Designed to increase popularity with the common people and army and be on good terms with the Julians.
[X] Drusus Julius Caesar
[X] The Claudians
[X] Sea Battle
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Who knows, if we pick the sea battle, we might be on track to become the greatest admiral in the empire. Imagine that, we might have a seafaring skill in the double digits!
[X] Drusus Julius Caesar: The only son of Tiberius and his first wife Vipsania, Drusus is a tall, handsome young man who bears a striking resemblance to his cousin, your brother Germanicus. Charismatic, openhanded, and kind, many see him as a plausible successor to whoever succeeds Augustus. It is said that where Germanicus was made to be a soldier, Drusus was born to be a politician. Though still a boy, he has ambitions that far outstrip his station.
[X] The Claudians

I like the idea of good things coming in threes and making a Third Triumvirate - though preferably with less tragic endings and Triumvirs killing each other. Both Germanicus and Drusus died before their time despite being such talented people, and correcting this historical injustice sounds like a great quest hook for me.

[X] Trial

I agree that this has a great synergy with both our previous choices and with the talents and capabilities of our fellow Triumvirs.
So far we have recieved large boosts to Charisma, Diplomacy, Stewardship, and Command (Gift of Antony) and also Education, Law, and Subterfuge (Jurist Tutor).
I'd like to note that we also received a boost to Education or maybe Philosophy or both for choosing "Your Brother's Keeper".
You sneak him scrolls from the libraries when you can, and even go over some of the harder ones with him. You start small, but by the time you are both teenagers, you are reading through the works of Cicero and Plato.
[X] Drusus Julius Caesar
[X] The Claudians
[X] Trial

@Telamon Drusus Claudius doesn't become Drusus Julius Caesar until 4 AD. We are currently in 3 AD.
[X] Drusus Julius Caesar
[X] The Claudians
[X] Trial

I actually would consider switching Drusus with Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus because leader needs a monster to unleash. Unfortunately we live in Augustus' era and he's made it a state platform to try to revive Roman morality. I find it unlikely that Gnaeus won't be sent off in exile for a few years when he inevitably finds out that the man is a rake.
[X] Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus: Born 17 BC, Gnaeus Ahenobarbus is famed as a rake, a rogue, and a man of cruel excess. It is said he once tore out a man's eye in the Forum for daring to criticize him. Despite this wanton and banal cruelty, he is handsome and fair, and loved by the common people of Rome for his generosity. Your cousin by your aunt Antonia Major, he took a liking to you at a party thrown by Augustus, where, grinning, he promised to show you a real party once you were old enough. His father, Lucius Ahenobarbus, is one of Rome's most feared generals, a man of cruelty and excess to make Gnaeus' youthful exploits look like child's play. It seems apparent to all that the younger will someday fill the elder's footsteps as Augustus' cruelest dog.

Whoever we support as emperor, we certainly want to keep part of the military arm close to him through us.

[X] Trial: A mock trial was held, with different young men playing judge, jury, and lawyer. You were the defending counsel, and provided an excellent and almost watertight argument that 'saved' your client from an ignominious fate. The plebs in attendance were impressed at your dedication and readily apparent knowledge of the law. The lawyers of Rome are often the only line of defense between the plebs and an overambitious patrician -- and so a good lawyer can find himself more well-liked than a conquering general. (Increased reputation with the plebs, gain +1 rank to Law and Charisma)

This or oratory. This time around I'm not voting for a martial character.

[X] The Claudians: Your older brother Germanicus has refused to have any part in your mother's intrigues, and has instead focused his time since manhood on building up connections with the old supporters and followers of your father Nero Germanicus. Though not truly a faction -- you are men, boys but a day ago -- this signifies rather your intention to stand apart from the politicking of your family members and not subjugate yourself to the influence of any of your aunts or cousins. A more difficult path to beat by far, with fewer natural allies and more natural enemies -- but you are joined on it not only by your brother, but by your cousin Drusus Claudius, son of Tiberius and among your closest family outside of your mother and siblings. All three of you, new-made men in the prime of youth, are descended from the Claudians of old, who were the greatest family in Rome for centuries uncounted, and so this is what your detractors and supporters alike come to call you, after the name all three of you share.

I'm thinking them or the Antonians.

(Increased reputation with patricians and nobility, gain +1 rank to Command and Seafaring)
Seafaring? What is this? Some Punic sorcery?
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[X] Drusus Julius Caesar
[X] The Claudians
[X] Trial

This all synergizes nicely, gives us decent allies, and keeps us out of the family drama when we are still young and tender.