"-was the only survivor from the 43
rd, but the mission was complete, and the neurotoxin was safely requisitioned and returned to the owner. So, ahem, all is well that ends well. For the living."
You think perhaps you've made an error in your judgement.
You lost yourself somewhat in old, haunted memories. That sort of thing accumulates, as a soldier, particularly as a mercenary, even for someone like you who's never really been bothered by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Even if the memories of rotting corpses and stagnant battlefields, of trenches of blood and shot and pain, don't bother you in your sleep, you still have them. But, perhaps, you consider, as you blink and clear them away to look at your classmates, they aren't an appropriate topic for a school commencement ceremony.
At least Junko seems to like it, being the only one to applaud as you shrivel coming down off the stage. At least you have her - Junko and you are attached. Teammates. Partners. Sisters. She'll never turn on you. (-5% Despair)
You march back to position self-consciously and try to ignore the small bubble of space, the only people willing to even stand near you and not shuffle away being Junko, Makoto, and Aoi, the latter of which seems to be not so much her strength in the face of grisly doom as her current internal meltdown. You can almost see the small balls of fire floating around her dead expression and thousand-yard stare. Can someone get secondhand PTSD? You're pretty sure that's not how mental trauma works, right?
"Well..." Jin Kirigiri says, taking the podium again. "That was... Enlightening. I think we've all gotten a good idea of our classmates' personalities from this. Now, those of you in upper grades may recall this, but don't be a stranger just because of a little age gap. We encourage you to get to know and work with your Senpai: for this reason, elective classes beyond your usual talent-training exercises are not class differentiated. Please don't just treat this as a normal school - get to know each other, and network. You might notice your talent, or another talent you didn't know you had," Principal Kirigiri glances meaningfully at Kuwata, "extends further than you could ever have dreamed if you just have a little help."
Togami huffs, but hangs his head in deferrence. The rest of your class seems slightly exited, Aoi already bubbling back up and eyeing Sakura Ogami with interest.
"Now, normally there would be a short break between now and first period, which has been changed to homeroom for the rest of the short-day, but, uh, it seems Miss Ikusaba put us over the time limit..."
There's a collective groan from your senpai behind you.
"Aww, man, but I wanted to talk to the firsties!"
"If I let my Virtual Villagers sit that long, though, they'll starve..."
"Feh, figures. Guess you won the bet, Komaeda."
"Oh, it's nothing, really. Just some
luck, ehheheheheh."
"W-what about my cosplays?!"
"And here I thought attending would be worth the time."
Jin scowls. "Quiet! You are all dismissed. Be in homeroom on time and we won't have to care about what you do between here and there."
There's a rapid thudding of feet as everyone turns around (you twitch, but manage to avoid doing an about-face). You and Junko trail after a small girl in a kimono and tall boy with flyway grey hair and a manga in his hand, stopping just outside the gymnasium doors.
"Nice speech,
Martin Luther King~." Junko teases, smiling like a shark smelling blood in the water. "I think you nearly killed Bubbles for a second there."
"O-oh." You say, taking Junko's nicknaming in stride and connecting 'Bubbles' to Aoi. "Um... Good."
"Ha!" Junko scoffs, wildly marching off towards your homeroom on the ground floor. "I mean, don't flatter yourself, stinky. You just got lucky." Her grin vanishes, and mirth dies in her tone, all in the span of a breath. "Speaking of, your new boyfriend's a weirdo."
"H-he's not-" You stutter, blushing furiously.
"Shut up, I'm talking here!" Junko snaps. "Anyway, there were some really weird bits in that speech."
"L-like what?"
"Like the weird fucking way he said 'Planet'. 'Planet'."
You shrug as Junko tastes the word over again. You can't see anything odd about it.
"And either he didn't lie, not once, or he has
no tells."
"You're the smart one." You tell her diffidently. If Junko thinks he was being completely honest, then... "So he's just a happy person?"
"No, idiot, he's- Oh, hi-hi~! What was your name again?" Junko cuts herself off as a darkly dressed girl approaches you. Celestia Ludenberg, you recall her full name being.
"Celeste is fine." Ludenberg says primly, as if it's of little consequence what people call her. She smiles, tilting her head slightly. "I noticed you were discussing Mister Naegi's... Odd speech."
Junko twitches a bit, but her anger doesn't show. "Oh, you heard that, did you? Sorry, I-"
"I concur. There were no tells of a lie at all during that speech. It is very strange... And wholly unnatural."
Junko's fake, plastic smile fades into a more serious grin, one that comes from the black heart inside her. "So I was right, then? You're the Ultimate Gambler, so you would know, right?" Oh, you see.
Masks, Junko told you once, for most people were one-off affairs. Someone pretends to enjoy their job, but right underneath, they're crying over their shattered dreams. Someone pretends a baby is cute, but really they think it's ugly. Some people, clever people, get the idea to double-blind, and wear
two masks. One to hide their fake feelings, and one to hide their true selves. But like plans, the more layers the more difficult the charade. Two masks is double the mental upkeep of one - if it's a good one, it must be upheld at all times. Three masks, however, is quadruple the strain to keep. Four, octuple. After that, Junko began using words you assume refer to numbers, but you don't know.
Junko is one of the only people you know of who wears four masks, constantly. The bubbly barbie-girl on the surface, the clever fashionista underneath, the wanna-be villain underneath that, and then finally the legitimately threatening Junko that hides her unending love of pure Despair beneath. Junko had discovered that removing masks was a good way to earn trust, from certain people, at least the trust that there were no more lies left. And so she had many, for the sole purpose of pulling them away when she wanted something.
Junko has peeled back her first mask and given a peek at the third. And true to form, Junko's knowing smile is met with a reserved knowing smile of Celeste's own. The gambler looks in the mirror, and sees the opponent she expected to find, hiding in just such the way she expected.
"So it would normally seem." Celeste confides in Junko, strolling lazily along the hall as the warning bell for first period plays through the speakers. "But I worry.
Everyone has tells."
"Not I!" Junko says confidently. Celeste chuckles slightly, a dark sound.
"Oh? You are so sure... Then it must be true. Still, I worry. This Makoto Naegi... He is not like any opponent I have faced at the table. Be wary of him... and if you would relay to me any odd discoveries, I would appreciate it. Friends?"
"Friends~!" Junko says, smiling widely and "letting" her first mask slip back into place as you approach homeroom. The two girls shake hands, and Junko allows Celeste first entry into the classroom before pulling you aside and rubbing her hands all over your blouse, leaving behind barely visible smears of white powder.
"Fucking nasty skank, at least splurge on the good mascara for your 'Twilight' cosplay!" She hisses, too quiet to be heard by anyone but you.
"P-please don't-"
"Shut the fuck up and help me clean this off my fingers before I start to turn into a sunlight-fearing
goth too!" Junko snaps. Obediently, you start to rub your blouse against her fingers.
"So. No tells." Junko says as you vigorously scrub the last traces of Celeste's mascara off her fingertips. "I was right of course. Still..."
"It's not normal."
"No, it's definitely weird. Pay attention to him, Mukuro. We might have to kill him earlier than the plan says."
You nod grimly. No mission plan survives contact with the enemy, after all.
Junko cannot analyze what she cannot know
"Hello Hello! I am Tooru Kamikawa, your homeroom teacher for this year! Previous to this, I was teaching the third years, but Miss Kuji's absence this year and subsequent replacement with Miss Yukizome has resulted in something of a switch up. It's the same track every year, so since you have me, that means next year you will have Miss Yukizome, and then finally Mr. Kizakura. No need to remember those names for now, though; they probably won't matter much this year."
Junko leans backward in her chair, obviously bored by the tiny man's careful routine.
Your homeroom teacher, Mr. Kamikawa, looks dour, being short and inclined to dark clothing with a slouch, but as you noticed the minute he opened his mouth, his personality is anything of the sort. In fact, he even goodnaturedly made a show of picking up and carrying a stool to behind the podium, so that the top of his bald head could be seen past the lectern.
"Now, just to let you get to know me a little: I attended this very academy as the Ultimate Skydiver, although I'm afraid that recently I haven't had the time to dive very often. I began teaching here four years ago, and since then, as I've said, I've taught the Second Year. I'm very much looking forward to working with you all as your Homeroom Teacher. Now, the school keeps good track of this, but I want to keep my own record; I'm passing out worksheets to each of you for you to write your schedule down in. After that, I'll let you get to socializing - after all, I would want to know my very interesting Ultimate Classmates too! Ahem, erm, Miss Maizono?"
Maizono slides easily out of her seat and takes the sheaf of papers waving languidly over the top of the lectern with a slightly amused smile. She begins walking around the class, handing out papers.
"Now, just in case you aren't aware - though I hope you are - Hope's Peak uses Homeroom to cover all the general courses, and then allows you two periods of 'exercise' for your particular talent to be honed by special tutors in special classrooms that have been designed just for you. For example, Miss Maizono, one of our music rooms has been refitted as a studio specifically for your use. Not that I can guarantee Miss Mioda will actually stay out, but it's there for you."
Maizono shoots the dwarf a bright smile. "Thank you!"
"Don't mention it. Anyway, both exercise periods and Homeroom are fixed, with the rest are electives you'll share with the more general student body. These electives are meant to help you widen your experience pool, so to speak, so I hope you have all chosen accordingly - Miss Maizono?"
Maizono straightens, wiping her furious look off her face quickly. "Sorry, Sensei..."
"That was my fault, I'm afraid. We're old... acquaintances." Makoto says smoothly from his seat, patting Maizono on the arm. the blue-haired girl pulls back like she was just touched by a cockroach. "We'll work it out in a bit, Sayaka-chan. Don't worry."
Sayaka glares again, but bites back her retort and goes back to handing out the papers.
"...Right. Anyway," Mr. Kamikawa says, perplexed. But he forges on. "I hope you've all chosen the proper electives. Ideally, it's something you're interested in that's outside of your usual 'circles'. I can tell you from experience that I wasn't expecting Acoustics to actually help me become a better skydiver, but I was able to actually get some very good information out of the subject alongside some lifelong friends. Miss Yukizome, I know, is still friends with Mr. Sakakura, our Head of Security - and no doubt his boxing expertise has effected her Housekeeping."
"Huh? How's that make sense?" Owada bursts out, looking up from his worksheet, which is covered in an untidy scrawl.
"I never said I knew how!" Chirps Mr. Kamikawa cheerfully. "But I do know that the story is told time and again over the whole history of Hope's Peak. Don't get bogged down in your talent; expand and explore, and maybe you'll find something in another field that will utterly change the way you see your own self!"
Maizono finally makes it to you, and passes you a sheet. Nodding, you take it from her without a word, and begin to fill it out.
(Elective classes may be added to the schedule. Elective classes will determine the frequency and type of random events over the course of the school year, and will potentially allow Mukuro to gain relevant skills in that field. Elective classes will also determine who will be more frequently in contact with her - for example, Aoi Asahina will be taking the Martial Arts course. Most electives also take place in Talent Honing rooms, as a budget-saving measure, which means you can also get some personal tutoring from a relevant Ultimate. Some include other bonuses, usually to offset the fact that they are less powerful with the RNG [nobody can teach Mukuro to shoot better, she just enjoys it, so she won't form as many relationships]. You can only choose three, so be careful to balance long-term strategy, short-term strategy, and pleasure, because if Junko's plan progresses, there WILL NOT be a second year.
Some of the choices may seem appropriate, some may not. Remember that electives are a chance to increase your field of view, so some students may take courses simply because it's so out of character for them normally, and others may have ulterior motives... After all, electives mean they get to meet their senpai and kouhai too. Some electives are not shown, because Mukuro simply finds them so dis-interesting or distasteful: for example, physics, or gymnastics.)
Home Period: HOMEROOM
First Period: HOMEROOM
[ ] Second Period:
-[ ] Engineering (Kazuchi Souda, Chihiro Fujisaki, ???)
-[ ] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)
-[ ] World Religions (Makoto Naegi, Gundham Tanaka, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
-[ ] Neurology (Yasuke Matsuda, Junko Enoshima)
-[ ] Cooking (Teruteru Hanamura, Mahiru Koizumi, Ryota Mitarai?)
-[ ] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)
-[ ] Tailoring (Aiko Umesawa, Sonia Nevermind, Ryota Mitarai?)
-[ ] Gym (Nekomaru Nidai, Sakura Ogami, Mondo Owada)
-[ ] Swimming (Aoi Asahina, Peko Pekoyama, Mahiru Koizumi)
-[ ] Dance (Hiyoko Saionji, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Nekomaru Nidai)
-[ ] Game Design (Chiaki Nanami, Aiko Umesawa, Chihiro Fujisaki)
-[ ] Music (Leon Kuwata, Sayaka Maizono, Ibuki Mioda)
-[ ] Drama (Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Junko Enoshima)
-[ ] Martial Arts (Aoi Asahina, Sakura Ogami, Sonia Nevermind)
-[ ] Criminology (Kyoko Kirigiri, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)
-[ ] Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale (Teruteru Hanamura, Mikan Tsumiki, random effect every turn)
-[ ] Business & Finance (Byakuya Togami, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
-[ ] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)
-[ ] Art (Hifumi Yamada, Aiko Umesawa, Makoto Naegi)
-[ ] Creative Writing (Toko Fukawa, Hifumi Yamada, Nagito Komaeda)
-[ ] Automotives (Mondo Owada, Kazuichi Souda, Ibuki Mioda)
[ ] Third Period:
-[ ] Engineering (Kazuchi Souda, Chihiro Fujisaki, ???)
-[ ] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)
-[ ] World Religions (Makoto Naegi, Gundham Tanaka, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
-[ ] Neurology (Yasuke Matsuda, Junko Enoshima)
-[ ] Cooking (Teruteru Hanamura, Mahiru Koizumi, Ryota Mitarai?)
-[ ] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)
-[ ] Tailoring (Aiko Umesawa, Sonia Nevermind, Ryota Mitarai?)
-[ ] Gym (Nekomaru Nidai, Sakura Ogami, Mondo Owada)
-[ ] Swimming (Aoi Asahina, Peko Pekoyama, Mahiru Koizumi)
-[ ] Dance (Hiyoko Saionji, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Nekomaru Nidai)
-[ ] Game Design (Chiaki Nanami, Aiko Umesawa, Chihiro Fujisaki)
-[ ] Music (Leon Kuwata, Sayaka Maizono, Ibuki Mioda)
-[ ] Drama (Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Junko Enoshima)
-[ ] Martial Arts (Aoi Asahina, Sakura Ogami, Sonia Nevermind)
-[ ] Criminology (Kyoko Kirigiri, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)
-[ ] Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale (Teruteru Hanamura, Mikan Tsumiki, random effect every turn)
-[ ] Business & Finance (Byakuya Togami, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
-[ ] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)
-[ ] Art (Hifumi Yamada, Aiko Umesawa, Makoto Naegi)
-[ ] Creative Writing (Toko Fukawa, Hifumi Yamada, Nagito Komaeda)
-[ ] Automotives (Mondo Owada, Kazuichi Souda, Ibuki Mioda)
Talent Honing
Talent Honing
[ ] Sixth Period:
-[ ] Engineering (Kazuchi Souda, Chihiro Fujisaki, ???)
-[ ] Speech (Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, -1% Junko Dependency per turn)
-[ ] World Religions (Makoto Naegi, Gundham Tanaka, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
-[ ] Neurology (Yasuke Matsuda, Junko Enoshima)
-[ ] Cooking (Teruteru Hanamura, Mahiru Koizumi, Ryota Mitarai?)
-[ ] Firing Range (-1% Despair per turn, ???)
-[ ] Tailoring (Aiko Umesawa, Sonia Nevermind, Ryota Mitarai?)
-[ ] Gym (Nekomaru Nidai, Sakura Ogami, Mondo Owada)
-[ ] Swimming (Aoi Asahina, Peko Pekoyama, Mahiru Koizumi)
-[ ] Dance (Hiyoko Saionji, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Nekomaru Nidai)
-[ ] Game Design (Chiaki Nanami, Aiko Umesawa, Chihiro Fujisaki)
-[ ] Music (Leon Kuwata, Sayaka Maizono, Ibuki Mioda)
-[ ] Drama (Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Junko Enoshima)
-[ ] Martial Arts (Aoi Asahina, Sakura Ogami, Sonia Nevermind)
-[ ] Criminology (Kyoko Kirigiri, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)
-[ ] Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale (Teruteru Hanamura, Mikan Tsumiki, random effect every turn)
-[ ] Business & Finance (Byakuya Togami, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Yasuhiro Hagakure)
-[ ] Psychology (Miaya Gekkogahara, Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami)
-[ ] Art (Hifumi Yamada, Aiko Umesawa, Makoto Naegi)
-[ ] Creative Writing (Toko Fukawa, Hifumi Yamada, Nagito Komaeda)
-[ ] Automotives (Mondo Owada, Kazuichi Souda, Ibuki Mioda)
~Please remember not to duplicate your electives!~
With that done, you turn to your classmates. Most of them are still scribbling, which means you have an opportunity... To observe, or lance forward.
[ ] "observe" (chicken out)
[ ] Talk to:
-[ ] Kyouko Kirigiri
-[ ] Makoto Naegi (-5% Junko Dependency, ???)
-[ ] Byakuya Togami
-[ ] Toko Fukawa
-[ ] Yasuhiro Hagakure
-[ ] Sakura Ogami and Aoi Asahina (conversation interrupt)
-[ ] Hifumi Yamada
-[ ] Hirotaka Ishimaru
-[ ] Chihiro Fujisaki
-[ ] Mondo Owada
-[ ] Leon Kuwata
-[ ] Sayaka Maizono
If you're here despite not playing Danganronpa and don't recognize most of the names, that's fine. In a sense, this whole first school year is an extended form of character generation, while also laying down plotlines and expanding on precisely what kind of Mukuro Ikusaba is being played. If you're not new to Danganronpa and don't recognize names, the same applies; I've shuffled a couple of side characters to the front, or rather, someone in-universe is including them in their plots where before they weren't as important. Some are from the Light Novels, and some are from the Anime.
Hopefully I've included enough interesting combinations of characters that there's some interesting choice here. Sonia in particular is really branching out this year, and of course Teruteru makes any combination of characters into something "interesting" (ie a fucking disaster,

)! The ??? in Engineering and the Firing Range represents a mystery character in both cases. Those with a very good grasp of the characters may have an idea on who's popping by where they oughtn't.