Waiting until nightfall was probably the better part of discretion in regards to a jailbreak; everyone would be asleep and hardly anyone would notice a couple of tons of metal rolling down the road towards a bend that gave me a great firing position on the cells that were exposed to the outside air, hanging over the likely deep moat surrounding the castle and giving me a renewed appreciation for the time invested in building this city.
'So I'd guess a couple of centuries, at a minimum, to build this place.'
Meanwhile my Scout Raven spell found the cell where my erstwhile employer, guide and traveling companion was located, at one of the higher-level cells, looking rather miserable and ripe for some hero to kick in her cell door and whisk her away. And considering the kids I saw coming into town, that was probably a likely scenario if I had my guess of anime done correctly while my music player piped in some Blue Oyster Cult.
'Better give her a heads up.' The Raven landed on the window and after a moment's thought I cleared my throat.
Nothing, she was still staring despondantly at the wall.
"Oi! Wake up!" That did it, the girl started looking around to see where my voice was coming from,
"On the window!" Her gaze slid past my Raven and I said,
"I'm using the crow to talk to you, twit! Are you actually thinking that I could somehow hang off the side of a wall to talk to you?"
Actually that's not a bad idea that...spider tank, spider tank, look out, he's gonna fuck you up! Heheheh....
"Wha? You know magic?" The girl, what the hell was her name again, came up to the Raven and reached out to stroke it, only to watch as her fingers passed through,
"An illusion?"
"Nice huh? I just learned magic while you were off getting placed in these...lovely accommodations."
"That's...No, nevermind." She shook her head before looking my Raven in the eyes,
"I need your help. My family...they want to sell me as a slave to some foreign 'Hero' and I'd rather die than let my virginity be taken by some foreign pig!"
"Oh I'm sure if you get to know theheheheheheheheheheheheh...sorry, sorry, I couldn't say that with a straight face." I chuckled while taking aim, HEAT rounds loaded and ready to cause some carnage while the girl glared at me,
"So uh...might want to step back and if you know some kind of shielding magic, best cast it now. This will be loud, and messy."
Eyebrow raised, the girl backed away from the wall before whispering something and creating a shimmering shield around her before I heard a tone over the sound of 'Veteran Of The Psychic Wars'.
Shield Spell scanned. 'Shield' now added to spell list.
Great, I can photocopy spells now. Bullshit, absolute bullshit. Even so, I settled the sights squarely underneath the window and fired.
The shell struck the wall barely seconds later, the high-explosive round collapsing the wall with a thunderclap that echoed across the city if the sound of the alarm bells was anything to go by, but the shell did the trick, the girl was already coming out and even though she was coughing up dust and smoke, she was able to cast some kind of spell and land near me, flight or some kind of long-jump? Too bad I couldn't get a clear look at it, what with all the smoke.
"Was there no way to do anything quieter?" She asked and if I could shrug I would have.
"Work with the tools you're given. Anyway, time to leave so we can-what the hell is that?"
Looking up via my machineguns, I noticed that there was something floating above the castle; a giant black sphere that was pulsing with a faint white light as the girl noticed and recoiled in shock and naked fear.
"Gods above...we need to leave. Now!"
"No arguments there." I floored it, tearing down the main streets towards one of the gates leading out of the city,
"Mind tell me what's going on? What is that thing?"
"That's a Dungeon Core." The girl replied,
"It's a powerful demon that creates a self-sustaining dungeon full of monsters, but if you can control one it can turn the smallest village into an impenetrable fortress!" She looked back up at the glowing black sphere,
"Those idiots, what could they be thinking?"
"So, is it something I should destroy to deny certain parties a successful plan?" I asked while turning a corner and got a good view of the castle being steadily taken apart by the sphere and rebuilt into something else,
"Because that looks like something that should be stopped."
"Can you hit it from here?"
I calmly took aim while loading a DU Penetrator shell,
"Eh, if anything I'm too close."
I barely saw the shell travel the distance with my limited optics but I saw a flash of light and I knew I had just struck dead center on that thing,
The sphere shuddered, cracks starting to run along its black surface and then I had a sudden thought,
"Huh, I wonder how big an explosion this will cause?"
"What?" The girl looked down at me.
"Well, the only shell I had that could have hurt that thing was my...what did you call them? 'Demon Steel'? In any case, those were the only ones that would have done some actual damage in a short enough period of time to foil whatever plan before that core raised protections. I'm just wondering-"
And then there was light.
System Reset Initiated...
Cause Of Reset: Existential Failure State. Loading from last known backup.
Scanning for items of importance: None
Scanning for persons of importance: None
Analysis of changes to the status quo: No Change
Initiating restoration.
Please...try to do better.
Kinetic Attack: 0 Damage
That was the first thing I saw upon waking up, and it should have been an indication about what the hell was going on, but to be totally honest it wasn't as if I was in the proper mental state to properly think about seeing an RPG-like damage indicator show up in a little window at the corner of my vision. All I know is that I woke up and stretching out before me was an awe-inspiring sight.
I was sitting at the edge of a massive cliff, looking at kilometers of jungles and what looked like ruined skyscrapers and other buildings, waterfalls pouring out of some of the buildings to feed a river. The sun had just risen and as I watched I saw clouds of water-spray and mist glitter like diamonds in the morning sun while a soft breeze blew across my body. I had never seen a sight like it before.
It was a little overwhelming, considering the life I had just lived. And why wouldn't it be? I mean...I was dead. Yes, I'm pretty sure I was dead, people tend to die when killed and nothing kills you faster than having a passenger jet fall out of the sky right on top of you.
Frankly, I was glad that it wasn't a drunk truck driver, otherwise that would have been truly a cliche, a trope that would be celebrated in an internet page with listings of where it appeared in popular fiction!
Kinetic Attack: 0 Damage
Urgh, that indicator again. I tried to turn my head but for some reason my vision was fixed forward, with a long tube at the center and just below my eye-line as I tried to move.
"Come on, come on! Eergh, argh, why can't I move my head?"
I'm not ashamed to admit that I didn't understand what had happened to me. I wasn't some Otaku, I barely watched anime, read manga and never toughed a Visual Novel in my life, I had better interests in my head, like playing classic PC games. So I just sat there, struggling to turn my head while that annoying indicator kept popping up in time with something clattering and hitting me in the back.
Kinetic Attack: 0 Damage
"Seriously? Come on, just shift a little, why don't you?"
Kinetic Attack: 0 Damage
"This is seriously starting to piss me off! Come on! MOVE!"
Kinetic Attack: 0 Damage
"Lousy motherfucking...Move! Move! MOVE!"
Kinetic Attack: 0 Damage
"I swear to God, if you don't give me some fucking Options right now."
Opening Options Menu
>Start Up
I immediately tried to look down and after a long moment, I understood finally what had happened to me.