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Ikusaba Quest [Danganronpa/???] - an Exodus story
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Ikusaba Mukuro. The Black Wolf of Despair. In those jagged jaws more than one thousand men met their end. What redemption remains for someone with an ocean of blood on their hands? And how does the mysterious, crimson-haired "Makoto Naegi" fit into it? (Crossover is Spoilers)
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Exodus, Part I


Leastmost of the Hanged Man Arcana
A/N: Before I begin, I want to post a WARNING.
This quest stars a character who begins in a very strong relationship (non-romantic, thank god) with someone who's best described as "the Joker with no Batman to reign him in and a particularly violent case of ADHD". As well, you're playing as the Ultimate Soldier, a professional killer. As such, there is undoubtedly going to be strong elements of gore, combat, and other such things, not to mention murder, sadism, and just general unpleasantness. Depending on how successful Junko is, a number of other possible triggers may be included as well. I have no intention of pulling punches beyond what's necessary to stay within forum guidelines, so if you have a strong trigger response, caution is strongly advised. With that said, Hope does tend to cancel out despair in the end, so don't worry about everything being grimdark or such. I'm not sure Junko can even pull off grimdark - she has a tendency to make even mass murder somehow... fluffy. Fucked up and disturbing, but fluffy.

TL;DR: This is rated R for a reason so this is your warning that there's some pretty nasty stuff in here.

"The mind sheathes itself in these symbols. The secrets of the human consciousness are concealed there. It is known among warriors that to know yourself and to know your enemy is victory; if this is held to be true, it then stands to reason that to know your enemies symbology, his memes and thoughts, is to know victory itself. There is and was never any enemy on any battlefield but mystery."

~General Mukuro Ikusaba

'Modern Battlefield Manual'

Fourteen Men: Seven Pillars. Red tides: Red Land. Oceans Crawl: Seas Boil. A Sphere: A Shattering. A Wave: Crests others. A Sphere: A Covering. Life: Boil. Fourteen Men: Fourteen Colors. A Woman: Her color is Dissent. A Shadow: Her color is Information. Stealth: Probing. Faith: A Mask. A Hunter: Not a Man. A Planet: A Garden. A Garden of Information: A Garden to Plant Faith. Growth: Ended. The End: Pruned. A Man: His color is Regret. A Nobody: His color is Rebellion. Papers: Plurality. Many: One. Unity: Broken. Strive Forward: Strive Back. Love lost: Life Lost. A New Love: A New Body: A New Life. The End: Pruned. A Thought: His color is Knowing. A Girl: Her color is Being. Silicon: Switches. Steel: Glass. Magnification: Rationalization. Polarization: Water or Thunder? Fractured: Unknown. The End: Pruned. A Lady: Her color Red. A Child: His color Manifold. Seas surge: Streets subsumed. Life: boils. Masses: Teeming. Many: Many: One. Secret: The End. Die Screaming: Live Utopiously. Monsters in Human Skin: Human Skin in Monsters. Nature: Drives Necessity. God: Awakens.

You wake up, and wonder if perhaps the airplane food wasn't as good as you thought. You knew you should have stuck to cold MREs.

On instinct, you immediately check your surroundings for threats. Next to you is a burly Russian man, but he's slumbering and hasn't made any untoward moves since he sat next to you hours ago. Likewise, the child behind you has done nothing more hostile than kick the back of your seat. The plane itself seems to be in one piece too, so if you were under any inclination to wonder if this day were the worst you've ever had, then you can rest assured that it's not. Kosovo sucked.

Threat Assessment complete, you take the time to relax before the plane begins its descent. Weird, schizo dreams aside, the airplane food is some of the best stuff you've eaten in weeks. You know that's not what normal people would probably rate it, but normal people didn't usually eat at mercenary dining facilities in-between post missions and scouting patrols. Normal people, you've started to notice, are not Mukuro Ikusaba.

You're not very pretty. One hundred sixty nine centimeters tall, fourty-four kilograms. Runner's build, with a relatively small bust and undefined but present muscles that make you too firm to the touch. You've got freckles all over your face, and your bob-cut doesn't do you any favors. As Junko has told you, when you re-established contact with your sister a little over a year ago now, guys don't want girls that can kick their ass. They want girls with big busts, no muscles, no blemishes covering their skin in tiny dark marks, or gross, thin eyes like a killer. They don't want black hair or simple, efficient haircuts, they want big boobed blondes with long hair that takes an hour to do, flawless porcelain skin and fashionable clothes. You tried to put on a suit (suits are fashionable, right?) but it doesn't seem to fit you quite right. Not as well as your dress blacks, anyway. Although the "keep your shoes from getting scuffed" rule is second nature to you by now.

The plane lands as you look meekly at your feet, thinking about your sister. You feel endebted to her, and so when she asked you to end all your ties with Fenris, your mercenary company, and join her at Hope's Peak Academy, you did so. You love Junko, and would do anything for her. Including...

Well, that doesn't matter now. The burly Russian is lifting himself from his seat, awakened from his doze by the jolt of the plane touching ground. Pleased to be free of the confining tube, he's impatiently waiting halfway in the aisle, giving you room to pull your small carry-on out from under your seat. Glancing at the contents, you note nothing out of order; good. You tuck the bag of MREs under your armpit and stand as the other passengers begin to file off the plane. It's a disorganized mess, and you bite back a bitter scowl at how these people conduct themselves. Of course, they aren't soldiers. Nobody's a soldier like you.

You're the Ultimate Soldier, apparently. That was the title you were granted at Hope's Peak, and likely how you will be remembered until you die in combat, if that ever occurs. Junko aside, though, Hope's Peak possesses a famously lavish firing range and armory, including weapons designed by Ultimates of all sorts, from Ultimate Blacksmiths creating combat knives to Ultimate Gunsmiths and their, frankly, pornographic levels of attachments and gadgetry. Some of it may have to be removed if you're to actually use the weapon as intended, but you intend to see, touch and feel everything you can get your hands on there. You'd killed for the opportunity, after all.

When you step off the plane, you're greeted by your sister, perched on top of a small pile of her own luggage. It seems she's just arrived as well, likely from Osaka, where she did most of her modelling work. The luggage pile itself qualifies as a small mountain, although purists may try to insist that mountains cannot come in leopard print. Unfortunately, Junko has proved them wrong, so if there are any geologists in the area, they are in despair. Just how she prefers it.

As fashionable as ever, Junko is wearing a heavy furred coat over a zebra-striped tight dress and thick stockings. A pair of sunglasses are perched on her head, and she's elected to go with the "massive pigtails" hair today.

You smile gently at her teasing narration as you approach.

"A ravishing young girl sits at the airport, waiting... Her name? Junko Enoshima." Junko narrates to herself, scribbling with a fingernail in a small notebook. "Just then, a familiar face... Yes, the other of the Despair Sisters... The Smelly One. Mukuro Ikusaba."

Junko likes to tease. When you meet in person, she's always trying to kill you, calling you out for your stench of gunpowder, trying to kill you, pointing out your flaws... You love her to death.

"Hey, Junko." You say. "I'm glad you waited and all, but... What's with the narration?"

"DUH, I'm narrating your shitty life! What's it look like I'm doing?!"


"A-fucking-Hem!" Junko huffs, and then begins anew. "Mukuro's clothing was an insult in physical form to every eye in the vicinity, but what else was new? As her beautiful and flawless sister, it was up to me to show her how not to be a massive fucking turd. The events of that day would one day turn around to bone the whole world... The... Most tragic, most despairful, most horrible events in human history..." Junko snaps her little book shut and hops off her luggage. "Whatever, I'm bored. Come on, slut, we've got a limo to catch."

"Of course, Junko."

The limo is large and luxurious. You've been in such vehicles before, but rarely with the chance to enjoy yourself. Picking out a champagne glass, you look for something to drink.

"There's no alcohol in the limo, dumbass, we're schoolkids! Jesus, are you an alcoholic now too?"

"Oh, no. I was just-"

"What the fuck ever. Get me a water from the cooler! In fact, get me two more bottles, two for drinking and one for washing the gross grease off the bottles when you're finished handing them to me!"

You obediently hand over three dimpled bottles of water, keeping one for yourself. You feel your face flush with the insults as Junko violently stabs an ice pick into the bucket next to her, following it with two bottles of water. True to her word, she's washed them off with the third bottles water. She flicks her hands to dry them off, specifically aiming the droplets at you.

"So fucking gross..." Junko bemoans, cracking open another bottle of water and filling her champagne glass. You sip your own water, savoring the cool purity of the liquid.

Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. Gasp. And then Junko grabs the ice pick. "You're looking uglier than usual today."

You block her stabs with precision. She's not really trying her hardest, but the impacts are hard enough to know she'd actually kill you if you didn't stop her. As it should be for Despair Sisters. "A-Am I?" You ask, blushing like a maiden.

"Do I look like a fucking liar to you? I've got six masters degrees in fucking like, everything. Yes, you're fucking awful!" The ice pick vanishes back into the bucket, while Junko snaps something out from inside her coat. Pulling the pin, she lazily tosses the grenade at you.

It's an M67. She's so cute sometimes when she's playing. And live too! You toss it out the window, where it explodes under a particularly unfortunate salaryman's car. "You're always right." You tell her, smiling softly.

"Damn right I am. Are you ready to start some Despair!?" Junko says, sitting back in her seat and crossing her legs. Her grin goes lecherously wide. "Oh man, I want to make a lot of new friends. I want you to make a lot of new friends. I want to get us both a boyfriend, and then I want to put them all in stocks while they're lowered feet first into some kind of giant blender! Slathered in lemon juice!"

"That sounds wonderful, Junko." You tell her honestly. Indeed, getting a boyfriend would be a huge step forward for you. You're not quite sure how you feel about putting him in a blender, but you're sure Junko would do it if you asked her to.

The limo stops outside of a massive edifice. The Academy is something of a block, giant brown buildings with crenelations looking not unlike the sawed stump of a once great tree. Windows line the sides of the building, giving it life and character, and inside you can occasionally see the moving figures of the students there.

"Wow, Hope's Peak Academy!" Junko exclaims, excitedly holding her cheeks while surreptitiously checking her surroundings with blue eyes. You step out and cautiously check the area; Junko is supposed to be a braindead fashionista, but as Ultimate Soldier you're free to be as cold and calculating as you want... Not that Junko really does "cold and calculating" all that often.

Still, there's almost nobody here. As your limo rumbles away, you're almost struck by how deserted the grounds are. The only other person you can see is the large man by the door to the academy, presumably the Head of Security, Juzo Sakakura. He notices your look and gives you an appraising once-over before inclining his head slightly. You return the guesture of respect, from one fighter to another, even if he is a sportsman more than a combatant. The Ex-Ultimate Boxer still isn't someone to mess around with.

The rumble of a car engine turns you around to look back towards the street. Junko is already looking into the front window of the vehicle with an odd expression on her face, but you can't see anything until he steps out.

He's tall, is your first impression. Tall, foreign, and with just the right amount of muscle on him. His red hair is cut short, but not too short, just enough to give color to his head. He's wearing a soft blue suit, almost a habit, and there's a necklace around his neck. It's blue as well, although a different shade, and it's comprised of two twisting blue gems that meet at both ends to form an oval, while in the center is suspended a bright green gemstone which glitters in the light. It's all hung off a humble bronze chain, and something about it oozes history. It can't distract from his rugged features though, his square jaw shaved clean, with a small smirk as he speaks with the person in the limo's driver seat. Red and Blue are at play in his face as well, his red hair and ruddy complexion contrasting his blue clothing and blue eyes. The only break from the pattern, besides the green gem in the necklace, is a small sigil on his shoulder. It's almost like an omega symbol, but there's some kind of small cross on the interior that you can't quite make out.

"It'll be fine, Seiko-san. As long as we stick to the plan, everything will turn out alright in the end... Yeah. Uh huh. Sure, I'll be careful. Go with God."

Something about this whole situation twinges at the back of your mind, but there's no hostility when he turns to face you and Junko and he's not smiling at you no way he's got to be smiling at Junko he's coming this way oh god.

"Hello, Ladies-" He begins, eyes still locked onto yours. Junko, peeved, interrupts him, snapping up at his hand and shaking it vigorously.

"Hey hey~! The name's Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Model! I don't know you yet, but you're pretty cute so I, like, hope that I do, soon!"

The foreigner is obviously preturbed, his smile turning slightly shaky as Junko vigorously shakes his hand. "Oh, yeah! I recognize you. You were in Teen-Angst 18 a year ago, I think. It was 'Second Prettiest Girl in the World', right?"

Junko's smile turns feral. "'Prettiest', actually." She says, allowing some edge to creep into her voice.

"Oh, I apologize. So then your friend here must be a recent development?" The Foreigner, in typical Gaijin fashion, utterly ignores the ocean of killing intent washing off of Junko to turn to you, extending a hand. "I don't believe we've been introduced. My name is Makoto Naegi. I'm afraid I'm just the Ultimate Lucky Student, nothing special, heh heh..." He rubs the back of his pretty head with one hand, ruffling his bright red, short hair.

"M-M-M-M-M-Mumfadadou." You tell him eloquently, debating if it would be more offensive to douse his hand in your palm sweat or ignore the offered hand.

Makoto laughs a bit, and grabs your hand himself, solving your dilemma and sending rivers of lightning down your spine. "You're going to have to-"

"She's Mukuro Ikusaba, the Ultimate Soldier." Junko interrupts again, smiling bloodily. "She's a professional killer, don'tcha know?"

Makoto doesn't flinch. "Ooh? You know, I saw a special once where I think they mentioned you. I knew I recognized you from somewhere! I never forget a pretty face." Makoto smiles benignly, making Junko scowl behind him.

You're not sure there was a special, but you're still to busy dealing with the taser your back's turned into. You're quite sure that your shoulders have started to hunch and your knees are shakier than the first time you were in combat, and you think the hand Makoto is gripping is also dripping sweat. And yet, he continues to smile that disarming smile at you...

"Oh, sorry!" He says, letting go. You have to use all your willpower not to lurch forward and grab him again. "I guess I'll head inside. If all the girls in class are as cute as you two, I'll feel pretty lucky!" He says, smiling at you both.

It seems to wash off Junko, who's openly scowling now as he turns and walks away. You can see her hand clenching and unclenching, as if wishing for an ice pick or a knife to drive into his back.

"There's something off about that guy." Junko says darkly. "His movements didn't match his appearance."

"I-I didn't S-see anything wrong..." You demur, still rattled from your encounter.

"It's not just that."


"Hey, Mukuro..." Junko asks slowly. "When did you record that special?"

The lightning is replaced with cold water.

[ ] "I... Don't recall."
[ ] "There was no special."
[ ] "...Are you jealous?"
[ ] LIE "It was some time ago..."
(Your JUNKO DEPENDENCY and SOCIAL MANEUVER rank prevent this option from being picked)
This game will be played pretty soft, as it's meant to be a mostly social quest with some action sequences. Rather than rolling and stats, I'm going to use a trait system. Certain traits can interfere with one another, lowering the opponents level 1:1. Ergo, whoever has the higher level has the advantage - but that doesn't mean they win. Particularly in social situations, there are multiple options and in most cases (depending on skill level, not all!) there is a path that will lead to the desired outcome. Skill makes this maze simpler or more difficult, and only in extreme situations makes an action impossible to succeed or fail. One such instance is Sakura Ogami, who has a trait which causes her to win every fight she's in. Period. End of story. Sakura Ogami does not lose melee combat.

You only have to manage two stats in this game, besides skills. One is Junko Dependency. This is unique to Mukuro, and measures her relationship with Junko. It begins at 100%, which is total attachment, and means that Mukuro simply cannot (or will not) turn down a direct order from Junko, regardless of the circumstances. As Junko Dependency lowers, your free will when Junko is around will also increase, until you no longer have negative effects from turning away an order from Junko. Unfortunately, actions which reduce Junko Dependency often come with a cost: Despair. Mukuro loves her sister, and Despairs to leave her alone again. Mukuro's a good girl and doesn't abandon family (twice)! Despair will also negatively effect your agency, but is far more significant in that it effects Mukuro's mood. While at 50% or below, Mukuro can still smile, laugh, and have fun. As it grows higher though, she will begin to withdraw, restricting social options and potentially worrying your classmates, who may feel the need to step in and prevent an action from occurring so that they can try to help you out of your depression. Depending on who they are, they might be successful, or might be total failures who just jack it up higher. If Mukuro reaches 100% despair, she becomes as Junko is, totally falling to Despair, and it's game over. However, the closer you get to 0% Despair, the more Mukuro will be able to find the courage to approach people, giving you opportunities to learn and upgrade your social skills. Going below 0% Despair can even move you into Hope territory!

So please do your best to reduce your Junko Dependency while managing your Despair! The next post is reserved for Character Sheets. Good luck!
Character Sheets
Class 78 (Freshmen)

Ikusaba Mukuro - The Ultimate Soldier


The current Ultimate Soldier, Sergeant Major of PMC and amoral money machine Fenris' 'Ragnarok Pack', First-Year of Hope's Peak Academy, and Lesser Despair Sister. Mukuro spent the vast majority of her short life in military training, being recruited by Fenris from her home orphanage at a young age. Skilled at combat, by largely useless in social situations.

  • COMBAT ANALYSIS – A: A superhuman capability to read opponents in combat. Only works with known variables and line-of-sight. At rank A, Combat Analysis allows you full access to all combat options and a fully accurate prediction of enemy movements (barring the interference of enemy skills).

    MARKSMANSHIP – B: An incredible ability to fire and utilized ranged weaponry such as guns and bows. At rank B, Marksmanship affords you access to many "trickshots" as well as a guarantee to hit any opponent (barring the interference of other skills).

    KNOWLEDGE (MILITARY) – C: An impressive knowledge of military affairs. At rank C, Knowledge (military) will give you extra information on the majority of world military and paramilitary forces, military procedures, and military organization.

    Junko Enoshima​

    Makoto Naegi​

    Sonia Nevermind, Sayaka Maizono, Kyouko Kirigiri​

    Kyouko Kirigiri?​

    Chiaki Nanami, Akane Owari, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Gundham Tanaka, Ibuki Mioda, Kazuichi Souda, Mahiru Koizumi, Mikan Tsumiki, Nagito Komaeda, Nekomaru Nidai, Peko Pekoyama, Ryota Mitarai, Ryota Mitarai (Imposter), Aoi Asahina, Byakuya Togami, Celestia Ludenberg, Chihiro Fujisaki, Hifumi Yamada, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Leon Kuwata, Mondo Owada, Sakura Ogami, Toko Fukawa, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Hajime Hinata​

    Teruteru Hanamura, Saionji Hiyoko​


  • Faction interplay has not yet begun... For you.

    DESPAIR: ???%

Enoshima Junko - The Ultimate Analyst


The current Ultimate Fashionista, Ultimate Analyst, and self-proclaimed Ultimate Despair. Despite affecting a brainless air at times, Junko is actually a skilled manipulator and one of the smartest individuals on the planet. She is not to be underestimated under any circumstances, and she is notoriously fickle.

  • GENERAL ANALYSIS – A+: A superhuman ability to analyze things. Only works with known variables and line-of-sight. At rank A+, Junko is capable of analyzing, at will and on the fly, anything within line of sight, instantly coming to an understanding of the capabilities and mechanics of that object (barring interference of enemy skills). Furthermore, upon detailed examination, skill interference of less than rank A will be negated. Operates as rank A Analysis of any type and can interfere with any skill at will.

    FASHION – A: A superhuman ability to color-coordinate. At rank A, Junko's clothing is so chic and on fleek that she passively gains the benefit of rank D Social Maneuver.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – A: A superhuman ability to negotiate social situations. At rank A, Social Maneuver allows Junko access to all social actions and allows her to effortlessly persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

    CONSTRUCTION – A: A superhuman ability to construct and build. At rank A, no construct is impossible for Junko to build, given the correct materials. Junko also can construct rank B and lower constructs with a large discount in material costs.

    MEMETICS – D: A vast knowledge of Memetics and their nature. At rank D, Junko can occasionally craft memes, boosting her Social Maneuver and Empath (push) skill by the level of the meme. Rank D memes can be beaten by any higher meme, or negate rank D memes.

  • Junko is the Leader of the DESPAIR faction.

Kirigiri Kyouko - The Ultimate Detective


The Ultimate Detective and scion of the Kirigiri family. Kyouko was born into the business of solving crimes and proving guilt, a task at which she excels beyond all others. The Kirigiri clan is secretive, and it's an open secret that they look upon Kyouko with distain for being open about her profession.

  • INVESTIGATION – A: A superhuman ability to investigate or discover. At rank A, Kyouko is capable of discerning the most minute movements of an individual by examining the area they occupied. At rank A, this skill is not impeded by natural factors. When interference occurs, Kyouko will be notified of the interference, with a small chance of discovering the culprit.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – -E: A subpar skill at negotiating social situations. At rank -E, Social Maneuver will lock out some avenues of social manipulation and make Kyouko slightly vulnerable to social manipulation.

  • Kyouko's faction affiliation is unknown.

Sayaka Maizono - The Ultimate Pop Sensation


The Ultimate Pop Sensation, internationally famous J-pop Idol and actress, and possible clairvoyant. A childhood friend of someone who she believes is being impersonated by Makoto Naegi. Sayaka has played side roles in multiple movies and television shows, and released 6 albums as well as a hit single piece. Credited with singlehandedly destroying the South Korean pop scene, gangnam style.

  • MUSICALITY (SINGING) – B: An incredible singing ability. At rank B, Sayaka's singing is so angelic that it qualifies as a rank D meme, able to suggest emotional states and thought patterns onto the mind of anyone who hears her.

    MUSICALITY (INSTRUMENTS) – B: An incredible instrument playing ability. At rank B, Sayaka is so skilled at playing that it qualifies as a rank D meme, able to suggest emotional states and thought patterns onto the mind of anyone who hears her.

    MUSICALITY (DANCING) – B: An incredible dancing ability. At rank B, Sayaka is so skilled at dancing that it qualifies as a rank D meme, able to suggest emotional states and thought patterns onto the mind of anyone who sees her.

    LYING – C: An impressive capability to lie. At rank C, Sayaka is capable of second-level lies under certain circumstances, and her first-level lies are totally convincing so long as the target lacks contradictory information.

    MEMETICS – E(ex)?: A natural gift for Psionics allows Sayaka occasional glances into the minds of others. At rank E(ex), this talent is uncontrolled. This skill is in question, and may not be real.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – C: A impressive ability to negotiate social situations. At rank C, Social Maneuver allows Sayaka access to a plurality of social actions and allows her to more easily persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

  • Sayaka's faction affiliations are unknown.

Ogami Sakura - The Ultimate Martial Artist


The Ultimate Martial Artist, and hardcore arena fighter. Sakura's body is a mass of solid muscle, and her unusual height and build can sometimes cause confusion as to her gender. Sakura possesses the heart of a dependable friend and pure maiden, however, and is fiercely loyal.

  • COMBAT ANALYSIS – EX: Sakura Ogami never fails a combat encounter. Run while you still can!

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – D: A vast ability to at negotiating social situations. At rank D, Social Maneuver allows Sakura to choose many social options, allowing for more flexible socializing.

  • Sakura's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Asahina Aoi - The Ultimate Swimmer


The Ultimate Swimmer, and probably the Ultimate Bubbly Personality as well. Hina seems to have infinite reserves of happiness and good cheer, as well as a fierce competative streak and a respect for strength in all forms.

  • SWIMMING – A: A superhuman ability to swim. At rank A, Hina is unrivaled in the water by any unaugmented human. She can also spend three times the normal length of time underwater without undergoing oxygen deprivation, and rolls at an advantage to stunning when underwater. This skill synergizes with Combat Analysis, increasing CA's level by one half rank per rank of Swimming when underwater.

    CHARISMA – E: An above average ability to influence and convince. This skill is granted to attractive characters without a rank in Social Maneuver, and can act as Social Maneuver of equivalent rank.

  • Hina's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Naegi Makoto - The Ultimate Lucky Student?


A mysterious young man who is sometimes oddly mystified by modern technology. Regardless, he carries the title of Ultimate Lucky Student, won in a drawing where no winning tickets were printed. He seems to have a strong religious bent, and is unusually strong for a supposedly average student.

  • SOCIAL MANEUVER - ??: Makoto Naegi has some level of Social Maneuver, but you do not yet know his limits. To learn his limits, they must be surmounted.

    LYING – A(ex): A superhuman capability to lie. At rank A(ex), Lying is impossible to detect without the consent of the liar or an A rank Analysis ability relevant to the lie. Due to special training, this ability is exempt from interference from Junko Enoshima.

  • Makoto is affiliated with an unknown faction.

Fukawa Toko - The Ultimate Writing Prodigy


The author of "So Lingers the Ocean", a best-selling romance novel that famously made fishermen the most attractive profession for the past year. Despite her genre choice, Toko has the look of a woman who's never known a man, and smells strongly of human filth and, strangely, blood.

  • CHARISMA – -E: An below average ability to influence and convince. This skill is granted to unattractive characters without a rank in Social Maneuver, and can act as Social Maneuver of equivalent rank.

    WRITING – A: A superhuman writing capability. At rank A, Toko's written word has the effect of a rank C meme if read fully. Characters with a Memetics or Writing skill equal to rank C can notice and choose not to be effected by the meme. Characters with lesser amounts of skill will read avidly and be effected by the meme.

  • Toko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Fujisaki Chihiro - The Ultimate Programmer


As the Ultimate Programmer, Chihiro is naturally skilled at computers. She's also a terribly shy and diffident girl, managing to surpass even Mukuro herself in stutters-per-minute. Strangely, she seems to have gotten along well with Mondo Owada, who considers the frail girl a close friend.

  • HACKING – A: A superhuman ability to crack digital encryption. At rank A, no amount of digital defenses can prevent Chihiro from extracting information from a computer system.

    COMPUTER SCIENCE – A: A superhuman knowledge of computer systems. At rank A, Chihiro is capable of coding and designing fully sapient AI and any other program.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – -E: A subpar skill at negotiating social situations. At rank -E, Social Maneuver will lock out some avenues of social manipulation and make Chihiro slightly vulnerable to social manipulation.

  • Chihiro's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Owada Mondo - The Ultimate Biker Gang Leader


The hulking boss of the Crazy Diamonds biker gang, and Ultimate Biker Gang Leader. Mondo is loud, brash, and unrelentingly masculine, making him unsurprisingly popular with girls who don't really know him that well. Interestingly, he's become quick friends with Chihiro Fujisaki, as well as Kiyotaka Ishimaru.

  • COMBAT ANALYSIS – E: An above average capability to read opponents in combat. Only works with known variables. At rank E, Combat Analysis allows Mondo to predict the nine most likely enemy movements, and access to some combat options (barring the interference of enemy skills).

    LUCK – E: An above average streak of luck. At rank E, situations involving luck will more often come out in Mondo's favor, unless opposed by an equal or greater Luck skill.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – D: A vast ability to negotiate social situations. At rank D, Social Maneuver allows Mondo access to a extra choice of social actions and allows him to more easily persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

    RIDE – A: A superhuman ability to operate automotives and mounts. At rank A, Mondo is capable of preforming superhuman feats while riding a mount.

Ishimaru Kiyotaka - The Ultimate Moral Compass


Grandson of the late Toranosuke Ishimaru, Taka has dedicated his life to the eradication of corruption and rulebreaking in all it's forms. While a terribly annoying individual, it is often difficult to argue with Ishimaru, due to his rigid and unwavering commitment to rule-keeping.

  • COMBAT ANALYSIS – E: An above average capability to read opponents in combat. Only works with known variables. At rank E, Combat Analysis allows Taka to predict the nine most likely enemy movements, and access to some combat options (barring the interference of enemy skills).

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – C: A impressive ability to negotiate social situations. At rank C, Social Maneuver allows Taka access to a plurality of social actions and allows him to more easily persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

    KNOWLEDGE (MILITARY) – D: A vast knowledge of military affairs. At rank D, Knowledge (military) will give Taka information on the major groups of world military and paramilitary forces, military procedures, and military organization.

    KNOWLEDGE (POLITICS) – C: An impressive knowledge of political affairs. At rank C, Knowledge (politics) will give Taka information on the major movers and shakers in the political sphere, and contacts within the Japanese government, and some information and contacts outside of Japan. When interacting with political figures, Taka gains an extra rank in Social Maneuver.

  • Kiyotaka's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Yamada Hifumi - The Ultimate Doujin Author


The Ultimate Doujin Author, Hifumi is a rotund young man who is determined that the world accept his art, pornographic as it may - or may not! - be. His first and last love is Pudgy Princess Piggles, a pink mahou shoujo character aimed at young children. He is shockingly polite for an otaku, and resolutely uses a formal way of addressing others.

  • CHARISMA – -E: An below average ability to influence and convince. This skill is granted to unattractive characters without a rank in Social Maneuver, and can act as Social Maneuver of equivalent rank.

    ARTISTRY – A: A superhuman ability to create artistic works. At rank A, Hifumi is capable of crafting visual memes that act at rank D, and is capable of recognizing and connecting art styles to individuals with amazing precision.

    WEIGHT – D: This character is unusually heavy.

  • Hifumi Yamada's faction affiliation is unknown at this time. Assumed to be none, as he cannot fit through the door.

Ludenberg Celestia - The Ultimate Gambler


A professional liar and gambler given the title of Ultimate Gambler for her exploits. Celeste is not only incredibly lucky, but also a skilled liar. Her demeanor is very dignified and high-class, but sometimes stands at odds with her predatory comments and obviously selfish nature.

  • LYING – A: A superhuman capability to lie. At rank A, Lying is impossible to detect without the consent of the liar or an A rank Analysis ability relevant to the lie.

    LUCK – C: An impressive streak of luck. At rank C, situations involving luck will often come out in Celeste's favor, unless opposed by an equal or greater Luck skill.

Togami Byakuya - The Ultimate Affluent Progeny


CFO of Togami Industries, a multinational corporation with fingers in every pie, since age eleven, Togami is a consumate business man and egotist. Rumors of all sorts about around the Togami family, but Byakuya in particular is famed for openly and publicly selling refrigerators to Inuit natives in Alaska, and parkas to Brazilian natives deep in the Amazon.

  • FISCAL DOMINATION – A: A superhumanly large bank account. At rank A, Byakuya Togami has access to a functionally infinite sum of liquid capital.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – C: A impressive ability to negotiate social situations. At rank C, Social Maneuver allows Byakuya access to a plurality of social actions and allows him to more easily persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

    COMBAT ANALYSIS – E: An above average capability to read opponents in combat. Only works with known variables. At rank E, Combat Analysis allows Byakuya to predict the nine most likely enemy movements, and access to some combat options (barring the interference of enemy skills).

    FASHION – D: A vast ability to color-coordinate. At rank D, Byakuya's clothing is quite chic , and he passively gains the benefit of rank E Social Maneuver in some situations.

    KNOWLEDGE (ECONOMICS) – A: A superhuman ability to predict the market. At rank A, Byakuya knows in advance one full week of market activity on the macro scale, and can plan accordingly.

    KNOWLEDGE (MILITARY) – D: A vast knowledge of military affairs. At rank D, Knowledge (military) will give Byakuya information on the major groups of world military and paramilitary forces, military procedures, and military organization.

    KNOWLEDGE (POLITICS) – D: A vast knowledge of political affairs. At rank D, Knowledge (politics) will give Byakuya information on the major movers and shakers in the political sphere, and contacts within the Japanese government.

    HATRED - E: A strange hatred has infested Byakuya's very soul, and he lashes out randomly. This trait rarely knocks Social Maneuver down one rank, without warning.

  • Togami is CFO of Togami Corporation, a one-time Steel production corporation who's product line expanded over time to include cars, computers, chemicals, and many other things. Togami's single-minded pursuit of personal profit prevents him from joining other factions, meaning he will always be a Togami affiliate.

Kuwata Leon - The Ultimate Baseball Star


The Ultimate Baseball Star, who has rejected his title in favor of pursuing a musical career. Kuwata is a fickle young man, the typical teenager, and doesn't often seem to know exactly what he wants to do with his life. Prone to assessing situations unrealistically, Kuwata is regardless a fit young man who is full of cheer.

  • SPORTS (BASEBALL) – A: A superhuman ability to play a sport. At rank A, Leon hits nothing but homeruns. When a baseball bat is present, Leon gains the effect of rank D Combat Analysis, Lockpicking, and unlocks special Social options.

    MUSICALITY (INSTRUMENTS) – E: An above average instrument playing ability. At rank E, Leon is skilled at playing multiple instruments, and can make a roll to attempt to create a rank E meme.

    MUSICALITY (SINGING) – -E: An incredible singing ability. At rank -E, Leon's singing is so terrible that he can cause mild headaches and discomfort to those who hear him.

    CHARISMA – E: An above average ability to influence and convince. This skill is granted to attractive characters without a rank in Social Maneuver, and can act as Social Maneuver of equivalent rank.

  • Leon's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Hagakure Yasuhiro - The Ultimate Clairvoyant


The eldest member of class 78 and the oldest non-staff at Hope's Peak Academy, Yasuhiro Hagakure won his place as the Ultimate Clairvoyant by successfully predicting that the HPA scout would have their wallet stolen before they left the building. A con-man by need, and idiot by nature, Yasuhiro is often found begging for money to pay back his debts and reparations.

  • FISCAL DOMINATION – -D: A paltry bank account. At rank -D, Yasuhiro is severely in debt, and may take odd actions at inopportune times.

    FOOL – D: A vast lack of knowledge. At rank D, this character receives the debuffs of rank -E Social Maneuver, Knowledge (Politics), Knowledge (Military), Knowledge (Economics), Knowledge (General), Knowledge (Science), Computer Science, Common Sense, and Combat Analysis. This skill also acts as Luck rank E, and causes Yasuhiro to be immune to memes of lesser rank than his Fool skill.

  • Yasuhiro's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Class 77 (Juniors)

Nanami Chiaki - The Ultimate Gamer


A sleepy "pro gamer" and current Ultimate Gamer at Hope's Peak Academy. Her lazy mood and tired expression are because she often stays up too late playing video games. Her skills are prodigious and varied, although she seems to have learned most of them from games, making her actual talents hard to discern.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Chiaki's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Owari Akane - The Ultimate Gymnast


Skilled acrobat and gymnast Akane Owari is a slum girl who's made her name as a three time olympic medalist before reaching the age of majority. Her rough exterior is only matched by her equally rough and rather quite gravelly interior. The only thing she likes more than climbing new heights is reaching new heights of pleasure through eating.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Akane's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko - The Ultimate Yakuza


While not technically the head of the Kuzuryu clan, Fuyuhiko is the scion of the family and heir apparent for the underworld throne the clan owns. As the Ultimate Yakuza, Fuyuhiko has already led his clan to great wealth and prosperity. Despite the seedy nature of his work and talent, Fuyuhiko is surprisingly fair and even gentle... At least until he becomes upset. Don't mention his height or babyface.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Fuyuhiko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Tanaka Gundham - The Ultimate Animal Breeder


Self-proclaimed warlock, Dark Devil of the 18 and a Half Hells, Blood-Cryptomancer of the Shadow League of Shadows, and Ultimate Animal Breeder, Gundham Tanaka manages to be one of the most colorful personalities at a campus dominated by them. A full-time Chuunibyou, Gundham is always accompanied by his four hamsters: San-D, Jum-P, Maga-Z, and Cham-P.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Gundham's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Saionji Hiyoko - The Ultimate Traditional Dancer


The Ultimate Traditional Dancer, Hiyoko is an eminently childish young woman. Possessed of a petite stature and build, and abused as a child by demanding parents, Hiyoko is a shockingly crass and rude girl who exults in causing pain to others, mostly as a shield to keep herself from further harm.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Hiyoko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Mioda Ibuki - The Ultimate Rock Star


Rock on! Ibuki Mioda is a cheerful girl, one utterly unassailable by, like, despair man! Despite, or maybe because of, her music being mostly death/scream metal fusion, Ibuki is actually a perpetually happy girl with not a care in the world. Flaunting her petite body for all it's worth, Ibuki enjoys adoration from her many fans with an innocent vigor, well deserving her title of Ultimate Rock Star.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Ibuki's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Souda Kazuichi - The Ultimate Engineer


A deiselpunk nerd and Ultimate Engineer, Kazuichi is one of the least fortunate individuals at Hope's Peak Academy. He's desprately in love with three things: Sonia Nevermind, his Hot-rod, and his dream of building a rocket and venturing into space. His hair is a dyed pink, and his teeth are filed to fine points, but Kazuichi is a typical, gentle young man.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Kazuichi's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Koizumi Mahiru - The Ultimate Photographer


The Ultimate Photographer, and self-reportedly one of the most normal students at Hope's Peak Academy. Despite her self-depriciation, Mahiru is an incredibly skilled photographer, producing pictures for publications as widespread as National Geographic from the tender age of seven years old. A staunch traditionalist, Mahiru can be harsh on men who don't meet her strict standards of masculine conduct.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Mahiru's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Tsumiki Mikan - The Ultimate Nurse


The Ultimate Nurse, Mikan is a very diffident girl, apologizing at the drop of a hat, and often beyond. Mikan is often wrapped in bandages due to her frequent pratfalls, which often leave her in sexually compromising positions. Mikan is a dutiful Nurse, capable of preforming almost any medical procedure to perfection.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Mikan's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Komaeda Nagito - The Ultimate Lucky Student


The Ultimate Lucky Student of the Second-year selection. Nagito is a self-depreciating individual, considering himself nothing special and wholly unfit to sit amongst his comrades. However, his incredible talent often puts his actions at odds with his own assessment. Nagito's luck is special and obvious, with his wants and desires almost never going unfulfilled, however, egregious use of his good luck almost always casts misfortune upon others, further trampling his self-esteem.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Nagito's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Nidai Nekomaru - The Ultimate Personal Trainer


Nekomaru Nidai is the Ultimate Personal Trainer, responsible for the training of multiple athletes who were at one time or another up for consideration as Hope's Peak students. Although none of his students made the cut, Nekomaru did, as his talents in training were eventually discovered and presented to the board. A large man, Nekomaru is a boundless source of testosterone-fueled energy, getting along well with Akane Owari.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Nekomaru's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Pekoyama Peko - The Ultimate Swordswoman


Ultimate Swordswoman by title, Pekoyama is actually a trained assassin for the Kuzuryu Clan. However, as Ultimate Swordswoman, Peko is able to put her skills to use bodyguarding the young Kuzuryu scion - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu. With such a skilled martial artist on his side, could the young Kuzuryu be truly untouchable?

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Peko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Mitarai Ryota - The Ultimate Animator


The Ultimate Animator only because it sounds better than "Ultimate Recluse", Ryota is one of the most prodigious and talented individuals at the academy - and almost nobody knows him. Striking a deal with the Ultimate Imposter, Mitarai spends his days and nights working on an anime he's designing to bring the Ultimate Hope to any who see it.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Hostage of the DESPAIR faction

Mitarai Ryota - The Ultimate Animator?


The Ultimate Animator only because it sounds better than "Ultimate Recluse", Ryota is one of the most prodigious and talented individuals at the academy - and almost nobody knows him. Striking a deal with the Ultimate Imposter, Mitarai spends his days and nights working on an anime he's designing to bring the Ultimate Hope to any who see it.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Imposter Ryota's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Nevermind Sonia - The Ultimate Princess


Sonia Nevermind, Firstborn Princess of the Novoselic Kingdom, Heir apparent to the Duchy of Plotsk, Duchy of Novoselia, Duchy of Harksk, Countess of Justines, Grodny, Novoselia, and Gradovostok, Lady of Ceremonies for the House of Nevermind, Lieutenant Commander of the 45th Novoselic Armored Battalion, Vice-Commander of the 3rd Novoselic Tank Corps, and accomplished markswoman and orator.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Sonia's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Hanamura Teruteru - The Ultimate Cook


Accomplished chef Teruteru is technically the Ultimate Cook, not the Ultimate Chef, but he prefers the latter title. While his cooking skills are fantastic, as befits an Ultimate Student, Teruteru is in the terrible habit of perving on any living thing in sight. Not even the chilly tomboy Mukuro Ikusaba is free of his predations. However, Teruteru is quite kind if his advances are ignored or tolerated.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Teruteru's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.


Umesawa Aiko - Ultimate Cosplayer


Somewhat childish and naive, Aiko is nonetheless a valued member of class 76-A, the Senior class of Hope's Peak Academy. A slight girl, Aiko has brown hair and a rare case of heterochromia, giving her a fairly unique appearance. An expert in cosplay, Aiko can drive life into even the most remote events with her stunning costumes and character acting.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Aiko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

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"It is known among warriors that to know yourself and to know your enemy is victory; if this is held to be true, it then stands to reason that to know your enemies symbology, his memes and thoughts, is to know victory itself. There is and was never any enemy on any battlefield but mystery."
War has changed.
"Oh, I apologize. So then your friend here must be a recent development?" The Foreigner, in typical Gaijin fashion, utterly ignores the ocean of killing intent washing off of Junko to turn to you, extending a hand.
The alarm bells are ringing. I do not recall Makoto being half as smooth!

[x] "There was no special."

Oh wow, a second Danganronpa quest, and from Karnewarrior, no less. At this point I feel like I am obligated to follow it.
Was it in the works for some time, or is it a spur of the moment decision?
Not sure what to make of the crossover, though, but I suppose there is a reason it's hidden. So I'll ask this instead - at what point will it be revealed, or at least could be reasonably guessed?

Interesting choice for a stat system. We have a lose condition, but it's the 'winning' one I am most curious about.
SOCIAL MANEUVER – -E: A subpar skill at negotiating social situations. At rank -E, Social Maneuver will lock out some avenues of social manipulation and make you slightly vulnerable to social manipulation yourself.
"M-M-M-M-M-Mumfadadou." You tell him eloquently, debating if it would be more offensive to douse his hand in your palm sweat or ignore the offered hand.
Sounds about right.
FASHION – A: A superhuman ability to color-coordinate. At rank A, Junko's clothing is so chic and on fleek that she passively gains the benefit of rank D Social Maneuver.
Wait, if Junko has Social Maneuver at A, why would she ever need passive benefits from outside sources?
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The alarm bells are ringing. I do not recall Makoto being half as smooth!
He certainly was not!

Oh wow, a second Danganronpa quest, and from Karnewarrior, no less. At this point I feel like I am obligated to follow it.
Was it in the works for some time, or is it a spur of the moment decision?
Not sure what to make of the crossover, though, but I suppose there is a reason it's hidden. So I'll ask this instead - at what point will it be revealed, or at least could be reasonably guessed?
Thanks. I'll try to make it worth your while.
This storyline has been ruminated upon for a small while, yes, but making it a quest was relatively spur-of-the-moment. Originally it was going to be a fanfiction following... Well, not Mukuro. Then I realized that it would work just as well story-wise as a quest if the players were to play Mukuro, and doing so might help me bridge a few gaps between the scenes I had thought up. The real "point" of it all is the crossover, after all, and the struggle that results. Mukuro is a focal point without having so much agency as to send the whole plot careening over the cliff with a whisper.

As far as when that will be revealed... That will probably be up to you. If you don't figure it out by the killing game, things will become obvious very quickly. What I will say is that there are three chessmasters, but one is mistaken about who's being played against, one doesn't know they are playing at all, and one is (unwisely) regarding the third side as irrelevant.

It could be guessed... Right now! But I'd be very, very surprised. I checked with my IRL friends, and the hints are very well hidden.

Interesting choice for a stat system. We have a lose condition, but it's the 'winning' one I am most curious about.
You're free to determine your own win condition. Kill Junko, Cast the world into Despair, Convince Souda to build you a rocket and take you on a romantic date to the Moon, smash Sexy!Makoto, Kill Sexy!Makoto, read the two books in your bag from front to back (that one would be really good), whatever you'd like!
Wait, if Junko has Social Maneuver at A, why would she ever need passive benefits from outside sources?
Junko's A+ Analysis means she can get skills to A pretty trivially with the right sources. She's much the same as in canon, so fashion appeals to her. In fact if you'd like you can be present for all the Junkoisms from the anime! Enoshima Enoshima, Yass Queen!
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Exodus II
"There was no special." You say dully, staring at "Makoto"'s back. His broad, broad ba-

"Pay attention you whore!" Junko snaps. You flinch slightly.


"Whatever. So if there wasn't a special, how did he know you?"

"I do not know... If he was with Fenris, I never saw him." You say honestly, again looking towards the foreigner, but by now he's vanished through the doors, leaving no trace behind besides an oddly thoughtful look on Sakakura's face.

Glancing at her, you notice Junko's eyes start to flick back and forth in a familiar fashion as she analyzes the scene. The baby blue orbs snap between Sakakura, the road, the doors, and the place where Makoto was standing. "Didn't leave any hairs behind..." She mutters, examining the sidewalk with a cool expression. "Doesn't know Bigboy over there... That limo was expensive but not enough that I could really narrow down who owns it..."

"It sounds like the only lead we have, though." You tell Junko, who straightens and shoots you a disgusted look.

"Shut the fuck up, real people are thinking... Hmm... If we don't have the evidence," Junko says, a cruel smile on her face, "Then we should make some evidence! Congrats, smelly, you just got a new mission!"

"R-really?" You say, blinking.

"R-really!" Junko says, mocking you with a spot-on impression of yourself with severe brain damage. "I know all you're good for is killin' people, but apparently he's some kind of fucking pervert. SO!" Junko brings her fists up to her cheeks, mushing her face together slightly like a child looking at a puppy as another car rumbles up the road. "Your mission is to get close to Naegi-tan, and rip his little pervy heart to shreds! Aah~!"

The car door opens behind you, so knowing how vital infosec is you simply nod in acceptance before turning around.

The thing that emerges is difficult to place. It's wearing a school uniform, a female one, but at the same time it's muscles are far more developed than even yours are. Brawny and burly, with a square chin and meaty jawbone.

Ah, this is Sakura Ogami then. She says something to the individual in the car, who you can't see much of but is obviously equally huge, before bowing deeply and shutting the door as the car drives away. The famous martial artist turns to you and Junko.

"Whassup?" Asks Junko before Ogami can get a word out. "You're Ogami, right?"

Ogami blinks in surprise for just a moment before smiling slightly and speaking. Her voice is like gravel under car tires. "I am her, yes. I recognize you as well, Junko Enoshima." Ogami bows deeply. "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Like, no need to be so formal!~" Junko giggles, but bows back. "We're totally classmates now!"

"I suppose that's true." Ogami says calmly, smiling a bit deeper. then she turns to you. "I'm afraid I don't know you, however. Sakura Ogami, Ultimate Martial Artist." She extends another meaty hand towards you.

"Mukuro Ikusaba, Ultimate Soldier. I'm her sister." You say, adding a bit of artificially military clip to your tone, but offsetting it with a slight smile of your own. Reaching out, you grasp Sakura's hand and tighten your grip as much as you can. Ogami's eyes widen slightly, and something in her grin becomes more natural as you feel her own grip tighten. You stand there, each testing each other's strength, before you flinch ever so slightly and Sakura releases you, looking at you approvingly.

"I see. I'm glad to see another warrior at this school."

"Likewise. I actually studied some of the Ogami school of Martial Arts during my time in Fenris." You tell her, pleased to meet someone worth talking to besides Junko. "I never progressed beyond a Red belt."

Ogami smiles at that. "That's an appreciable rate, for someone as young as we. Considering what other training you must have had, that is quite impressive."

"I'm glad you think so."

"Ohmigawd, I think I'm going to die of dehydration." Junko butts in, fanning herself. "I'm gonna head inside and get some water."

Sakura blinks but nods, and Junko spins on a heel (how she does that in actual heels, you don't even know) and vanishes inside, saying something to Sakakura as she passes that makes him start before flushing red and glaring at her. You relax as he fails to move from his spot, though.

"You are protective of your sister." Sakura observes.

"Yeah." You admit. "I apologize for her rudeness, Sakura. She has no taste for combat." Technically true. Junko isn't so much interested in the thrill of the fight as she is the hunt, or possibly the skinning and butchering and taxidermy, depending on how long the subject is alive for and how many relatives she can show the corpse to.

"That is fair." Sakura says, a slightly surprised tone in her voice confusing you before you realize you moved to her first name. You open your mouth to apologize, but Sakura shakes her head, smiling slightly. "I look forward to our future conversations, Mukuro, however I believe we are soon to run late for the entrance ceremony."

You shiver slightly, a foreign and alien but slightly enjoyable feeling settling over you. If you weren't keeping so many black secrets... You probably would have just made a friend.

Poor Sakura.

Most of the student body arrives almost exactly on time to the Entrance Ceremony, which irks you slightly. Not quite as much as the slightly staggered and haphazard lines they fall into, which actually make your eye twitch even as you assure yourself they are civilians and thus shouldn't be held to your razor-edge standards. The Principle, Jin Kirigiri, stands up on the stage and pontificates on the meaning of Hope, nearly putting half the students to sleep, but eventually he moves aside to announce the new students.

With Hope's Peak being so individualistically bent towards cultivating the very best in multiple, widely varied fields, the opening ceremony stopped being a chance to build a homey, unified culture in the school and became something more of an introduction of Kouhai to their Senpai. The new students are to, individually, be brought up onto the stage, their accomplishments listed like royalty, and each new student (there were never more than twenty-two in a class, and one new class per year of Ultimates) would be given the chance to speak individually and briefly address their new classmates and exhibit their personality. In this way, everyone was given at least one impression of every other Ultimate in the school, greatly speeding the forming of relationships and cliques which often lasted into the outside world, and possibly assisted in the cultivation of talents with the use of outside techniques. An Ultimate Chef and Ultimate Chemist may, becoming friends, both provide tips and oblique manners of thought to each other that would assist in the creation of new dishes and chemicals, or an Ultimate Rock Star and Ultimate Pop Sensation would collaborate on a new form of music that could drive the entire industry in a new direction for decades.

Your class is almost entirely Japanese, it seems, which while hardly unheard of is slightly unusual. Hope's Peak does have foreign campuses, but they're infrequently as large or well funded. However, it seems in recent years the administration has lowered foreign recruiting budget, as yours and (from what you've seen) your directly senior class both have only one foreigner each, perhaps less if Miss Ludenberg's heritage is as Japanese as her features suggest. Still, Japanese or not Ultimates are rarely to be scoffed at, no matter how "soft" the talent. So you pay attention to the introductions.

Leon Kuwata, Ultimate Baseball Star. He consistently runs his hand through his hair, as if he's not used to it being as long as it is, and boldly declares his lack of desire to play baseball while here. Instead, he claims, he wants to be the Ultimate Rock Star, causing a couple titters and an exited "Ooh!" behind you, which is quickly shushed. Besides you, Junko smiles, a plan obviously cementing itself in her mind.

Celestia Ludenberg, Ultimate Gambler. She strikes you as aloof and haughty, with an undercurrent of hatred. And if you spotted that undercurrent, it must have seemed a river to Junko. Her speech is mostly about how she's rich and famous for being a gambler, which is patently obvious to anyone with eyes, and overall she strikes you as a greedy person. You resolve to interact minimally with her - this sort of person makes for a very poor teammate indeed.

Hifumi Yamada, Ultimate Doujinshi. As he approaches, he seems like your typical meek nerd, but when he opens his mouth he's anything but. His entire speech is predicated on the basis of exposing anime and doujinshi as an art medium to the world. He proudly presents his most recent accomplishment and manages to announce that he intends to read it to all of you before, despite a single high pitched male voice behind you seeming interested, Yamada is pulled offstage by a teacher and promptly reprimanded about public decency.

Mondo Owada, Ultimate Biker Gang Leader. Owada is large, being the only person in your class to even approach Sakura Ogami in terms of physical stature, but your trained eye determines that his training is lacking. Unsurprisingly, Owada is mostly bluster and show, giving a loud speech that essentially amounts to "I intend to be male and loud about it" that you've heard multiple times before. To his credit, there is a stirring element in there, but he's hardly threatening compared to Sakura. You suppose he would be the third best combatant in your class, judging by their looks.

Sakura Ogami, Ultimate Martial Artist. Having already met her, nothing comes as much of a surprise to you, but you mentally record it regardless. Sakura's speech is tight and formal, but warm - matching what you know of her. She ends her speech with a deep, perfectly formed bow, and is the first person from your class to gain applause.

Junko herself goes next. She announces herself as the Ultimate Fashionista, which causes Principal Kirigiri and a teacher in a fedora (you believe he is the official head of the scouting department) to quirk eyebrows. They say nothing, however, and Junko never mentions her actual title: Ultimate Analyst. You check your classmates, but from their backs you can garner no sign if they noticed the teacher's response to Junko's title or not. It's not technically against the rules to lie about one's title, and in any case Junko is the most qualified for the position, so you imagine little will come of this, as Makoto scratches innocently at his chin.

Eyes drawn as if by magnets again, you watch Makoto summit the stage. As he reaches the top, the foreigner smiles wide, perfectly straight white teeth coming out like floodlights in the bright gymnasium light. His red hair shines in the light, and he spreads his arms wide, like a preacher.

"Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Lucky Student." Says Miss Chisa Yukizome, apparently the homeroom teacher of one of the older classes.

"Thank you, Miss Yukizome." Makoto says humbly, bowing to her perfectly. She bows back, blushing slightly. Then Makoto turns back to the stage.

"'There are two kinds of progress: the methodical experimentation and categorization which gradually extend the boundaries of knowledge, and the revolutionary leap of genius which redefines and transcends those boundaries. Acknowledging our debt to the former, we yearn, nonetheless, for the latter.'" He says, as if quoting. "This school is known for and works towards causing and encouraging those leaps of genius. And you are those geniuses; I'm honored to be among you, because while I consider myself to be intelligent, possibly even a genius myself if I'm feeling prideful, I can't help but notice the sort of person I'm surrounded by. Driven, determination-filled, hopeful young men and women, selected because they had a talent above and beyond those of anyone else on the Planet." He emphasizes the 'hopeful', smiling wider as Junko flinches, although he wasn't looking at her. "Meanwhile, I got in because I got lucky... I suppose that is a talent, in a sense, but it's not one I ever had to work towards." His smile fades as he says this, replaced with a expression of regret. "In a way, I feel like I didn't earn my opportunity to be here, like many of you - but rest assured, I am not in Despair." Junko flinches again.

Makoto continues, raising a fist. "God has seen fit to give me this opportunity to come here and be among people who are not my equal. I don't deserve it, not as I am now, but if the rest of you have entered this academy on your determination and hard work, it is my determination and hard work that will get me out of it. I do not intend to leave this school the Ultimate Lucky Student. By your blessing, my classmates, I would hope that when it is finally time to leave this school building once and for all, to finally graduate, I will leave here with an Ultimate title of my own. I thank you all for the opportunity to learn from the grandmasters of their own trades, and I thank you all for being so accepting as to take someone like me among your number, and help me become something I could never have without this opportunity. Thank you."

Makoto finishes his speech with another bow, and you find yourself caught up in the sea of clapping that arises in its wake. Junko's eyes are narrowed, and she doesn't bother reprimanding you, instead glaring at Makoto as if he had personally insulted her. Which, technically, was true; Junko's whole being is Despair, after all, and that speech was all about Despair being swept aside in favor of Hope.

You barely pay any attention to the next few students, but you do notice one thing. The blue haired girl, who is announced as Sayaka Maizono, Ultimate Pop Sensation, is looking strangely at Makoto as she's taken on stage next. The large foreigner simply smiles benignly and mouths something to her, to little effect until she's behind the podium. From there, the Pop Star in Maizono takes over, and she presents a good, if somewhat canned speech.

Chihiro Fujisaki, Ultimate Programmer. Petite, shy, and apparently deathly funny to Junko, who nearly dies holding in laughter you can't source. Her "speech" is almost nothing but stammering and shivering, and eventually she's ushered off stage after a comment from the same high-pitched voice from earlier shocks her with it's vulgarity and freezes her like a rabbit.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Ultimate Moral Compass. Judging from his loud, rules-bound personality, he's not only going to be the entire student council on his own once he's a third year, but the ethics committee, disciplinary committee, and student-teacher advocate, again all on his own. Certainly, if he's in any one of those groups, nobody else is going to want to be there; Owada already looks like he wants to knock Ishimaru through a wall. Even without Junko's help, this kid is a dead man.

Then comes an interesting name. Kyouko Kirigiri is introduced as the Ultimate Detective, Miss Yukizome shooting a snide smile back at Principal Kirigiri, who's features are stoically controlled. Short and to the point, Kirigiri the younger pays her (Father? Uncle? Cousin?) relative little heed, instead choosing to address the rest of the class with a short, clipped monologue that tells you very little about her. She is apparently estranged from much of her family, and while she obviously notices everyone's eyes sweep right to the principal's seat, she shows no sign of it besides a flick of her violet eyes and a very slight clenching of her jaw. Her eyes lock with Junko's for a moment, and narrow slightly, looking her over as if confused, but she continues her speech apace and eventually both the speech and evaluation end uneventfully.

Toko Fukawa is introduced as the Ultimate Writing Prodigy, as a concession to the Ultimate Author two years your senior, who apparently didn't want to change his title to "Ultimate Science Fiction Author" and share with the thin girl. You're aware of this because Toko, in her speech in front of the entire school, grumbles about it. Despite being all skin and bone, Fukawa is incredibly hostile, lashing out like a cornered rat at anyone or anything that mildly irritates her. Judging from the expression Miss Yukizome makes when she passes, she also carries quite the scent.

Byakuya Togami you already know, as Ultimate Affluent Progeny. The Togami Corporation has many interests, and multiple times has been either friend or foe to you on missions in wartorn territories. In Russia and the Novoselic Kingdom in particular, two regions with many valuable natural resources and equally filled with strife and illegal weapons, you've found yourself hired by or opposing elite teams of corporate toadies. A microcosm of the Togami Corporation in a human being, Byakuya embodies everything you've come to know about the Togami name. He's cold, aloof, unforgiving and harshly efficient, quickly asserting his superiority. Fukawa seems enamored, but the majority of your classmates seem rather less impressed. You can appreciate his cold efficiency, but much like your new team-mates you seriously doubt there will be any opportunity for friendship with the young man.

He couldn't be more contrasted by Aoi Asahina, the Ultimate Swimming Pro. Asahina is bubbly and energetic, bouncing about the stage and drawing every male eye in the room with her smooth brown curves. You have to grit your teeth, because while you're somewhat jealous and wish she would stop flaunting, you can't find it within yourself to hate this girl. She seems to be made entirely out of sugar; sweet and full of energy. Her speech shows her to be something of an airhead, at least, and while she's obviously muscled she doesn't move with any danger at all, showing her to be nothing more than a sportswoman... Or, rather, a sportsgirl. She quickly bounds off the stage, and while she does get applause, it's almost exclusively male.

Then a Man takes the stage. A grown man. Yasuhiro Hagakure is introduced, begrudgingly, by Miss Yukizome as the Ultimate Clairvoyant. He brags for a couple of minutes about his thirty percent accuracy rate, which you're pretty sure is actually really terrible, then makes a incredibly transparent attempt to beg for money, before he spots someone behind you and freezes.

There's a tense moment.

Then: "Yeah, I recognize you, you dumb piece of shit." Snaps someone from behind you angrily. Noticing everyone else turn to look, you let your discipline break and turn as well.

There, standing in front of a blonde girl (Sonia Nevermind, Ultimate Princess, you recall, and postergirl for the Novoselic Kingdom's recruitment campaign), is a short young man with a frustrated expression and his hands in his fine suit pockets. "The School's cleared you of your debt, so you better be fuckin' thankful I don't have any obligation to pull off your fingernails." He continues, eliciting a yelp from the grown man onstage and a satisfied nod from the grey-haired girl beside him. "Well, what the fuck are you all lookin' at me for?! Get on with it, we got lunch!"

You turn back to the stage, stifling your amusement behind a unreadable mask. Yasuhiro doesn't bother continuing his speech, instead running off the stage to stand stock still in his place as Miss Yukizome calls up the next student... You.

You turn a smart about-face, coming face to face with the grey-haired girl, before stepping smoothly out of line and marching to the side of the block of students. From there, you turn and make your way quickly to the stage, nodding as you pass Miss Yukizome and coming to a halt behind the podium. You stand there at parade rest for a second, calming your nerves, before you start your own initiation speech.

[ ] "My name is Mukuro Ikusaba, Ultimate Soldier. Prior to this assignment I was Sergeant of an elite paramilitary group known as Fenris..." (give a neutral speech, emphasizing your talent and accomplishments.)

[ ] "Er... Hi. I'm Mukuro Ikusaba. I'd like to get to know you all, and I'm glad to be here at the behest of my sister, Junko Enoshima..." (give a diffident speech, emphasizing your inner desire to be more sociable and expressing hope) +5% Despair, -5% Junko Dependency, Junko will dislike this.

[ ] "I'm pleased to meet all of you. As the Ultimate Soldier, I've been involved in numerous high stress situations, and I look forwards to seeing you all in such talent-honing crucibles as we forge ourselves..." (give a spooky speech, emphasizing your lethality and possibly frightening your classmates) -5% Despair, Junko will like this, Your Classmates may avoid you.

[ ] Write-in (variable effect)


Normally, you would gain Junko Dependency on the third option, but since you're already maxed on that....

Feel free to ask questions. I'm an active GM, and I'll be back right after dinner. :D
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[X] "I'm pleased to meet all of you. As the Ultimate Soldier, I've been involved in numerous high stress situations, and I look forwards to seeing you all in such talent-honing crucibles as we forge ourselves..." (give a spooky speech, emphasizing your lethality and possibly frightening your classmates) -5% Despair, Junko will like this, Your Classmates may avoid you.

I honestly would suggest something that's a nice blend of spook and adorkable, but I don't have any bright ideas.

Please tell me we have a navy seals equivalent joke for Moku.
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[X] "I'm pleased to meet all of you. As the Ultimate Soldier, I've been involved in numerous high stress situations, and I look forwards to seeing you all in such talent-honing crucibles as we forge ourselves..." (give a spooky speech, emphasizing your lethality and possibly frightening your classmates) -5% Despair, Junko will like this, Your Classmates may avoid you.
[X] "I'm pleased to meet all of you. As the Ultimate Soldier, I've been involved in numerous high stress situations, and I look forwards to seeing you all in such talent-honing crucibles as we forge ourselves..." (give a spooky speech, emphasizing your lethality and possibly frightening your classmates) -5% Despair, Junko will like this, Your Classmates may avoid you.

We need to lower our despair.
"Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Lucky Student." Says Miss Chisa Yukinome, apparently the homeroom teacher of one of the older classes.

"Thank you, Miss Yukinome." Makoto says humbly, bowing to her perfectly.
Uh, Ms. Yukizome? Your 'z' has tipped over.

[x] "My name is Mukuro Ikusaba, Ultimate Soldier. Prior to this assignment I was Sergeant of an elite paramilitary group known as Fenris..." (give a neutral speech, emphasizing your talent and accomplishments.)

There, standing in front of a blonde girl (Sonia Nevermind, Ultimate Princess, you recall, and postergirl for the Novoselic Kingdom's recruitment campaign), is a short young man with a frustrated expression and his hands in his fine suit pockets. "The School's cleared you of your debt, so you better be fuckin' thankful I don't have any obligation to pull off your fingernails." He continues, eliciting a yelp from the grown man onstage and a satisfied nod from the grey-haired girl beside him. "Well, what the fuck are you all lookin' at me for?! Get on with it, we got lunch!"
I don't think this was in the original game. Is any of this going to be relevant?
We seem to have some time before the Tragedy. I assume getting under every student's skin is what Junko will be doing for the foreseeable future, so I suppose it might be a part of that.
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[X] "I'm pleased to meet all of you. As the Ultimate Soldier, I've been involved in numerous high stress situations, and I look forwards to seeing you all in such talent-honing crucibles as we forge ourselves..." (give a spooky speech, emphasizing your lethality and possibly frightening your classmates) -5% Despair, Junko will like this, Your Classmates may avoid you.

Edit: Anyone knows who Makoto is? He's definitely not the usual one we know
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Uh, Ms. Yukizome? Your 'z' has tipped over.

I don't think this was in the original game. Is any of this going to be relevant?
We seem some time to go before the Tragedy. I assume getting under every student's skin is what Junko will be doing for the foreseeable future, so I suppose it might be a part of that.
Unfortunately, the Z was knocked over by the sheer force of Makoto's dazzling smile. It's been righted, and Chisa should have her proper name back.

As for the debt... It was in the original game. Recall that everyone had their minds wiped prior.
And yes, there's about 1-2 years left in the plan before Junko intends to set off the Tragedy. There's going to be no few timeskips during the school year though, mostly focusing on significant events rather than y'all going to class every day. Depending on who's plan contacts whos, schedules may need to change, however.
Exodus III
"-was the only survivor from the 43rd​, but the mission was complete, and the neurotoxin was safely requisitioned and returned to the owner. So, ahem, all is well that ends well. For the living."

You think perhaps you've made an error in your judgement.

You lost yourself somewhat in old, haunted memories. That sort of thing accumulates, as a soldier, particularly as a mercenary, even for someone like you who's never really been bothered by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Even if the memories of rotting corpses and stagnant battlefields, of trenches of blood and shot and pain, don't bother you in your sleep, you still have them. But, perhaps, you consider, as you blink and clear them away to look at your classmates, they aren't an appropriate topic for a school commencement ceremony.

At least Junko seems to like it, being the only one to applaud as you shrivel coming down off the stage. At least you have her - Junko and you are attached. Teammates. Partners. Sisters. She'll never turn on you. (-5% Despair)

You march back to position self-consciously and try to ignore the small bubble of space, the only people willing to even stand near you and not shuffle away being Junko, Makoto, and Aoi, the latter of which seems to be not so much her strength in the face of grisly doom as her current internal meltdown. You can almost see the small balls of fire floating around her dead expression and thousand-yard stare. Can someone get secondhand PTSD? You're pretty sure that's not how mental trauma works, right?

"Well..." Jin Kirigiri says, taking the podium again. "That was... Enlightening. I think we've all gotten a good idea of our classmates' personalities from this. Now, those of you in upper grades may recall this, but don't be a stranger just because of a little age gap. We encourage you to get to know and work with your Senpai: for this reason, elective classes beyond your usual talent-training exercises are not class differentiated. Please don't just treat this as a normal school - get to know each other, and network. You might notice your talent, or another talent you didn't know you had," Principal Kirigiri glances meaningfully at Kuwata, "extends further than you could ever have dreamed if you just have a little help."

Togami huffs, but hangs his head in deferrence. The rest of your class seems slightly exited, Aoi already bubbling back up and eyeing Sakura Ogami with interest.

"Now, normally there would be a short break between now and first period, which has been changed to homeroom for the rest of the short-day, but, uh, it seems Miss Ikusaba put us over the time limit..."

There's a collective groan from your senpai behind you.

"Aww, man, but I wanted to talk to the firsties!"

"If I let my Virtual Villagers sit that long, though, they'll starve..."

"Feh, figures. Guess you won the bet, Komaeda."

"Oh, it's nothing, really. Just some luck, ehheheheheh."

"W-what about my cosplays?!"

"And here I thought attending would be worth the time."

Jin scowls. "Quiet! You are all dismissed. Be in homeroom on time and we won't have to care about what you do between here and there."

There's a rapid thudding of feet as everyone turns around (you twitch, but manage to avoid doing an about-face). You and Junko trail after a small girl in a kimono and tall boy with flyway grey hair and a manga in his hand, stopping just outside the gymnasium doors.

"Nice speech, Martin Luther King~." Junko teases, smiling like a shark smelling blood in the water. "I think you nearly killed Bubbles for a second there."

"O-oh." You say, taking Junko's nicknaming in stride and connecting 'Bubbles' to Aoi. "Um... Good."

"Ha!" Junko scoffs, wildly marching off towards your homeroom on the ground floor. "I mean, don't flatter yourself, stinky. You just got lucky." Her grin vanishes, and mirth dies in her tone, all in the span of a breath. "Speaking of, your new boyfriend's a weirdo."

"H-he's not-" You stutter, blushing furiously.

"Shut up, I'm talking here!" Junko snaps. "Anyway, there were some really weird bits in that speech."

"L-like what?"

"Like the weird fucking way he said 'Planet'. 'Planet'."

You shrug as Junko tastes the word over again. You can't see anything odd about it.

"And either he didn't lie, not once, or he has no tells."

"You're the smart one." You tell her diffidently. If Junko thinks he was being completely honest, then... "So he's just a happy person?"

"No, idiot, he's- Oh, hi-hi~! What was your name again?" Junko cuts herself off as a darkly dressed girl approaches you. Celestia Ludenberg, you recall her full name being.

"Celeste is fine." Ludenberg says primly, as if it's of little consequence what people call her. She smiles, tilting her head slightly. "I noticed you were discussing Mister Naegi's... Odd speech."

Junko twitches a bit, but her anger doesn't show. "Oh, you heard that, did you? Sorry, I-"

"I concur. There were no tells of a lie at all during that speech. It is very strange... And wholly unnatural."

Junko's fake, plastic smile fades into a more serious grin, one that comes from the black heart inside her. "So I was right, then? You're the Ultimate Gambler, so you would know, right?" Oh, you see.

Masks, Junko told you once, for most people were one-off affairs. Someone pretends to enjoy their job, but right underneath, they're crying over their shattered dreams. Someone pretends a baby is cute, but really they think it's ugly. Some people, clever people, get the idea to double-blind, and wear two masks. One to hide their fake feelings, and one to hide their true selves. But like plans, the more layers the more difficult the charade. Two masks is double the mental upkeep of one - if it's a good one, it must be upheld at all times. Three masks, however, is quadruple the strain to keep. Four, octuple. After that, Junko began using words you assume refer to numbers, but you don't know.

Junko is one of the only people you know of who wears four masks, constantly. The bubbly barbie-girl on the surface, the clever fashionista underneath, the wanna-be villain underneath that, and then finally the legitimately threatening Junko that hides her unending love of pure Despair beneath. Junko had discovered that removing masks was a good way to earn trust, from certain people, at least the trust that there were no more lies left. And so she had many, for the sole purpose of pulling them away when she wanted something.

Junko has peeled back her first mask and given a peek at the third. And true to form, Junko's knowing smile is met with a reserved knowing smile of Celeste's own. The gambler looks in the mirror, and sees the opponent she expected to find, hiding in just such the way she expected.

"So it would normally seem." Celeste confides in Junko, strolling lazily along the hall as the warning bell for first period plays through the speakers. "But I worry. Everyone has tells."

"Not I!" Junko says confidently. Celeste chuckles slightly, a dark sound.

"Oh? You are so sure... Then it must be true. Still, I worry. This Makoto Naegi... He is not like any opponent I have faced at the table. Be wary of him... and if you would relay to me any odd discoveries, I would appreciate it. Friends?"

"Friends~!" Junko says, smiling widely and "letting" her first mask slip back into place as you approach homeroom. The two girls shake hands, and Junko allows Celeste first entry into the classroom before pulling you aside and rubbing her hands all over your blouse, leaving behind barely visible smears of white powder.

"Fucking nasty skank, at least splurge on the good mascara for your 'Twilight' cosplay!" She hisses, too quiet to be heard by anyone but you.

"P-please don't-"

"Shut the fuck up and help me clean this off my fingers before I start to turn into a sunlight-fearing goth too!" Junko snaps. Obediently, you start to rub your blouse against her fingers.

"So. No tells." Junko says as you vigorously scrub the last traces of Celeste's mascara off her fingertips. "I was right of course. Still..."

"It's not normal."

"No, it's definitely weird. Pay attention to him, Mukuro. We might have to kill him earlier than the plan says."

You nod grimly. No mission plan survives contact with the enemy, after all.

Junko cannot analyze what she cannot know

"Hello Hello! I am Tooru Kamikawa, your homeroom teacher for this year! Previous to this, I was teaching the third years, but Miss Kuji's absence this year and subsequent replacement with Miss Yukizome has resulted in something of a switch up. It's the same track every year, so since you have me, that means next year you will have Miss Yukizome, and then finally Mr. Kizakura. No need to remember those names for now, though; they probably won't matter much this year."

Junko leans backward in her chair, obviously bored by the tiny man's careful routine.

Your homeroom teacher, Mr. Kamikawa, looks dour, being short and inclined to dark clothing with a slouch, but as you noticed the minute he opened his mouth, his personality is anything of the sort. In fact, he even goodnaturedly made a show of picking up and carrying a stool to behind the podium, so that the top of his bald head could be seen past the lectern.

"Now, just to let you get to know me a little: I attended this very academy as the Ultimate Skydiver, although I'm afraid that recently I haven't had the time to dive very often. I began teaching here four years ago, and since then, as I've said, I've taught the Second Year. I'm very much looking forward to working with you all as your Homeroom Teacher. Now, the school keeps good track of this, but I want to keep my own record; I'm passing out worksheets to each of you for you to write your schedule down in. After that, I'll let you get to socializing - after all, I would want to know my very interesting Ultimate Classmates too! Ahem, erm, Miss Maizono?"

Maizono slides easily out of her seat and takes the sheaf of papers waving languidly over the top of the lectern with a slightly amused smile. She begins walking around the class, handing out papers.

"Now, just in case you aren't aware - though I hope you are - Hope's Peak uses Homeroom to cover all the general courses, and then allows you two periods of 'exercise' for your particular talent to be honed by special tutors in special classrooms that have been designed just for you. For example, Miss Maizono, one of our music rooms has been refitted as a studio specifically for your use. Not that I can guarantee Miss Mioda will actually stay out, but it's there for you."

Maizono shoots the dwarf a bright smile. "Thank you!"

"Don't mention it. Anyway, both exercise periods and Homeroom are fixed, with the rest are electives you'll share with the more general student body. These electives are meant to help you widen your experience pool, so to speak, so I hope you have all chosen accordingly - Miss Maizono?"

Maizono straightens, wiping her furious look off her face quickly. "Sorry, Sensei..."

"That was my fault, I'm afraid. We're old... acquaintances." Makoto says smoothly from his seat, patting Maizono on the arm. the blue-haired girl pulls back like she was just touched by a cockroach. "We'll work it out in a bit, Sayaka-chan. Don't worry."

Sayaka glares again, but bites back her retort and goes back to handing out the papers.

"...Right. Anyway," Mr. Kamikawa says, perplexed. But he forges on. "I hope you've all chosen the proper electives. Ideally, it's something you're interested in that's outside of your usual 'circles'. I can tell you from experience that I wasn't expecting Acoustics to actually help me become a better skydiver, but I was able to actually get some very good information out of the subject alongside some lifelong friends. Miss Yukizome, I know, is still friends with Mr. Sakakura, our Head of Security - and no doubt his boxing expertise has effected her Housekeeping."

"Huh? How's that make sense?" Owada bursts out, looking up from his worksheet, which is covered in an untidy scrawl.

"I never said I knew how!" Chirps Mr. Kamikawa cheerfully. "But I do know that the story is told time and again over the whole history of Hope's Peak. Don't get bogged down in your talent; expand and explore, and maybe you'll find something in another field that will utterly change the way you see your own self!"

Maizono finally makes it to you, and passes you a sheet. Nodding, you take it from her without a word, and begin to fill it out.

(Elective classes may be added to the schedule. Elective classes will determine the frequency and type of random events over the course of the school year, and will potentially allow Mukuro to gain relevant skills in that field. Elective classes will also determine who will be more frequently in contact with her - for example, Aoi Asahina will be taking the Martial Arts course. Most electives also take place in Talent Honing rooms, as a budget-saving measure, which means you can also get some personal tutoring from a relevant Ultimate. Some include other bonuses, usually to offset the fact that they are less powerful with the RNG [nobody can teach Mukuro to shoot better, she just enjoys it, so she won't form as many relationships]. You can only choose three, so be careful to balance long-term strategy, short-term strategy, and pleasure, because if Junko's plan progresses, there WILL NOT be a second year.

Some of the choices may seem appropriate, some may not. Remember that electives are a chance to increase your field of view, so some students may take courses simply because it's so out of character for them normally, and others may have ulterior motives... After all, electives mean they get to meet their senpai and kouhai too. Some electives are not shown, because Mukuro simply finds them so dis-interesting or distasteful: for example, physics, or gymnastics.)

Home Period: HOMEROOM

First Period: HOMEROOM

[ ] Second Period:
-[ ] Engineering (Kazuchi Souda, Chihiro Fujisaki, ???)
-[ ] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)
-[ ] World Religions (Makoto Naegi, Gundham Tanaka, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
-[ ] Neurology (Yasuke Matsuda, Junko Enoshima)
-[ ] Cooking (Teruteru Hanamura, Mahiru Koizumi, Ryota Mitarai?)
-[ ] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)
-[ ] Tailoring (Aiko Umesawa, Sonia Nevermind, Ryota Mitarai?)
-[ ] Gym (Nekomaru Nidai, Sakura Ogami, Mondo Owada)
-[ ] Swimming (Aoi Asahina, Peko Pekoyama, Mahiru Koizumi)
-[ ] Dance (Hiyoko Saionji, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Nekomaru Nidai)
-[ ] Game Design (Chiaki Nanami, Aiko Umesawa, Chihiro Fujisaki)
-[ ] Music (Leon Kuwata, Sayaka Maizono, Ibuki Mioda)
-[ ] Drama (Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Junko Enoshima)
-[ ] Martial Arts (Aoi Asahina, Sakura Ogami, Sonia Nevermind)
-[ ] Criminology (Kyoko Kirigiri, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)
-[ ] Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale (Teruteru Hanamura, Mikan Tsumiki, random effect every turn)
-[ ] Business & Finance (Byakuya Togami, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
-[ ] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)
-[ ] Art (Hifumi Yamada, Aiko Umesawa, Makoto Naegi)
-[ ] Creative Writing (Toko Fukawa, Hifumi Yamada, Nagito Komaeda)
-[ ] Automotives (Mondo Owada, Kazuichi Souda, Ibuki Mioda)

[ ] Third Period:
-[ ] Engineering (Kazuchi Souda, Chihiro Fujisaki, ???)
-[ ] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)
-[ ] World Religions (Makoto Naegi, Gundham Tanaka, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
-[ ] Neurology (Yasuke Matsuda, Junko Enoshima)
-[ ] Cooking (Teruteru Hanamura, Mahiru Koizumi, Ryota Mitarai?)
-[ ] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)
-[ ] Tailoring (Aiko Umesawa, Sonia Nevermind, Ryota Mitarai?)
-[ ] Gym (Nekomaru Nidai, Sakura Ogami, Mondo Owada)
-[ ] Swimming (Aoi Asahina, Peko Pekoyama, Mahiru Koizumi)
-[ ] Dance (Hiyoko Saionji, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Nekomaru Nidai)
-[ ] Game Design (Chiaki Nanami, Aiko Umesawa, Chihiro Fujisaki)
-[ ] Music (Leon Kuwata, Sayaka Maizono, Ibuki Mioda)
-[ ] Drama (Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Junko Enoshima)
-[ ] Martial Arts (Aoi Asahina, Sakura Ogami, Sonia Nevermind)
-[ ] Criminology (Kyoko Kirigiri, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)
-[ ] Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale (Teruteru Hanamura, Mikan Tsumiki, random effect every turn)
-[ ] Business & Finance (Byakuya Togami, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
-[ ] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)
-[ ] Art (Hifumi Yamada, Aiko Umesawa, Makoto Naegi)
-[ ] Creative Writing (Toko Fukawa, Hifumi Yamada, Nagito Komaeda)
-[ ] Automotives (Mondo Owada, Kazuichi Souda, Ibuki Mioda)


Talent Honing

Talent Honing

[ ] Sixth Period:
-[ ] Engineering (Kazuchi Souda, Chihiro Fujisaki, ???)
-[ ] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)
-[ ] World Religions (Makoto Naegi, Gundham Tanaka, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
-[ ] Neurology (Yasuke Matsuda, Junko Enoshima)
-[ ] Cooking (Teruteru Hanamura, Mahiru Koizumi, Ryota Mitarai?)
-[ ] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)
-[ ] Tailoring (Aiko Umesawa, Sonia Nevermind, Ryota Mitarai?)
-[ ] Gym (Nekomaru Nidai, Sakura Ogami, Mondo Owada)
-[ ] Swimming (Aoi Asahina, Peko Pekoyama, Mahiru Koizumi)
-[ ] Dance (Hiyoko Saionji, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Nekomaru Nidai)
-[ ] Game Design (Chiaki Nanami, Aiko Umesawa, Chihiro Fujisaki)
-[ ] Music (Leon Kuwata, Sayaka Maizono, Ibuki Mioda)
-[ ] Drama (Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Junko Enoshima)
-[ ] Martial Arts (Aoi Asahina, Sakura Ogami, Sonia Nevermind)
-[ ] Criminology (Kyoko Kirigiri, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)
-[ ] Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale (Teruteru Hanamura, Mikan Tsumiki, random effect every turn)
-[ ] Business & Finance (Byakuya Togami, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
-[ ] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)
-[ ] Art (Hifumi Yamada, Aiko Umesawa, Makoto Naegi)
-[ ] Creative Writing (Toko Fukawa, Hifumi Yamada, Nagito Komaeda)
-[ ] Automotives (Mondo Owada, Kazuichi Souda, Ibuki Mioda)

~Please remember not to duplicate your electives!~

With that done, you turn to your classmates. Most of them are still scribbling, which means you have an opportunity... To observe, or lance forward.

[ ] "observe" (chicken out)
[ ] Talk to:
-[ ] Kyouko Kirigiri
-[ ] Makoto Naegi (-5% Junko Dependency, ???)
-[ ] Byakuya Togami
-[ ] Toko Fukawa
-[ ] Yasuhiro Hagakure
-[ ] Sakura Ogami and Aoi Asahina (conversation interrupt)
-[ ] Hifumi Yamada
-[ ] Hirotaka Ishimaru
-[ ] Chihiro Fujisaki
-[ ] Mondo Owada
-[ ] Leon Kuwata
-[ ] Sayaka Maizono


If you're here despite not playing Danganronpa and don't recognize most of the names, that's fine. In a sense, this whole first school year is an extended form of character generation, while also laying down plotlines and expanding on precisely what kind of Mukuro Ikusaba is being played. If you're not new to Danganronpa and don't recognize names, the same applies; I've shuffled a couple of side characters to the front, or rather, someone in-universe is including them in their plots where before they weren't as important. Some are from the Light Novels, and some are from the Anime.

Hopefully I've included enough interesting combinations of characters that there's some interesting choice here. Sonia in particular is really branching out this year, and of course Teruteru makes any combination of characters into something "interesting" (ie a fucking disaster, :V)! The ??? in Engineering and the Firing Range represents a mystery character in both cases. Those with a very good grasp of the characters may have an idea on who's popping by where they oughtn't.
[X] Second Period:
-[X] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)

[X] Third Period:
-[X] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)

[X] Sixth Period:
-[X] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)

[X] Talk to:
-[X] Makoto Naegi (-5% Junko Dependency, ???)
[X] Second Period:
-[X] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)
[X] Third Period:
-[X] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)
[X] Sixth Period:
-[X] Art (Hifumi Yamada, Aiko Umesawa, Makoto Naegi)
[X] Talk to:
-[X] Makoto Naegi (-5% Junko Dependency, ???)
[X] Second Period:
-[X] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)

[X] Third Period:
-[X] Criminology (Kyoko Kirigiri, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)

[X] Sixth Period:
-[X] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)

[x] Talk to:
-[x] Kyouko Kirigiri
Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Aug 11, 2018 at 7:00 AM, finished with 9 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Second Period:
    -[X] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)
    [X] Third Period:
    -[X] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)
    [X] Sixth Period:
    -[X] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)
    [X] Talk to:
    -[X] Makoto Naegi (-5% Junko Dependency, ???)
    [X] Second Period:
    -[X] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)
    [X] Third Period:
    -[X] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)
    [X] Sixth Period:
    -[X] Art (Hifumi Yamada, Aiko Umesawa, Makoto Naegi)
    [X] Talk to:
    -[X] Makoto Naegi (-5% Junko Dependency, ???)
    [X] Second Period:
    -[X] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)
    [X] Third Period:
    -[X] Criminology (Kyoko Kirigiri, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)
    [X] Sixth Period:
    -[X] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)
    [X] Talk to:
    -[x] Kyouko Kirigiri
    [X] Second Period:
    -[X] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)
    [X] Third Period:
    -[X] Criminology (Kyoko Kirigiri, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)
    [X] Sixth Period:
    -[X] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)
    [X] Talk to:
    -[X] Makoto Naegi (-5% Junko Dependency, ???)
    [X] Third Period:
    -[X] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)
    [X] Second Period:
    -[x] Drama (Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Junko Enoshima)
    [X] Sixth Period:
    -[x] Martial Arts (Aoi Asahina, Sakura Ogami, Sonia Nevermind)
    [X] Talk to:
    -[x] Kyouko Kirigiri
    [X] Second Period:
    -[x] Drama (Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Junko Enoshima)
    [X] Third Period:
    -[X] Criminology (Kyoko Kirigiri, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)
    [X] Sixth Period:
    -[x] Martial Arts (Aoi Asahina, Sakura Ogami, Sonia Nevermind)
    [X] Talk to:
    -[x] Kyouko Kirigiri

Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Aug 11, 2018 at 7:01 AM, finished with 9 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Aug 11, 2018 at 7:01 AM, finished with 9 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Aug 11, 2018 at 11:46 AM, finished with 9 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Aug 11, 2018 at 11:47 AM, finished with 21 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Aug 11, 2018 at 1:22 PM, finished with 22 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Aug 11, 2018 at 4:13 PM, finished with 24 posts and 7 votes.
Last edited:
[X] Second Period:
-[X] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)

[X] Third Period:
-[X] Criminology (Kyoko Kirigiri, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)

[X] Sixth Period:
-[X] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)

[X] Talk to:
-[X] Makoto Naegi (-5% Junko Dependency, ???)
Well, two classes are easy. We want to check out keep an eye on Makoto, and want to know people who apparently have connections to him. That means Sayaka Maizono. Byakuya Togami is definitely a huge plus, so Psychology gets locked.

[X] Third Period:
-[X] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)

That leaves Music, Drama and Speech, and looking at our stats, the latter wouldn't go amiss.
Still, I quite like the star setup of Ultimate Drama Queens, so!

[X] Second Period:
-[x] Drama (Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Junko Enoshima)

Seems like I am fated to vote for it no matter the universe... :|
The last one is tough. No particular preferences here, but the Firing range sounds a bit lonely. Why must the Best BiriBiri Kirigiri share the class with Ishimaru, of all people? And Dance is taken by him, too? Grrr... (can we give Junko an idea for murder schedule?)

I'll take the class with Asahina in it so that we didn't feel too bad about Junko being the smart one. And Sakura was regarded as a potential friend as well...

[x] Sixth Period:
-[x] Martial Arts (Aoi Asahina, Sakura Ogami, Sonia Nevermind)

Can't help but think you are overcomplicating things a little with subvotes - there is no reason I can think of why the order in which the classes are taken would matter, but it splits the votes when someone chooses one class as their 2nd, and someone else chooses it as their 3rd.
-[ ] Business & Finance (Byakuya Togami, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
PffftHAHAHAHAHahaha! Yeah, right.
Maybe he is trying to syphon some money out of someone who knows what they are doing.

[:V] Observe
-[:V] Makoto Naegi

Oh, sorry, wrong crossover. But seriously, between the classes highly reminiscent of club activities, various classmates with stats assigned, and a special school, it's hard not to notice certain superficial similarities.

[x] Talk to:
-[x] Kyouko Kirigiri

I can't hear enough of her last name, it makes me giddy for some reason. It's a travesty that she is bound to a single class.
Last edited:
A Mukuro quest? My life is complete.

Also I'd just like to emphasize

They don't want black hair or simple, efficient haircuts, they want big boobed blondes with long hair that takes an hour to do, flawless porcelain skin and fashionable clothes.

Junko, most of that is like the opposite of hot.

[X] Second Period:
-[x] Drama (Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Junko Enoshima)

I really think the combination here could go interesting places, and the idea of Mukuro, as she is now, having to act sounds pretty entertaining, though maybe she'll surprise me.

[X] Third Period:
-[X] Criminology (Kyoko Kirigiri, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)

This adequately sets up where I think we should go with our chatty choice, and who doesn't want a Kuzuryu-Kirigiri-Ishi-Mukuro match up? Does anyone think that the dynamics wouldn't be great?

[x] Sixth Period:
-[x] Martial Arts (Aoi Asahina, Sakura Ogami, Sonia Nevermind)

Let's give Mukuro a bit of a break, shall we? (Also I'm kind of curious what Sonia is doing here- the results should be amusing)

[x] Talk to:
-[x] Kyouko Kirigiri

In many ways this is the one I care the most about. Sure Naegi gives us some anti-Junko points, but I see some benefits of staying heavily pro-Junko early, and then fleshing things out and doing divergence later on. I think its more fluid character development and is just a bit funner than meta-gaming our way past Junko. Now why Kiri? I honestly think the two have a lot in common, while Mukuro has left behind her past, Kirigiri has both... left behind and embraced it, and I think there's some interesting dichotomy there to work around. They have a similar temperament, which could lead to them getting along, and I think Mukuro is far smarter than she comes across, even if it's a bit fanony. Aside from Makoto, she's also the one Mukuro took the most interest in. Also if you want to go Criminology, I think Kirigiri is a natural choice here.

Makoto, aside from the points, I don't see too much to go for. Mukuro finds him interesting, sure, but that seems more like a long-term plan that doesn't require interaction right now. And overall I don't think getting involved in the Maizono-Makoto drama is going to be very good for Mukuro's mental state. And I don't trust that ??? at all.
I dunno, Junko makes it work pretty well for herself.
But anyway... yeah. I am very interested in Kirigiri. If we get more votes for her, I might switch the Psychology class to Criminology, much as it pains me to be deprived of Byakuya's company.
I dunno, Junko makes it work pretty well for herself.

idk 5/10 at best, just not seeing it.

I mean it's a tie; I honestly think that if people don't buy my case they're going to go for the anti-Junko points, but we'll have to see.

Also while I'm deeply worried about burnout, I still have to give props to @Karnewarrior for 10k in a few days. Just... keep the burnout thing in mind.
I tend to get burned out based on time moreso than volume, at least where writing is concerned. On the other hand, I'm also foreseeing updates shortening on the whole as the school year moves forward; there are a couple less-than-random events that will take several updates (Which I have internally named such as "Benediction" and "Memetic Warfare" and "Knights of Old", to give teasers) but on the whole the random events will probably be mushed into weekly updates, with only one per week offering a vote.

Once the tragedy hits, things will stretch back out, but likewise, multiple complicated and well-thought-out plots collide there, sending bits and pieces flying and chessmasters scrambling behind the scenes to figure out just what the fuck happened. The first killing game is going to be an absolute madhouse because of this crossover, and because of who (or what) exactly I've added to the setting... No good story ever came of a plan going according to plan, after all.

PffftHAHAHAHAHahaha! Yeah, right.
Maybe he is trying to syphon some money out of someone who knows what they are doing.

[:V] Observe
-[:V] Makoto Naegi

Oh, sorry, wrong crossover. But seriously, between the classes highly reminiscent of club activities, various classmates with stats assigned, and a special school, it's hard not to notice certain superficial similarities.

I can't hear enough of her last name, it makes me giddy for some reason. It's a travesty that she is bound to a single class.
:V Hiro, as always, is in a desperate scramble to salvage something out of his latest harebrained scheme. He's basically what would happen if Eddy was transported to Real Life, aged up to an adult, and not matured a bit.

Which means he's the kind of person who, just as a hypothetical example, accidentally muscles in on a Yakuza's turf trying to sell "oregano".

If this feels like A Perfectly Normal High School, I'm doing it very right. Well, except for the fact that you're already very aware that the Perfectly Normal High School is going to descend into burning, murderous chaos in about a year, and you're expected to help. I don't think even LuciDreamer is planning on including literally the Joker as a Main Character. :p

And yeah, Kirigiri is fun to say. She's canonically important, too, so don't worry about not having too much interaction with her. She'll be pretty active on her own, once she gloms onto the fact that there are shadow movers in her area. Writing her and Fuyuhiko together ought to be fun, but then Teruteru/Mikan/~(legal) DRUGS~! and Chiaki/Chihiro are also pretty fun. I tried to make as many of those classes powder kegs as possible. That's why Ibuki's decided this year she likes fast cars that go fast and is going to follow Kazuichi into the automotives course to drive fast cars (Ibuki doesn't actually know shit about cars)
Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Aug 11, 2018 at 1:22 PM, finished with 22 posts and 6 votes.
Looks like a tie between Criminology and Psychology for Third Period, and Kyouko and Makoto for the talking option. If anyone wants to change their vote, now would be your chance. If not, I'll roll some dice and see what comes up.
*Shows up fashionably late*

Yo bitches, I'm here to join this hellride.

[X] Second Period:
-[x] Drama (Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Junko Enoshima)

[X] Third Period:
-[x] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)

[X] Sixth Period:
-[x] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)

[X] Talk to:
-[x] Kyouko Kirigiri

Also, some invisitext I noticed from the most recent Quest post:
"So. No tells." Junko says as you vigorously scrub the last traces of Celeste's mascara off her fingertips. "I was right of course. Still..."

"It's not normal."

"No, it's definitely weird. Pay attention to him, Mukuro. We might have to kill him earlier than the plan says."

You nod grimly. No mission plan survives contact with the enemy, after all.

Junko cannot analyze what she cannot know

Insightful, ain't that?
School Schedule
Anya Homura's vote pushes Psychology over the top, as well as talking to Kirigiri. Update on the way.

Home Period: Homeroom
First Period: Homeroom
Second Period: Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn) 4 votes
Third Period: Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami) 4 votes
Fourth Period: Talent Honing
-Short Day Cutoff-
Fifth Period: Talent Honing
Sixth Period: Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???) 4 votes

I admit, I was hoping that Firing Range would be picked. I think there's a very valuable resource in the person present there.

By the way, I forgot to put the marker in, but Short Days (usually just Saturday, but on occassion holidays will be flanked by Short Days) cut fifth and sixth period from the schedule. It won't really effect this set-up, though - Mukuro'll probably still visit the Range on Short Days just because she enjoys it. It probably won't come up, but it is a thing that's happening.