Right, except if you pay someone to see a play, the play actually happens.

How many wpoints would it cost for you to reveal one side of the crossover?
How many for a hint as to one side?
One wpt to reveal the first. Second one's not for sale.

I'm already positive about one, and have suspicions as to the other.
But that's because I asked you for help. :V
Well, our real greatest strength is obviously our sociopathic disregard for the wellbeing of anyone we aren't with at the moment and total apathy to the world around us, but that isn't the kind of strength people praise you for having, so it's obviously not the answer we're supposed to give.
We all know what otp is right

right ?

Anyway, empathy is good for you. You should try to understand others and become closer to them and understanding blah blahblah