Name: Taylor Evermore
Appearance: 5'11 with dark skin and black hair. Has hazel colored eyes that look brighter under fluorescent lights.
Starting Outfit:
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Personality: A hardworking man who's a bit reserved when it comes to meeting new people. To those who get to know him, he can quite a good friend. Has a nasty habit of lashing out when afraid, even when he knows he shouldn't.

Background: Taylor Is a 22-year-old bartender from Baltimore where he lived alone in a single bedroom apartment. He had just moved out of his parents' home a month ago and is on his way to self-independence. At work, he was sluggish and feeling a bit under the weather, in desperate need for fresh air. Quickly leaving to find the backdoor he stepped out of it to find himself in New York Times Square.

Post-Vortex Power (Fusion, Atma, Magatama or Human Strength): Atma

Located in the middle of his chest
Theme Song:
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@Atma Warrior before i post my sheet, I have a couple of questions, if you can answer them.
  • How does the powers work, exactly?
  • Especially the skills, do we have a limited number?
  • If I choose human power, do I get the increase in stats - the "level up" - or not?
  • Similarly, do I get to learn the skills from the demon like in the games?
  • Magatamas work like in Nocturne or are you gonna create original ones?
  • As above, if I choose Fusion, can I keep the skills I want? Or can I only take the ones from the new demon?
  • Atma Brand would allow us to only get ONE demon for all the RP?
  • There is a limit on what demon we can get at the start?

I can't think of anything else at this moment.
So I'm gonna try to answer these as best as possible.
  1. Think like job classes that you choose in your sheet. These get locked in post conception.
  2. This is generally free-form, so I'm not really concerned about numbers of uses. If you want to show overuse effects for plot, go ahead.
  3. Your stats remain in human levels and will more than likely reach peak levels and beyond. However, while still weaker in phys stats as a human, you also get access to weapons and armor that the other paths cannot.
  4. Only if you go down the routes of Fusion, Atma, or Magatama.
  5. Like Nocturne, players will start with Magoreh, and additional magatama would be found across the map area.
  6. The demon abilities become yours. Fusions beyond that, replace a skill with a skill. (Like in Nocturne)
  7. Yes, due to the fact that Atma brand could theoretically access multiple forms of magic you only get one form for yourself but you could still summon other demons. They will just be extremely wary of you considering the Penalty of the Atma.
  8. I would like to say early to mid game stuff, unless you got something planned like some players have. If so PM that plan and we'll discuss in a separate channel on discord.
Hope this helps.
This will be listed in the rules, cause I just realized I was missing something from the powers section. Players who pick Atma as their route should either provide a picture or write a description of what their demon form looks like and state where the Tattoo (Atma Brand) is located on their bodies.

See Pic below for example
Name: Alex


Starting Outfit: Black hoodie, black cargo pants, black t-shirt, black boots.

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Personality: A normal guy of about seventeen almost eighteen years old. Calls himself gay as fuck and doesn't have any problem to prove it, usually to his own demise. On a completely unrelated note, he tends to be a bit abrasive to others for some reason. He loves magic and always did, so he isn't all that displeased as things are right now, except for the loss of internet. And things to read. Especially things to read. He is going into withdrawal.
Beyond that, he find himself more at ease with certain specific demons than with others.

Background: Italian by origin, he keep the food passion that is so common to the country. He transferred to the U.S.A. when the was 13, after the death of his mother, and it went... poorly. Especially at school. But he managed to survive. Making everyone else regretting to mess with him. He does not like to fight physically and try to avoid it when he can, preferring to use words. He has a loose relationship with his father and a way better one with his step-brother. He is polite towards his step-mother.
He doesn't have a license, but he was studying to get one.

Post-Vortex Power: Fusion

Skills: /

Theme Song:
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Huh, interesting. Since The OP invites questions, let me prepare my barrage! @Atma Warrior

How much knowledge of the universe is required to join? Seeing how the PCs have been displaced in time and space, so most likely just as ignorant of it as I am, hopefully not too much, but I'll understand if being aware of all the lore and various details of the Universe will be far too crucial for the game to be smoothly played.
Also, how will the outcome of a fight, both against NPCs and PCs, will be determined? More mechanically, with stats and dice rolls or by GM determining the outcome based on the description of players' actions or maybe in some other way?
Will it feature more talking and character interaction or rather be focused on fighting?
Forgot to answer this one, Sorry!
  1. Lore Knowledge is neither beneficial nor detrimental. Because of my loose structure regarding plot notes, even if PC's know how the system generally works, its more the idea that multiple deviantions occur at the start that'll throw off plans for costing.
  2. I'm working on deciding that right now.
  3. There will be a time for talking, a time for all out slug fests, and for taunting. I'd rather avoid long winded speeches unless they occur before and after major battles (The MGS fan in me demands such occurence.)
I have a few question, @Atma Warrior...
1. Are we following the typical Law, Chaos, and Neutral Routes?
2. What are the chances of us meting any canon characters? Maybe it's best to ask what, if any games are canon for this?
3. How soon can a 'faction' be chosen?
4. Is my sheet fine?...I meant it to be a character who would probably follow Law, but has the chance the develop into following the other two routes.
Name: Taranis Eite
Appearance: Taranis Eite possesses spiky, reddish-brown hair, darkened to pure brown lengthened to necks nape. His eyes are red as well, with an athletically lean body, his muscles being defined underneath it all. Though they are not to an extreme degree, with another feature being his somewhat tanned skin. A trait he picked up in his time under the sun, exercising, he is overall considered quite good looking. Though, his looks are not something he places much effort into, unless for a justified reason to him.
Starting Outfit: His clothes are not anything out of the box, though he does have a tendency to follow a few patterns. He tends to wear professional clothing when it comes to more official events, as rare as they may be. In more casual times, aka most of the time, he wears a V-neck sweater, a collared t-shirt underneath it. The sweater black, the t-shirt white, he combos with black pants, a black belt, and also black shoes. The clothing he tends to use somewhat resembling the clothing style of a certain fictional character, one Light Yagami.

Age: 16/17
Sex: Male

Personality: Taranis Eite is a teenager who has gone through loss and come out of it stronger as some could say. Burning with a desire to become important, to the world at large, he's done his best to achieve this. He can be called an ace, near genius level, having placed much time and effort inside academics. His physical prowess not left out either, as he keeps himself in shape, his mind and body kept sharp. He is a kind individual, someone who believes all humans are at there very core, good.

Those who are not simply being warped, and misguided, needing a guiding hand to help them all. Taranis Eite however, is not a paragon of virtue, for while his past experiences have empowered him. It has also weakened him, as he finds it hard to make bonds with others, pass simple acquaintances. He can network just fine, be charismatic, but the power of friendship is out of his grasp. Not wishing to be hurt, or abandoned as he was in the past, causing him to be somewhat disconnected.

One could say that with Taranis Eite's ideal, and desire to become someone important to influence people. That his inability to connect would be a dangerous combination, though only time could tell. In any case, moving past his inner self, he does possess more materialistic traits, with a hobby in reading. Tending towards fiction, something he picked up young, desiring to escape into pages and forget his life. He is well versed in Japanese media, though ironically not as much in American media.
Background: Tarans Eite was born on May 2nd, 2002 in Wales, UK, living there for the first four years of his life. His father, mother, and older sister, all living together in happiness, though this soon came to an end. The first to go his mother, a good woman, who fell to sickness, having had a frail body since birth. Though one would never guess, depending solely on how she acted, being confident till the end. The second to go was his father, a reputable policeman murdered in action during the line of duty.

A man who struck fear into the hearts of criminals, making a lot of enemies as a result of this fact. The third to go was his older sister, who went missing for reasons that he still knew nothing about. She had inherited her mother's looks, but in truth possessed her father's more laid back personality. He had his happy family life shattered, and was soon forced to elsewhere, aka New York. Moving in with his older cousin, it has been 13 years since that day occurred, and his life changed.

Having long since adapted to life in America, living a relatively average life if such a thing exists. Being an A level student, though near genius levels of intellect and dedicated studying for school. He is quite healthy, due to daily exercise, though not at the level of those truly dedicated athletes. He is good looking, athletic, and smart, someone who appears to have a perfect life on the outside. At least that is the case at the moment, whether that will change, as things come to pass, unknown.
Post-Vortex Power (Fusion, Atma, Magatama or Human Strength): Magatama
Theme Song:
I have a few question, @Atma Warrior...
1. Are we following the typical Law, Chaos, and Neutral Routes?
2. What are the chances of us meting any canon characters? Maybe it's best to ask what, if any games are canon for this?
3. How soon can a 'faction' be chosen?
4. Is my sheet fine?...I meant it to be a character who would probably follow Law, but has the chance the develop into following the other two routes.

  1. It is possible for you to follow those routes, or you could follow a Reason. For Now, Neutral route is the return to the previous world.
  2. Not high, unless in very special circumstances.
  3. Post conception and onward.
  4. Looks good so far, again thank you for increasing the font size.
Name: Sol Walsh
Starting Outfit: Black Suit with white unbuttoned white shirt
Age: 27
Sex: Male

Personality: An overly polite man at first meeting. Despite his reserved nature, he's not adverse to starting conversations with strangers to pass the time. As he begins to get to know others around him, the more he opens up, often exchanging sardonic jokes with others. These jokes often fall under the category of "If you fall, I'll laugh then help you up." But they're never meant to be of ill will, just something to help get people's mind off things for a brief moment. Due to his career in both academics and in the workforce, he's very accepting of things. If they happen, well time to make the best of it and move on.

Background: Originally a potential hopeful government legislative work. However, his studies tainted his view of politics and so he tried different approaches to life. Listless, he just began to travel around the country, talking to various people along the way and explaining his views. Eventually he came upon the idea of teaching Politics instead of practicing, that way new hopefuls have a better understanding of what they're getting themselves into than he did. He won't change the world, and he's accepted that, but at least he can possibly pave the way for others to do so."
Post-Vortex Power: Atma
Appear as horned humanoid with black skin covered in red splotches that move up along the body. The horns which sweep back along the top head come from the area where the eyes would normally be and the hair has taken a longer more ragged appearance bearing the same color as the splotches. The mouth is to wide for a normal body. Both the hands and feet are clawed.

The form of Sutr is also seen to be wearing charred pants of an unknown make whose lower areas (Knees on down) are wrapped in an unknown leather.
The brand appears as maw surrounded by what appears to be embers. It is located on the back of his right hand.
Theme Song:
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Name: Sol Walsh
Starting Outfit: Black Suit with Purple shirt and checkered tie
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Personality: An overly polite man at first meeting. Despite his reserved nature, he's not adverse to starting conversations with strangers to pass the time. As he begins to get to know others around him, the more he opens up, often exchanging sardonic jokes with others. These jokes often fall under the category of "If you fall, I'll laugh then help you up." But they're never meant to be of ill will, just something to help get people's mind off things for a brief moment. Due to his career in both academics and in the workforce, he's very accepting of things. If they happen, well time to make the best of it and move on.
Background: Originally a potetnial hopeful government legislative work. However, his studies tainted his view of politics and so he tried different approaches to life. Listless, he just began to travel around the country, talking to various people along the way and explaining his views. Eventually he came upon the idea of teaching Politics instead of practicing, that way new hopefuls have a better understanding of what they're getting themselves into than he did. He won't change the world, and he's accepted that, but at least he can possibly pave the way for others to do so."
Post-Vortex Power: Atma
The brand appears as maw surrounded by what appears to be embers. It is located just above the heart.
Theme Song:

So is your PC meant to be someone who can keep the others focused on the plot? A pesuedo-mentor character destined to eventually die? Other such similar ideas.
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So is your PC meant to be someone who can keep the others focused on the plot? A pesuedo-mentor character destined to eventually die? Other such similar ideas.
Or I don't know, simply another PC? That's a option you know. Anyways do you have a discord account? A decent chunk of the OOC talk is on discord.
Name: Rudolf Mrok
Starting Outfit: A cheap suit similar to what is seen in the picture above, a suitcase with his laptop in hand.
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Personality: Rudolf is a relatively bright individual, having always been a good student and excelling in academic pursuits. Preferring to avoid conflict, he oftentimes keeps his anger and displeasure with the other person hidden under his habitual kind smile and very polite mannerisms. While this allows him to avoid making too many enemies, it also results in him keeping his annoyance from being resolved, letting it slowly accumulate until something makes him snap. They are made even more unexpected given his habit of smiling more widely and bursting with laughter when he's at edge. It is a rare occurrence, however, especially given how he tends to find an excuse to leave in order to calm himself during such situations, leaving others none the wiser.

This habit of hiding his true feelings has also made him fairly reserved and hesitant when it comes to forming lasting or deep friendships, keeping most people around him as amiable acquaintances with a very small core of friends. He is careful not to divulge too much information about himself and prefers to spend time alone, consumed by a new fantasy or science fiction themed book, film or video game he found interesting, only rarely going out with his closest friends and family.

Background: Although born in Eastern Europe, he can't say his childhood was lacking in some significant way, probably partially thanks to him being the only child. He quickly became a teachers' favourite at the state schools he attended thanks to his relatively bright mind and fascination with science born from his love of science fiction ingrained during his youngest years. This, however, has also caused him to experience some bullying in primary school, although nothing major. The experience did make him much more reserved in the future, though, in an attempt at preventing formation of new enemies once he graduated his last school and went to a new one. Ultimately it seemed to be fairly successful as he never experienced anything major since then, although whether a new environment filled with more mature and older peers or his strategy were the cause was unclear.

Regardless, this did validate his policy in his own mind, and when Rudolf finally enrolled at a university studying information technology his stoic, polite yet reserved way of being was set in stone. Simultaneously he was working part-time as a cashier at one of local supermarkets to get some additional cash and be able to show his potential future employers that he is accustomed to working, not just a careless student's life. He was just going back from his shift and working to finish the last details of his work to gain master's degree this year when he experienced a strange dream. It was unusual, as he rarely remembered his dreams, although its contents were not that exceptional compared to even the few dreams he did remember, so he shrugged it off. As he was about to exit his small apartment in order to attend an interview regarding his possible employment at a small IT company after he finished his studies, instead of relatively quiet streets of his home city, he was met with a noise and hustle of a positively futuristic looking city, where everyone spoke in English...
Post-Vortex Power: Atma
The Atma Brand is located on the left upper side of his torso. It is composed of a black circle which gets fainter the further from its center it gets and is surrounded by smooth yet uneven smudges of dark ink which coil around the circle and themselves. Rudolf likens them to twitching shadowy tentacles circling an orb emanating with black light.
Theme Song:
Name: Alice Healy
Theme Song:

Sex: female
Age: 18
Personality: A metalhead with a rebellious streak, she also has a tendency to try to bull straight throught her problems with sheer force of will and a stubborn refusal to back down.
Background: Alice actually had a mostly happy childhood, her parents aren't really sure where her love of all things weird and dark came from, but it was harmless enough so they decided to encourage it. She somehow managed to find some friends who shared her interests in high school, and their stories about the lengths they had to go to to sneak their hobbies around their parents left her with a newfound appreciation for the freedom and acceptance she'd grown up with. She was just about to leave for college when she was randomly dropped in Times Square.
Post-Vortex Power: Fusion
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Name: Alice Healy
Theme Song:
Sex: female
Age: 18
Personality: a hot-blooded girl with a tendency to act before thinking and a deep and abiding love of all things weird.
Background: not actually rebelling against her parents. She was born in Colorado and grew up in a fairly accommodating household that kinda just let her go off and express herself. Later experiences with friends would give her an appreciation of the freedoms she took for granted. Was just about to enter college, but hadn't entirely made up her mind on a major
Post-Vortex Power: Fusion

Not gonna knock it really since it was accepted and I know Kini and all, but...

This really needs some editing, like, a lot of editing. We denied that Dokuro guy and his sheet kinda looks better than this.
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yeah, I'll go fix it up. I was running on desperation and lack of sleep and cranked it out in about 15 minutes
Name: Although not his officially recognised name, amongst his true friends, he goes by "Zal Aster" and it truly is the name he most recognises as `his`.
Appearance: A 5 foot eleven well-built male of mediterranean descent, witn dark brown shoulder-length, curly hair, matching eyes and a decent 5 o'clock shadow people often compare him to an off-colour Sirius Black.
Starting Outfit: Worn in denim jeans and a red t-shirt under a charcoal hoodie
Age: 22
Sex: Male

Personality: Although a seemingly laid-back guy, Zal has all the territorialness of a dragon, fiercely protective of what he views as `his`, he will go to the ends of the earth to protect and support his horde.

Alongside this, Zal has a habit of succumbing to his instincts and desires frequently, and although this has got him into far more trouble than he cares to admit, this Devil-may-care attitude combined with his protectiveness has earned him many friends over the years.

Background: Some would call Zal a miracle, a bad omen, or even a test from God Himself.

All of those are true, just as all of them are false.

What Zal is, is a Fighter.

Genetically paralyzed at eighteen months and slated to die by two-and-a-half, he died, medically, twice, by the age of seven with hundreds, if not thousands of near misses in the following fifteen years.

Living in a hospital for seven years, Zal had very few things of his own, as such, he grew overly protective of his stuff untill the nurses on his ward affectionately started calling him "little dragon".

Due to both his family's heavily religious nature and his own situation, he has a heavy distaste for the Abrahamic God. Viewing the world's broken state as proof that he abandoned his territory to fester and rot, which to Zal is the greatest sin a being can commit.

Medically isolated for the formative years of his life, Zal's favourite solitary passtime in his cubicle was imagining the world-hopping adventures of his imaginary self, Zal Aster. Becoming so intertwined with his alter ego, it was inevitable that he'd start identifying more with his fake name than his real one. To the point that in recent years, it has been the identity he has used online when not illegal or otherwise a faux pas.

Suddenly waking on a park bench in some kind of futuristic city with a new body one day, his mind couldn't help but compare it to Zal's adventures and even as he celebrated his new found freedom, half-imagined instincts honed over a decade came to life.

It was time for The Actor to take the stage again!
Post-Vortex Power: (Human)
Theme Song:
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So, I may not be able to post till tomorrow. My job ran me ragged last night, from 8pm to 2am. Compounded with other personal issues I have been awake since 4pm YESTERDAY, and will be heading to work in an hour.

I guess to get things moving I could leave the actions of my character in the GMs hand's?