Once the Mystery Crossover is revealed/dicovered, should it be added to the title?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 85.2%
  • No

    Votes: 4 14.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well this as certainly peaked my interest as there is so little good Danganronpa fan fiction and this quest is already up there in terms of premise and execution.
Ah, a fellow LuciDreamer quester. At this rate, I might have to try my hand at making quests again.

As a Danganronpa fan, I don't trust Makoto here. He's got an agenda that seems...slightly less benign than canon. Considering he seems to be the bridge between DN and our crossover, that makes sense, but I don't trust ???.

That said, Junko is the worst, especially with how aggro she treats her sister. Put me in the camp of lowering JDEP, especially since that's what will keep us alive in the long run. Don't forget that Junko murdered her sister not personally, but by deciding on a whim she didn't fit with the Plan anymore.
As a Danganronpa fan, I don't trust Makoto here. He's got an agenda that seems...slightly less benign than canon. Considering he seems to be the bridge between DN and our crossover, that makes sense, but I don't trust ???.

Like this is the main reason I want to try to take more of a Kyouko-route with anti-Junko Dependency. Here they are in total:

1. Kyouko has a clearly defined SHSL/Ultimate. I have seen no reason to believe Makoto's is still Luck, and reason to believe the opposite.
2. Kyouko has a well-defined agenda (or lack there of), as far as we know. Makoto clearly has something else going on. Something super weird.
3. Investigating and interrogating Makoto is exactly the kind of thing Junko wants us to do, points or no. Kirigiri isn't.
4. Kyouko, despite her issues, has a genuinely personable side to her. Makoto feels super fake.
5. I feel like Kyouko-Mukuro have a lot more potential for an effective dynamic and chemistry (not necessarily romantic) than this Makoto and Mukuro.
6. wtf is ???
7. I don't trust the super easy anti-Junko points hanging with Makoto gets us. That Kirigiri seems like a harder direction to take the narrative actually makes me less suspicious of it.
8. If we choose to go against Junko in the distant future, I honestly think it'd be easier to initially keep it on the downlow from Junko with Kirigiri than Makoto.
9. Integrating with Makoto seems to be throwing us into this whole world beyond our comprehension, when we're already having to deal with adapting to new surroundings. Kirigiri potentially allows us to remain in an environment growing more familiar.
10. GIven the last update, Makoto seems to be able to FUCK WITH OUR MIND.
10a. Given this, I'm ESPECIALLY worried about what ??? is.
You expected to see Sakura, or perhaps Hina; either of them would be in the habit of waking early for training. Toko or Hifumi, perhaps, would have stayed up through the night.

Instead, Makoto greets you as if it weren't 6 AM, chipper and bright as he was when you met him.
Squee! Best Sempai! If I weren't smitten with your rugged handsomeness, I would probably wonder what you are doing up so early in the morning. Very few people can handle less than 8 hours of sleep consistently and without issue, and an Ultimate Soldier and/or Martial Artist you are not.
"...No." Makoto says after some hesitation, but he tears open the package anyway.

"W-wait, really? No fast food? Ever?"
Begone, foul xenomorph! What dark corner of the world have you crawled out of that you don't know the pleasures of a BigMac? Are you from the terrible future that has seen the world succumb to Despair?
Because sometimes it feels only nuclear bombardment can do away with this stuff.
"Hmph." Makoto's flipping around the instructions on the bag, looking at them intently. "Oh, I see. Clever bit of chemistry, that. No need for a indu-... Oven." He coughs slightly. "I'm going to go get some water, I'll be right back."
He probably meant 'an indu-'? Hmm, 'induce', 'induct', 'indulge', 'industry'... Nope, can't think of any derivative word he could have wanted to say here instead. Must be something setting-specific?
You watch him go, but eventually your attention is taken back by the arrival of Sakura Ogami and Asahina Aoi arriving at the door to the dining hall, loudly in the case of Aoi.
Excellent! Now we only need to induct Togamin~ and Oni-giri in our little band of sisters (and sempais), and we won't be sad at all when the world goes up in flames.
I mean, good morning, friends☆!
"Did you have a nickname while you were, uh, 'in the service'?" Hina asks, her bombastic personality utterly steamrolling yours. "N-not to say that Mukuro isn't totally cute and all, but, uh..."

"Oh, are we discussing nicknames for Ikusaba?" Makoto buts in, sitting back down with a cup of water and pouring it into the MRE bag.

"Yes." Hina says eagerly.
I would have you know that the name I took for myself is an integral part of my identity, and I will not part with it for the world!
"Personally, I think 'Muumuu' would be awfully cute." Makoto says.
Yes, sempai, it's absolutely the best! totally cute! I will treasure it always! ఠ‿ఠ

I don't hold any illusions about what Makoto is doing. He seems to be aware of what is happening to some degree, and his introduction was basically hand-made to rile Junko up somewhat fierce. He can't be ignorant of how he is wrapping Mukuro around his finger, so the question becomes, why he behaves in such a way and what exactly does he know?

Is he deliberately depriving Junko of her allies and tools? Or is it accidental to the role he plays?
The teacher says, lifting her glasses and pinching the bridge of her nose. "But yes, for you, your first test is to go the rest of the class without speaking."
I thought this was a class for Public Speaking, not Chinese Torture.
Watching Ishimaru trying and failing to stay silent was entertaining, though.
"It's like fifteen degrees..." You murmur, sitting down. The cold iron feels nice on your back.

"I p-p-prefer thirty, th-th-thank you."
And the lizardman reveals himself! Seize the xeno!

Don't have much to say about the Psychology class. Miaya is... a curious case. I find myself less interested in her as a character, and more in what she could possibly see in us, or what her perspective could allow us to see about others.

The hints about Makoto's origins are getting more transparent, but I am not sure I am familiar with the setting or the franchise. Omega symbol with a cross? Red and Blue? A necklace with a green gem? A foreign anti-psychic? It sounds like it should be possible to guess at this point, but nothing springs to mind.
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Like this is the main reason I want to try to take more of a Kyouko-route with anti-Junko Dependency. Here they are in total:

1. Kyouko has a clearly defined SHSL/Ultimate. I have seen no reason to believe Makoto's is still Luck, and reason to believe the opposite.
2. Kyouko has a well-defined agenda (or lack there of), as far as we know. Makoto clearly has something else going on. Something super weird.
3. Investigating and interrogating Makoto is exactly the kind of thing Junko wants us to do, points or no. Kirigiri isn't.
4. Kyouko, despite her issues, has a genuinely personable side to her. Makoto feels super fake.
5. I feel like Kyouko-Mukuro have a lot more potential for an effective dynamic and chemistry (not necessarily romantic) than this Makoto and Mukuro.
6. wtf is ???
7. I don't trust the super easy anti-Junko points hanging with Makoto gets us. That Kirigiri seems like a harder direction to take the narrative actually makes me less suspicious of it.
8. If we choose to go against Junko in the distant future, I honestly think it'd be easier to initially keep it on the downlow from Junko with Kirigiri than Makoto.
9. Integrating with Makoto seems to be throwing us into this whole world beyond our comprehension, when we're already having to deal with adapting to new surroundings. Kirigiri potentially allows us to remain in an environment growing more familiar.
10. GIven the last update, Makoto seems to be able to FUCK WITH OUR MIND.
10a. Given this, I'm ESPECIALLY worried about what ??? is.

3. I don't want to stop investigating Makoto, partially because I want pump him for more JDEP loss before we switch to Kyouko and also because being that defiant to Junko this early probably won't end well.
4. He's got A-rank lying, so 'fakeness' comes with the territory. Honestly, 'fakeness' has been IRL the most annoying thing to hear about coming from other people, so I generally disregard it as a character flaw.
6/10a. Same.

Begone, foul xenomorph! What dark corner of the world have you crawled out of that you don't know the pleasures of a BigMac? Are you from the terrible future that has seen the world succumb to Despair?
Because sometimes it feels only nuclear bombardment can do away with this stuff.

He probably meant 'an indu-'? Hmm, 'induce', 'induct', 'indulge', 'industry'... Nope, can't think of any derivative word he could have wanted to say here instead. Must be something setting-specific?

The hints about Makoto's origins are getting more transparent, but I am not sure I am familiar with the setting or the franchise. Omega symbol with a cross? Red and Blue? A necklace with a green gem? A foreign anti-psychic? It sounds like it should be possible to guess at this point, but nothing springs to mind.

I actually wondered if this was a Time Travelling Makoto, considering he wanted to say an Induction Burner (not confirmed, but he definitely was about to say induction-something) was the go-to for cooking food.

3. I don't want to stop investigating Makoto, partially because I want pump him for more JDEP loss before we switch to Kyouko and also because being that defiant to Junko this early probably won't end well.
4. He's got A-rank lying, so 'fakeness' comes with the territory. Honestly, 'fakeness' has been IRL the most annoying thing to hear about coming from other people, so I generally disregard it as a character flaw.
6/10a. Same.

3. I can see the latter but not really the former; we clearly can get Dependency Loss through other things and pumping him for JDEP feels like it'll end up having the exact same effect as going against Junko heavily early then action. I can maybe see going to Makoto for informational gathering of our purposes though.
4. It's not a character flaw, it's a reason to not trust him; like, I'm sorry if you get called "fake" or something along those lines, I doubt you deserve it, but like in fiction it's better to not hang around people that seem to not at all be sincere and be able to screw with your head, you know?
3. I can see the latter but not really the former; we clearly can get Dependency Loss through other things and pumping him for JDEP feels like it'll end up having the exact same effect as going against Junko heavily early then action. I can maybe see going to Makoto for informational gathering of our purposes though.
4. It's not a character flaw, it's a reason to not trust him; like, I'm sorry if you get called "fake" or something along those lines, I doubt you deserve it, but like in fiction it's better to not hang around people that seem to not at all be sincere and be able to screw with your head, you know?

3. I agree that we can get -JDEP though other things, but we can do those things and also hang out with Makoto (at least for a while longer) for maximum losses.
4. I've played enough Persona to know that masks aren't strictly a bad thing. I don't trust him and want to ween off hanging out when our JDEP is at like 60 or so, but unless he's planning on capping us because he knows we're half of Ultimate Despair I think we're okay for now.
Exodus VI
Back with the second half of the update, and a vivid hatred of Spined Orb-weaver spiders. I knocked all them down yesterday and they're already back up building webs in the way when I'm trying to mow the lawn. Stay in the fucking tree, you disgusting pests, before I take a lighter to your web and burn both our houses down!

But anyway, the firing range! And...

Talent Honing. A phrase which means different things for every individual that has ever been through it.

For the Ultimate Basketballer, it meant a hoop and good sneakers, and a set of Reserve Course flunkies to destroy on the court. For the Ultimate Industrialist, it meant a factory floor with modular machines and hired workers, a workshop to create and invent. For the Ultimate Pop Sensation, it meant a recording studio with a supercomputer full of every possible combination of beats and synths, an orchestra at her fingertips and the best editing software to really make her voice pop. For the Ultimate Princess, a simulated court with different intrigue situations every day to maneuver and cast her weight against.

But you're not them. You're the Ultimate Soldier. You kill people.

You arrive at the hangar, previously designed for the Ultimate Air Parade Star, but retrofitted for your use now that he's long since graduated. There's a very brief, nerve-wracking moment outside of the door, your heart full of anticipation of your training, but you don't let yourself hesitate.

You creak the old metal door open, the familiar utilitarian texture of the thing sending a wave of nostalgia up your arm that helps to sooth your nerves. You step through, shutting the door behind you, and peer around.

The hangar has been divided into three areas, as far as you can tell. Where once a plane must have been kept, now is a building, cheaply constructed but sturdy. It's three stories tall, although third floor is smaller than the second. Around the footprint of the building is a small layer of half-filled sandbags, potentially to catch you from a fall if you ever did fall or jump from above. The inside seems quite fleshed out, with simple furniture and even some small decorations, and you can see the cardboard cutouts of targets inside. They actually make you snicker slightly; you recognize the uniform of Togami PMC mercenaries on the drawn targets, who vary in expression between "constipated caveman" and "Yasuhiro being paradropped into Kuzuryu Headquarters".

The second section of floor has been left mostly empty, boxes and bags stacked up against the walls, making both a small parade ground and a staging area. There are small measures of tape on the floor, delineating a section for a fireteam to be examined by their commanding non-commissioned officer. Several of the boxes are marked for MREs or ammunition, and you can see an empty gun rack also pushed up against the wall. You use a crooked finger to open one box and confirm the presence of CBRN gear, nodding at the smell of semi-fresh chlorine oozing from the thick cloth and rubber.

The third and final "section" is actually part of the hangar: a small office space equipped with some simple computers and an assortment of manuals, sectioned off from the rest of the hangar by a solid iron door and reinforced glass windows set into corrugated steel, all painted white. You open the door and peek inside, but nobody is there... Or so you think. But as you move to shut the door, you hear the computer conspicuously shut down.

Blinking, you move back inside the office to look at it. It's not the supercomputers you know are elsewhere in the facility, but it's of reasonable quality, from a brand-name manufacturer. As you watch, the screen moves from the blue "shutting down..." screen to a shiny black slab, and the fans stop whirring.

You move to turn it back on, curious, but just then the door to the hangar opens. Glancing outside shows you Jin Kirigiri, of all people, followed by the grey-haired girl from graduation and someone you don't recognize, a taller boy with brown hair and a strangely antenna-like ahoge directly on top of his head. Besides that, everything about him is painfully generic; he's even wearing a reserve course uniform.

"Miss Ikusaba?" Principal Kirigiri says as you open the door. You march to him quickly before snapping to attention with a salute.

"Sergeant Major Ikusaba, reporting as ordered sir." You say.

Principal Kirigiri snaps off a salute crisp enough to prove he was never an officer. By which you mean it was actually decent. "At ease. How do you like your Talent Honing facilities?"

"They look good." You say honestly, really smiling for the first time in a while. "Whoever did the targets deserves a raise."

The principal chuckles a bit, and you notice both the grey-haired girl and the generic boy lean back to look at the targets in the training building. "They're a potential Ultimate from next year we're scouting, so I'll make sure your recommendation goes on the official file."

"Who're they?" You ask.

"This is Peko Pekoyama, Ultimate Swordswoman and your senpai by a year." Pekoyama bows elegantly, taking what seems to be a kendo sword from her back.

"I assume I won't be using this?"

"You can use whatever you like." You say, shrugging. "I think the targets are equipped with guns of some sort."

"Paintball guns, yes." Principal Kirigiri confirms. Pekoyama nods and looks critically at her sword for a moment before throwing the strap back over her shoulder. You turn to the generic boy.

"You're reserve course?"

He nods, swallowing. "Hajime Hinata." He says.

You nod, and look at Principal Kirigiri.

"Normally, reserve course students aren't permitted to join Ultimates in their electives here." The black-haired man explains. "But we wanted you to have a fireteam of some sort here, and the only applicant was Miss Pekoyama."

Hinata scratches the back of his head, looking away.

"I understand." You say, eyeing him critically. He's not entirely unfit. "Hinata, do you think you can do it?"

Hinata thinks for a moment. "No." He says finally, blushing slightly. "But I'm not going to let an opportunity like this slip by without a fight."

You nod. "He'll do. Thank you, sir." You tell Principal Kirigiri, who nods.

"Rather than try to make you a better combatant, which I suspect is useless, I want you to hone your leadership abilities. So your mission while you're here will be to get Miss Pekoyama and Mr. Hinata to work as fluidly underneath yourself as possible. Your final test will be to complete a course not unlike the one in here in as short a time as possible, while working as a team and dealing with unexpected situations. Understand?"

"Yessir!" You snap, standing to attention. Then you glance at Pekoyama and Hinata. "We'll cover drilling first, I think."

Principal Kirigiri grins, and you salute each other one more time before he exits, leaving you to drill Pekoyama and Hinata for a period before being left to yourself again.

Thankfully, the firing range is in the gymnasium, and without a teacher present you allow yourself out of your Talent Honing a few minutes early, allowing you to shower away the sweat of military drills. They're not fun, nor particularly useful in combat, but they provide a communication foundation and a common starting block for you to work off of when the time finally comes to start running through the dummy building.

Still, with water shimmering in your black, mussed hair and a pleasantly steamed feeling in your muscles, retiring to the firing range sounds delightful. The scent of gunpowder, your scent, hangs thickly around the range - obviously, it's in use. That idea is confirmed by the sound of riflefire from inside. Curious, you hurry and enter, taking the towel off your shoulders and folding it as you turn the door handle with an elbow and push it open with a shoulder.

You can't clearly make out who's firing, as they're halfway into a divot further down the range. Every few seconds, the rifle cracks out a round, which whizzes downrange in an instant to slam into the paper target and its foam backing, punching a hole clean through the target and finally sparking against the angled far wall. Your keen eyes immediately determine that whoever it is is a crack shot - not nearly as good as you, but quite impressive, with very few missed shots and a tight spread you would have seen men brag about in Fenris.

You toss the neatly folded towel onto one of the benches in the back, next to a box of 5.56 rounds. You make your way to the other end of the range, peering at the small piles of brass casings currently being gathered up by small black-and-white robots with "TOUWA INDUSTRIES" printed on top.

The first thing you notice about the mysterious person is that it's another female. With her form outlined in hazy fog of war, she looks almost like a metal album cover or advertisement, with full hips and the rifle pressed to her cheek. But as you grow closer the haze lifts, revealing blond hair and her identity in a single stroke.

You quirk an eyebrow. You didn't realize Sonia Nevermind visited the firing range. You would have pegged her for being out in the woods, singing at birds and deer and eating mysteriously gifted fruit baskets. Certainly you never smelt a whiff of the pervasive scent of expended ammunition on her, although her perfume is often somewhat cloying, in your opinion.

She glances at you with one big blue eye, then flicks the rifle to burst and empties her magazine in a quick series of shots before lowering and clearing the rifle. She sets the weapon down and presses the return button for the target with her hip as she removes her earmuffs. "Ah, hello! I remember you, you're Mukuro Ikusaba, the freshman?"

You blink and nod. "I wasn't expecting to find a princess in here." You say bluntly.

Nevermind giggles. "Every person in my country receives an education in military affairs in elementary school."

"That would explain the Novoselic skill at fighting." You say honestly. You were already aware of the education policy for the small country, but you're surprised that it applies even to royalty.

"Oh, no." Nevermind says brightly. "That came with the last three civil wars."

You have to bite back a snort. Did she just?

Nevermind continues, jauntily popping the tacks out of the target and letting the paper flop. "But yes, many people do not expect a princess to be interested in these things. But I am! It is fascinating, to pull a trigger and watch a hole appear in a target."

"Just a target?" You ask darkly, before catching yourself and wincing.

Nevermind pauses, but only for a moment. "It is less fascinating when the one with the hole is a man. That, I dislike. There is too much killing, in the Novoselic, already, for the princess to enjoy causing harm." She turns and presents the target to you. "As the Ultimate Soldier, what do you think? I am one of the best in my family!"

You examine the target. Nevermind's spread is actually even tighter than you expected, with most bullets landing directly on a line from the head of the little black figure to the chest. The bullets fired on burst are obviously less accurate, but still mostly strike their target, punching holes where the ear or gut would have been on a human. And this is a small target, for two hundred meters.

"You're quite good." You admit, handing the paper back to a beaming princess. "I would guess your only competition here would be myself."

"That is wonderful! From the Ultimate Soldier of Hope's Peak Academy, this is high praise indeed!" Nevermind says.

You rub the back of your head. "It's not like I'm the Ultimate Marksman..." You admit. "My focus is mostly on making sure the shots hit the target, rather than are neat and orderly."

"Yes," Nevermind allows, "but you must still be able to hit a moving target at great distances. For this, you must be highly skilled." She smiles. "I would like to be friends with you!"


Nevermind lances forward and grabs your arm, neatly dodging your reflexive strike and pretending like it didn't happen. You blink. "I would like to be friends with you!" She says again. "We are 'Senpai' and 'Kouhai' here, but I sense in many ways that we are kindred spirits, and I think much would be wasted on deference to my title or seniority. I think we should become friends, yes?"

You blink again, the sensation of a growing blush on your cheeks far too familiar for only being out of Russia for a few days. "Um..."

"I want to see you shoot! Kerpow!"

"O-okay?! Ah!"

Nevermind pushes you down the range, leaving her own gun steaming on its block. "Is this your towel? It's super cute!"


Sonia snatches up your folded towel, which is decorated with small Fenris logos. It's one of your sparse personal effects, besides your uniforms, knife collection, and Spartan Survival Manual. Her eyes sparkle as she looks at it.

"These are cute puppies!"

"They are not puppies!"

"You may seem cold and surly on the exterior, Mukuro Ikusaba, but you are truly a cute girl internally!"

"P-please do not say things like that, and give me my t-towel back!" You say, hovering awkwardly, instincts roaring for you to rip the cloth free from the taller girls grip, Japanese social conventions abhoring contact with another human.

Nevermind giggles, and passes the towel back to you. "This is truly cute." She says solemnly as she hands it over. "This makes me certain; we must become friends!"


"Sonia! And I shall call you Mukuro, henceforth!" Sonia insists, smiling.


You look at the towel in your hands, rubbing a thumb over one of the tiny logos.

"It is Fenris, yes? Mercenary corporation, based in Saint Petersburg?"

You blink and look at Sonia, who's looking at you seriously. "You recognize it."

"Yes. I understand Fenris has undergone many operations in my kingdom, often for the Republicans. However, I do not hold a grudge. It would be most heinous to hold a grudge against a friend." Sonia smiles, and you can't help but smile back.

"...Alright. Friends."

"Now show me your moves! I wish to see the culmination of glorious Japanese warfare with my own eyes!"

You laugh and grab a gun. Sonia's presence is... Not relaxing, but familiar somehow.




"Kerplow indeed!"

And maybe a little childish.

  • Makoto Naegi is a supremely skilled liar.
  • Makoto Naegi has a personal attachment to the symbol on his arm.
  • Makoto Naegi is in contact with a pair of individuals named "Seiko" and "Yeshua".
  • Makoto Naegi is hiding something.
  • Makoto Naegi is devout.
  • DESPAIR: Junko Enoshima plans on casting the world into Despair in one year, and is currently attempting to gather information on how to do so.
  • ???: Makoto Naegi is plotting something.
  • ???: ??? remains unaware and is not yet a player.
  • Lately, your dreams have been troubled and foreign.
JUNKO: Your relationship with Junko is growing more distant, as you discover more social aspects. You are still strongly attached.
MAKOTO: Makoto likes to flirt with you! You are very suspicious of him for this reason.
KYOKO: Kyoko thinks you are more clever than you look, and has encouraged you to forgive yourself for past misdeeds she believes you blame yourself for.
SAYAKA: Sayaka Maizono has confided in you that she thinks she might be slightly psychic. She has confided in you that she is suspicious of Makoto Naegi, because he is not as she remembers.
MIAYA: Miaya considers you a reasonably clever and good-natured Kouhai.
PEKO: Peko Pekoyama is your subordinate for Combatics, your Talent Honing class.
HAJIME: Hajime Hinata is your subordinate for Combatics, your Talent Honing class.
SONIA: Sonia considers herself your friend, and has forgiven you for fighting as a Republican in previous Novoselic Civil Wars.
HINA: Asahina Aoi thinks you are scary and adorable in equal measure.
SAKURA: Sakura has begun to consider you a friend.
TERUTERU: Teruteru thinks you have a fine ass, and has gone (0) days without apprehension by authorities. You have not noticed him.

No other notes at this time.

-[ ] Go out with someone (they must consider you a friend, or be interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with you. At rank -E, this action may fail)
-[ ] Hang out with Junko (possible event, -10% Despair, +5% JUNKO DEPENDENCY)
-[ ] Visit a classmate
--[ ] Who?
-[ ] Read the Spartan Survival Manual (???)

[ ]Dream:
-[ ] Orange
-[ ] Green
-[ ] Red

[ ] At class, make an effort to:
-[ ] Concentrate on schoolwork
-[ ] Observe your classmates
-[ ] Interact with your classmates

Thus ends the litany of introductions to each new class. From now on, classes will only be mentioned if an event happens. At least one event will happen most weeks, and usually two or three will occur. For the weeks where events to not happen, there will be a small update to notify you right above the vote, and probably an extra few chances to "dream".

Updates will continue at this pace for a little bit, but then school starts again and they'll have to slow. By that time though, hopefully someone will have guessed the crossover.
-[X] Visit a classmate
--[X] Kyouko
-[X] Orange
-[X] Interact with your classmates
Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Aug 14, 2018 at 3:07 AM, finished with 9 posts and 4 votes.

  • -[X] Visit a classmate
    --[X] Kyouko
    -[X] Orange
    -[X] Interact with your classmates
    -[X] Visit a classmate
    --[X] Kyouko
    -[X] Red
    -[X] Interact with your classmates

Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Aug 14, 2018 at 3:08 AM, finished with 9 posts and 4 votes.
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Should the "omega with cross" truly be an ankh as Spector29 suggests, really the only crossover I can think of is YuGiOh. But from what I know of YuGiOh, literally everything else about this Makoto does not fit. I know amulets are a thing, but not what Makoto has, and I don't recall ever seeing a character described as he is in what little art/screenshots/clips I've seen of the show.
3. I agree that we can get -JDEP though other things, but we can do those things and also hang out with Makoto (at least for a while longer) for maximum losses.
4. I've played enough Persona to know that masks aren't strictly a bad thing. I don't trust him and want to ween off hanging out when our JDEP is at like 60 or so, but unless he's planning on capping us because he knows we're half of Ultimate Despair I think we're okay for now.

I think at heart we're just going to have to kinda agree to disagree on 3 and 4, and that's cool. It's worth noting that it was more me trying to present my point of view and not a 10 point plan to convince everyone, I hope that was at least a little clear; especially given how much of it relied on personal characterization perceptions. So disagreeing with points is fine, and voting for Makoto is like.. totally chill with me. It's a quest, may be best option ideally win, etc. Ya dig? Just toss some kind of closing thoughts here to hopefully kind of... finalize my positions though.

3. I mean... on the one hand, I see where you're coming from. On the other hand, I worry a bit about sunk cost fallacies. That the more we learn the more it'll seem interesting and the more we'll want to sink more and more options into Makoto. Which, like, may very well be a great idea! But that ??? concerns me, again, Makoto seeming to be able to screw with our head concerns me, and well... see a couple of the other reasons I tend to lean Kyouko.

4. I've played P3 and P4. Who is your favorite character? (Kinda legit question, I'm curious about that kind of stuff. Naoto for life IMO.) I see your argument I guess I just don't find it compelling because of sunk cost fallacy concern above, I don't know what his motivations are and what his goals are, how he would slot us into his overall agenda, and so on. Kyouko feels a lot less like a black box, and I'm honestly more wary of block boxes when they're presented as the super easy road, and not less. If that makes sense.

Should the "omega with cross" truly be an ankh as Spector29 suggests, really the only crossover I can think of is YuGiOh. But from what I know of YuGiOh, literally everything else about this Makoto does not fit. I know amulets are a thing, but not what Makoto has, and I don't recall ever seeing a character described as he is in what little art/screenshots/clips I've seen of the show.

So, we're making a few assumptions here. But let's run with them.

So, in theory, what we're talking about here is the Millennium Key. The Millenium Key basically fits the ankh description. It also can look into a person's soul and undo things like brainwashing. (So, you know, yeah). Their thoughts can also be altered, and personalities can be altered samely. If the Necklace is similar, it would be the Millenium, well, Necklace, which can allow brief glimpses into the past and future, though it can be countered by other items. This is based off a boatload of assumptions, keep in mind (even with those the Necklace thing is a slight stretch I think), and I don't want to further speculate without more information.

This honestly doesn't make me feel better about "Makoto", if true? Like if true it does explain some things, but I don't feel like that makes it okay to fuck around in our head and reorient our thoughts without our consent, ya know?

Anyway, more comments later rushed selection now

For visiting I'm avoiding the stats and trying to give a compromise- we know stuff is up with Makoto, and Kyouko has the smarts and resources to help us investigate. Win-win for everyone? I like Orange and MUKURO MUST BE A SOCIAL ANIMAL GOSHDARNIT.
-[X] Visit a classmate
--[X] Kyouko
-[X] Orange
-[X] Interact with your classmates
-[X] Visit a classmate
--[X] Kyouko
-[X] Orange
-[X] Interact with your classmates

I think at heart we're just going to have to kinda agree to disagree on 3 and 4, and that's cool. It's worth noting that it was more me trying to present my point of view and not a 10 point plan to convince everyone, I hope that was at least a little clear; especially given how much of it relied on personal characterization perceptions. So disagreeing with points is fine, and voting for Makoto is like.. totally chill with me. It's a quest, may be best option ideally win, etc. Ya dig? Just toss some kind of closing thoughts here to hopefully kind of... finalize my positions though.

3. I mean... on the one hand, I see where you're coming from. On the other hand, I worry a bit about sunk cost fallacies. That the more we learn the more it'll seem interesting and the more we'll want to sink more and more options into Makoto. Which, like, may very well be a great idea! But that ??? concerns me, again, Makoto seeming to be able to screw with our head concerns me, and well... see a couple of the other reasons I tend to lean Kyouko.

4. I've played P3 and P4. Who is your favorite character? (Kinda legit question, I'm curious about that kind of stuff. Naoto for life IMO.) I see your argument I guess I just don't find it compelling because of sunk cost fallacy concern above, I don't know what his motivations are and what his goals are, how he would slot us into his overall agenda, and so on. Kyouko feels a lot less like a black box, and I'm honestly more wary of block boxes when they're presented as the super easy road, and not less. If that makes sense.

Oh, for sure, and for what it's worth I don't think you're wrong for being careful, I'm just feeling safer with taking risks since we're early on.

3. I'll peel off Makoto at 60 JDEP or if he shows threat, promise.
4. Aegis or Chihiro for P3, Naoto for P4.
So, we're making a few assumptions here. But let's run with them.

So, in theory, what we're talking about here is the Millennium Key. The Millenium Key basically fits the ankh description. It also can look into a person's soul and undo things like brainwashing. (So, you know, yeah). Their thoughts can also be altered, and personalities can be altered samely. If the Necklace is similar, it would be the Millenium, well, Necklace, which can allow brief glimpses into the past and future, though it can be countered by other items. This is based off a boatload of assumptions, keep in mind (even with those the Necklace thing is a slight stretch I think), and I don't want to further speculate without more information.

This honestly doesn't make me feel better about "Makoto", if true? Like if true it does explain some things, but I don't feel like that makes it okay to fuck around in our head and reorient our thoughts without our consent, ya know?

Should the "omega with cross" truly be an ankh as Spector29 suggests, really the only crossover I can think of is YuGiOh. But from what I know of YuGiOh, literally everything else about this Makoto does not fit. I know amulets are a thing, but not what Makoto has, and I don't recall ever seeing a character described as he is in what little art/screenshots/clips I've seen of the show.
I'm really liking all this discussion. It's interesting seeing what hints people focus on, and which people gloss right over! Some of them, it's like people didn't even realize they were hints at all!

I think I ought to say, though, and hopefully this won't give anything away, but Makoto wouldn't have shown up in his Source Material, at least not recognizably. Perhaps a second examination of the clues is in order?
I'm really liking all this discussion. It's interesting seeing what hints people focus on, and which people gloss right over! Some of them, it's like people didn't even realize they were hints at all!

I think I ought to say, though, and hopefully this won't give anything away, but Makoto wouldn't have shown up in his Source Material, at least not recognizably. Perhaps a second examination of the clues is in order?

Here's every single Makoto related thing across the work so far:
The rumble of a car engine turns you around to look back towards the street. Junko is already looking into the front window of the vehicle with an odd expression on her face, but you can't see anything until he steps out.

He's tall, is your first impression. Tall, foreign, and with just the right amount of muscle on him. His red hair is cut short, but not too short, just enough to give color to his head. He's wearing a soft blue suit, almost a habit, and there's a necklace around his neck. It's blue as well, although a different shade, and it's comprised of two twisting blue gems that meet at both ends to form an oval, while in the center is suspended a bright green gemstone which glitters in the light. It's all hung off a humble bronze chain, and something about it oozes history. It can't distract from his rugged features though, his square jaw shaved clean, with a small smirk as he speaks with the person in the limo's driver seat. Red and Blue are at play in his face as well, his red hair and ruddy complexion contrasting his blue clothing and blue eyes. The only break from the pattern, besides the green gem in the necklace, is a small sigil on his shoulder. It's almost like an omega symbol, but there's some kind of small cross on the interior that you can't quite make out.

"It'll be fine, Seiko-san. As long as we stick to the plan, everything will turn out alright in the end... Yeah. Uh huh. Sure, I'll be careful. Go with God."

Something about this whole situation twinges at the back of your mind, but there's no hostility when he turns to face you and Junko and he's not smiling at you no way he's got to be smiling at Junko he's coming this way oh god.

"Hello, Ladies-" He begins, eyes still locked onto yours. Junko, peeved, interrupts him, snapping up at his hand and shaking it vigorously.

"Hey hey~! The name's Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Model! I don't know you yet, but you're pretty cute so I, like, hope that I do, soon!"

The foreigner is obviously preturbed, his smile turning slightly shaky as Junko vigorously shakes his hand. "Oh, yeah! I recognize you. You were in Teen-Angst 18 a year ago, I think. It was 'Second Prettiest Girl in the World', right?"

Junko's smile turns feral. "'Prettiest', actually." She says, allowing some edge to creep into her voice.

"Oh, I apologize. So then your friend here must be a recent development?" The Foreigner, in typical Gaijin fashion, utterly ignores the ocean of killing intent washing off of Junko to turn to you, extending a hand. "I don't believe we've been introduced. My name is Makoto Naegi. I'm afraid I'm just the Ultimate Lucky Student, nothing special, heh heh..." He rubs the back of his pretty head with one hand, ruffling his bright red, short hair.

"M-M-M-M-M-Mumfadadou." You tell him eloquently, debating if it would be more offensive to douse his hand in your palm sweat or ignore the offered hand.

Makoto laughs a bit, and grabs your hand himself, solving your dilemma and sending rivers of lightning down your spine. "You're going to have to-"

"She's Mukuro Ikusaba, the Ultimate Soldier." Junko interrupts again, smiling bloodily. "She's a professional killer, don'tcha know?"

Makoto doesn't flinch. "Ooh? You know, I saw a special once where I think they mentioned you. I knew I recognized you from somewhere! I never forget a pretty face." Makoto smiles benignly, making Junko scowl behind him.

You're not sure there was a special, but you're still to busy dealing with the taser your back's turned into. You're quite sure that your shoulders have started to hunch and your knees are shakier than the first time you were in combat, and you think the hand Makoto is gripping is also dripping sweat. And yet, he continues to smile that disarming smile at you...

"Oh, sorry!" He says, letting go. You have to use all your willpower not to lurch forward and grab him again. "I guess I'll head inside. If all the girls in class are as cute as you two, I'll feel pretty lucky!" He says, smiling at you both.

It seems to wash off Junko, who's openly scowling now as he turns and walks away. You can see her hand clenching and unclenching, as if wishing for an ice pick or a knife to drive into his back.

"There's something off about that guy." Junko says darkly. "His movements didn't match his appearance."

"I-I didn't S-see anything wrong..." You demur, still rattled from your encounter.

"It's not just that."


"Hey, Mukuro..." Junko asks slowly. "When did you record that special?"

The lightning is replaced with cold water.
"There was no special." You say dully, staring at "Makoto"'s back. His broad, broad ba-

"Pay attention you whore!" Junko snaps. You flinch slightly.


"Whatever. So if there wasn't a special, how did he know you?"

"I do not know... If he was with Fenris, I never saw him." You say honestly, again looking towards the foreigner, but by now he's vanished through the doors, leaving no trace behind besides an oddly thoughtful look on Sakakura's face.

Glancing at her, you notice Junko's eyes start to flick back and forth in a familiar fashion as she analyzes the scene. The baby blue orbs snap between Sakakura, the road, the doors, and the place where Makoto was standing. "Didn't leave any hairs behind..." She mutters, examining the sidewalk with a cool expression. "Doesn't know Bigboy over there... That limo was expensive but not enough that I could really narrow down who owns it..."

"It sounds like the only lead we have, though." You tell Junko, who straightens and shoots you a disgusted look.

"Shut the fuck up, real people are thinking... Hmm... If we don't have the evidence," Junko says, a cruel smile on her face, "Then we should make some evidence! Congrats, smelly, you just got a new mission!"

"R-really?" You say, blinking.

"R-really!" Junko says, mocking you with a spot-on impression of yourself with severe brain damage. "I know all you're good for is killin' people, but apparently he's some kind of fucking pervert. SO!" Junko brings her fists up to her cheeks, mushing her face together slightly like a child looking at a puppy as another car rumbles up the road. "Your mission is to get close to Naegi-tan, and rip his little pervy heart to shreds! Aah~!"

The car door opens behind you, so knowing how vital infosec is you simply nod in acceptance before turning around


Eyes drawn as if by magnets again, you watch Makoto summit the stage. As he reaches the top, the foreigner smiles wide, perfectly straight white teeth coming out like floodlights in the bright gymnasium light. His red hair shines in the light, and he spreads his arms wide, like a preacher.

"Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Lucky Student." Says Miss Chisa Yukizome, apparently the homeroom teacher of one of the older classes.

"Thank you, Miss Yukizome." Makoto says humbly, bowing to her perfectly. She bows back, blushing slightly. Then Makoto turns back to the stage.

"'There are two kinds of progress: the methodical experimentation and categorization which gradually extend the boundaries of knowledge, and the revolutionary leap of genius which redefines and transcends those boundaries. Acknowledging our debt to the former, we yearn, nonetheless, for the latter.'" He says, as if quoting. "This school is known for and works towards causing and encouraging those leaps of genius. And you are those geniuses; I'm honored to be among you, because while I consider myself to be intelligent, possibly even a genius myself if I'm feeling prideful, I can't help but notice the sort of person I'm surrounded by. Driven, determination-filled, hopeful young men and women, selected because they had a talent above and beyond those of anyone else on the Planet." He emphasizes the 'hopeful', smiling wider as Junko flinches, although he wasn't looking at her. "Meanwhile, I got in because I got lucky... I suppose that is a talent, in a sense, but it's not one I ever had to work towards." His smile fades as he says this, replaced with a expression of regret. "In a way, I feel like I didn't earn my opportunity to be here, like many of you - but rest assured, I am not in Despair." Junko flinches again.

Makoto continues, raising a fist. "God has seen fit to give me this opportunity to come here and be among people who are not my equal. I don't deserve it, not as I am now, but if the rest of you have entered this academy on your determination and hard work, it is my determination and hard work that will get me out of it. I do not intend to leave this school the Ultimate Lucky Student. By your blessing, my classmates, I would hope that when it is finally time to leave this school building once and for all, to finally graduate, I will leave here with an Ultimate title of my own. I thank you all for the opportunity to learn from the grandmasters of their own trades, and I thank you all for being so accepting as to take someone like me among your number, and help me become something I could never have without this opportunity. Thank you."

Makoto finishes his speech with another bow, and you find yourself caught up in the sea of clapping that arises in its wake. Junko's eyes are narrowed, and she doesn't bother reprimanding you, instead glaring at Makoto as if he had personally insulted her. Which, technically, was true; Junko's whole being is Despair, after all, and that speech was all about Despair being swept aside in favor of Hope.

You barely pay any attention to the next few students, but you do notice one thing. The blue haired girl, who is announced as Sayaka Maizono, Ultimate Pop Sensation, is looking strangely at Makoto as she's taken on stage next. The large foreigner simply smiles benignly and mouths something to her, to little effect until she's behind the podium. From there, the Pop Star in Maizono takes over, and she presents a good, if somewhat canned speech.

"Ha!" Junko scoffs, wildly marching off towards your homeroom on the ground floor. "I mean, don't flatter yourself, stinky. You just got lucky." Her grin vanishes, and mirth dies in her tone, all in the span of a breath. "Speaking of, your new boyfriend's a weirdo."

"H-he's not-" You stutter, blushing furiously.

"Shut up, I'm talking here!" Junko snaps. "Anyway, there were some really weird bits in that speech."

"L-like what?"

"Like the weird fucking way he said 'Planet'. 'Planet'."

You shrug as Junko tastes the word over again. You can't see anything odd about it.

"And either he didn't lie, not once, or he has no tells."

"You're the smart one." You tell her diffidently. If Junko thinks he was being completely honest, then... "So he's just a happy person?"

"No, idiot, he's- Oh, hi-hi~! What was your name again?" Junko cuts herself off as a darkly dressed girl approaches you. Celestia Ludenberg, you recall her full name being.

"Celeste is fine." Ludenberg says primly, as if it's of little consequence what people call her. She smiles, tilting her head slightly. "I noticed you were discussing Mister Naegi's... Odd speech."

Junko twitches a bit, but her anger doesn't show. "Oh, you heard that, did you? Sorry, I-"

"I concur. There were no tells of a lie at all during that speech. It is very strange... And wholly unnatural."

Junko's fake, plastic smile fades into a more serious grin, one that comes from the black heart inside her. "So I was right, then? You're the Ultimate Gambler, so you would know, right?" Oh, you see.


"So it would normally seem." Celeste confides in Junko, strolling lazily along the hall as the warning bell for first period plays through the speakers. "But I worry. Everyone has tells."

"Not I!" Junko says confidently. Celeste chuckles slightly, a dark sound.

"Oh? You are so sure... Then it must be true. Still, I worry. This Makoto Naegi... He is not like any opponent I have faced at the table. Be wary of him... and if you would relay to me any odd discoveries, I would appreciate it. Friends?"

"Fucking nasty skank, at least splurge on the good mascara for your 'Twilight' cosplay!" She hisses, too quiet to be heard by anyone but you.

"P-please don't-"

"Shut the fuck up and help me clean this off my fingers before I start to turn into a sunlight-fearing goth too!" Junko snaps. Obediently, you start to rub your blouse against her fingers.

"So. No tells." Junko says as you vigorously scrub the last traces of Celeste's mascara off her fingertips. "I was right of course. Still..."

"It's not normal."

"No, it's definitely weird. Pay attention to him, Mukuro. We might have to kill him earlier than the plan says."

You nod grimly. No mission plan survives contact with the enemy, after all.

Junko cannot analyze what she cannot know


Maizono shoots the dwarf a bright smile. "Thank you!"

"Don't mention it. Anyway, both exercise periods and Homeroom are fixed, with the rest are electives you'll share with the more general student body. These electives are meant to help you widen your experience pool, so to speak, so I hope you have all chosen accordingly - Miss Maizono?"

Maizono straightens, wiping her furious look off her face quickly. "Sorry, Sensei..."

"That was my fault, I'm afraid. We're old... acquaintances." Makoto says smoothly from his seat, patting Maizono on the arm. the blue-haired girl pulls back like she was just touched by a cockroach. "We'll work it out in a bit, Sayaka-chan. Don't worry."

Sayaka glares again, but bites back her retort and goes back to handing out the papers.

"...Right. Anyway," Mr. Kamikawa says, perplexed.

Kirigiri rocks forward as a flying pencil case strikes her in the back of the head, before spinning in a whirling maelstrom of lavender so light it's almost white.

"What is going on- Eep!"

Your own hand snaps up to catch a small stapler right before it strikes you in the head as well, Kyouko flinching back as the device whirls past her. You look her in the eye, anger and shock playing in both of your expressions.


"Maizono." Makoto warns the snarling idol, calmly but firmly. "I keep saying we can talk about this somewhere-"

"We're talking about this fucking now!"

Makoto raises his hands. "I'd rather not air out all this with everyone-"

"Maizono, stand down." Kirigiri snaps, approaching. You didn't even notice her get out of her chair, but you quickly follow her, slipping into combat mode.

The familiar rush of adrenaline paradoxically calms and excites you. Everything sharpens to fine points, slowing down as your brain works overtime to process your senses. You feel your arm twitch as if to bring a rifle to your shoulder, or fists into a CQC stance. But for now, you just cross them, allowing your face to become stern as you hold the stapler visibly in front of you.

Makoto's seated across from Maizono's desk, someone elses chair pulled up to make a small conversation area much like yours and Kirigiri's. Unlike the civil discussion between you two girls, though, Maizono and Makoto both look upset, Maizono in particular a tower of rage that has even Owada raising an eyebrow.

It was obviously her who hurled the stapler and pencil case, unluckily aiming it directly at the back of Kirigiri's head. You wonder what could have made the blue-haired idol so angry.

"I apologize." Makoto says smoothly, as Maizono glares at Kirigiri for daring to stop her thunderous rage. "This is my fault. It seems-"

"You shut the fuck up!" Maizono snaps.

"He's safe, Maizono-"

"I don't believe you! Where's-"

He doesn't know she remembers him.


You sigh and open your eyes. This bed is too comfortable, really. It's nothing like the barracks you had back in Russia, which was busy with life and warmth on every side, cold iron cots and thin blankets. The smell of whatever chemical they put in the MRE heaters activating with a little water, occasionally popping when someone doesn't lt the bag breath properly.

It probably would seem crazy, but you almost miss the sound of shells and mortars outside. You grew up with it. Without the suffocating presence of Death just outside the window, the building feels empty despite the plethora of classmates and safe, thick walls of Hope's Peak Academy. You're forced to stand up by your own restless brain, feeling very far from the harsh, cold wastes of Siberia.

You decide to get some water. The First Year dorms are on the first floor, so the dining hall is quite close. Slipping through the door, you pad quietly down the hall, trying not to wake your classmates.

The dining hall is spacious, filled with cheap chairs and plastic tables that are surprisingly comfy and sturdy. The kitchen in the back is locked, but there's a small fountain drink vendor right outside it, and the device is still operational. After grabbing a cup and filling it with warm water, you wander back out of the dining hall, sipping softly.

Your eyes scan right over the light on in the bathhouse at first, but then you freeze. Blinking, you step back and turn slightly, looking. The bathhouse is supposed to be closed right now, who's in there?

You narrow your eyes and set your cup on the floor, sneaking over to the curtains hung across the door to the changing room. The voice becomes clearer, and you realize with a start that it's Makoto.

"...Right, and I know it's something of a gamble, but these things can't be helped." He's saying, exasperated. "...Uh huh. Seiko, listen. Have I ever steered you wrong? ...Besides that, and I still say that was Yeshua's fault... Yes, exactly... Right, and that's why I gave you one of the canisters... I just want three of them, and the appropriate chips... Yes, unprogrammed. I'm going to want Yeshua back before everything hits... Definitely, yeah... No, no no. Not a full sized factory, I only need a couple of guns and some backup plans."


"...Well, then it's their fault for thinking that, but I still think you can do it... Obviously, yes. You're the Ultimate Pharmacist, this is literally your field... Alright, keep him there for, oh, another four months or so? I want to make sure he's here when... I can do five, but I can't go later. I need to get everything in place beforehand, or else I'm going to have to make some very obvious moves at the worst possible time... Exactly, yes. The last thing we need is a Ultimate Despair with a-"

You blank out.

You come back in. Blinking, you glance at your cup of water in your hand, and then back at the bathhouse. The lights are off now, and there's no noise.

Well that's definitely very weird.
You're up earlier than most of your classmates, so you have the benefit of a few moments to yourself before you have company. Who does enter, though, shocks you slightly. You expected to see Sakura, or perhaps Hina; either of them would be in the habit of waking early for training. Toko or Hifumi, perhaps, would have stayed up through the night.

Instead, Makoto greets you as if it weren't 6 AM, chipper and bright as he was when you met him. He wanders over to the kitchen and rings the bell, turning to you while he waits for the cook.

"Ultimate Soldier up and at 'em early, huh?"

"Uh, yeah." You say, still wondering. "Don't bother waiting for the cook, he's not up yet."

"Oh. Pity." Makoto says, sitting down in one of the plastic chairs with an oddly heavy thunk. "So what are you eating?"

"MRE. Uh, 'Meal Ready-to-Eat.'" You show him the packaging of your 'chili-mac', a rather barren slip of dark green plastic with a large U.S. stamped on the front. "I kept a few."

"Do you have an extra? I'm starving." Makoto says with a smile. You frown, but when you check your bag you do have one.

"Guess so." You pass him the package, which he flips around easily, examining it.

"Are the ribs any good in these? I can't say I've had any before."

You shrug. "Ever have fast food?"

You're feeling calmer around Makoto today. You're not sure why, but your vague sense of unease around him has simply... Vanished. (-5% Despair, -5% Junko Dependency, ???)

"...No." Makoto says after some hesitation, but he tears open the package anyway.

"W-wait, really? No fast food? Ever?"

Makoto raises his hands in a warding guesture similar to the one he made against Maizono yesterday. "Hey, now! They just didn't have them where I'm from!"

You sit back a bit, staring. "Uh..."

"I take it that this tastes like 'Fast Food', huh?"

"Kind of. Same sort of low-quality flavored cardboard texture." You say, letting it go.

"Hmph." Makoto's flipping around the instructions on the bag, looking at them intently. "Oh, I see. Clever bit of chemistry, that. No need for a indu-... Oven." He coughs slightly. "I'm going to go get some water, I'll be right back."

You watch him go, but eventually your attention is taken back by the arrival of Sakura Ogami and Asahina Aoi arriving at the door to the dining hall, loudly in the case of Aoi.

"-I've seen the matches on TV, and I thought they were super cool! It was totally awesome!"

"...Thank you." Sakura replies, looking slightly put out but blushing with praise at the same time. "I didn't realize the Ultimate Swimming Pro would be interested in such things..."

"Well of course I would! A sport's a sport, right?" Aoi smiles with the light of two suns, filling the room with her strange, bubbly sunlight.

"I suppose that's true." Sakura says, smiling slightly. then she nods at you. "Mukuro."

"Sakura." You reply, blushing slightly.

"Woah, you guys are on first name terms already?" Aoi says in awe. "I gotta step up my game!"

"That's your goal here?" You ask quietly.

"You're allowed to call me Sakura if you wish, Miss Aoi." Sakura says.

"Really? Thank you!" Aoi smiles again, forcing you to raise a hand to shield your eyes. "You can just call me Hina, if you want, all my friends do... That goes double for you, Mukuro!"


"Did you have a nickname while you were, uh, 'in the service'?" Hina asks, her bombastic personality utterly steamrolling yours. "N-not to say that Mukuro isn't totally cute and all, but, uh..."

Now that's irritating. "I'm aware of what it means, thank you." You say a bit snippily.

"Oh, are we discussing nicknames for Ikusaba?" Makoto buts in, sitting back down with a cup of water and pouring it into the MRE bag.

"Yes." Hina says eagerly.

"P-please don't-"

Sakura gives you an apologetic look and opens her mouth to speak, but she's interrupted.

"Personally, I think 'Muumuu' would be awfully cute." Makoto says.

The Spears of Gungnir pierce your fragile, lupine heart, and you collapse facefirst into your chili and macaroni MRE as Hina claps her hands to her cheeks, sucking in breath.

"You're a wizard!" The tanned girl proclaims. "That's way too cute to come from 'Mukuro'! Wait, sorry... Muu- Mukuro?!"

Don't mind me, you want to say, I'm just reheating my food with my face. But you don't say it, because you are deceased.

"Augh, this is awful! Remind me to never try 'Fast Food'!"


"What happened yesterday?" You ask, taking a seat next to her.

"Hmm? Oh. Well, I guess you're aware of why, but while I was in the principals office, Ishimaru decided to come in and 'help establish order'." Maizono says with air-quotes.

"...Maizono, if you don't mind me asking, what did happen yesterday?" You ask diffidently, ignoring Ishimaru's frantic signing.

"...It doesn't matter." She huffs, looking away. "Apparently I'm crazy anyway. And, go ahead and call me Sayaka. Everyone else does. It's just... I remember him looking different, as a kid. As in, a completely different race."

"You remember him as a different race?" You repeat. You'd heard of people "not seeing color" before - you yourself had worked with individuals of many races without caring much about it - but this was quite the extreme example.

"I could have sworn he used to be Japanese. His name is Makoto Naegi. That's a Japanese name!" Sayaka says, remembering to hiss instead of shout. "He... Michael Jacksoned me!"

"...I don't understand."

"Whatever, it doesn't matter." Sayaka huffs in consternation.

"Are you sure that's the one you remember? Makoto is a common name."

"I thought that was the case, but he says he remembers me. And when I saw a photo of his mother... She was Japanese too."

"A half-blood?" You ask, already suspecting the answer. Ishimaru has gone off on his own, and is now rummaging in his backpack. You pay him no heed.

"With that face? No way." Sayaka says firmly. "That's a pureblooded Gaijin if I ever saw one. Whiter than sour cream... Actually, there's something off about him in general. Not a half-blood thing, but like a general... Human thing? It's hard to describe."

You shrug.

Sayaka fidgets for a moment. "Like... Sometimes I joke that I'm psychic, but it's actually really good intuition..." She admits. "But... Not really? Does that make sense. It's like... Sometimes, I can just kind of gather information from people without really... Knowing how I do it. I don't really believe in psychics, but that's the closest way for me to describe it."

You frown. "I... Don't know what to say to that." You say quietly. That's not a normal talent, you think. You've never heard of such a thing.

Sayaka flinches."Well, I can't tell you, because that's what I would say in the same situation... But... That, weird, talent, thing? Just kind of slides off him. And I swear he smirked at me when I felt for it. Like he knew."

"Maybe he saw you looking at him."


The conversation dies after that. But you have something to think about, when Ishimaru recovers his notebook and proceeds to attempt to scold Sayaka for "entertaining delusions" when she was meant to be studying. The two proceed to have the quietest argument you've ever half-heard, until the bell rings.


You obligingly shut the door, cutting off the flow of blessed cool air to the outside world.

"A-a-are neither of you c-c-c-cold?" Makoto asks from his seat, clutching himself tightly.

"Not at all." You reply.

"Nope." Says Usami.

"I'm more than able to handle it." Togami huffs.

"O-o-oh, right, you're h-h-here too."

"Suit up, cadet! Bring a coat to class next time!" Usami says brightly.

"S-s-sorry for not t-t-thinking I need-d-ded cold weather g-g-gear for s-s-social psyche..."

"It's like fifteen degrees..." You murmur, sitting down. The cold iron feels nice on your back.

"I p-p-prefer thirty, th-th-thank you."

"That's hot!" Usami exclaims, a small exclamation mark appearing over her head. The wheelchair girl controlling her lifted her eyebrows as well.

"C-c-can we just get to learning?"

"I agree. This conversation is going nowhere." Togami butts in. "Sensei?"

"Oh calm down, Togami. We're already learning!"

Togami's jaw clenches and he lifts an eyebrow. "Care to explain?"

"Well, think about it! The temperature in here is the same for all of us, but for me and Ikusaba, it's fuzzy fuzzy warm, but for Naegi and yourself, it's pretty cold, right?"

"I'm not going to repeat myself." Togami snaps, irritated.

"You don't have to! You said 'I can handle it', not 'it's not cold' or 'it's okay in here'! Verbage is an important part of psychology!"


Both sets of Miaya's eyes narrow. "Minus one-hundred billion love points for giving up! What about that symbol on your sleeve?"

Makoto starts, then glances at his own sleeve, where the small omega-like sigil still is. He twitches slightly, then looks back at Usami. "'ts nothing. Decoration."

Usami's tone loses all mirth. "No it isn't. It means something to you personally, doesn't it?"

Makoto stares, not at Usami's avatar, but directly into Miaya's eyes. She matches him, glare for glare, until he eventually folds.

"It's personal. A family thing. Like my necklace."

Usami's jovial tone returns suddenly, and in full force, all the intensity vanished like smoke. The manner in which she dominates the room is almost Junko-like. "And boom! See! Symbols have power! That's Symbology! Specifically, applied psychiatric symbology! This is really important, because the mind cloaks itself in symbols! Figuring out what symbols mean what to which people is a vital part of learning what makes them tick, and can tell you lots of things about a person without ever saying a word! Like how a cross signifies 'Christianity'!"

Makoto settles back into his seat, rubbing his sleeve. You can't clearly make out the symbol there... You absently scratch at the Fenris tattoo on your hand. Family...

At a brief skim, the symbol on his arm might just literally be an Alpha-Omega Cross, which are a title of Christ and God in the Book of Revelation. As far as the invisitext goes:

He doesn't know she remembers him - Clearly refers to Sayaka knowing the previous Makoto, and considering the snippets from the fight apparently Crossoto knows where the original is and is keeping him safe?

Junko cannot analyze what she cannot know - Junko v Crossoto, probably referring to the fact he's not from Danganronpa? Or in a general sense, that she cannot understand religion/Hope?

Additionally, this is who Crossoto's Ultimate Pharmacist friend is.
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Not to double post, but this picture makes me very suspicious. It's not entirely accurate, but I doubt Crossoto is a specific character judging from the QM's comments.

So, I think my official guess is some form of Fate/Stay Night. Not knowing anything about that series, I have no idea if a spinoff is more appropriate.
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God, I feel dumb.
(and terrible for the pun)
But frankly, who would even imagine this crossed with Danganronpa, of all things!?

I mean, I totally wasn't distracted by all the cute schoolgirls, no sir!

"'There are two kinds of progress: the methodical experimentation and categorization which gradually extend the boundaries of knowledge, and the revolutionary leap of genius which redefines and transcends those boundaries. Acknowledging our debt to the former, we yearn, nonetheless, for the latter.'" He says, as if quoting.
"Like the weird fucking way he said 'Planet'. 'Planet'."
"Hmph." Makoto's flipping around the instructions on the bag, looking at them intently. "Oh, I see. Clever bit of chemistry, that. No need for a indu-... Oven." He coughs slightly.
I think I found Makoto's symbol.

And his familial necklace.
He must have had one hot fiery mom. Maybe that's why he can't handle cold temperatures. :whistle:

"Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring Universe which will save us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the slimmest of doubts. God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist."

Sound like Hope alright!

I just realised what the implications could be for Mukuro's identity.
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God, I feel dumb.

But frankly, who would even imagine this crossed with Danganronpa, of all things!?

I mean, I totally wasn't distracted by all the cute schoolgirls, no sir!

I think I found Makoto's symbol.

And his familial necklace.
He must have had one hot fiery mom. Maybe that's why he can't handle cold temperatures. :whistle:

"Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring Universe which will save us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the slimmest of doubts. God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist."

I just realised what the implications could be for Mukuro's identity.

So, um; what franchise is it?
I have carefully edited the images so that they aren't instantly google-able.
But if you want to spoil yoursefl...
A Sid Meier's one. :whistle:

Anyway, back to the update at hand.
They actually make you snicker slightly; you recognize the uniform of Togami PMC mercenaries on the drawn targets, who vary in expression between "constipated caveman" and "Yasuhiro being paradropped into Kuzuryu Headquarters".
With or without the parachute? It's an important detail!
The third and final "section" is actually part of the hangar: a small office space equipped with some simple computers and an assortment of manuals, sectioned off from the rest of the hangar by a solid iron door and reinforced glass windows set into corrugated steel, all painted white. You open the door and peek inside, but nobody is there... Or so you think. But as you move to shut the door, you hear the computer conspicuously shut down.

Blinking, you move back inside the office to look at it. It's not the supercomputers you know are elsewhere in the facility, but it's of reasonable quality, from a brand-name manufacturer. As you watch, the screen moves from the blue "shutting down..." screen to a shiny black slab, and the fans stop whirring.
What's that thing doing here, and why did it stop the moment we came in?

Do we know any classmates named Roze? Just wondering. :whistle:
"We are 'Senpai' and 'Kouhai' here, but I sense in many ways that we are kindred spirits [...]"
...In what ways, I am afraid to ask?
"Yes. I understand Fenris has undergone many operations in my kingdom, often for the Republicans. However, I do not hold a grudge. It would be most heinous to hold a grudge against a friend." Sonia smiles, and you can't help but smile back.
This would be the point where I'd have backed out slowly, hearing words like that from a stranger. No matter how you look at it, that much friendliness to someone who is paid to fuck up your country is weird.

But apparently Sonia is the Ultimate Disney Princess, so it's all genuine.

Also, why did you go with Fenris as the outfit's name when the canonical DGR translation is Fenrir? Or so I think, at least.
Sonia snatches up your folded towel, which is decorated with small Fenris logos. It's one of your sparse personal effects, besides your uniforms, knife collection, and Spartan Survival Manual.
Now you are just trolling us.
  • Makoto Naegi is a supremely skilled liar.
I don't think we actually established that? I mean, we suspect there are no visual tells when he does lie, but from the limited interactions we've had so far we can't confirm he did not mean the things he was saying?
Except about the special, I guess.

-[x] Hang out with Junko (possible event, -10% Despair, +5% JUNKO DEPENDENCY)

-[x] Red

Orange is fine (more of Best Sempai!), but I don't think I can quite place this one. The Cult, mayhap? But what would its origins be in the DGR timeline?

[x] At class, make an effort to:
-[x] Observe your classmates
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-[X] Visit a classmate
--[X] Kyouko
-[X] Orange
-[X] Interact with your classmates
We are building an army, after all:
"Rather than try to make you a better combatant, which I suspect is useless, I want you to hone your leadership abilities."
I am not sure why Sonia is supposed to be important, though.
I admit, I was hoping that Firing Range would be picked. I think there's a very valuable resource in the person present there.
A very valuable resource... how exactly?
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