Idol Of Peace(Scion Post GM as Izuka Midorya)
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Golden Morning was not the end of the warrior but simply a new beginning as one Izuka Midorya. The world of heros has to deal with a being that is so far from them that their entire world will be changed by his mere existence, while Scion Izuka has to deal with his new humanity and the gaping hole of emptiness.
Chapter Zero:


Georgian(ქართველი)🇬🇪 not 🇺🇸
The entity was experiencing something that the bipedal lifeforms that dwelt on this planet would describe as 〔Confusion〕 Of course, such a limited word as "confusion" could never truly be adequate to describe what the entity was feeling. By all logical conclusions, the entity had been destroyed by the bipedal inhabitants of the world,

The entity had spread itself alongside its partner. into countless smaller pieces of shards, They were broken and restricted so that they might not pose a threat to them. each of shards was refitted to make them compatible with the indigenous people of the world, so that cycle could be ideal. and yet recalling the memory from the banks brought alongside it Another human concept with which the entity had become very familiar was anguish. The feeling of despair and emptiness was all consuming for the entity; it had never before, in all of its existence, felt anything similar to this type of emptiness and anguish that it was experiencing now. Again, the primitive and crude words that Bipedal inhabitants had created failed to describe on just what scale the entity was hurting, and under such anguish that destroyed the entity from the inside, the knowledge that the thinker was destroyed beyond any meaningful way of restoration and rejuvenation, the knowledge of the fact that this incomplete corrupted cycle would be the last of cycles that the entity would experience. The entity had known this since its counterpart had impacted the planetoid and the entity had discovered

There were no other possibilities than the failure of their cycle and of their final goal. There were no other possibilities for the pair; each had an essential role in the cycle, but the other could not accomplish a safety feature and measure against possible cannibalization between the two of them, and the evolution of speciation had made it so that one could never hope to accomplish the cycle without the other. At that exact moment, the entity knew that it was the end for itself a slow and insidious one, perhaps, which would be drudged into an impossible amount of time. entity still, at that moment when the other was discovered, possessed three thousand and six hundred revolutions. an incomprehensible amount of remaining lifespan for the bipedal creature's of planetoid sl was that for them it might as well have been an eternity. In the end, it did not matter, for the cycle had been disrupted and could never be fulfilled.

The end goal of expanding into everything and achieving energy necessary to accomplish the final goal, which is the true goal for all of the entity species, which all of them had and would continuously strive to accomplish. All the information and data that was being gathered by its shards is now useless. It was lost and purposeless because the cycle was

The entity was purpose now without any motivation or goals to achieve to strive forward with its counterpart dead; all things had lost their meaning to the entity. Until one of the male bipedal suggested a new purpose for the entity to save the bipedal inhabitants of the world from various dangers and threats that had existed on that world, it was a role that he played and fulfilled as the ultimate hero and the savior of the inhabitants of the world. The entity would indeed fulfill the new role just as he had done in the previous cycles, but now the role of the entity has changed from that of the warrior to that of what the bipedal called a hero for decades until the broadcast shard host has propositioned something new, something greater, that promised to bring to an end the feeling of emptiness.

He had brought devastation on such a scale that none had ever done before the entity, not even all of the conflict engines combined, and with all of their time on the planet, he had accomplished what he did. to wast portions of not only one world that he had originally landed in but also over countless other such worlds, even destroying the island known as Britain. For his new purposes, he had changed once more from his role hero to something more similar to his old purpose of the warrior; It was different from back when the cycle was running as it was supposed to; he destroyed countless civilizations and worlds, but that was not because of any amount of malice. but to gather enough energy and data that were essential for the survival of both itself and its counterpart. He had become the destroyer; he destroyed not to safeguard itself and its counterpart, nor to complete the cycle, but to fill the emptiness that had become its existence.

The host of the monarch shard had gathered the remaining hosts of the various lesser shards in a confrontation between the entity itself and the monarch's hosts. The entity had allowed the path to the fatal event to occur. It should have been the end of it. The entity knew very well the outcome of the lethal event, yet it still lived somehow, and more than that, its avatar had somehow come out of the female bipedal. The memory bank's told him of how this was how a new bipedal was made to give birth to the world by the female bipedal as part of the bipedal's reproduction cycle. The logical engines had come to the conclusion that somehow the entity had not only survived the fatal path but had been restored to a state of energy that would be approximately the same as the energy of three completed cycles. It defied all logic, and yet all of the shards were back into his greater collective self; even the ones that were damaged beyond repair and thus destroyed were once more part of him.

The bipedal creatures were communicating between each other. The entity's various senses help it understand what they are talking about. They are staring in awe. Of course, they would be Even if the avatar size had decreased, it was still crafted to fit the values of this reality. They hold faith, and the entity chose a form that fit the most ideal male figure and that of the most popular religions. so that the entity is held in deep awe by all; it does not choose any colorations of the standard human form, so the entity cleverly chose a form that didn't fit any one race, with skin and hair given the color and texture of another thing they celebrated and worshipped—a mineral.

"Miss Midoriya you have a healthy baby boy; in fact, he is without doubt the healthiest baby i have ever delivered." Stated the doctor. Before asking her an question

"What are you planning on naming this young boy" asked the doctor

"Me and my housband been thinking of naming Izuku. I'd just had hoped that his father would be able to see his son's birth but unfortunately his busy with his job"
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Yes another story and very crazy story of eldritch creature being an bit but yet please comment and discuss it greatly motives me
You did really well with capturing the detached feeling of Zion. Might need to look over it for spelling mistakes, like ' housband', but overall, a really good start.
Thanks! I attempted to show just how alien and yet human Zion really was. Some people think that Zion was stupid, but in my opinion, it just thinks very differently than us humans.Thanks. I'll attempt to fix the grammar mistakes as soon as I can.
Genuinely interesting premises. I don't think this has ever been done before and I'm curious where it's gonna go. The sentences sometimes get a little chaotic and difficult to follow, and the grammar could maybe use a second look sometimes. Otherwise a good start.
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Genuinely interesting premises. I don't think this has ever been done before and I'm curious where it's gonna go. The sentences sometimes get a little chaotic and difficult to follow, and the grammar could maybe use a second look sometimes. Otherwise a good start.
Thanks I'm glad you l8ke the concept. And yes it is an very rare idea. As there really isn't that match of crossover between MHA and worm.

And about grammar I'll try to fix it as soon as I can unfortunately english isn't my first language.
And about grammar I'll try to fix it as soon as I can unfortunately english isn't my first language

Best way for learning is *simple* (but not easy): practice, practice, practice.

With feedback, of course, if the only thing you do is write and never accept any corrections, you are not going to improve. But given your answer to the remark and the simple fact you are posting on a forum and not FFN, I don't think that is going to be a problem.

I may as well give some of this feedback while I'm at it, on my phone so not going to do the entire update (tried once, never again), but at least the beginning:

The entity was experiencing something that the bipedal lifeforms that dwelt on this planet would describe as 〔Confusion〕 Of course, such a limited word as "confusion" could never truly be adequate to describe what the entity was feeling.

Need a . or a , after [confusion], if you put an , you would have to remove the majuscule for *Of course*

Otherwise: would flows better than could for *could never truly be adequate*, that, or you keep the could but put the be before truly instead of after (could never be truly adequate).

The entity had spread itself alongside its partner. into countless smaller pieces of shards, They were broken and restricted so that they might not pose a threat to them. each of shards was refitted to make them compatible with the indigenous people of the world, so that cycle could be ideal. and yet recalling the memory from the banks brought alongside it Another human concept with which the entity had become very familiar was anguish.

Several punctuation problems here:

*alongside his partner into countless smaller shard pieces.* works better, as it is a single idea and don't need any punctuation. It also is a complete sentence in and on itself.

Since the preceding is a complete sentence: *Each shards* or *Each of the shards*

*indigenous people of the world* is redundant, indigenous already means they are from the world, no need to say it twice.

*so that the (or this) cycle could be ideal.*

If you put a . remember to put a majuscule after it, and do check if you have a complete sentence when you want to, or if the rest could be put in the same sentence, leading to a , instead. (But careful about not making too long sentences with a lot of , in them.) It also is not a good idea to end a sentence and immediacy begin with *and*, so you should probably remove the . anyway.

The end of what I quoted is very awkward, *and yet recalling the memory from the banks brought alongside it Another human concept with which the entity had become very familiar was anguish.* doesn't read well, I think you meant something along the line of:

*and yet recalling the memory from the banks brought another human concept the entity had become very familiar with: anguish.*

Hope that helps.
Best way for learning is *simple* (but not easy): practice, practice, practice.

With feedback, of course, if the only thing you do is write and never accept any corrections, you are not going to improve. But given your answer to the remark and the simple fact you are posting on a forum and not FFN, I don't think that is going to be a problem.

I may as well give some of this feedback while I'm at it, on my phone so not going to do the entire update (tried once, never again), but at least the beginning:

Need a . or a , after [confusion], if you put an , you would have to remove the majuscule for *Of course*

Otherwise: would flows better than could for *could never truly be adequate*, that, or you keep the could but put the be before truly instead of after (could never be truly adequate).

Several punctuation problems here:

*alongside his partner into countless smaller shard pieces.* works better, as it is a single idea and don't need any punctuation. It also is a complete sentence in and on itself.

Since the preceding is a complete sentence: *Each shards* or *Each of the shards*

*indigenous people of the world* is redundant, indigenous already means they are from the world, no need to say it twice.

*so that the (or this) cycle could be ideal.*

If you put a . remember to put a majuscule after it, and do check if you have a complete sentence when you want to, or if the rest could be put in the same sentence, leading to a , instead. (But careful about not making too long sentences with a lot of , in them.) It also is not a good idea to end a sentence and immediacy begin with *and*, so you should probably remove the . anyway.

The end of what I quoted is very awkward, *and yet recalling the memory from the banks brought alongside it Another human concept with which the entity had become very familiar was anguish.* doesn't read well, I think you meant something along the line of:

*and yet recalling the memory from the banks brought another human concept the entity had become very familiar with: anguish.*

Hope that helps.
It helps alot and thank you for taking your time to help me right now I'm not close to my computer but as soon as I can I'll attempt to improve the grammar with your tips
*Sniff* *Sniff* Did I smell....A CHANCE TO ESCALATE?!??!?
Of course the world of MHA could always use more interdimensional parasites that encourage conflict. And the quirkless and their abuse so much trigger potential. Conflict between capes and quirks. And even Overhaul with shaper oh my so much escalation.
I would truly enjoy your thoughts of everyvone here
Of course the world of MHA could always use more interdimensional parasites that encourage conflict. And the quirkless and their abuse so much trigger potential. Conflict between capes and quirks. And even Overhaul with shaper oh my so much escalation.
Since Izuku is Scion reborn, that shit will be cranking up to eleven. He, as usual, will be registered as Quirkless (remember that his power is not based on genetic, but rather him being the CEO of trillions upon trillions of his "cells") so discrimination and bullying campaigns from dear Kacchan commences. By the time he figures out on how to reconnect his authority to the Shard Network, I bet my mee goreng that he's gonna place an additional directive to it: MAKE. QUIRKISTS. PAY.
Since Izuku is Scion reborn, that shit will be cranking up to eleven. He, as usual, will be registered as Quirkless (remember that his power is not based on genetic, but rather him being the CEO of trillions upon trillions of his "cells") so discrimination and bullying campaigns from dear Kacchan commences. By the time he figures out on how to reconnect his authority to the Shard Network, I bet my mee goreng that he's gonna place an additional directive to it: MAKE. QUIRKISTS. PAY.

Hm... I don't think he'd care about some life forms spewing sounds at him, although he'll soon learn understand the local language. Theres some different ways to take this.

1) He stays primarily Scion so a lack of power is not an issue -- long term bullying is very unlikely, but isolation from "peers" is likely.

2) His memories as Scion are.. stored away for now and Scion idk watches his avatar and sees how it grows.

3) some mix of that. Learn what it means to be human or something. Add some limitation to Scion.

Anyway my feedback is the stream of consciousness style of writing with the big paragraphs is hard to read. I skimmed and I didn't get what was going on. Cool concept though.