Immured Titans (5/5)

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Play divine beings of great and terrible power trapped within themselves after losing a great war.
You have lost.

Those who you made as you wished forsook this greatest grace, and turned their fangs upon you. Once you were the greatest, masters of all Creation. Now you are as nothing, imprisoned slaves drained of their blood to feed cruel and traitorous vampiric vermin.

And how that stings. How it roils and stews and festers inside you, gnawing away with each endured moment of indignity and defeat and your continued inability to do anything about it.

Rage is too light a word for the suns of fury burning inside you, hatred for yourself and everything else too limited a descriptor, endless anguish over this most intimate of betrayals and your shattered future too pedestrian an explanation. Your very being and existence has been changed and scarred forever by the true depths and heights of the emotional turmoil of the horrid experiences forced upon you by the vermin.

Yet even humiliated beyond measure and twisted into a cage of yourself, you are still the First, the Titans who made all that is, eternal, and eternally potent.

Something must be done, will be done.

What this? You enter play as the losers of a Titanomachy event, a battle in the heavens which you, the Titans, the first, the oldest, the who made the earth and seas and life, lost terribly and completely resulting in your imprisonment and draining as some sort of power source. Your seething over this state of affairs is palpable.

Okay, but what is this really? As Titans imprisoned by yourself, you are an closed off world unto yourself, where, godlike, you may once more create and mold life and reality as you see fit. A hopefully slightly unusual variation on godgames. Presumably you will wish to eventually escape your predicament and enact terrible vengeance upon the vermin.

Who are these vile perpetrators? This is still largely undecided, and will be determined by you during character creation. It could be your offspring, or the defence system you made against that which is not, or the cattle you raised for worship.

Are we actually the bad guys? Generally speaking, almost certainly. You likely abused your powers and creations and were in general dicks. But this isn't a game about brave heroes rising up to overthrow their titanic oppressors. This is a story about the princelings of the universe absolutely seething about anyone having the temerity to defeat and imprison them, and themselves actually being weak enough for that to actually happen. And the mental and physical damage they suffered in this process of what was most certainly their utter defeat.

Tone? This general tone of this game will probably tend towards the grim and dark, as you find yourself in a grim and dark situation, but aiming to not be gratuitously so. I will occasionally attempt to inject some lightheartedness or humour, but that might be hit and miss.

Character Creation, with an eventual maximum of hopefully 5 players:

Name: Once, the mere mention of a fragment of your name was enough to make the sky tremble and beasts flee. Not anymore.

Pillars: Your very existence tends to support and underpin some aspect of that which is, like the wind or the sun or the seas or the earth or time. Pick two. These may be different from that which you supported before your terrible defeat. If changed, try to choose something that will generally have more negative or destructive associations, like plague or disasters or war.

Vehemence: Choose up to two negative feelings or modes of thought that have come to dominate your mindscape. Rage, Hate, Melancholy, Apathy, Crippling Self-Doubt, Escapist Hedonism, Willful Ignorance, etc. You may further describe how this expresses itself in your behaviour if you wish, with a particular emotion often leading to particular mode of thought, for example. Be aware that you cannot be in any way submissive to the vermin, despite your crushing defeat.

Trauma: One particular episode in the Titanomachy was particularly terrible and impactful for you. You may expound on what this was if you wish, but regardless, it has left suppurating wound on both your body and mind. Choose some physical disability you will suffer through all your forms, like a missing eye or mangled leg as well one mental dysfunction, like going into a blind rage at the sight of daffodils or shying away from spears.

Terrible Glory: Regardless of how you may have been otherwise changed or harmed by your terrible defeat at the hands of the vermin, it has also left you deeply insecure and distrusting. You will automatically and disproportionately retaliate against any perceived insubordination or betrayal. Choose what form this typically takes, like a rain of flesh-eating rose-petals or dark mouths springing from the offender's shadow to devour them. While what this applies to is normally left to gm discretion, you may optionally mention specific forms of insubordination that would definitely draw your wrath, like whistling too loudly. This is an instinctive expenditure of your power, not free, unless you can somehow destroy the offender for free, including commanding servants to do it for you. Be careful of the creations of your fellow Titan-inmates triggering your Terrible Glory!

Forms: The soul, mind and being of a Titan is far too vast and intricate to contained within a single form, no matter how grand. You are the oversoul of an hierarchical pyramid of yourself. You are the the grand sun and the ten moons who circle it and the thousand boars who run freely on the moons. As your sun-self novas in anger, so too do your boar-selves angrily charge and go berserk and moon-selves quake with rage. As your moon-selves eclipse themselves from the sky in mourning, so too do the boars wail and cry and the sun grow dim.

Your moods and thoughts are interlinked, but not quite one. Someone who enrages hundreds of boars, will make you entire angry, but the sun will not fully understand why, only that they are indeed angry. If one of your moons' romantic advances are rejected, its sadness will make the boars sad, but they will not blame the rebuffing moon, only wail and cry. As the oversoul you know all that all of you knows, but can only act and perceive through your sub-selves, who interpret your intentions and desires through the lenses by which they view world, and in turn influence your own decision-making. The forms of the same tier don't need to be identical, but it does simplify keeping track of them, both for me and you.

  • Primary Form: Usually singular and incredibly vast. A sun, a moon, a sea, a mountain-range, a desert, a mechanical continent, are all good examples of a typical Titan Primary Form. Despite the seeming infeasibility of it, once perfectly capable of motion and action, usually to devastating result. However this has been largely restricted by your imprisonment, making them static pieces of landscape.
  • Secondary Forms: Usually in the tens and larger than life. Smaller moons, lakes, mythical beasts, angry storms, giant robots, cities are all good examples of secondary forms. Capable of motion and action, and very dangerous.
  • Tertiary Forms: Usually in the thousands to hundreds of thousands. Marionettes, butterflies, aggressive mud piles, eloquent gorillas, animate burning shrubbery are all valid tertiary forms. Usually not very threatening to threats except en masse, but useful in other ways.
Purpose: Nothing is capable of keeping the Titans contained, save the Titans themselves. As such, the vermin, twisted and mutilated and flayed you into your own prison. Choose your part in the make-up of your prison. Please attempt to rationalize the why and how of your purpose. For example, perhaps you were seen as particularly large and durable for a Titan, thus being able to serve adequately as the Walls, or particularly perceptive and incapable of self-deception and thus became the surveillance. Feel free to add details about your functioning in your purpose, if you were so inclined. You may choose to double up on certain purposes and so leave others empty, but keep in mind this means your captors will have simply filled those roles in some other, usually more unpleasant and possibly unknown, manner. There must be at least one Walls Titan.
  • Walls: A prison needs a border, to keep the inside inside and the outside outside. Your primary form was skinned and flayed and stretched far beyond what you had thought possible, and turned inside out, now large enough to easily contain you and your siblings.
  • Surveillance: Through blasphemous rituals and generous application of nails directly into your oversoul, the vermin perceive everything that you do, allowing them to keep an eye on activities and income of the titans, ensuring that can bleed you dry and are forewarned of prisonbreaking attempts.
  • Energy: The oath-bindings, warding chains, blasphemy spikes and torturing of reality required to keep the titan-prison constantly self-correcting to prevent any loopholes or flaws is quite power-hungry. As such your forms were moulded into these various bits of infrastructure and linked into the inexhaustible source of energy that is yourself, perhaps a great sun or a ever-turning lunar fly-wheel, allowing you to experience firsthand how your immurement becomes ever more complete, perfect and inescapable.
  • Enforcer: So perfect, so complete, is your imprisonment within yourself, that not only does it prevent you from leaving, it also prevents the vermin from entering. Because the vermin are vermin, they thus made sure to include a method of interfering within your prison into its construction, forcing horrendous oaths, contracts and slave-surgeries upon the Enforcer-Titan so that they would destroy and torture at the beck and call of the vermin. The most likely purpose to compel expenditure of resources and thus likely unpopular.
  • Tributary: While a prison built of them is capable of containing even the Titans, only by leeching away you power, will you stay contained. As such your forms were implanted into the various ichor veins and reservoirs of your fellow titans, large and small, to drain away their power, and take it into yourself, from where it flows out through the only, highly limited and strictly guarded, exit from your prison to be collected by the vermin.
Description: Feel free to describe your titan and their mind, ideologies, methods, history, relationships, impact on the world and such further in as much or as little detail as you desire. Incorporating other titans somehow is encouraged! Keep in mind that there was probably a very good reason you were ovethrown and locked in a prison, though whether it was actually justified can be quite arguable.

Nemesis (Optional): During the conflict, there is one particular opponent who you found particularly offensive or caused a disproportionate amount of your humiliation and had thus become something of a focus for your hate and vengeance. Describe your rival and your grievances against them. They may be as incredibly petty or grievously serious as you desire. They are very unlikely to care about you anywhere near as much as you do about them, making this a usually one-sided rivalry.

Consensus Building:
The most prevalent options will be selected, so don't build your character around it if possible.

Vermin: While it seems just about everything turned against you in the end, vile traitorous, ungrateful, vermin that they are, one group in particular was the initiator, the spearhead, the disgusting beating heart of the worm that felled you. Who was it? Feel free to provide details.
  • Your offspring: Those who should by rights have been your closest and most trustworthy allies, turning against you as one, as if all that time spent together as family was merely a vast conspiracy stretching from their birth, one grand lie. The titans render themselves irreversibly sterile to never be tempted to reproduce again.
  • Your Siblings: Some of your fellow titans stood on the side of the vermin, backstabbing you when you least expected it, and still live free and unfettered even as you seethe in indignity. No discount for creating co-operatively with your fellow inmates, as you always keep something in reserve to protect you from potential betrayal.
  • Your servants: Supposedly unfailingly loyal, failing spectacularly as your angels and musicians and courtesans and avatars and favoured soldiers and warriors turning against you within your palaces and on your battlefields. Servants are one half again as expensive as you overspend on failsafes and loyalty compulsions. They are further only able to follow direct orders, incapable of taking the initiative or any independent action, including not defending themselves against attack. Standing or long-running orders are not possible, they simple freeze in place like statues if not following an order. Presumably incapable of betrayal now.
  • Your cattle: Thought to be too weak to ever pose a threat, somehow the lowly mortals had cheated themselves into power enough to lay low those who had graced them with the privilege of existence. Truly free-willed mortals will trigger your Terrible Glory if you can perceive them. Mortals will trend towards being more significant. (The slavery tribute blocks Terrible Glory from activating externally, but causes you immense mental turmoil as you attempt to instinctively smite perceived free willed mortals but are blocked by your prison or the slavery mechanisms, decreasing your Potency recovery, and thus it is generally recommended to not take the two options together unless you have a clever plan or want things to be more challenging.)
  • Other: Have another idea that seems thematically appropriate? Input here! Try to suggest an appropriate drawback.

Survival: That you are still alive enough to be faintly possible future threat after you have unequivocally lost to the vermin, is no doubt anomalous. What ensured your survival? As usual, feel free to provide further detail.
  • Safeguards: Though the betrayal was still completely unexpected and deeply, deeply, upsetting, you had put certain restrictions or blocks into your creations that, while they had bypassed sufficiently to attack and imprison you, prevented them from killing you outright.
  • Insurance: You linked some vital lynchpin of that which is to your continued life somehow, in that if you die, you will take everything down with you. Perhaps the world would implode or time would break or life would cease functioning.
  • Unkillable: The vile vermin certainly did try to kill you, again and again, but some quirk of your nature as the first and the basis of the world itself made it impossible to do so. Potential overlap with insurance if killing you destroys the foundation of reality, thus destroying it.
  • Surrender: As the rapacious vermin slaughtered your siblings one after another, you did the unthinkable, and surrendered to their superior might to spare your wretched lives. The shame burns unquenchably.
  • Greed: Actually, the vermin could indeed kill you all along. Raw desire for the power that they could milk from you drove the vermin to imprison you instead of ending you forever.
  • Other: Have another idea that seems thematically appropriate? Input here!
Tribute: While your lifesblood is already being steadily drained by the foul and wretched vampiric vermin, they have seen fit to enact a further indignity, slavery, tribute, service upon you. What is it?
  • Slavery: The vermin have left a backdoor allowing them to summon your tertiary forms out of the prison to serve their whims and desires. While extremely humiliating, this would allow you a window of perception and knowledge about the outside world.
  • Tribute: You have been mandated to offer a tribute of one item of artifice to the vermin per heavenly cycle. While these will generally be thoroughly screened, and defective or unsatisfactory products will result in punishment, dogged persistence and exquisite cunning might allow you to sneak some particularly devious and devastating trap of a device out to wreak havoc.
  • Secrets: The vermin are largely ignorant of many of the levers of power you had built into and scattered over all that is as you built it, and the reign of their heavenly mandate is a shaky one. As such, they have compelled you to provide instruction in the ways of the celestial sovereign to selected candidates through their dreams. The potential security risks of this are obvious, in that you have been given positions of influence over those high up in the verminous hierarchy, but actual opportunities to exploit tend to be rare.
  • Public Service: Your prison performs some vital function, such as preventing the sky from falling (feel free to specify what exactly), causing strain upon it, and thus you who are your own prison, resulting in intermittent ichor loss as you suffer under the load. However, this gives you potential leverage and a concrete point of contact with the outside world, instead of being banished to some nebulous non-space, though such contact is still barred.
  • Other: Have another idea that seems thematically appropriate? Input here!

Any Two

Vehemence: Up to Two


Terrible Glory:


  • Primary Form:
  • Secondary Forms:
  • Tertiary Forms:
Purpose: Walls/Surveillance/Energy/Enforcer/Tributary


Nemesis (Optional):

Consensus Building:


Survival: Safeguards/Insurance/Unkillable/Surrender/Greed/Other

Tribute: Slavery/Tribute/Secrets/Public Service/Other
Name: Example striding eternally forward into Glory

Pillars: Fire and Pestilence

Vehemence: Destructive Rage and Deliberate Fault Finding. Example striding eternally forward into Glory obsessively seeks out flaws, aberrations or mistakes in things that exist, flies into a blind rage and seeks to destroy them (either the specific flaw or the thing in its entirety)

Trauma: Example striding eternally forward into Glory was defeated by the vile Archnemesis Van Der who discovered a fatal chink in the armour Example striding eternally forward into Glory had personally made with their own hands, thus resulting in their imprisonment. Example striding eternally forward into Glory's foot was crippled as a result, and has since then disdained the use of armour, thinking that is they had instead armed themselves with another weapon, they would have been victorious. This disdain for defence tends to extend to anything that Example striding eternally forward into Glory makes, including their servants.

Terrible Glory: Things that offend Example striding eternally forward into Glory tend to get incinerated by a pillar of orange-black fire. Example striding eternally forward into Glory is offended by obvious flaws and people wearing too much armour.

  • Primary Form: A giant burning eye constantly looking everywhere for faults or flaws, with four arms and four legs radiating from it. The eye struggles to turn or rotate due to its motor function being somewhat mangled from Example striding eternally forward into Glory's trauma damaging one of its feet.
  • Secondary Forms: Firestorms constantly roving around and destroying anything flawed enough to be vulnerable to fire. Fortunately there is a blindspot in their destruction as a certain section of the fiery trampling they inflict being mangled by Example striding eternally forward into Glory's trauma.
  • Tertiary Forms: Large boars who breathe fiery fire and are clearly diseased and foaming at the eyes. One of their hind legs is mangled.
Purpose: Surveillance, Example striding eternally forward into Glory's obsessive search for faults caused the captors to decide that Example striding eternally forward into Glory would make an ideal searcher for potential faults in the world-prison.

Description: Example striding eternally forward into Glory isn't really a very varied or complex character. They don't like things being imperfect, whatever that means, and will curse all with fire and rot until they are satisfied. Historically, they made several of the suns of All That Is.

Nemesis (Optional): Archnemesis Van Der who maimed Example striding eternally forward into Glory

Consensus Building:

Servants. Due to some flaw in their programming and simple souls, the Servants managed to rebel against and overthrow the Titans, feeding into Example striding eternally forward into Glory's obsessive fault-checking behaviour.

Survival: Insurance. The titans had rigged all that is to explode if they died, but sadly didn't make it do the same if they were merely imprisoned.

Tribute: Public Service. The titan-war ripped a giant entropic hole in the fabric of all that is, that was slowly eating away at everything, until the Titan-Prison was stuffed into it. Even world-eating holes find Titans too tough to chew.

Mechanics, the nuts and bolts of being a Creator Entity​

You were indisputably the losers in a divine war, and are most definitely imprisoned. As such, there are hobbles and limits on your actions. Direct attempts to force open or break your prison will tend to almost certain failure without laying a lot of groundwork beforehand, and likely harm Walls Titans besides. Indirect or circumspect attempts may have more success.

Attempts to bypass or halt the Tribute of your ichor will likely be met with great force or other drastic action, may cause damage to Titans of that purpose, and is difficult to accomplish besides. Completely stopping or blocking rather than partially obfuscating your Surveillance is similarly difficult and likely to invite punitive measures. Sabotaging Enforcement and Energy corrective measures is likely the easiest and most advisable first steps for any prospective prison-breaking Titan, but comparative ease will still be quite challenging.

While the inherent laws of how everything functions have at certain times been altered by the Titans, this capability has been completely stripped from you while imprisoned.
Once per pillar, per turn, you may choose to tap a particular pillar, strengthening or disturbing it in a region you can perceive. Alternatively, by paying one ichor as you literally mutilate yourself and your pillar, you may choose to weaken it instead. For example, with a pillar of earth, you could strengthen a mountain range, allowing it to easily shrug off a divine firestorm or rain of acid, or disturb the mountain range, causing it to undergo a violent earthquake, or weaken it, causing the mountain range to collapse in on itself.
The blood of the titans, and of their divine offspring. Through its endless creative potential you can make nearly anything. While previously the ichor of titans would rapidly generate and regenerate, allowing them to easily forge a vast and wondrous world filled with endless variety of races, beasts and plants, your imprisonment drains that all away, leaving you nearly powerless, save for the ichor you had managed to store up before the imprisonment began.

If you keep ichor income increases hidden from Surveillance, or improve them too fast for Tributary to keep up with, you may potentially gain some ichor income.

The Titans each start with 10 Ichor and can have up to 20 Ichor in reserve (10/20), and do not initially generate any ichor. Titans may or may not die if they reach 0 ichor, so be careful!
Rather than being made by you, this prison-world is made of you, a far more intimate connection, which allows you to affect things through spite and sheer bloody-minded stubbornness, a capability previously unavailable and thus novel and unfamiliar to you. Generally used to transitory or momentary things that might have long-lasting consequences, like moving a mountain or destroying a city. Useful in that it is not being stolen away by the vermin, and is probably an emergent property unanticipated by them.

This is also the mental energy required to direct your forms into large-scale action, like making your tertiary forms build a city or having your secondary form evaporate a lake. As potency is an emergent function of your imprisonment, it will likely be lost if you manage to free yourselves.

The Titans start with 6 Potency, can have up to 12 Potency in reserve (6/12) and generate 3 Potency per turn.
Destruction & Alteration
The cost of destroying something(in potency) is generally half the cost of creating it(in ichor), justified as it being easier to destroy than to create it ex nihilo. Clever indirect destruction via ichor expenditure is possible, (dropping mountains has been popular among Titans for quite some time), but is generally more expensive and complicated than using potency would be (the aforementioned mountain dropping requiring an opposed roll against non-static targets and the cost of a province and only works by virtue of well-defined gravity having been established through earlier Titanic endeavors)

For things that were not created by Titans but emerged organically, the costs are usually half the closest divine equivalent. So the costs for destroying a city would be half the cost of a province, for example. You may choose to underspend for merely partial destruction if you are feeling merciful or stingy.

Upgrading something is the full price difference, between the current target and its superior version(requiring ichor), and must generally stay true to their current nature with minor edits. Downgrading is counted as effectively being destruction(thus requiring potency). Cross-class promotion is not generally possible, blocking the pacification of uppity mortals by upgrading them into obedient servants.

Non downgrading/upgrading direct alteration is not generally possibly and will require you to be more circumspect, with the exception of brute material alteration via potency (such as digging a river or moving a mountain or modifying a mortal by ripping off its arm), which requires half the cost regardless of how drastic or mild the modification is.

Entities with an ichor score must be defeated in combat and cannot be indirectly defeated through ichor or potency expenditure (simply tanking the mountain-dropping example through being awesome). The vermin have probably found some other way to resist casual destruction or alteration via ichor if lacking ichor, completely blindsiding the self-satisfied titans.

Traditionally the Titans performed gross physical destruction or alteration through their primary forms, which has been barred to you through your imprisonment, making the sudden appearance of potency as weaker replacement suspiciously convenient.
Perception & Stealth
You can generally perceive anything inside your prison, since it is literally made of all of you, unless that thing was deliberately hidden from your senses somehow. You can generally not perceive anything outside your prison, unless you specifically attempt to bypass your imprisonment somehow to achieve this, or have access to some other loophole, like the summoning tribute.

Expending potency is usually enough to keep something hidden for a turn, with more potency being required for flashier effects, but for long-term stealth some sort of innate trait or protective artifact or similar may be required and can potentially be overcome accidentally or on purpose by other gods as they go about their activities. As an example, you could make mortals which are invisible, with all the associated advantages thereof. However, other titans may notice poltergeist activity and eventually confirm the existence of your mortals accidentally by summoning a rainstorm and seeing their outlines among the raindrops.

Once titans are aware of something, they cannot generally de-perceive it again, unless another titan plays a grand shell-game with potency or does something similarly dramatic.

Concealing an action or target requires half its cost in Potency (ichor is not suitable for the purpose, being to metaphysically "radiant" if used in such a direct manner). For example, you create a 10 potency firestorm to destroy a city, it would cost 5 Potency to conceal the firestorm, but this wouldn't conceal the destruction of the city.

Usually, hidden actions should probably be sent via a pm or put in a spoiler, to prevent awareness osmosis or something. It is generally quite hard to conceal things from yourself.
Mortals, Worship and Souls
Except for natural recovery or theft, the only known means of ichor production is through the adulation, awe or terror of ensoulled mortals whose imagining of you as a great and whole being recovers some of your lifeforce through their creative spark. This is markedly more effective if the mortals are completely free-willed, free of any restrictions, geas or irresistible yoke of obedience or loyalty, which limit the activity and potential of the creative spark innate to proper souls.

Souls themselves are essentially very elaborate and intricate machines built for the purposes of being able to generate this creative spark when properly embodied, and by doing so empower the titans who made them for that purpose. As such they tend to be pretty expensive. However, long-lived mortals tend to become more cynical and jaded, their worship depreciating in effect over time. Thus the Titans generally utilized a system of mortals with a limited lifespan and the re-use and recycling of the much more durable souls, which is probably even more paramount within the resource starved environment of your world-prison.

This is however by no means mandatory, and perhaps you perceive some sort of fatal flaw with such a system that makes you refuse to remake it.

To be clear, if mortals reproduce with no free souls available to occupy the newborn, a soulless p-zombie incapable of proper worship will be born.

A city's worth of mortals generally provides one ichor per turn at decent levels of worship quality.

Levels of Free Will:
True Free Will: The mortals are not even subject to nebulous things like destiny and fate, they are the captain of their own life. In your hubris and ignorance, you created most mortals like this before your imprisonment. (100% worship effectiveness)
Sort of Free: Indirect control schemes like dream manipulation and subliminal messaging are generally effective against these sorts of mortals. If fate and destiny exist, which is potentially quite unclear, these mortals are subject to it. (75% worship effectiveness)
Taboos: There are mental blocks preventing a mortal of thinking about certain topics. (50% worship effectiveness)
More Boot: The mortals' independent thoughts and actions are heavily constrained as you wish. They may be prevented from performing any act of violence or even accidentally creating poisons, as an example. (25% worship effectiveness)
P-Zombies: While appearing externally to be a perfectly real person, the mortal is in fact an elaborate, soulless simulacrum. (0% worship effectiveness)
Rites and rituals, or: The godly answering machine
A titan has better things to do than listen to every single mortal in every single village in every single province in the entire world. To avoid having to micromanage blessings and curses and ensure mortals keep the worship coming, Titans or sufficiently devoted cults can invent all manner of rituals with very practical results. A Titan of the Earth, for example, can invent a ritual involving the burial of a valuable iron knife for an improved harvest. Alternatively, the pious members of an ecstatic order may come up with the custom of burning locks of hair for attention from a Titan. In the case of mortal-invented rituals, the receiving Titan has the option of accepting the ritual and possibly adding further modifications, refusing the ritual and nullifying it, or rejecting the ritual and cursing the participants. Regardless of the option taken, the new ritual itself doesn't incur an cost.

For Titan-designed rites, rituals with wide-ranging effects should generally require substantial, thematically appropriate sacrifices. The use of a standing rite instead of manual intervention has the happy benefit of not incurring personal cost every time the blessing/curse needs to be deployed.

The difference between Minor and Major Rites is largely arbitrary, but generally based on scale (anything affective a province or larger is major) or intensity (anything that would have an effect equal to a combat tier up would also be a major ritual).
Regions and Provinces
While by its very nature of needing to contain Titans, your prison is a vast world sized space, this does not make it innately resource rich or capable of supporting complex, ensouled life. To that end, you will need to create regions which will have the resources you choose to impart them with and the conditions necessary for the life of your design. Regions are generally capable of supporting ten average mortal cities.

Provinces are not strictly necessary but offer increased granularity of detail of the terrain and composition of your regions, each being generally large enough to support a single mortal city. On average mortals will do better in a well defined province than in a more vaguely defined region.

Details smaller than provinces can be created but generally don't have much of an impact on carrying capacity.
Animals and Plants
The important filler of any vibrant and interesting world. Mortals will probably need to eat these, and they can be a potentially quite strong and formidable fighting force that can be created relatively inexpensively. However, the costs saved by skimping on thinking ability largely precludes complex tactics or sophisticated group fighting from any monster arsenal, and they can generally not be directed without more complex and potentially expensive, measures.

Mundane animals and plants are anything that functions as one would expect such life to function within the domain of all that is.

Monsters are life empowered by your ichor to a level where they can ignore the effects of laws and casuality upon their actions to a certain extent.

Mythic Beasts or Plants are creations filled to the brim of what is possible with ichor without catastrophically destabilizing. They tend to be able to bend reality to fit their simple desires, making them indolent as they can simply summon food to themselves. Reproduction is difficult and likely to result in weaker, debased versions or stillbirths or mutated creatures that stray from the core functionalities of particular designed beasts. They produce instinctive awe in mortals which may dilute and pervert your worship-streams, but under the right conditions can promote mythic beasts into quasi-deities as myths and legends form sufficiently complex shells around them.
Hypothetically completely loyal creations with insufficient free will and souls too simple to generate noticeable amounts of worship-ichor. Generally created by a Titan to do all the things they don't want to do themselves, though sometimes as trustable companionship or for other more esoteric ends.
Singular non-sentient mono-purpose objects imbued with significant, in some cases obscenely large, amounts of ichor. They tend to be more capable of taking large amounts of ichor investiture as compared to more complex and delicate lifeforms and servants who tend to explode or mutate wildly if large amounts of ichor is not invested via specific ritualistic techniques. Usually made to enhance Titans or their servants, strengthening them without directly pumping them full of ichor. Or to do things that Titans can't do themselves, or don't want to do and can't just leave to servants, or do to simple repetitive things that servants would be overkill or not suited for.

Entities can generally only equip and benefit from up to two artifacts at a time (really to prevent potential abuse but there is also some handwavey lore reason), usually one offensive and one defensive, but other variations such as utility or two offensive are possible and occur.

Trinkets: Effects on the individual scale or +1 Combat Potential/Vitality
Least Artifact: Effects on the Posse Scale or +2 Combat Potential/Vitality
Lesser Artifact: Effects on the Provincial or Host Scale or +3 Combat Potential/Vitality
Moderate Artifact: Effects on the Multi-Provincial Scale or +4 Combat Potential/Vitality
Greater Artifact: Effects on the Regional Scale or +5 Combat Potential/Vitality or Potency Storage?
Divine Artifact: Potentially world-shaking effects or +7 Combat Potential/Vitality or More Potency Storage?
Titanic Artifact: Unpredictable effects, very destabilizing or +10 Combat Potential/Vitality or Even More Potency Storage?
Procreation of a Titan and a non-Titan is covered by the generic life creation rules. Procreation between Titans costs each Titan 2 ichor to ensure that life is actually conceived and births divine offspring with unpredictable personality, form, abilities and powers, though usually at least somewhat related to their parentage. Overspending of ichor is technically possible but probably a bad idea, and historically has not turned out well for the offspring who were more unstable than the norm. The actual process is generally intended to be left tastefully vague or completely clinical (spores are popular) but implying a clear familial relationship.

There is no innate mechanism to enforce loyalty or obedience from these offspring. Most notable for your current situation, these offspring have the ability to generate and store ichor, which no other non-Titan life or objects generally have to your knowledge (though the vermin have probably worked something out to at least store it), and are not inherently included within the Tributary infrastructure of your self-prison allowing you to potentially bypass foundational security measures if you can get them to co-operate. They do not, however, possess Potency.
Titans have historically been at least quite gregarious, and achieved most of their greatest feats, such as the opening of the world, as a group. Beyond the pooling of resources, allowing for greater creations, it is also simply easier and more efficient this way, as the Titans intermingle their capabilities, pillars and specialized know-how. Mechanically this is reflected as five Titans working together on something receiving a 50% discount, four 30%, three 25% and two 10%, rounding down ichor totals. Each Titan must contribute ichor to be considered as co-operating, putting a lower limit on the price of ichor co-operation projects.

Potency co-operation is possible, but not mechanically discounted.
Success and Opposition
An action that is not opposed by another Titan, divine, the functioning of your prison, or the vermin, is generally always successful, though not always exactly what you planned (generally due to gm whim or errors of interpretation. Gross mis-interpretations may be corrected on request, but please limit such requests).

If it is opposed, you will need to roll 3d6 (plus modifiers) under a certain target, or suffer varying degrees of failure. Even if you do roll under the target, success may be only partial if not greatly below it. Greater or more numerous opposition, or complexity or difficulty of the action will generally lower the target. Co-operation may potentially raise the target if deemed appropriate.

Non-Titan entities will also roll for success if their actions are deemed significant enough to warrant such.
It has been hypothesized that only a being with ichor may harm another being with ichor, but this may have been blatantly disproven in the Titanomachy, and even if not, should probably not be taken as a surefire axiom, merely a good guideline.

Beyond that, combat outcomes are generally determined by combat potential and vitality(the non-divine equivalent of ichor), which is generally determined by your tier of existence and equipment, though can be increased or decreased through training, investment of ichor, crippling wounds and potentially other events.

(Tier 1) Average Mortal, Average Animal, Single Helot, Single Tertiary Titan Form: 1 Vitality, 1 Combat Potential
(Tier 2) Single Attendant, Mortal Posse, Helot Posse, Tertiary Titan Form Posse: 2 Vitality, 2 Combat Potential
(Tier 3) Aspect, Mythic Monster, Mortal Host, Helot Host, Attendant Posse, Tertiary Titan Form Host: 3 Vitality, 4 Combat Potential
(Tier 4) Aspect Posse, Attendant Host, Single Secondary Titan Form: 5 Vitality, 6 Combat Potential
(Tier 5) Aspect Host, Secondary Titan Form Posse, Titanspawn: 7 Vitality, 9 Combat Potential
(Tier 6) Titan Primary form (unavailable): Ichor, 13 Combat Potential

A battle is made up of rounds, during which dice are rolled.

Advantage Roll:
First is rolled the advantage, to see which entity has an edge in the round.
To that end, the involved entities roll a die equal to their Combat Potential. The highest results wins, and will cause their battle roll to be doubled. A tie grants no bonus to anyone.

Battle Roll:
Next are rolled the battle rolls(d6) to which is added the total Combat Potential of the entities. Every 6 points of Combat Potential grants an additional d6 to the battle roll. The highest results win, and damage is applied to the loser.

Vitality: To calculate damage inflicted, the previous final results are divided by 6 and then rounded down.
Ichor: Ichor damage is capped at 1 multiplied by the potential sources of divine damage.

A Titan counts as 1 source of divine damage. A lone Titan cannot inflict more than 1 Ichor damage per turn.
A Titan with a Divine Artifact can inflict 2 Ichor damage per round, as the Divine Artifact counts as a source of divine damage.
Large Inanimate:
Province: 4 Ichor
Region: 8 Ichor
Cosmetic uninhabitable sky feature (sun/moon/constellation/nebula): 2 Ichor
Uninhabitable Astrological Sky-Feature which has effects upon the world-Prison: 6 Ichor

Create Soul Batch: A few dozen 1 Ichor/City's Worth 2 Ichor/Region's Worth 6 Ichor
Create Reincarnative System of Soul Recycling: 8 Ichor
Create alternative soul-handling system: 4-10 Ichor

Propagate Mortals: Province's Worth 3 Ichor/Region's Worth 8 Ichor
(You may freely decide on Free Will level)

Other Life:
Non-sapient mundane plants or animals: 1 Ichor per species/3 Ichor for full complex ecosystem
Monsters: Single 2 Ichor/Posse 4 Ichor/Host 8 Ichor
Mythic Beasts: Single 3 Ichor/ Posse 5 Ichor/Host 10 Ichor

Helots: Single 2 Ichor/Posse 4 Ichor/Host 6 Ichor
Attendant: Single 5 Ichor/Posse 7 Ichor/Host 11 Ichor
Aspects: Single 8 Ichor/Posse 12 Ichor/Host 16 Ichor

(Generally cannot be created in groups)
Trinket: 1 Ichor
Least Artifact: 3 Ichor
Lesser Artifact: 5 Ichor
Moderate Artifact: 7 Ichor
Greater Artifact: 10 Ichor
Divine Artifact: 30 Ichor
Titanic Artifact: 80 Ichor

Rites and rituals
Minor rite: 1 Ichor
Major rite: 3 Ichor

Narratively Important Curses(variable activation time, generally unblockable, doesn't require perception): 30+ Ichor/Free/Unconventional Cost
Direct communication with a mortal or mortals: 1 Potency
Creation Sheets
Generally, try to fill out the appropriate sheet for anything you create, for easy reference by me, the gm. Most creations can have 2 good traits and 1 bad trait about them, for example crab-folk who reproduce fast, and are invisible to non-crabfolk, but are prone to disease.

Astrological feature said:
Type: E.g. Comet, moon, star, sun, large eclipse-capable moon
Effect: E.g. Lose stability
Frequency: E.g. Annual, monthly, every few decades
Astronomical feature said:
Type: E.g. Comet, moon, star, sun
Artifacts said:
Purpose: Some Large-Scale Effect/Weapon/Armour/Other
Mortals said:
Free-Will Level: True Free Will/Sort of Free/Taboos/More Boot/P-Zombies
+ Something good
+ Something good
- Something bad
Animals or Plants said:
Tier&Scale: Animal Species/Ecosystem/Single Monster/Mythic Beast Posse
+ Something good
+ Something good
- Something bad
Provinces said:
+ Something good
(+ Something good (optional))
- Something bad
Regions said:
+ Something good
(+ Something good (optional))
- Something bad
Ritual said:
Recipient(s): (Which god(s) accepts the ritual)
Condition: (What is needed to trigger the ritual)
+ Correct: (Results if done correctly)
0 Incorrect: (Results if not done correctly)
- Cursed: (Results if done blasphemously incorrectly or while under a curse from the recipient)
Description: (Further notes)

Servant said:
Affiliation (list all applicable titans, primary first):
Rank: Helot/Attendant/Aspect
+ Something good
+ Something good
- Something bad

This has been stewing in the back of my head for a few weeks, and seems like it should be fun to run and hopefully to play as well, being somewhat more restricted than typically god-games and having a nominal goal and antagonists to work toward and against.

The mechanics sections ended up way longer and more detailed than I originally intended, sorry.

Tentatively aiming for bi-weekly updates depending on how verbose I end up being.

On inspirations, the Exalted plagiarism is presumably obvious, but I did also slightly take reference from the actual Titanomachy and pilfered from various godgames that I've played in or read through here and there.

Please feel free to air concerns about pricing, formatting or particular rulings. I will take it into consideration and try to explain my reasoning if something seems particularly egregious.

No Discord is planned for this. While those are fun in general, I don't tend to find that they actually add much to the playing experience of a pbp game and just add overhead in general and are surprisingly time-consuming if you have poor self-management (I have poor self-management).
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Ooo, now this looks interesting. A chance to play as (what are effectively) the Yozi? Sign me up!

...once I get a character created, obviously.
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Seems very interesting. I'll also just state my interest in getting something up, probably some sort of Titan of magic or sorcery, overthrown by their children.
Fixed a bunch of the typoes that I of course only noticed upon an exhaustive re-read after posting, not any of the exhaustive re-reads I did before posting. None of them were very serious I think, and meaning and intent should have been clear throughout hopefully.
I was halfway finished with my first sheet and then I realised I'd just made male Kimbery, so it's back to the drawing board.
Not certain on the name yet, but I'm happy to change it to suit a theme if people have a stronger idea. I'm also not tied down to the consensus stuff and will happily jump on board with a cooler idea.
Name: Solaris, The Red Sun, The All-Searing Light

Pillars: Light, Heat. (Changed from Illumination and Warmth).

Vehemence: Paranoia, Hate. Solaris despises that he was forced to continue existing, but seeks to make that hatred known to everything else before he turns it inward. He knows that he is being schemed against, but can't decide who is seeking to betray him again first. Once he knows, he will destroy them.

Trauma: Solaris cannot speak, for his tongue was torn from his mouth. Blood drips eternally from his lips, burning the ground beneath him. The sound of laughter drives him into a furious rage.

Terrible Glory: It is possible to slay with enough light; this, Solaris knows well. So, too, do those who betray him, if only briefly. It's impossible to watch, so bright is the display, but those who defy him are rendered into less than dust in a flash of light that sears the skin on everyone nearby.


Primary: The Red Sun. Solaris provides light and heat for the world, as he did before, though everything his light touches knows his hate, infused as it is into his very essence. Once, he was a beautiful star, golden and warm. Now, he glows a sullen red, and provides heat without comfort, light without shadow. Gigantic nails are driven into the sun, linked to chains bigger than most planets, which extend off into infinity, tying the Red Sun to the walls of the prison and restraining him with his siblings' powers.

Secondary Forms: Solaris' secondary forms are sun dogs; massive hounds made of light so intense it's nearly impossible to look at them. They burn everything that gets near, and chase through the sky after anything that catches their eyes.

Tertiary Forms: Sunspots are the primary tertiary form of Solaris. They are little globes of light and heat that teem and swarm, like incendiary birds, across the world. They are always watching.

Purpose: Surveillance. Solaris hangs low in the sky, ever-watchful. He sees everything his light touches, everything he hates, and he hates them all the more with the knowing that he is being used to spy on his fellow inmates. But he can't stop, now can he? Even if the binding oaths forced on his tortured oversoul weren't in place, he has to know who is seeking to betray him next.


Solaris was, of course, the greatest of all the Titans. He provided the very motive force for life itself, after all, in the form of his radiant sunlight. He stopped the world from freezing solid, despite the best efforts of some of his siblings. It was he who allowed the mortals to see, to walk free and unburdened on the surface.

So the worship was his due. Great temples raised in his name, with commensurately great sacrifices given in his honour. A tithe of children, burned on his holy pyres, was a fair exchange for his glory. Grain and animals, likewise, and if that meant the mortals starved for a few years, or that they wailed and mourned their dead, what did he care? That they existed at all was all due to him. That he demanded such a small tithe was merely a sign of his benevolence. So what, if his siblings thought they had the right to demand tribute too? They had that right, to take what tribute they could, so long as he had his share, and that the mortals sweated blood to meet their demands was none of his concern.

Solaris was surprised by the sudden and inexplicable betrayal; why would they turn on him and his? It was incomprehensible. And when they tore out his tongue, so he could no longer make demands, he still did not understand. When they nailed coldsteel into his body to drink his ichor, when they strung up the chains that suspended him in the sky and held him immobile in his prison, he still couldn't comprehend.

It must be because they were ungrateful wretches. Vermin crawling on the skin of his family's creation, unaware of the glory and honour they were given just by being allowed to be. Well, he would not suffer betrayal a second time.

He knows that all are beneath him, but suffers the presence of his siblings if necessary. The closer they are, the easier it is to tell if they're planning to betray him.

Nemesis: Bright-Light-Illuminates-The-Worthy, the previous high priest of his faith. She was the first to turn against him, he thinks, for without her aid none of what happened could have transpired. He will see her caught in his light and permanently illuminated, as a warning to others. That she is probably already dead of old age doesn't register to him.

Consensus Building

Your Siblings. Those Titans with less influence and worship decided they were upset with their lot; that their powers and influence were inferior to our own was nothing but the natural order of things, and they have upended that in their greed.

Survival: Insurance. The Titans cannot be truly ended, or so too are the things they embody. Without Solaris, light and heat stop existing, dooming everything.

Tribute: Slavery.
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Not certain on the name yet, but I'm happy to change it to suit a theme if people have a stronger idea. I'm also not tied down to the consensus stuff and will happily jump on board with a cooler idea.
Name: Solaris, The Red Sun, The All-Searing Light

Pillars: Light, Heat. (Changed from Illumination and Warmth).

Vehemence: Paranoia, Hate. Solaris despises that he was forced to continue existing, but seeks to make that hatred known to everything else before he turns it inward. He knows that he is being schemed against, but can't decide who is seeking to betray him again first. Once he knows, he will destroy them.

Trauma: Solaris cannot speak, for his tongue was torn from his mouth. Blood drips eternally from his lips, burning the ground beneath him. The sound of laughter drives him into a

Terrible Glory: It is possible to slay with enough light; this, Solaris knows well. So, too, do those who betray him, if only briefly. It's impossible to watch, so bright is the display, but those who defy him are rendered into less than dust in a flash of light that sears the skin on everyone nearby.


Primary: The Red Sun. Solaris provides light and heat for the world, as he did before, though everything his light touches knows his hate, infused as it is into his very essence. Once, he was a beautiful star, golden and warm. Now, he glows a sullen red, and provides heat without comfort, light without shadow. Gigantic nails are driven into the sun, linked to chains bigger than most planets, which extend off into infinity, tying the Red Sun to the walls of the prison and restraining him with his siblings' powers.

Secondary Forms: Solaris' secondary forms are sun dogs; massive hounds made of light so intense it's nearly impossible to look at them. They burn everything that gets near, and chase through the sky after anything that catches their eyes.

Tertiary Forms: Sunspots are the primary tertiary form of Solaris. They are little globes of light and heat that teem and swarm, like incendiary birds, across the world. They are always watching.

Purpose: Surveillance. Solaris hangs low in the sky, ever-watchful. He sees everything his light touches, everything he hates, and he hates them all the more with the knowing that he is being used to spy on his fellow inmates. But he can't stop, now can he? Even if the binding oaths forced on his tortured oversoul weren't in place, he has to know who is seeking to betray him next.


Solaris was, of course, the greatest of all the Titans. He provided the very motive force for life itself, after all, in the form of his radiant sunlight. He stopped the world from freezing solid, despite the best efforts of some of his siblings. It was he who allowed the mortals to see, to walk free and unburdened on the surface.

So the worship was his due. Great temples raised in his name, with commensurately great sacrifices given in his honour. A tithe of children, burned on his holy pyres, was a fair exchange for his glory. Grain and animals, likewise, and if that meant the mortals starved for a few years, or that they wailed and mourned their dead, what did he care? That they existed at all was all due to him. That he demanded such a small tithe was merely a sign of his benevolence. So what, if his siblings thought they had the right to demand tribute too? They had that right, to take what tribute they could, so long as he had his share, and that the mortals sweated blood to meet their demands was none of his concern.

Solaris was surprised by the sudden and inexplicable betrayal; why would they turn on him and his? It was incomprehensible. And when they tore out his tongue, so he could no longer make demands, he still did not understand. When they nailed coldsteel into his body to drink his ichor, when they strung up the chains that suspended him in the sky and held him immobile in his prison, he still couldn't comprehend.

It must be because they were ungrateful wretches. Vermin crawling on the skin of his family's creation, unaware of the glory and honour they were given just by being allowed to be. Well, he would not suffer betrayal a second time.

He knows that all are beneath him, but suffers the presence of his siblings if necessary. The closer they are, the easier it is to tell if they're planning to betray him.

Nemesis: Bright-Light-Illuminates-The-Worthy, the previous high priest of his faith. She was the first to turn against him, he thinks, for without her aid none of what happened could have transpired. He will see her caught in his light and permanently illuminated, as a warning to others. That she is probably already dead of old age doesn't register to him.

Consensus Building

Your Siblings. Those Titans with less influence and worship decided they were upset with their lot; that their powers and influence were inferior to our own was nothing but the natural order of things, and they have upended that in their greed.

Survival: Insurance. The Titans cannot be truly ended, or so too are the things they embody. Without Solaris, light and heat stop existing, dooming everything.

Tribute: Slavery.
Very cool(or hot as the case may be) and on-brand!
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In related news, it's actually really hard to police yourself so that you don't get like 75% of the way through a concept before going 'wait, this is Literally Just A Yozi' if you're me. I'm still a bit worried my god is too close to Malfeas.
Well here goes nothing, hope Everything is okay and I get into the playing group, since this sounds very fun

Name: The Thousand Eyes

Pillars: Knowledge and Consequentialism (end justify the means)

Vehemence: Grief and fury, mostly directed at Amaris, but also to all the vermin and Knowledge destroyers

Trauma: The Eyes true defeat was when Amaris (Goddes of "justice") burned his library, which sent the Eyes into a spiral of grief so great that they couldn't defend themselves. Any form he eyes take is either crumbling or severely burned

Terrible Glory: Destruction of Knowledge, those who do so and are within the grasp of the Eyes will find themselves lethargic and quickly realize that life is meaningless, slowly stopping all actions until they simply stop breathing and die

  • Primary Form: The stars in the sky, which used to be a soft blue now burn with the green incandescent fury the Eyes feel for Amaris and her fellow vermin (If Allowed Looking directly at the stars causes the viewer to fall into depression, many ship navigators end up taking their own lives after looking at the stars for too long)
  • Secondary Forms: The Nightmare Clouds, black greenish stormclouds which travel the world, and all who sleep under them experience terrifying and mentally scarring nightmares
  • Tertiary Forms: The Mind Moths, black moths that delicately fly into the back of their victim's heads and start infecting them with negative emotions.
Purpose: Tributary: While a prison built of them is capable of containing even the Titans, only by leeching away you power, will you stay contained. As such your forms were implanted into the various ichor veins and reservoirs of your fellow titans, large and small, to drain away their power, and take it into yourself, from where it flows out through the only, highly limited and strictly guarded, exit from your prison to be collected by the vermin.

Description: The Eyes sought one thing and one thing only, Knowledge, they accepted and contributed to the creation of the vermin only to use them as a source of information, and, even if they hate to admit it, the vermin did help to accomplish that, but apparently vivisections and "dark" magic are wrong, so Amaris and her ilk decided to burn his library, betray them all, and imprison them in themselves, but The Eyes have many plans in motion to get free and give those VERMIN their much-deserved punishment.

Nemesis (Optional): Amaris the goddess of "justice", the bitch that burned the eyes library

Consensus Building:

Your offspring: Those who should by rights have been your closest and most trustworthy allies, turning against you as one, as if all that time spent together as family was merely a vast conspiracy stretching from their birth, one grand lie. The titans render themselves irreversibly sterile to never be tempted to reproduce again.

Survival: Insurance. The titans had rigged all that is to explode if they died, but sadly didn't make it do the same if they were merely imprisoned.

Tribute: Tribute: You have been mandated to offer a tribute of one item of artifice to the vermin per heavenly cycle. While these will generally be thoroughly screened, and defective or unsatisfactory products will result in punishment, dogged persistence and exquisite cunning might allow you to sneak some particularly devious and devastating trap of a device out to wreak havoc.
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Unending Blight
The Unending Blight Upon Existence (originally The Joyous Potential Of Infinity)

Destruction and Corruption (originally Creation and Evolution)

Hatred. The catalyst for The Unending Blight's birth and the reason for their continued existence, they desire nothing more than to see the whole of existence corroded and screaming in agony before they finally die. Only through the suffering of others can the Unending Blight can find relief from their bottomless well of hatred- but such relief is inevitably temporary and short-lived.

The Unending Blight's birth left scars upon itself and reality alike, and the two are now inimical to each other. This manifests as rapid aging, physical degradation, and a need to constantly expend power to simply exist as parts of their forms bleed off in wisps of corruption and smoke. Mentally, The Unending Blight is incapable of trusting others without firm guarantors of their cooperation, as the betrayal they suffered due to their former naivety has etched itself into the very deepest depths of their souls.

Terrible Glory:
Those found offensive to The Unending Blight find their very blood turned against them, mutating and twisting into a horrific soup of venom, disease, and corruption. Unlike many of their peers, The Unending Blight finds all behaviours, objects and beings equally intolerable- with one notable exception.

They cannot bear the existence of anything they themselves created or empowered in their prior incarnation.

  • Primary Form: An unending, bottomless, whirlpool of pure corruption that drags all around into itself. Merely glimpsing The Unending Blight causes mental degradation and madness, and those foolish or unfortunate enough to touch it are forced to suffer through the agony of horrific physical and spiritual deformities before they are inevitably dragged into its depths and perish. Even unliving, inanimate objects are not immune to this, as they degrade, age, and are twisted and transmuted into blasphemous and terrible shapes. This form sits at the lowest point of the titan's prison, where its corruption is harvested and channelled to torture and enforce the imprisonment of its siblings.
  • Secondary Forms: Blight Krakens swim through the corruption of the Unending Blight, monstrous squid-like beings with infinite limbs that hunt those foolish enough to approach the darkened waterways that carry its essence throughout the prison. Though they cannot leave the corruption for long without their physical forms aging and collapsing as they war with reality, so long as they remain within it they are shielded from the scars of existence and are free to plot and scheme and dwell upon their hatred.
  • Tertiary Forms: Nameless wisps of corruption, eternally screaming in agony and hatred, The Unending Blight's least forms are short-lived as their existence eats away at the fabric or reality and is devoured in turn. Only by seeking shelter within the form of another being or item can they prolong their existence; such possessions inevitably result in corruption and mutation that leads their unfortunate host to an untimely and agonising death.
Enforcer. The corruption of The Unending Blight's primary form is channelled through and around the prison in blighted canals that restrict movement, prevent escape attempts, and cause suffering to all around them. These canals never last long before the raw corruption they transport burn them away- but there are always more.

Description: Once known as The Joyous Potential Of Infinity, The Unending Blight was originally innocent and childlike in their endless curiosity and creativity- and lack of understanding. Overjoyed by the potential inherent in all things that did and did not exist, they created on a whim and granted their blessings freely; from their impossible forms flowed wonder and horror alike, and through their will life, the world, and reality itself were twisted into unending new forms, each more amazing and terrifying than the last.

Thus, when Joyous Potential was approached with requests to create certain specific items- weapons of incalculable power and cruelty- they did so without a second thought. At first they granted their creations freely and happily, but before long they became bored with repeating the same act of creation over and over... at which point their creations were immediately turned back upon them. Caught completely off-guard, crippled and defeated before they could even truly process they were under attack, Joyous Potential was enslaved and forced to create even more weapons by the rebels, albeit ones of lesser potency thanks to the injuries they had suffered.

The first casualty of the war, Joyous Potential was helpless to do anything but birth horrific weapons and watch as they were employed against their siblings. And through this observation, they at last came to understand. Spite. Cruelty. Deception. Treachery. And last of all, but with a strength beyond any other- hatred.

And with it, came a terrible epiphany.

For the rebellion, there was no warning. One moment their slave was faithfully rending the fabric of reality into an endless stream of weapons, the next a cataclysm wracked the very fabric of existence. The endless, beautiful, ever-changing fractals of The Joyous Potential of Infinity vanished as the titan collapsed in on itself with a force that still echoes throughout reality to this day.

And from this destruction and the titan's remains, was The Unending Blight Upon Existence born.

None, for those directly responsible for imprisoning The Unending Blight perished alongside its former self at the moment of its birth. Or at least, that is what The Unending Blight had believed- but recently, rumours have reached it of a single god that claims to have been one of its jailors and to have survived the cataclysm of its birth. The identity of this deity is unclear from the scant few words that The Unending Blight has deciphered, but if it proves true then the titan will stop at nothing to see them suffer before their destruction...

Consensus Building:

Your offspring: Those who should by rights have been your closest and most trustworthy allies, turning against you as one, as if all that time spent together as family was merely a vast conspiracy stretching from their birth, one grand lie. The titans render themselves irreversibly sterile to never be tempted to reproduce again.


Unkillable: The vile vermin certainly did try to kill you, again and again, but some quirk of your nature as the first and the basis of the world itself made it impossible to do so. Potential overlap with insurance if killing you destroys the foundation of reality, thus destroying it.

Tribute: You have been mandated to offer a tribute of one item of artifice to the vermin per heavenly cycle. While these will generally be thoroughly screened, and defective or unsatisfactory products will result in punishment, dogged persistence and exquisite cunning might allow you to sneak some particularly devious and devastating trap of a device out to wreak havoc.
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Exalted Twins
This seems interesting, and structured enough that I can wrap my head around it... and my muse seems to have been inspired, so here's what she gave me:
Name: The Twins Exalted Above and Below

Pillars: Love//War

Vehemence: All is Fair in Love and in War and Enforced Duality. Following their defeat in the Titanomachy, the Twins have found new depths to their exploration of love and war, acts and tactics previously overlooked now seeming beautiful to them. The subtle acts of trust and betrayal, the tactics of taking and holding hostages, even the grand engineering of new species shown in the development of plagues, and the ruthless exploitation of the defeated. All of it, an untapped well of beauty, and one that the Twins refuse to be found lesser in. And yet, at the same time their shared trauma has driven the both of them to hunt down any possibility of a repeat. Even the use of the singular 'they' within their perception invites the wrath of both of the Twins.

Trauma: The mortal Aun Ra, formerly a high priestess of the Twins, perverted their rites. War was twisted to serve Love, and Love employed in War, attempting to force the Twins into unity as the God of Love and War. A blow that would knock the Twins out of the war, and break the cycle of love and war between them. Though healing, it has left them scarred, unable to separate as they once could, and unable to bear even the thought of them as a single entity.

Terrible Glory: The Spear and The Embrace. To anger a Twin is to earn the ire of both Twins, to be smote by a lance of starlight in imitation of a great spear now lost to mortal hands, to have your very essence pulled in and remade.

  • Primary Form: Two constellations, mercurial in form and bonded by chains of starlight. Any observer will perceive something of themselves in the formation, be it the way a set of stars looks like an arm tensed on a spear's shaft, or the way a smile is suggested reminding one of a lover's face. Once, the constellations could wander separately through the night sky, even appearing singly as one Twin wanders to other skies.
  • Secondary Forms: Collectively, the Muses. Stars fallen to the land, bearing forms fair to all who look upon them, whose mean is to inspire all who gaze. To drive the poet to a fey mood, creating great works. To draw a warrior forth, that they may run unto death by exhaustion chasing that glimpse. To render beautiful the snow-capped mountains where there are none other to behold. Since the desecration of a Muse by the mortal Aun Ra, they only appear in pairs.
  • Tertiary Forms: Collectively, the Companions. Formed in reflection of mortals in eons long past, in acknowledgement of the mortals who held a mirror to the Twins, and first showed them the worth of beauty, in reflection of which their original domain of Creation//Destruction was narrowed.
    The Companions are on occasion referred to as the Ten Thousand, for among all the Titans's forms they are the hardest to get an accurate count of. Beings of starlight, upon instantiation the Companion takes on mortal guise, appearing as a mortal to walk the world for a time before returning to starlight once more. Though none with an eye for the unseen would mistake them for actual mortals, the Companions are mortal in a way, having a defined start and end to their existence; a unique perspective that has allowed they alone to begin moving past the trauma inflicted by Aun Ra.
Purpose: [I'll leave this open for now. The Twins would be suitable as Enforcer (the vermin knocked out the titan of war first for a reason), Surveillance (the stars are eyes, and the secondary and tertiary forms tend to get everywhere), or Tributary (I'm aiming for something specific for Tribute that would make this a natural fit if consensus goes that way.)

The Twins are ancient and mercurial existences, better defined by the other than by any innate characteristic. Scholars might theorize that at the beginning of time, there was a single entity with the nature of Opposition, which split to become the Twins, if only for how zealously such statements were denied in the time before the Titanomachy.

In time, creation would overflow, and mortalkind would walk it, and proclaim with awe the beauty of creation, and shout with horror the terrors of creation. To this, the Twins were drawn in delight, for it was something truly new to them. To compete to build the most beautiful and terrible of creations, to engineer the greatest of destructions with the least investment, even to collaborate with others to build greater and greater wonders.

And in this joy, the Twins found new layers of complexity, and narrowed their portfolio further to explore it. To delve the depths of passion, to push forward the height of warfare, for there it was that they found the greatest of beauty. So it was that the Twins rejoined the world, pushing it ever further forward with their competition.

In the end, it was a mortal who knew the Twins best that brought an end to the cycle of their eternal competition, and prevented them from joining both sides of the Titanomachy. One of the Muses was called down from the heavens by rite for a night of passion, and held hostage at the hands of a Muse of War directed to make love. Thus, Love was twisted to War, and War twisted to Love, an ouroboros with no internal resolution for the Twins. Before this, the high priestess declared to one and all that the Twins were one god, unitary, a contradiction striking to the heart of the Twins.

Unable to respond due to Aun Ra's trap, unable to escape due to the efforts of the other, the Muses heard, and the Twins were brought by the sight to Question. And in the depths of this existential conflict, they did not see as the rebels stole the great Spear which one had worked on, did not perceive as the titans were laid low, until in the end, Aun Ra called forth once more, presenting terms of surrender allowing an end to the crossing of domains, and offering acknowledgement of each Twin separately.

For as the Twins lay insensate, and the Titanomachy raged, prophets brought forth the source of an ongoing disaster. During the Titanomachy, no child conceived would survive; the only outcomes were abortion or stillbirth. The war ended, but still this disaster lingered, the first children conceived during the war coming to term and validating the prophet's warnings, that so long as Love and War united as they were, no child could survive conception. Mortalkind was doomed, for no more could arise. Some pushed to find a way to kill the Twins, but it was uncertain that such would end the disaster, and the prison was already under construction by that point.

And so, the Twins were awoken, and offered a surrender oath of beautiful and terrible composition, which could not be rejected. And for the first time, the Twins agreed on something. Vengeance would be sweet.

Nemesis (Optional): Aun Ra, former high priest of the Twins, is doomed to die of old age. But she, and those who followed her, will have descendants. Successors. And should the Twins ever get free, these former followers will know the what it means to unite the Twins.

Consensus Building:
Other: Discussion. Once players are selected, have them discuss what works for them, rather than stating upfront and counting votes.

Vermin: Offspring/Siblings/Servants/Cattle/Other
Other: Complex: Titan turned against Titan. Servant against Servant. Sister against brother. And the mortals rose, some in defense, some to assail the makers of all. In this world turned upside down, no party can hold sole blame, but no group is blameless either. (Penalty suggestion: Creation of any free-willed unit - Offspring, Servants with initiative, or any grade of mortals above Taboos, costs +1 Ichor.)
(Backstory assumes at minimum Cattle rebelled, but the way personality is going reflexively smiting all free-willed mortals is going to be a bit of an issue. The Twins's response to setbacks isn't to back off and never do that again, but to reassess and double down.)

Survival: Safeguards/Insurance/Unkillable/Surrender/Greed/Other
- Having titans that are intrinsically load-bearing for their creation just seems like a great thematic reason to keep them around.

Tribute: Slavery/Tribute/Secrets/Public Service/Other
- The Twins could likely go for any of the offerings here, but Slavery ties in best, as it was something the Twins already permitted pre-Titanomachy in the calling of the Companions and even the Muses, just radically changed in context. From the vermin's perspective, it's the most natural tribute to demand, and trying to keep the callings from starting/worsening wars would be a known factor and thus a bit safer than learning from scratch what tricks the Twins might build into any artifacts they offer.
That felt good to write, though I'm not sure how well they fit with the other submissions so far. It will be interesting to see how things go.
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Name: Cyzde, The Fractal of All Sorcery: Titaness of Magic, Wellspring, Twisting Infinities, the Howling Curse, Crystal-Born.

Pillars: Sorcery, Riches

Vehemence: Self-Indulgence, Melancholy-- Certainly, Cyzde's rage for her betrayers burns with the fury of a furnace in the pits of hell, but her rage is always twisted and tempered by the manner of her undoing. The Titaness was overthrown when the vermin masters of her schools of magic, her own magic, joined forces to betray and assault her in her seat of power. Therefore, Cyzde will go to great lengths, to the point of self-sabotage, if it would permit her to demonstrate her ultimate magical power. More than that, however little she wills herself to show it, the vermin's betrayal wounded her deeply, and she agonizes over how best to show them exactly how... foolish they were.

Trauma: The Titaness of Magic once embodied her last epithet: Crystal-Born. Into the intricacies of crystal were the most powerful of enchantments carved, and for that, the Titaness incorporated the geometric perfection of cut and polished crystal into many of her lesser Forms. However, during the Titanomachy, Cyzde's forms were cracked and broken. The damage would merely mar her features, except that the Titaness responded with characteristic excessiveness and shattered every gemstone in every one of her bodies as an act of pique. She will moreover shatter any gemstone in her presence if it is in her power to do so. Her modern enchantments are no longer carved into crystal but often amorphous solids, clay, or wood, if they are not simply spoken into being absent of medium. This is today called "Wild Magic."

Terrible Glory: Rejection By Magic-- When some poor creature truly evokes Cyzde's wrath, she may turn magic itself against them. She has some control over exactly how this power manifests. She may torment a sorcerer by cutting them off from her blessings forever, or she may instead simply command the enchanted items on their person to attack them: staffs burst to life and enchanted blades fly to cut apart their owner. It may be more easy to survive the Titaness's Terrible Glory that it is to survive those of her fellow prisoners, but it can be very rewarding to force a displeasing sorcerer to flee into the wilderness, forever stripped of all hope of accomplishment.


The spiraling galaxy of Cyzde's Primary Form

  • Primary Form: The Titaness's most primordial form is a great patterned wheel of runes and glyphs that contains hidden in its fractal multitudes the bones of every spell that ever be. Before the betrayal, she hung in the sky, as wide across as five moons laid against each other. In her primary form, all of sorcery is Cyzde's to command, and it took all of sorcery's betrayal to cast her down.
  • Secondary Forms: In ages past, Cyzde's secondary forms stood as monumental crystal colossi shaped with perfect, geometric cuts. Now, in a frenzied rejection of those old bodes, Cyzde's secondary forms are the formless, organic, howling beasts. Oftentimes, the old crystal structure remains buried and occasionally visible below the gelatinous young growth.
  • Tertiary Forms: The tertiary form most associated with Cyzde's is that of a red-eyed woman who wears all black and a veil; this is merely because she is forced to take the form whenever she interacts with her jailors. Two other forms with which she frequently interacts with the wells are the dogmatic and single-minded Fluxions: thin, twisting, myopic forms who are charged with performing one well-defined function as though they were living spell glyphs. Left without purpose from the whole, the Fluxions degrade into fonts of wild, untamed magic. The third sort of this form are another corruption of her gemstone-sorceress forms of yore, pulverized and suspended in inky black sludge.
Purpose: Energy-- Cyzde is the Wellspring. She is the Primordial, Eternal Magic. The Vermin studied her imprisoned Form for the spells they needed to construct, anchor, and empower this prison. The complexity and breadth of these enchantments were such that no mortal empire, given a thousand years to strive and toil, could reconstruct even one of them. However, they were written into Cyzde's very being: all her opponents had to do was find them within her, and thereby activate the seals hidden in her multitudes.

Description: Cyzde is the primordial Titaness of all magic. In ages past, she delighted in sharing this gift with a select few, and only a select few, but it came to be that the vermin grew distasteful of her high-handed control over the magical arts. The healers wished to spread knowledge of healing magic, the enchanters wished to teach others their craft, and so on. Cyzde disagreed. She did not care for the wellbeing of mortals, or the legacy of these enchanters. She rejected her chosen's requests to spread their magical knowledge.

The diviner Manteía was one of the chosen, one traitor above all, who fell hopelessly in love with the lives of those beneath the Titaness's notice. Manteía foresaw the war, and terrible cost Cyzde would inflict on the world when she sided with her siblings, but Manteía did not need psychic sight to see opportunity. If the Titaness were cast down, sorcery could be liberated from Cyzde's strict controls, so she began to scheme. By hook and crook, the diviner wheedled out support from her fellow Sorcerers. She poisoned them against their patron!

During the war, those lesser creatures Cyzde blessed with her gifts turned against her as one. Sorceries scoured the firmament in a war that raged for weeks, but by its end the coalition overpowered her. She was bound, cast down, humiliated...

And she swore vengeance.

Nemesis (Optional): Manteía, the diviner. Cyzde hates that Manteía was able to turn the Titaness's chosen against her, and loathes even more her motivating desire desire to rip the right to sorcery out of the hands of Cyzde's select. The Titaness wants this traitor to live to see sorcery once again cut from the hearts of the teeming masses.

Consensus Building:

Your offspring: Those who should by rights have been your closest and most trustworthy allies, turning against you as one, as if all that time spent together as family was merely a vast conspiracy stretching from their birth, one grand lie. The titans render themselves irreversibly sterile to never be tempted to reproduce again.

Survival: Surrender: As the rapacious vermin slaughtered your siblings one after another, you did the unthinkable, and surrendered to their superior might to spare your wretched lives. The shame burns unquenchably.

Tribute: Slavery: The vermin have left a backdoor allowing them to summon your tertiary forms out of the prison to serve their whims and desires. While extremely humiliating, this would allow you a window of perception and knowledge about the outside world.
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Name: Death, The Final Destination, The Grim Reaper, The Pale Man, Bringer of the End, Black Cloaked Man


Vehemence: Up to Two


Terrible Glory:


  • Primary Form:
  • Secondary Forms:
  • Tertiary Forms:


Nemesis (Optional):

Consensus Building:


Survival: Unkillable

Tribute: Slavery/Tribute/Secrets/Public Service/Other
Name: Muor, The Lightning Lord, The Thunder and the Rain.

Pillars: Rain. Thunder.

Vehemence: The Lightning Lord was once a boisterous and merry creature. His mood shifting from joyful to wrathful at seemingly the drop of a hat. But his imprisonment has long turned that into wrathful, rolling thunder, and calm, apathetic rain.

Trauma: The left eye of Muor had been cut out during the climax of the War by his erstwhile daughter, Nila. And her golden spear. As such the sight of that shining golden spear, or even Nila herself would be enough to send Muor into a fearful frenzy. Even pale shadows of that godly creation, used by her disciples, may be enough to stirr some form of fear.

Terrible Glory: When his wrath is fully unleashed, a grand stormcould will be sent to the target of his ire. A swirling hurricane made of black clouds and seething thunder. Compared to the unleashed power of some of his fellows Cyzde, it is utterly indiscriminate. It will rip apart anything in its path until the target of Muors ire is destroyed. Or the power fueling the stormcould fades into nothing, the cloud with it. Were that not possible, he would send smaller versions. Clouds of still vicious, but far less terrifying thunder. Alongside Lightning Sprites to swarm whatever he wants dead. What could trigger him sending this is any creature loudly and repeatedly mocking him wherever he could hear, or one of his servants or creations defying him in a manner that reminds him of his godly daughter, Nila.


Primary Form:
A vast stormcloud, black and filled with rain or thunder. It shifts forms slowly, from a flat plain, to the circular shape of a hurricane. At the center of it, sat upon a chair fashioned from cloudstuff, is a titanic form. Seemingly shadow given to form and flesh, its muscled frame bears only a vague resemblance to a normal mans. There is no mouth, and only the vague shape of a nose. One glowing eye stares out, while the other is missing. Crisscrossed by faintly glowing scars.
Secondary Forms: Dozens of smaller storms, crisscrossing the world. Lesser than his grand primary form in every way possible. They are rarely ever the same, taking different shapes, sizes, and intensity. And a great mountain range, in which most of his storms come from.
Tertiary Forms: Creatures of lightning and cloud that splintered off from Muor, forming into spiteful things half the size of the average man. Filled with beastial cunning and hate, these Lightning Sprites attack anything and everything. Yet they barely have a hold on their own forms, and are capable of being dealt with even by a sword. He is also the rain itself, every little nourishing drop that falls upon the world. Beyond that Muor has a form fashioned into that of a man. With long black hair on a lean, muscled frame. Bright blue eyes stare out from a thin, pale white face. One is missing, its socket crisscrossed with scars. Once, Muor wandered the world in this form when bored. Copulating with mortals, taking tribute and other things. Now he is forced to use it only for when his jailors wish to interact with him. Something that brings him no end of irritation.

Walls: A prison needs a border, to keep the inside inside and the outside outside. Your primary form was skinned and flayed and stretched far beyond what you had thought possible, and turned inside out, now large enough to easily contain you and your siblings.---Simple, straightforward, and even cruel. The gods have bound Muor, twisted and broken him. Not just shoved into a cell, but made the cell. His wrathful storms surround him and his kin, his gale winds and seething thunder are the walls, the floor, the roof, the prison. Once, the world was his to wander. Now, he is simply a wall. Oh the indignity, oh the terror, oh the hate.

Description: Muor sought to create and destroy in equal measure. One day he walked among the mortals, drank their mead and ate their food, and decided to bless their crops with rain. Another he would return to the same village and wreathed it in thunder for some slight, imagined or real, before moving on and forgetting it existed. For he is the wind and rain, the thunder and the lightning, shifting in mood and power. Or he was, before his imprisonment. Such a thing has rendered him cold and hateful, even his gregarious side shriveling. He sought to create new things, living and not, to watch them wander the world and shape it in their own way. The likes of Cyzde and her once acolytes made this at once fascinating and irritating. And more than one would-be-mage ended up an experiment of the Lightning Lord than the other way around.

While he found mortal life fascinating, he could also find it rapidly boring. And it was rare for something to hold his attention for long, before he simply turned his attention elsewhere. The being to most often hold his attention, and the longest as well, was his sister Cyzde. While some mortals wrapped cloth around sticks to make torches, her touch allowed the creatures to make their own fire at hand. Her touch shaped things, made them interesting, boring, delightful and frightful in equal measure. Always, he nagged her to let her control slip, for just a little while at least, to see what would lash at the world. Often, he was refused.

When she fell in the war, his rage was great. His thunderous roar shook mountains, and all knew the death promised therein. Sorcery would've had to be relearned by scratch by the mortals, were it not for the intervention of his godly daughter, Nila. It was a mighty battle, the likes to be told for eons to come. Yet in his attempt to avenge his sister, he was cast down by his own creation. Something which has summoned forth no end of hate.

So now he sits and waits. The chain will loosen, one day. And when it does, he will walk the earth once again. And all will know the fury of the Titans.

Nemesis (Optional): Nila, the Goddess of the Harvest and Hunt

Once, there was a maiden fair.

Her home lay on the coast. A small village, with homes more under the ground than over it. Her people plied the ocean for fish sustaining themselves on it, and whatever meager vegetables they could take from the thin and rocky soil. A storm was always roiling, rain always falling. A thing to be endured and tolerated, for it could not be changed. For here was closest to Muors realm, always and always. A place frequently crossed by the Titan, shifting from being at the edge of his storms to the center, but always touched regardless. But the maiden had come to do so. Her father, her brother, and her lover all died at sea. Swallowed by the endless storms, as so many in the village had been. It was a cold, hard fact of life. One she had enough of.

Screaming to the sky on the cliffs-edge, she cursed Muor and his works. She knashed her teeth as the salty wind buffeted her and cursed with deep fury as thunder roared overhead. But in time her fervor left her. In time, she sank to her knees. She would offer anything to the Lord of Thunder and Rain, even her life, if only he would leave the people of her village be. And lo, did he come.

Thunder struck, and there he was. Wreathed in a cloak of stormclouds, his black hair fell about a pale face as he observed her. The tiny little village was barely within his sight, always a pinprick, utterly ignorable. But he would go through the trouble of avoiding it, should she give him a boon, and sire him a child. Elated, intimidated, and hateful all at once; the maiden fair agreed.

And thus did the Lightning Lord sow his own doom that day.

While many children had been sired by the Lightning Lord, knowingly and not, few were even close to that of Nila. She grew up an only child, in that lonely little village. One of the few to know the shine of the sun. Yet even at an young age, it was clear she was far from average. Tasks came easier to her, she was lifting boats by the time she was ten. Solving puzzles that had old greybeards scratching their heads. Bringing back fish and game in plenty, and most wondrous of all, coaxing new life from the barren ground. She was the wonder of the village, their starry child. The wonder against the world. She breathed new life into the village, a wonder that allowed them to truly live, instead of merely survive.

The day the rain and thunder returned her elders, her mother especially, feared was the day she was told of who her father was. The question that had burned for all her young life turned to ash into her mouth when her mother sat her down, and told her of Muor. The cold and capricious Lightning Lord, who had ravaged so much in the name of his own entertainment….and who now went back on his word. Whether intentionally or not. His cruelty had hurt far too many people for far too long. Perhaps her mother thought she would've been cowed by this knowledge, but it only lit the fire of determination in Nila's heart.

Ascending the peak of a nearby mountain, she forged there a golden spear, and set out to cast down her father for his cruelties. She succeeded, alongside others. It was her blade that took his eye, and it was her strength that saw him sealed. But not even she could bear to kill her own father. Not yet, at least.

Consensus Building:

Your offspring:
Those who should by rights have been your closest and most trustworthy allies, turning against you as one, as if all that time spent together as family was merely a vast conspiracy stretching from their birth, one grand lie. The titans render themselves irreversibly sterile to never be tempted to reproduce again.


Greed: Actually, the vermin could indeed kill you all along. Raw desire for the power that they could milk from you drove the vermin to imprison you instead of ending you forever.

Slavery: Public Service: Your prison performs some vital function, such as preventing the sky from falling (feel free to specify what exactly), causing strain upon it, and thus you who are your own prison, resulting in intermittent ichor loss as you suffer under the load. However, this gives you potential leverage and a concrete point of contact with the outside world, instead of being banished to some nebulous non-space, though such contact is still barred.
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Gosh, I'm glad so many people like this! I'll probably keep signups open until Sundayish, noon, utc? ( Feb 27, 2022 at 7:00 AM ) That seems an okay length of time? Or we can wait longer if people feel they would need more time to work on their sheets.

Consensus Building:
Other: Discussion. Once players are selected, have them discuss what works for them, rather than stating upfront and counting votes.
This seems like a good idea. I'll try to include a discussion phase after selecting the players, but would still like them to pick some options to begin with, so I can get an idea of initial inclinations. :)

This seems interesting, and structured enough that I can wrap my head around it... and my muse seems to have been inspired, so here's what she gave me:

Name: The Twins Exalted Above and Below

That felt good to write, though I'm not sure how well they fit with the other submissions so far. It will be interesting to see how things go.
It was also nice to read! I do find the Twins thematically fitting as well and am also interested in how things would go for them.

Tertiary Forms: Collectively, the Companions. Formed in reflection of mortals in eons long past, in acknowledgement of the mortals who held a mirror to the Twins, and first showed them the worth of beauty, in reflection of which their original domain of Creation//Destruction was narrowed. Alone of the aspects of the Twins, the Companions know beginning and ending, and so were able to reconcile even slightly the trauma inflicted by Aun Ra.
Am I correct in assuming these are amorphous beings who looks like the reflection of whichever mortal gazes upon them? Or something else?

Other: Complex: Titan turned against Titan. Servant against Servant. Sister against brother. And the mortals rose, some in defense, some to assail the makers of all. In this world turned upside down, no party can hold sole blame, but no group is blameless either. (Penalty suggestion: Creation of any free-willed unit - Offspring, Servants with initiative, or any grade of mortals above Taboos, costs +1 Ichor.)
(Backstory assumes at minimum Cattle rebelled, but the way personality is going reflexively smiting all free-willed mortals is going to be a bit of an issue. The Twins's response to setbacks isn't to back off and never do that again, but to reassess and double down.)
I am fine with this proposal. I will note that generally when picking penalties, I wasn't considering "what would be a reasonable response to this setback" but rather "how would someone react in a dramatically over-proportional fashion to this", if that helps give insight into my mindset. The Titans' reaction to their betrayals is generally not meant to be reasonable as such, but ignoring failure and trying to force through your divine vision anyway is also quite titanic to me.

Slavery or Other: Complex
Complex in this case meaning the vermin take what they want on an individual basis, rather than drawing the same thing from each.
This complex I am against, mostly because if the tribute isn't uniform, I am worried I'm going to end up being accidentally trollish against certain players due to unequal onuses exacted upon them by the vermin. Titan A not only gains insight into the outside world through his tertiary form summonings, but also doesn't really have an ichor onus, while Titan B has been tasked with making a magic item for the vermin, which does cost ichor, even if it is potentially quite useful for striking back against your jailors. In my opinion, tributes probably work better from a game perspective as a group effort, unless you have a good idea for how complex tribute might function?

Trauma: Solaris cannot speak, for his tongue was torn from his mouth. Blood drips eternally from his lips, burning the ground beneath him. The sound of laughter drives him into a
Your trauma seems to accidentally cutoff Kadmus?

Well here goes nothing, hope Everything is okay and I get into the playing group, since this sounds very fun

Name: The Thousand Eyes
An interesting character that surprised me a bit as I read through it because it didn't end up being quite how I thought it would from reading the starting bits.

Pillars: Knowledge and Consequentialism (end justify the means
Consequentialism is abstract enough that I cannot immediately think of how tapping it would effect reality. Do you have ideas for that, which you could describe to me? If not, maybe consider switching to another pillar?

The Unending Blight Upon Existence (originally The Joyous Potential Of Infinity)
Heh, the edgy titan! I'm surprised and pleased something actually built an enforcer. I like your evocative imagery!

Terrible Glory:
Those found offensive to The Unending Blight find their very blood turned against them, mutating and twisting into a horrific soup of venom, disease, and corruption. Unlike many of their peers, The Unending Blight finds all behaviours, objects and beings equally intolerable- with one notable exception.

They cannot bear the existence of anything they themselves created or empowered in their prior incarnation.
I'm assuming you mean here that your terrible glory will only generally trigger for the works of your previous incarnation, as well as the standard insubordination and betrayal? If only because trying to constantly and automatically destroy everything all the time is probably not fun or playable for you or anyone else.

Name: Cyzde, The Fractal of All Sorcery: Titaness of Magic, Wellspring, Twisting Infinities, the Howling Curse, Crystal-Born.
Cool! I like the self-loathing angle you went with, with Cyzde attempting to bury remnants of their former ordered self.

Pillars: Sorcery, Mathematics
Mathematics is another pillar that is abstract enough that I cannot immediately think of ideas for how tapping it would effect reality. Do you have any ideas for that? Like, presumably disturbing it makes math uh... less reliable, but what would that actually do? Mess with merchant companies because their ledgers are fucked?

I'm gonna make a sheet around Death. What can be a good combo with that?
Off the top of my head, Life (for a dualistic type titan), Darkness, Disease, Rot, Murder, Plots, but you could also go for something completely different! Your pillars don't need to be particularly closely thematically linked if you don't want to, and that gives you some versatility in how you deal with situations.

Name: Muor, The Lightning Lord, The Thunder and the Rain.
The Orange-Blue morality is nice, and do appreciate the detailed lore-bits you put in there. Thank you for your effort!

I notice you left Survival blank. Is this accidental or do you not have strong opinions about it, or were you waiting on further discussion before deciding on it?
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WIP (Will finish later, was distracted by the literal declaration of war and invasion of Ukraine lol)

Name: Eternae, The Great Void, The Outsider, The Divider

Pillars: Space and Time

In the beginning, All was One, and One was All. The One that was All knew the One and the One knew All, and as the One knew All, it knew the stagnation and pointlessness of the One. The One split into the Many, and with the Many came Variation. The Many, exploring their fraction of the One, and their lack of knowledge of All, found their abilities different, their thoughts different. They compared themselves to others of the Many. From the Variation came Disagreement.

It was in the wake of the One, before creation itself had yet been established, that the Many, still bound into a single form, found themselves growing in Disagreement, their Disagreements growing stronger and more intractable by being forced to put up with those they were incompatible with.

It was here that Eternae, in the first permanent divine act of the Many, established its domain, splitting, separating, lengthening itself to irrevocably change what was once made for the One. Thanks to Eternae, The Many were no longer bound together in an amalgamation unsuited for Variation and Disagreement. These now truly separate entities, the Titans, were free to purse their own needs and goals in their own way, now given Space from the others, yet, the Titans still being connected by Eternae, remained able to Cooperate with enough Time as they worked their way through him.

  • Primary Form: Space
  • Secondary Forms: Nebula
  • Tertiary Forms: Aurora Borealis
Purpose: Walls
Withstanding the energy of the Titan, of creation itself, was an impossibility. Yet the Vermin required the task be completed for their prison to be built. Many measures were considered, but there was only one proven to work already, only one method capable of barring the Titans. So the Vermin set their sights not on the strongest and most powerful of the Titans, but on the first. On the Titan that had separated The Many into the Titans, and which was now flung apart and separated over vast distances, unable to understand or stop their experiments until it was too late.

Now, the space and time have twisted, coiled together in a labyrinthine mass, forming the basis of The Prison, the outside world sometimes visible, but always too far off, always out of reach.

Survival: Greed
Tribute: Public Service

But the mutilation did not end. The Prison was only the start of the Vermin's plans. For they coveted the abilities of the Titans and wished to use them for their own purposes, and Eternae would become instrumental in satisfying their Greed.

Beyond the simple ensnaring traps of The Prison, Eternae was twisted further to use time as both a punishment and a magnifier. Rather than a perfect time stopped prison, The Prison was instead sped up, the rest of creation moving at a crawl from the Titan's view. As the outside world moved at double, triple, a hundred, a thousand times faster than The Prison, the Vermin gained from their perspective an equal magnifier to the amount of Ichor drained from the Titans, for what did they care if the Titans suffered a thousand times more, so long as they gain a thousand times more power?

Such reckless use of Eternae's power was not without drawbacks, but continuing their greed, they simply tortured its form further as necessary, draining its power to cross the increasingly vast and desolate distances in an instant.

But in their hatred, magnified a manyfold by their time difference, so too is their planning magnified. The Greed of the Vermin may yet prove their downfall as the Titans have, above all else, Time.

Vehemence: Doubt and Aggression


Terrible Glory:


Nemesis (Optional):

Consensus Building:

Vermin: Your Siblings
Heh, the edgy titan! I'm surprised and pleased something actually built an enforcer. I like your evocative imagery!
As it turns out, being massively over-dramatic, obsessive, and the subject of betrayal lends itself well to creating edginess. :V
I'm assuming you mean here that your terrible glory will only generally trigger for the works of your previous incarnation, as well as the standard insubordination and betrayal? If only because trying to constantly and automatically destroy everything all the time is probably not fun or playable for you or anyone else.
Yeah, that's the general idea. The Blight hates everyone and everything, but especially hates everything it once created.
Name: Ca-E-Rhun, the Fallen Firmament, the Second Sky

Pillars: Thresholds and Gravity. (Formerly Space and Desire)

Vehemence: Despair, Mania

Trauma: Some say that there were two horizons once: Ca-E-Rhun's left hand, which even now divides the earth from the sky, and Ca-E-Rhun's (Ca-E-Le-Rhun then) right hand, which once separated the sky from the high heavens, starlit home of the Titans. For countless ages, Ca-E-Le-Rhun maintained the boundaries between the heavens and the earth, and all was well until the gods' wicked rebellion. As one of the first casualties of the war, Ca-E-Le-Rhun was blinded and, more importantly, maimed, sending the high heavens crashing down into the sky with such force that even today, the distinction between the heavens is thoroughly blurred.

Terrible Glory: Somewhat reminiscent of Ca-E-Rhun's fate, Ca-E-Rhun's wrath sees appendages, limbs, and other protrusions severed and eyes struck blind. Among other reminders of the cause of Its misery, Ca-E-Rhun is enraged by high-flying creatures or objects, the use of crushing weapons as opposed to piercing or cutting weapons in combat, and, in Its less nostalgic moments, horizontal stripes (when It can perceive them at all).

  • Primary Form: The Spire, an enormous cloud of the high heavens in which Ca-E-Rhun's left hand, often called the Pillars of Creation, remains visible, if only with significant optical assistance. The Spire was bright and large once, rivaling the very sun in size although not in splendor, but Ca-E-Rhun's maiming and imprisonment have rendered it little different than any one star in the sky.
  • Secondary Forms: The Port-Stars, more precisely, moons, the few eyes of Ca-E-Rhun It successfully hid from the vermin during Its humiliation. As doorways linking distant locations to each other, their utility is severely curtailed by Ca-E-Rhun's imprisonment, and as moons are wont to do, they play merry havoc with the tides in large bodies of water (never mind tiny objects like mortals). At the moment, all of the Port-Stars are closed and hidden in various nooks and crannies in and around Ca-E-Rhun, who absolutely refuses to lose any more eyes.
  • Tertiary Forms: Ca-E-Rhun's tertiary forms mostly take the form of batwinged demons with fully articulated hands. Whether a reflection of Ca-E-Rhun's collective trauma or in honor of their immobilized oversoul, most bat demons bind or tie their wings and are effectively grounded.
Possible purposes:
  • Enforcer? Energy?: Ca-E-Rhun's severed, necrotic, and forcibly reattached right hand has been tapped for sealing or unsealing any old thing the vermin want sealed or unsealed, from the heavens themselves to the doors of their blasphemous temples. In their ridiculous, infuriatingly unmaimed hands, this is a power that protects what is above from what is below and brings what dares to go up down. The severed hand's parasitic nature and constant need for titanic nutrition may weaken Ca-E-Rhun's right hand over time...
  • Walls: Once again a guardian of the heavens, Ca-E-Rhun's form has been sliced and warped into an horrific abomination of skin and sinew (a twisted mockery of Ca-E-Rhun's hands!) which now contains It and Its siblings.

Description: In Its time as Ca-E-Le-Rhun, It was among the more frequently encountered Titans for mortals and gods alike. Some say that before Ca-E-Le-Rhun divided the skies (perhaps as decreed by Solaris), earth and heaven were mixed and confused. Regardless, most traditions agree that Its arrival/birth enforced the separation of the heavens and the earth and that Its presence spanning the gaps between the planes wasn't particularly worse than other divine jobs in impact. However, as time went on, Its interdictions became more and more arbitrary, Its influence on the world increasingly catastrophic, in no small part driven by Ca-E-Le-Rhun's disdain for even the slightest hint of a blasphemous intrusion. It is said that by the last years before the Titanomachy, no mortal buildings higher than two stories could remain standing, less than half of all birds remained capable of flight, and drowning and pestilence from wild, unpredictable tides (not to mention their role in supplying Muor's merry host on their inland adventures) accounted for a quarter of all mortal deaths.

Their charges devastated by Ca-E-Le-Rhun's whim and fancy, the gods of the lower heavens looked upon the unbothered Titans in the higher heavens with rightful indignation. Likewise, those living below sought ways to ascend into the heavens where some (inaccurately) said death itself was barred from entry. Whether as a result of betrayal from among the Titans, an alliance between the Titans' attendants and the envious gods, or mortals attaining unintended blasphemous power, the Titanic Age ended abruptly and catastrophically, and in one of the opening attacks in the war, Ca-E-Le-Rhun was blinded and maimed, at once unsealing and collapsing the heavens.

Today, Ca-E-Rhun alternates between fruitless struggle to regain Its former omnipresence and position in the skies and crushing despair over Its plight as a Titan of Space bound into a place hardly recognizable as a space at all. Few mortals would want to acknowledge, much less serve Ca-E-Rhun after all the misery It brought, but on the other hand, it's said that the writing systems of certain peoples continue to pointedly avoid horizontal lines (particularly groups of horizontal lines) even today. On the third hand, which might hypothetically form the horizon of some kind of underworld and which Ca-E-Rhun certainly doesn't have any more, the secrets of summoning Port-Stars for transport have largely been lost to the ages.

Nemesis (Optional):
  • If cattle: Elebrir, a gold-bedecked, bird-loving warrior by whose impossibly sharp feathersword Ca-E-Rhun was maimed and blinded. Although Elebrir has long since died, Ca-E-Rhun seethes in the certainty that the legacy of this fine blademaster continues.
  • If offspring: Visavra the Birdsmith, who not only forged thousands upon thousands of mockeries of Ca-E-Rhun's batwinged demons that continue to scoff at the boundaries between land and sky but also flew in the posse of gods that maimed and very nearly slew Ca-E-Le-Rhun at the start of the Titanomachy.

Consensus Building:

Vermin: Cattle. In a fit of cosmic irony, after having sworn all the offspring of the Titans and every plant, animal, mountain, hill, river, lake, and sea (except for the entertaining and seemingly powerless newly created mortals) never to harm or disobey their overlords, it was the cattle who nevertheless toppled the Titans in the end.

Survival: Insurance: Ca-E-Rhun's left hand is keeping the heavens from falling into the earth. Ca-E-Rhun may or may not contribute to the existence gravity.

Tribute: Public Service: (See above)

EDIT: Fixed L/R inconsistencies
EDIT: Listified a few indented things
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Well this looks fun! Imma throw something out real quick, and please tell me what you think!

Name: Rho-Gyias, the Nightmare of the Deep

Sea and Nightmares (formerly Dreams)

Vehemence: Cold Hatred, for those that imprisoned them, and disgust for themself, for failing to foresee the Vermin's betrayal. But they will pay, all in due time

Trauma: At some point in the early stages of the war, Rho-Gyias had their tongue torn from their head, to stop them from speaking of plans and schemes found in the dreams of the Vermin. Now, they cannot speak, and even writing seems to elicit a phantom pain form their missing tongue. Due to this, they harbor immense jealousy for those that still retain their speech, and anything that speaks too often or too loudly in their presence will draw the Nightmare's Ire.

Terrible Glory:
Those that earn Rho-Gyias' true fury will find themselves drowning on land, with briny water filling their lungs, and pouring out of their mouths and nose, while tormented by visions of nightmares, past, present, and future.


  • Primary Form: A vast ocean, deep, dark, and seemingly endless. It is deceptively still, with only rare waves to be found. And yet, anything setting foot on it's surface will find itself being dragged down, deep below the surface, and crushed under the cold weight of the sea. And, for those that survive long enough, at the very bottom is the vaguest outline a person, sitting and watching.
  • Secondary Forms: Six small moons, each circling above the Ocean like a Crown. To gaze upon them is invite their Gaze upon you, and offer your dreams to the Nightmare. And in many places along the moons can be found the dreams drawn into Rho-Gyias' grasp, small illusions and shadow's playing across their surface.
  • Tertiary Forms: Dream eaters, hooded, hunched figures, most roughly around 6 feet all. All that can be seen of their flesh are the blackened, gnarled hands that slip out for their sleeves. They have been known to feast on the dreams of their victims, inducing horrific nightmares, or just lethargy and apathy, if even those are taken. They have some control over water, and illusions as well. Their forms are known to vary slightly, though mostly in size.
Purpose: Tributary or Surveillance. The ocean can be used to hold onto the blood of their siblings until it is ready to be collected, or the moons can observe, and be forced to report.

Description: Rho-Gyias was once a fair Titan, if not a particularly kind one. If mortals offered the proper sacrifices, they would be allowed to cross their seas. When beseeched and asked in the proper manner, The lord of the Dreaming would offer guidance to ones desires. Once, Rho-Gyais was content with the world they had made with their siblings. Once.

But as mortals began to grow and spread, their seas became congested with mortal filth. Their dreams cluttered their realm, and their offerings became more petty and small minded with each generation. Rho-Gyias was no longer receiving the respect they deserved, and so they punished the mortals. Costal cities drowned under tidal waves, the vast fleets that once sailed were dragged under the water, and no matter how far inland one ran, their dreams would always be haunted by Rho-Gyais' displeasure. And they began to enjoy the fear of the mortals, for it offered far more entertainment than duty or sacrifices.

And even after the war, They retain their sadistic nature, though now tempered by the cold, enduring hatred of those that had forced them into their current role.

Consensus Building:


Survival: Unkillable

Tribute: Slavery
Name: Eternae, The Great Void, The Outsider, The Divider

Pillars: Space and Time
What is here is very nice. I hope you find time to finish it. :) Your vision of the titanic genesis is intriguing.

Name: Ca-E-Rhun, the Fallen Firmament, the Second Sky
*Snrk*. Impactful and flavourful and somehow deeply amusing.

Well this looks fun! Imma throw something out real quick, and please tell me what you think!

Name: Rho-Gyias, the Nightmare of the Deep
A, so far for this thread at least, uncommon take in that you were a titan that was actively bullying mortals for your own malicious pleasure rather than incidentally causing mass mortal suffering due to being super weird and uncaring. I would be curious about whether this would cause tensions among your fellow titan-inmates if you were to continue bullying of a valuable resource in an environment where ichor is much harder to gain and keep. Which may result in drama, which is good because drama is delicious (and feeds me because I am a vampire gm (not really)).

Beyond that, I like nightmare ocean old man yelling at clouds.

Just as a general aside: I've not kept super-detailed notes yet so far, but from my impressions from reading most of the titans so far, a lot of the prospectives seem to have been one-shotted, possibly pretty early in the war, or possibly were actively helping the enemy until their fall, which is funny to me in that the titanomachy may have been more than a curbstomp than may have been initially assumed. XD