Once the Mystery Crossover is revealed/dicovered, should it be added to the title?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 85.2%
  • No

    Votes: 4 14.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sure, let's confront the person we suspect as being one of the mysterious masked people - and someone who we know, from meta-knowledge, is literally a serial killer! There's no way this can go wrong :V

[X] Pay a visit to Touko Fukawa

Junko spins and exits the room with a cutting remark. "You wouldn't look badass no matter what."
Oh, we'll prove you wrong, bastard. You watch.
Well, we did just accost Makoto and even accused him of assault. Confronting an underling would be child's play.

Could do without her confessing anything to us but her involvement, though.

And a serial killer has nothing on the Ultimate Soldier! Or is it the other way around? Sometimes I forget the differences, what with our current chain of command. :V
Voting locked. Sorry for the rare updates; Calculus and German are tagteaming my butt.
Adhoc vote count started by Karnewarrior on Feb 7, 2019 at 12:30 PM, finished with 32 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Pay a visit to Touko Fukawa
    [x] Pay a visit to Toko Fukawa.
    [X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
    -[X] Call Makoto and ask him what he was doing in the Neurology department. (???)
    [X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)

Adhoc vote count started by Karnewarrior on Feb 7, 2019 at 12:31 PM, finished with 14 posts and 6 votes.
Oh, we'll prove you wrong, bastard. You watch.
Seconded. Fuck Junko. I have to admit, she is perhaps one on the only fictional characters who I despise on a visceral level. There is nothing likable or interesting about her to me, period. The Joker? He's established, is good at what he does, is up to interpretation and has mystery. Terumi? A legitimate threat who at least has the chops and power to back himself up. Gendo? At least he has a slightly understandable reason for being what he is, dong what he's doing, and acknowledges and apologizes for what he's done to his son at the end. Junko? Just a terrorist who's just trying to scratch her fetish who couldn't have gotten anywhere as far as she did without lucking into finding Ryota and Mukuro's assistance. Yes, I understand that the terrorist thing easly applies to the Joker as well, but see his points. Also, familial abuse is an instant hate-trigger for me. Sorry about the rant.
It lives!

...Technically. Do rewrites count as reviving the same thing, or taking an old idea and making a new thing out of it, I wonder?

Either way, am very hyped. I love this quest, can't wait to see what'll be the same and what'll be different.
It's a rewrite, so it's the same exact story, but hopefully better and with more detail. I might end up adding a couple extra scenes, though, so when I post that the rewrite is done then it might be time for a reread.
Godwinson's Demons
Hi all.

I've been watching the space above for two months now, but nothing seems to be happening. Clearly if you want something done you have to do it yourself. Here's my contribution!

Art by Sergei Modorov

The drawing depicts the infamous Crimson Crocodile of Hope's Peak cornering and interrogating a dangerous infiltrator agent within the confines of his own room. Truly, General Muumu is not to be trifled with. We'll make our sister proud yet!

This pic had some rather unfortunate history and got stuck in production hell for over a month. And then the final rendition got over 16 Megabytes in size, and no image hostings would hotlink it in its full glory, so I had to use Dropbox. You better like it. :mad::p

The portrait of Miriam Godwinson is based on the in-game data files associated with faction leaders. It turns out she wasn't always fifty!
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Holy crap that's fantastic.

Really love the sinister look on not-Makoto's face. Perhaps it's just the shadows doing it, but even though his expression seems normal at first glance the way the lighting is done it betrays some sort of darker look. It's very, very good. I like the photo of his mom, too.
Same, thank you so much! That more than deserves a threadmark! I love the detail that went into it - like the gears and stuff on Makoto's desk.

And while not much has been happening on this front, I assure you that things have been proceeding - slowly, but proceeding. I'm currently working through Exodus XII, and I've added probably another 2-3k words worth of material? With a whole lot more to come. The end of Exodus felt particularly rushed, on reread, so I'm going to be adding in a whole lot of new content there.
Perhaps it's just the shadows doing it, but even though his expression seems normal at first glance the way the lighting is done it betrays some sort of darker look.
Definitely the lighting.

The draft had Makoto wear an amiable, if insufferably smug, expression.
A bit of shadowing in the right places, a subtle shift in the eyes to make his stare more intense, and his smile turns positively predatory.

And then the entire room has this oppressive, cold atmosphere with a single light source, reinforcing the idea that this is his domain.
...which is rather ironic, because Makoto hates cold, and initially the wallpaper color was supposed to be red as that's what they are in the games, but hey! Artistic licence!

(I also quite like how the lamp behind Mukuro gives her a soft angelic glow, framing her "sympathetically", especially with how frail she looks here. Despite the Ultimate Soldier being the farthest thing you'd expect to describe as angelic or vulnerable.)
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She looks like she's got a thousand yard stare to me.

Which, to be fair, is pretty much exactly what she looked like after her brain restarted post-aphrodesiac. Well, mid, really. That stuff lasted for much of the rest of the day.
Hello there.

It's getting a bit lonely in here. So let's liven it up a bit, especially since there is the right occasion!

Art by Edwar, aka danapilia.
Link to the original (big size, no snow overlay)

My thoughts went back and forth between the two quests lately, and I often wondered how the cast of PNHS would fare in the setting of Hope's Peak, and how the two would interact. But all the scenarios I could think of that would let Mukoro show her nature and calling were macabre, and ill-suited to the occasion. Soldiers and students just do not mesh well. And then it hit me; there was a role a character from PNHS shared that would not fit the dynamics of hunter and prey. So what if it only appeared once in a dream?

Yumika and Mukuro couldn't have been more different. One is a loner and an outcast, the other is the most popular girl in class. One is the founder of Drama Club and an actor par excellence, the other can not lie to save her life. One is a volunteer in the name of the Revolution, the other a mercenary who fights for money. One's calling is to take lives, the other's is to save them. And yet, what pairing could be more natural than a soldier and a field medic?

Yumika reminds me a lot of Sayaka for some reason. They are both extremely savvy in the ways of school politics, although Sayaka is quite a bit more bitchy in how she uses it to her advantage; they both have superb acting skills and are a bit manipulative, and of course, both have certain... yandere leanings whenever their friends are threatened. One of Mukuro's cornerstone problems is the lack of love for herself, and in a way Yumika treating the wound that Mukuro doesn't feel like it's anything to be bothered about is just me hoping that she finds someone would care about her enough that she would herself believe she is worth caring for. For some reason, I placed those hopes on Sayaka and Hina (not even Sonia)... time will tell if I was right.

But they have no business on the battlefield, so Revolutionary Battalion Field Medic Mika will have to pick up the slack.

Hey, Fenrir has a long service record, and there's a lot of alternate universes in PNHS; who's to say there isn't one where it happened? Long Live the Republic, comrade Muumu!
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Yeah, sorry. I got busy with college soon after posting here and haven't been able to rewrite as often as I'd like. :( I'm like 90% done, it's the last 10% that's taxing.

Ironically, I think Mukuro would get along best with Shinohara out of the PNHS crew - Hana would have plenty of yummy stuff to eat, and Mukuro might actually get the chance to build her self-confidence a little. Unfortunately, Hana being near Mukuro means Hana also being near Junko, and Junko's emotions would probably make Hana vomit, like stuffing 5 kg of Chocolate down your throat. I don't know how LuciD would want to run it, but it could be a potentially lethal meeting. Makoto, on the other hand, would present about 5 seconds of shock and fear, and then become inedible. He might try to kill her or recruit her, depending on exactly how it goes. Him and Yumika would get into it, since the two of them would both see through the others' mask but be unable to glean anything beyond that, so it'd be a bit of Spy-vs-Spy, probably ending in Makoto's favor because he has stronger allies. Yumika and Junko... Would result in Yuno Gasai with twintails. Worse, even. Junko would snap her mind like a twig.
Ironically, I think Mukuro would get along best with Shinohara out of the PNHS crew - Hana would have plenty of yummy stuff to eat, and Mukuro might actually get the chance to build her self-confidence a little. Unfortunately, Hana being near Mukuro means Hana also being near Junko, and Junko's emotions would probably make Hana vomit, like stuffing 5 kg of Chocolate down your throat. I don't know how LuciD would want to run it, but it could be a potentially lethal meeting. Makoto, on the other hand, would present about 5 seconds of shock and fear, and then become inedible. He might try to kill her or recruit her, depending on exactly how it goes. Him and Yumika would get into it, since the two of them would both see through the others' mask but be unable to glean anything beyond that, so it'd be a bit of Spy-vs-Spy, probably ending in Makoto's favor because he has stronger allies. Yumika and Junko... Would result in Yuno Gasai with twintails. Worse, even. Junko would snap her mind like a twig.
Oh yeah, the majority of the PNHS cast would be absolutely walloped by the majority of the Ikusaba Quest cast any day. They're victims of the genre built around them, I'm afraid! ...an obvious exception is Big Sister, but she's an outlier.

I think you're slightly underselling Yumika's ability to project hope, though, as well as her mental resilience. And... depending on the circumstances, I can see Yumika getting the psychological upper hand.
Ironically, I think Mukuro would get along best with Shinohara out of the PNHS crew - Hana would have plenty of yummy stuff to eat, and Mukuro might actually get the chance to build her self-confidence a little.
This fic has totally ruined Mukuro's character for me. I just can't unsee her as this:
The nickname Makoto gave her doesn't help.

Unfortunately, with our Makoto it's also unlikely to happen.
Him and Yumika would get into it, since the two of them would both see through the others' mask but be unable to glean anything beyond that, so it'd be a bit of Spy-vs-Spy, probably ending in Makoto's favor because he has stronger allies.
Hey, Yumika knows people in Metropol Police! It'd be a draw! 👿

Obviously, DGR characters are exaggerated to almost comical proportions, so the newcomers would need a bit of a boost to fit in with the best. But it's kinda fun imagining PNHS crew as Ultimates and trying to think what their sheets would say under the new ruleset.
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Oh, fixed it! I see the image now.
This fic has totally ruined Mukuro's character for me. I just can't unsee her as this:
The nickname Makoto gave her doesn't help.

Unfortunately, with our Makoto it's also unlikely to happen.
Now now, you haven't really given him a chance. Maybe he's just bad at flirting?

Hey, Yumika knows people in Metropol Police! It'd be a draw! 👿

Obviously, DGR characters are exaggerated to almost comical proportions, so the newcomers would need a bit of a boost to fit in with the best. But it's kinda fun imagining PNHS crew as Ultimates and trying to think what their sheets would say under the new ruleset.
(spoilers below)
Well, Yumika might be able to give Jack a run for her money. Actually, that sounds like it could be a pretty badass horror flick, Freddy vs Jason style. Just need to give Yumika a reason to unsheathe her claws. Jack is pretty solidly support, stats-wise; serial killers don't need to be skilled at much besides stealth to an unreasonable degree to be stupidly successful, and Toko gives her *really* good cover. Yumika's probably not as good at fighting directly, but Jack's not used to dealing with other psychopaths, or women, so if Yumika brought out her yan, things could get complicated. Other than that she'd kind of be Sayaka-lite, so no big splashes.

Hana would be a silly Out of Context problem for everyone but Makoto and [redacted] who'd recognize it as an odd branch of what Planet does. Shinohara Hana is basically a human/mindworm hybrid, which would utterly terrify them. Unfortunately, Makoto's the type who kills things that scare him, with extreme prejudice. If he found out though that she wasn't malicious, she'd move from threat to resource.

Silas might be able to kick Mukuro's ass, if I'm reading the hints correctly. If Junko caught wind of that, which she very well might, she'd hit like a wrecking ball with the Despair stuff. LuciD would know more about how well that would go, but I'd guess it'd be in Junebug's favor. Everyone else would react to him about the same as they did the canon Makoto... Though Chihiro might develop a bit of a crush on him if he did something cool in between neurotic freakouts. She likes gap moe, even if she's not really mentally cool with being MtF and liking dudes. As much as she idolizes Taka and Mondo, they aren't her type as I'm running her. Wants to be protected, but also protect.

Big Sister would get [Redacted] hardcore though by [redacted]. [Redacted] Hunter Killer Algorithms are no joke. No firewall can stop one, since it's a memetic hazard. Chihiro might also be able to pull her apart, particularly with the help of Alter Ego. That'd be a lot more of an even fight.

And the PNHS Foundation would be laughably underprepared for anything Makoto or Junko could whip out. Junko would be mighty interested in those amnesiacs though...