Immortal Foundations (Xanxia, Original setting)

Part 1. Ch. 21 Many paths one way
Following the mirage wave, the rest of the day passed without much incident. Fan Zhong resumed his guard shift with Sir Teng as the merchant saw to his men. He was surprised to see that the sailors also had minimal injuries and that barring a few exceptions, such as the man who was cut in the back of the leg during Fan Zhong's run-up to confront the dastardly fish, most needed little more than a few bandages.

During this time the sailors all conversed with Sir Teng as if he were their father and it gave the entire ordeal the feeling of a family of many sons assuring their father nothing had gone amiss. With both Fan Zhong and Sir Teng's hearts warmed and minds at ease, they had next gone to the cargo hold to make sure no goods had been damaged. As expected, no mirage carp had managed to flop their way into the cargo and after a quick inspection Fan Zhong was hurriedly following Sir Teng to the helm of the ship with the ladder seemingly in high spirits.

Cool air ran along the deck as they came out from the hold and numerous crew members moved about securing lines while checking on various things all with their bandages worn proudly like trophies. The remainder of Fan Zhong's shift was spent near the helm at a small table Sir Teng had set up to converse with his helmsman and review documents. At the halfway point of his guard duty, Zi Bao came to cover for his meal period.

Fan Zhong nodded to him in greeting and tried to spark up a small conversation however, the other young man seemed deep in thought, simply waving him away without exchanging a word. When Fan Zhong returned Zi Bao nodded again and departed without even looking at him. Although this was odd, Fan Zhong considered it an improvement over the type of interactions the two normally had. Perhaps facing a battle together as fellow warriors had some effect on his former bully?

Either that or the other young warrior had been pushed to so much exhaustion that he lacked the energy to speak, simply channeling it all to fulfill his guard duties. In any case, Fan Zhong was happy as both options increased the likelihood this assignment would conclude without them wringing each other's throats.

"It seems that Warrior Bao is not in the best of spirits today Warrior Zhong, is something the matter? Perhaps the fare we served upset his stomach or something?" Sir Teng Inquired while shooting Fan Zhong a curious glance.

"Apologies on his behalf Sir Teng, I believe the encounter with the mirage carp simply exhausted him more thoroughly than brother Bao was prepared for. No need to worry, the seniors will monitor him and take appropriate action" Fan Zhong replied with a graceful formal bow while smiling sheepishly.

"Indeed, no offense taken warrior Zhong. I was simply worried for him that is all. Never let it be said that the Teng do not look after those in their employ" Sir Teng replied with a nod of his head before returning to his documents.

With this Fan Zhong resumed his vigilant watch and the evening went by uneventfully. Zi Bao ended up showing up for his shift 30 minutes late and by the time he arrived Fan Zhong was looking around nervously wondering if something had gone wrong.

"Brother Bao! It's good to see, is everything ok? I expected to see you sooner." Fan Zhong asked while trying to keep his tone as casual and polite as possible.

"Hmph, some of us haven't drunk immortal nectar all our lives and have to do this thing called resting junior brother Zhong" Zi Bao replied emphasizing the word junior while irritation brimmed within his barely contained professional tone.

"Hahaha, yes immortal nectar of the gods for all clan warriors. Only the best for our clan warriors I say! Come brother you've surely drunk this heavenly concoction before just as I, its name is freedom and we breathe it in by the jug full as long as we uphold the honor of the clan!" Fan Zhong replied jovially while lightly slapping Zi Bao on the back, hoping to cut through the mood of his fellow with an air of camaraderie and brotherhood.

"Why you! Hmph… yes of course brother Zhong, let us enjoy… the freedom of silence as we breathe in the afternoon air." Zi Bao started to tense as if to attack but seemed to deflate just as fast, seemingly lacking the energy to even be outraged at the playful slap.

Quickly the now resigned Zi Bao fell into a brooding silent mood and Fan Zhong simply allowed the other young man to have his time of silence. Like this, the part hour of his shift passed and Fan Zhong left the helm after giving a bow to Sir Teng. Afterward, before reporting to Fan Shun for training, Fan Zhong rested for the few hours of free time he had simply enjoying the sound of the water rushing by and cool winds blowing over the deck.

Viewing it like this gave him an appreciation for the beauty of open water, this was the first time Fan Zhong had ever been in the inner parts of the flowing grass river. Normally ships that sailed here would stick close to the shore and cross to the other side only in straight shots in predetermined safe areas, moving as fast as possible. This was to avoid the predators that lurked in the deeper waters at the center of the river.

While he was young Fan Zhong had read that most rivers were anywhere from .5 km wide to around 2km at most and as such had little difference between the inner and outer regions. However, the Flowing Grass River was different as it spanned a monstrous 10km at most points and even widened to 12km at some points. As one approached the center of the river the waters simply got deeper and deeper and the Qi that condensed was stronger.

This created a truly unique water environment where qi-rich aquatic life lived and swam through a river that ran through many valleys and plains devoid of such environments. As the depth became shallow and the river thinned out to its banks however the qi was less concentrated and as such, the stronger spirit animals simply avoided the areas close to the shore. That's not to say that they couldn't go there and in fact, there were many reports of a giant river predator being pushed to shallow waters and causing havoc.

Such things were normally akin to the emergence of beast kings and required the clans and villages to unite and gather forces to kill or drive away the sea monsters. Mostly though they were dealt with by the Wang who specialized in fishing and patrolling these waters and as such had developed many techniques that allowed boats to travel farther in and use the faster waters of the inner river to travel faster. This was the reason why Fan Zhong's current ship could reach scale and fin village, which was almost as far away as butont which had taken him a month to reach previously by ship, in just three weeks.

For Fan Zhong, this was his first time on a ship that was equipped with talismans to mask them from the predators of the deeper waters and thus could take the faster route. Hence why even though he had traveled by boat before the 'mirage wave' had caught him off guard. Talking with some of the crew he had also found out that the merchant ships often took the inner faster routes because despite the danger the profits for making fast shipments were too great to pass up.

In his talks, the piece of information that surprised him the most was that scale and fin village was located on the northern shores of the Flowing Grass River and so was Flowing Arrow City their final destination. Sir Teng had to purchase a 'Calm waters' talisman sometime back for a great cost from the wang clan to make a crossing of the river while continuing to travel down it. Apparently, the talisman had originally had five uses; however this crossing was the second to last time it could be used.

According to the sailors the Wang Clan used these talismans frequently to visit the islands and archipelagos that existed in the deeper parts of the river. It was said that since these islands had close proximity to the Qi rich environments that they were true spirit areas that had entire spirit beast ecosystems. With this however these islands produced far more natural treasures than the rest of the valley and were very lucrative to collect although also incredibly dangerous.
The last usage was planned to be used to carry a new shipment to Butont after the ship arrived back in Flowing Arrow City. Doing this would kill two birds with one stone as there Sir Teng could buy another Talisman for river crossings from the Wang clan merchants as well as deliver Fan Shun and his bodyguards back to the side of the river their home was on. From there Fan Zhong and company could arrange transport from Butont to Little Green bamboo Village or move onto the local Fan Clan branch and receive assignments there.

Fan Zhong brimmed with excitement at this idea as his whole life the other shore of the river had been a place only spoken about not seen! Although it was still in the valley his mind viewed it as an exotic location and was elated at the idea of exploring new horizons. By the time the sailors had, with great laughter and a few hearty slaps on the back, told him to bugger off with all his questions Fan Zhong found that it was time to report to Fan Shun for training.

As Fan Zhong made his way over to the cleared portion of the deck that had originally served as an arena for his spar with Zi Bao he spotted Fan Shun off to one side next to a line of woody training dummies. The older man was standing with his sword in the same strange almost ceremonial pose that he had while fighting the mirage carp. With his left hand the older warrior was holding his weapon, still sheathed, in a vertical position in front of his chest with the hand about halfway down the scabbard.

Meanwhile, his right hand gripped the hilt of his sword, which was slightly below the level of his chin, as if to draw it. Slowly as if he was afraid of breaking his own bones Fan Shun drew the sword while his left hand pulled the scabbard down and angled it under his left armpit to give him room to maneuver it. Drawing the sword up slightly as it was being freed from the scabbard the older man then guided it ever so slowly through a graceful arcing diagonal slash that would've bisected the dummy from its right shoulder to the left hip had he put force into it.

In the same slow ceremonial way, the older warrior flicked his wrist snapping the blade outward as if to flick blood off of it before drawing a semi-circle in the air with it by rotating his wrist and bringing his right hand over the sheath which had returned to a vertical position in front of him. Finally, he drew the blade along the mouth of the scabbard until the point rested on the opening and slowly sheathed the sword. With the final clicking noise of the sword's handle meeting, the scabbard Fan Zhong was amazed to see the older warrior in an almost identical position to where he started. In the next moment he almost jumped off the deck when the wooden dummy collapsed to the floor, cut neatly along the line the seemingly slow and powerless attack had drawn.

"Excellent timing junior brother Zhong. I was just finishing up" Fan Shun said while wiping sweat from his brow with a rag "Come let's take a seat and discuss a few things"

Saying this the older man walked to the center of the deck and sat down while letting out a contented sigh. Looking at him more closely Fan Zhong examined his superior. He wore plain cloth pants at the moment and shoes of simple make as well. Corded muscle wound around his limbs giving the impression of a coiled snake that while not large and intimidating could explode with monstrous power. Dirt and sweat ran down his chest and back in equal measure, obvious signs that he had been at this training well before Fan Zhong's arrival. Nodding and following suit Fan Zhong quickly strode over and sat down a few paces away facing the older man.

"So junior brother Zhong, it would seem that your older brother has been diligent in your instruction. In your movements, well-practiced drills and forms can be seen, combined with that your flexibility is to be praised. At this point, while drilling and stance training will certainly help, and we will do them, be assured, what you most need is… to be sent flying a few thousand times" Fan Shun said with a predatory grin crossing his face.

" S… Senior, this junior wouldn't dare question your wisdom; however, elder brother's sagely palms of wisdom have given me the experience of flying high as the birds without much else. Perhaps sparring with opponents closer to my skill level would be better? At Least it would be a novel experience for me at this point" Fan Zhong said as respectfully as he could while trying not to sound too pleading.

"Indeed, if we were fully staffed and I could spare the time of junior brother Bao and myself to supervise your sparring that would probably help the most. However, this is a mission and we must make do with the time we have. Since we cannot use the most quality training for you we must supplement that with quantity" Fan shun replied in a calm and dignified tone as if he wasn't looking forward to beating Fan Zhong black and blue.

"But you said yourself senior! If I am injured how will my guard shifts and duties be performed? Surely we can… postpone this! Yes, truly circumstances are harsh and unfortunately, we must postpone training. Don't worry senior this junior will endure not advancing his martial arts for a time being. Besides, isn't the senior's graceful sword far too lofty to apply such a brute force method?" Fan Zhong hurriedly said with a hopeful smile

"Of course, that is why Su Fen and myself are conducting your and junior brother Bao's training. My graceful sword and his shifting sands style require precise control. Junior, I can assure you this senior's sword is a master class of teaching while not maiming. Also, junior, can I let you in on a secret of the martial path?" Fan Shun's predatory smile spread wider than Fan Zhong thought possible, he hoped at least it would perhaps then Fn Shun would sprain his face muscles and be unable to 'train' him.

"What secret is that Senior?" Fan Zhong replied dejectedly, barely able to keep up his false smile.

"If brute force isn't working, then you're simply not using enough. Now come, by the time you return home I'll have you countering sword strikes with shifting palm strikes in your sleep" Fan Shun said and jumped from his sitting position landing in a void gate stance.

Like this life continued aboard Sir Teng's ship and time seemed to blur by. Fan Zhong was surprised by the effectiveness of the Calm Waters talisman. It was activated to navigate the greatest area of danger allowing them to cross the 3km region that made up the core of the river and under that protection they passed through without seeing or hearing a single sea monster. By the time Fan Zhong knew it, the morning of the fifth day of the third week had arrived.

Some time had passed and he had been standing at the helm guarding Sir Teng for a few hours at this point. Suddenly the merchant let out a sigh and simply stared into the sky for a few moments before pulling a jug of wine up from beside his chair and pouring a bowl of it. His gaze fell on Fan Zhong and he smiled slightly then with a flick of his wrist another bowl sat on the table which was quickly filled from the jug as well.

"Brother Zhong sit, drink. It's a good day to drink, don't you think, is it alright by the way? We've been traveling together for a while now but I know some people prefer formality" saying this he threw his hand up as if in exasperation of all those who preferred to be stuck up and enforce formality.

"Of course Sir Teng, personally I find formality too stifling sometimes, especially at home. It's always 'young master this' or 'young master that' as if I lack a name. No brother will do fine if it suits you" Fan Zhong said politely as he sat down at the chair the merchant had pulled up for him.

Warily he picked up the bowl and eyed it. Fan Zhong was not one to say no to drinking and merrymaking however, he was on duty at the moment. Unsure of how to stay professional in the situation he took a small sip and nodded, if Sir Teng wanted him to drink then it was only polite to have a little after all. As he downed the liquid Fan Zhong quickly realized this was no soft palatable wine served in a place like the Soft Moonlight Hall.

Fire seemed to pour down his throat and Fan Zhong struggled to hold down the brew and swallow it as he coughed heavily leaning over the table.

"Hahaha, no more of this 'sir' business brother Zhong. Brothers are brothers and see no difference. Besides that 'five furnaces' spirit wine probably burned off all your baby stubble and put some real hair on your chest hahaha!" Teng Liang burst out laughing as he spoke, his voice booming over the deck as he struggled to get himself under control.

"B…b… Brother Teng, you say this is 'spirit wine'? I've never heard of such wine within the valley, where did you get it?" Fan Zhong finally managed to breathe after a few moments and gasped his reply between breaths.

"Where indeed," Teng Liang said as a wistful look came over his eyes, he stared into the sky with longing and sadness "Spirit wine brother Zhong cannot come from one who hasn't tread far on the Dao of winemaking, such artists rarely end up staying in humble places such as this"

With his last words, Teng Liang seemed to take on a forlorn tone as if he was both talking to Fan Zhong but also himself. Talking about a time that had passed like the changing of the seasons or cycles of the moon, only unlike them this time would never come again. Fan Zhong felt heat flow into all of his limbs as the alcohol worked through him and his vision wobbled a bit. Apprehension seemed to leave his mind and before he knew it the entire bowl was drained, at this point his legs felt like wet noodles and his brain was struggling to filter thoughts from words. Teng Liang still stared into the sky, caught in a world of his own ponderings and musings.

" 'Dao' hmph, what 'Dao' is there. Enlightenment, sitting in a cave for umpteenth millions of years. What has anyone ever learned sitting in a cave, do you just wait and the heavens send a spark of knowledge to you in pity." Fan Zhong, no longer able to keep these thoughts to himself, suddenly spoke.

"Oh, and you're the masterful sage on the topic of 'Dao' are you brother Zhong?" Teng Liang broke from his musings and looked at the young man with a wry smile

"Pft, all these sages and scholars say their smart-sounding words. I've read them brother Teng and they don't contain magic. Words that's it, no 'Eternal Dao' runes like those you must write for spells, no esoteric truths that shatter the mind of these lowly mortals, just words. Hmph, profound indeed, profound bullshit" Fan Zhong intoned sagely, or in what he thought was a sagely manner.

"I see you must be very learned brother Zhong" Teng Liang, who had much experience speaking the language of drunken men, nodded solemnly in response.

"What is it then, Sir Teng? The 'Dao', this profound knowledge, I respect your opinion and surely you have far more experience than me. Inform this ant-like junior, what is 'Dao'" Fan Zhong burst out invoking the power of youth and arrogance, challenging the knowledge of heaven!

Or so he thought, indeed somewhere during this his thoughts became hazy. There was a brief memory and Sir Teng asked him to… ah yes 'repeat'! Yes, he had been asked to repeat parts of his question several times. Clearly, Sir Teng was cowed by the great wisdom he was wielding.

"Hmmm, that is a hard one, brother Zhong. 'Dao' or path or whatever name you give it is as the name implies someone's way. There is of course the Eternal Dao that is all things, connected in myriad waves and encompassing all of existence but that is far too large a thing for a simple merchant to even imagine. No, when talking of Dao many think of martial paths, such as the Dao of the sword, spear, and bow. I question though, Dao is a path and if it isn't the grand path then it must be a personal one. So 'Dao' is your personal path then that means all paths are part of the grand path. What then makes the path of the swordsman greater than the path of the potter? A swordsman hones his skill, technique, and battle prowess all his life and the potter does the same learning to understand different materials and techniques to make higher quality crafts."

Teng Liang said pausing to take a long pull from the jug

"And what of the Dao of the merchant, for that path you learn the power of words both spoken and those unspoken. Learn the ebbs and flows of society, seeing the connections between products, people, and work. In this those that bring their bodies, spirits, and minds in harmony progress on their path. The potter, although not practicing the martial path can toughen his body so that he may work longer and practice his technique more, a merchant can travel farther and for more time to meet new clients and discover new routes. Never think brother Zhong that someone who walks a nonmartial path is defenseless for it, that is the height of folly. As all paths are connected, so too can all reach the apex. Then you asked what is 'profound' that again is difficult as it means many things to many people. In my years I've come to think it is thus, profound is when you find simple words appearing in truths you seek. When you read a piece of simple advice and many years later are waylaid by complex problems. In that moment you find that seemingly innocent advice is at the core of your problem, it is the kernel through which your solution is born. By definition it is that which I cannot put into words, it is the revelation of experience meeting knowledge. The words can be written and many can read them, however only those who have experienced the lesson of the words truly understand. Others simply view the cover of a dense tome. Inside of that revelation perspectives shift and old memories come into play, scenes that you might've wished to forget come to mind. You start to see that the lesson was always there and the fool ignoring it was none other than the person who stares back at you in the mirror. Those insights can raise someone high along their path or they can eat away at the soul, devouring until nothing remains."

Sadness flooded the merchant's expression and for five minutes he stayed silent. Only occasionally drinking from the jug.

"In the end brother Zhong, your path is how you view the world, through the things that are dearest to you. Walk far enough along it and you'll see the concepts of your path mirrored in everything as the Eternal Dao connects all things. while walking, look around and experience life. When you've done that, the profoundness you find will either save or condemn you."

With these last words Teng Liang took one last pull from the jug and then frowned. He tipped it upside down over the deck and not a single drop fell.

"Dang, look at me getting all sentimental. Anyway, that's just the musing of an old merchant Brother Zhong. Apologies for keeping him so long Senior Warrior Shun, I'll have one of the boys get him to the cabin. If you could give me a moment alone I'd… appreciate it" Teng Liang motioned with his hand and a pair of crew members lifted Fan Zhong.

The last thing he saw was the jolly old merchant staring somberly into the black night sky where stars shined more beautifully than anything Fan Zhong had ever seen. For Fan Zhong the next few days passed in a blur as his mind pondered the words of Sir Teng. By the time he roused from his musings, loud shouting was coming from the deck as the lookouts signaled that they had finally arrived in Scale and Fin Village.
Part 1. Ch 22. Journey Before Destination
A calm breeze filled the sails of the ship as Fan Zhong gazed over the water at the approaching shoreline. The approaching village dock was small, looking to only have enough space to house three or four ships with two small fishing vessels already taking up some of that. Looking at the village it appeared simple with only a few larger buildings near the dock and simple roads leading further in.

Along these roads, small houses with clay tiling were common as well as lines that held objects that seemed to reflect light. Squinting his eyes Fan Zhong was able to realize that these were polished scales from what he could only assume to be larger sea life as they varied in size from the width of a small rock to as big as a clenched fist. At this realization, Fan Zhong became wide-eyed imagining the monstrous size of a creature with such large scales.

"First time on the northern banks of the river brother Zhong?" Sir Teng asked from his table.

Currently, it was early in the morning, around an hour into Fan Zhong's guard shift, and as such he was standing in his now-familiar position near the helm.

"Indeed Sir Teng, I know we're still inside the valley but it still feels exciting being so far from home. I've long held the idea that one must go to the people of a place, partaking in their food, music, and customs to truly understand it. Previously, my mind had always conceived of Little Green Bamboo Village and the valley as one and the same. I'd thought that as I understood the village so to did that extend to knowing the peoples of the Flowing Grass Valley as well. Now, the world seems much larger. Having ventured forth from my home I can see that it was but a tiny part of a grander whole. Knowing this kindles an urge in my chest to roam and experience the various peoples that have always lane right outside my doorstep. So that perhaps one day my understanding of this place can be as great as my naive mind once thought it was." Fan Zhong replied while staring at the approaching shoreline wistfully.

"Heheheh, I see this old man's words did not fall on deaf ears brother Zhong. It's good that you're being contemplative and have something to strive for, such a thing suits a young man. However, this old sack of bones would be appreciative if your endeavors could be forestalled until we've safely completed this voyage" Sir Teng replied in his normal jovial manner a sly small tugging at the corners of his lips

"O... Of course Sir Teng your safety and mission take priority as a warrior of the clan I would ne…" Fan Zhong spluttered his face slightly reddening in embarrassment

"Hahahaha, there's the brother Zhong I know. No need for apologies young man, your loyalty was never in doubt. Besides, warrior Fan Shun knows how to run a team even without extra men. He'll make time so you and warrior Zi Bao can mingle in the villages as we go." Sir Teng replied, his jovial laughter booming over the deck.

In this fashion, the ship continued for a few more hours and arrived at the dock in Scale and Fin Village around the time when Fan Zhong's guard shift was ending. By this time Zi Bao had joined him near the helm. His arrival severely cut the jovial atmosphere as the mere presence of his strict posture and demeanor seemed to sap the joy from the air. Conversation with Sir Teng had also died down as a result of this and the merchant was deep within his documents and ledgers soon after the arrival of the second youngest warrior in his bodyguard detail.

Examining his team member Fan Zhong was happy to see that the other young man had at least recovered his healthy appearance. For a few days after the mirage wave attack, Zi Bao had been looking exhausted and brooding instead of his normally outwardly angry self. It was ironic to Fan Zhong that he could be happy seeing the arrogance and anger return to his former bully's face. Shrugging he figured that at least this meant whatever had been bothering his fellow warrior was either taken care of or no longer a concern.

After the ship docked Sir Teng informed Fan Zhong that he needed to go meet with the village chief to discuss dealings. Apparently, Fan Shun had anticipated their arrival time and talked with the merchant to pass on orders to stay on the ship and report for training at the normal time. Indeed Fan Zhong had been thinking of wandering into the village on his time off, hoping that perhaps his team leader would forget about his training today amid securing lodging and logistics details for the team.

However, he had no such luck as the cunning older warrior had taken precautions against such scheming in advance. Sighing wearily, Fan Zhong decided to play with little white to pass the time. Surprisingly the small water wolf had been well behaved throughout the journey although he was almost visibly vibrating at the sight of the shore, obviously, he needed to vent some energy.

Going to the cafeteria Fan Zhong got some of the leftover bones from the kitchen and then proceeded back to the deck with his faithful companion in tow. Arriving, Fan Zhong stood on one side of the deck and began playing fetch with little white while juggling the extra bones to practice his dexterity. He had begun doing this after around a week onboard to both give Little White a way to run around and train his mental exercises at the same time.

Surprisingly, keeping track of the bones he was juggling and Little White wasn't all that difficult for him now so Fan Zhong had challenged himself further. It took a bit of work but after a day of many dropped bones, he convinced Little White to throw the bone he was retrieving instead of waiting for him to grab it. While keeping the rest in the juggle he would then proceed to catch the thrown bone and throw a new one for Little White to fetch in a smooth motion without dropping any.

As this continued Little White got faster and faster at retrieving his targets showing his once again impressive physical prowess for such a tiny frame. Once a rhythm was set the water wolf became little more than a blurring translucent shimmer only becoming fully visible for a split moment when he caught the bone and when whipping his little maw to throw them. Like this hours passed and the time for training with Fan Shun approached.

To his credit, Little White only started slowing down near the end and even at that point, he was simply breathing slightly heavier seeming to have more energy. When Fan Zhong stopped juggling and caught the final bone signaling for the little wolf to stop he barked in disappointment, rubbing against his partner's leg as if to guilt him into staying longer.

"Hahahaha, apologies little brother senior Fan Shun is rather strict. Don't worry, tomorrow morning we'll be inside the village, there we'll have plenty of space for you to run and hunt" Fan Zhong said laughing while crouching down to pet his small companion.

With a snort, Little White barked one more time before running over to a spot near the training area obviously intent to watch over his clumsy friend. Fan Zhong quickly walked over and picked up his staff from leaning against the railing before heading over to the portion of the deck Fan Shun had secured for the team as an improvised training area. Upon arrival, he spotted the older warrior sitting in the middle of the space. At this point, it had been marked off with some rope tied between railings and other various places to form the semblance of a square training arena.

"Greetings senior, have I arrived late? Perhaps time got away from me more than I had thought" Fan Zhong asked questionably.

Normally his team leader would be training with his sword and palm techniques right until the moment Fan Zhong arrived. The variety of the training had surprised him as he had thought the particular draw-cut techniques Fan Shun practiced seemed impractical and wondered how the clan's traditional palm techniques would be used alongside it. It turned out that the older warrior usually opened with palm strikes utilizing his normal unarmed strikes as well as the sheath of his weapon. His usage of the unarmed techniques was geared towards stunning or disorienting the opponent

Only then would he normally execute one of the deadly sword techniques. Apparently, the reason for executing the technique from the sheath was due to an advanced version of the 'Momentum of Shifting Earth' technique that most clan warriors used. Fan Shun had adapted the technique to take all of his excess momentum and store it in the sheath by swaying the object in incredibly small rapid movements.

Another surprising revelation was that this was the way that the masters within the clan seemed to be able to burst forth with such great speed. They also continuously kept a small part of their body, or an object attached to it, in motion and transferred that power into their movements when needed. This had a few downsides as sudden bursts of motion would deplete this stored momentum. However, Fan Shun's technique got around this by channeling the excess of his momentum through his sword and using precise control to return it to the sheath during the sheathing process.

For Fan Zhong, this also answered the question of why the older warrior always held his sheath in his offhand whether the blade was drawn or not. According to Fan Shun, this idea came to him when he meditated on the way fire could burst forth with force but returned energy to the earth and its surroundings in the form of heat. Since the technique itself was based on concepts of earth he figured expending the energy with the sword as fire and the sheath being the earth it returned to made sense.

Although Fan Zhong couldn't say he agreed with the logic the proof was there for all to see, after years of hard work Fan Shun had perfected the technique. The old warrior was reticent to say how long that had taken, seeming slightly embarrassed at the idea of exposing such a thing. However, he did comment on how the most difficult part was learning to execute palm techniques with his off-hand while it held the sheath and kept the momentum stored.

At first, he thought there was something missing and tried various methods but despite this, the momentum would disperse when the top part of the sheath was used as the contact point for palm techniques. Eventually, he discovered that there was an interval of time every three seconds where the momentum was at the end of the sheath, and palm techniques could be executed without dissipating that flow. After that, it was simply a matter of practice, to this day it still wasn't perfect and he could only execute a palm technique with the sheath every .15 seconds.

When Fan Zhong asked him how the man could measure such a small amount of time Fan Shun simply shook his head and laughed saying he would understand after gaining mental energy. Considering all this he figured it must have taken an extraordinary amount of training to reach his current level of proficiency with the technique, As such Fan Zhong was never surprised to see the stalwart man training at every moment. Today, however, he was sitting in the middle of the training area in a lotus position dressed in a pair of pants with no shirt, and his sword lay across his lap.

"No you're right on time junior, I simply had a breakthrough in my technique. During times like this, it's important to meditate and reflect on the experiences that lead to such a breakthrough. In my case, after years I'm ashamed to say that only now has my shifting palm technique reached the master level of attainment. However, now isn't my time but yours. Come let's see what you've learned" Fan Shun replied in a level tone as he got to his feet "Today I'll limit my speed and strength to that of a peak third-grade martial artist. This will give you an idea of what to strive for"

Both of them gave the other a martial bow before taking a fighting stance. With that, the bout began and Fan Zhong took the lead. Usually, he preferred to react to his enemy's actions but these weeks of training with Fan Shun had taught him that proactiveness had its benefits. As a bodyguard being reactive could potentially endanger not only your comrades but clients as well and as such threats should be dealt with in a forward manner when possible.

This was also true when trying to defeat a foe you knew was stronger than you, allowing them to act would force the fight into their tempo adding to the mounting disadvantages one had as the weaker party. Knowing this, Fan Zhong came in fast, pressing his right hand back as if to use an 'All Things Birthed from the Origin' palm strike before flipping his stance right before closing to striking measure. Doing this caused Fan Zhong to be in a void gate stance where his right hand, normally his dominant hand, was stretched forward to act as his offhand while the left took the ready position for an origin palm strike.

Fan Shun had reacted to his original advance with his own 'All Things Birthed from the Origin' hoping to strike faster than the younger warrior. The feint surprised him and quickly he shifted to meet the new attack. Dipping low as he approached Fan Zhong executed an earth-origin palm strike using the bottom part of his staff with his left hand looking to hook the blow upward from knee level into his opponent's side.

Meanwhile, Fan Shun spun his sheathed sword so that the flat of it rested on his right hand and used it to meet the staff strike with a shifting palm that brought him inside Fan Zhong's guard. Using the momentum of the impact the older warrior gripped the handle of his sword, which was now parallel with himself with the handle facing away from his opponent, and executed his drawing cut technique in a spin at head level. Normally such a strike would leave his back completely exposed however with the extra force of the impact the technique was so fast that all Fan Zhong saw was a blur of silver as he went flying.
Thankfully Fan Shun was an expert in control and had struck him with the flat side of his blade or else even with his power toned down Fan Shun would have separated the young man's head neatly from his shoulders.

"Senior, perhaps I'm mistaken but didn't you say you'd limit your speed?" Fan Zhong replied between groans as he rubbed his jaw.

"Indeed, that was peak third-grade speed junior" Fan Shun replied with a predatory grin "it was simply empowered by the force of our attacks. Remember, your enemies won't always have even attainment levels. Who's to say there won't be an opponent that has a higher level in a movement or speed technique than their realm would suggest? In a fight anything can happen, this case is an example. Normally with peak third-grade speed, such a spinning slash would've had me eating the deck after your staff broke my broke. However, in this particular fight, I used a parrying technique that let me gather more force than the realm I was fighting at could generate on its own resulting in a single empowered technique. A reliable strategy? No. Enough to win a single fight? Absolutely"

"I see… This junior apologizes to senior for my… ignorance, it seems junior has much yet to learn" Fan Zhong replied slowly, attempting to keep his skepticism from his voice.

Of course, what the older warrior was saying was correct but that didn't make Fan Zhong's face hurt any less.

"Come now Nephew Zhong, up. We still have daylight to burn" Fan shun said casually as he turned around and strolled back to his starting position, sheathing his blade in the process.

With this they began a second bout where Fan Zhong started more cautiously, still being proactive but probing with shifting palm techniques and then making distance before using the range of his personal piercing palm technique. Doing this a rhythm started playing in his head, a song that brought to mind shifting sands with vipers that pierced through the dunes to capture travelers at the moment they least expected.

After five exchanges, with each lasting two to three blows a piece, Fan Zhong's eyes lit up as he saw a perfect opening. They had exchanged two shifting palm strikes and Fan Shun had gotten careless and ended up just outside of normal striking measure. However, he was just inside the striking range of a piercing palm and his weapon was out of position to block. Staff already contact juggling along his body to return to void gate stance Fan Zhong pounced in beat with the notes of the striking vipers playing in his mind.

His offhand met the staff already running along it to spin the shaft for the drilling effect. Seamlessly without even stopping in his stance, the weapon went from being juggled behind Fan Zhong to a deadly drilling lance hurtling towards Fan Shun's core. For a moment the older warriors' eyes widened, however in the next a golden fire faintly shimmered in them and his silhouette seemed to transform into an entirely different person. In front of the young man no longer stood his older senior, a mentor that would guide him through the martial path. What now stood there was a face that had faced death a hundred times, felt the cold embrace of the void, and denied it every time.

At that moment Fan Zhong felt the familiar reaper of death in front of him as the older man's instincts took over and he swept the sheath in front of him from the side inhumanly fast. Meeting the piercing palm technique he tucked the sheathed sword close to him and spun with the force letting the blow push his sword sheath which seemed to push his body out of the way. The last thing the young man saw was Fan Shun crouching and twisting with the spin before he blurred.

In the next moment, Fan Zhong heard a click and felt a line of blood flowing down his cheek. Reaching up he could feel the perfectly straight line that had been cut across his left cheek for running hot with his life's blood.

"Hahahahahah," Fan shun burst out laughing while letting out a large held breath " apologies nephew Zhong. That origin palm technique you've developed has more reach than I was expecting and you surprised me for a moment. Some reflexes are too ingrained I suppose…"

Fan Zhong simply slumped to the floor letting out a breath himself while nodding in acknowledgment.

"Are you ok? Truly I'm sorry. Reflexes be damned, this senior shouldn't have lost control like that…" Fan Shun replied with a concerned look.

"I am… Ok, yes ok. It's simply been a while since death has so closely embraced me. However, senior… this shows improvement, yes?" Fan Zhong asked hopefully while regaining his breath.

Fan Shun stared at him blankly for a moment before bursting out laughing.

"Hahahahahah, improvement. Yes, this is an improvement, damn, you really got this old man worried about nothing nephew Zhong. Come let's do some light stance work and exercises to close off today." he said before walking over to one of the wooden dummies that had been set up, motioning for Fan Zhong to follow.

What proceeded was more similar to what Fan Zhong had experienced in the ancestral training grounds in Little Bamboo Village with Fan Cheng. The familiar drills and forms helped ease his mind and by the end, Fan Zhong was feeling more or less back to normal. Finishing up, Fan Zhong checked his bag and found his money pouch stored within. Checking on Little White he found the small water wolf soundly asleep on his bed.

Looking in the pouch Fan Zhong was happy to discover that he still had a sizable amount of his allowance saved up from before leaving Little Green Bamboo Village. With money to spend and free time on his hands Fan Zhong knew exactly what to do and what to accomplish now he just needed to find Zi bao.

It took only half an hour to locate the other young man as he quickly found out that Sir Teng had purchased rooms for himself and the team of bodyguards in the Swift Turtle Inn. They would be staying here for a week for trade negotiations and other business so it only made sense for the merchant to find an inn to stay in. As for the team of bodyguards, they couldn't do their jobs if they were forced to stay on the ship away from their charge.

Sir Teng had attempted to purchase rooms for his crewmen as well, however, the inn simply didn't have enough rooms to accommodate them. After a discussion, the crew had agreed that those who had money and wished to purchase rooms separately were free too and others would remain on the ship. Most of the crew kept little money on them, preferring to leave it with their loved ones at home.

As such only a few had chosen to buy their own rooms. For Fan Zhong and company, two rooms had been purchased; one would house Fan Shun and Fan Zhong. Meanwhile the other would be for Zi Bao and Su Fen allowing each of the older warriors to keep an eye on their juniors. Fan Zhong had found his fellow junior warrior returning from the second floor after stashing his things in the aforementioned room he was assigned.

"Brother Bao, what wonderful timing. Come, the world beckons and as young men, we must taste it all!" Fan Zhong said while running up beside the other young man and slinging an arm over his shoulder.

Zi Bao looked visibly uncomfortable with the physical contact and vibrated as if about to explode but to his credit, he seemed to keep his calm

"What in the name of the high heavens and hells are you doing, you insane spoiled brat!" Zi Bao managed to splutter out in what approximated a level tone, if not punctuated by a bit more volume.

Fan Zhong shrugged and attributed it to his new teammates' excitement to see new horizons with him! After all, they were in a strange new village with free time, money, and sites to see. Would he truly be Fan Zhong if he didn't take advantage of this scenario?

Besides that the brooding nature of the other young man had sparked his curiosity, perhaps Zi Bao could be turned into an ally instead of a foe? That would show the council of elders! Not just having no conflict but completing his mission while managing to make friends from enemies, truly the makings of a future leader!

"Hahahaha, I see brother Bao is as excited as me to see new horizons. Let's go to the high heavens and hells as you say!" With that before the other young man could even respond Fan Zhong had him out the door and walking quickly down the street.

In a blur that Zi Bao struggled to comprehend, Fan Zhong chatted and made nice with every passerby, apparently blending right in. A set of doors opened and in an exchange of spirit stones from Fan Zhong's money pouch Zi Bao found himself sitting at a table. With a slow practiced bow, an incredibly attractive server placed a bowl of potent-smelling wine in front of each of them before winking at Zi Bao and walking away in the most pleasing way he could imagine.

Struggling from social whiplash and with his head hurting from all the laughter and talking going on around them he tried to focus on Fan Zhong who was looking at it with a smile after taking a drink from his own bowl of wine.

"Wh…Where are we?" he asked Fan Zhong in incredulity.

"The locals say it is the Serene Nightingale according to them, the best place in town. Oh, brother Bao, you must try that Menacing Mist Wine, the name is quite peculiar but it's incredibly good!" Fan Zhong intoned as he closed his eyes in enjoyment after taking another drink.

"What is this about you layabout?" Zi Bao narrowed his eyes and asked accusingly.

"Is it so hard to believe I simply wish to know you better brother Bao? Come now, we've known each other since childhood but when have we really talked. Now our lives may be in each other's hands, drink and let us speak of ourselves. Perhaps we'll both find the experience enlightening!" Fan Zhong replied earnestly doing his best to be jovial and express goodwill

Zi Bao looked at him with a shifting expression for a while, fear, anger, and doubt spreading across his face. Finally, he simply shook his head and downed the bowl in a single drink. An action he came to regret immediately as he started coughing from the strength of the alcohol, like this a night of drinking and brotherhood began.
Part 1. Ch 23. Life of Warriors
All throughout the Serene Nightingale jovial voices sounded as the patrons busied themselves with drink and merry-making. Handsome servers brought mouth-watering dishes to tables while beautifully dressed maidens kept the various wine jugs filled to the brim. Adorning the establishment were the same brilliant scales that hung sparsely around Scale and Fin village but in greater number and size.

Many shined brilliant arrays of color across the hall whenever the light reflected upon them just right. Pressed onto the walls were small talismans that glowed with soft light from which flickering flames of varying colors danced around highlighting the surroundings. The lights danced intricate patterns mirroring dancers and revealing the alluring firm forms of the male servers as well as the beauty of the maidens going about their tasks.

Darkness pervaded those corners the light did not reach adding privacy and an air of mystery to the surroundings. Above on the second floor, many patrons could be seen leaning over the railings to enjoy the display of celebration and merriment. Others could be heard lounging in the open areas behind the rails or even in the private rooms hidden behind cloth doors.

All things considered, Fan Zhong was rather impressed with the place and although it wasn't as cozy as the Soft Moonlight hall the spectacle on display was a sight to behold. From what he had heard, Scale and Fin Village was one of the Wang Clan's main fishing villages. As such he had expected an industrious if small, town full of welcoming villagers.

It seemed however that the Wang Clan knew how to keep their people happy as the village itself was more richly decorated and adorned than Fan Zhong had thought a simple fishing port could be. Speaking with the locals on the way here, however, had revealed that tonight was a special celebration as normally even the Serene Nightingale Hall couldn't afford to casually put on such a display. What had surprised him the most was that the celebration was due to the arrival of Sir Teng's merchant ship.

According to the locals the Wei Clan had been levying high taxes on the fishing trade of the Wang Clan and many villages were struggling to meet the demand. To squeeze more money from them the Wei Clan had also imposed the same taxes on merchants visiting the fishing villages owned by the Wang Clan so that no one would trade with them. Since many of the merchants from the western parts of the valley, and the lands beyond, had to pass through Wei Clan Ports to access the villages this had almost entirely cut places like Scale and Fin Village off from certain supplies.

Fortunately, the village was one of the major sources of income for the Wang Clan and as such had sufficient infrastructure so they were only lacking in things like comfort items, utility talismans, and spices for food. This wasn't the case for the smaller villages and many were struggling to keep their people from starvation at this point. Sir Teng was one of the few merchants from the territory of the Deng clan that came this far West.

Being someone from the territory of the other superpower in the valley gave the jolly old merchant confidence to trade without fear from the Wei and as such he had become one of Scale and Fin Village's most important trading partners. Fan Zhong wasn't surprised about the new taxations as he'd heard both Wang Qiand and his older brother mention them; however, what horrified him was the extent they'd been taken to. In his studies of history and the world Fan, Zhong had learned it wasn't abnormal for the Deng and Wei to pressure the valley clans financially.

This was sadly the reality of life and politics that the leaders of the clans and their overlords played constantly posturing to gain an advantage. Normally, these issues were reserved to small skirmishes and negotiations though as all-out war wouldn't be preferable for either side. The overlords would lose revenue as there would be no one to pay their taxes and the clans would suffer heavy casualties reducing their overall power. What kept both in check was the fact that no one had ever truly allied them all under a common cause.

The overlords were constantly wary of each other and afraid that one would gain a sizable advantage and finally seize total control over the region. For their part, the valley clans had to keep up the threat of uniting against the overlord clans while secretly worrying about their own power as well. Many clans had been forgotten in history as they became too weak and were destroyed by their fellow valley dwellers.

In this way, the three acted to balance each other out with the Wei and Deng refusing to ally due to mutual rivalry while the valley clans acted as a united front while infighting amongst themselves. Exceptions to this had occurred, such as the united army that had been gathered in Butont to assault the Deng clan a century ago. However, for the most part, the three remained in an eternal stalemate. Now it seemed that the Wei had either found an advantage over the valley, as well as their rival overlord clan, or their newly appointed clan leader was simply an insane warmongering psychopath.

Worry lingered in Fan Zhong's mind over his family as well as his friends. All of them were entangled in the web of valley politics whether they wanted to be or not and seeing the state of things firsthand left no doubt that a true war was coming soon. After all the bloodshed how many of them would still live, how many of his loved ones could weather such a storm?

Shaking his head, Fan Zhong refocused on the present and reminded himself of why he was here. It was to get stronger, to forge a path ahead that could allow him to not only be there when that storm came but make a difference. To do that he would have to live up to the ideal of a Fan Clan leader and prove himself.

Part of that would start today, he would put aside his childish concerns and come to some sort of understanding with Zi Bao. In this way, the completion of his mission was almost assured and his path would be one step closer to that goal. Taking a deep breath he breathed in the sweet, pleasant, smell of the wine in his bowl before downing the remaining contents.

The alcohol had a pleasant floral note while being strong and sweet at the same time. Thinking back he was almost certain that before ingesting Sir Teng's 'spirit wine' the strength of this brew would have induced a coughing fit similar in strength to the one Zi bao was currently having. After drinking the merchant's fiery concoction, however, most alcohols hadn't even been able to cause him to even cough lightly.

Thinking about it, Fan Zhong also felt like his tolerance had also gone up slightly after the incident. Shrugging off the errant thought he focused back on his companion who had finally recovered.

"Good, isn't Brother bao? Come let me pour you another bowl" Fan Zhong said enthusiastically, trying to inject all the charm and brotherhood he could muster into the words.

"You… Alright, it is quite good. I suppose a lazy bastard like you has had plenty of time to sit on lavish couches and get used to such strong things" Zi Bao replied dryly as he slouched forward in his chair and eyed his newly filled bowl with some suspicion.

"Well they don't serve stuff like this in the Soft Moonlight Hall, I can assure you that Brother Bao. Honestly, the spectacle here is quite interesting to see, I know it's a tradition that Little Green Bamboo is kept more humble aesthetically but it is quite pleasing to have a sight like this now and then" Fan Zhong replied while sitting back to drink from his now filled bowl of wine eyes idly tracing the path of a blurring light that had revealed the silhouetted figure of a particularly alluring 'employee' of the establishment.

"I'm sure you're father can arrange for all the pretty lights and virgin maidens your heart desires Young Master Zhong" Zi Bao spat the last words with vitriol, a pained look crossing his face as he forced himself to down his next bowl of wine in a single drink.

"Pace yourself, Brother Bao, the night is young and there's plenty of wine. On a different note, I spoke with Senior Su Fen a few days ago and he was telling me that your shifting palm techniques have almost reached the expert level of attainment. Truly, a feat to wonder at Brother Bao, perhaps you'd be willing to give me some points? It's embarrassing to admit but, I find my own progress with the technique lacking. Perhaps that simple impatience on my part though." Fan Zhong pretended to ignore the insult and chose to change the subject by complimenting Zi Bao on his martial arts.

"Why don't you just have your heaven-defying brother teach you? What could this simple branch warrior clan heir teach the mighty Young master Zhong that he couldn't learn from someone better?" Zi Bao shot back, adamant to keep his animosity bared towards Fan Zhong.

"Brother Bao, you wound me deeply. Aren't we both clan warriors that seek to shelter those who would come to harm? To uphold the honor and righteousness of our ancestors so we can one day meet them with our heads held high? Warriors are all brothers, they help each other through life and death. Is it so strange to ask for pointers from you, someone who is more skilled than me?" Fan Zhong asked in the tone of someone who had been wronged.

"BULLSHIT," Zi Bao shouted after downing the bowl of win Fan Zhong had just filled from him, several heads turned to look at him from the outburst but the young warrior seemed to not notice the attention, "you think you're worthy of being my brother with all your sweet words. I bet every day it's like this for you huh? People tell you 'Oh young master you're amazing' and 'Well done young master you're truly talented'. Meanwhile, you galavant around and play music while dancing with the village girls. Do you understand what the rest of us were doing while YOU. FUCKED. AROUND?"

At this point, many of the patrons around them had either vacated their tables or were openly staring at Zi Bao. Paying no heed to this the young man picked up their wine jug and took a long drag before continuing his long, now slurring, tirade.

"WHILE YOU DRANK, the rest of us branch warrior brats ran until our legs gave out. WHILE YOU PLAYED MUSIC, seniors drove blow after blow into me until the void gate stance was beaten into my very bones. WHILE YOU DREW, every single branch warrior from the moment he could hold a staff spent blood sweat, and tears fighting for every inch of progress." Zi Bao was in a rage now, his words dripping with venom and anger "Now here you are, somehow almost my equal in skill after only a year of training. DOES THAT DRAW ENOUGH OF A PICTURE FOR YOU 'BROTHER ZHONG'?!?!"

These last words seemed to carry all the energy the young warrior could muster and afterward he seemed to deflate, slumping back in his chair to stare half-lidded eyes at Fan Zhong. Several of the hall staff came over with a few guards in tow but Fan Zhong quickly assured them that his companion had just been enjoying the wine too much and all was well. Within a few moments, the commotion had died down. The two were left staring at each other in silence as the sound of the crowded partying in the hall washed over them. Fan Zhong filled both of their bowls slowly as if he was afraid the air itself would break like brittle glass under his movements.

"Do you know what being a warrior branch clan means Brother Zhong?" Zi Bao suddenly said in a low voice filled with sadness.

"I… I don't Brother Bao" Fan Zhong replied slowly after piecing together what the young man had said, at this point, he was obviously very drunk as his speech was slurring quite a bit.

"To be a branch warrior clan means to submit to another clan's will. Becoming a servant clan that is always underneath another. No Fan clan warrior ever pushed me to train so hard, Brother Zhong, it was my own kinsmen that did that. Many a branch warrior clan has disappeared from history, being absorbed by those they sought refuge with after becoming too weak to even maintain their status as a vassal. Some simply fall apart when their main clan makes careless choices. Take those miserable dogs who attacked you and Wang Qiang. At the time, I was stationed with the village guard to gain enough experience to be allowed to take on missions. When the one your honorable mother brought back alive was escorted into town I saw the man, he had a crest tattooed on the back of his neck. That crest is the mark the descendants of the branch warrior clans of the Jie give to their children."

Zi Bao said, pausing to take a drink from his bowl.

"This is done to ensure their offspring never leave their bandit clans and can't rejoin society. You see the branch clans of the Jie were exiled after the failure of the Butont rebellion, with the reaper coming to visit everyone associated with the Jie no one wanted to associate with their former branch clans. As such these miserable warriors who were once respected in every village of the valley found themselves unable to even buy food for themselves as they were barred from going into villages and cities. So they took to banditry, however, descendants were constantly running away and taking on fake names to come back to society which in turn weakened them. It to the point they lacked the manpower to commit the robberies that supported their meager existence. This is when they started branding their children so that they would never forget where they came from and have to live out their lives in the mountains scrounging out the same pitiful life as their ancestors. Nowadays, you rarely see them, usually, it's only men like that one who were convinced by some swindler. They tell the bandits tales of grandeur and tell them they can 'take revenge against the valley clans for wronging them' but they're all the same, con men who need thugs to do their bidding. Alas, the bandits always accept, as they say 'when one is trapped in the abyss even the smallest pinprick of light is as blinding as the sun even if it's just an illusion."

"War leaves many without a place to call home and even more in mourning. I cannot say I understand how you Brother Bao as the world is still teaching many of the lessons that you've perhaps already learned. In this, I can only tell you that my heart goes out for the hardships you've endured and give apologies for what has been done in the past. We live in the present and it's only in the present that we can take each step forward to better understanding each other and the world." Fan Zhong replied, trying to wrap his mind around what Zi Bao had told him.

On one hand, many of these things seemed self-evident and were logical extensions of many things he was coming to learn about the world. However, having it laid out in front of him was certainly enlightening and also terrifying. It seemed that he could only keep walking his own path forward adjusting his view of the world as he learned more.

"I'm not looking for your sympathy Brother Zhong, although I suppose it's appreciated. This goes further though, the Jie branch clans weren't the only ones to suffer from the Butont Alliance's failure. Before that the Zi clan was a respected warrior group that could hold its head high, we were independent and provided mercenary as well as bodyguard services similar to the Fan Clan. Although the Zi weren't the best, it was honest work most of the time. That was when the Jie approached the clan leader, my grandfather. He spoke of expanding the Zi clan and giving us lands and riches beyond the clan's wildest dreams, like fools we were blinded by greed and accepted. So it went, that the majority of the senior warriors, elders of the Zi Clan, and even the clan leader committed to being part of the allied army assaulting the Deng. In doing so they found their graves, leaving the clan with no elders and the ten-year-old heir to the clan leader, my father, without guidance."

Zi Bao spoke these words with his eyes shut and his head was thrown back as if he was reliving the horrific events of the past inside his mind.

"Everyone banded together and tried desperately to keep the clan's small territory. However, every passing month saw more and more of it snapped up by rivals or those who refused to follow the son of someone who had caused such ruin to the clan. During this time the Zi weren't the only ones who committed large amounts of their forces to the allied army, and with that, my father saw the decline and slaughter of dozens of these smaller mercenary clans. Among those left, the Fan clan stood out as upright and honest, your father was only fifteen years old at the time but was a prodigy who had already entered the master realm. Unlike everyone else who acted as vultures, eager to feast on the corpses of the dying clans, the Fan Clan continued operating as the premier bodyguard clan. They even stopped offering mercenary services to not get involved in the pillaging. Seeing this the remaining Zi clan warriors gathered all their things and abandoned our ancestral ground, throwing themselves at the feet of the Fan clan offering to become a branch warrior clan."

Pausing Zi Bao took a deep breath, seeming to have to center himself to continue.

"My father, as you might know, isn't talented. In fact, our Zi blood seems to not be as blessed by the heavens as your Fan clan line is. However, during these trying times, he grew up fast and came to realize that in the world of martial arts only strength matters. All of those clans died because they became too weak and he was determined to never let that happen to the Zi. From the moment I could walk he drilled into me the strength to ensure the survival of the clan, if I fail then the clan goes with me. Never once has my speed been enough, my skill great enough, my technique graceful enough to please him. I trained tirelessly, and stained the training yard crimson with the blood spilled from my hands being ground raw. Finally when I'd achieved third-grade proficiency my father simply nodded and told me my results were 'barely adequate'"

Finally, the anger and pain subsided from Zi Bao's face and he seemed to relax slightly.

"So there's my life story, you rich bas…bast… bastard. I hope you paid a lot for this shitty win… wine… did I drink enough to empty yo… your deep…" Whatever he was going to say trailed off as the young warrior's head slowly slid to the side and he was fast asleep.

Fan Zhong looked at him in contemplation for a good hour simply sipping his wine. In fact, he had money left and had intended to treat Zi Bao to the more nocturnal services places like this offered, thinking it would build goodwill between them. However now, he felt a stoic sense of kinship between them.

It felt somehow wrong to mix the outpouring his fellow warrior had given him with extra partying and pleasure. Sighing, he collected himself before finishing off the wine jug, thanking the server who had been keeping it full, and finally pulling the sleeping Zi Bao up onto his shoulders. With a grunt of effort, he started the long walk to their rooms at the Swift Turtle Inn.

Surprisingly the rest of the week flew by in a rather dull manner with the only notable exception being that Zi Bao would now begrudgingly make small talk with him. Progress was slow but over many days it got to the point where they would have a decent time conversing during the hour their guard shift overlapped. The trade talks between the village officials and Sir Teng were dreadfully dull to Fan Zhong and as such he usually passed the time by thinking of songs and melodies he could try on his lute.

For the rest of the time, he was either training, reading the texts on formations, practicing simple spell runes, or playing with little white in the forest and hills around the village. It turned out that the villagers weren't exaggerating when they said the night of their arrival was an event that pulled out all the stops as the rest of the village was, although quaint and nice-looking, rather bland after that night. Even the Serene Nightingale, although still beautiful and full of patrons, was far less flashy and alluring in the following days.

With their business wrapped up in Scale and Fin Village, the group once again boarded the ship and traveled for another week before reaching Peaceful Impasse Village. This village was a much smaller one that traded with both flowing arrow city and the Wang clan boats. It was doing well as the village wasn't officially affiliated with the Wang clan and was too close to Deng clan territory for the Wei tax collectors to harass them.

After spending a week here the group prepared to depart however during the stay Sir Teng had purchased a large load of mortal grade 15% Fire Iron natural treasure ore at a great price. The load was a whopping 1500kg of the stuff and unfortunately, the ship didn't have room for it. Thinking on the spot Sir Teng purchased two hauling wagons and six pack horses from the village.

After this, he chose five volunteers from the ship and retrieved some camping supplies they normally used when the ship had to anchor and the crew made inland voyages. Usually, this was to trade in places that were close to shore but had no docks or were one to two days travel inland. Then the plan was laid out, the ship would be commanded by the helmsman, Sir Teng's second in command, and depart without them. Sir Teng, along with five volunteers and the Fan clan bodyguards would take the Fire Iron ore by land to Flowing Arrow city. At this point, the distance left through land or river travel was approximately the same. Around two weeks, and as such they should all arrive in the city around the same time.

The morning that heralded the beginning of a new week came and with it, the ship was gone in short order. Afterward, the land-bound crew gathered their gear and set off for Flowing Arrow City.
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Part 1. Ch. 24 That path one walks
The sun blazed high in the sky, heating the wind as it rushed across the lush forest of bamboo that spanned the northern region of the Flowing Grass Valley. Songbirds sang beautiful songs as they flew amongst the tall shoots. However, for those on the ground occasional gusts of wind were the only reprieve they received from the sweltering temperatures of the day. Inside of this forest was a barely discernible road that drove a somewhat straight path through the undergrowth, cutting a traversable path through the sharp inclines and undergrowth.

Along the path, the terrain rose slowly in some places and sharply in others leveling off for some kilometers before descending back to the level of the road. Obviously, the road saw some use as care had been taken to fill in crude ramps to allow smooth ascension and descent upon the winding terrain. It was here that the party of Sir Teng, his crew, and Fan Shun's team of bodyguards found themselves.

Along with them were two carts drawn by six strong pack horses that worked tirelessly to pull the massive amount of cargo the party had. All of the party was present except for Su Fen. Upon learning that they would be traveling by land Fan Shun had determined that he and the other senior warrior would take turns each day serving as a forward scout. So it went that today, the second day of the two-week venture, Su Fen was some half a kilometer ahead of them scouting from whatever hill or high vantage terrain he could find.

So with the scouting arrangement determined Fan Shun had distributed the traveling formation of the party. He would walk ahead of the carts with two of Sir Teng's men, occasionally moving ahead to receive reports from Su Fen every few hours. Likewise, Su Fen would fill the same role when the team leader was on scouting duty.

Sir Teng rode in the passenger seat of the wagons, alongside one of his crewmates who had experience as a coach driver and was guiding the horses to keep a steady pace. This left Fan Zhong, Zi Bao, Little White, and the remaining two members of Sir Teng's crew to bring up the rear of the formation. Walking beside his once cute and small companion Fan Zhong realized that the terms perhaps didn't fit the water wolf anymore.

By now his faithful little brother was almost a year old, the age of maturity for most normal wolves, and had grown to be almost three-quarters of a meter tall. Strong muscles lined the wolf's slightly translucent form and he weighed almost 27 kg! Fan Zhong reasoned that perhaps the growth had simply gone unnoticed by him as he saw the animal every day. As such the changes seemed less drastic to his eyes and his mind simply didn't register them.

Now that he was taking them all in as a whole though the change was rather drastic, he figured that within the next month or two Little White's growth would stop and he would be full grown. While thinking this his arm reached down and slowly petted his faithful companion, not even needing to bend down anymore to do so. Done musing about the growth of Little white his mind drifted once again to the awful heat of the day.

Fan Zhong was no stranger to traveling by foot, although it wasn't his preferred way to move about, however, the last two days had been an exercise of his patience. If the panting faces of Sir Teng's men were anything to go by it seemed they too were exhausted by the temperature. Wiping some sweat off his face with one hand, and swatting several blood-sucking insects out of the air afterward, Fan Zhong took a deep breath to steady himself.

"So Brother Bao, did you enjoy your time at the Serene Nightingale? I understand it was your first experience with such a place, such a perspective should prove intriguing if not amusing" Fan Zhong asked the other young man, trying his best to keep an upbeat tone as if will alone could beat back the heat.

Although their first visit to the Serene Nightingale had ended with only drink Fan Zhong had pestered the other young man every day until he finally relented and they returned the night before the party departed. Afterward, Zi Bao met Fan Zhong the next day and refused to speak about his experiences. Since the day was dragging on he felt that making small talk and dragging the story out of his fellow warrior would help distract from the heat.

"Has anyone ever told you that those who don't seek death won't find it?" Zi Bao replied sternly, leveling a glare at Fan Zhong.

"Hmph, but you misunderstand Brother Bao. My death-seeking skills are legendary in Flowing Grass Valley; they may have even reached the grandmaster realm!" Fan Zhong said while chuckling slightly " So… How was it?"

"It was pleasant, if a bit awkward" Zi Bao replied, gritting his teeth as if someone had just finished insulting his entire lineage "are you satisfied now? I think everyone would prefer to suffer this torture in peaceful silence."

Fan Zhong stared at his teammate for a moment before bursting out laughing at the other young man.

"Awkward… Awkward he says! Brothers, do you hear this? Big man Brother Bao says handling fair maidens in bed is 'Awkward" Fan Zhong shouted between laughter, barely managing to breathe.

At this Zi Bao's ears reddened as if they were hot coals inside a furnace and he turned to face Fan Zhong with an expression of anger so great others would be worried steam would pour from his mouth and ears at any moment. With a quick movement, the young man slammed his staff into the ground butt first and prepared to fall into a void gate stance. Fan Zhong held his hands up in protest attempting to placate his fellow warrior.

He truly hadn't meant any offense; however, the image of the normally arrogant young man, who was so proud of his manly warrior pride, being meek and awkward with an escort of the night was simply too funny. Before he had a chance to control himself the laughter had been flowing from his lips with no way to stop it.

"I swear I'll beat your ugly face up so much that all those pretty girls you like to dance with will avoid you like the plague for the rest of your days!" Zi Bao said as he leveled his staff Fan Zhong and lunged.

Fan Zhong barely got himself under control and without time to raise his weapon he abandoned it and used his hands to execute a hasty shifting palm strike. The circular footwork of the technique brought him to the outside of Zi Bao's guard and allowed him to make some distance between the two. Normally such a move would be risky as the force of the staff, which was harder than steel, could've injured his bare hands however the standard-issue natural treasure handwraps did their job and protected him.

As the exchange happened Fan Zhong's staff fell to the ground rolling a few feet away from him after he abandoned it.

"Peace brother Bao, peace. I deeply apologize, truly no offense was meant" Fan Zhong said, still struggling to get his breathing under control from both the exertion as well as the fit of laughter.

"WARRIORS! Were you trained to act like spoiled children while on DUTY?!?!" Fan Shun's ironclad voice rang out before Zi Bao had the chance to respond and the two turned to see the cart stopped a dozen or so paces ahead of them.

Standing to the side of the formation was Fan Shun who had just come back from the front to check on the commotion. Looking into the older man's eyes Fan Zhong felt the same pressure of command he normally only felt from his brother or father when they were giving orders. Shame blossomed in his stomach as he quickly looked away to avoid meeting the ice-cold gaze Fan Shun sent their way.

"If you want to spar then do it on your own time. Now get back in formation, we have a lot of ground to cover. Warrior Bao, if I ever see you attack a fellow clan warrior again without giving me a damn good reason you'll wish they were fighting you instead of me," Fan shun said as he composed himself, reigning in his presence and the slight amount of anger that had seeped into his expression. "And warrior Zhong, if I ever see you drop your weapon on duty again you'll suddenly find it so far up your ass it'll be much harder to lose ever again"

With those final words, the older warrior returned to the head of the formation, and the half-formed smirk Fan Zhong had been giving Zi Bao was crushed into a frown of shame.

"Honestly brother Bao, I meant no disrespect,'' Fan Zhong said to the other warrior and bowed deeply "Please forgive me if you can find it in your heart."

Zi Bao looked at him with a frown for a moment as he walked up to Fan Zhong and stood there until he retrieved his weapon from the ground. As they picked up their pace to catch up to the party Zi Bao nodded his head and seemed to look away in embarrassment while mumbling something.

"What was that brother Bao?" Fan Zhong said with a curious look.

Zi Bao narrowed his eyes at him for a brief moment before replying in a barely audible whisper.

"I said I'd forgive you… As long as you paid for next time as an apology" the young warrior replied while his face quickly reddened and he quickened his pace.

Fan Zhong's face twisted into an expression of bewilderment before his eyes widened in realization at what his companion was telling him.

"I knew it! Quickly brother Bao, tell me everything! We'll make a man of culture out of you yet!" Fan Zhong quickened his pace to a run, smiling ear to ear.

Oblivious to what was going on but happy to be doing something other than walking slowly Little White Barked to signal his approval of running and quickly darted after the pair. Like this, the journey continued however it seemed to go by much faster for Fan Zhong now that Zi Bao was once again convinced to make small talk. Quickly the next two days passed and thankfully with them the weather cooled slightly

As if just on time for the change in temperature the terrain changed as well as the party exited the edge of the forest and came upon an expansive prairie with wide open grass fields. Alongside the open space, the terrain sometimes sloped in places giving rise to sparse sets of hills and ravines. The party chose to camp at the edge of the forest and set out into the prairie in the morning.

Fan Shun returned to the camp after doing preliminary scouting and concluded that the way forward should be safe signaling for the party to continue their journey. This first day passed without preamble and the next morning Su Fen reported similar results to the previous day. With this, the group started their trek for the day without much preamble.

Around three hours past midday the party was making their way along a piece of the road with a sharp incline to the left. Although the incline was mostly grass and dirt and looked scaleable albeit slowly, it cut an imposing figure with the crest being only 40 feet away from the road itself. The incline that was facing the path itself was steep, however, the party had been able to see part of the backside from a distance a few hours ago.

That had revealed that side to slope gently to the crest from a wide expanse of flat land. After traveling alongside this ridge for around half an hour Fan Shun held up his hand to halt everyone. Sir Teng whispered something to the crewman driving the carts and the message was quickly passed back as one of the two crewmen in the back ran up to talk to them. He quickly returned with the two of the wooden shields that had been used for the mirage waves and motioned for Zi Bao, Fan Zhong, and his fellow crewman to come up to the front of the formation.

All of them jogged up to meet the rest of the party and the crewmen formed a defensive circle with the wooden shields around them with Sir Teng and the bodyguards at the center. It was then that Fan Zhong noticed Fan Shun was standing out in front of everyone facing a middle-aged man with several nasty scars on his face. Looking at the ridge above them he could barely make out the occasional shapes of notched arrows held just too close to the edge to give the hiding assailants away.

"Good evening sir. May I ask what business you have with us?" Fan Shun said in a respectful tone, inclining his head slightly in acknowledgment of the other man.

"Hmph, shut your trap asshole. Leave the goods and your belongings, then walk your sorry asses out of here before something unfortunate happens to you" The man replied with a sneer on his face.

"That's a rather harsh request. Alas, not one we can comply with. Come now, we're all adults here. Simply move aside and I'll let you walk away from this clearing with your life. A reasonable exchange, all things considered." Fan Shun replied with steel in his voice while bringing his hand to rest on the palm of his sheathed sword.

"Look at you with your fancy clothes and sword, playing bodyguard. Hauling enough goods to feed a village for a month while people are starving in droves throughout the valley. Cut the bravado or I'll show you what a real martial artist can do." With these words, the bandit flashed a token that had five trigrams arranged in the pattern of a star with a wide center.

Inside the center was the symbol for 'Second' written with what Fan Zhong recognized as considerably good calligraphy. He also recognized the crest as that of the 'Five Trigrams Contain Four Floods Sect' commonly referred to as the Five Trigrams sect as shorthand in the valley. Thinking about his lessons with Fan Cheng he remembered that the sect was led by an aging master realm martial artist who studied the art of formations and the sword.

Not much else came to mind as it was one of the newer schools in the valley only being established in the last 60 years. What caught Fan Zhong's eye was that the token had a slash across it marking the man as an exiled disciple of the sect. Most likely, the man had reached the second-grade realm while within the sect and after being frustrated with his progress had done something drastic that had resulted in his exile.

"Young man the world is wide and vast, do you think you're the only one with neat trinkets to show," Fan Shun said as he flashed a predatory smile while pulling aside his outer martial robes to reveal the medallion at his neck.

Carved into the spirit bamboo medallion was the crest of the Fan clan inside which two words were located 'Senior Warrior'. This denoted that Fan Shun was one of the elites of the clan bodyguards and was only given to those who the elders deemed capable of leading full teams on missions. Naturally, this wasn't the full extent of the older warrior's skills as he was an elite among the elite warriors who was close to reaching the master stage.

However, even normal senior warriors of the Fan clan were respected throughout the valley and feared by bandits. For a moment a flash of fear passed through the wouldbe bandit's eyes before he regained control of himself.

"Besides this fire iron was purchased honestly. Think, many people in the world have hardships and my heart truly goes out to them. However, if you go around helping every single person in need you'll soon find you're the one in need before long. Sadly it is a fact of life that you simply cannot help everyone, this small amount of goods won't change that fellow daoist" Fan Shun replied, sadness creeping into his expression as the last words left his lips.

Fan Zhong was shocked at the older warrior calling the bandit 'fellow daoist' as it was a term usually only used in old terms by heroes to address others of equal skill or power. In life, he had only heard his father use the term when talking to the most respected masters of the valley in the most formal settings. Fan Zhong's mouth twisted into a bit of a grimace at Fan Shun giving such a respectful title to a bandit however he held his tongue, perhaps it was simply the old warrior being lost in his thoughts on life.

"Hmph, Fan clan or not, you're outnumbered and that friend of yours is preoccupied. Surrender, I have 20 men with arrows and weapons over that ridge. Even a vaunted senior Fan clan bodyguard can't hope to win with those odds and besides those boys behind you look so green I'd wager they won't count for much." The bandit's eyes show trepidation but also desperation.

At the mention of Su Fen, however, the old warrior's calm visage seemed to fall away as if cleaved by a blade. Instantly Fan Zhong felt the hair on his body stand on end as the feeling of impending death and danger rolled off Fan Shun. He'd only felt this feeling for a moment during their sparring; however, now it fell upon all present as a heavy suffocating veil.

"I'll give you a single chance to speak, worm. What did you do to Su Fen?" Fan Shuns eyes flashed with tiny sparks of golden light as his gaze bore down on the bandit like a piercing sword.

Desperation and panic raged in the bandit's eyes as he too felt the impending death radiating off the older warrior and he yelled a war cry, drawing his sword while charging at Fan Shun. Similar cries boomed over the ridge like an explosion as bandits appeared, loosing arrows and charging forward with weapons held high. Half of the ten arrows veered off and Fan Zhong could tell they would miss the formation entirely.

As the younger warriors and Sir Teng's group readied themselves to face the bandits the leader rushed at Fan shun with zeal. Before the arrows even landed he was halfway to the older warrior. At that moment, Fan shun took a breath, he took two steps forward-moving twice as fast as the bandit reaching him in an instant. As the sword of his assailant came forward for a horizontal slash the seasoned warrior slipped his sheathed sword from his belt loop and brought it forward to block.

Surprisingly the bandit kept out with this motion and twisted his wrist to deliver a reverse cut, his blade, and movements flowing like the water of a raging river to make the transition fast, seamless and deadly. With inhuman speed, Fan Shun used a small bit of the momentum he had started storing in his sheath to quickly change the direction of his block switching from a shifting palm strike to a mortal receiving palm. In a blur his wrapped hand and sheath pincered the blade with inhuman strength stopping the bandit's sword swing dead in its tracks as the older warrior's knee rose at the same time punching into the other man's midsection with a sickening crunch.

Without a pause in one fluid motion, Fan Shun moved his sheath and tilted his hand slightly so that he took control of the contact between his weapon and the opponents just as if they were crossing swords in a bind. As the bandit crumpled forward-leaning onto his knee the draw cut technique met his neck sending his head to the ground in short order. Kicking the man's body off him while executing his sheathing technique, Fan shun looked back just in time to see four arrows contacting the wooden shield. The Crewmen held fast and the arrows were stopped dead in their tracks, a loud thunking noise resounding as they impacted exactly as the bandit leader's body hit the ground. Unfortunately, the fifth arrow had gone between two shields and was now lodged in Fan Zhong's left leg.

"Warrior Bao, Warrior Zhong, keep them away from the crew. I'll deal with the archers." With these words, Fan Shun bounded forward ascending the slope towards the archers at a frightening pace.

Fan Zhong winced as he felt the arrow sending lightning bolts of pain up his leg. With a calming breath, he readied himself for the approach of the bandits. Little White stood to his side growling menacingly at the approaching attackers only held back by his concern to defend Fan Zhong.

"Brother Bao cover me" Saying this Fan Zhong stepped forward as the bandits got within ten steps of them without giving Zi Bao a chance to respond.

Seeing them now he could count that there were ten bandits approaching with melee weapons while the ten archers were quickly being dismantled by Fan Shun. Knowing this Fan Zhong took two steps forward and then started contact juggling his staff, keeping the momentum of his steps up as he walked back and forth in a line between the two parties. Every step caused lancing pain to spread up his leg but that didn't stop Fan Zhong's focus, he had dealt with pain before and a battle was no place to be distracted by something so trivial.

"You gonna dance all day boy?" An older-looking bandit sneered at him stepping forward with several others brandishing spears.

"Who're you calling a boy, whelp?" Fan Zhong heard a voice behind him and saw Sir Teng walking forward with Zi Bao and the rest of the crew who now had spears of their own.

Sir Teng was holding his knives and a look of disgust was plastered over his face.

"Come, brother Zhong, let us drive these whore sons to their graves." the merchant said before spitting at the feet of the bandits.

Grimacing, Fan Zhong looked at Zi bao, who had the stoic expression of an angry stone, before nodding to the merchant knowing he couldn't stop the older man once he was on a roll. Originally he had intended to posture and switch in and out with Zi Bao keeping the enemy at most out of a full-on engagement. Now that Sir Teng was riled up though that idea was truly dead. All that was left now was to ride the results of a full engagement. The bandits took this as their cue to attack and three rushed at Fan Zhong with spears thrusting.

Although they appeared dangerous at first the spear thrusts were wild with little strength behind them. Using some of the stored momentum from his previous movement Fan Zhong executed a rapid series of three shifting palms blowing all the spears to the side. He was about to follow up with an origin-piercing palm when a sword came at him out of the corner of his vision.

With a panicked motion, Fan Zhong grabbed his staff with his offhand and juggled it on the outside of his left elbow to keep the momentum conserved. While doing this he put the handwraps on his right hand in between the sword and his side in time to prevent the blade from eviscerating him. Pain still came as the sword was able to dig in a few centimeters causing a gash on the right side of his body to start bleeding.

Not stopping to even consider the wound, Fan Zhong grabbed the bottom half of his staff with his right hand and turned to face his attacker while bringing the top part of his weapon down in an arcing heaven-origin palm from his left hand. The weapon met a one-handed sword block from the bandit and the sword was pushed down into the man's shoulder as the staff crushed through such a weak guard colliding with the bandit where his neck met his shoulder. Fan Zhong had put all of the momentum he had saved up to this point into the strike and it crashed into the man with a sickly sweet impact pushing further than a blunt object should into flesh.

Bone was pulverized while skin and tissue were torn as blood spilled from every orifice of the bandit's face. On the ground gasping for air the man was dead a second later. Unable to take a break Fan Zhong used a shifting palm strike to bat away another spear strike and took another unseen spear to his shoulder with the blade biting deep into his flesh. Roaring with all his might Little White came bounding from the side of the spear man that had skewered his master, taking the bandit's throat in his jaws and tearing it away in a single snap of his jaws.

Looking around Fan Zhong saw one of the crew members falling over dead as a bandit removed a sword from his throat while the rest of the crew and Sir Teng were close by to him each fending off an opponent or two. His eyes caught on Zi Bao who had been isolated from the rest of them and was being harassed from both sides by two warriors, one with a mace and the other with an ax. These bandits seemed to be more skilled than the ones who had attacked him working together and attacking in unison from opposite sides.

"Little brother," Fan Zhong said with a tender voice "can you take that one?"

With his last words, he pointed at the bandit who had killed the isolated crewman and was making his way over to Sir Teng's group. Little white looked at him with a piercing gaze before barking in acknowledgment and turning entirely invisible. With a nod, to the space he thought his faithful company was in, Fan Zhong sprinted to help Zi Bao.

Struggling, he desperately tried to muster momentum with momentum of shifting earth; however, he was barely able to increase his speed by a little. Looking on with clenched teeth he forced through the pain and surveyed the battle of his teammate. Zi Bao was fending for himself however multiple wounds on his sides, arms, and legs signaled that this was a battle of attrition that he was losing.

With the last bit of energy that he could muster Fan Zhong roared and charged at the man standing between the young warrior and the rest of the party yelling

"Brother Bao regroup!"

Fan Zhong laid into the ax wielder with an onslaught of four piercing palms chained together with shifting palm strikes thrown in to reposition and keep his opponent off balance. In the end, the bandit parried all of his strikes and as they both stared at each other panting he felt someone standing behind him. Turning to look out of the corner of his eye Fan Zhong saw he stood back to back with an exhausted Zi Bao who was facing his own opponent, the mace wielder.

"You moron, didn't I tell you what happens to those who seek death" Zi Bao's voice was barely a whisper at this point as he struggled to stay on his feet.

"Hmph, I'm the moron? Brother Bao, the line of escape was secured, why are you still here?" Fan Zhong asked in the mock tone of someone who had been wronged.

"The path of a warrior is one that leads towards an end on a battlefield, brother Zhong. If today is to be my end let it be with honor fighting alongside you" Zi Bao managed to say these words before spitting up some blood, leveling a gaze of defiance at the bandits.

"Hahahaha, Brother Bao today your ancestors shine proudly on you. The honor of the Zi is still something to behold indeed!" Fan Zhong said with a shout as he lunged forward even as his left leg gave out, sending him on a fall towards the ground.

Similarly, Zi Bao also collapsed and the bandits took this opportunity to attack lunging forward with their weapons at the drained warriors. At that moment a blur flashed across Fan Zhong's vision and he heard a click then another rush of wind before a second clicking sound rang out. Afterward, both bandits flew outward as a line of blood shot out in a straight line from a piercing wound in each of their stomachs at precisely the same point.

Fan Shun stood behind the mace-wielding bandit's body, which now lay on the ground, sheathing his sword like a graceful sword immortal. Looming over the dead bandits covered in blood like a god of war the older warrior blurred again. Fan Zhong lacked the energy to even sit up and turn his head so he could only listen to the five subsequent clicks heralding the sword technique before all became quiet. Hearing a noise Fan Zhong looked up to see Su Fen walking over a shallow crest on the far horizon limping and with an arrow sticking out of his left shoulder but blessedly alive.

With that Fan Zhong closed his eyes and took a deep breath, thanking the heavens that he had once again survived a dance with death.
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Hey everyone! So recently I've been thinking about how i mention technique names and going back and forth on how they are used. On one hand writing them reminds everyone on what technique someone is using and is useful for that however some of the names are clunky. As such they can clog up a sentence. So the solutions I thought of were the following:

1.) Keep things the same, ain't broke don't fix it
2.) Start naming things consciously slightly less cool sounding things but names that are more usable in the long run ( mostly sticking to 2-3 words per technique name). Another problem with this one is that I can't change already established technique names so there will be artifacts of older ones popping up now and again.
3.) Mention someones technique name the first time it shows up then afterword refer to it as their x technique. For example 'Momentum of Shifting Earth' is the fan clan movement technique so from now on unless one of them used a different one would just say they were using their movement technique.

If anyone has any thoughts or opinions on this just leave a comment and ill try to adjust based on how people respond!
I say with a mix of both 1 and 3. Using your example the first time 'Momentum of Shifting Earth' comes up say it and then when a new character recognizes it - Fan Zhong uses his movement technique to get in enemy #924 's face, enemy #924 thinking "oh on its the Fan Clan technique known as 'Momentum of Shifting Earth' how did this idiot know my one weakness" or where it makes sense for a character to say or think of the name of the technique.
Part 1. Ch. 25 Arrows fly as war drums toll
Cold biting water was what greeted Fan Zhong as he awoke staring into a star-filled sky. Howling winds could be heard scything across the prairie as the tall grass that ran alongside the road swayed to the rhythm of the heavens. Like a jewel in the sky, the moon partially shone behind a cover of wispy clouds that made it look all the more mysterious and profound.

As a backdrop to this, the imposing Yellow Dragon Mountains loomed in the distance, a vague silhouette that seemed to tower over everything in existence. The scenery was truly quite gorgeous. However, Fan Zhong was having trouble appreciating the beautiful twilight-bathed landscape as he was currently spluttering from pain as well as the sudden bucket of cold water that had been hurled at his face. After many long minutes, that felt like hours, he was finally able to regain his bearings and with a groan of pain turned his head to look up at the perpetrator of his sudden awakening.

"Good that you're back in the land of the living junior warrior Zhong." Fan Shun said to him with a predatory smile "the salves and potions Warrior Fen used on you should have taken effect by now. Can you move?"

With a grunt Fan Zhong struggled to sit up and with a helping hand from the older warrior he was able to do so in only five minutes! Upon doing so he was almost immediately pushed over as the snout of a very worried, and now incredibly strong, Little White nudged his forehead before a long tongue started giving his face a bathe.

"Peace, peace little brother! It's ok, I'm alive, at least for now. Thank you for the assistance senior, this junior apologizes for lacking so much during the battle. It seems if not for you and senior Su Fen only a handful of the villains would have met their end before overcoming us" Fan Zhong said, dipping his head as low as he could to bow to his team leader and savior.

Fan Shun looked at him with an unreadable expression, the eyes of someone calculating and analyzing. After a brief moment though the older man let out a sigh and chuckled slightly before speaking.

"No warrior Fan Zhong you fought as bravely as any clan warrior has ever fought. Make no mistake, that was an armed band of 20 men that engaged us, and not for a moment did you or warrior Zi Bao hesitate." Saying these words Fan Shun kneeled and bowed his head to the floor "Forgive this foolish old warrior for not leading you better. Both you and junior brother Bao suffered heavy injuries, had I been more competent this all could have been averted. Please, accept my sincerest apologies."

Fan Zhong stared at the man with an open mouth unsure of what to say. What could Fan Shun have done differently? If anything, he felt quite ashamed that he and Zi Bao had allowed one of Sir Teng's crew to die during the melee. That thought sat heavily upon Fan Zhong's consciousness and he swore internally, another person lost because he was simply too weak.

"None of that honored Warrior Shun. The young warriors were valiant as they were fierce and my men showed those scoundrels what for. Don't you be getting sappy at old Hao Yu meeting his end. All of us, myself included, fought bravely today and we did so under no duress save the want to save our own hides and those brothers beside us. To wallow in misery does a disservice to Hao Yu's valor and gives praise to the injuries these bastards inflicted in life, something I think all of us would rather not do." Sir Teng's voice fell over Fan Zhong's contemplations like a huge wave crashing over a small fishing boat.

Raising a hand to calmly pet Little White, who barked excitedly at the attention, he turned his head to see the old merchant walking over to them. The rest of his crew were gathered around a small pyre of branches and kindling that burned softly in the dim twilight. Soft murmurs of prayers and wishes carried on the air as the men wished their fellow a swift and happy rebirth along with assurances that his last stand had made his ancestors proud of him.

It was a touching sentiment and Fan Zhong quickly said a prayer for the fallen man. Nodding Sir Teng turned around to return to his men and participate in the send-off. Fan Shun similarly nodded and motioned for Fan Zhong to follow him. Limping with the support of Little White he managed to get to his feet and started after the older warrior.

It seemed his team had been busy during the hours he was unconscious and Su Fen now sat down next to a makeshift fire ring that held a blazing campfire. Around the campsite, tents were pitched and Fan Shun was now sitting down next to the other senior warrior. Laying next to the fire was a set of blankets atop which was the unconscious Zi Bao.

Fan Zhong's former bully turned warrior companion had seen better days and he was covered head to toe in small cuts, gashes, and bruises. Thankfully it looked like his condition had stabilized and multiple bandages covered most of the serious wounds. Gratefully he sat down on a small wooden seat that looked like it had been cobbled together with hopes and dreams.

Fan Zhong surveyed his own wounds. He found that although salve had been applied to them only the spear wound to his shoulder was bandaged.

"Senior Su Fen, respectfully, why was Warrior Zi Bao afforded soft blankets and multiple bandages when I was left to lay on the cold ground. Even more, only my shoulder is bandaged and I was woken up with cold water!" Fan Zhong asked while bowing, being respectful while taking on the incredulous tone of someone who had been wronged.

"Hmph, well junior warrior Fan Zhong," Su Fen Said with a grunt of irritation, playful lights seeming to dance behind his eyes "junior warrior Zi Bao doesn't kick people in his sleep yelling 'AH! It'll eat me, the demon will eat me! No, it isn't real. This place doesn't exist!'. In fact, I too was wounded so you should consider yourself lucky that this senior was diligent enough to endure three kicks to the chest to save your life!"

Fan Zhong's expression went from irritation to embarrassment to finally draining all color from shame. After a few moments of what seemed like tense silence, he started to reply.

" Senior… this jun…" Fan Zhong began before the senior warriors couldn't contain themselves any longer and burst out laughing. "Seniors, this isn't funny. I'm truly ashamed of causing so much trouble.

Fan Zhong's ears reddened once again as his confusion grew, if they were mad why did Fan Shun and Su Fen laugh at him?

"Nephew Zhong apologies, it's just that the look on your face was truly a sight to behold. Warrior Fen is simply teasing you, in your times as a warrior you'll eventually end up applying healing salves to men who are flailing in agony from lost limbs or worse. Compared to that, your nighttime struggles were only mildly inconvenient. Honestly, if Warrior Fen weren't injured I'd have made him carry you back here. However, you did kick him in the face once. So, it only seemed fit that you suffered a bit for it." Fan Shun said with a jovial expression on his face.

Fan Zhong was once again taken aback; it seemed that the life of a warrior was truly as perilous as Zi Bao had made it out to be. Even the illustrious Fan Clan warriors faced so much hardship throughout their lives! Eventually, Sir Teng and his crew concluded their farewell ceremony.

After everyone was gathered around the now dimming campfire Fan Shun decided that the party should rest for the night and set out in the morning. When watch shifts were brought up he simply stated that he would watch the entire night and wouldn't sleep until they reached Flowing Arrow City. Many thought this was unnecessary but the older warrior shut them down with his commanding presence and a simple glare filled with steel.

So it went that Fan Zhong found himself lying on a pile of blankets with Little White pressed tightly against him, the two soon found the solace of sleep. In his dreams, Fan Zhong saw the crumpling body of the man he killed. The moment played back over and over in his mind in meticulous detail showing him the impact and pulping of the man's skin, shattering bones and sending fragments into red sloughing flesh.

Although he had no trouble killing the man, as the bandit was trying to take his life, the dream was unnerving. What unnerved him the most was his vision pulling back to a position as if he was standing behind the dying bandit. There he could see his own face clearly plastered with a mad bloodthirsty smile.

At that moment Fan Zhong awoke from what he realized was Little White nudging his forehead forcefully, but with care. Shivering in terror he quickly wrapped his faithful companion in a forceful embrace, clinging to Little White as a drowning man hung to land. Under his breath he repeatedly said "That's not me. That wasn't me. I didn't smile there. That's not me…" it took him some time to compose himself.

Thankfully, it was still slightly dark out when this happened and by the time everyone was up Fan Zhong had gotten ahold of himself. He was feeling much better physically compared to the previous day and with the aid of his staff walking wasn't an issue. After a quick breakfast, the party gathered and continued on their way to Flowing Arrow City.

This time Su Fen stayed with the party as Fan Shun reasoned that having both senior warriors together to fend off further bandit attacks was worth the reduced information. While traveling Su Fen relayed how the bandits trapped him behind a low ridge inside of a mostly flat clearing with arrow fire. Three of them kept him pinned down and although he was a second-grade martial artist he still lacked the explosive power of Fan Shun.

Without a cover or large shield like the crewmen had Su Fen was forced to wait the bandits out. Lucky one of them had grown sloppy and let go of his notched arrow for a moment to take a drink. At that moment Su Fen had rushed them with all of his might taking an arrow to the shoulder but closing the distance.

From there the skilled warrior made short work of the three and with just a few minor injuries he was able to subdue them in a few minutes. After that Su Fen had run towards the wagons as quickly as his injured body would carry him; however, he still only arrived after the fight concluded. For his part, Fan Shun had dispatched the bandit archers without receiving so much as a scratch with his only regret being that they all fled in different directions after half of them were slain.

At that point, the older warrior was able to pursue one and kill him but then he heard the battle cry coming from the melee. Making a decisive choice, Fan Shun let the remaining bandit archers live and rushed to the aid of his junior warriors. Like this, the group continued conversing about the events of the battle and soon the hours started passing by in a blur.

For his part Zi Bao was even slightly more talkative than normal, making small remarks here and there while others were bantering. Little White grew restless after the battle and Fan Zhong eventually let him roam free during the day to hunt. Thankfully the water wolf always returned to the party before sundown, full and happy.

Days passed quickly and with it, the bags under Fan Shun's eyes also increased. Each one of the bodyguard team offered to take watch shifts to give their leader some time to sleep however he stoically refused, adamant that he would sleep once they safely made it to the city. On the second to last night of their travels Fan Zhong was having a hard time sleeping so he thought to give the older warrior company to pass the time.

He found the older warrior standing at the edge of their camp some ways past the tents, sword drawn and moving slowly through a basic drill form. Watching the graceful movements of Fan Shun was mesmerizing and captivated his mind. The sword became a silver flame that danced among the twilight, an ethereal being that seemed to cut through the very fabric of night itself as the moonlight played across the blade.

Without warning, gold light flickered in Fan Shun's eyes and his sword shone with brilliant brown-colored flames. At the last swing of his sword, a phantom crescent arced out in a semicircle cutting down everything in its path and suppressing everything, even the smallest sound, in its majesty. In the center of a cleared semi-circle of tall grass 100 meters in diameter, the older warrior stood, the spitting image of an aloof sword immortal sheathing his sword after cutting down all that stood in his path.

Then with a slight groan from Fan Shun, the air of awe and command disappeared as the older man crumpled into a heap on the ground. Fan Zhong's eyes widened and he prepared to rush forward when a voice spoke from beside him.

"Hmph, the old man pushed himself so hard he got to the edge. I suppose it was either breakthrough or break, man is made of durable stock I'll give him that" Su fen, who Fan Zhong realized had at some point walked right next to him in complete silence, intoned with a whistle.

"Senior, what do you mean? Also, should you refer to senior Fan Shun in such a... Way?" Fan Zhong asked awkwardly with a mix of anxiety and confusion.

However, he stuck out his chest refusing to let the man who had saved his life be disrespected even by a comrade. Looking at the smiling Su Fen, who seemed much more laid back than usual, Fan Zhong felt he was seeing the man for the first time. It was almost as if he wore a social mask at all times, akin to Sir Teng's air of jovialness but somehow thicker, and only in moments like this could someone see his true self.

In front of him stood a man that Fan Zhong would more describe as one of his rowdy and informal drinking buddies that frequent the soft moonlight hall. This hardly fit the image of the relaxed, composed soft-spoken senior warrior Fan Zhong had come to think of the older man as. Su Fen's face was currently split in the kind of predatory grin that one would give a partner in crime.

The kind of laughing smile that makes someone think the other party is in on a joke that they are being kept in the dark about.

"Don't worry, junior brother Zhong, the old man is kind of a hardass sometimes but he's good-natured. What you just witnessed was a breakthrough to the master realm, he'll be out for a few days if what the elders have told me is true. Best get him to a bed roll, I'll take watch. Also… best if we keep the old man business between us, right brother Zhong?" The way Su Fen said brother conveyed emotions that Fan Zhong didn't particularly associate with the word but his meaning was understood.

With a nod of his head, Fan Zhong began walking over to Fan Shun with the other senior warrior and they began the arduous task of carrying the man gently back to camp. Thankfully, the wagons had just enough room to allow Fan Shun to lay in them, if not comfortably. However, he wasn't able to raise much of a fuss as the older warrior was out cold. He would be like this until at least their arrival in Flowing Arrow City according to Su Fen, something about his body acclimating to the Qi.

Like this, the group made their way the last two days to the city and arrived without incident. Upon arrival, they found a bustling city whose population dwarfed Butont in the sheer amount of people and buildings. It spanned dozens of kilometers and the streets were packed with row upon row of buildings.

With the dwindling amount of space present, Fan Zhong expected Sir Teng's space to be limited, however, he was surprisingly happy to find that the merchant owned his own home near the port. The merchant's home was a traditional-looking two-story pagoda building with jade and crimson red trimmings alternating along with the various windows and doorways. Surrounding the building was a low three-meter wall that had a gate wide enough to accommodate ten men walking side by side.

Regarding the building itself, it had two floors with each floor covering 1000 square meters. Behind this, there was open space with a few storage shacks and training areas that measured around 1500 square meters of space. All said and done, Sir Teng's estates, although not the opulent palace of an immortal, were cozy, nice, and practical.

Quickly the bodyguards were shown their rooms inside the second story of the pagoda and what followed were a few days of well-needed rest. Within the compound, Sir Teng had little need of bodyguards as the entire grounds were guarded by formations as well as the watchful eyes of the city guard. The guard had proved a slight problem with entering the city as the Deng clan observer stationed here had wanted to know why a master realm martial artist was entering the city without announcing their presence.

At the time, Fan Shun had been unconscious and as such unable to openly display himself leading to the observer suspecting foul play. However, Sir Teng had assured her that the older warrior only recently broke through, and after showing paperwork for the contract the observer had relented. After that, it had still taken time to convince the guards why Teng Liang, a rich merchant who owned a ship, was arriving in the city by land.

Only after another hour, within which the guards had been thoroughly convinced of their claims, had the party been let into the city. However, this did show that the city guards were competent and sufficiently wary of strange coincidences. As such, Sir Teng would only need their services within the city during outings.

For the rest of the time, they were free to live in the estate and train or whatever took their fancy to pass the time. Since Sir Teng had months' worth of catching up with his family and paperwork to attend to it didn't seem like they would be going on an outing soon. So it came that three days later Fan Shun was finally feeling up to continuing his instruction for Fan Zhong.

With this, his basic self-imposed training of physical workouts with forms shifted to the more taxing drills and lessons Fan shun had planned. On this day, Fan Zhong was practicing a drill for momentum of shifting earth where he switched between using his saved momentum to move in short bursts and then storing it in his staff in the form of contact juggling it into motion. Then he would move the momentum back into movement trying to make the transitions as seamless as possible.

"Good work, keep your mental technique focused on noticing the small changes in the momentum of the staff and your body. This will train Observing the Roaming Earth as well allowing you to strengthen your mental technique and movement technique in tandem. Keep this up and you might even reach the first step of Moment of Shifting Earth." Fan Shun's voice rang out behind him sagely from outside the small cordoned-off training area.

"Senior, a question for a moment if I may" Fan Zhong slowed himself to a stop and bowed facing the older warrior.

"Go ahead ask" Fan Shun nodded his approval.

"You said I would reach the first step of the technique, do you mean to say I'll reach the expert attainment level? Elder brother Cheng spoke of attainment levels however although I've heard of steps for techniques I don't seem to recall how they relate" Fan Zhong asked respectfully.

"Hmmm, that is a good question. Let me ask you one first before I answer. How are techniques made, junior warrior Zhong?" Fan Shun asked back

Fan Zhong pondered the idea, honestly, he had never questioned how techniques were made but it seemed obvious now that he thought about it that they should come from somewhere.

"Senior, this junior could guess however the truthful answer is my education seems lacking in this area" Fan Zhong admitted.

"Ahh then it's good you asked, I'll start from that then and move on to what steps represent. For a technique to be made one only needs to start practicing to do a thing in a certain way. Anyone can do this and they'll eventually find methods that suit the needs and ideas they had when setting out to create such a method to accomplish a task.

Let's pretend we are going to make a sword technique called 'three water slashes'. The idea is to form a sword technique around the idea of water. In swordsmanship, one can imitate water by giving way and flowing around the opponent's blows. Instead of meeting them head-on engage in binds and allow the opponent to move forward while you move to the side and angle your blade to flow past their block.

In our example you practice this hypothetical technique however, it isn't a formal technique yet. Surely you can try telling someone your experiences but you lack the experience to impart a true system to them and as such that person will simply start forming their own unfinished technique. Now, let's say you practice this technique to the supreme grandmaster attainment realm.

At this point, the technique is mastered and is perfected for your style of fighting and body. To formalize the technique you must generalize it, taking what you know and making a parallel technique that removes all the aspects specific to you allowing anyone to use this technique. Now comes the crucial part, as you've made a technique that although parallel to the old one is completely different.

As such you'll have to master this new generalized technique to the supreme grandmaster realm again to finalize your understanding. The second road of mastery should be much easier than the first as it's a generalization of a technique you understand to a high degree, but the process still takes some time. After all this, you've finally made a generalized usable, and profound technique that others can replicate.

This keeps going as well, as you have supreme grandmaster attainment in the new technique you now have a personalized version of the general version. Now you have a unique version of the technique, something like your 'three water slashes' is now 'Zhong's three water dragon slashes'. However, this new technique with a dragon element is a technique unique to your body and fighting style so rather than keep improving it you can generalize it and then achieve supreme grandmaster attainment in that as well.

In this way now everyone can learn the variation and it becomes 'Three water dragon slashes' as a general technique. Now, this process can keep repeating becoming 'Zhong's Three Lighting Dragon Water Slashes' and then 'Zhong's Three Heavenly Lighting Dragon Water Slashes' however the process of generalization to make a new variant gets much harder each time. This is where the topic of steps comes into play.

Every variation of a basic technique causes it to become more complex and as such if someone never mastered the basic technique before trying to learn a variation they lack the foundation. So when learning a variation technique you learn the foundation alongside changes made by the variation, each step represents enough attainment to master that level of the technique's variation. For example, our previous water slashes technique by the end had four levels so step one of learning 'Zhong's Three Heavenly Lightning Dragon Water Slashes' would represent enough attainment to have the power of the base technique 'Three Water Slashes' at the familiar level.

Every subsequent step would be mastering the technique parentage up to the latest step of the technique. Usually, when this is only one or two steps they call them success steps. For a technique with two steps, they call the first step minor success then the second is just reaching the familiar realm.

In the case of three-step techniques, they have small and major success steps before achieving the familiar realm attainment. Finally, for four-step techniques, they have small, large, and peak success attainment steps. I suppose that makes the example wrong as that naming scheme should've been used for a four-step technique. Bah! Whatever people call it they all represent steps in the end. Now enough talk back to drilling!" Fan Shun finished in a huff, a good-natured smile playing across his lips.

"But senior wait, how many steps does the momentum of shifting earth technique have then?" Fan Zhong asked, trying to get back to the original topic

"According to the clan ancestral record it has nine, however, no one has ever achieved that level in our history. Don't you think it's odd that even without Qi you can do such miraculous things with this technique? Tell me, do you remember learning the momentum of shifting earth technique?" Fan Shun asked

Thinking back on it he didn't, his brother had pushed and prodded him until his body just knew how to move. He couldn't physically describe how someone moved to use the technique; it just felt right. It was as if his mind was trying to grasp sand when he thought about it, the concepts falling out of his mind with each moment

"No senior I don't" He replied honestly with a perplexed look on his face.

"Indeed, the impartment method is one of the most closely guarded secrets of the clan. Legends of our clan's founding say it was the gift of an immortal who had created a technique that incorporated the laws of the Grand Dao into it. That's how it's so powerful even without Qi behind it. Although that's only if you believe the legends. Now you've stolen enough of a break, back at it junior warrior Zhong!" Fan Zhong said with a good-natured smile on his face, emphasizing his words by throwing a pebble directly at the young warrior's forehead eliciting a wince of pain.

Fan Zhong's mind swam with possibilities at the idea of creating techniques and implications about his clan's history. However, he suppressed the thought, determined to focus on his training. There would come a time when he could experiment with such things, now he needed to get stronger. Months passed like this and before Fan Zhong knew it the party was ready to depart.

His time in Flowing Arrow City had been uneventful however the reprieve had done him much good. Now refreshed and eager to test the fruits of his training Fan Zhong readied himself to return home

While the party prepared to depart far to the west inside Wei City the lord of the clan Wei Hua stood at his palace steps. Surrounding him in resplendent emerald armor with spirit magical treasure swords and shields stood his troop of 50 master-level fighters. The normally arrogant lord was looking incredibly anxious even amidst his plethora of expert fighters, today he would test the viability of his plan.

For today the only one both who lived inside the valley and could stop his plans was coming here. Within the ranks of fighters, lined in two columns astride either side of the steps, were master realm observers from various outlying city-states. The entire display and army had cost a fortune but Wei Hua had gladly paid every spirit stone to have a chance to defeat him, that accursed Fan Long.

Like an immortal out of some childish legend, Fan Long ascended the long stairway leading to the Wei palace. Behind him his wife Fan Yuhei was followed by the leader of the Wang clan and several master-level fan observers and warriors. With them as well were ten master realm experts who represented the council clans of Butont.

The normally picturesque handsomeness of Wei Hua seemed to falter under the gaze of Fan Long and his lips threatened to curl into an angry snarl.

"What have you dogs come to my doorstep for today. Speak now while this benevolent lor.." Wei Hua started, hoping to regain his footing with a normal display of arrogant haughtiness.

"Boy," Fan Long's voice rang out across the palace stairs like a mountain descending from heaven causing the stones to rattle as the armor of the Wei troops creaked. "I respected your father. So I've come here to talk this through peacefully. Don't take that to mean I'll listen to you prattle on with your veneer of bluster. Out with it, what the hell is going on? Good people are starving in this valley and every second we waste costs more lives."

Wei Hua's eyes widened at the feeling of that pressure, it had been quite some time since he felt the pressure of someone truly threatening. Biting down the maddening rage that screamed in his mind the arrogant young lord got composed himself against the tide of emotions. He pressed a small amount of Qi outward while puffing out his chest, both to lessen the pressure and keep up his outward appearance.

"Peasants problems aren't are not my concern bodyguard. If I require your services I'll send a messenger. If there's nothing else, vacate my property. Your stench is reducing the property value by the moment." Wei Hua kept his composure and turned his nose up, conjuring the best tone of haughty aristocracy he could manage.

Inside him, rage seethed, it wanted to give the order. To tear all of these worms limb from limb for daring to question his birthright. Like an iron lid Wei Hua's conviction and Dao Heart kept those emotions held down, now was not the time. Originally he had thought of cutting the head from the snake and killing Fan Long here, the gathering of troops here today was for that very purpose.

Something felt off though, his hidden observers hadn't given him a sign. They were supposed to signal him once they had taken the measure of the other party's strength, giving him a yes or no as to whether this was a winning exchange. Instead, they were silent, were the cowards afraid of the bloody battle that would follow?

Curious Wei Hua pulled in a moderate amount of Qi with his mental energy and let it press down on the other party as he finished his words, probing them. Although the rest of the party seemed to almost buckle under the pressure Fan Long's eyes simply narrowed and the mountain that was weighing down on the Wei clan warriors and their lord seemed to double.

"I'll give you one final chance, Lord Wei. Tell me how we can resolve this peacefully and let's negotiate. This doesn't have to end in violence" Fan Long replied in that annoyingly stoic way his voice always seemed to carry, like some hero out of a child's tale whose will was unshakeable.

"The Wei no longer negotiate with peasants… Especially with whoresons like you" Wei Hua spat the words with difficulty and turned on his heels to dismiss the man.

As he did he could barely keep the shaking away from his hands as he pulled them in front of him. The emotions were raging fiercer now, they wanted this fight but Wei Hua now knew he currently stood no chance. He would wait, once war broke out and his feast began… then he would crush this filthy peasant-like an ant.

With a sigh, Fan Long shook his head and looked around. His eyes took on the cold demeanor of a warrior in battle for just a moment. It was so slight everyone present thought it was merely their imagination. However, every single Wei warrior present felt the cold embrace of death looming over them at that moment.

"You'll regret this, Lordling," Fan Long said with pity as if speaking to a small child.

After these words, the negotiating leaders left and Wei Hua signaled with his now calming hands for the observers to come forth.

"So? Did you get a good read on them" Wei Hua asked

"We… didn't my lord" The head of the hired observers stepped forward and replied "They appeared just as you said, a strong grandmaster with a second layer composite earth Qi and a peak master realm with a third layer composite mind Qi. However, observing them felt like… Trying to hold water in your hands, observable yet it felt like they were slipping away at the same time"

At this Wei Hua snapped and drew his sword, slashing at the empty stairs. A crescent arc'd through the air splitting the stone stairs like a hot knife through butter.

"What good are you then, if you can't even evaluate the targets. Useless" Wei Hua muttered under his breath before composing himself and continuing in a level tone "Go then, observe their movements and see if any further information can be gleaned.

"As you wish my lord" The observers replied in unison before quickly departing.

Meanwhile a while later on the outskirts of Wei City Fan Yuhei was walking beside her husband enjoying the cool evening air.

"So could they tell?" Fan Long asked her, quirking an eyebrow in mock curiosity.

Fan Yuhei shot him a skeptical look before replying

"Of course not, do you question your beautiful fairy queen?" She preened, turning her nose up in mock offense

"Question you? Never my love, however, this regards the fate of many people, not just our own. In matters such as this, I must act as a leader first and a husband second." Fan Long replied solemnly.

"Hmph, no fun, all work. No, they saw nothing. Those third-rate hacks couldn't have seen through me when I was Little Cheng's age let alone now. Honestly, I wonder why you want to go to such lengths, why not just end it right there?" it was Fan Yuhei's turn to level a curious gaze at her partner

"You think rather highly of me, the Wei lordling had fifty masters prepared for us. With spirit-level magical treasures" Fan Long replied in mock humility.

Fan Yuhei leveled a flat stare at her husband in response and he threw up his hands in surrender

"Alright alright, look there's no reason for unnecessary bloodshed if possible. Honestly, I still hope to solve this in some sort of duel or another far less bloody way. Open warfare in the valley leads to more than just dying soldiers, you and I both know that." Fan Long's gaze became forlorn as he intoned the last words, staring off into the stars

Worried Fan Yuhei kept walking with her husband down the path, she could only hope that he was right.
hey everyone just a note, had alot of irl stuff going on this week and it kinda caught up with me so no chapter today. Regular uploads will continue Friday though so stay tuned!
Part 1. Ch. 26 A day, A year, to the Dao all is dust
Wind rustled the warrior robes adoring Fan Zhong's shoulders as Little White ran around him at dizzying speeds. The air was cool, it carried the smell of water and fish that was persistent throughout the docks of Butont. High in the sky the sun beamed providing a pleasant warmth to the day.

This was not the sweltering heat that he had experienced while trekking through the lands in the northern part of the valley; instead, this warmth was like the gentle caress of a loved one after a long time apart. Laughing at the water wolf's excitement, Fan Zhong bent down and embraced his company in a full-on hug. This was getting more difficult as Little white was now fully grown as such he was incredibly strong and rather large.

At first, he had tried changing his form of address to drop the little part of Little White's name. However, the wolf had become morose and refused to respond when he was only called 'brother White'. As such, it seemed the matter was decided and Fan Zhong continued to refer to him as he always had. Currently, he was standing beside his other teammates as they checked their bags and belongings, making sure nothing had been left on the ship.

Fan Shun was standing to the side with Sir Teng and his helmsman arranging for the merchant to drop off payment for the job at the local Fan clan branch office. Normally these branch offices were run by those in the clan that lacked aptitude in the warrior ways and as such many of the less prolific branch clans had members inside of them. Teams that were on jobs usually rested at branch offices and collected their own payments.

However, Sir Teng was a regular customer of the clan and as such not paying would be a hit to his reputation so no one worried about him not paying. This was happening primarily because Fan Shun's team had been requested to quickly return to the village as they were still short-handed and needed all able members to take on tasks. So, with a heavy heart, the group was saying their goodbyes to Sir Teng today and setting out immediately without even a day to rest.

Thankfully, they should arrive back in Little Green Bamboo Village at the turn of the new year exactly when Fan Zhong's exile ended. Fan Zhong also realized that his birthday was approaching as he was born on the tenth day after the new year. His training recently had kept him busy and with so many things happening he hadn't celebrated his birthday.

With a sigh, he realized this was simply one of the facets of taking on a more mature role within the clan. If they had time and events weren't happening then of course celebrations could be arranged for his birthday. However, the increase in banditry and crime caused by the high taxes of the Wei clan had put everyone on edge, especially the Fan clan.

During such uncertain times, there was no room for such niceties. Thinking on the subject of age Fan Zhong was now 16 and his little brother was 13! This meant that Fan Jia's last year at the academy was coming to a close and he would be graduated by the time Fan Zhong arrived home.

Thoughts of his little brother and sister put a smile on Fan Zhong's face and his spirit suddenly felt lighter than it had for a long time. Suddenly movement caught his eye and he turned to see that Fan Shun and Sir Teng were making their way back over to the rest of his team.

"Sir Teng, it has been an honor for the Fan Clan to serve you throughout this time. Please never hesitate to call upon our services again should the need arise" Fan Shun said to the old merchant while bowing respectively, his tone stoic and professional as always.

"Of course Brother Shun! Come now we've faced life and death together no more of this 'Sir' business. Those that face the call of our ancestors together with bravery do not need to call each other anything short of brother" Sir Teng said jovially while feigning a mock irritation, his beaming smile and general good nature made the expression somewhat less effective in Fan Zhong's estimation.

"Yeah old man. Lighten up, you even advanced during this whole ordeal making us carry you the last leg… Respectfully, Senior Shun" Su Fen's demeanor of indifferent laziness faltered for just a moment and a sly amused smile crossed his face, only to be quickly dismissed as his social mask of an expression once again blanket him.

"Oh 'old man' is it now? Junior Fen I seem to recall that someone needs to be present for all of my ceremonies for master realm advancement as a witness. You just love official ceremonies, don't you junior?" Fan Shun's tone remained professional however a twinkle of mischief played in his eyes.

"Damn you junior Zhong, I told you, none of this old man business. Apologize to senior Shun immediately" Su Fen said while turning away from the older warrior.

"Wha… Senior Fen?!" Fan Zhong turned to face the other man with the expression of someone who had been wronged.

Sir Teng's laughter rang out and the banter between all of them continued with even Zi Bao joining in for a bit. Alas, all good things come to an end and eventually, they parted ways. After this, the Fan clan warriors made haste for their home only stopping at a few stores to restock traveling supplies before walking for most of the day.

That night they set up camp in clearing a few minutes off the well-trodden road between Butont and Little Green Bamboo Village. Stars dotted the night sky like immortal gems gleaming on a canvas of the blackest cloth and thankfully the weather held. During the next morning, everyone rose and the group continued ever forward as they had almost a month of travel left to go.

While they traveled Fan Shun had them keep an even pace and they would stop to make camp at midday for a meal before setting out again. After the first day, they were able to gauge their speed and distance using Fan Shun and Su Fen's knowledge of landmarks on their road. With this, the older warriors determined the party was making good time and each day time could be spared for training

As such, they stopped three hours earlier every following day and commenced training with three of them while one person was assigned to cook. Much to Fan Shun and Zi Bao's chagrin, only their seniors were able to relax and prepare their daily meals. Meanwhile, they had to suffer under the viper-like blows of Su Fen or the monstrous strength of the newly advanced Fan Shun.

Speaking of their leader's increased strength, Fan Zhong was very curious to learn more about the master realm. Earlier during his training Fan Cheng had spoken about the master realms broadly. However, the topic was never covered in depth. Unfortunately, Fan Shun could tell the young warrior little about specifics as he was waiting to return to the clan to receive a cycling technique and advice from the elders.

Although his knowledge was lacking in the details of what a master realm martial artist could do he was more knowledgeable than Fan Zhong and so he told him of the broad strokes. The master realms were separated into master, grandmaster, and supreme grandmaster respectively. When one reached this level they could actively force their mental energy from their sea of consciousness, a space that existed in the soul instead of in the physical world, through their dead dantian and into the physical world.

Qi is attracted to mental energy even more so than other dense concentrations of qi and when the two meet the mental energy would be slowly consumed to produce more qi. Mental energy could also guide and control qi in this way, pulling it into the body to strengthen or be used in techniques or to cultivate. This made qi dangerous however as qi that was not naturally part of the body would become violent and cause injury if not guided by mental energy. As such if a martial artist lacked enough mental energy to control the qi they brought in it could cause them to explode from within!

Many sages and immortals in the legends had thought of how to work around this problem to empower their descendants. Indeed they invented various methods to help with it such as techniques to saturate a strong treasure or talisman with mental energy that could be stored for and built up over time to allow one to control a life-saving treasure in an emergency. However, one truth that remained was that in the world of martial arts mental energy and qi were intrinsically intertwined and so it was a great boon that humans first tempered their mental energy in the graded realms before being able to draw in external qi!

What was more terrifying than this was the way that masters progressed as they still had to bring their mind, body, and technique into harmony just like lower realm martial artists. However, after doing this they then needed to pull in qi that would push them beyond their limit, and then only two outcomes could occur. The first was that the harmony of body, mind, and technique were insufficient, and as such the rampaging qi would simply burst forth and turn them into bloody meat paste.

When successful they would take a step toward awakening their dantian and bringing them forward on the path to becoming an immortal. This description was obviously vague as how the energy was channeled for each of the three breakthroughs was different and the results were different, not to mention immortal realms simply being a legend, but it described the general process one must go through to advance as a master. In other words, their progress was on the edge of life and death, to advance one had to firmly believe in their training and path!

Fan Zhong was shocked upon learning this, no wonder so many master realm experts took so long to advance. With a single wrong move or rushed step there would be no difference between progress and committing suicide. Determined to continue learning, he pressed Fan Shun for more details.

After this, the older warrior described to him the process of cultivating martial arts with qi. First one had to have a cycling technique to move the energy throughout the body. There were as many cycling techniques as there were stars in the heavens however the most used ones fell under three types. Firstly there were those techniques commonly referred to as loop method cycling techniques.

This cycling technique forms a constant stream of mental energy between consciousness and dantian. While keeping this loop closed the martial artist simultaneously expends small amounts of mental energy to generate qi around the portion of the loop that resides in their dantian. Once there is a thin amount of qi surrounding the loop the martial artist will keep adding mental energy into the system widening it and strengthening the amount of mental energy generated.

At the same time, they will slowly raise the amount of mental energy expended to generate enough qi to keep the growing loop fully enriched. This is a careful balance but allows the loop cultivator to be flexible. If they need to fight or do something that requires them to spend less concentration on cultivating their martial arts they can reduce the size of the loop. Conversely in closed-door cultivation, the loop cultivator can widen their loop of mental energy to speed up qi accumulation and speed of cultivation advancement.

This all amounts to the loop method being incredibly flexible while excelling at teaching the cultivator to have precise control over their energy. Notably, Loop Method cultivators have trouble generating sudden spontaneous bursts of qi and power. As such they prefer longer drawn-out engagements that let them take advantage of their control and flexibility in energy expenditure.

Doing this allows them to slowly gain an advantage over opponents, many compare this to the slow erosion of a rock from an endless immortal river. With this description, many have the misconception that only water-based cycling techniques can use the loop method. This was untrue however as the methods themselves could be used with any elemental qi combination.

Next Fan Shun described the techniques that fell under the burst method, this cycling method is the most straightforward and thus is quite popular. In this method the martial artist forcibly uses mental energy to quickly generate enough qi until they can barely control it (though each burst is unique to the martial artist/sect), leaving barely enough mental energy to control what they have gathered. Then they proceed to release the qi into techniques to strengthen the body and techniques they are cultivating to the limit of what their remaining mental energy can control.

Afterward, the martial artist will rest and meditate on what they have gained while cycling their remaining mental energy in and out of their dantian in large waves. Doing this allows the mental energy to sit in their dantian to saturate in their remaining qi as much as possible before cycling it back to their consciousness. During this time the qi saturated mental energy strengthens the consciousness producing a large amount of mental energy.

This back and forth is repeated until the burst user has fully refilled their reserves of mental energy and is ready to once again generate qi and start from the beginning. This puts a great strain on their body and minds from trying to cycle while leaving so little energy in their consciousness. Thus these martial artists need long periods of rest between sessions and need a closed-door environment to do so as well as setting aside time to recover.

As such, burst martial artists have great cultivation speed, power, and qi generation but their energy control and mental energy regeneration suffer. However, burst cycle techniques can generate incredible amounts of spontaneous power being known to frequently activate ultimate techniques and decimate entire groups of opponents before they have time to react. As such they prefer quick engagements that last a few dozen exchanges at most.

Any more than that and most burst cultivators will need to use external pills and resources to replenish their depleted energy reserves. Last but not least burst users are fearsome closed-door martial artists. They cultivate their martial arts faster than almost anyone else provided they have ample resources prepared to supplement repeated burst sessions as well as plentiful amounts of time to stay in seclusion.

At this point, Fan Shun reminded Fan Zhong that while one could advance quickly in closed-door cultivation it cut you off from outside ideas that could provide enlightenment onto your path. As such even though it was tempting for a burst method martial artist to stay in a cave for a hundred years he could similarly find that he lacked inspiration and take ten times the effort to make the same advancement that someone who saw the world made in a single year. Continuing, the older man described the last cycling method he knew about.

This was the whirlpool method of cycling. The Whirlpool Method is unique as it was rumored to be made by immortals for their mortal kin whom they wished to raise to higher realms quickly. However, while developing the technique these immortals never considered the need to fight during mortal cultivation stages, as they would defend their kin and allow them to safely raise their strength. Although whirlpool methods have evolved for more practical mortal use over the years many mortal and rogue martial artists still view whirlpool methods with disdain.

They consider their users' rich noble kids or those with big backers that were born with silver spoons in their mouths. This method uses the fact that mental energy can be used to form spirit seals and runes. To abuse this fact the martial artists will make a spiral of mental energy in their dantian which starts at the top and spirals downwards.

Then the martial artists use the most basic 3 rune spirit gathering formation to attract extra qi into the forming whirlpool. Since mental energy can be expended to form qi in the first place the cultivator will make a thin counter spiral on the outside of the original vortex with a small gap while converting that small spiral into qi. The resulting counter spiral will form a flow that all the qi being drawn into the spiral will follow

This will form an inner spiral that draws the qi down to the bottom and an outer spiral that draws it up along the outside of the whirlpool in a counter-rotation. Since qi strengthens mental energy all the mental energy forming the simple spirit gathering formation will become extremely saturated. As such this will amplify the original formation causing the suction force to be much greater and attract more qi progressively in a snowballing effect.

At this point, the martial artist only needs to control the amount of mental energy in the whirlpool such that it does not start generating too much qi for them to handle. In addition, they must also send back enough super saturated mental energy to recover what is expended to generate the skeleton of the outer spiral. This is because the structure does need a small constant input of generated qi to maintain itself.

However, the advantages here are incredible amounts of qi generation and cultivation speed. Alas, the downside is that although the spiral guiding the energy flow means minimal direct control is needed since the martial artist is not directly controlling the qi they can only widely disperse it from the out spiral. This is effective for cultivating martial arts as they can even strengthen their whole body.

However, for fighting they usually have a hard time gathering all of their qi into one place for concentrated techniques. Once one selected one of these cycling techniques they had to choose one of two methods to progress themselves. The first was to expend the qi with techniques, this would allow the martial artist to understand the more profound truths of a technique and improve it while strengthening their body marginally.

For the other method, it was to disperse the qi into the martial artist's body and hold it there as long as possible while using external means to stimulate the body in certain ways. Although the second method took longer it could allow one's body to exceed those of a similar stage. However, without technique comprehension in an actual battle, they may not be as powerful but when qi reserves ran low they would be more powerful. Developing technique understanding still strengthened the body; it merely didn't focus it, otherwise, a martial artist would destroy themselves with the shockwave of their own techniques.

Although these things had been taught to Fan Zhong during his years growing up, his memories of the topic combined with the explanations by Fan Shun illuminated many details and gave him a much clearer picture of master realm advancement. By the time he had been able to extract all of the info out of the older warrior the group's return trip had finished and Fan Zhong once again found himself outside the gates of Little Green Bamboo Village.

Thinking back on the trip it had been refreshing as no bandits had harassed them and Fan Shun had given small bits of this information over their training session and time spent walking. With their mission reported as a success to the town guards, the party returned to their homes, everyone was allowed a week to rest and gather themselves. Returning home, Fan Zhong was surprised to find a messenger waiting for him with an update regarding his assignment.

Fan Shun's advancement had caused a hitch with his assignment as a squad leader and he needed to spend time consolidating his gains as well as being advised by the elders. As such Fan Zhong would be assigned to a squad with Su Fen leading it along with Zi Bao and Fan Yong. Since all of the more senior warriors and observers were busy attending to duties this small squad would be his team for now.

With the squad being small and lacking experience he was assured the clan would only assign them to safer assignments. Nodding his approval Fan Zhong walked into the Fan Clan's main family compound and went to his courtyard. It was late in the afternoon and the sky was darkening at this point so he decided to sit in his meditation hut.

All around the moon's light and cool night air silhouette the legendary beast carved into the pillars of the hut casting the shadows of these heavenly terrors upon him. Breathing in deeply, Fan Zhong smelt the crisp smell of the bamboo forest along with the familiar refreshing waters from the banks of the Flowing Grass river. Without any thought he retrieved his lute and played, his songs spoke of beautiful landscapes and towering mountains.

Of the heartache, the warriors' path brought, of the glory brothers in arms roused in each other. In the melodies and sweeping notes his longing for a home that seemed so far away yet close and a place that was named part of home but felt so new and alien. For Fan Zhong there was no score that he played off; there were only his feelings and Little White softly howled his own notes while pressed against his side.

Suddenly the water wolf's head snapped to the door and he rose to bark. From the shadow of his courtyard doorway stepped Fan Jingyi wearing a smile. She said nothing, only looked at her brother. her gaze spoke of sadness, of worry. Fan Zhong understood, both her and Fan Jia were even younger than him and the world was taking their family here and there, robbing them of time spent with loved ones.

Silently the young girl, his sister, walked up to him and sat down in his lap while pressing her head to his chest. She was so small yet so strong, in this moment however small sobs and tears flowed down her face. Tears of sadness, tears of relief and joy, all of this and more was conveyed without words.

Little White consoled Fan Jingyi, pressing his snout into her neck and allowing the small girl to hug him tightly. Eventually, the water wolf curled up beside her on Fan Zhong's lap, keeping Fan Jingyi warm like a white blanket. A genuine smile crossed the young warrior's lips and he played his lute, played it until his heart felt emptied and cleansed.

Like this, the three spent the night and fell asleep in the courtyard. In the morning Fan Jingyi woke up and stretched to yawn, pushing a tiny palm into Fan Zhong's cheek. He gave her an amused stare before pushing her off.

With no surprise the young observer caught herself and turned the motion into a summersault, landing on her feet and sticking her tongue out at her older brother.

"Pay up older brother, the senior sisters at the soft moonlight hall say when an ugly guy shares a bed with a pretty fairy they pay extra." Fan Jingyi said teasingly.

"Jin... Jingyi, who exactly are you talking to? Who taught you these things?" Fan Zhong's face reddened and he stammered.

What kind of devilish thoughts were those crazy hostesses putting in his little sister's mind?

"Hehehehe, just kidding elder brother." Fan Jingyi said, giving the most proper and balanced bow he had ever seen "This junior thanks elder brother for the music and senior Little White for the blanket. Now, my mother's tutors will have my neck if I'm any later. Stop being such a stranger and visit me more often elder brother!"

Saying these words the little girl did a series of acrobatic jumps and giggled as she vaulted over the wall of his courtyard. Fan Zhong simply shook his head and prepared to start his morning training routine. At this time life settled into a rhythm for him as he reported to his squad at the main family mission hall every day to see if they had a mission.

Most of the time, the answer was no as their squad was only assigned tasks the elders thought suitable for them. As such Fan Zhong spent the rest of his time catching up on socializing as he felt that martial arts had consumed much of his life. A lot of this free time was spent composing and practicing calligraphy or conversing with Fan Yong.

He even visited Zi Bao a few times. The other young warrior was far more respectful now however he usually only met with Fan Zhong to spar and trade pointers. Occasionally though, he was convinced to come to a concert or a venture to the Soft Moonlight Hall with Fan Yong.

On that note, with Wang Qiang missing Fan Zhong needed someone else to help foot the bill for these ventures and as they each got paid 100 spirit stones a month for being active warriors Zi Bao was just the man! Normally Fan Zhong's allowance was only 300 spirit stones and most normal meals or services only cost two to three, as such an additional 100 was a great boon to his funds. Knowing that Zi Bao didn't get such an allowance Fan Yong and Fan Zhong agreed that if he paid his own five spirit stone entrance fee they would pay for drinks and anything else.

During this time of peaceful living the squad was assigned to three jobs they took part in. The first was a bodyguard job to escort a mining caravan from Clear Sky village to Butont. While they were traveling a wild spirit boar attacked them however the four clan warriors easily took it down and Su Fen even showed his excellent cooking skills. Surprisingly the older warrior was bantering with the squad now that they were away from seniors and he could be laxer, all in all, this job took them around two months.

Some three months later they were assigned to the Three Winds Change Sect which was hosting a minor auction of natural treasures and talismans. Noting travel time and the time spent at the auction Fan Zhong and company spent another two months completing this assignment. Thankfully, no one tried to rob the auction house except for an old man with tattered robes and a sharpened spoon.

Su Fen had felt so bad for the man he had spent money out of his own pocket to buy him some clothes and a good meal before introducing him to a branch clan office to see if they could find him work to do. Other than that though the squad mostly stood around looking menacingly at any of the attendees who were getting greedy or tried to swipe something. Their final mission had come two months later and it had been to accompany a gathering expedition into the southern forests of the valley.

This was organized by a set of gatherers who roamed the valley in search of natural treasures. In all this had taken two weeks for the group to finish and the most dangerous thing they had encountered was a large spirit bird that had nested near a patch of particularly old natural treasure bamboo. The gatherers had insisted that it was 50kg of 27% natural earth treasure bamboo and offered them each 50 spirit stones of the profit to slay the bird.

An hour and several deep claw marks on each of their faces later the spirit bird was firmly resting in Little White's jaws and the water wolf was enjoying the meal. Thus the missions of their small squad had dried up. After this Fan Zhong spent the rest of the year focusing on his daily routine.

While training he started reviewing his composition on the Fan clan style and every time he would change a note slightly here or a timing there. Each time he looked at the calligraphy he would note slight imperfections within the line work, places where he pressed too hard or too lightly. Each passing day started to blur into one another and Fan Zhong felt each of his techniques improving.

Origin palms held the loose structure of shifting palms while receiving palms took all that the others couldn't stand. Momentum of shifting earth was the cement that held the structure together while Observing the Roaming Earth watched for faults in the construction. The melodies and notes played in his head as he practiced, he could view them in detail or as a whole. Each strike, a beautifully placed individual note of his melody and also the exact thing needed to complete the entire ensemble.

Atop it all, the music and the majestic palace he envisioned, was the character for 'Fan' written in glorious characters. Every accent, brush stroke, depth of ink, and stylistic choice was perfect to represent the technique it spoke of as well as being the only piece that could complete the whole symbol. That character pressed outward with a song, the song Fan Zhong composed. A song that suppressed the heavens and earth, one that spoke of shifting sands and firm mountains, of the absoluteness of moving and the avalanche of focused momentum.

In that moment Fan Zhong realized he SAW more, his senses told him more, and his mind was taking it all in. As his mind faded to darkness amid the ancestral training grounds overlooking Little Green Bamboo village, Fan Zhong smiled. He realized that on the day of his 17th birthday he had achieved the second-grade martial artist realm.

Waking up he was greeted by the smiling, yet troubled, expression of his elder brother.

"Truly a genius that upturns heaven and earth junior brother. Becoming a carp that jumps the floodgate to become a dragon in only three short years? Truly impressive" Fan Cheng said with as much cheer as he could muster.

"Gr… Greetings elder brother, apologies for my lack of manners however, my body seems to be rebelling at the moment," Fan Zhong said, gritting his teeth as he tried to move and a flood of sensations filled his mind like staring into the sun.

"Hahahahah," Fan Cheng's full belly laugh was genuine this time and for a moment the trace of worry and doubt disappeared from his face, alas the moment passed and the signs returned a second later "you'll get used to it. Allow me to congratulate you junior brother on your advancement to the second-grade realm"

"And?" Fan Zhong sighed, slowly clenching and unclenching his hand to get used to the feeling

"And what junior brother?" Fan Cheng's eyes looked away from his little brother trying to conceal the look in them

"And what's the bad news? Elder brother, respectfully, you're far too honest to lie. What has happened? You're keeping me in suspense now" Fan Zhong said with earnest worry in his voice.

With a heavy sigh Fan Cheng spoke

"The Wei have made their move, war is about to ravage the valley junior brother. Currently, father has called for a military mustering of the whole clan. I'm here with your deployment orders." Fan Cheng said with a grimace, clearly unhappy to deploy his little brother into such a conflict

"What a nice birthday present father has for me," Fan Zhong said while laughing.

Inwardly his guts twisted, this could only signal the beginning of a storm.
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Part 1. Ch. 27 A Century of peace brings the hour of war
Cool rain ran down the cloaks adorning the rows of Fan Clan warriors in formation. They stood in a broad clearing just outside Little Green Bamboo village with a path that led to ship-filled docks. Standing in three by two rows each one was clad in flowing martial robes with cloaks drawn about their bodies to stave off the drizzling downpour. For the traditional clan warriors, their robes were resplendent gold with the Fan clan crest emblazoned on their backs. In contrast, the cloaks surrounding them were azure that was almost as dark as night.

Gold and Azure were the traditional colors of the Fan clan as such the observers standing in formation with their warrior counterparts wore robes with flowing patterns of the two. Wrapped around the graceful forms of the eyes of the clan were ephemeral cloaks of moonlight silver that seemed to let light pass through them making the observers seem transparent. At the head of each small formation of six clan members stood a warrior or observer with either a silver or golden symbol set to the collar of their robe demarking them as squad leaders.

Among the squads, most of them consisted of four warriors and two observers with two consisting entirely of either. In all, ten of these squads were gathered inside the clearing with nine of them being arranged into small square formations. These small formations were themselves arranged in an equally spaced pattern to form a three-by-three grid. This represented the might of a Fan clan Legion assembled for inspection and deployment.

Standing at the head of the formation of squads was another, of the six people in this squad five of them stood in a straight line with their hands clasped behind their backs. In front of those five stood a regal and aloof observer. This was the commander of this legion, master realm observer Fan Ping and her headquarters unit. Among those standing behind her Fan Zhong noticed that Fan Shun was present

Standing behind Su Fen he could feel the gaze of the commander sweeping across the gathered legion as the cool rain chilled him to the bone. As they stood in silence to present themselves to Fan Ping for inspection, mild breezes swept their cloaks here and there as tall bamboo shoots swayed in the wind. In the distance, the storm rumbled like war drums from long-forgotten faraway battlefields.

The atmosphere weighed down on the assembled Fan clan soldiers like a mountain, the heralding thunder making it feel as if heaven were simply preparing songs for their eulogies. Trying to take his mind off the ominous feelings, Fan Zhong focused on what he had learned since his brother had seen him just a day ago. Firstly he had received his orders that his squad would be receiving new members to make a fully prepared and manned battle squad for the upcoming deployment.

This didn't come as a surprise but it was nice to know that the clan wasn't so short-staffed that they would send teams into military action without sufficient manpower. He had been told that the normal compliments for such a squad consisted of two observers, which was the same as the team would've had on their bodyguard assignments if staffing had permitted. It had taken Fan Zhong until this morning, only three hours ago as it was just an hour past noon at this point, to meet one of his new comrades.

This ended up being the more senior of the two, Su Dai, who was one of Su Fen's kinsmen as well as an experienced second-grade realm observer. She had seen many missions through to completion and since the squad lacked another senior martial artist the clan had thought it prudent to assign her to this role. Effectively, this killed two birds with one stone as one of the observer positions was filled and now there were two veterans present to balance out the leadership in the team.

When meeting her Fan Zhong had been expecting someone older, perhaps around mid-twenties or early thirties. However, Su Dai was actually around his brother's age with her being 20 years of age to Fan Cheng's 21. At first sight, it had been obvious to Fan Zhong, who had lived his whole life with many senior female observers around, that Su Dai was a clan observer.

Her emerald green eyes gave way to a gaze that had the same piercing quality that all of those who practiced the mental techniques seemed to carry. With that, her figure cut a graceful shape that left her no less beautiful than even the master realm observers who had been training their bodies for dozens of years. Of note, instead of the pale jade-like skin of those like Fan Yuhai, her complexion was coppery and darker like polished brass with a filter of silver sheen layered over it.

What truly caught Fan Zhong's eye though was Su Dai's hair as she had flowing curly locks of blonde hair that ran down to the middle of her back. In all, the senior observer cut an alluring figure that spoke of beauty, grace, and most of all deadly confidence. Adorned in her martial robe complete with the silver cloak that seemed to hide her from sight, she was currently standing in front of Fan Zhong to the right of Su Fen.

To his left stood the other addition to their squad, Mo Hui. As one of the three most junior members of the team, Mo Hui was standing in the back row of their squad alongside Fan Zhong and Fan Yong. Zi Bao was the second most senior warrior so he was standing in the front row to the left of Su Fen. Remembering the junior observer, Fan Zhong thought of what he knew about the young man.

Mo Hui was a year younger than him and hailed from a clan that called the village home. His family had a tradition of being tailors and normally only trained in the martial path for personal health and emergency defense of the village. All families in Little Green Bamboo Village were encouraged to do the ladder as the Fan clan wanted the village to be as guarded as possible. So it was that although it wasn't required to train one's martial arts, most of the village did so happily in their spare time.

Being tailors, the Mo clan over time began developing certain talents with the mix of their precise needlework and martial training to be part of the village custom. It became obvious that many of them excelled in mental techniques after just a few generations and as such, they made it a tradition to have their children tested for mental technique aptitude alongside the warrior clan children. Normally, this was optional for clans that had nonmartial occupations and didn't serve as warrior branch clans.

However, the observer elders had been overjoyed to hear that there was a potential source for more trainees and quickly agreed to let whoever wished to try. As such, the Mo clan had become one of the biggest sources of male observers, aside from the Fan clan itself. This was mostly due to the sons of warrior branch clans preferring to take the traditional path. All children who were tested regardless of aptitude were still given a choice on what path they wished to take as no one wanted to force a martial path on someone.

Thinking about this triggered Fan Zhong's own memories of his aptitude for the observer path. At the time, he had scored well enough to become a temporary disciple and would've had to pass a competency test after a year to continue onward. Both his father and mother had been adamant that he was free to pick whichever he wished, regardless of talent.

For a young Fan Zhong, at the time, the choice had seemed obvious. With the observer path, he would have had to begin training immediately as Fan Jingyi had at that age. Choosing the warrior path had allowed him to procrastinate and enjoy the wonders of life.

Possibilities spread out in his mind of the different outcomes that could have been had he chosen a different path. In the end, he could only sigh and accept that his choices were his own, only in doing so could he accept himself and move forward. Examining Mo Hui further, Fan Zhong noted the man's stocky build. Surprisingly the third-grade observer was only a few centimeters shorter than himself and was a decent amount wider at the shoulders than him.

It had amazed him that Mo Hui could still pull off the graceful and silent movements required of observer training with his build. If anyone saw him at a distance they might assume he was a boulder! However, there he was, shifting slightly in the wind with his martial robes and almost transparent silver cloak as graceful as Fan Jingyi.

Fan Zhong had to admit that it was almost unnerving to see such a large person able to stand and move so silently. Fan Yong had just laughed at him and said that he was mad that there was finally someone who could see the clouds just as well as Fan Zhong could. Thinking of Fan Yong brought a smile to his face and he refocused his mind to use his mental technique to try to pick out the features of Mo Hui. The junior observer had not met them until arriving at this clearing for the assembly.

Although he had seemed good-natured and kind when they exchanged words before the commander arrived, Fan Zhong still preferred to know the face of his teammates. Finally, after a small gust of wind, the cloak pushed back and he glimpsed the other man's visage. Mo Hui had a rather gentle face with short brown hair that didn't leave the top of his head.

His eyes were like distant mountains mired in a rainstorm, gray and somewhat murky. All in all his face gave one the feeling that they were speaking to a kind, if perhaps somewhat slow, fellow with only the slightly angular line of his jaw to give away anything else. However, in his eyes sat the birthing form of sharpness and wit that all observers gained, and as such Fan Zhong didn't think for a second the man was actually slow of mind.

Glancing upward he found that commander Fan Ping had been working her way to each squad looking them up and down individually. Their squad was in the last in the second row of three and she was just about to stop in front of them when he looked up.

"Warrior Su Fen, you command this battle squad?" Fan Ping's voice was pleasant like a beautiful song while carrying the cold ice of analytic calculation.

Quickly Su Fen gave her a martial salute and bowed before responding with his best imitation of Fan Shun's stoic professional tone.

"That is correct commander Fan Ping, it is my honor to lead them to fight under your legion."

"No warrior Su Fen, the honor is mine. Officer Fan Shun speaks highly of your martial prowess. Personally, I hope your comrades never have to see it. For that will mean we've avoided engaging in this terrible ordeal for at least one more day. However I'll make this clear, this is MY legion. You AND your men need to understand that here and now" Fan Ping's voice rang out, infused with a small amount of qi, the emphasized words weighing down on the squad like a mountain.

While speaking, the commander's eyes landed on Fan Zhong and for a moment anger flashed. As their gazes met that anger melted into the worry of an aunt seeing her nephew following her to war. Finally, Fan Ping's expression iced over returning to stoic icy calculation in a flash.

"Commander, this one understands. None of them question your command or ability, our loyalty is to the clan as always" Su fen replied, kneeling and bowing his head to the ground to show sincerity.

With a deep breath and a sigh, the commander nodded and continued to inspect the rest of the squads. Fan Zhong let out a deep breath and straightened his stance as she walked away. Seeing the elder observer brought hot shame to his face, making emotions flare inside Fan Zhong's troubled heart. Trying to forget the awful incident at the academy he internally concentrated on the information Fan Cheng and Su Fen had taught him over the last day about the clan's structure during military operations.

Normally the clan operated in a business-like capacity with individual teams of six or fewer taking on missions that were requested of the clan. Many of the observers would either serve as part of a bodyguard team or take yearly jobs to serve a village or city. This left many observers working in one or two-man teams as they didn't require warriors to help them fulfill a long-term role as an observer who simply monitored ongoing and outgoing traffic to a community.

Those communities would have warriors or guards of their own and would rarely require the observer to fight as their job was to simply report if powerful martial artists were entering population centers without announcing themselves. Knowing this, the village elders set one-year limits on the missions that observers could take and required them to complete at least two team-based jobs per year to keep their skills sharpened. To accommodate this the average observer served a community with a partner serving to lighten the work and take over full duties when their partner went back to Little Green Bamboo Village to complete team missions.

Loose-form teams that didn't stay together long were the norm during times like this as usually the warriors would form teams of four stable members and allow observers to rotate into the two remaining slots freely. As such, there was no larger grouping of teams during times of peace. Occasional missions may require more than one team however they would be determined on a case-by-case basis by the clan elders.

Now that war was coming to the valley the clan recalled all personnel that could be spared and decreed military deployments. During military mustering and deployment, the Fan clan had a different set of guidelines to organize their warriors and observers. Battle squads were the official group and it just consisted of the normal mission team with four warriors and two observers.

To lead a squad a martial artist had to be at least second-grade and have at least a dozen missions under their belt. Above this was a legion consisting of ten squads with nine normal battle squads and one headquarters squad that was led by the legion commander. To qualify as a legion commander one had to be in the master realm or higher and be an active warrior or observer for five years.

Alongside the commander was their headquarters squad which consisted of veterans who acted as senior officers of the legion. Qualifying for those positions required you to be at the peak of the second-grade realm at a minimum. Even then, often it was preferred for these spots to be filled by first-grade realm martial artists.

If further manpower was required for an operation three legions could then be formed into a Palm with the most veteran headquarters squad assuming the head command position. From there the other two command squads would defer to the Palm commander's orders. To lead such a force the clan required one to be a veteran master realm martial artist.

In addition, the master had to have a decade of experience operating and performing duties with their master-level, or higher, strength. Finally, if there was an emergency that needed the entire clan to muster they would form an army of ten legions. Three palms make up the bulk of an army muster with the tenth legion being known as the core legion

In the core legion, every squad was made up of elders and veteran fighters with it being personally led by the clan leader. With this type of gathering each of the palm commanders would defer to the core legion headquarters squad. Every position in the core legion required one to be at least one realm higher than what would be required to hold that position in a normal legion.

For example, to even qualify as a normal squad member one had to be a veteran second-grade martial artist. Think of such a gathering of might had Fan Zhong's head spinning as the mere legion that he now stood in felt like a great gathering of might. He couldn't help but marvel at the amount of experience, training, and martial prowess held collectively by all of his clansmen standing here.

It was truly terrifying to imagine what type of monster needed such might to take down. This brought him to the actual details of the legion's deployment that Fan Cheng had relayed to him. Apparently, the valley clans had still been trying to negotiate with the Wei and lure them into a bargain or some sort of martial competition to decide the conflict, like the fabled trials of combat in the legends.

Unfortunately, the haughty overlords of the west hadn't been receptive and had secretly gathered a force of mercenaries both from cities under their control in the valley and lands slightly beyond that they had influence in. Just a few days ago mercenaries carrying Wei clan banners had assaulted a few small fishing villages along the banks of the northern parts of the Flowing Grass Valley.

The Wang clan and their allies hadn't finished gathering their own forces at that time. Caught unaware, the smaller communities that the Valley clan alliances hoped to protect were being razed and their people slaughtered. As one of the pillars of the alliance and the strongest singular martial clan, the Fan Clan had been asked to deploy one of their legions to hold the line. Their defensive point would be Forest Depths Village, a strategically vital staging point for the Wei forces to encroach further into the valley.

This village was important as it was the largest fortified community that wasn't one of the Wang clan's direct villages. The Wei knew that they couldn't easily break the Wang clan as they were possibly the second strongest clan in terms of martial prowess besides the Fan Clan. However, the Wang clan mostly controlled coastal villages and didn't have great mobility over land.

As such if they could secure the Forest Depths Village which was farther inland the Wei forces would have a fortified stronghold that could fortify their troops and bypass the need to take control of the river from the Wang, who were masters on the water. It was estimated that the alliance would need six months to gather a force to secure the western border between Wei clan territory and the rest of the valley. As such, Fan Ping's newly assembled legion needed to hold Forest Depths village long enough to buy that time.

Early reports had described the mercenaries as little more than scattered bands of raiders without truly organized structures. With no other info, the clan could not reasonably deploy more than a single legion without evidence of a larger more organized force. Fan Zhong secretly hoped that the gathered might of an organized, and imposing, Fan clan legion would cause the mercenaries to lose heart.

Whatever the case, they had been assigned the duty and he was going whether he wanted to or not. Choosing not to dwell on his thoughts, Fan Zhong focused himself back on Fan Ping who had returned to her position in front of the gathered legion. As the commander's gaze fell upon them the air seemed to vibrate and he could only guess that the veteran observer was gathering qi to disperse it throughout the clearing.

"Clansmen, today we gather for a solemn task." Fan Ping began in a commanding tone " The clan has not gone to war for nigh on a century at this time. We have lived in prosperity and grown to love our home. Today, the dogs in the west bare their teeth at our home. They bark and nip, like jackals looking for scraps. A better commander might tell you to give your blood for the clan. They would tell you that to die in battle is your honor as a warrior and soldier. I regret that my talents fall short here as I refuse to tell you such lies. Dying is final, it is messy. When you die it will be in a pool of filth and grime. Covered in shit and blood you'll splutter on the floor trying to choke out your last pitiful words."

She paused for a few moments, letting the words sink in. Some paled at the words, others met the words with fierce glares of challenge. Still others, those most veteran among them, simply had expressions of deep sadness. In the dreary rain under the peel of rumbling thunder, the seconds of silence seemed to stretch on for eternity under that dark sunless sky, a patch of time hidden from the heavens themselves.

"That is why you won't die. You'll fight, rip and tear. These dogs will bleed for every moment they dared think of killing the good people of this land. If you dare die under my command I'll reap a thousand Wei clan bastards for your eulogy and then ride them to the hall of the ancestors myself to make you wish samsara would take your soul faster!" Fan Ping's voice rose in fervor and intensity as she spoke "Today, we set out to send a message! To remind these whoRESONS WHY THEY ONCE FEARED THE NAME FAN!!... Now come, sons and daughters of heaven, we have jackals to hunt."

By the end of her words, the commander's voice was like whispering wind snaking into the ears of each of them. As beautiful as undisturbed snow atop a mountain as deadly as the coldest winter abyss. Like this, for the first time in a century, the Fan clan went to war.
Part 1. Ch. 28 Honor and Glory
Thunder rang in the sky as torrents of rain poured down from the heavens. Beneath these skies, gold and azure robes fluttered under flowing cloaks as the Fan clan legion marshaled aboard their transport ship. From either side of the wide flat upper deck, that stretched for 25 meters, torrential waves of flickering silver poured onto the deck.

If observed from afar, the ship seemed as if it was being pinched between two giant silvery hands while a waterfall fell all around it. It would, of course, be hard to observe this as the thick rainfall of the storm stretched for hundreds of kilometers and was currently covering a large part of the Flowing Grass Valley. Amid this storm, the stalwart soldiers of the legion shunted away the mass swarm of mirage carp like water parting before a sword.

All around staves and flying daggers flitted here and there as each squad assembled in a common battle formation. Fan Zhong was currently inside of such an arrangement with his own squad, engaging the largest mirage wave he had ever seen. Admittedly, that wasn't a high bar as he had only seen one such occurrence during his journey with Sir Teng due to the jolly old merchant purchasing many warding talismans for their journey.

However, the troop transport he was on had no such luck, as it was larger and forced to move much faster. Normally, ships that sailed the Flowing Grass River would only lightly use arrays and talismans that manipulated water qi to move faster as the process of doing so agitated the more aggressive aquatic life of the river. This luxury had not been afforded the Fan clan legion however as the request for them to reinforce Forest Depths Village had been urgent and so they had risked pushing their vessel forward at full speed.

Add to this, the river being more active during rainfall, and it was understandable how the conditions had attracted the large swarm of mirage carp. Some luck had remained at their side as the larger predators that lurked in the deepest regions of the water, of which the ship was currently pressing through, had remained scarce. This was most likely to do with the use of, at the great insistence of Fan Ping to the elders after she discovered their traveling conditions, four 'calm waters' talismans.

Under normal conditions, a single one of these was enough to keep the greater danger at bay, something to do with keeping the deeper water calmer while the surface was allowed to churn. At first Fan Zhong had thought it prohibitively expensive to use four of the sought-after talismans. However, now that he had a few large bleeding gashes from mirage carp he was happy that things deemed more dangerous had been safely warded away.

Focusing his mind, Fan Zhong marveled at his new ability to process thought. During the entire assessment of his surroundings and thoughts about the logistics of their situation, only the time for a single strike of his staff had passed. While his blows weren't the fastest it wasn't uncommon for multiple suck attacks to be traded in only one to two seconds during combat.

Just four days ago, before he advanced to the second-grade realm, his mind wouldn't have been able to do such a thing. Now, he was already flowing into a second shifting palm technique while his mind remained agile. It had vexed Fan Zhong that not much time had been given for him to acclimate to his new realm alas, he supposed, the heavens waited for no one.

Internally sighing, he focused back on the formation of his squad. Currently, he was standing to the left of Su Fen who was arm's length away and about a meter ahead of him. To the older warrior's right was Zi Bao, between them and directly behind Su fen was Fan Yong who stood slightly back from the center of the three. Mo Hui was standing to Fan Zhong's left and Su Dai was to Zi Bao's right, both about a meter away and slightly farther backward.

In this way, the three warriors and two observers formed a loose V shape with Su Fen at its head and Fan Yong standing in the center of the formation. This formation was formally known as 'Two Eyes Observe the Four Roaming Earths' and was the primary arrangement clan squads assumed in battle. The idea was for the leading most powerful martial artist to break open the enemy and use powerful techniques while the two warriors beside him focused on using shifting palm strikes to protect the leader.

Meanwhile, the observers would use their techniques to aid in defending either of the two side warriors and loose their flying daggers at gaps in the enemy defenses. For more experienced observers this also allowed them good positioning to activate illusion techniques to give the warriors between them extra protection and offensive capabilities. Lastly, the fourth warrior could launch defensive techniques to help any of the three warriors at the head of the group, letting him assist the person most in need.

Additionally, this last warrior could spot enemies flanking the formation, and if the group became surrounded he could turn outward. From here the warriors could form a wider circle with the observers inside of it striking from within the wall of staves their fellows put up. In all, the technique was solid although Fan Zhong felt that it would take time to acclimate its use.

Downing the sixth mirage carp since his thoughts started the young warrior's mind turned to his companion Little White. Currently, the water wolf was still in Little Green Bamboo Village, due to this being a far larger operation. During small-scale team assignments, the elders could allow for unique accommodations.

However, with this large scale, military defense uniform order became important and so reluctantly Little White had been left in the caring arms of Fan Jingyi. Not the whole clan had been given orders yet and since his little sister was one of the youngest currently active observers it was unlikely she would be deployed in anything short of a whole clan mustering. Thus, Little White was guaranteed to have a familiar face around along with Fan Jia who was in the same boat as Fan Jingyi.

Thinking of his family brought a heaviness to his thoughts and Fan Zhong physically shivered as he connected an origin palm strike into a mirage carp diving at Su Fen's shoulder. The blow rang true with his dozens of hours of practice and instead of dropping to the deck the small silver devil was smashed into fishy pulp. Fan Zhong took a deep breath as he juggled the staff along the top of his outstretched palm, the weapon blurring as his other hand connected with it mid-spin.

In an arc, the staff swiveled between his two palms in an earth shifting palm technique to collide with three mirage carp in a single swing before pivoting to rest back in his void gate stance. Rain poured from his cloak as slow breaths escaped his lips, visible in the air that the downpour had made frigid. Each drop felt like a pinprick of cold as it slipped down Fan Zhong's cloak, each second the cold subsuming him, amplifying the dull aching pain of his wounds.

It felt as if the heavens themselves were mocking his attempts as they drenched his resplendent robes, making his miserable physical existence mirror his inner thoughts. This war had been a long time in the making he knew however, the images of the joyful happy faces of those he had met this past year echoed in his mind. How many of them had suffered or would suffer because of this conflict.

Not to mention that there was no telling how many of those here on this very vessel would be alive in six months when the alliance marshaled their forces. It was all because he was too weak, too small to walk up and tell that upstart Wei lordling to dispense with this madness. However, where were those who were strong?

Where was his brother when people were dying? Where was his father when the heavens were falling on the people of the Flowing Grass Valley? His father could sunder mountains and divert rivers, suppress the nine heavens and tenths earths with his palms! Where was the most powerful man when his people needed him most?!

Outrage building Fan Zhong pushed all of his strength into an origin palm piercing technique drilling. His staff shot out like a lashing cobra extending and retracting to stance while leaving a fist-sized hole in a line of five mirage carp. Heavy breath came from his lips as he returned to the void gate stance and before he could strike out again a dull thud sounded out to his left.

Looking over, Fan Zhong saw Mo Hui on the ground with two mirage carp in the air about to gut him while two more flopped about on the deck by his feet. On his outer right leg, a large gash was cut and another ran along his left shoulder. Feeling the pain from his own wounds, an old friend in battle to Fan Zhong at this point, he immediately spun his staff and lunged.

'Momentum of Shifting Earth' took effect as Fan Zhong cut his step short to channel the motion into his staff and then brought it back into his legs. This stopped the motion of his weapon but let him generate more instant speed. In just a moment he arrived at Mo Hui's side and swept the two fiends out of their deadly arc with a mortal shifting palm using his right hand.

This sent the two mirage carp sailing past Mo Hui and further onboard around 10 meters on the deck in a rush smearing them across the wet floorboards. Pulling his stuff vertical he swept the bottom of it downward in a sweeping motion using a heaven shifting palm to flick the mirage carp on the deck into the railing. Finally with his left hand pressing down on the upper portion of his weapon Fan Zhong leaned over Mo Hui and smashed the remaining Mirage carp into a pulp with a heaven origin palm.

"Take care of him, junior brother Fan Zhong, I'll hold my own" Su Fen's voice was muffled under the crashing thunder and shouting from around them but Fan Zhong managed to understand the words.

Leaning down, he pulled some herbs from the depths of his robes, and while holding his cloak over the downed younger man applied them the best he could. The water got everywhere and Fan Zhong had no idea if what he had done would be effective. However, the wounds seemed to look worse than they were and he was positive Mo Hui wouldn't die from them. This was confirmed when the young observer nodded at him and tried to stand

It took a moment but with Fan Zhong's assistance, he was back on his feet in just a moment. Looking around, he could see that there were at least half a dozen other warriors having medical attention applied to them. In the center of the deck, there was a large tarp attached to some post that seemed to have some sort of array to keep out the rain. Under this were some three or four members of the legion lying on blankets.

Glancing around he could now see that the members of the headquarters squad were scattered about and were providing aid to those squads most in need while also covering for the wounded. Fan Ping was covering an entire section by herself while allowing three rather short manned squads to catch their breaths. Surely enough, after he had been looking around for just a moment a familiar member of the headquarters squad approached him in a blur of motion. Fan Shun looked the same as he always had with perhaps the exception of growing his hair slightly longer and the golden glow in his eyes from reaching the master realm.

Curiously enough, Fan Zhong noted that the older warrior had a small pin on his collar depicting a golden palm with an azure eye at the center. He hadn't noticed the detail earlier but it made sense that those who were expected to act as officers for the commander had some symbol of station or rank.

"Junior Warrior Fan Zhong, it's good to see you. Although it's unfortunate, pleasantries will have to wait for later. I have orders to see that all wounded get to the medical station. If no one is to die to the enemy then it would be embarrassing for someone to succumb to mere fish, no?" Fan Shun said in his ever stoic tone, only the barest hint of amusement and happiness at seeing his nephew seeping through.

"This one understands honorable senior, may your blade strike true and your foes fall quickly" Fan Zhong intoned in the most overly formal tone he could while bowing, if there was anyone who would understand the irony of him being so well obeyed then surely Fan Shun could.

With this Fan Zhong slung the arm of Mo Hui over his shoulder and began walking the younger man to the medical station. Shame boiled in his heart as he looked over the junior observer. Here he had been, thinking unfilial and unkind things about his family yet Mo Hui was fighting with all he had to fulfill their mission.

Deep down, Fan Zhong knew it wasn't that he was mad at his father or brother, it was at himself for being so weak. It seemed that this too was simply part of him that one day he would need to accept it to walk forward on his path. The idea scared him, the thought of truly accepting a side of him that produced such emotions.

Shaking his head they continued forward and arrived at the medical station. Here, Fan Zhong was able to see that it was monitored by the one squad made up entirely of observers and supervised by an observer from the headquarters squad. After being directed to a spot he set Mo Hui down gently and with a few grunts of pain the younger man was on a relatively dry pile of blankets.

"Th… Thank you, senior Fan Zhong," Mo Hui managed to speak through clenched teeth, his tone was gentle and deep like rolling hills stretched across a wide step.

It was obvious that the young man had little battle experience and even less being injured. This moment felt odd for Fan Zhong as he had always been the one with sincere thanks and apologies to his seniors. Now he realized that it had been almost two years since his service as a warrior had started.

As it was Fan Zhong was no longer the most junior member of the clan wherever he went. Thinking back on it he remembered that during his first battle with the bear during his warrior trial he had been wounded quite badly. It was probably through clenched teeth and fear of shame that he too had quietly suffered through such wounds.

Although it wasn't truly that long ago it felt like another lifetime to Fan Zhong. With a sigh, he made a silent promise to be more centered and aware of his teammates, especially those more junior to him. Had he not been musing about his internal struggles then it was very possible his enhanced senses would have seen the attack that toppled Mo Hui.

"You have no one to thank but yourself, junior brother Hui," Fan Zhong smiled at him as warmly as he could manage. "What brought you through today was the results of hard work and skill. No one, not even the heavens themselves, can take that away from you. Rest easy now the seniors will good care of you"

The young observer's eyes lit up at being referred to so familiarly. Normally senior clan members reserved such terms of address for those they highly respected. However, Fan Zhong was treating him as an equal, the same as someone who had fought through multiple life and death struggles with him. With the last of his strength, Mo Hui simply nodded without knowing what to say.

A single drop fell down his face then, from the rain or from himself who could say. If one asked the warriors they would simply say battles were good days for rain.

After this, the battle with the mirage wave continued for around half an hour, pushing the legion to its limit. At the climax, the headquarters squad pushed themselves to cover the entire ship with three to each side of the deck. Finally, after another five minutes, which felt like an eternity, the mirage carp felt enough of their numbers had been lost and returned to the depths of the river.

Thankfully, by the next morning, the storm had cleared and with just two more days of travel, the voyage to cross to the northern banks of the Flowing Grass River ended. Beleaguered and exhausted, the legion disembarked onto the docks of the Village of the Sky Splitting Spear, one of the stronger martial footholds of the Wang clan. From here they received ten supply wagons from the local Fan clan branch that had been prepared by the valley clan alliance.

Hasty preparations were made as each squad was assigned to drive and guard one of the wagons. Meanwhile, Fan Ping split her headquarters members up with each one supervising two of the wagons. The commander herself stayed at the head of the column guarding a wagon alone leaving the officer guarding the lead set of wagons with only one to watch over.

Blessedly after the first day of nonstop marching, they were allowed to take a rest. Fan Zhong almost collapsed onto his bedroll before Su Fen could hand out the watch schedule and the rest of his squad was fairing little better. Fan Yong and Mo Hui in particular had to be awoken with particularly cold buckets of water to the face, an experience Fan Zhong knew all too.

In all, only Su Fen and Su Dai still seemed to be in fighting condition by the end of that day and as such they took pity on their juniors, allowing Fan Yong and Mo Hui to sleep the whole night. Fan Zhong, however, now that he was a 'senior' second-grade martial artist was expected to perform as a veteran and take the first watch. The watch was long and made him wish for the companionship of Little White if only to hug the ever-lovable wolf as a source of comfort.

Unfortunately, the warm soft fur of his companion was far away at this point and so Fan Zhong suffered under the watch eyes of the heavens. After what seemed like an eternity Su Dai awoke and relieved him, causing the once pampered young master turned warrior to enter a deep sleep. Upon waking the next morning, all that greeted him was more grueling marching which left little room for talk.

Although he was able to lightly banter with Fan Yong and Zi Bao the atmosphere was far too tense for much conversation to happen. In this strained way, the legion made their way to Forest Depths Village. They arrived around noon to the smell of fire and sounds of screaming.

Smoke rose into the sky along the road as the legion approached from the southern gates of the village. Loud sounds of battle could be heard from within as fleeing villagers ran out of the gates. Fan Ping jumped into action immediately and assigned the observer-only squad to set up a healing and refugee station.

The same officer who had overseen the wounded coordinated this and one more normal squad was left to guard supplies as well as aid the villagers. Of the remaining squads, they were split into two parts with four squads in each. For the first section, they would be led by Fan Ping and a warrior officer in the first-grade realm to cut through the enemy and secure the western gate of Forest Depths village. Fan Shun would lead the remaining half of the legion with two other headquarters officers to defeat the primary enemy force inside the village.

Once the western gate was secured Fan Ping would hold it herself with two squads while giving the other two to the command of her remaining senior officer. From there they would spread out to the perimeters of the village before sweeping inward. Meanwhile, Fan Shun's forces would sweep outward from the center of the village after dealing with the main enemies.

In this way, the village would be secured quickly and they could bring the supplies inside to use the walls and buildings to gain a strong defensive position. Fan Zhong's mind was spinning as the orders were delivered quickly but his second-grade mental energy absorbed the information greedily, not letting him forget a bit of it. Soon they approached the gate to find two unorganized groups of around a dozen opponents each tormenting a few men over the corpses of their fellow villagers.

The mercenaries were varied with men and women as well as a few who had signs of non-human ancestry such as reddish skin. A golden-haired woman even seemed to have a long tail that stretched out behind her, scaled and reflecting in the sunlight. They wore different banners and crests with no seeming rhyme or reason to their armament.

Among them, the golden-haired woman had a purple scarf wrapped around her lower face with a black cloak drawn about her. The only other notable of the bunch was a man with the unmistakable colors of the Wei. He was dressed in an ornate green martial robe with a spear that had emerald inlays inscribed on the haft.

Fan Ping swept forward, blitzing past the other senior officers as her flying daggers blurred streaking outward. Three of the mercenaries fell from direct wounds scored by the streaking silver blurs while a dozen copies of the attacks stretched out in every variation that the commander could have moved. Five weaker warriors were struck and instantly collapsed, whether from real wounds or broken minds it was hard to tell in the confusion.

Seven of those attacked managed some form of defense and survived the first exchange, however they weren't prepared for the onslaught of fast attacks a veteran master realm expert could execute. Almost as soon as the first attacks landed Fan Ping was clashing with the Wei clan leader, the haft of his spear whirling as several showers of sparks appeared around the two as they exchanged physical blows. Billowing outward from the two experts engaging qi phantoms streaked outward from Fan Ping's blades each time they clashed.

With the ensuing tide of attacks the mercenaries were overwhelmed just trying to defend themselves and so when the legion arrived in the wake of their commander what ensued could barely be called a battle. Fan Zhong lashed out with an earth-receiving palm, his right foot driving the bottom of his staff into the temple of a man that had tried to bring a mace down at him caving in the attacker's skull. At the corner of his eye, a spear shaft flashed towards his right shoulder and was pushed aside by a shifting palm technique from Fan Yong covering him from behind.

Silver flashed to his left and Mo Hui struck out at an attacker who had gotten too close to them with his back turned to face another clan warrior. A loud thunderclap rang out as quiet settled over the clearing inside the open gates. Standing behind the woman with golden hair Fan Shun calmly sheathed his blade in the same ceremonial way required by his technique. In the distance the Wei clan warrior screamed inhumanly as he started clawing out his own eyes, falling to the ground amid the rest of the corpses.

Behind Fan Shun the golden-haired woman wore a face of stunned disbelief as she held her shield before her. It was a glorious shield of gold and silver that seemed to exude power yet as she slumped forward it, like her body, fell in two perfectly bisected halves. Without even a moment's pause, the legion separated and Fan Zhong's squad stayed with Fan Shun as they had been assigned.

The next moments were a blur as remote and separate groups of Wei clan soldiers and mercenaries were utterly dismantled by the weight of the organized legion. Arriving at the town square Fan Zhong saw that the enemy had fled rather than stay to engage them. Huddled amid a barricaded town hall where the citizens of Forest Depths village, with the bodies of almost one hundred enemies and defenders strewn about the square.

After a few hours of securing the village, it became clear that the enemy had withdrawn most of their forces at the sight of organized resistance and the day was a clear victory for the Fan Clan. Listening to the mournful wails of the living and the silence of the dead, Fan Zhong had a hard time considering it so. There was no glory here, no valorous battle, only dead men and those they left behind.

Staring at the ruin of the battle he could only think that soldiers told each other of glory and honor because those small brittle things were the only trinkets that kept them from madness.
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Part 1. Ch. 29 Bleeding Skies
Night settled upon Forest Depths village as the legion worked to erect a command post amid the still intact buildings. With hollow expressions and whispered words, the remaining villagers thanked them, guiding the haggard legion to make camp inside the town hall. Fan Zhong's squad was directed to pitch their tents inside the square itself as the headquarters squad worked to set up a meeting chamber to plan the village defense.

Breathing deeply, he could still find the smell of burning wood and spilled blood in the air. It had been a few hours now and the moon was high in the sky, thin wispy clouds obscuring the jewels hidden so far above. Even now smoke still rolled upward from buildings as well as funeral pyres placed about the village square. Many small fires denoted villagers giving burial rites to their loved ones as a roaring inferno sat at the center piled high with the bodies of the mercenaries.

Fan Ping had given the order for the bodies to be burned as battlefields tended to generate negative spirit qi from built-up regret and anger. Given time to fester this would infest the corpses giving rise to blood-sucking zombies and other such abominations. For large numbers of corpses to be buried or left to rot whole required a priest to say burial rights and conduct rituals that would put to rest the leftover emotions after death.

With no such holy man present the only safe option had been to turn the dead mercenaries into ashes, far from their home and loved ones. In a way, Fan Zhong felt that this was a fate they had earned by attacking innocent people. However another part of him knew that no vindication came from this, no one's sadness was cured with more misery. As such, it left him sitting around a campfire with his squad trying to ward off both the cold and bitter feelings with only the cloak around him as protection from either.

Looking up Fan Zhong could see the grimace on the faces of his companions, this had not been the glorious entrance they had hoped to make. Notably, Su Fen and Su Dai were exceptions as they simply stared calmly into the fire, their expressions unreadable. Seeing the pale face of Mo Hui, Fan Zhong tried to stir up conversation and bring a welcome distraction.

"So, junior brother Mo Hui, your family are tailors by trade correct? What's that like? Do you learn about the trade from a young age or did your interest always lie in the martial path?" Fan Zhong asked the younger man with a gentle smile, attempting his best impression of a good-natured senior.

"Ahhh well…" Mo Hui seemed shocked by the question and his face flushed for a moment before he composed himself "I have five older siblings, so the trade work was mostly covered by them. Don't get me wrong, being around tailors all my life has taught me a thing or two. Mostly though, my bigger build meant that childhood was full of many hours spent hauling large crates full of material around for the family. After my aptitude for the observer corps was determined to be suitable for an outer disciple position the training filled most of my life."

"Ahh but you certainly had the aptitude for the trade then if your mental focus and acuity were so high at a young age" Su Fen joined the conversation, yawning after his words in the same lazy manner that he always used around the company of those he wasn't close to.

"Not everyone is so fortunate to be born with all paths under heaven and earth open to them young master Zhong" Zi Bao shot at Fan Zhong with a mock sneer, the long days they had spent together removing most of the bite from the words.

"Hmph, as if your clumsy hands could open such paths. Fairy Zhi at the Soft Moonlight Hall tells me that your rough fingers can't even open the path to the heavens, junior brother Hui's graceful hands, however… they could ma-" Fan Zhong replied with a sly smile starting to form on his face.

Before he could finish Zi Bao had huffed and threw a rock at him, standing to chase him around in half-hearted anger. Rare laughter filled the small encampment and for a moment the squad forgot about where they were and what troubles the world had brought. Meanwhile, Mo Hui's face was horrified as red crept up the sides of it.

"Oh?" Su Dai said, spotting her junior's rising embarrassment "Is junior brother Hui not just new to battle but matters of the night as well? Don't worry, your bigger sister will take care of you."

Su Dai winked at Mo Hui from across the fire and Fan Zhong, Zi bao as well as Fan Yong were barely able to contain their laughter. Su Fen's smile deepened as he lightly swatted Su Dai on the backside with his staff before yawning while lazily saying

"Behave, little sister. Besides, Auntie tells me that you still haven't chosen a husband so what would you know of such matters? You should be mindful of your mother's aching heart and give her a grandchild quickly so she stops worrying, hmph!" At the end of his words, the stalwart mask of indifferent laziness broke away from Su Fen and he wore the grin of a particularly mischievous child.

Su Dai gasped and gaped with an open mouth at the older warrior before pressing herself up against Mo Hui's chest and feigning the expression of someone who had been horribly wronged.

"How can you say such hurtful things, senior? Junior brother Mo Hui, quickly, defend my honor before this injustice ruins my purity" With these words she fluttered her lashes at the younger man and giggled.

All of this was slightly too much for Mo Hui and he stumbled backward from the senior observer as if running away from an alien creature. Fan Zhong and Zi Bao caught him before he fell over completely and everyone shared one more round of joyous laughter before continuing the light conversation. They didn't speak of heavy topics or personal issues nor of the deep mysteries of life, all of them simply spoke of the small things that brought joy from moment to moment.

After all of this Fan Zhong slept more soundly than he had for many nights not dreaming of anything. Morning came all too quickly however and with it assignments for town defense. According to the villagers and preliminary scouts, the enemy was split into three camps. The first was a contingent of Wei clan troops situated directly west of the village, where there was a large clearing that spanned some 10km wide and 9 km away from the village.

At the end of this large clearing were three small hills with around one km in between each with clear prairies stretching behind five-meter crests. The Wei camp was located behind the three hills and was using the clearing between two of them as the main gate to their base. Located south of this encampment was a much larger hill that gently sloped up to crest around 15 meters high.

This marked the separation point between the main Wei camp and the encampment of the outland mercenaries that they had hired. To the north of the village stretching for dozens of km in either direction was a dense forest that was around 5km deep. On the other side of this forest, the clans within the valley loyal to the Wei had their own encampment set up so that if they walked directly through the forest their troops would emerge at the northeastern corner of the village wall.

Early estimates put the Wei troops at around 20 elite main clan soldiers who were mostly serving as officers and field commanders to their subservient forces; info was sparse but it was determined the commander of this unit should be in the master realm. Next up the Wei clan loyalists numbered around 80 and were equally composed of untrained militia and third-grade martial artists with around four elite commanders. Scouting observers had reported that this group definitely had a master realm leader as well with at least three second-grade commanders confirmed.

Lastly, the mercenaries seemed to be the largest group with around 100 of them left. Thankfully most of them seemed to be third-grade martial artists with only around a handful of second and first grade martial artists. Early estimates numbered those above third-grade at only ten with a master realm commander included in that number.

From this, the obvious conclusion was that the Fan clan legion was horribly outnumbered with the enemy possessing an over three to one advantage in the sheer number of soldiers alone. With this, one could assume that if the enemy was allowed to bring their entire force to bear on them in an open confrontation the outcome would be a total defeat for the Fan clan soldiers. All was not lost however as the residents of Forest Depths Village still had members of their guard willing to fight, adding another 20 third-grade martial artists to their forces. Many of the able-bodied villagers also offered to fight for their homes and thus 40 untrained combatants were added to the force.

Combined with this, early engagements had shown the sheer difference in the quality of skill between the Fan clan commanders and the enemy such that each legion member was worth almost double his equal from the opposing side. Add the battle squad formations utilized by each group and the effectiveness of each legion warrior increased further. Still, even with this, an outright engagement with both forces bringing their full might was bound to end up with only a pyrrhic victory at best.

Perhaps this was acceptable for the Wei clan elite who looked to use their people like expendable pawns but Fan Ping had no such idea to use her soldiers like that. As such, it was determined that two squads would guard each gate from the ground while four would spread out along the village wall to act as watchmen. Meanwhile, the remaining three squads would rest and stay in reserve to be deployed where needed.

These three reserve units would rotate with the on-duty ones to make sure that the legion kept up their stamina. Meanwhile, the headquarters squad split to command separate groups with one each for both gates and one for the wall units. Equally, three headquarters officers remained with the reserves with each being assigned a reserve unit that they could quickly lead to reinforce any part of the village.

Fan Ping had also outfitted the 40 untrained villagers with the hunting bows that were stored in their supply wagons. Normally these bows were used to hunt game to supplement food during long marches. Originally they had intended to outfit some of the less experienced legion warriors with them and station them as the wall guards.

However, with so many volunteers it made sense to arm them with a weapon that could be used while keeping them from tripping up allies in battle. Many of the senior soldiers were hesitant about how effective the bows would be as an expert at the second-grade realm or higher could deflect normal arrows. Even highly skilled third-grade martial artists could manage the feat if they had sufficient training and techniques.

These naysayers had relented after a fierce glare from Fan Ping and Fan Shun succinctly explaining to them that the enemy forces were mostly third-grade combatants and even some untrained militia. Although some of them may have the skill to make the arrows harmless with the general lack of skill present among the mercenaries it seemed reasonable that their third-grade warriors were on the weaker side and thus would be hampered by the attacks.

As such, after Su Fen returned from the officers' meeting and relayed this to the squad this information he also informed them that they would be assigned to the western gate, the frontline between them and the enemy. Knowing the danger commander Fan Ping had positioned schedules so that either herself or Fan Shun, as the strongest inside the legion, would be present at this gate at all times. This left the other officers to rotate through the remaining positions but no one argued with the veteran master realm observer.

So it went that on the next morning, amid a slightly cloudy sky with a breeze sending the morning chill along their backs, Fan Zhong's squad stood at the western gate of Forest Depths Village. Most of the day was quiet and it almost felt familiar to him as memories of long hours spent standing bodyguard with Sir Teng and the auction he had guarded last year stirred. Fan Zhong's trance was quickly broken as from the far side of the open plain stretching before the western approach of the village loud war horns could be heard.

Row upon row of armored mercenaries crested the horizon accompanied by a small contingent of Wei clan soldiers at the center of the formation. Beside the mercenaries were martial artists in varied color valley clan martial robes that swayed in the wind. Shouts rang out as the enemy started to charge and Fan Shun shouted orders to one of the guards on the wall.

"Enemy attack! Observer Shi Zan, inform the commander. Archers hold fire, Su Fen, and Shen Bo ready your men!" Fan Shun's commanding voice boomed over the surroundings as each group lined up.

Looking at the oncoming forces, Fan Zhong could see the enemy had brought crude siege ladders made from the nearby forests. They weren't long however, the wall around Forest Depths Village wasn't particularly tall at around 12 meters. After all, it had never been built to defend a siege only to keep out wild spirit animals. What caught his eye the most were two contraptions that were being wheeled forward on crude makeshift frames near the center of the approaching group.

Each had a large log tied to an upper bar such that the log could swing freely. On the wood, simple runes were carved that thrummed with some faint force. Fan Zhong was no observer however his newly awakened mental energy keyed him into the presence of imbued qi and energy. Sighing, he realized that these battering rams most likely had some sort of force multiplying formation that would destroy the gates if they were allowed through.

This meant that they couldn't simply defend the walls and kick down siege ladders. If the Fan clan legion wanted to hold Forest Depths Village at least some number of them would need to directly engage the enemy to stop the battering rams if nothing else.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl in his vision as the enemy approached closer and closer, their flags dancing in the wind to the tune of incoming violence. When the enemy had approached within 200 meters Fan Zhong's enhanced senses let him see their faces. Old and young, men and women, a vast array of human and half humans stretched out in opposition to the legion soldiers.

As they approached the thunder of marching seemed to drown out all things, the wind, the world, and even Fan Zhong's own breathing seemed to suffocate under the rumbling of so many feet. From 50 meters he could smell them, a boiling mixture of people who had been forced on a long campaign without the pleasantries of society. Atop the wall, the villagers with bows quivered in fear and some began to nervously look at Fan Shun, eager to loose arrows at the attackers.

"Not yet, hold fire." Fan Shun's steady voice radiated calm over the clearing, in the qi infused within Fan Zhong felt the familiar touch of… an observer's techniques?

With no time to process the information, his eyes locked on the approaching enemy as they crossed another 20 meters.

"Fire! Brothers and sisters stand fast, TODAY THE ANCESTORS SMILE ON US!!" Fan Shun roared as he settled into a void gate stance.

Behind Fan Zhong gasps barely registered as movement blurred. His mind faintly registered this as the enemy crashed over them in a wave. Two men in shining metal armor thrust spears at him. Heaven and earth shifting palms flowed from Fan Zhong as he deflected the two attacks in an instant stepping into the guard of the two.

A mace flashed at his head from the side, barely deflected by the thrust of a staff from behind Fan Zhong. Next, his staff crumpled the knee of the attacker to his left, blood sprayed and the spear started falling from the man's hand. From the back ranks of the enemy, a sword thrust forward, catching the blade on the haft of his staff Fan Zhong pushed outward and spun the weapon on his forearm.

Feeling the flow of combat he conjured the melody of solid beats and shifting undertones. In his mind, the song of the Fan style blared as one attack turned into the next. Two origin palms ended the other spear wielder, a plain-looking woman with auburn hair, and the one on the ground caving their shiny metal helms inward in a spray of blood. Next, a dozen shifting palm strikes of all three variants with receiving palms in between every three or so hits.

Five opponents were thrown off balance, dazed or disarmed with three of them meeting their end from caved-in rib cages and crushed spines. Momentum built as his movement technique added to the growing landslide of Fan Zhong's onslaught. Suddenly the song seemed to halt and he realized an enemy had blocked his last three blows.

Without warning, his left shoulder was pierced by a sword and a shield hit him in the face. Daggers flashed past him and Su Fen's snaking viper movements blurred in front of Fan Zhong for just a moment as his opponent was blindsided by the offensive. In the next moment, the older warrior was back to his position in the formation and Fan Zhong's enemy crumpled to the floor grasping his crushed windpipe.

The battle raged and the song grew deeper, the blazing symbol of Fan clan martial arts shining brighter in Fan Zhong's mind. Occasionally some would resist but the song knew no end, it would continue after these small lulls with the minor annoyance of some wound on his body. Such things were lost in the trance of shift, shift, origin, shift, receiving, origin, origin. An ever-flowing pattern of techniques played in Fan Zhong's mind as the shining symbol turned into a sun, then started bleeding.

Roaring with killing intent, Fan Zhong surged forth to claim his prey as the song in his head drove him ever forward, the bleeding sun hungry for more. Suddenly, he was thrown to the ground and found himself staring at the worried face of Fan Shun. Around him, dead bodies littered the clearing with dozens of dead mercenaries and a few of his fellow legion members.

Looking at his positioning Fan Zhong realized that he had run ahead of the gate, breaking formation and chasing the now fleeing enemy. Further, into the field, a group of five legion members stood with Fan Ping's shining commander's crest visible as she stood amidst a broken battering ram, to the side one of her strike team was holding a limp arm.

"Junior warrior Fan Zhong," Fan Shun's stern voice was like a bucket of cold water to Fan Zhong's mental state and he snapped back to reality looking at his once mentor "control yourself, NOW!"

Taking a deep breath, Fan Zhong tried to nod but at that moment he felt intense pain from all over. It was only now that his mind had calmed that he realized there were dozens of wounds across his body. Blood drenched Fan Zhong's once pristine martial robes and he clenched his teeth in pain, straining to keep the boiling scream from inside.

All the while whispers furrowed into his mind. Small voices that echoed joy at what he'd done, little bits of him that should have been locked in the abyss of his heart. With all of his willpower Fan, Zhong shoved them back down.

Focusing, he reminded himself of memories of joy with his martial techniques. Of the sweeping sands that freed him and how they inspired the shifting melodies of the song. The stalwart peaks that stood in defiance of time formed the solid backbone of the composition.

All of the passion, blood, sweat, and tears that culminated in the symbol of 'Fan' that he had drawn raced through his memory. During this time, he couldn't focus outwardly and only the sensation of being lifted and rushing air reached him. Internally, Fan Zhong continued layering the sincere genuine emotions that he associated with his martial arts cultivation over the song and symbol.

Doing this he realized that it wasn't that he hated martial arts, far from it. Fan Zhong simply loved the world and his joy came from seeing his martial path through the lens of his worldview. Others may have seen their path differently however, he only gleaned joy from training when he could see the joys of life in a technique.

Cool calm washed over him as that idea formed like a wall between him and the whispering voices. They couldn't touch him any longer, his path was now as solid as the mountain peaks, as elusive as the shifting sands, and as unstoppable as an avalanche. With trembling gasps, Fan Zhong opened his eyes to see that night had settled above the village square.

Around him were the wounded forms of half a dozen legion warriors and three times that many village volunteers. Sighing he laid back down hoping to sleep, perhaps the enemy had lost heart after the exchange. The next morning he was feeling well enough to return to his unit as they had most of the day scheduled as reserve duty.

From here, Su Fen let him know what had happened during the battle. The enemy had mostly rushed at them head-on with equal numbers assaulting their guard force and using siege ladders to climb the walls. Fan Ping had arrived with the rest of the headquarters unit in tow right before the leading enemies entered combat with their squad.

After that, a bloody battle ensued where the commander cut a path alongside her officers towards the battering rams and managed to take one down. They had met heavy resistance however as the three enemy master realm commanders had met the headquarters unit, heavily injuring the senior observer that usually oversaw the medical station. With their siege engines in jeopardy, the enemy commander called a general retreat, leaving one battering ram behind.

This had been when Fan Zhong rushed after the retreating enemy, bashing two of their skulls in before they pulled away. He had been about to chase them all the way across the field before Fan Shun had stopped him. In the end, 10 village defenders had lost their lives alongside five members of the legion, three warriors, and two observers.

The enemy forces had lost 38 warriors, however, so it was not a profitable engagement for them. At this point Fan Zhong was numb to death, his mind so overloaded with the day that he could barely process what the death of 15 comrades meant let alone start mourning for them. For now, it felt like they could only pray that this engagement had discouraged the enemy of the notation they could take the village.

Come that night when it became apparent that they had not.
Part 1. Ch. 30 Casualties of War
With a gasp Fan Zhong awoke, sitting up in his bedroll as cold sweat poured from his face. After a few moments, he was able to calm himself and get a bearing on the surroundings. It seemed it was still night as outside of the tent's opening only the flickering of torches could be seen to ward off the ink blackness that blanketed everything.

Exhaustion slowly settled back onto him as Fan Zhong realized that even after struggling to get to sleep he had only managed a few hours of rest before being startled awake. Another dream had visited him that night, a dream where soldiers with silhouetted faces beat him. In this dream fires and evil spirits seemed to dance on the edge of his vision as the unrecognizable soldiers beat him over and over demanding for him to tell them!

However, he had no idea what they wished for him to tell. At first Fan Zhong had kept up the stoic demeanor befitting a warrior of the clan but soon the pain mounted and he started to whimper miserably. After what seemed like an eternity Fan Zhong started saying anything to stop the beatings however no end came, no answers could satisfy these demons.

When it seemed that death would come to him a stirring came from the back of his mind, a place that he seemed to be willfully ignoring. At that moment voices seemed to curl around his thoughts whispering answers that were just barely unintelligible. Hearing this his mind started to panic, for some reason he feared those answers more than death itself.

Conflicting emotions warred in his mind as it felt like it would be torn asunder, his base instinct to survive warring with an almost primal fear of whatever dreadful answer was contained within the whispering voices. Finally, after the world turned white Fan Zhong found himself waking here, inside his tent. Shivering from a cold that was both physical and mental, Fan Zhong pulled his cloak up closer around him for comfort.

It was then that the shouts could be heard, they started slowly as echoes heard from distant thunder. Soon the noise grew just the drums crescendoing that heralded the storm the thunder warned of. From beside him, Zi Bao stirred and soon Su Fen was pushing open the small tent the two resided in.

"Assemble junior warriors, the enemy is attacking" Su Fen's voice carried a hard edge that was unlike his normal demeanor.

Understanding the situation to be dire, both Fan Zhong and Zi Bao scrambled to retrieve their weapons and get into formation. Fan Shun was shouting orders as fires blazed at the southwest corner of the village. The darting shadows of observers moving towards the fire along rooftops could be seen carrying buckets to stem the burning as the warriors quickly formed relay lines between the wells and buildings.

Quickly Su Fen's squad was assembled by Fan Shun and an observer from the headquarters unit along with two other squads to launch a counter offense and push back the enemy. Streets blurred by as the Fan clan warriors activated their movement techniques to the extreme. Soon, the southwestern corner of the wall came into view and Fan Zhong's expression became ugly.

There, an entire Fan clan battle squad lay dead, scattered along the wall and ground. Amidst his fallen brethren and sisters over a dozen, enemies lay broken as well. Only ten or so enemies remained with two of them wearing the signature emerald robes of the Wei clan under their pitch black cloaks. Each of the assailants had full black outer clothing on with a dark-colored paper talisman that was only visible inside the light of the burning buildings.

With this, it became apparent that the enemy had used some sort of stealth talisman along with the cover of night to sneak close to the walls. Their attack point was well chosen as well as the building that seemed to be burnt the worst was Forest Depths Village's food storage warehouse. If too much of the food burned the Fan clan battalion simply wouldn't have enough to feed the villagers.

Hatred burned in Fan Zhong's heart as his eyes saw the dead Fan clan warriors. Fan Shun also seemed enraged as he blurred forward while shouting a warcry that was heard throughout the entire village. In a panic, some of the enemies tried to flee while others threw down their weapons in surrender. Not a single one made it to the wall and by the time Fan Zhong calmed down enough to see, his hands were stained red as they gripped the red bloody pulp that had been the head of a female warrior.

The corpse of the mercenary was adorned in shoddy-looking armor made of low-quality spirit beast leather. Emblazoned proudly on the front was the symbol of her company, two intertwining black dragons, and hanging just from the now headless neck was a locket clutched tightly in a pale hand. Inside the locket, Fan Zhong saw the crest of the woman's family along with a painted portrait of her holding a younger girl marked 'so little Xiang can always protect her elder sister'.

Bile rose in Fan Zhong's throat and for the first time, he retched on the ground uncontrollably after killing someone. After a few minutes, a hand rested on his shoulder and Fan Zhong violently shook it off, rising to his knees and angrily glaring at the person who touched him. His mind was spinning in every direction, anger at the Wei for starting this war, anger at the mercenaries for agreeing to serve them, and anger at himself for having so little control.

This hadn't been a fight, the intelligence reports from the scouts had said that there were normal mortals and third-grade martial artists among the fighters. Fan Zhong had abused that fact and had torn apart this woman like soft paper with no regard for her surrender and helplessness. How could anyone understand the loathing he felt? The rage that drove him to so blindly lash out at the enemy? How could anyone keep living in this world knowing the pain that coursed through his being at this moment?

When Fan Zhong's eyes finally landed on the person who had come to comfort him he felt deep shame. Fan Shun stood above him with a deepness in his eyes that Fan Zhong had never truly comprehended. In those eyes, feelings that couldn't be expressed with a thousand words transferred to Fan Zhong.

Of years dwelling in this pain, of comrades lost and enemies killed, and of hard decisions made that still haunted one for the rest of their days. All of this and more rested in the calm expression of Fan Shun and at that moment Fan Zhong felt like the most petulant of children. Previously he had always just thought of the senior warrior as someone wise, someone to follow in the martial way.

How naive, now he saw the deep pain that life had carved into Fan Shun. Sorrow only decades of walking the way of a martial artist could bring. At that moment, Fan Zhong understood that he was barely starting to understand the weight of the duty on his shoulders and the weight his clan carried. With a barely audible sob, he pulled himself together and stood to salute Fan Shun.

The rest of the warriors stood silently and waited as not only Fan Zhong composed himself but Mo Hui, as well as Fan Yong, also recovered. Earlier during the battle for their lives at the gates these young warriors barely had time to keep their lives. Now they had killed enemies in a cold and personal way, with this each was affected quite severely.

In short order, the observers finished putting out most of the fire, and a general assembly was called in the town square.

"Today is a day of sorrow brothers and sisters, half a dozen of our own lie dead while four villagers gave their lives to buy time for the legion to muster." Fan Ping's voice rang out over the square as flickering torches cast shadows over her face "The enemy is more devious than was thought, they used powerful illusion talismans to repel down the cliff face to the southwest and then approach the wall. By the time the alarm was raised, it was too late and fire had been set to the warehouse."

Growls could be heard from the warriors at the mention of their fallen brethren, those brave souls had not died in battle but by knives in the dark that stopped them from fighting back effectively. Fan Ping's expression was hard as stone as she spoke and with a single narrowing of her eyes, all sound ceased. Even the wind seemed to obey her command momentarily ceasing its endless moonlight song.

"I will not lie to you, the losses to our supplies are great. After a review of the stock, the headquarters logistics officer tells me that by standard measurements we have to last for three months. This is not enough to finish our task as you all know. To this end we have no choice but to preserve, harsh rationing will go into effect and we will hold until the allied forces arrive. It is now, brothers and sisters, that heaven tests our resolve. Under the eyes of our ancestors, we cannot afford to fail!" Fan Ping's speech boosted the morale of the legion and by the end of her speech, the fan clan warriors were reinvigorated to outlast the siege.

So started in earnest the siege of Forest Depths Village by the Wei clan. In the first week, the enemy became silent again and rarely even sent scouts to attack the village. Many thought this was a sign that the mercenaries and loyalists had abandoned the Wei or rebelled, effectively breaking the siege. This was quickly dashed as at the end of the first week a night raid was conducted on the southern gate.

Although not much damage was done it caused the already pressed Fan clan legion to double their defensive efforts putting the already exhausted warriors and observers further on edge. After, the rest of the month passed with the Wei clan forces constantly harassing the legion night and day so they had little time to rest. In the third week after the initial siege, the enemy made a bold move and attacked in force yet again.

This time Fan Zhong's squad was stationed at the southern gate with two other such groups. Leading them was a first-grade warrior from the headquarters unit named Zi Lin. With the officer being a distant relative of Zi Bao the young warrior had paid his respects to the older man as both his uncle and a senior warrior. Everyone had just settled in for the morning guard shift when the cries went out from the wall that the enemy was attacking the western gate.

Fan Zhong shivered upon hearing this, part of him wanted to rush to the battlefield to aid his fellow warriors however, there was also a part that was simply happy to be away from the battle. Updates continued to arrive that the enemy had brought their remaining battering ram and how commander Fan Ping had once again taken to the field to disable the siege weapon.

After half an hour of fighting, it seemed that the battle was reaching its bloodiest as casualty reports came in. As a messenger arrived to deliver these numbers to Zi Lin the older warrior's face hardened and he stared over at the southern approach to the village. Cresting to the horizon was a formation of Wei clan forces at least 50 soldiers strong.

Leading this group was five elite Wei clan soldiers wearing resplendent emerald armor.

"Call the reserves, now junior!" Zi Lin shouted at the messenger as he took in the sight of the approaching enemy.

As the messenger ran off Fan Zhong got into position beside Su Fen and together the three battle squads formed a half-circled defensive line with their battle formations side by side.

"Nephew Bao, tell your father it was an honor to fight by your side. Fellow warriors, this old man leaves the hope of the clan to your younger generation. Hold fast and I'll buy you what time I can against that monster." Zi Lin said as he strode out from the defensive line while solemnly meeting the gaze of the head Wei clan elite.

Fan Zhong looked at the lead enemy and his heart leaped in his chest. He could feel waves of power coming from the man as he peered into the emerald eyes set into the sharp visage before him. With flowing gray hair and sharp facial features that resembled the edge of a sword, the warrior cut an imposing image. There was no doubt in Fan Zhong's mind that this man was a master realm martial artist and that his death could come with a simple twist of the warrior's wrist.

As the enemy approached they stopped and the Wei leader sneered at Zi Lin before surprisingly giving the Fan clan officer a martial salute.

" Today you have the honor of meeting Wei Xiangtian in battle. What do you want written on your tomb, brave warrior?" the leading warrior said with all the haughty arrogance one would expect of a Wei noble.

"Senior honors me with his name, this one is Zi Lin. Please instruct kindly senior" Zi Lin said through clenched teeth before surging forward with surprising speed.

Wei Xiangtian's sneer turned into an amused smile as he seemed to blur before reappearing with his sword in hand already clashing with Zi Lin. Fan Zhong had little time to see the battle between the two as the enemies collided with them shortly after. In his mind Fan Zhong felt the familiar melody of his song of battle with the Fan clan crest emblazoned in the sky of his mind, shining proudly.

He fought with great care keeping himself balanced as all three forms of palm strikes wove together. Each attack landed spoke of the shifting sands, tall mountains, or endless heavens. Instead of seeing blood and death Fan Zhong focused on the art of his combat, the thing that had allowed him to give it life.

With each passing moment, he accumulated more wounds. A shifting palm knocked aside a spear and then he juggled the staff on his arm before using 'Momentum of Shifting Earth' to deflect a sword. From the left came a mace that numbed his shoulder as a flying dagger pierced the spear wielder. Pain throbbed in Fan Zhong's mind as he pushed forward.

Soon he realized that his movements had allowed the enemy to get between him and Su Fen, luckily Mo Hui had slipped in to cover the senior warrior's flank. Several times Fan Zhong tried to push through the melee to reach Su Fen's side, however, a curved sword blocked him and drew blood each time. Finally, Fan Zhong turned and faced the one obstructing him and noticed it was one of the Wei clan elites.

He wielded a curved saber that seemed to sing with the wind. What surprised Fan Zhong was that this man was thin, willowy and someone almost as tall as himself. Although it wasn't something he took too much pride in, Fan Zhong knew that few people were naturally as tall as him so when he spotted the auburn-haired man obstructing him this feature stood out. Examining his opponent in the heartbeat before they engaged, Fan Zhong saw a middle-aged man with ruthlessness in his eyes.

This was not a cruel ruthlessness, rather it was one that was accustomed to making hard decisions and bearing the weight of those decisions. When their weapons met and he saw the green tint in the other man's eyes, Fan Zhong understood that he was dealing with an experienced second-grade warrior. He met the first horizontal attack with a mortal shifting palm looking to move outside the Wei warrior's guard.

This was followed by the opponent stepping in and thrusting which triggered Fan Zhong to raise his offhand and attempt a mortal receiving palm. Surprise registered in the man's eyes for a moment and the saber withdrew for only a fraction of a moment as it smoothly flowed into a reverse cut. A flurry of exchanges followed as Fan Zhong desperately used shifting and receiving palm techniques to fend off the whirlwind of saber attacks.

With expert precision, the saber would meet his staff in a bind and then flow around in either thrust, counter cuts, or occasionally kicks and punches. In the span of just four seconds, the two exchanged half a dozen blows. After just a minute of fighting the number of clashes numbered close to 80!

Fatigue threatened to catch up to Fan Zhong as blood flowed from multiple cuts on his person. Vaguely in the back of his mind, he heard a boom and saw the body of Zi Lin go flying past him but his mind was focused solely on his opponent. Shift, shift, shift, retreat, piercing origin, counter, shift, shift. The exchange happened in a blur as his opponent was starting to read him and his initial flurry of shifting palms was met with two binding thrusts and a feint into a reverse cut that left a blazing wound on his left side.

It seemed that his opponent was also feeling the wear of battle as the piercing palm connected with the man's right shoulder and the grip on his weapon lessened. At this point, Fan Zhong had barely been able to gather any reasonable amount of momentum for his movement technique and there was little room to maneuver. Steeling himself he feinted a step inward towards his opponents outside while juggling his stuff in the widest spins possible, willing the movements of 'Momentum of shifting earth' to carry him.

With that momentum, he swung to the inside of the warrior's guard as he approached before stopping just outside of measure and spinning while juggling his staff in a spin above his head. Beside his head, Fan Zhong could hear a whistle as the saber passed so close to him that the edge drew blood from the side of his head. Smiling like a madman he brought the staff down into a void gate stance and put all of the momentum into a piercing origin palm, sending the butt end of the staff at the opponent as a drilling lance of destruction.

Suddenly Fan Zhong saw the smile on the Wei warrior's face and he realized with horror that the opponent had managed to get his saber into a guard and redirected the staff strike along the outside of the saber causing no damage. All of this happened in one swift instant in the time it took for a stone to fall from a table to the ground. Realization struck and time seemed to slow for Fan Zhong as the elite Wei clan warrior pushed his staff by using his off hand to brace the back of the weapon and swiftly brought the blade upward in a vertical cut to gut him.

Both of them were dumbfounded as simultaneously a long continuous explosion rang out only a few dozen meters from them. A shockwave of force interrupted the attack as a dust cloud rose where Wei Xiangtian and Zi Lin were fighting. Next, the Wei clan warrior revealed an expression of horror as a flying dagger flew forward past Fan Zhong's left side and landed in his neck before Mo Hui seemed to blur beside the man to deliver another dagger to his gut.

Lastly, it was Mo Hui's turn to be surprised as his face of triumph turned into one of pain as he looked down to see the off-hand of the Wei clan warrior hold a knife that was now shoved into his heart. Fan Zhong screamed and the Fan clan crest in his mind bled an ocean of blood as red filled his vision. When he came to, he could only hear sobs as he looked downward at red hands.

It took a long while but he realized the sobs were his, there in front of him was the torn and shredded body of the Wei clan Warrior. Lastly on his lap, beneath his blood-stained hands, was the corpse of Mo Hui. On that day Fan Zhong let loose a primal scream of rage so profound it would later be said that every member of the Wei clan in all of the heavens shivered in fear.
Part 1. Ch. 31 A river bled driver is a river no more
Warm air blew over the campfire that blazed underneath the night sky as Fan Zhong's squad all stared into the dancing flames. Neither the fire nor pleasant breeze could remove the chill that had set into their hearts and none of them had spoken a word since returning from the battlefield. A short while ago they were told the results of the battle, in total two squads worth of legion soldiers had lost their lives in that melee before Fan Shun had arrived from the southern gate.

Zi Lin had bought as much time as possible however after his death the master realm Wei clan expert had started slaughtering the fan clan warriors. Had Fan Shun not arrived when he did, causing the shockwave that had saved Fan Zhong's life, then the only outcome left was certain death for the remaining legion members. In this respect, it was rather miraculous that Fan Zhong's own group only had a single casualty.

There was a cold logic that could be applied to explain this in that their unit was one of the more singularly powerful ones with three second-grade martial artists. However, it had to be said that no human is without feelings, able to examine the death of a loved one with cold logic, and none of them felt anything that had happened was miraculous. At this point, the legion had suffered heavy casualties while also inflicting a heavy blow to the enemy.

During this battle alone the Wei clan had lost 25 men, including the master realm Wei clan expert who Fan Shun slew, at just the southern gate alone. In the main battle at the western gate, the casualties had been lower as it was just a diversion for the attack on the southern gate. However, the Wei clan forces underestimated the fury and swiftness that Fan Ping could bring upon them and they lost another 30 men there as well including four of the elite Wei warriors.

Tragically many of the village guards and volunteers were assisting with the southern gate defense as the legion had assumed it would be the safer of the two due to terrain. Along with the two lost legion squads, 15 village guards and 20 volunteers had lost their lives, many slain while trying to buy time to hold the Wei master back. The loss of life that day was too tragic and it left barely enough legion squads to cover the guard shifts.

During a war council, the officers had begrudgingly split up squads to form full units which had drawn silent grumbling from the already over-taxed legion troops. Fan Zhong hadn't bothered to learn the name of their new second-grade observer, he didn't know if there was even enough time to get to know the middle-aged woman. So with nothing but the whispering winds to keep them company the newly formed Su Fen battle squad sat in silence awaiting the next call for battle.

"Brothers and sisters," Su Fen finally said with a somber expression "today we live to see tomorrow. Remember that each day you see past today was bought with the lives of those who fell here. Savor each and every moment until the day you stop drawing breath, for it was purchased with a heavy price"

While saying this he took out an expensive-looking jug of wine from his pack and removed the seal. The pungent smell of berries and alcohol wafted over the fire mixed with the deep notes of a brew that had aged for many years. Without saying another word Su Fen took a large drink from the jug and passed it to Su Dai

Afterward, she stared at the jug with hollow eyes, as if all the life had drained out of the woman's face. Slowly she lifted it to her lips and took a deep drink before letting out a long breath. Done with this Su Dai let out a laugh that sounded equal parts like laughter and sobbing.

This was like the floodgates opening as she repeated these actions three more times before great sadness replaced the emptiness in her gaze.

"Nine berry wine, junior brother Hui loved this. Whenever he was struggling with a new technique or needed encouragement, elder Fan Yuhei would always tempt him by saying she would have some brought to the training compound." Happy memories seemed to drift across the sadness in Su Dai's eyes as she reminisced, her sorrow deepening as the pleasant memories reminded her that she would never see the young man sighing happily at a jug of wine ever again. "Observer training is harsh for many of the younger generation especially those not from the warrior branch clans or main family. For them life is lived to the fullest, interacting with family and friends while pursuing one's goals. With him, it was a large adjustment to get used to such things."

She paused to take another drink, sighing before continuing.

"As a direct Su descendant I despised him when we met, his talent was low and his bulky frame was annoying. Seriously, how could such a mountain of a man ever move swiftly?" Su Dai's tone took on a tone of petulance as she pouted as if Mo Hui was right in front of her to receive such scolding "However, he was persistent, his hands bled from practicing the flying dagger arts. When we slept, junior brother Hui would stay up to practice mental techniques. Even though I was a cruel senior and assigned him extra chores he did them without a single complaint."

Finally, Su Dai was cradling the jug as if it were the only thing holding her to reality, tears ran down her face as she curled into a ball trying desperately to keep what little composure she had.
" Stupid, stupid boy… why couldn't you just keep making clothes… what's so wrong with clothes" she whispered under her breath between sobs, almost spilling the wine jug.

Su Fen moved gracefully and stopped the jug from tipping over before picking it up to pass the drink to Zi Bao. Next, he scooped up Su Dai in his arms as his eyes revealed the same kind of sorrow that Fan Shun had shown Fan Zhong.

"Junior brothers and junior sister, please forgive little Dai this campaign has been hard on us all but her especially. Please drink and think of better times, at least in this, we have control over what happens" Su Fen said in an earnest tone

"Hard… what do you know as hard!... Oh, you stupid boy… Stupid warriors… all of you are so foolish." Su Dai started to slur her words while clinging to Su fen for support and also beating his chest with her fist in fitful outbursts.

With a sigh, Su Fen delivered a bluringly fast chop to the back of her neck and she slumped in his arms. Then with a regretful expression, he carried the unconscious observer to her tent. Fan Zhong, Fan Yong, Zi Bao, and the new observer all exchanged glances with bitter smiles. One by one they took a drink from the jug and said a prayer for Mo Hui, may he be blessed in the hall of his ancestors with a swift and bountiful reincarnation.

After this, the major confrontations seemed to cease with the Wei clan forces mostly launching small raids against the wall or gates. Rationing and guard shifts became the biggest problems for the legion as there were only five functional battle squads available. This left Fan Ping unable to assign two units to both gates instead she opted to have a single unit at the southern gate with two at the western gate and a single unit overwatching the walls.

With this, only one squad at a time was able to rest and with the enemy attacking around the clock in small probing assaults the fan clan warriors became more worn down. During the first week of the second month, a few of the remaining village guards collapsed while on duty, falling from the wall. This resulted in them being injured lightly and requiring some of the observers with medical training to leave their guard squads to help.

Although the legion warriors were normally very stoic when dealing with the residents of Forest Depths Village nerves were fraying and at this point, many of the fan clan warriors berated and insulted the village guards for being incompetent. Fan Zhong had to intervene as Fan Yong openly attacked one of the village guards after the man spat in his face. This surprised him as the normally jovial Fan Yong had been a rare site these past few weeks, instead, he had been quiet and irritable.

Afterward, Fan Zhong apologized to the man with Fan Yong also did the same after the village guard apologized for spitting at him. Thankfully this incident had not spread further and was during their rest period shortly after waking. Both of the young warriors had sat down afterward to eat a meal, as they did gray clouds rolled in the sky as the ever-present wind whispered in their ears.

With another sigh Fan Yong set his spoon down beside the bland bowl of rice porridge that served as today's breakfast.

"Brother Zhong, thank you for earlier. It has been… difficult, these past few weeks. Junior brother Mo Hui has left us for the hall of his ancestors alongside many of our comrades. Every day we fight for our lives as hard as we can so that we may carry their tale home. Meanwhile, we eat handfuls of rice mixed with water, guard, and patrol all day while sleeping for no more than a few hours. This awful life, I'm sick of it! I miss the smell of flowers in the Soft Moonlight Hall, the smell of spicy noodles at that cart in the village. Do you remember the one? It feels like all of this started when we last met there as if this is all a bad dream." Fan Yong's expression became ugly before taking on a melancholy expression "Does this make me so bad brother Zhong? Am I unfilial to the clan and my parents for these feelings? I hate every moment of being here but being here is my duty, as heavy as a mountain weighing on my soul."

Fan Yong looked at him, equal parts pleading and confusion in his eyes. Fan Zhong tried to smile reassuringly and met the gaze of his best friend.

"Who among us wishes to fight knowing we might die? On what day did anyone ask to eat field rations and spend weeks tirelessly keeping guard with no rest? What warrior is eager to meet his forefathers? No brother Yong, unfilial is not an accurate way to describe you both to your clan or your parents. We keep our honor because we endure that duty, this is what shows our worth, our caliber. Besides, what fair maiden won't want to hear the stories behind the war scars of the mighty brother Yong?" Fan Zhong chuckled slightly, widening his smile as he attempted to lighten the mood.

At this, the other young warrior smiled and playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"Of course, when they hear the tale, we must include the heavenly tower that oversaw the fort which suppressed the earth. Two mighty young masters suppressing the nine heavens and ten earths, side by side!" Fan Yong's smile glowed and the feeling of jovialness around him returned slightly.

With this, the two continued their meal and the day blissfully ended without a Wei clan attack. More weeks passed and near the end of the second month of the siege rationing became extreme. Each person was only allotted two meals a day and the master realm practitioners, who were the remaining four members of the headquarters unit, only took one as they could apparently partially supplement the need for food with Qi usage techniques.

Time continued to pass and the weather began to shift as the summer came into bloom cold night winds gave way to warm summer breezes. Another month passed with only minor skirmishes happening, neither side willing to commit enough for more casualties to be sustained. At the end of this month the food had mostly run out and the logistics officer was projecting that only one month of food remained at this point.

Many attempts had been made to see if a unit could be sent to Sky Splitting Spear Village to request aid from the alliance however, it was a two-week march to even get there and any members sent to call for aid would weaken the main force. In addition, the danger to those who were sent on such a task was very high as only one battle squad could be spared at most to perform such a task.

This would also weaken the defenses of the western gate leaving Forest Depths Village in danger of being overrun. After much debating Fan Ping opted against this course of action and instead sent a full unit of observers out to scout the enemy forces for weakness. More weeks passed and by the end of the second week of the fourth month, no word had been heard from the alliance regarding reinforcements coming soon.

So far, the only hope seemed to be an intelligence report compiled by the various scouting missions that managed to view many meetings of the various leaders within the enemy forces. According to this report, the mercenary and loyalist commanders were incredibly unhappy with the Wei clan elite warriors with them only being held here to continue the siege by coercion. With this, the headquarters unit and officers reasoned that if they could kill the Elite commander of the whole force the enemy would scatter back to their homes.

A bold plan took shape, two headquarters officers would lead an assembly of two battle squads each to cut off both the routes between the Wei elite camp for the mercenaries and the loyalists. Meanwhile, Fan Ping along with a master realm warrior that was within the headquarters squad and the remaining battle squad would assault the Wei commander. If they could kill the enemy leader before reinforcements could arrive then the plan would succeed otherwise, only an all-out battle could decide the outcome.

Fan Ping took a deep breath as she surveyed the battle map within the makeshift war room the legion had established. Within these figures lay either the death of all her men or the salvation. Heat pressed down on her drawing sweat from her normally pristine and stoic face.

All around the officers waited with determined faces for the answer of their commander. The table the map lay on was a simple wood table cut and hewn from nearby lumber. Around the room, all the furnishings had been removed leaving a small space that only had the bare wooden walls of the town hall to greet her view.

Along the ceiling hung banners adorned with the crest of the Forest Depths Village elders, those who had served this community and given their all for it. Fan Ping wondered if today she would do the same, for both this village and her clan. In this one moment all the details around here from the martial robes of her officers, which were now dirty and disheveled from months of constant battle, to the smallest cracks and defects in the walls.

As she exhaled and began speaking Fan Ping felt as if she was signing the death warrant of her entire legion, the decision weighed on her as no other had before. However, this was the only way that seemed to give a chance for victory, the only way for some to return home. If the enemy could be routed a group could safely make it to Sky Splitting Spear Village and get much-needed aid and supplies.

"We will attack the Wei Elite camp. Junior brother Fan Shun and junior sister Su Luixian will lead the flanking forces. Kang Song," Fan Ping smiled at her old friend while addressing him "Will you come with me this time?"

The meaning was clear and the remaining master realm warrior of the headquarters unit met her gaze with a smile and conviction stronger than the sturdiest mountain

"Who else can make sure these brutes learn what real warriors are made of? Commander, my staff is yours as always" With that, the burly warrior, with blazing golden eyes who stood almost eight feet tall, bowed until his face touched the ground.

Fan Ping smiled while a single tear rolled down her cheek. Kang Song had been her friend through many battles and they had spent the latter years instructing in the clan village while enjoying time together. She had even considered marrying the man had Elder Fan Yuhei allowed for such a thing.

Perhaps that day would never come however, there was no one in the world Fan Ping would rather fight her last battle with.

"Brothers and sisters, it has been an honor to do battle by your side. Tomorrow may be the last time the heavens grace me so. Know that while I still draw breath the Wei shall never sleep, to me there is no sky under which they shall have a peaceful night until the last scion of these dogs lies choking on his own blood. Go and rest Brother Song, could you please come to stand guard with me through the night? Our troops need rest and its long overdue they've had some" Fan Ping's smile was the warmest any of the officers had ever seen on her face, sorrow and regret mingled in that expression

After this, the commander and Kan Song both relieved all the on-duty legion members to rest while taking up positions at either gate. Both of them took out large numbers of spirit stones absorbing the Qi of Heaven and Earth stored within and using it to fend off their fatigue. With the two most powerful master realm warriors in the legion putting their auras on full display the legion warriors slept more peacefully than they had in months.

Fan Zhong awoke the next morning to the remaining legion soldiers gathering information. The tension in the air was palpable as everyone wore grim expressions. Fan Ping presented to the legion members and explained the assault plan.

"Before the assault, we will utilize a talisman crafted by the current generation observer leader, this will make it appear as if everyone is at their posts like normal. The largest flaw with this talisman is that it doesn't replicate the sounds normally made by those displayed in the illusion, to that end the village guard and volunteers will attempt to make noise to add to the effect. However, be under no delusion, the enemy will see through this ruse eventually. Today we stare into the maw of death, our only path forward stands through the belly of that monster to pierce its heart. Stand firm warriors and observers of Fan, today is a day that stories will be told about for generations to come. With our blade let us carve our history into the Wei clan in blood!" Cheers went up throughout the village square as Fan Ping finished.

With grim determination the legion moved, intent on meeting the enemy.
Part 1. Ch 32 A good day for rain
Cool calm settled on Fan Ping's mind as the talisman flew from her hand. Inwardly rivers of mental energy cycled through her body following the well-practiced loop of the 'Ten minds see all under heaven' cycling technique. In concept, the technique used by master realm observers was a modified version of the common loop variety.

It required that the martial artist form the first loop of Qi and mental energy as wide around as possible before forming nine more concentrically smaller loops, each one inside the last to form something approximating a disc. With this, observers could vary the amount they were sustaining at any given time allowing for fast advancement during training or reduced loops to free up mental concentration during combat. The only requirement was that two be kept up at all times.

With these two the observer collected neutral heaven and earth Qi with the outer loop and fed it through a conversion Dao rune formed of mental energy to make Primal Mind Qi. This was a combination of body and mind qi as a composite combining the pure physical boost of body qi with the increased mental acuity of mind qi. It was said that once one mastered the first step of the technique there was a second that allowed for a second conversion formation that would increase the efficiency of converting the energies of heaven and earth.

Using a single thought she pushed the gathered Qi into the talisman as a barely perceptible strand of silver light. This was the 'connection of control and calculation' technique observers normally ran along the thin strings attached to flying daggers. By controlling the physical properties of the string using body qi and watching every tiny change in it using the accelerated thought process of mind qi an observer could move the daggers about almost as freely as their limbs.

For this, the secret came in the construction of the strings used. Although this secret was closely guarded by the elders of the observer lineage Fan Ping was one of them so she was privy to such knowledge. When an observer initiate first starts training they are made to shave their heads and donate this hair to the lineage before bathing and beginning the first exercises. This is normally explained as a process to purify the individual and a sign they are devoting themselves to the training.

Every observer who makes it to the master realm is given back a loc of this hair as a sign of completing their training and 'taking back' what they had left as collateral for the lineage. However, the rest of this hair is used to fashion the strings that serve the observers flying daggers. With this, the hair is woven into the material of the string and forms a physical connection with the user strengthening their ability to use body qi with it as that type of energy is naturally best when used to enhance one's own body.

Fan Ping shook her head slightly and stopped reminiscing about the techniques. As she did a transparent ripple stretched out from the talisman floating in front of her. The paper of the talisman started to burn with a silver fire as the power within was exhausted and soon a transparent haze was covering each member of the legion. Atop the walls of Forest Depths Village figures wearing the proud robes of the legion soldiers appeared just as life-like in appearance as their real counterparts. An eerie chill ran down her spine seeing the sight, there was something unnatural about seeing her soldiers portrayed in such a way.

With a silent nod to the other officers, Fan Ping activated 'stalker steps', the movement technique standard for all the observers. Quickly, her mental energy reached out from the eight loops inside Fan Ping's dantian, gathering Qi and feeding it into the cycle. Powerful energy coursed through her limbs as she gracefully moved over the ground, barely touching it in an almost ethereal way.

Each step carried her a few feet and could have covered almost a dozen had she not been slowing down for the legion to keep pace. Despite the speed and number of warriors moving they didn't make a sound as the legion exited via the southern gate of Forest Depths village. The assault plan was simple: they would leave via the southern gate and go around the cliff face at the southwestern corner of the wall.

Here, they would hug the line of foliage bordering the open plain outside the western gate of the village until they came to the edge of that clearing. Finally, the force would travel north for a way until reaching the hill bordering the entrance to the camp the elite Wei clan commanders had set up. Scout reports indicated that the haughty bastards had forced a mix of mercenaries and loyalists to guard their camp wall.

As such Fan Ping suspected that those assigned to such a task would be less qualified, with the Wei elite already angering the leaders of their respective allied forces. Time passed quickly and the legion was able to traverse the route with little issue. Standing below the rise of the top of the hill bordering the enemy camp Fan Ping saw that only a handful of six guarded the gate.

It was hard to classify the gate as one as the shabby frame that had been put together barely looked to be standing and had no doors to speak of. Around the camp large logs had been squared and laid atop one another in the low points between the hills, using the terrain to form a natural wall. Inside the camp, only a few dozen tents were set up and most of them seemed to be unoccupied at the moment. In all the camp covered only around a square kilometer and wasn't large. Looking around she noticed however that it did have shoddy gate frames set up for southern and northern approaches along with the gate for the western approach.

Similar compliments of guards lined the other entrances so in total the camp was guarded by around 18 men. At the center of the camp, a large bonfire was lit in front of which sat a war table with various decorative seats arranged around it. Here the remaining nine elite warriors from the Wei clan seemed to be having an intense debate as one of them was standing and shouting at a man with his back to the fire.

This man was seated and had a spear with a pure white sword laid on his right shoulder. As the standing warrior continued yelling the seated man, who Fan Ping assumed to be the commander at this point, simply stared at him impassively. Using 'one heaven observed 10000 times' she tried to get a feel for the man's strength.

It was then that Fan Ping noticed the levels of the two sitting beside the leader who were sneering at the yelling man. These two gave off master realm energy that slightly fluctuated the air. As her technique worked the mind and body aspects of Primal mind Qi came into effect allowing the mind aspect to make each fluctuation as apparent as the sun while the body enhancing aspect outlined each small movement as it enhanced her eyesight.

Each of these men had piercing green eyes and carried swords that radiated the power of mortal magical treasures. To the right, the man had rust-red hair and wore a traditional emerald martial arts robe emblazoned with the Wei clan crest. He stood slightly shorter than most men and had a scar running down across his face that went from the top of his right eye, through his nose, and ended at his jaw.

Staring at the man's face gave one the feeling of a cruel man, someone who took pleasure from inflicting pain. However, the sternness of his gaze also spoke of temperament and discipline. Obviously, the Wei had trained the man well and he had to overcome much to reach the master realm.

To the left of the leader, another pair of piercing green eyes could be seen. This man had stark white hair the color of bleached bone. From his gaze, one felt the impression of an upright noble, someone who was righteous and would purge all of those who stood in his path. Resolution sparked in his eyes and as he stood almost a head taller than the average man he looked down on those around him as if to judge their sins.

Finally, the leader was a plain-looking man who had shortcut muddy brown hair and a stocky build. Of all three Fan Ping could tell that they were at least in the master realm. However, although she could see that both of the men sitting beside him were in the initial stages of the master realm, Fan Ping couldn't see through the leader.

Years of training and observer work spun in her mind as she tried to think of ways to calculate the strength of the man. Many times Fan Ping had worked exercises to see through opponents even up to decently powerful grandmasters, however, today she was failing to see through the exact power of someone in the same realm as her. This vexed her as she was certain the leader was not in the grandmaster realm, the fluctuations of power weren't correct for that.

Elder Fan Yahui had allowed her on multiple occasions to try seeing through someone more powerful than her and she had been able to. Not to mention practicing with the current clan head, elder Fan Long! Two possibilities raced through her head, the first was that the enemy's power was unimaginable and was above even the clan leader. The second and more likely explanation was that the commander had some sort of talisman or magical treasure designed to protect against such observation techniques. Breathing calmly she tried to come to a decision, the second was most likely however even if that were the case the question remained, could she beat him?

Previously only the Wei elite master that Fan Shun had killed had taken to the field and this commander had yet to deign the battlefield worthy of his presence. If she could defeat him then all was well, however, if Fan Ping overestimated herself it would condemn the entire legion to death. Indecision raced in her mind as Qi furiously cycled through Fan Ping's body.

Fan Zhong breathed in deeply as he squatted in formation under the rise of the hill outside the Wei camp. They had only just arrived and it had been a relief that the march had gone well. Su fen stood in front of him to his right and the older warrior's presence reassured him, allowing his mind to stay at ease. There was little question that today would be the deciding battle for Forest Depths Village; the only real question was how that battle would go.

During the entire march, he had been using his mental technique to try to spot any signs of enemy scouts. It was foolish he knew, the veteran observers would notice the enemy long before he could, but it was something Fan Zhong couldn't help doing. All of the previous missions that Fan Zhong had previously been on had been to defend something or escort someone.

This would be the first time he was actively participating in an attack on the enemy. Nervousness tinged his thoughts, something new to him as previously battle was something that was forced on him, not something he was walking towards. Subconsciously without Fan Zhong's input, his fingers began drumming the beat of his music against the staff in his hands.

Suddenly something touched his hand and Fan Zhong almost gasped before a hand covered his mouth and he looked up to realize it was Su Fen. With a silent nod, the older warrior stared at him and breathed deeply before exhaling exaggeratedly. He got the hint and started breathing deep and slow once more.

After making sure the young warrior was calmed down Su Fen nodded again before facing forward and repeating the motion to someone ahead. Fan Zhong realized that Fan Shun had been looking back from his position further ahead in the formation. Warmness touched his heart and he quickly looked down in embarrassment as his breathing started to regulate.

Slowly things settled down and the legion waited with bated breath for the orders of their commander.

Resolve solidified in Fan Ping's eyes after only a few minutes of deliberation, today the legion would fight. Quickly her hands formed a series of seals as she pointed at Su Luixian, her master realm observer officer. With a quick nod, the experienced observer understood. Like a pair of shadows, each of them used their movement techniques to glide between the foliage and down the hill, silent as a pair of ghosts.

As they approached they split up, Su Luixian going to the right of the gate as Fan Ping ran to the left, each appearing like a blur to the third-grade martial artists guarding the entrance. To his credit the second-grade officer leading the six men was able to just barely react, showing a confused expression as he started slumping to the floor. In Fan Ping and Su Luixian's eyes, silver sparks danced and they could both see the ethereal silver mind qi phantoms piercing the forehead of each enemy.

This was 'Height of the Sky Overbears the Deep Earth' delivered with a phantom formed from Primal mind Qi. Qi Phantom attacks are formed from envisioning an attack as one would make it in the mind and then filling the model of the attacking portion, this case the flying dagger, with one's own Qi. With this, the phantom will take on the properties of the Qi and mimic the real attack. These phantoms only amplify what could physically happen so the more of the attack the martial artist physically performs the less Qi is used to form the phantom.

In this way, high-level martial artists' fights look like the fighters are physically twitching in many different directions in quick succession like they are feinting over and over again, at least when they have Qi for techniques. This allows the start of the motion to give shape to the phantom and launch an attack before retracting and repeating the action from a different angle. During this occasion, Fan Ping swiped her hand back and forth with each swipe being the beginning action of a throw with the flying dagger, and then filled the model of the attack in her mind with Primal mind Qi.

After that, the technique was applied as she formed and moved the energy in the right way to amplify the emotions the targets were already feeling. The enemies hadn't physically died from the phantom attacks, Primal Mind Qi wasn't good at affecting the physical world by itself as such, instead, she had amplified their surprise at being attacked to such a degree that they had instantly had heart attacks.

With a sigh Fan Ping flicked her wrist and sent out a fan of six daggers from her sleeves, cutting the throat of each enemy. One couldn't always be sure that mental attacks had finished the opponents and so she made sure they died from purely physical wounds before anyone could recover. As this was happening Su Luixian signaled the legion to advance as shouts went up around the camp.

Immediately, the men from the other entrances rallied and started forming up to engage Fan Ping and her officer. However, they froze as they saw the entire legion closing in over the hilltop.

"Well so much for surprise, I suppose sneaking is more your style than mine at any rate" Kang Song's voice rang out from beside her.

"Hmph, as if you could sneak up on anyone. Shall we hunt some jackals?" A faint smile touched Fan Ping's lips, her heart warmed at the sound of his voice and it comforted her that this day that might be her last was spent with a dear comrade.

"I don't know about that, these bastards seem incredibly surprised to see me here. I suppose we can do something about this jackal problem of yours however, you'll owe me" Kang Song said, returning her look with a jovial smile.

"Oh? And what would you be expecting? Don't forget that I am your superior officer, Junior brother Song." She retorted with a slightly teasing tone.

"Hmmm, dinner and… perhaps we can talk about things. Just so you know, I have elder Yahui's blessing already. Enough talk though, time to put down some jackals" Kang Song didn't give her the chance to respond before he charged into the center of the enemy camp bellowing a war cry that reached the heavens.

Fan Ping almost choked at those words before recovering. Quickly, she issued commands to her two remaining officers with hand seals before rushing after Kang Song.

Fan Shun raced at the head of his two squads, directing them to the northern gate of the Wei camp. This would be the gate that connected them to the loyalist camp and he would have to hold the enemy here to give Fan Ping time to end the enemy commander. Determination flashed in his eyes as his movement technique gathered momentum.

Quickly he used the modified version of 'Ten minds see all under heaven' that elder Fan Yahui had designed for him. It was called 'Ten minds burn all under heaven' and used a combination of mind, fire, and earth qi to form Burning Earthly Mind Qi. With the way his technique worked he needed both earth and fire Qi to advance them; however, after advancing to the master realm he learned more about elemental Qi.

The elements worked in cycles and it just so happened that Earth defeated fire which would cause his qi to be only half as effective as normal heaven and earth qi. This in turn would need him to use twice as much to receive the same results! Luckily, the elders had designed this technique which used mind qi as the primary element with fire and earth as secondary. This formed a composite that still had some of the aspects of fire and earth.

Three loops were needed at all times to maintain this and now Fan Shun reduced his normal six-loop state to three as he poured excess Qi into his body and blade. He sped up like never before and the enemies guarding the northern gate only saw the outline of a blurring brown flame in the shape of a sword as all six of them were cut down. Fan Shun leveled a cold gaze out of the gate as he saw enemy forces marshal up a primitive path that have been cleared.

This was his position, on this day, Fan shun would not yield his ground!

Fan Zhong moved his staff with grace, launching three shifting palm strikes before retreating a step as the new observer in his squad launched attacks in his wake. Three flying daggers flew and one found its mark in a shoulder before the enemy forced the weapons back. No time was wasted and as this was going on Fan Zhong had moved to his right, deflecting an attack aimed at Su Fen's side with a shifting palm before launching an earth origin palm at the opponent's knee.

Mortal magical treasure met flesh and a sick crunch preempted a shout of pain that was drowned in the din of combat. A brief gaze over the battlefield let Fan Zhong see that Fan Shun had spearheaded into the enemy ranks and engaged the master realm expert from the loyalist. Two short maces met the short sword of Fan Shun as shockwaves rang out from the engagement.

This had a side effect as the enemy force split like water around the fighting experts and pressed down on the Fan legion squads. Fighting continued and Fan Zhong suffered several cuts to his upper arms all the while his mind stayed calm like a cool breeze. It was as if he had acclimated to the fighting by this point, being driven by a grand symphony of martial movements.

In truth, the melody playing in his mind had crystallized and he felt like he was balancing on a tightrope, desperately trying to use the skills gained from this experience while being wary that the lust for battle would overtake his mind. Images of bleeding suns flashed through Fan Zhong's mind for a moment and a shield rammed into his face.

Cursing he rose and found that the enemy had flowed around the master realm experts and driven the legion warriors so far back that Fan Shun was now cut off from the rest of them. This didn't mean danger for the experts however, it meant danger for the legion members. The loyalists fighting them mostly had an advantage in numbers and now that they had more surface area to attack the legion warriors this advantage could be leveraged.

Fear stirred in the pit of Fan Zhong's stomach and he pulled his weapon in front of him, firming his resolve to continue fighting.

Su Fen saw with perfect clarity as the enemy surrounded his battle squad. He could see it in his mind's eye now, all of his comrades dying as they bitterly struggled to the last breath. There would be no rescue as Fan Shun needed at least ten more seconds to finish off the enemy commander.

Most people assumed that Su Fen had the most attainment in 'Momentum of Shifting Earth' much like his long-time friend Fan Shun. This was understandable as it was his second best technique and allowed him to use the shifting palm technique to such a high level that he had named it the 'shifting sands' style. However, the area he actually excelled in the most was 'Observing the Roaming Earth'. Yes, he was a warrior that was most skilled in mental techniques.

At a young age, his aptitude for the observer lineage had been incredibly high, and being a member of the Su clan it was expected that Su Fen would become the next core disciple of the lead observer. Honestly, he had thought so as well and had been eager to do so until he met Fan Shun. That day he had observed the man who would become his best friend being beaten black and blue by a pair of Fan clan scions no less.

This had continued and almost every time Su Fen would see Fan Shun he was being beaten or bullied by other members of his clan. What caught his eye every time was that there existed no hatred in those youths' eyes, only the determination and resolve to become better. To prove his naysayers wrong. After investigating he found that Fan Shun was the bastard child of a Fan clan observer who had an affair with a Su clan warrior.

Their relationship had been accepted by the clan however, this warrior wanted to be more than a branch clan member, he wanted to incite rebellion and overtake the fan clan. As such he was thrown out and the observer was shamed endlessly for the faults of her lover. Fan Shun reminded her of that shame and thus he was raised almost entirely on the generosity of those who would spare him time.

After learning this Su Fen was shocked and horrified about the youths' treatment and tried to bargain with his elders to formally adopt Fan Shun into his own family. His words had fallen on deaf ears however and so he decided that he would follow this man, someone who could keep hatred out of his heart even while shouldering the weight of others' sins.

When he found out that Fan Shun was destined to be a warrior he decided to be one as well! This is how the youth who was once considered a potential prodigy of the observer branch became a clan warrior. Over the years many had scorned him for this choice however, Su Fen had never regretted it once.

Without the weight of such responsibility on his shoulders, he had found a new freedom and enjoyed a newfound love of just living life. This was why he always wanted to appear lazy and carefree, for this was Su Fen's ideal state! Staring at the impending death about to fall on his squad he once again donned that lazy smile and swept his staff out, pushing all of his comrades back behind him in just a few motions.

"Junior brothers and sisters, remember to always face life with a smile. Every day is a gift, cherish it and you'll meet your ancestors with no regrets." Su Fen's tone was jovial and he spoke as if he was taking a stroll through a tranquil park

One step, five spears came down on him from all sides. Shifting sands called to Su Fen and he answered two sweeps of his staff knocking the blows aside, a knife stuck in his gut. More winds whispered to him as half a dozen blows rang across his weapon, the knife wielder dropped to the floor as blood oozed from his eyes and he struggled to breathe. Shift and strike, a cut to his arm. Block and counter, his left eye was bashed in.

Su Fen's figure wove a dense forest of after images as his staff increased in speed. First, one enemy fell, then two, and then four. Blood flowed from wounds on him as water flows in a river but no attack seemed to stop him, nothing could stop the song of shifting sands. One, two, four, eight, a dozen, tens of dozens, the strikes increased as weapons approached him and in turn were smashed apart. Finally, after a dozen breaths, all was still as that ever-moving staff slammed end first into the ground.

A shockwave of dust ran outward and everyone who was second-grade or higher could feel the focused mental energy resonating in Su Fen's staff. His body stood rigid and resolute, an iron bulwark between his enemies and comrades. At that moment his face was calm and he wore a lazy smile.

Fan Zhong looked at the figure of Su Fen, astonished that the veteran warrior could do such a thing. Mental energy seemed to hum in the staff he was wielding and it felt much stronger than Fan Zhong's own. Eyes widening he realized that the senior warrior must have broken through to the first-grade realm mid-combat, like the stories of legends!

Everyone around the battle squad stared at Su Fen in shock and only the shockwaves from the other squad fighting as well as the master realm duel still rang out.

"Senior, that was amazing. Come and reform the formation, we'll route them!" Fan Zhong said with courage in his voice.

No reply came.

"Senior Su Fen, Quickly reform the battle line!" Fan Zhong's voice had panic in it as he rushed to his comrade.

Everyone else stood frozen, still shocked from what had just happened. The enemy looked on with apprehension, not knowing if they should attack or flee for their lives. As Fan Zhong touched the older warrior's shoulder, he gritted his teeth.

With tears forming in his eyes he walked a single step forward to look at Su Fen's eyes. His mental energy had already told him everything from that touch, there had been no pulse. He had to confirm it was his eyes and as he met the gaze of his senior Fan Zhong saw that no life remained in Su Fen.

Fan Zhong looked toward the enemy with red in his eyes, the killing intent on him so strong that the enemy soldiers would have sworn they could physically feel it clawing at their throats. Hands clamped on Fan Zhong's shoulders as he let loose an animalistic roar, struggling like a beast to tear the enemy apart.

Just a few moments ago…

Fan Shun skidded back a few steps as his sword sheath deflected a series of three phantom maces that had been aimed at him. His opponent looked worse for wear with a wound on his left side leaking blood as he panted for breath. Narrowing his eyes, Fan Shun generated ten loops in his cycling technique for just a few moments to pull in as much Qi as he could control.

This was his new version of a sword drawing technique, it combined phantom strikes with the illusions of the mental qi that was the center of his style now. Two times his hand twitched and two after images of Fan Shun starting sword draws started before launching forwards as phantoms. At the same time, he executed his drawing technique while layering enough Qi for two phantoms over his blade.

The first phantom was for strengthening the attack, the second applied a transparent shimmer to the blade. This allowed the attack to appear as if it was a few inches in any direction as he approached. All of this happened in an instant as Fan Shun thrust the point of his blade at the enemy, choosing to draw thrust instead of a slash.

A cascade of mace phantoms crossed and met the two flanking phantom attacks canceling them out as the enemy met Fan Shun's attack head-on with his physical weapons layered in phantom Qi. Elation appeared in the enemy's face as an attack hidden behind his left leg blurred forward to blindside Fan Shun

At the same time, the enemy was sure that he had caught the thrust between his upraised maces. Horror dawned on the man as the real sword passed three inches below his block and a Qi-infused sword tore through his layer of defensive Qi just far enough to pierce his heart. The mace phantom collided with Fan Shun's shoulder and cracked the swirling defensive energies there managing to move him an inch to the side

With a nod, Fan Shun pulled his blade out and decapitated the enemy before sheathing it. That was when he heard a primal roar echo across the battlefield. He looked out just in time to see Fan Zhong being pulled away from the body of Su Fen.

Fan Ping panted in exhaustion as she raised her two remaining flying daggers in her hands to defensive positions. On the floor lay seven dead elite Wei clan members and six dead legion members. Sadness touched her heart as her senses passed over Kang Song's cooling body, it seemed that the promised dinner would never come. Among the dead lay the master clan expert with red hair and the rest of the Wei contingent.

Now only the enemy commander and the white-haired master realm expert remained. All three of them were battered with multiple cuts and bruises. Several mind qi daggers were sticking from the extremities of the Wei clan warriors constantly sending bursts of mental manipulations into them to amplify pain, fear, and wariness. Currently, Fan Ping knew she couldn't win, she had almost no Qi remaining.

It was time for one last gamble, one that would bet the lives of her legion on. With a sigh she let one of the daggers go to quickly sign a command to the last remaining member of the legion squad that had accompanied her and Kang Song into combat. Before the weapon could fall even an inch Fan Ping grabbed it and rushed forward, charging straight at the enemy.

Ten phantoms, that's how much Qi she had remaining and that was if they were layered on a physical object. With a smile she layered four on each flying dagger and gripped them by the hilts instead of by the flying string, the last two went into two illusions that were set to trigger manually at command. Both enemies smiled and lunged forward, they saw a worried-looking Fan Ping making a desperate charge.

This was the first illusion as her face was set in an expression of grim determination. She met them headon and each extended forward aggressively looking to bypass the crossed guard of the daggers. One sword went for her lungs as the other went for the gut.

Looks of shock and horror appeared on each man's face as they suddenly realized that a dagger was lodged in their throats as their swords pierced Fan Ping's body. This had been the second illusion, she had never blocked at all instead choosing to take the enemy with her. Subtly and bombast, a subtle illusion on the face to make the enemy overconfident and a bombastic one to mislead the eyes.

As Fan Ping died she smiled, it seemed that she had truly learned that lesson well. Now she had served the clan and she could go be at peace with Kang Song.

Horns rang to call the retreat of the enemy forces as Fan Shun held the body of his closest friend. Reports came that Commander Fan Ping had felled the enemy commander and that the enemies had indeed retreated. In total only two squads survived the assault along with Su Luixiang and Fan Shun. None of that mattered to him as he stared at the smile on the face of Su Fen. There had been no final heroic speech, no last words while spluttering a mouthful of blood like in the stories. Su Fen had died, in a glorious display of martial prowess to be sure however he had still died.

That day many raindrops fell at the feet of Fan Shun and the remaining legion members, many generations of valley clan warriors would remark about the rain on that clear-skied day.
thinking of doing some more interludes and wanted to know what people are interested in seeing

- more interlude chapters with Xing Zheng either finding out what he's been doing or other worlds details about spirit level cultivation

- POV interludes with prominent characters in the twisted territories and the Xing Empire as a whole, giving a broader view of the current setting

- Scattered viewpoints in the various other parts of the setting showing characters at all levels living different parts of their lives, mainly showing aspects of things that I've thought of but would have a hard time fitting into the story.

- Basically, the previous option but with very high-level cultivators so we can get a glimpse of the top of the mountain so to speak

-A smattering of all of these because the worldbuilding is fine and i am an anxious wreck who thinks about this stuff way to much

If you have a preference let me know!
Part 1. Ch. 33 To see Dao in the world or the world through Dao
An Eerie wind blew through the town square of Forest depths village as the remains of the once mighty Fan clan legion stood, hollow eyes observing flickering flames. Set across the square many individual pyres burned while a giant mound smoldered. Every individual blaze was carefully placed and constructed to honor the dead while the large pile consisted of the haphazardly arranged fallen Wei clan warriors.

Bitterness hung heavy in the air as the surviving battle squads sent silent prayers forth for their fallen comrades. No words were spoken, for none could encompass what had happened here. Instead, a deafening silence weighed down as the wind blew ash slowly from the burning pyres. Fan Shun sat alongside Fan Zhong, Zi Bao, Fan Yong, and Su Dai, each of them holding a silent vigil over the pyre of Su Fen. Occasionally Fan Shun would get up and sit under the pyre of Fan Ping along with Su Luixiang. The commander had been given the largest constructed pyre where she was laid to rest with Kang song, their ashes intermingled as they slowly danced in the wind.

It felt like days for the legion as they stayed vigilant, watching and honoring their dead. Hours stretched on and it was only come nightfall, with only the embers to light their faces, that Fan Shun stood and walked to the center of the town square. Walking slowly backward he went until his back was level with the furthest pyre from the center. In a single swift motion, he turned to face them and clasped his hands together in a martial salute, and shouted.

"Thank you!" Qi infused this shout caused a shockwave so powerful that many were almost knocked over.

In these words, the deep found sadness that everyone felt was conveyed, alongside it was gratitude and respect. Without saying another word Fan Shun stamped his feet and called for the legion to stand at attention, golden light burned inside his eyes and the aura of a general poured from him.

"Brothers and sisters, today we have won a battle at a great cost. To attempt to put into words that which we all feel is beyond this humble warrior's abilities, in this I will beg for your forgiveness for being an incompetent commander" Saying so he bowed low to all the legion members, grim determination in his eyes.

Each remaining Fan clan member stood with their backs straight with stoic expressions, fighting hard to hold back their feelings. This was the life of a warrior, to show weakness in the face of battle would damage the memories of those who had fallen. Still, inwardly, each of their hearts bled a river of hatred and sadness.

To the survivors of the siege of Forest Depths Village, the very existence of those named Wei was unacceptable, each and every one of them would harbor this hatred in their hearts for the rest of their lives. Fan Shun stood and faced them, resolution settling into his expression.

"We will count supplies and martial a perimeter defense, each battle squad will rotate with a single observer keeping watch at each gate. Sister Su Luixiang, you and one of the remaining observers will make for the Village of the Sky Splitting Spear and report to the alliance. With the Wei dogs sent running, we have time to call for reinforcements before they regroup." Fan Shun's ever-present stoic tone was like a balm to the shaken warriors, the presence of a stable commander acting like a sturdy foundation for their minds. "Think not that today is forgotten, brothers and sisters, there will come a day of reckoning. On that day, a price will be paid for the blood spilt here. Now, get some rest, tomorrow we resume our posts."

Sleep came restlessly to everyone that night however, strangely, Fan Zhong found that he slept peacefully. No nightmares came that night nor harrowing dreams of demons, it seemed that whatever thoughts had been plaguing him had also been wilted away by the grief from the battle. Morning soon came and the legion resumed their vigil as Su Luixiang and the new observer for Fan Zhong's squad departed.

The world seemed odd to him now as days passed with no action or surprise, just the dragging existence of silent wind that whispered through the valley. Weeks began to drag on and not a single sight of the enemy was seen, it was as if the village was just a peaceful part of the valley like no other. Little was said during these weeks as every time Fan Zhong would sit around the fire with his companions he would feel the missing presence of Su Fen and Mo Hui.

Fan Yong took the shock even worse, going so far as to forget to eat for almost two days before Fan Zhong noticed and made him eat something. Zi Bao's expression was hard, just like it used to be. Gone was the jovialness that had been injected into the young man by his days working side by side with his fellows. Replacing that was a scowl that seemed even angrier than he had been as a child.

Fan Zhong knew that Zi Bao loved practicing his martial arts and surprisingly he found that sparring with the young warrior painted a different picture of his emotions. When they sparred, in their infrequent downtime, Zi Bao's blows felt rushed and hard. He put too much power into attacks as if he was trying to club Fan Zhong to death instead of practicing martial techniques.

During weapon contact, he would seem to grow melancholic for a moment before beginning another aggressive assault. In this Fan Zhong felt a small spark of enlightenment, Zi Bao's heavy blows were his anger manifested in his fighting. Anger at the enemy surely but also anger at himself.

Each small pause of melancholy was the young warrior reflecting on his inability before he attacked again more furiously. It was like an avalanche where at first a small movement happens leading to a larger one which in turn leads to even more movement. The experience felt surreal to Fan Zhong, it was like he was observing the sparring from far away.

Many things had felt like this for him since the moment he had felt that Su Fen was dead, as if the very idea of such a thing had built a wall of dullness between him and the world. This continued for two weeks before Fan Zhong found himself crying uncontrollably while on guard duty. Suddenly the world seemed to careen and he was on the floor, curled into a ball while gagging on tears and vomit.

Not much was clear to him after that other than a blaring pain and sadness in his mind that seemed to drown out everything else. When he awoke it was night time and Fan Shun was sitting on a small chair next to him. Looking around he recognized the medical tent that the legion had used, now devoid of the observers who normally staffed it.

Inside, only he and the older warrior remained, illuminated by a single torch. Firelight flickered casting dancing shadows over the golden martial arts robes each of them wore. On a small table at the center of the tent, each of their azure cloaks had been neatly folded and set down side by side. Fan Zhong remembered when they had left home, how these robes and cloaks had seemed so resplendent. He remembered how the legion seemed invincible, a force of martial might to rival heaven and earth.

He had been wrong, oh so wrong. Looking at the once proud robes and cloaks they carried hundreds of small tears and defects, smears of dirt and blood covered each of them as patch jobs seemed to form a pattern across the fabric. Coughing a bit Fan Zhong managed to sit up and take a sip of the water that had been placed on a small table at his bedside.

"Are you feeling better Nephew Zhong?" Fan Shun asked him, eyes holding the same understanding they had during the siege that had burnt the food warehouse.

Once again, he was amazed that looks could convey so much emotion, no words could describe what Fan Shun felt about the death of his closest friend nor the concern he felt for Fan Zhong.

"Yes senior, many thanks for the care." Fan Zhong said, bowing as low as he could from a sitting position.

"Bah! What thanks. Should a family member need to thank another for aid given? You shouldn't have even been here, none of you should have been here… If only…" Fan Shun seemed to slip into melancholy, a rare sight for the ever stoic commander.

Fan Zhong felt a small fire inside of him at those words. It was true that Fan Shun was far more skilled and powerful than he or Su Fen however, he fought for the clan because of loyalty and respect. No one had forced any of them to be here, their honor as warriors had demanded it.

"Senior, no offense, however, we are here because duty demands it. Everyone fought with courage and bravery and had a right to defend their family. There was no one here who shouldn't have been" Fan Zhong built his courage as he spoke, images of Su Fen's last stand to save his squad flashed through his mind.

To him, saying that those who had fallen had no right to fight was akin to saying they had no business being on a field of battle. This trampled on the memories left of them, the lives they had given with courage and bravery being insulted. Fan Zhong respected Fan Shun deeply however, fundamentally this was something he believed down to his core.

"What right to defend, WHAT DUTY? DEATH IS DEATH JUNIOR! IT IS A JOURNEY TO THE ANCESTORS THAT FOREVER REMOVES YOU FROM THE WORLD! Duty, honor, memory? IT ISN'T WORTH A SINGLE MOMENT SHARED WITH THOSE THAT PASSED!" Fan Shun was yelling, his face twisted in rage and sorrow as he bore down on Fan Zhong.

The young warrior backed away, horror filling his eyes with each passing moment. Suddenly Fan Shun seemed to deflate, breathing deeply for a few breaths before composing himself and looking up at Fan Zhong.

"Apologies, nephew Zhong I have had… A difficult time these past few weeks… it's just tha-'' Fan Shun didn't get to finish his sentence as Fan Zhong stumbled over to him and wrap him in a hug.

Face awash with surprise, the older warrior froze in astonishment for a moment before returning the gesture. After a few seconds, the two pulled away from one another and sat back down. Understanding filled Fan Zhong's eyes and their gazes met, once more a conversation of expressions happened.

This time, it was Fan Shun who was looking at the emotions in the young warrior's eyes. In them lay an understanding, if only partially, of what he was feeling. A bond between generations strengthened at that moment and each of them nodded to each other before Fan Shun left to retire for the night. Time passed quickly in the coming weeks and the month came to a close with no enemy activity. Su Luixiang returned with a contingent of Wang clan soldiers, around a dozen, along with new provisions and supplies.

Once again time seemed to slip by as the combined Wang and Fan legion forces held vigil over the village and the remaining two months slowly passed by. During this time Fan Zhong had trained tirelessly with Zi Bao and Fan Yong, waking each morning to start. Around one month after the Wang clan forces arrived something seemed to slide into place in Fan Zhong's mind.

He realized that battles were much like battles of will, where one party's emotions and fighting spirit clashed with others. Fan Zhong often thought of how music conveyed emotions, rapid aggressive beats conveyed anger or excitement, while slow drawing notes hid anticipation. Slowly, as if a fog was being pushed aside in his mind, this distinction became clear.

When in battle one needed to read the melody of an opponent just as much as their own, to hide their own rhythm within an ever-changing melody. Music could be subtle, with those same slow drawing beats giving way to the rapid aggressive ones. Much like this, he found that he could hide feints and tempo switches in combat within rhythms that misguided the opponent.

Small details appeared in Fan Zhong's mind like never before, noticing the way that Zi Bao would start fights aggressively to bait him into counterattacking before instantly switching into receiving style attacks with a slow anticipatory style. Fan Yong on the other hand fought with well-measured defense, wide striking shifting palms to keep the opponent at a distance to keep measure. He would poke and prod until the opponent became frustrated and tried to break through, then the rapid onslaught would ensue with his tempo rising and strikes falling like rain.

Finally, he understood, much like how the world spoke to him in tones of music, martial arts also could speak to him in this way. This might sound like an obvious observation from the outside; however, it was a total perspective change for Fan Zhong. Previously because of his aversion to martial arts he had always grouped his interests and martial arts in separate camps inside his mind.

Martial arts were what the family wished for him to do and his hobbies were passions! How could such a thing as duty and passion ever coexist? With this, a wall had formed between the two for him, one that was as sturdy as his understanding of the world. As that understanding grew it started to outpace that wall, such as when he wrote music about the various palm techniques while training with Fan Cheng. This was like the wall only being able to partially obscure the connection but still mostly blocking it.

Now Fan Zhong's worldview had expanded by leaps and bounds. If one was to compare the two it was as if the wall was now an ant, far too small to stop him from seeing the path connecting the two. On that day he exploded with power, handily defeating Fan Yong and Zi Bao. After that, he could only sigh in sadness as he remembered Su Fen was no longer here to give some lazy retort about his skill nor was the other veteran of their squad present to do so either.

Su Dai had been very quiet since the climactic battle and had mostly retreated in on herself. As such, although Fan Zhong wanted to console her and match his new techniques against hers, the veteran observer was in no mood or condition to do so. It pained Fan Zhong to admit it but he hadn't truly spoken to the woman much at all and so even though he would give his life for her on a battlefield they weren't close on a personal basis.

Sure, he could drink and exchange tales with her but something as crushing as losing a close family member was too intimate an experience for him to console her on. Trying to put on a show of good cheer Fan Zhong had reported his improvement to Fan Shun who had been surprised at the advancement. After some testing, he deemed that Fan Zhong had crossed the threshold into expert realm attainment for all nine palm techniques within the Fan clan style.

Other than this not much else happened during these last two months and the duty mostly started resembling a more structured peacetime mission than a military operation. Even so, the legion members never let down their guards and kept a resolute watch until the very last day. On that day a dazzling column of martial might descended on the village.

Row upon row of martial artists with flying flags with different crests and wearing the livery of the various valley clans streamed over the horizon that approached the southern gate of Forest Depths Village. At the head of all of them was the most shocking sight Fan Zhong had ever seen. A Fan clan palm strode toward the gate with each legion within it standing side by side, mighty golden robes flowed from countless Fan clan warriors as the silvery cloaks of observers seemed to shimmer in between them. Leading the entire force was a figure with the presence of a mountain, Fan Cheng had come to pick up his little brother.

Swiftly, the allied forces were guided into the village and two of the legions set out to secure a defensive perimeter with an equal number of alliance forces. Fan Cheng wasted no time arriving within the square and meeting Fan Shun. Shortly the surviving members of Fan Shun's legion assembled and Fan Cheng visibly shuddered when he saw the state of them.

"Proud Fan clan warriors, you have undertaken a task no clan should have asked of you. It is this arrogant one's fault that this mission was conducted without further investigation. I beg for your forgiveness" Fan Cheng humbly spoke, his words laced with anger at himself.

Silently, the young master of the Fan clan, heir to the clan leader and genius of the heavens, bowed his head to the dirt. Every last one of them revealed aghast expressions with a few starting to move to make him rise. Fan Shun stopped them all with a single look, one that spoke of hardness and understanding.

Slowly Fan Cheng rose and nodded at the group before continuing.

"All of you are to return to Little Green Bamboo Village effective immediately. Defenses here will be seen to by the alliance of the northern shore valley clans from now on. Prepare yourselves, for we make towards home come tomorrow. Junior warrior Fan Zhong please come see me, the rest of you are dismissed from duty for the remainder of today." The stoic young master's gaze seemed to instill stability into them and each left after nodding in acknowledgment.

Once everyone had left Fan Shun nodded as well and moved away to give the two brothers privacy. For the first time in six months, Fan Zhong met the gaze of his older brother. At that moment the solid demeanor of a mountain still rested on the man however it shortly gave way to a smile of relief so profound it could barely be contained on his face.

"Elder brother, this one greets you. Ho-" Fan Zhong's words never finished as his brother wrapped him in a silent hug

"Thank gods, you're alive… Oh, thank the four ancestors, gods, demons, and the devil himself that you're alive." Fan Cheng said softly while tightening his embrace as if he was afraid his fragile younger brother would blow away with the breeze if he was let go.

After a few moments, the two pulled away from one another, a small smile still on the lips of Fan Cheng. Fan Zhong was holding back tears, a warmth was growing in his heart that felt so welcoming, so familiar. It felt like a part of him that had been chipped away in these last few months was made whole again, as if these were the first few breaths he had truly taken in a long time.

Slowly the young warrior's breathing calmed.

"It's good to see you elder brother," Fan Zhong said, it was all that needed to be said.

Jovial laughing erupted from Fan Cheng and he smiled slightly wider, patting his little brother on the back.

"Indeed it is good to see you as well. Very good indeed. I have orders for you junior brother Zhong, orders that will mean we see much more of each other." Fan Cheng said a bit of apprehension could be heard in his tone under the happiness

"Oh? As always, elder brother, this one hears and obeys" Fan Zhong intoned with deep respect while bowing overdramatically

"Hmph, disrespectful eh? Time enough to sort that out. In any case, junior warrior Fan Zhong under the order of the clan leader, I hereby issue you an order of redeployment. Your new assignment will be as a member of the core legion, under elder Fan Cheng" Fan Cheng smiled bitterly as he said the last part.

Confusion flashed in Fan Zhong's eyes before realization hit him.

"Elder brother… You can't! Thi-" Fan Zhong started before he was cut off

"Indeed, it's understandable though. I get why you're upset but that doesn't make father or mother any less worried." Fan Cheng's expression was conflicted.

Fan Zhong felt confused, his father, brother, and mother were all upstanding members of the martial artist path. How could they do something like this? Bitterly he sighed in defeat, memories of the pain he had seen in Fan Shun's eyes flashed before him. At that moment he could understand how even the most stalwart of men and women could have weaknesses when it came to those close to them.

"When will this begin?" Fan Zhong said in a low, defeated voice.

"As soon as we return home" Fan Cheng intoned, equally at a loss on how to reconcile his feelings on the matter.
Part 1. Ch 34. Three days to learn, Three months to comprehend, Three years to understand
A long sigh escaped Fan Zhong as he laid down in his own bed for the first time in what felt like forever. Throughout the journey home he, and the surviving members of the decimated legion, had ample time to rest their bones while under the watchful eye of the alliance reinforcements. This rest, however, could never shake the bone-deep weariness that had suffused them all during the months on campaign.

Coming home had never felt so comforting to Fan Zhong and he basked in the simple enjoyment of a familiar surrounding, watching the fading light of the late-day sun. As the last of the light seemed to hover over the wall surrounding his courtyard within the Fan clan compound, shuffling could be heard from the entrance. In a great rush, an almost invisible blur shot forth across the courtyard and through the open door to Fan Zhong's bedroom in a single bound, colliding with him and pressing down his body to the bed.

Panting sounded in his ear as hot breath rolled over Fan Zhong's face. Bewilderment and terror warred inside of him until a large tongue started bathing him. Following this, the cloak of water Qi around the assailant quickly fell and the form of Little white appeared in Fan Zhong's sight. Whimpering sounds echoed through the room as the, now quite large, water wolf pressed himself into the young warrior as if afraid to lose sight of him once more.

All thoughts of battle and hardship left Fan Zhong at that moment, only the happiness of seeing his dear companion filled his mind. Looking closer at Little White it was clear that he had matured into a powerful and proud spirit beast. Estimating he figured that the once small wolf now stood almost half as tall as himself.

Judging from the pain he felt from the bounding jump just a few moments ago and the impressive amount of force pressing into him at the moment, Fan Zhong noted that Little White would likely have no trouble holding anyone in the second-grade realm down. Combine that with his nigh invisibility and the amount of destruction his adorable companion could unleash on a battlefield would be terrifying.

Shaking his head, Fan Zhong inwardly chastised himself for thinking of Little White as some sort of battle asset. Whatever capabilities the young spirit beast may have he was first and foremost a loyal friend and ally to Fan Zhong, not some weapon to be wielded to destroy the Wei clan. Rising with some effort he managed to broker enough of a reprieve from the constant affections of Little White to walk into the courtyard.

While leaving he palmed a small ball from a shelf near the door and soon both of them were engrossed in the simple pleasure of playing fetch. Soon Fan Zhong lost all track of time as he moved to his room to retrieve a whole stack of leather-bound balls that were normally used for mental technique training. A smile rose on his face as memories of dodging these balls while Fan Cheng mercilessly hurled them his way came to mind. Thinking on it dodging was a charitable word to describe the exercise as it mostly consisted of his elder brother building a small mound of balls at his feet by bouncing them off Fan Zhong's face.

It had been one of the more advanced exercises used to train observing the roaming earth as each time Fan Cheng said that he would subtly move to throw the ball before rapidly completing the action. In theory, since the technique emphasized observing the tiniest changes and reacting to them a user should be able to see the beginnings of the throw thus predicting how to dodge. Practically, this was something Fan Zhong had only ever achieved a handful of times, and shortly after Fan Cheng resumed the box exercise afterward.

At the time he had told Fan Zhong that this level of training would become much easier once his body had a wisp of mental energy in the second-grade realm. Internally he thought to ask about repeating the exercise now that he'd broken through, maybe the results would be different. Thoughts of such things carefully tucked away for another day Fan Zhong began playing the juggling fetch game with Little White that the two had enjoyed on Sir Teng's ship.

As they played he started humming the tune of music that represented the mental technique in his mind. Consistent melodies that repeated over and over again each time with only minor variations, changes in rests, and pitch. Hours passed but Fan Zhong seemed not to notice as he started throwing the balls in every direction around him

Little White panted happily as he blurred in crisscrossing patterns across the courtyard. Each cycle of the song it seemed to grow clearer in his mind, the sounds blending together into the background as the changes became beacons in an ocean of noise. Thoughts appeared as if being unobscured by mist, the image of a tall tree towering in a field of swaying grass.

A mortal stood within a host of celestial immortals from legends, plain as day amid a legion of splendor. Inside the deafening roar of a busy city market stood a man who was deadly silent. That man looked back at him, it was him, it was Fan Zhong.

Realization dawned from one moment to the next, each ball going from blurs to shapes to almost standing still. Motion came back into focus and the flying balls moved no faster than someone would walk. A twitch of Little White's hind leg showed he was about to turn and jump past Fan Zhong's right shoulder, chasing a ball he had just thrown.

With casual ease, he threw a ball in the opposite direction just as the lithe water wolf passed by as if some cosmic thread had tied the two events together. The ball hit the floor, the only one that had dropped since they started playing. Quickly Fan Zhong's hands blurred, catching the other balls that were mid-flight. It was only now that he realized Little White had started throwing the balls back to him instead of taking them to a pile by his feet, he had been simply catching and throwing them so naturally, his mind hadn't caught up.

At that moment, silence settled on the courtyard as Little White stopped and looked back at him as if confused for a moment. Soon though the adorable wolf started panting happily again and grabbed the ball off the floor before bringing it to Fan Zhong's feet and depositing it with an expectant look. Smiling, he palmed another ball and started the game anew; however, he wasn't able to make Little White miss another catch for the rest of the night.

"Seems as though you've received a warm homecoming, after all, little brother." Fan Cheng's voice preceded him as the ever stalwart young master of the Fan clan walked into Fan Zhong's courtyard the next morning.

"Indeed elder brother, where are little Jingi and Jia? I had thought little sister at the very least would have accompanied my fluffy companion here" Fan Zhong replied as a small smile formed on his face, hand running through Little White's glorious coat of fur.

Fan Cheng's stoic demeanor seemed to falter for just the briefest moment as if it were armor giving way for a brief moment before returning once again.

"With father calling the clan to full war muster everyone is doing their own small part. Last I heard they were running messages between the various supply outposts that are supporting the front between us and the Wei dogs." Saying this Fan Cheng took a seat across from him at the table that had been set up near the center of the humble courtyard.

Little White respectively presented himself in front of Fan Cheng and was quickly greeted with calm petting and head scratches. Seemingly content at being acknowledged he quickly faded into transparency and ambled over to Fan Zhong before sitting down, the only sign of this being a small cloud of air pressing dust outward as the large wolf laid down. Had untrained mortals been in the room it would seem as if Little white had simply vanished from all trace with no sign of passage; however, to the two trained warriors, the signs were clear as day.

"A shame, even they are being dragged into this horrid affair. It makes me dream of the days when I thought the clan warriors encompassed heaven and earth, able to destroy such evil with a simple turn of the hand." Fan Zhong's tone turned somber as he spoke, his expression and gaze relaying the pain that had been imprinted on his soul.

Fan Cheng visibly shook at the sight, until now he had many things to do that had kept his mind adrift. Now he could see how much Fan Zhong had been forced to grow on the battlefield. Anger warred with worry and pride in his chest, pride in his little brother for weathering such things and growing from it surely.

That anger felt dangerous though, blind anger that threatened to imprint itself on anything that came within striking distance. It was the kind of feeling that drove good men to do terrible things and Fan Cheng had felt it before. This time it had a new tinge though as if he was tasting a familiar sour medicine that had something potent added to it.

Hard discipline clamped down on that feeling, crushing it and grinding the thoughts into a resolve. This firmed into his conviction to better himself so that someday his strength would keep all of his family, not just Fan Zhong, away from such pain. With a deep and calm breath Fan Cheng steadied himself. A brief lapse that had only lasted the time of that breath, a mere moment for others, an eternity for the perception of a master.

"Well said, were that it was so simple. Now though, I have the great pleasure of your company so that we might work to quicken the end of this nightmare." Fan Cheng resumed his ever stoic demeanor, imparting as much jovialness and camaraderie as he could into the words. "You'll love the team, I'm sure of it. Kang Ah and Su Heng are both excellent warriors who'll be happy to share drinks around the fire just as you like. Fan Jiahao and Mo Ming tend to keep to themselves, you know how observers are, but there are few others I'd trust my back to more than those two."

"Of course elder brother, it's this one's honor to serve under your command within the core legion" Fan Zhong forced his expression into the best semblance of a smile he could, images of dead comrades lurking in his thoughts.

Fan Cheng's expression turned to an apologetic one and he nodded as their conversation turned to less contentious topics.

"Indeed, your respect has never been in question. Something else that you may be interested in learning. After pulling a few favors this humble sage has secured permission for the proud king of this valley, who you so flagrantly treat as a mere puppy, to act as your guardian and companion while acting in the field." The older warrior bowed in an exaggeratedly humble way as if gifting a king some grand treasure.

For Fan Zhong this news was grander than any gift he'd ever received, a weight that he'd sparsely known existed lifted from his shoulders, and without thought he leaped from his chair, embracing his brother.

"Thank you… thank you so much!" It was all Fan Zhong could do to keep himself from sobbing tears of joy.

The thought of having Little White's comforting presence to stem the tide of suffering and misery that poured from this war brought him a peace of mind that hadn't seemed possible even just a month ago. A hole that had been drilled into that place in Fan Zhong's mind, the place he dared not delve into, slowly started to heal. Slowly the two brothers broke away from one another and turned to talking of truly lighter topics, exchanging words about travels and the things they had seen.

Before he knew it, Fan Zhong had spent most of the night simply speaking with Fan Cheng and they ended the night with smiles on faces that had seen them far too rarely of late. Come morning the new battle squad met and checked over equipment as well as got everyone introduced. From the brief conversation Fan Zhong had with his new comrades he learned a few things.

Firstly the warrior that he had replaced had been a master realm martial artist named Fan Wu, someone who was his far removed cousin if Fan Cheng's hazy recollection of clan lineage was to go on. The man in question had been promoted to the headquarters unit of Fan Ping's decimated legion while Fan Shun had been assigned to stay the commander. It seemed that they would be recovering in the village while newer warriors, who had been held in reserve due to lack of experience, were armed and integrated into the various squads making up that legion.

Since most of the officers had died during the siege of Forest Depths Village several master realm experts had been pulled from core legion positions to fill that gap. Meanwhile, elders who had been managing logistical and reserve positions were added to the core legion to supplement it. This point had confused Fan Zhong until it had been explained to him that since the core legion was never actually assembled unless the majority of the clan assembled as a singular army, their squads were normally used to fill various logistical and flexible command positions.

Command of permanent legions were assigned so they could act as guaranteed fighting power that could be stationed for long-term missions such as defending a village or holding. Core legion battle squads on the other hand would either stay split apart fulfilling duties as individual experts or be assembled to provide flexible aid to the permanent legions. A good example was the palm that Fan Cheng had led to reinforce Fan Ping's legion.

That unit had been formed from several permanent legions who gave a temporary command to Fan Cheng for the duration of the mission and then the normal commanders of those legions resumed their positions afterward to take up more extended missions. Other than this core legion battle squads would sometimes be used to guard smaller, more key assets. Places or locations where strong groups of individual warriors would have an easier time than more spread out legions that needed large amounts of supplies.

After some discussion, it seemed that this would be the mission for Fan Cheng's squad going forward. They were to guard a mine used to harvest low-quality mortal natural treasure stone which was used by the clan en masse to refine low-quality earth-aligned treasure essence. This had many uses in the construction of walls, buildings, and even the occasional earth-aligned magical treasure for warriors who advanced to the master realm and thus would earn such a treasure upon becoming an elder.

According to local maps, the mine itself was rather small and located in a ravine a day and a half west and a bit south of Little Green Bamboo village by foot. Surrounding the mine were also three small farming villages that belonged to the clan which each housed around 30-40 people. These were only another half day west from the mine.

For a core legion squad, this made an ideal defensive location as both the village and farming communities were within easy reach allowing them to defend the mine while also assisting if any enemies happened to attack some of the clans' smaller holdings. As an aside, the distances for travel on the map only accounted for normal people traveling at a walking pace, a martial artist pushing their body could easily make it to the farming communities or Little Green Bamboo Village much faster. Their task would continue until either the war stopped or new orders were issued and so the unit set out the next morning to make way for the mine.

All of this went without fanfare and they soon arrived, settling camp inside some of the small buildings the miners had used while living here. The camp itself was humble as it only spanned some 50 square meters with the small buildings lining five a side to a central path that led into an opening in the side of one of the cliff faces. Above the sides of the ravine formed natural walls that loomed 15 meters on either side with the approach to the small camp being a ramp that sloped gently for 100 meters before meeting the top of the ravine walls.

In quick order, the squad set up inside three of the squat bamboo hut-like buildings that lined the camp with two members to each. Although Fan Zhong's head almost reached the ceiling the inside was quite roomy compared to the appearance and after a quick dusting both bedding and supplies were set down. That night blurred away and soon the days started to as well.

A routine began to form where the older warriors would tutor Fan Zhong, encouraging him in morning training routines and technique exercises before settling down to exchange small talk over dinner and a fire. Days turned into weeks and he felt his technique sharpening, instincts that had been born in the heat of battle being honed into a fine edge. Soon months started passing with no sign of an enemy attack or new orders, by this time six months had come and gone with no further assignments.

No one outwardly showed it or even revealed any hint of frustrations however, Fan Zhong could feel the beginnings of conflicted gazes on his back now and then. That is until eight months later the unit received orders to provide emergency aid to a small fishing village near the border of Wei loyalist territory. Everything seemed to happen in a blur as the core legion squad was packed and ready to move within a minute of receiving the order.

Then they marched like Fan Zhong never had before, marching until exhaustion threatened to overtake him. Normally to reach the village they were traveling to at a normal pace one would need to take a month however, significant time could be saved by traveling over the hills and cliffs between roads if you could traverse them safely. The core legion squad blazed over this difficult terrain and Fan Zhong typically found himself falling behind the group before finding them waiting in a clearing ahead.

Little White enjoyed the running, never before had he been allowed to run so free and far. Every time Fan Zhong would feel shame in his chest while panting inside those clearings a wet snout would nudge his forehead, happily panting and smiling at the exhaustion. By the fifth day, Fan Cheng carried his little brother over his shoulder for the remainder of the journey, his Qi-enhanced body having no trouble carrying the younger warrior, although he did have to use around ten spirit stones a day to keep up such expenditure of energy.

Night had fallen and Fan Zhong looked on, face red with shame as he was set down on the final day of the trek. Finally, he found his bearings and looked at the village in front of him. Fire ran from buildings as screaming echoed in the distance. Tendrils of black smoke curled into the air, ephemeral and soon unseen amidst the backdrop of night. Flames licked the air, providing a canvas to see the destruction that lay before them. Terror filled his thoughts for a moment, images of dead enemies and friends alike as well as the locket with a picture of a little girl on her sister's shoulders.

A voice as steady as the mountains brought him back to reality as it carried over the squad, anger, and righteousness tempered by discipline and training.

"Spread out, find any survivors, and lead them to the square. Enemies are to be killed on sight however if they surrender remember your honor as a warrior. If anything, perhaps one of them will know how this group slipped mother's notice. Go!" Fan Cheng finished with a breath before shaking his head and blurring into the center of the small village

"Brother White, please make sure our junior brother is well taken care of!" Kang Ah's booming voice sounded out as the master realm warrior followed suit and split off toward the northern edge of the community.

Fan Zhong felt a small piece of paper be placed into his hand as a whisper entered his ear while silver moonlight seemed to curl to either side of him, traces of the observers activating their movement techniques.

"Junior brother Fan Zhong, please use this if you need aid. Sister Mo Ming and I shall scout the surroundings for additional enemies" Fan Jiaho's voice seemed to drift into the night as her form was nowhere to be seen.

Steeling himself, Fan Zhong started running to the southern set of burning buildings. Long hours of training activated by instinct and his momentum built no longer limited to the ten steps worth that he had been so long ago. Now his speed continued to rise, ten, then twenty, and soon fifty steps worth of momentum carried Fan Zhong down the small hill the group had been standing on outside the small village.

This village had no wall like Forest Depths Village as it was too small for such a thing, only bamboo fences and simple dirt roads outlined the community and soon Fan Zhong found himself running down a simple road that led to a set of two houses. Fire blazed in the windows and on the roof while a group of ten or so villagers was exiting the buildings. Behind them, three warriors with short swords wearing emerald robes sautered imperiously, as if taunting rats to scurry as far as they could.

A different kind of fire blazed in Fan Zhong's mind, one of rage and blood that screamed to tear apart these dogs simply for being born as Wei filth. Little White was running alongside Fan Zhong and suddenly disappeared, a line of small dirt explosions the only thing marking his passage. In what seemed like a single explosive charge the water wolf zipped forward and ripped a large bite out the arm of one enemy, spilling blood on the ground.

Movement happened fast and before Fan Zhong even crossed half the distance to them a dozen blows had already swung and missed Little White as he blurred in and out of sight like a ghost, always at the enemies flanks. Soon two of the Wei clan soldiers were forced to retreat around the corner of one of the houses as the proud spirit beast lured them away from the villagers. Just as the third was about to follow as well he spotted Fan Zhong.

Curiosity sparked in the Wei dog's eyes before his expression shifted to contempt. Fan Zhong could understand why, his mental energy could feel the presence of his opponents and it dwarfed his own. Guessing from experience he estimated the enemy must at least be a decently experienced first-grade realm warrior if not stronger.

Gritting his teeth Fan Zhong took up position in front of the villagers, prepared to do his duty. His mind ran through possible ideas, perhaps the talisman could help. Quickly Fan Zhong dismissed this idea as the communication talisman would take too long to activate, he had to fight! Sadness passed through his mind, of all the things he had yet to experience, of the nights spent simply speaking and enjoying life with his brother and friends. His father had always said that the heavens had their own will, it was simply up to mortals to live through it the best they could.

Perhaps he would die here today, but it would no longer be as someone who shirked his duty. Today if Fan Zhong were to die, he resolved that it would be on his feet, just as Su Fen had. His staff spun into a void gate stance, still moving with all the momentum he had built.

Each of them tensed, Fan Zhong's mental technique working better than ever before, he saw the twitch of the swordsman's foot and then a blur. Steel streaked toward his face blindingly fast as his staff seemed to move through molasses in comparison, would it make it in time? At that moment, the enemy's head exploded and halfway to Fan Zhong his corpse fell lifeless to the floor.

In an even faster blur, as the corpse was falling to the ground, Su Heng's form appeared standing over the enemy with his weapon held over the corpse.

"Junior brother Fan Zhong, it seems I arrived at a convenient moment. Your stance has improved since we last sparred however, I dare say this opponent may have been too much for you. I finished clearing the extreme western end of the village and so commander Fan Cheng asked me to check up on you, apologies if I was interrupting." Su Heng smiled, a mix of playfulness and apology written on his face.

As the senior warrior finished speaking Fan Zhong saw yet another blurring figure as the half-transparent form of Little White rushed to him, dropping an arm at his feet. Ferociousness seemed to appear in the water wolf's eyes as he stared at Fan Zhong before confusion replaced it followed by happiness at seeing his longtime companion. The conflicting emotions in his companion's bestial eyes worried Fan Zhong however, he had complete faith in Little White.

It had been proven time and time again that the spirit beast was his most loyal companion and he wouldn't start questioning him now.

"No apologies are needed, senior, thank you for the assistance." Fan Zhong said while bowing.

He knew that Su Heng had mostly either just saved his life or at least stopped him from being mortally injured. How could he be ungrateful given such a thing? No, Fan Zhong knew that it was a blessing to have such strong warriors at his side. They were not the ones to blame for his conflicting emotions on this assignment. With a nod, the older warrior walked to the villagers and began organizing them to retreat to the town square where the squad was gathering.

Several enemies were captured and sent away for interrogation once a nearby legion arrived the following morning to assist in cleaning up the village and providing aid. In all, over half of the residents had died in the siege and it was estimated that a majority of the enemy forces had been able to escape before Fan Cheng's squad was able to arrive. Like this, the incident passed and the unit was once again assigned back to their protection duty of the mine.

Months passed and another assignment did not arrive until 11 months later when the squad acted as the head of a legion to assist another border town caught up in the war. This time they arrived far too late and only a handful of survivors remained. Fan Zhong felt helpless, unable to join the more experienced master realm warriors in chasing down enemy remnants and unable to help those that had already passed. That night he played a song in the town square of the burnt-out village as the pyres burned to honor the dead.

This song spoke of the loss his heart had felt, of the innocence that had been slowly removed the more life had eroded his soul. Of lost friends and lost passion, of those things left unspoken. For some reason, even music could not stem the feelings inside of him, the feelings that kindled his burning hatred for the Wei.

Time continued to pass, and several more assignments came and went. Each time Fan Zhong barely engaged as part of the squad as if he was simply some ornament, there to look the part and fill a spot. During a particularly blood encounter he found a group of second-grade mercenaries who had hidden in an alley.

Here they had found a girl and her father while fleeing from the fan clan reinforcements. In their haste the men had gutted the father and stabbed the little girl, a small thing only tall enough to come to their waists. In a flash before he could engage the men Fan Jiahao's flying daggers had struck as she moved over the rooftops searching for enemies nearby.

There, in a dirty alley full of dead bodies and despair, a little girl had pressed herself to Fan Zhong.

"Why is it so cold, big brother, why is it…" the girl had said.

Like this, she faded from the world into the house of her ancestors.

Following this Fan Zhong threw himself into training as he never had before training with all of his might to just be a bit faster, a bit stronger. Things that used to give him joy seemed hallowed, every happy moment cut short by a mental hammer of guilt and shame. Three years had passed in this total time, guarding this mine. Safe from the war in this guarded unit he had been assigned to.

He felt close to something as if infinity lay just beyond his grasp if only he could take it.
Part 1. Ch. 35 Seeds bearing fruit
Lightning flashed overhead amid the clear sky that hung over Wei city. Under this lightning stood the main stairway to the Wei main palace. On either side of the passage stood banners that fluttered with the gentle wind of the day as guards in the emerald and golden scale armor of the Wei clan elite stood vigil. Noonday rays showed on the gold trimming and emerald tiles that lined the stairway and place grounds as the mighty crest of the Wei clan was emblazoned on every banner, surface, and uniform. Here was displayed the pride of this noble clan, their wealth and dignity!

Atop this mighty stair, in the heart of Wei power, a daunting pair of doors stood. Each door was made from spirit-level natural treasure wood and had countless runes etched into the surfaces in formations that formed fascinating patterns. These patterns overlaid forming large formations from the set of smaller ones pulling in enough Qi of the world to make the air seem to writhe.

Each rune on the door looked alive as it seemed to squirm and move to the naked eye as if heaven was still desperately guarding these secrets even now. Indeed, if someone without sufficient mental energy were to look at these runes they would immediately receive a headache and with continued exposure, it could cause one to go unconscious. At the center of these doors, surrounded by the dense formations, sat a beautiful depiction of the Wei crest, a flowing emerald sword gliding on golden winds.

The crest spanned over the center where the doors met so that exactly half of it lay on either side when the passage was opened. Large amounts of energy converged and sealed this door as the formations stayed active. Suddenly a large explosion echoed out from within the chamber and the doors flew open!

Air from all around the palace grounds rushed out as if shot from a cannon, pushing some who were slow to react off their feet. Between the great doors, a large black rune formed that was hazy to all who looked at it seemed to blur from sight. Those who had sufficient mental energy could see that within the fraction of a second the doors held that this rune struggled and shook before finally cracking and exploding outward.

Terrified expressions filled those who had been able to see this scene. Many of them knew that this door was meant to seal the palace in case of emergency to protect the main family of the Wei clan. It had been commissioned by an ancestor of the Wei clan 200 years ago from the imperial crafters under the service of the Lu clan, the noble family who held the duke title for the twisted territories!

At that time it was said that this door could survive the assault of a group of a dozen grandmaster realm martial artists at once for an hour without breaking. Obviously, the force that had just forced the door open was not intruding from the outside but forcing itself out from inside the palace so the protection was much weaker. Even still, the amount of strength needed to break the seal on the door from any direction must have been great!

From the shadow of the doorway, a calm-looking young man walked out. His robes were styled in the same manner as the guards lining the stair, as dragon scales in alternating emerald and gold, and his eyes carried a piercing green light that seemed to pierce outward like a sword. Emerald streaks could be seen through his shoulder-length black hair as the crossed swords on his back seemed to carry a pressure that would cut the entire world.

This was Wei Hua, the young leader of the Wei clan! Joy and ecstasy filled the young lord's face as he looked at the sky and breathed in deeply, taking in the warm afternoon air. For six long months, he had sat in seclusion inside that suffocating palace, a long and tortuous period that had tested his resolve.

It was worth it, oh so worth it! Thinking that Wei Hua flexed his right hand before drawing his sword, mental energy surged through his body. In a wave, the torrent of mental energy assaulted the surroundings pulling in the surrounding Qi of heaven and earth, quickly silver tinged wind Qi filled his dantian. Two large explosions echoed out followed by a long whistling noise that seemed to echo four times.

Onlookers only saw the young lord flex his hand before the pristine tiles under his feet turned to dust. Afterward, twelve afterimages of Wei Hua appeared in the air as 14 explosions of air rushed out, two that seemed to connect his previous position on the ground to the images in the sky. This was the Wei clan movement technique, 'Winds Carrying Noble Swords'.

Large amounts of the wind qi generated by 'Bursting Gales Leave no Enemies' had pushed out from each of Wei Hua's feet in incredibly precise bursts that allowed him to not only move incredibly fast but also create stepping points in the air by emitting dense flat disks of his Qi. With this, his speed had exceeded mortal eyes and only those at the peak of the first-grade realm could see anything but the 12 flickering afterimages. Those at the master realm were barely able to see the space in front of the young lord blur as four incredibly narrow lines of Qi, that formed into the shape of a sword, launched from each of these images out into the city.

Cries echoed from everywhere as over two dozen people died instantly with a hole in their foreheads as if an incredibly sharp sword had stabbed them. Elation once again appeared on Wei Hua's face as he landed right back where he had started, albeit in a small crater now.

This feeling raced through his whole being, power like he had never felt before. Normally his 'Wind calls the piercing sword' technique could only reach a few hundred meters. Now using 'that' technique and his new strength the strikes had reached almost half a kilometer.

Combining this with his now greatly enhanced mental energy that could stretch over the same distance he had been able to notice those that had acted strangely to his emergence. Previously such tells would be too slight, but now with greater control and mental speed they were like beacons shining in the night to herald the locations of spies and informants. Of course, Wei city was much larger than his range, approximately 1,400 square kilometers last time he'd bothered to check, but even this had allowed him to eliminate so many.

This was grandmaster, the coveted realm that the damnable Fan Long had lorded over him only three years ago. With this power, it was finally time to destroy that ant so that all his inheritance could be claimed. Silver light flashed below the green within Wei Hua's eyes, danger lurked in them.

Some hours later in the waning hours of the evening, Wei Hua was strolling through the outskirts of Wei City. Flanking him were two guards resplendent in the armor and gear of the Wei palace guards. Beside the young lord stood a man in fine martial robes that had swirls of gray on them.

These swirls seemed to move if they were looked at, bringing the onlookers' minds into a haze. Upon exiting such a state one would find themselves forgetting what they had been doing for the last few moments with an urge to continue with whatever it was that didn't involve figuring that particular detail out. A dark hood hung over the man's face and he walked with his hands clasped in front of him inside the sleeves of his robe

Wei Hua for his part walked with the proud arrogance of his station, hands clasped behind his back as if he were carefreely walking through his own backyard. In a sense, this was the case as all of Wei City was owned by the Wei clan. Those that operated here did so under the express understanding that they were simply renting space from the overlords of the region.

If they truly saw fit to the Wei could uproot anyone here they wished to. As the two continued their discussion a youth walked into Wei Hua's path. The young man was crying and he looked into the face of the young lord.

"My lord, please help me. It's my mother, she's terribly ill. Please, my lord, find the mercy in your heart to help her. I, Shen Jin, will give you my life, my soul, or anything else you wish if only she can be helped." The young man spoke as he sobbed, even coming up to lean against Wei Hua's leg.

Behind him, the guards grimaced and prepared to draw their blades. The man beside the young lord recoiled slightly, frowning as he imagined what the arrogant Wei lordling might do to such an insolent citizen. To the surprise of all Wei Hua shook his head and smiled slightly.

With just a small pull of his hand, he brought the youth to his feet and dust his clothes off while offering him a small piece of cloth to wipe his face.

"Come now, none of that. You are a proud citizen of Wei City! Guardsman Wei Atrine, retrieve a unit of medics from the nearest guard garrison. In the meantime get two investigators working on how something like this could happen. You did try taking her to the doctors, yes young man?"

Wei Hua leveled a gaze like a reproachful older brother at the young man. Surprise filled the youth's face before he nodded emphatically and said.

"Of course, my lord. They said there was no medicine left because of the war against the savage clans." The young man's face became angry at the mention of the 'savage clans', rage and indignation showing in his expression "Those bastards, couldn't be content living their simple lives in the valley. A few more spirits stones and they are ready to kill anyone, good honest folk or even their kin"

"Good job young man, it is regrettable that hostilities have risen so much. This is no excuse for you to face such things however, you have my word that the investigators will get to the bottom of the issue as soon as possible. Now, show Guardsmen Chang Cai to your mother and he will make sure she gets the attention she needs." Wei Hua patted the youth on the shoulder and smiled at him "You are of strong stock I can tell. When your mother is well, report to my personal guard and give them this. If the war is to end soon we'll need good men like you."

With this, the young lord slipped a jade token inscribed with the Wei crest on it into the youth's hand. On the token, the words 'Swords of the wind' were written at the bottom. This was the motto of the elite guards of the Wei palace for they believed themselves to be the swords of the guiding wind that was the Wei clan.

Amid another slew of gratitude the young man eventually departed as both guardsmen did as well to fulfill their tasks leaving Wei Hua alone with the mysterious gray-robed man.

"You were surprised?" Wei Hua turned to look at the man as he asked the question.

"Perhaps… a little I admit. Such actions seem to be against your bearing and general demeanor as a lord. Admittedly, this is only the third time we've spoken so perhaps this is simply my own bias. No offense was meant of course" The man seemed to be reticent to voice his full feelings, perhaps worried about the aforementioned attitude of the lordling.

"Haha," Surprisingly Wei Hua loved in a jovial way at this before calming himself to respond "no offense is taken. I ask, esteemed elder, when you find a sword that has been left in an old supply room. Do you break it over your knee for getting dusty?" Wei Hua looked at the other man, a strange glint in his emerald eyes.

"Well no, if anything I would simply dust it off before storing the sword for later use" The gray-robed man answered with some confusion in his tone.

"Indeed, and is this not the same? These are my lands and property. As an owner, I care for them how I see fit. This city is the sign of my wealth. The people here pay taxes and do as I, the owner wish, as such, they are valuable belongings. Trust me when I say EVERY belonging of mine is doing exactly as I wish, even if they are thinking to misbehave" The strange gleam in Wei Hua's eyes grew stronger and it almost seemed like dull silver suns hid behind the normal piercing emerald light in his gaze. "Now, back to business. Are you sure that the illusion can fool a peak master realm…"

Small terror rose in the heart of the grey-robed man, he had thought this lordling was simply arrogant and looked to make a profit of such an opportunity. Now though, he could see a hungry beast in the young lord's eyes. His caution continued to deepen the more he learned and he kept a tight watch on things he mentioned during the rest of their conversation.

As Wei Hua spoke, he felt the ecstasy that had been coursing through his veins all day. The war had gone perfectly from the initial aggravation to the slow escalation even up to the long drawn-out stalemate that had occurred. Slowly his power had grown with just enough deaths so he could keep pace.

Finally, he had it, his martial arts achieved the grandmaster realm and soon, he would taste the realms only spoken about in legends.

Sounds of the forest played throughout the bamboo shoots that littered the southern expanse of the Flowing Grass Valley. Here at the border between the Valley Alliance and Wei clan territories, a dense bamboo forest spread out for many kilometers. In truth, the borders between the two factions were rather hazy here as few large villages resided in this area. Near the coast as the midpoint between No Leaks Village, which was about a month west of Little Green Bamboo Village, and Jade wind city, around another month of foot travel west, drew a distinct border zone

Here in the inner part of the southern half of the valley, however, these lines changed every day as small scouting squads played games of cat and mouse with each other. In this deadly game, each scouting group would try to evade the other while calling in more organized groups to cut off and close in on the scouts. For the Wei, this had quickly proven a problem as the legendary observers of the Fan clan proved invaluable.

Quickly, Fan Yahui had used her core of elite observer elders and their disciples to establish a network of observing posts that combed at least 70% of the valley between the Flowing Grass River and the Green Mists mountain. With the Wang clan's naval prowess able to secure the coastline and the solitary Reclusive Sword mountain sect taking vigil over the grounds at the base of the Green Mists Mountain the Wei had no way forward except through Fan Yahui's carefully woven net.

Currently, at a carefully hidden observer post that was dug into the ground of a shallow incline, two observer's kneeled in front of the Fan clan observer head. Both of them had multiple tears on their wispy silver cloaks as blood-drenched their robes. Medical experts were hastily examining them and urging the two to rise but both stayed kneeling as they delivered their report to the Fan Yahui.

"So, the young tiger wishes to finally flex his claws. Good work both of you, rest and prepare to return home. I'll have orders that you'll need to deliver on the way however, you've both earned much reprieve. Once you finish this last task, stay and rest until new orders arrive." Fan Yahui's tone was cold and logical as any observer, however, under that was a wave of well-hidden anger.

With this came worry and remorse for the fallen observers and the wounded ones that had returned. Every last one of her observers that was killed felt like a knife through Fan Yahui's body, pain that flared her anger against the Wei that had no avenue to vent built inside of her. With great willpower borne from years of training, she ground those feelings into dust, using them to fuel her next move against these dogs.

This particular team had just returned from Wei City itself with only two of the original four members. Outwardly she was also careful to display some worry at the news the pair had brought, it spoke of a plan that would crush the fan clan utterly. Who knew where spies lurked, best to lay traps in all things.

Wei Hua had emptied most of his war funds and gone all out to find outside help. In this, he had recruited a man that introduced himself as a wandering martial artist that worked with an organization known as the 'Three Heavens Illusion Realm'. After brokering a deal the elder of this organization had offered to give the lordling a powerful illusion formation that could conceal an entire legion of soldiers over long distances.

This formation was astonishing and could even fool a peak master realm illusion specialist. Yes, a peak master realm illusion martial, just like Fan Yahui herself. The thought caused a barely noticeable smile to almost creep onto the corners of the Fan Yahui's lips, or perhaps not. Those who told the tale afterward could never have been sure. After all, the greatest illusions always left such impressions.

Fan Jia looked out over Little Green Bamboo Village from the clifftop of the Fan clan's ancestral training ground. The buildings and walls that spread out into the west were almost all he had known for most of his life. Over the past few years, he had seen many parts of the southern Valley of Flowing Grass from the high mountain pass of the Reclusive Mountain Sword Sect to the banks of the Flowing Grass River at No Leaks Village.

Just over a month ago his battle squad of cadet clan warriors had received a message to return home and await further instructions. This had overjoyed Fan Jia as his heart had grown homesick, yearning for the sight of a happy Little White or perhaps one of his elder brothers. Now it seemed that he would have little time to spend at home and not have the joy of either.

Upon returning home Elder Wuying had gathered his cadet squad and ordered them to help organize a large-scale movement of the villagers. Great haste had been made and now spanning to the east of the cliff, down where the slope leveled off, a large temporary village had been built. This village had many tall posts that aligned around it with countless runes carved into them diligently by the clan craftsmen.

Looking at the makeshift village from afar Fan Jia could barely see it and the image was getting hazier by the day. At first, the structures had been perfectly visible; however, it now seemed as if the buildings and posts naturally existed under the cover of the bamboo forest. It was as if the forest itself had not been cleared and the buildings simply existed as part of the dense plant life!

This greatly broadened the horizons of the young Fan Jia, allowing him to understand that he simply did not understand! It was as if the world simply became so much bigger as he stood still, the feeling almost gave him vertigo. Suddenly the young warrior felt a calming presence beside him and a hand landed on his shoulder. Turning, Fan Jia saw that elder Wuying had appeared beside him!

"Come now junior. There's much work to be done. Wouldn't want your elder brothers to come back and find you slacking off, would you?" The old man smiled wryly at him, warm understanding in his voice tempered by calm patience.

"Of course elder Wuying. Please excuse this lapse!" Fan Jia's face turned red and he immediately turned around and ran toward the camp, eager to find something to do.

With a sigh, elder Wuying looked out over the emptied Little Green Bamboo Village. Small signs of movement could be seen throughout the outer buildings and walls. To him these movements seemed like the real thing, if he didn't know any better it would look as if nothing had changed! Finally, with another shake of his head, the old man turned and began slowly walking to the temporary village.

"Leader Long, this old man hopes that the heavens favor you, now more than ever, for all of our sakes." These words carried low across the wind as he walked, with no one there to hear them save for heaven and earth.
Part 1. Ch 36. Hidden roots grasp firm
Lite rain drizzled over No Leaks village as Fan Shun gazed over an open parade ground from the balcony overhanging the second floor of the humble building that had been prepared for him. It had been a little over a month ago that upon returning to Little Green bamboo village he was sent to reinforce the alliance defenses lining the coast of the Flowing Grass River. Three weeks of hasty marching had led his legion to the medium-sized village controlled by the Wang clan and they had been there for barely a week.

Around him, modest furnishings provisioned the headquarters building and two-story barracks that sat on the opposite side of the parade ground. Great care had been taken to hang banners that proclaimed this the temporary garrison of Fan clan forces among the alliance troops; however, little else set the sparse walls of the spartan military compound apart.

Overhead, the misty clouds that had blown in from deep inside the river's domain cast the village and compound in a dim light that seemed to sap the good mood from the air. Three long years Fan Shun had been at this, long years of butchering every Wei clan loyalist he could seize. Anger had not overtaken him; however, his actions had become more and more aggressive as the conflict continued.

Time and time again the enemy had tried to capture him in ambushes yet each time Fan Shun had served as the blade for the observer reports to cut down straggling Wei clan units. The merits had been plentiful but none of them seemed to calm the rage inside his heart, pain flaring from the death of a man that had pledged to follow him through life and death and even the next life if that existed. Shaking his head, Fan Shun turned his attention back to the stack of reports that had been delivered over the past week.

During the time his unit settled into the compound he had been busy organizing the troops and making sure all of their needs were tended to. As such, he had expected a mountain of paperwork to work on when the time finally arose to tackle it. To his surprise, however, only this small stack of intelligence reports had come in.

Among them were the usual communications about what different clans were providing troops to which fronts or where various attacks had occurred. Over the last year, the fighting had boiled down into somewhat of a stalemate, because of this aside from the occasional skirmish no major battles had broken out recently. What had caught his attention were the reports that only Fan clan legion commanders received, internal reports that weren't shared with the rest of the alliance.

It had been spaced out over the last month but with Fan Shun's master realm mental energy processing the connections were simple, the clan's core legion and two whole palms had been subtly shifted to return home. All of the orders had been offset so that no large number of troops moved at once and so that every single one of them would arrive back in Little Green Bamboo village within a week from now. Not only that, Fan Shun soon started to remember reports that he had received about legion movements before arriving home and right before departing.

Connecting those he could also see that the remaining three legions had been split across all fronts where the clan was openly operating. This had started even earlier, almost two weeks before his legion had started for No leaks Village. Without any pitched battles occurring it would seem to any outsider that the Fan clan was still manning each of their fronts with close to full force.

Add in some illusion formations from the observer lineage and it would appear as if nothing had changed at all. Rapid thoughts spun throughout Fan Shun's mind, this must be an operation of massive proportions. Indeed, it was the entire clan marshaling as an army, only with all of them silently acting as one without knowing it.

Adrenaline flowed through his veins, fervor to fight the enemy. Qi gathered as the master-realm mental energy flowed over the balcony, drawing in tendrils of power that seemed to fill Fan Shun with boundless energy. For just a moment he was ready to face the world as boundless fury built in his eyes, if gods blocked the way he would slay gods and if buddha blocked the way he would slay buddha! Even if the mythical Four Primordial Immortal Ancestors stood in the way, Fan Shun's sword wouldn't yield!

Sword hymns sung from the gathering Qi as the image of an army of stalwart soldiers gathered behind the old warrior. In a rush, the grand image faded, reason and calm returning to Fan Shun's eyes. He understood well how reckless heads could foil well-laid plans, no matter how much he wanted to be there for a grand battle the fact of the matter remained that he had been chosen for another role.

Looking out on the parade ground across the forms of the entire legion training he could see Zi Bao and Fan Yong training with the passion of youth. For now, Fan Shun would simply have to do his duty to keep those under his command safe and trust in the will of the clan leader. With a sigh, he leaped from the balcony. After all, these warriors were going to train themselves, properly at least. At the thought, a small smile started to form on his lips

Wei Tu had never had an easier time approaching an enemy stronghold. As he walked through the bamboo forest that spread all around Little Green Bamboo Village it almost felt as if he was walking through his own backyard. With his Grandmaster-realm mental energy, he could take in the startling beauty of the forest as it melded seamlessly with the boundaries of the man-made clearings. As if the clearings had naturally appeared rather than being artificial.

Warm rays of sunlight filtered through the canopy as the sound of animal life played all around. In the sky, small birds trilled their songs as the underbrush swayed with the gentle wind of the day, forming a melody all its own. Already, scouting groups had ranged out from the Wei clan army as they approached, nothing within a day's walk west of the Fan clan ancestral village should have escaped their net.

Today would be a glorious day, one that would unite the valley under the power of the Wei clan and as such restore the order that should have been long ago. In total, 50 master-realm experts spanned the army with countless supporting Wei clan warriors. Including the scouting group, this totaled 200 strong.

In truth, the Wei clan could have fielded a much larger army but there were two problems with that. The first being that 200 men were already stretching the capabilities of the illusion formation that was being powered by the four strongest masters and Wei Tu himself as the eye of the formation. This had required them all to wear pouches with specially inscribed tablets at their waists that constantly needed a small amount of Qi from an active user to work.

Most of the energy was supplanted with spirit stones that were stored in the packs each of them was wearing, however, the foreign elder had been clear, the formation needed active energy at least in some part from a living user. As such after some testing, it was seen that the energy requirements for the formation went up with the number of men it was covering and all of them had to remain within the formation boundaries formed by those running the formation. With Wei Tu serving as the eye at the center of the army the other four master realm experts determined the outline of the border by their position such that the border was formed using them as the corners of the boundary.

With this, the Wei had been able to secure enough spirit stones to get within a day's walk of Little Green Bamboo Village. After the formation needed active power to activate they dropped it and started sending out the scouts to find any stragglers or spies trying to inform the greater Fan clan force at the border. Even if they found out this information should seem baffling to the Fan clan higher-ups as it would seem that the Wei clan army simply teleported past their defenses to right outside their home!

The second reason the Wei didn't field an army of 1,000 or even 10,000 was that larger numbers simply stopped mattering in fights with high-realm martial artists. Even though the Wei clan could field an army 10,000 strong easily, powerful foes like the leader of the Fan clan would arrive and crush such numbers with his high realm of martial arts training. Thus it became that in battles of martial artists that quality usually outweighed quantity and what truly mattered was how many trained warriors one side could field.

As such the 150 non-master-realm warriors that had been brought on this assault would mainly focus on securing objectives and resources as well as contending with other lower realm opponents. In doing this all 50 experts of the Wei army could be freed to combat the Fan clan elders and overwhelm them with force. Although pure force of numbers lost its effectiveness when it came to untrained soldiers, if one could find a reasonable number of martial artists one realm lower than the target, they could be overwhelmed with sheer numbers.

This was the assault plan today as Wei Tu and his elite strike team would find Fan Long and bring back his head. It was said that the Fan clan martial artists were more powerful man for man than most other forces however, by reports they only had 25 or so experts in the master realm or higher. With Wei Tu's grandmaster realm strength he felt he would be a match for the Fan clan leader.

Frowning at the thought, Wei Tu remarked in his mind that he had wanted the clan lord to accompany him on this assault, surely with two grandmaster martial artists Fan Long would fall swiftly and surely. It seemed that Wei Hua had different plans however as he had stayed in Wei City amid some illusion formations, ones that presented images of Wei Tu himself as well as the other Wei army higher-ups. Shrugging he continued forward as the walls of Little Green Bamboo Village were in sight, now was the time for action instead of thought.

With a war cry, Wei Tu ordered his men to charge and they stormed forward with speed that made falling leaves seem to pause mid-air. In the span of a breath, the entire group of 50 master realm experts blurred forward, emerald and gold scaled armor sparkling in the noonday sun as they blurred across the 200 meters between them and the walls. Transparent whisps seemed to flutter in the air around them as a whistling sound rose.

Blurry green swords seemed to ride these winds and as the group approached the gate it seemed to shudder as thousands of sword slashes lashed out across it. Mortal treasure bamboo creaked amid the force of phantom Qi swords hitting it over and over, holding for one breath before shattering into hundreds of slices. Shards of the gate rained down as the green blurs seemed to pass through them, moving so fast that they had to dodge the fragments as if they were frozen in the air.

Streets blurred by as the army rushed forward, scouring buildings and roofs as they went, nothing could stop them. Buildings and roads turned into scattered fragments as the sword Qi started forming formations of wind and sword in the air that destroyed all in front of them. Soon they approached an open square, where all roads gave way to a large clearing. At the center of this clearing sat a small dais and on that daise stood a man with his back facing them.

His long black hair flowed with the wind as it came to the middle of his back matching the movements of the golden robe the man wore. On this man's back stood the proud crest of a golden palm with an open eye at the center of it, this palm seemed to suppress all things in the world! When facing this person the entire Wei clan army felt that they were gazing upon an immortal mountain.

As he turned around the man's piercing golden eyes seemed to look through all things, his demeanor like that of an immortal from legend! In his right hand was held a plain staff made of smooth pure stone that seemed to warp the air around it as if the object was too heavy for the world to bear. A sad smile crossed the man's lips, this was obviously Fan long, the leader of the Fan Clan!

"Is this how you greet fellow seekers of the martial path? I recall being far more polite last time I visited Wei City." Fan Long's tone was gentle as if his mind was elsewhere, deep sadness seemed to underline his words as.

His gaze contained no fury nor contempt, it was as if he was speaking to a misbehaving child who was old enough to what they had done wrong.

"Senior Long, I, Wei Tu, have boundless respect for your martial prowess. Today, I am here to serve my lord's orders. Nothing more, nothing less" Wei Tu's tone was like an immovable stone, nothing would convince him to shirk his duty!

"Indeed? That is good to hear. Today let it not be said that the leader of the Fan Clan is one to bully juniors. I give you a single chance, surrender now and swear to leave the service of Wei Hua. If you do so, your lives shall be spared and I swear no harm will come to you!" Fan Long's tone firmed and steel entered his eyes.

Some of the Wei masters looked around in bewilderment as if looking for an ambush. Indeed many of them sent out wisps of mental energy into the environment to see if Fan long had any reinforcements. Suddenly they sneered as many of them felt a large number of troops approaching from outside the village. It seemed that they had been hidden well as even the Wei scouts had not found them!

"Senior Long, you seem to misunderstand. With the 50 of us here, you'll be dead long before your troops arrive. After that, with me here, they stand no chance. Today the Fan clan will follow in the footsteps of the Jie" Wei Tu smiled wickedly.

"I take it that means you refuse then?" Fan Long's expression turned forlorn as he shook his head, looking at the ground

Wei Tu spat on the ground and gathered the Qi he had been generating. Without warning all of the Wei clan soldiers attacked. In the fraction of a moment after they began attacking all of them felt a chill go down their spines.

Fan Long looked up and swept his gaze across them, his eyes burning like golden suns. A pressure that Wei Tu had never felt in his life before descended upon him in that instant, a force straight out of legend.

"Impossible… you've broken through! Supre-" Wei Tu's words were cut off as Fan Long let out a warcry that seemed to split the heavens.

Fan Zhong grunted as his staff ripped through a short bamboo shoot, sending a burst of air out in all directions. All around him lay broken pieces of shoots here and there, evidence of his hard work in training that morning. Something still seemed to be out of his grasp, as if he needed only the slightest bit of improvement to achieve the first-grade realm.

Sighing, he reset into the void gate stance that had become so familiar over the past years. Little else had kept the young warrior occupied as the war had dragged on. It had felt suffocating, to be in one of the core legion battle squads and feel so utterly useless. Every battle had the looming shadow of his seniors or brothers over him.

Even Little White had proven to be more of an asset than him on the battlefield, roaming like an invisible reaper that caused the enemy to constantly look over their shoulders in fear. Guilt gnawed at Fan Zhong from all directions, guilt from simply feeling suffocated when the seniors were only trying to protect him! Anyone else in this situation would be grateful and he was, however… there was a feeling of wrongness.

Should he be protected more than Fan Yong or Zi Bao, both of who fought equally as hard as him? Had they, or anyone else for that manner, truly done any less for the clan? Confusion built inside his mind simply thinking of the topic, with no idea of what to do he simply prepared to keep practicing his technique. In these years he had managed to improve the piercing origin palm quite far and finally managed to get it to what his elder brother had acknowledged as the familiar realm of attainment for an unformed technique.

Although the road was long, he could only keep walking it until the technique was complete. To that end Fan Zhong had found this spot, some two hours walk from the mine, to train alone. He had felt that a personally formed technique needed to be improved and refined as naturally as possible.

As such, every morning Fan Zhong would slip away to work on the technique in seclusion, only occasionally showing it to the seniors when he was truly perplexed about something. Breathing in deeply, he prepared to channel all of his frustration and confusion into a furious bout of training. Suddenly a blur of movement caught his eye and before he could react, a group of eight Wei clan soldiers stood in front of him.

Instantly Fan Zhong could feel the heavy mental energy of the two in the lead who was dressed in resplendent emerald and gold magical treasure armor. Their control was sloppy, Fan Cheng had been teaching him how to better sense someone else's mental energy and realm, but there was no doubt that they were master realm, martial artists

"Well would you look here, it seems today is our lucky day Brother Zhen. Young Master Fan Zhong himself in the flesh, having fun playing soldier brat?" The lead Wei soldier spoke with a rasp, laughing between words.

Tensing, Fan Zhong prepared to fight however, at that moment an ear-splitting warcry seemed to sunder the heavens. Shortly after a horn belting three short notes over and over in a hurried fashion rang in the air. All of the Wei clan soldiers seemed to hesitate before all but the leaders fled in the direction they had come.

Menacing glares fell on Fan Zhong as he activated his movement technique to the fullest at the first sign of the enemy hesitating. Quickly he was off, concealing himself among the underbrush and terrain. They may be experts but steel-ridden resolve was flashing through Fan Zhong's eyes, he was no longer the weak boy he had once been.

"Commander Cheng, I'm sure junior brother Zhong is fine. It's normal for him to practice his technique-" Kang Ah's words were cut off as a warcry split the heavens followed by three ringing notes from a horn.

Inside this warcry came a shocking message concealed in mental energy, stronger energy than any of the many Fan clan members stationed around the village had ever felt.

"Sons and daughters of Fan, today we pay the Wei back for all the blood they have spilled. Today we put an end to this meaningless conflict. All units collapse on the village, kill all who resist, and capture those who surrender. Let us see how the Wei dog's like the taste of a supreme grandmaster's fury!" Fan Long's voice echoed with boundless resolve through the mental energy.

This was a fairly simple technique that one could learn or receive even in the first-grade realm. However, to be able to project it to all of those within a day's walk of Little Green Bamboo village was astonishing and would most likely consume a large part of even a grandmaster's energy reserves! With the shocking news of his father breaking through, Fan Cheng was speechless, none of this had been told to him beforehand!

"Brother Cheng…." Fan Jiahao looked at him with concern.

"Go, meet up with the first core legion unit you can and support them. I will return to you with junior brother Fan Zhong shortly" Fan Cheng gritted his teeth, shooting a look of challenge at all of his officers.

This was disobeying a direct order, something that Fan Cheng would normally never do! In their hearts, the rest of the squad was shaken as well as moved. Shaken at the ever stalwart and orderly Fan Cheng disobeying an order however moved at the same time by his love for his brother.

With a nod all of them blurred from sight, using Qi to enhance their movement techniques to the extreme as their mental energy stretched out towards the village. As soon as they left Fan Cheng heard a growl and looked up to see Little White staring at him from the top of the ravine. A nod and a bark were all that was needed to convey their sentiments. Soon Fan Cheng was pulling in as much Qi as he could while following the fleeting form of the water wolf.

In his heart panic rose, he could only hope that Fan Zhong was safe.
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Part 1. Ch. 37 The Day Heaven Fell
Sounds of metal hitting stone rang out as Fan Long's Spirit Earth Qi exploded outward. Inside of him, a vast amount of energy that had been condensed into blocklike formations inside his dantian slowly started to break down to the tune of 'Rivers Looping among Mountains'. Runes lit up below him that stretched out into a formation that covered the entirety of Little Green Bamboo Village.

Sadness crossed his mind that it had come to this; however, there was no hesitation. Looking around he could see the forming nets of Wind sword Qi that pressed in from all directions. It seemed as if 1,000 swords that could cleave through the earth itself would descend upon him in no time at all.

Indeed even to his newly improved perceptions, the attacks moved far quicker than anything else, a testament to the advanced speed of the Wei clan sword techniques. To Fan Long, however, this speed was still no faster than the pace one would casually walk through their own backyard. Firming his resolve, the Fan clan leader simply pressed his palm forward and nine giant phantom palms pushed outward with blinding speed.

In a rush, a dome of energy formed by these palms expanded outward in all directions, crushing all the sword energy under Fan Long's 'All things birthed from the origin'. Blood rushed from the mouths of each of the surrounding Wei masters as they coughed up vital force, palm force spreading through their energy systems and wreaking havoc. This was the advantage of palm techniques when one reached the master stage.

Although they lacked the raw strength of punches or the piercing power of finger attacks, palm strikes made up for this by transferring force into the opponent over an area. When this reached the stage of being enhanced by Qi the users' Qi could be projected into the opponents, creating the phenomena known as palm force that continuously damaged the opponent even after they were struck.

As such, prolonged fights with users of palm techniques became increasingly harder to win as one accumulated more and more palm force within themselves. Looking around Fan Long was surprised to see one man had withstood the strike. Wei Tu, the proud general of the Wei army, stood only ten paces from him, sword planted into the ground to stabilize himself.

Around the proud general, a tight cloak of whispering winds swirled with images of swords as the blade in his hand glowed an emerald green. Fan Long's mental energy was already present in the entire village thanks to the formation under his feet and with it, he could feel the powerful emanations coming from that sword. His expression turned slightly sour as he scanned the item further, this Wei general would be able to distract him far more than originally planned.

Finally, the surrounding enemies seemed to start recovering as the blood they had spat up was halfway to the ground, each of them slowly starting to swing their swords in Fan Long's perception. Falling into a fighting stance for the first time, the leader of the Wei clan prepared to fight for his life. Sword Qi screamed forward again from all directions with phantom swords rising outward to form a grander formation between the Wei warriors, this time much more prepared for the overwhelming opponent in front of them.

Quickly his staff rose, and soon three Fan Longs walked out from his original position. Each one of these copies was ethereal like an attack phantom and moved with speed faster than the sword energy. Rushing forward, each of these phantoms moved and phantom arms seemed to sprout from them at each point their techniques could have branched into a different Fan Clan technique.

Soon the phantom clones had sent out over a hundred attacks each, utilizing all nine forms of 'Nine Palms Subdue the Nine Heavens'. Fan Long still stood on the dais resting in void gate stance, eight pairs of phantom arms sprouting from his shoulders. In each of these phantom arms was held a replica of his staff that was now glowing with incandescent brown runes.

Suddenly he moved, the staves and extra arms blurring in innumerable different patterns. Phantoms of his staff lashed out in a ring that seemed to crush the entire world, like a mountain range being plucked from the earth by some immortal from the legends and thrown around in an ever-expanding circle. Wei steel met the onslaught of the original phantom projections blow for blow, suffering numerous hits as they went.

For the first twenty blows they held and only one of them fell. The next two fell after another ten blows where exchange as shifting palm techniques echoed into the bodies of half the Wei masters, spilling blood all over the square. Shockwaves echoed from the clash, within the first thirty blows the square was no more and all the buildings within 1km had been destroyed.

Runes that gave off an ancient feeling started to glow brightly as the destruction spread, a formation that had lain dormant for centuries. Hazy brown energy started to form domes over the surroundings and soon the shockwaves started to be contained, only destroying another 100 meters of the village. All the shockwaves carried over the ground, sending debris everywhere and washing over the remaining protected parts of the village to destroy the outer wall and 2km of the surrounding forest!

By the time 50 blows had been exchanged in total 10 of the Wei masters had died and a single sword strike had reached Fan Long. In the hail of swords and blows, this blade rang out with the piercing whistle of Wei clan Qi! A deep thud could be heard as the strike landed as if the sword had struck the side of a mountain.

On the ground behind Fan Long, a 10m long 5m deep furrow trailed on the ground, remnants of the strike that tore a hole in his martial elder robe, leaving a small mark on his skin. By the time he finally began moving his staff, the initial hundred or so strikes had been made and five more Wei Masters had fallen. As the ring of staff phantoms raced outward and Fan long began gathering Qi for the second part of his technique a piercing whistle sounded out, louder than the entire battle.

A shockwave sprang out from among the Wei clan ranks as a singular sword was drawn from a sheath that twisted the air around it, radiating power. Wei Tu's sword moved faster than even Fan Long's blows as if he had somehow brought himself to the supreme grandmaster realm! This sword carried the trailing winds of over 500 sword shadows that billowed out behind it like a long cape in a giant sword shape.

Phantom blows lost power as they traveled; however, when overlaid over the physical weapons they originated from, their power didn't diminish. Instead, the force was multiple to be even higher, causing physical blows made by those able to use Qi to reach unimaginable force! Power radiated from the magical treasure sword in Wei Tu's hand and Fan Long had to turn all of his attention to facing the man.

As he did so the ring of staff shadows rang out, destroying the defensive formation of the Wei masters but dissipating in the process. The blow had been intended to finish them off with overpowering force; however, the enemy general had struck at the perfect moment, reducing the casualties to only five men while also catching Fan Long off guard! Mirthful laughter played through the air and for a moment even Wei Tu's powerful sword thrust seemed to freeze.

The world seemed to be cast under the twilight of a full moon as silvery light shined all over the battlefield. With an explosion, a hundred phantom silver-cloaked figures seemed to glide up out of every direction, as if they had been in the walls and ground! Thousands of glinting lights flitted, intertwining and causing the sound of metal meeting metal to resound in the winds of sword Qi conjured up by the Wei.

Haze surrounded these figures as their cloaks seemed to make each and every one of them skip in and out of sight. In a flash a short sword of pure silver light met Wei Tu's blade, shining with more powerful runes and greater weight! Each of the ethereal phantoms let out an unearthly wail as if the vengeful spirit of all wronged beings in the world was being played to the most beautiful melody ever conceived.

Finally, all the figures vanished and condensed into a single person holding the sword that had blocked Wei Tu's attack! It was Fan Yahui, radiating the presence of a grandmaster!

"Now, now junior. My husband is busy so I'm afraid you'll need to entertain me for just a short while. Don't worry, he won't be long." Fan Yahui landed as the shockwave of the two colliding sword strikes pushed her back, an expression of cold ice on her face.

She raised an open hand and closed it into a fist so quickly that a shockwave radiated out in the clearing. Groans of pain spread through the clearing as two more Wei clan masters fell dead instantly. Many more revealed pained expressions or dullness of the eyes as each of them rapidly used their Qi to battle against the invading palm force as well as the mental Qi attacks Fan Yahui had just spread through the battlefield.

Wei Tu's expression turned from sour to grim as he now fully understood the severity of the situation. He and his men had only ever had a single chance, the mercy of Fan Long. In haste and arrogance, he had thrown it all away and now this square would mark his death.

Hefting his sword in a graceful movement the Wei General raised his weapon in a martial salute to his enemy.

"Understood senior, please advise!" With these words, the battle commenced once again.

Only this time, both sides understood the outcome before a single blow was exchanged.

Fan Zhong jumped forward with all of his momentum as a whistling sound resounded behind him. Just a second later and he would be laying in two pieces at the furrow in the ground just two meters behind him down the five-meter rise that his movement tum technique had taken him over. Running forward a step he jumped slightly and turned, using the momentum he had built to swing on a tall bamboo shoot and change direction.

It had only been a few seconds since he had escaped the enemy and they had wasted no time catching up to him. Two times already he had come close to death and his hiding spots were becoming sparse. The terrain surrounding the mine was winding and offered a good amount of coverage if the enemy had to find him visually.

This wasn't true for master realm experts, however, as they could send out their mental energy to detect him. Normally this was only done in brief stints as wasting mental energy reduced the overall enhancements to the senses one received as well as reducing the total amount of Qi that one could generate. In this case, the enemy was simply far too strong, however, so they could afford to be wasteful with energy.

If Fan Zhong were in the first-grade realm he could control his own mental energy and stop himself from being detected as searching for someone this way was crude. What the martial artist was doing was not so much as seeing, merely getting a feeling for the direction of other sources of energy. Mental energy had a certain feel to it and only martial artists and spirit beings had it, with the Flowing Grass Valley being so sparse with spirit animals and plants it was easy for the Wei to pick out Fan Zhong.

First-grade martial artists could cloak themselves by simply focusing their mental energy on their skin, this would keep them from leaking their energy and work against crude methods like those used by the Wei. It was said in the legends that immortals had their mental energy transformed into divine sense that could actually see and sense as if one was physically there; however, when Fan Zhong had asked Fan Cheng about this he had never heard of such a technique.

Thinking of this he ran as fast as he could, only changing course to try to throw the enemy off the trail. If they were forced to spread out their energy in more directions then it would waste more of it. Perhaps if they found Fan Zhong too troubling an opponent then they would leave.

Pain lanced through the back of his leg and he stumbled forward, pulses of agony throbbing through his left thigh. Laying back against a tall bamboo shoot near the edge of the small clearing he had fallen into Fan Zhong saw his opponents quickly blurring towards him. In the time it took him to blink they were already there, knowing smiles spread across their faces.

The lead Wei master started to speak however before he could manage any words the world exploded with sound. A primal howl of rage echoed from behind Fan Zhong as a blurring transparent form landed in front of him followed by a streak of gold and azure. Explosions and shockwaves seemed to drown out all noise in the world as the stalwart back of Fan Cheng stood vigil over him.

A warm smile crossed the older warrior's face as he looked back at his brother, one that spoke of words that might never be spoken as he stared down the two opposing master realm warriors. Talismans blurred from within Fan Cheng's robes as he seemed to disappear right before the clearing exploded as well.

Shockwaves railed against the glowing formation of azure talismans that now surrounded Fan Zhong. Powerful forces ripped the forest around him apart as dozens of palms seemed to appear in dozens of places at once. Right as they appeared they disappeared following streaks of countless figures blurring.

Only a few seconds had passed before Fan Cheng appeared before him again, staff in one hand as he covered his side, blood trailing from dozens of cuts across his body. Across from him on the field lay the form of one of the Wei masters, half of his head vibrated into blood pulp as his corpse vibrated from palm force that was breaking it apart. Another few seconds started and passed leaving the first Wei master a bloody puddle as his fellow landed beside him with three large holes in his body

Fan Cheng blurred to Fan Zhong's side, a sword halfway into his side as blood leaked from his mouth, with a grunt the older warrior pulled the sword out as he walked closer. With a calm smile, he looked at his brother before falling to his knees, only supported by the staff he held in his single good hand. Running to him, Fan Zhong scattered the formation from the inside.

As he approached, he could see the extent of his brother's wounds, tears streaked over his face and he gently guided his brother to lie down on the ground. All of a sudden the world was quiet as the shockwaves from the direction of the village had stopped. Victorious warcries resounded in the background of Fan Zhong's mind as he struggled to comprehend what was going on.

While inside of this dull world something broke him from the numbness. A pressure fell from the sky like the imperial decree of some ancient immortal emperor. To Fan Zhong, it felt as if heaven itself had descended.

Fan Long looked down at the kneeling form of Wei Tu as he bled among the corpses of what was once his army. Once Fan Yahui had arrived the outcome had been determined and he had swiftly dealt with the remaining forces. Now all that remained was to end all this and to deal with the fallout.

A long sigh escaped his lips as he considered how much work was left to be done. After this plan was finished the alliance forces stationed at No Leaks Village would receive orders to meet up with the Fan clan army and they would assault Wei City. With so much of their power destroyed here little could stand between Fan Long and taking Wei Hua's head.

Such was the plan to cut the head of the snake early so that the loyalist cities and clans could be cowed and reintegrated into the valley culture. Fan Long had no aspirations to replace the Wei as the western overlords within the valley itself, he simply wished to put an end to this conflict by burning each of the loyalists to the ground as they fought a losing battle. It had been a long road to tread however, this path he felt ultimately led to the least amount of deaths.

Truly, the Wei lordlings scheme had been a boon to his war efforts as he had been racking his mind over how to kill Wei Hua without simply smashing down the walls of Wei City. Fan Long was under no illusions that the arrogant pup would throw tens of thousands of loyal citizens and clansmen in front of him before he fought in an open field. It would've been a slaughter and then the valley alliance would begin acting like the ravens they were.

He had seen it play out over the course of 30 years, right after the war with the Deng clan. Most histories told that the war ended a century ago and that mostly peace had reigned in the valley from then on. Fan Long knew better, for decades the valley clans had subtly subverted each other and devoured those who had been weakened during that conflict.

It was one of the reasons he had banned the long history of mercenary and assassin work that the Fan clan had been known for and instead chose to focus on the bodyguard and observing as trade professions instead. Shaking his head the old warrior looked into the eyes of the defeated enemy general.

"Wei Tu, today you have fought bravely. Go to the halls of your ancestors with pride in your heart, pride in the martial prowess you showed here. May your rebirth be swift and bountiful." Without a pause, two palm phantoms pressed the man's head between them as two staff phantoms converged from above and below.

A receiving technique that used heaven and earth forms at the same time, Fan Long's specialty that he referred to as 'Receiving All things under Heaven and Earth'. With a shout infused by a good 20% of his remaining gathered Qi, he let out another warcry, this one speaking of victory.

As the noise traveled outward it seemed to be suppressed as a force fell from the sky. This force was something that dwarfed Fan Long so much that he felt like an ant staring at an army of celestial immortals. Looking into the sky he saw two figures standing in mid-air around 100 meters up, each of them radiated power beyond imagining.

Teng Hanying looked throughout the small valley below him with a grim expression. Throughout the last years, he had tried to arrive at each and every one of his inheritances to activate them and replenish his supply of soul Qi! Each and every time this damnable brat from the Heavenly Infinite Sword Sect had either been faster than him or arrived just in time to attack and destroy the formation.

Originally he had wanted to use one of his more recent sites however, as the list kept growing smaller he had been led here, to where it all started. Behind his eyes, complex feelings arose. He had not always been surnamed Teng, originally he had been known as Wei Hanying!

Thousands of years ago he had stumbled upon a cave that had primitive runes that described a cultivation method to extract Qi from the recently slain. It was so-called 'Soul Devour Arts' and had led him to the vaunted heights of the spirit realms! Even then, he had felt scammed by the heavens as the local Xing empire's ancestors had caught wind of him through the noble Lu family having their ancestor visit and discover traces of demonic Qi.

After that, he quickly decided to escape and left a formation here that would allow his descendants to master his arts. Alongside this, he had also left his clan's traditional wind sword arts so that they had something to practice in public. This way they wouldn't be forced from home as he had.

Checking the formation with his divine sense he found that it was indeed intact and that one of the two formation keys he had left was in use. Unfortunately, it was the lesser key that he had left in the clan with instructions on how to seek out the master key of the formation. With the lesser key, the descendant couldn't activate the whole formation and absorb the soul of every life in the valley.

Knowing that no one had the master key excited and disappointed him, if it had been found then he would have a worthy successor in the world, and his techniques would continue onward. However, now that it seemed his clan only had the lesser key and that it had been active for over half a decade it was obvious they weren't qualified to cultivate. Cultivating in itself is an act that defied the heavens! How could someone who was too weak-willed to seek out the trials of his master key ever have the qualifications to do such a thing?

With a sneer in his heart, Teng Hanying turned his attention to the formation and began activating it. At this moment a black and white phantom sword strike that seemed to stretch outward from the horizon arrived and struck several points in the valley. Instantly Li Cheng was standing in the air opposite him, only a kilometer or so separating the two. For the two of them that were at the foundation establishment realm, they may as well have been touching!

"Finally out of holes to run to, old devil? Give up this farce and surrender. You can't run from me." Li Cheng's eyes glowed, one black with a white iris while the other was the reverse.

Li Cheng presented an arrogant face to the old devil as he spoke his words. In truth, this mission had dragged him across populated mortal territory that he was restricted inside of. Even the sword swing that had disabled this formation had to be carefully monitored as there was an entire mortal nation below him.

If his power were controlled even slightly worse it could kill hundreds if not thousands of them. Knowing this, he rather hoped that Teng Hanying would surrender or at least wait until some high-level senior noticed that he was in their territory. Li Cheng had been hoping to get a message to his seniors or someone more powerful in the righteous faction in hopes of clearing the path that the demonic cultivator was taking through civilized lands; however, the bastard simply had too many backup locations.

Given the chance, he would recover and this time Li Cheng wouldn't have an immortal magical treasure charged with a thousand years of mental energy. Simply drawing that sword at this moment would most likely vaporize him as it would amplify his energy so much that his body couldn't take it. With a mental sigh, he started to form the 'Lesser Infinity Sword Array' around the valley.

At that moment he noticed that the outrage in the older devil's face seemed to melt and a slow smile crept on his face.

"Hmph, you righteous bastards are always speaking about the good of others and shouldering heaven for the better good, eh? Try this on then, brat! Let's see if the vaunted Heavenly Infinite Sword Sect disciple values his own life over hundreds of thousands of others!" A mad gleam appeared in Teng Hanying's eye and power gathered at his dantian.

Qi washed the whole valley as crying souls seemed to appear all around. Suddenly that energy started to rush into the fading formation, fueling it with energy that the runes were never meant to hold. Li Cheng's face turned dark, this formation was shattered but still contained a vast amount of energy. If it was allowed to detonate along with Teng Hanying's cultivation then it would take a large part of this lesser territory with it.

By quick estimation his mental energy allowed him to deduce that it would cover everything within at least a 5,000 km radius. Calculating while channeling his Qi he quickly generated 1,000,000 heaven sword arrays from the sword phantoms generated by the 'Lesser Infinity Sword Array'. These smaller sword arrays were made of nine swords each and could amplify techniques that passed through them.

More and more sword phantoms appeared, passing through the lesser arrays and making more powerful and grander arrays. In the second that it took for the self-destruction technique to reach its max Li Cheng had condensed over 10,000,000 lesser sword arrays into 10,000 heavenly grand sword arrays, the highest level techniques he could manage. Each of those arrays had nine heavenly swords that were half pitch black and half radiant white and from their center unimaginable power billowed outward.

Suddenly, an explosion ripped through the world and the arrays activated. In the span of a thousandth of a second as the shockwave rippled outward Li Cheng's techniques started activating quickly producing 1,000,000 swords that were layered over 9 times each that rotated to form a condensing dome around the explosion. Sweat beads formed on his brow as the black and white swords held in his hands blurred at speeds that dwarfed even the movement of the edge of the shockwave, sending out individual phantoms that were far more powerful than those generated by the arrays.

Dust filled the air as the forces collided, large shockwaves rebounding off the arrays as they moved to position the sword that formed them to rebound the forces back and forth in a maelstrom in the smallest area possible. Finally, another moment passed and Li Cheng was left standing in the sky on wispy trails of sword Qi as large clumps of earth fell to the ground. A small smile crossed his face as realized that he had done it, the valley remained intact with only a relatively small crater to show for it.

Well relative to the lesser territory that was, Li Cheng reprimanded himself for thinking that a 5km wide 1km deep crater was a small amount of destruction. Thousands of years of fighting and cultivation had skewed his perspective it seemed. Thinking of this a sickening thought came to his mind as he remembered… there had been a village underneath the battle. A village that was now a large crater in the ground.

At that moment an ear-splitting cry sounded from the western lip of the crater, among a shallow peninsula that seemed slightly less worn than the rest of the landscape. There Li Cheng saw a scene that would stick in his mind for years to come.

The world came into focus as Fan Zhong slowly sat up. Around him, the entire bamboo forest was decimated as a large crater stretched out over the horizon. Behind him, the soft fur of Little White seemed to press against his side as weight seemed to be weighing on his leg.
Looking down he saw the smiling face of Fan Cheng, eyes closed as blood leaked from the corner of his mouth. Numbness once again washed over Fan Zhong as he remembered what had happened right before the world seemed to explode once more.

"See that little brother?... Yo… You're… elder brother's… sagely… palms of greatness… they can even block the heavens." Fan Cheng's voice came out weak as he spoke.

"Elder… Elder brother… please hold on, plea…" Fan Zhong's voice fell into sobs as he looked over his once invincible seeming brother.

From the waist down Fan Cheng's body was simply missing as if some large beast had bitten him in half. It seemed that only sheer willpower was holding him to this world.

"Live a… goo.." Fan Cheng's voice faded, and he stirred no.

Gray seemed to fill the world as Fan Zhong felt each little movement of wind on his face, each small swaying of the grass. His focus shifted as he saw a youth with two swords sheathed at his sides descend on wispy look swords that writhed with energy as if they were attached to his feet. Agelessness seemed to radiate from the youth and Fan Zhong could see his sharp features from even a kilometer away as if they were right next to each other. This felt odd to him as if something weren't right.

Hope filled his heart for a moment, however, and as the sword immortal landed, Fan Zhong got up and bowed as low as he could.

"Honored immortal, please spare my brother! Immortals have healing magic, right? Please help him! This lowly ant doesn't deserve your kindness, yet I can only offer my soul or whatever else you wish! Please save him, make it me instead of him. PLEASE.." his pleading turned into sobbing babbles as the youth looked on with a sad expression, one that spoke of an understanding that only countless years of hardship could have brought.

"Junior, I have no healing with me that would fix your brother. I can only ask your forgiveness, if you wish I will take you in as my own. You shall be as close to me as family and everything I can do to repay this debt will be done. I am sorry junior, death is something not even immortals can escape." The sword immortal's eyes seemed to become hazy for a moment as if he was seeing some faraway memory when he said these words.

"NO, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? BRING THEM BACK. BRING THEM ALL BACK!" Fan Zhong beat against the man's ankles, strength rapidly leaving him as the world sank heavier on his shoulders than ever before.
"I see, if that is your choice then I can only accept it. Very well then, take this. Inside are enough spirit stones to allow you to live comfortably for the rest of your days and… a token that will point you in my direction, no matter how far away I am." The youth nodded and started to walk away as a streak of azure light descended from the skies over the green mist mountains. " and junior, one more thing. I am Li Cheng of the Heavenly Infinite Sword Sect. Today, a great demon was slain and for it, your kinsmen paid the price. This is not fair nor do I think that the heaven's will is ever fair. It is your right, however, to resent me. Keep that token and if ever the day comes that you find the need to find me for good or ill, use it. I'll accept your challenge anytime."

As he finished the last words a man with short black hair and an azure robe landed on the ground, a scar ran down the life side of his face alongside his neck and further down.

"Junior Xing Zheng greets Senior!" The man said as he gave a bow as well as martial salute "If I may be candid, what the hell is going on here?"

Danger seemed to lurk in the tone of this man as he looked at Fan Zhong and the surroundings.

"All things have been taken care of, Junior Xing Zheng, please take me to see your master. He sent me a divine sense message a short while ago and said that he will be contacting my master." With that, the sword immortal stepped into the air as ethereal black and white swords formed under his feet.

With a single glance at Fan Zhong's sobbing form, Xing Zheng left with complex emotions in his heart.

Fan Zhong numbly grabbed at the bag the immortal had given him, putting it into the folds of his robes without thinking. As he looked up he felt the call of something within the crater. His feet started to move on their own as if the mere ability to feel something was the only thing keeping him going.

Each step seemed to come into razor focus as his muscles moved precisely how he wished, guiding him forward with a speed he had never known. Within moments he was in the center of the crater staring at a brick. Powerful energy radiated from the brick and he recognized that it was one of the foundation stones that sat in the middle of the Fan clan compound basement.

He had been there only once when he had been very little and his memories were hazy from the events. Now that he focused on them though, it was like mist cleared away, he was reminded that his father had told him of the formation that empowered the foundation of the clan. This brick was the formation core that held together the energies that let the village resist being destroyed by high-realm martial artists fighting. In a sense, this singular brick was all that was left of the foundations that built the Fan clan.

Looking at it caused everything to click into place, Fan Zhong was focusing his mental energy. He had broken through to the first-grade realm. With this revelation came all the emotions that he had been suppressing, all the hate, anger, and sadness. Blackness crawled at the edge of his vision as he fell to the ground, curling around the brick in the mud.

There, sobbing and crying until no sound came from his mouth, Fan Zhong advanced to the first-grade realm in an astonishing three years, skipping over years of hard work that others had done. A genius among geniuses.

Right before he lost consciousness a roar escaped Fan Zhong's throat accompanied by the howl of a primordial king. It was a sound that would echo throughout the heavens, leaving countless ripples in the annals of the twisted territories' history.

End of Part 1​
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And so ends part 1 of Fan Zhong's story!

This has been a long time in the works and through a lot of little bumps in the road finally we are here. Huge thanks to everyone who has been following this so far and really looking forward to writing more. Initially this part was planned to only be 10-12 chapters and to quickly have these events happen however, as the story progressed I wanted to set up more world building and just fell in love with certain characters. A Lot that actually made this chapter a bit painful to write which was surprising to me as I didn't think I would form such attachment to my writings.

From here I will be taking a short 1 week hiatus, this is to do some editing on the first 10 or so chapters to bring them more in line with my current writing and also to allow me to flesh out more worldbuilding details in my docs as I've realized that even though I did a lot of pre planning before starting writing it wasn't nearly enough. With that I will look to resume the story with an epilogue for Part 1 as well as an interlude followed by the first chapter of Part 2 all on that Monday!

Knowing myself... That is definitely shooting high when it comes to committing to writing things but I'm hoping to push myself into a more consistent writing schedule by doing so. Speaking of that I've honestly been pretty bad about hitting the weekly updates for this work, so seriously thank you to anyone who follows my craziness, write a chapter in 1 day and post at midnight.

That being said hopefully I can start getting ahead in chapters going into Part 2 that way this novel will eventually finish, 1k chapters here we come!

In closing, hope everyone enjoyed the ride so far and look for more to come!
Part 1. Epilogue
Air rushed by as Xing Zheng guided his Azure Sword Qi through the air, forming a path of shimmering transparent azure light that he traveled along. The technique took some effort as he normally used his Azure Water Sword as a flying sword to travel. Recently, before he had departed to see his brother almost a decade ago, his master had chastised him for not having learned a proper movement technique.

Taking the advice to heart he had carefully chosen 'Rivers Flow Through All Things' and had been practicing the technique on and off. He had been on a tour of the lesser region for the last three years in preparation to return to the sect for a short while before returning to the service of his ancestor. It had come as quite a shock when his master had personally contacted him, asking for Xing Zheng to make all haste to move to the small mortal valley where he had found the Senior Disciple of the Infinite Heavenly Sword Sect.

Thinking of the older man, his gaze drifted to Li Cheng who was rushing through the air only 10 meters to his side. Noticing his attention, those black and white eyes turned a sharp gaze toward Xing Zheng.

"Is something the matter, Junior Brother Xing Zheng?" Li Cheng's voice was calm however, his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he spoke.

"Of course not, senior. Forgive me if our current pace is too slow, the movement technique is something I've only been cultivating for a decade. It definitely still needs some work" Xing Zheng's voice wavered only the slightest bit as he met the other man's gaze, his words attempting to distract himself from the conflicting feelings that were in his heart.

Thinking of the sobbing young man that had been clinging to Li Cheng's robe brought memories of those he had left in Renhu and even those who had faded without him even knowing. Centuries were spent spreading his Dao and martial arts yet how much of it remained in the world? Without knowing it Xing Zheng's face twisted into a grimace.

"Hmmm, I see. You disagree with my handling of that mortal boy." Li Cheng's eyes revealed clarity as he understood what had drawn Xing Zheng's attention to him.

"Its… It's not that I disagree, senior. It just comes to mind that he was right in front of you. There was pain and misery in that young man that will spread to all those around him. If that pain spread then only more and more will suffer. Surely there is something more that could've been done, surely there is something within our power that could bring him salvation! How can someone of the righteous path such as yourself stand to let him be like that!" Xing Zheng's words started calmly; however, by the end of them, he was shouting with passion and anger.

Quickly, red colored his face as Xing Zheng remembered that he was speaking to a senior cultivator an entire realm above him. Shame filled his mind however, it was not enough to quell the feelings of indignation in his heart! The older man sighed as he took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a brief moment as he did so before once again meeting Xing Zheng's gaze.

"Perhaps there is. Perhaps there is something that could save his soul and let him live a fulfilled life. That something may even be within my power. However, what of the next man who was affected by that shockwave and the next one after him? What of all the families and friends that lost loved ones in that village?" Li Cheng's voice built-in fervor as his tone became more stern

"Junior Brother Zheng, it is not that my heart feels nothing for that young man. It bleeds at his sorrow, more than you can ever know." Saying this Li Cheng's eyes seemed to gain a faraway look, sorrow mingling with distant memories in his gaze "What you must know of the righteous faction is that we do what is within our purview, seeking to apply the justice that we can in the world. I could have sacrificed myself and charged into Teng Hanying, hoping that the force of my cultivation would cancel out the destruction.

The older man's voice seemed to echo through the heavens as passion crept into his words."However, what then? What if the demonic cultivator survived? What of the countless people who care for me and are hoping for my safe return home? What of the countless people I could help in the future? Was I to throw myself into the void, simply hoping it would save each and last person that could have been affected?"

The older man's focused gaze seemed to pierce through Xing Zheng, reading and analyzing his very soul.

"Give me the same scenario a thousand times and the decision remains the same. I must apply the justice that I can in the world and be content with that. When I make a decision, my sword sees it through. This is my, Li Cheng's, Dao Path!" Thunder echoed in the distance as if the heavens themselves were accepting the words of Li Cheng, answering his conviction and resolution.

"My choices are my own and I shall live with the consequences, every life saved is merit to my name and every life lost is a shame for me. The will of the heavens is boundless and incomprehensible Fellow Daoist. Was I to tell that young man, Fan Zhong, of a time long ago, of a mother who was tortured to death by bandits, of a sister that was eaten piece by piece by savage beasts, or of a city destroyed by the mere passing of an immortal beast?"

Not pausing for breath Li Cheng continued "Of the years spent wallowing through blood and bile, torment and grief to arrive above it all? I tell you this not to say that I understand his plight, merely to let you understand that there are only two paths when confronted with such things, to move forward or die. The boy was given a choice to accept my condolences and it was his right to refuse them. Understand this well Junior Brother Zheng, those that cannot be content with the justice that is within their power are unsuited for the righteous path, they are simply consumed by it."

The passion started to drain Li Cheng's as he slowly gathered breathing, lowering his voice before continuing once more. "I will say no more on this subject as I do not doubt that your master has thoughts on the subject and I wish to influence you no further, lest my words sway you unintentionally down the wrong path. If you could, take out your flying sword and let us pick up the pace. It will take at least a few months to reach your sect, even moving at your maximum speed and I don't wish to leave my guide to this region behind."

Xing Zheng's eyes narrowed as he mulled the words over. It was a lot to take in and he felt that it would be many years before you truly understood the weight behind the impassioned words of the older man. Nodding in acceptance he pulled on his mental energy, activating the technique to retrieve his sword from its compressed state within his dantian. It was going to be a long trip home it seemed.

Dust filled the air as the walls of the main palace within Wei city shook, a vast sword aura rising as phantom Qi techniques lashed out in all directions. Winds rushed over the opulent tiles as the destructive forces tore apart all of the once proud adornments of the Wei clan. Inside this maelstrom of chaos, Wei Hua knelt on the main stairway.

With his hair in disarray and clothes torn in many places, the young Wei lordling presented a far less imposing figure than he had just a few days ago. At that time he had seen the proud army of the clan off with arrogance and pride in his eyes, confident in his victory. Now all that remained was a broken man, kneeling at the steps of his torn-apart home.

Torn apart by his very own hand while attempting to figure out what had happened that day! A month ago the heavens had seemed to fall from the sky, threatening to destroy the valley. After that nothing but a crater had been left of Little Green Bamboo Village, without a sign of Wei Hua's army or the Fan clan, as if they had all vanished into thin air!

At first, the lordling had kept his calm, sending out his remaining scouts in an attempt to discover exactly where his men were. Slowly, the passing weeks started to take their toll and his sanity became ever more fragile. During a fit of rage, he had snapped, bisecting one of his aids and destroying one of the outer pavilions of the palace grounds.

After that, the descent had taken full swing as Wei Hua's moods started to get worse and worse. This was further amplified when he found out that his most well-kept secret, the silver coin, had suddenly split in half. No longer did it provide the unlimited energy and power that was promised, now only a crumpled piece of metal in his palm.

Without it, his plans were ruined. He had been so close to victory, so close to completing his scheme and then reaping the benefits. It would've taken only a few years to breakthrough after that and begin setting his foundations for immortality. Now he had nothing, only these pitfall mortal lands to tend to.

Wei Hua was a smart man, he knew that without his army the valley clan alliance could certainly muster a force strong enough to defeat him. However, he had the advantage of numbers and loyal soldiers. As long as he kept the mass of untrained combatants between him and them, this stalemate would continue as the loss of life would be far too distasteful for those cowards to commit to.

Sighing, the lordling looked to the sky and cursed the heavens. He would continue and one day find out what had robbed him of this opportunity, all it would take would be patience, something that Wei Hua had always been good at cultivating. Slowly a small smile started to grow on his lips as a new plan started to form…
Hey all, here is the epilogue for book one, its short but conveys the information that i wanted to. I've been busy making edits to the starting chapters of the novel and it has been fruitful if not long work. It seems that in my own hubris I've vastly underestimated the undertaking of updating the entire novel to my current standards of writing as I frequently find myself nit picking chapters for hours on end before finishing a completely version of them

This has gotten so bad that i started posting the edits after a certain number of passes to force myself to stop staring at them. The good news is that the prologue and chapters 1-4 are in what i would consider their final forms and probably won't get much better bar me getting a professional editor to look over them, a dubious idea with this as a hobby for me. That being said I will most likely continue to edit chapters in my spare time however, it most likely won't come in the form of committing to large numbers of edits at a time as this has taken up a substantial portion of my weekend.

For those who are interested the prologue has had some additions that flesh out the world, so if you love Xing Zheng as a character and would like to know more details about his life and sect there are approximately 25% more pages to the prologue now! For chapters 1-4 the edits are less serious but on average they contain 200-300 more words per chapters and read remarkably better in my opinion. All that being said thank you so much to anyone who has given this novel a shot and I look forward to seeing everyone's reactions as we continue onward to book 2!