Ice Pie [SpyxFamily][SI]

What happened in the recent episode? I'm not watching the anime, I've only read the manga. Spoiler it for me, if you would.

For some reason over the last several years, I can't watch things anymore, only read. When I sit down to watch something longer than a few minute youtube clip, I get antsy and distracted and have to stop it. I don't have ADHD, used to be able to marathon things, and generally loved movies. But these days it takes a week of a few minute at a time sessions to watch a single episode. I just can't focus. On the other hand, I can still sit down and read all day.

Anyone else have this problem?
I've had the same problem occasionally. Not everything, but some things. Might be happening more in recent years, actually.

It seems to be certain character types/plotlines that just... stress me out. Stuff like recent-ish sitcoms. Boiling down to 'character does something really, really stupid'. But is also annoying about it/acts like its the smartest idea ever, though that isn't a requirement for whatever makes it hard for me to focus on a show/movie. It just doesn't help. It's also something that I don't think tends to happen in written works as much, but that might be more because there's... more written works, so it's easier to dodge. 'Cause there's a few stories that I've tried to read, but just can't, though I think that might be more a separate issue. And it's not like it's a quality thing, either. But those are a bit easier to set aside for a bit, to see if I can continue on later.

Not sure if this might end up helping you figure out the problem you're having, though.
The latest anime episode went over the Dodgeball Chapter, with a little more detail on it.

Some notable bits from the anime:
-"Bazooka" Bill has a deep baratone voice of an anime villain... while still being 6.

-Yor demonstrated the proper throwing technique for Anya during the "training" and destroyed several trees in the process.

-Bill's Dad is also absolutely massive

-Damien also trained for the Dodgeball game... by mostly pretending he was a DBZ protagonist while playing with his friends.

-Damien actually showed some decent leadership skills by trying to get the class to work together to beat bill.

Thanks! Yeah, I have some opinions on giant fucking kids somehow in my grade pitching dodgeballs at the speed of sound.

I don't like it.
There was another pause. Both were thinking about the copy of the test that went around for the most powerful to prepare their children, but neither wanted to be the one to bring it up. Interestingly, Henry thought it was just a rumor. He also didn't think I cheated, thanks to the incident with the cow somehow? Weird. But even Swan was getting doubtful.
He has a point, if a city kid knows how to treat cows with that much detail she's more likely than others to have collected all the random knowledge needed to answer the exam questions correctly.

This also answers the question about the entrance exam, and it seems Henderson is quite possibly up for a surprise sometime in the future. Poor guy, all he wanted was to make the world more elegant.

An important difference in how this interview went is that Henderson doesn't have a reason so break Swan's face, meaning there's no reason for him to be forced into handling the first year elementary class. That said, in light of how Sianya piqued his interest, it's entirely in-character for him to ask to handle that class himself. Especially considering how other teachers might not treat her entirely fairly, as Swan has been showing all day next to him.
"I will be putting Anya in for a Stella the moment she officially starts the academy."
Now this here is another important difference, especially considering Sianya's future relationship with Damian. She's now the commoner who upstaged everyone else by getting a Stella before half of them even knew what it was. This puts attention on her, for better or worse.

Considering Stellas are straight up given in front of all students, if she's given that Stella in her first day, that's going to be her class's first impression of her. And whatever Damian ends up thinking of her, she's going to be the immediate person he has to beat.

She will be giving him a punch in the ego instead of a punch on the face, essentially.
Thanks! Yeah, I have some opinions on giant fucking kids somehow in my grade pitching dodgeballs at the speed of sound.

I don't like it.
Speaking of him, part of the anime original content showed Bill hugging his father, and the little guy barely came up to his waist. That family line must be genetically predisposed towards being Jojo characters.

And yes the anime adds original content in cases where it's only adapting one chapter for the episode, and so far they've been pretty good. Plot-wise they've also been highlighting how little Damian's parents pay attention to him, to the point that they didn't even stick around for the first day photoshoot and left him the only one alone in that photo. They also showed more that he's a dorm student, and that he had to learn second-hand about even his brother's accomplishments.

It's been an excellent adaptation, all told.
Ice Pie chapter 13

After such an event, you might think I was riding high. And truthfully, both Loid and Yor were both very pleased and very excited.


"What the h-eeeck L-Dad?" I sputtered.

He gave me a look I can only describe as sardonic.

"I take it you're upset about the bet?"

"No, I'm upset that you brought the black coat with OF COURSE I'M UPSET ABOUT THE BET!" I exploded.

Yor was giving me a funny look. Loid looked at me like he thought I was funny.

"Don't risk everything on a single event! Eventually, the coin's going to come up tails!"

"Anya, have you ever listened to yourself?"

"What does that have to do with anything? I'm trying to be angry here!" I protested.

Yor started giggling.

"And you!" I cried, rounding on my 'mother'. "You! ...Did great, actually. Never change. But 'PA-pa-"

Yor scooped me off the ground and gave me a bone creaking hug, enveloping me with a giggle.

"EEEeeurk!" I squeaked. It's like being wrapped up by pythons.

Loid patted my head. Given I was currently trapped in some sort of smother-vise, I couldn't protest.

"Anya, anyone who talks to you, at least when you're not pretending to be normal, can tell you're a genius instantly. It's fine. It's okay to have confidence in yourself," he said. "You did a great job, Anya. More than I could have ever asked for."

I grumbled quietly. It had to be quiet, I didn't have the breath to get loud. Yor was treating me like some sort of plush doll, squeezing me again whenever her cuteness meter overloaded.

We were on our way home.

It felt good to think that.


Eventually, Yor transferred me to an easy hip carry, and I was able to reply to Loid.

"Fine," I grumbled. "But now we have to produce all those cognitive tests and such. They want genius? I'll show them some genius." I paused, giving it a thought. "I need to go some places. And I'm going to need some money to buy things."

"Given your accomplishments, I think a reward should certainly be in order," he agreed placidly.


I will admit, not everything I asked for was one hundred percent mission related.

My first visit?

A pet shop.

"This hamster is very cute," Yor admitted. "I like his bulging little cheeks."

I came over, glanced at the little critter, and pressed my forehead to the outside of its glass fronted cage.

Nothing. Well, maybe a hint of sensation, but nothing actionable. I definitely couldn't sense the evil I know to lurk in hamster hearts.

"They're cute," I admitted, "but the moms eat the babies pretty often, and they're all more carnivorous than you'd think. Also they're pretty bitey. Hard pass." I pointed over to a cage of bicolored rats. "Rats and mice are nicer, and much more inclined to play with people."

I'd already checked the rats.

Truthfully, I wasn't here to buy, which I'd assured both of them. I just wanted to look.

Actually, I just wanted to get close to them to see if I could telepathically pick up anything from them.

So far, I wasn't getting much.

The cats were kittens, and I could pick up vague impressions of hunger or playfulness. They didn't have any adult cats on site unfortunately. Also, the best way to get a cat is to wait for some half feral mog to adopt you, not shop for one like they're a commodity. It's disrespectful and, I dunno, results in an inferior bond between you or something.

I had a similar problem with the puppies. They only had small breeds, and only puppies. I actually like picking out a dog, looking for specific qualities, but every dog is the bestest boy or girl so it generally doesn't hurt the bond.

I like rodents, and have some very fond memories of certain mice and rats I've had, but I don't have time for a pet-pet. I'm looking for something to experiment with my telepathy, and they weren't working.

I got a bit more out of a guinea pig, as much as the kittens and puppies, but guinea pigs are horrible little monsters with human hands and human lips and absolutely zero redeeming qualities other than that, apparently, they are a tasty ingredient in south american cuisine.

Other than hamsters and guinea pigs, I like most animals. But again, I wasn't here for a regular pet. I got zip from the reptiles and tarantulas. A pity. A telepathic bond with a snake would have been pretty cool.

I'm really fond of parrots, but I ran into a problem as soon as I got to the cluster of cages devoted to birds. They had cockatoos, and budgies, and finches, and canaries, and what I think was a mynah bird.

They also had an african grey parrot in a big domed cage, bigger even than the ones the cockatoos shared.

I looked at the parrot.

"Hello," I said, doing my best to project friendliness in my head.

"Squawk!" said the african grey.

*/~SQUAWK~/* said the parrots mind, hitting me like a ball-peen hammer lobotomy.

No birds, then. Shit that's loud! It's like the opera singer but without quite as much range, since it wasn't a problem until I got close.

Absolutely brutal volume, though. I was hearing some softer, more charming mental noises from the budgies and the canaries, but the mental honk of what must be the fucking Metatron, angelic voice of God, parrot sent me reeling.

"Anya! What happened?!" Yor exclaimed, practically teleporting to my side. "Your nose is bleeding! Did you run into something?"

I let her steady me and dabbed at my upper lip.


'Well, there go my plans for the day,' I thought as we left the store.

But when I'm old and run my own multinational conglomerate and have to worry about other psychics stealing my secrets with telepathy, I'm going to surround my headquarters with parrots.


Most of the stuff I asked for really was part of the mission, though. Music is important, so we finally got a record player and some records, and even better a small cassette player and even more cassettes. We looked at a VHS player but the damned things were insanely expensive in the mid-80s, so we mutually decided to hold that off as a reward for another Stella, or something equivalent. I got some art supplies and drafting tools, plus clay and sculpting tools. I also got a number of books. Through Frankie I also got access to some electronics and basic tools. Useful, reasonably priced LEDs weren't really a thing yet, so I had to get incandescent bulbs and tinted filters.

One of the biggest things I got was a typewriter. It's much faster than writing, and also low key helps explain my lousy handwriting.

The hardest thing to get was good quality silicone, for making soft body sculptures, but also molds for other things.

We also took some trips out of the city, to various old growth forests and such. I got to see the Black Forest! That's where my ham comes from!

A joke I can't share, because no one would get it.

I mostly asked Yor, since she was the most physical of us, to escort me. Together we hiked, and bonded, and came back with some interesting bits of mossy, fallen logs, chunks of tree bark, and the occasional pretty rock. We came back with Loid and some tools when I found the perfect mossy tree stump.

Yor had surprisingly cute sneezes. Turns out she was allergic to something, possibly spores, on the stump. We had to keep it in a bucket with a bag over it until I was able to get glycerin to kill and preserve the moss. I tried the denatured alcohol method but it was discoloring the wood.

And then, I made art.

I'd had some serious ambitions art wise in my first life. I carved and sculpted and painted and sketched. I airbrushed and I did spray can graffiti and I used brushes and rollers. I got all sorts of 'how to draw' books and practiced the lessons.

Ultimately, I found out that I had no talent. I developed skill, because I really did try. I could look at a real life object, or a picture in a book, or some physical thing, and I could copy it fairly well. Even modify it a little.

But producing things straight from my imagination?

Couldn't do it. Not and it look right. It was like some mental block, stopping me from turning the mental image I saw so well in my mind's eye, to something real on paper or in clay or metal.

But that sort of helped me quickly make a compressed timeline of my artistic efforts. Loid, and some of his support people back where ever, were faking a history of cognition tests and such. I helped with that, of course. Together with Loid we faked the data, and the actual unpublished 'papers' Loid had supposedly been writing as notes on my progress got faked by his support crew.

But I handled the art bit myself. For 'old' crude stuff, I used my imagination. It mostly sucked, though I did manage a pretty nice western dragon, though it was similar to something I'd done before so it wasn't pure imagination. Then, for 'improved' art, I switched to stuff from books. Flowers and sea creatures and prehistoric creatures (mostly sea life, again) and mushrooms.

Lots of mushrooms. Easy and fun to draw. There are so many pretty ones.

I also three-quarter assed some plush animal patterns of nonstandard plushies. Anomolocarus, of course, but also an ammonite, an octopus, a trilobite, and a Sally Lightfoot Galapagos crab, my favorite. I saw three-quarter because I really did try my best, but I wasn't an expert seamstress. Most of the plans were sent back to Loid's people to be turned into plushies.

I kept the crab and the anomolocarus to have done at some place called Mona and Monacca's, which was some sort of seriously elite tailor shop, as it was the only place in Berlint that sold Eden Academy uniforms.

It figures it was also one of the places where the tres chic Yor shopped for clothes. Loid spent a pretty penny there on my clothes, I tell you what. Even Yor chipped in.

My other art projects were mushrooms made from molded silicone, placed as if they were growing from the stump. Beneath that, hidden in the stand that displayed it, was a light and three light tubes made of clear glass filled with a bleach solution, then coated in a mirror solution. A primitive fiber optic replacement, in other words. A rainbow gradient color wheel placed in front of the light source spun slowly in place, and a three chambered pocket that kept the light tubes separate channeled the light from each section of the spinning color filter to the undersides of the silicone mushrooms.

With three light pipes in play, the slowly spinning gradient filter made the visible, translucent mushrooms slowly light up and change in a wave of rainbow color.

It took almost a month to complete. Loid wouldn't let me do the soldering myself, even if I totally could, and Franky had to do it. It also took way more effort and probably ten times the price it would take with a basic set of RGB LEDs and some fiber optic strands in the future, but oh well. It was a conceptually easy project, and made a nice night-light in the corner of my room. Still needed a little fairy figurine to really finish it, conceptually, but it was still nice.

Speaking of conceptually easy projects, I also designed a whole set of fidget spinners. A fully circular 'zero' lobed one. A 'one lobe' to be made from a connected pair of different sized but both small sprockets, linked with a small bicycle chain piece. And the rest were two, three, four, five, and six lobed versions of the classic fidget spinners that took over the world for a while in the aught-teens.

The plans called for them to be made of brass and to have high quality bearings. Loid sent them along with the plans for most of the plushies. While we certainly could have them made here in Ostania, this was all supposed to be stuff we'd had for years as evidence of my 'genius'.

Following the fidget spinners, Frankie and I made a simplistic fidget 'cube' with various switches.

Then we had to make another one, because Frankie wanted one. Frankie and Yor got along well enough. Between the fidget cube and the mushroom lights, he was over a pretty good bit.

Not every project worked out. 'Slap-bracelets' were big schoolyard fads when I was in school in the slightly later mid-80s. I tried to make my own, sacrificing a big tape measure in the process. The problem was that, while the tape measure would stay straight without issue, it was the windup spring that forced it into a curl. It needed to be heat treated to do the 'snap-curl' bracelet thing, and that wasn't an easy thing to set up. I ended up abandoning that project, unfortunately.

Lastly, although we never had time to get them made, I started the concepts and sketches for my big debut into children's toy genius.

Building on the easy concepts of fidget spinners, I came up with two more ideas stolen from better designers than me.

For girls, the flying Barbie spinner doll. Though not Barbie here. Probably go with a ballet theme. Swan lake, maybe, and some fairies. A relatively tall, rigid doll, with hinged arms that splay out into soft foam wings. Set the 'feet' in some sort of spinner-launcher device, pull on a ripcord, and send that thing flying like a helicopter without a tail.

Right into a face, usually. That's why the wings have to be soft foam, barely rigid enough for flight. Other popular landing destinations include fire places, dog's mouths, over railings, or behind appliances.

They're really genius as toys because they get destroyed very easily, requiring frequent replacement. The expensive part is the launcher.

Which will be reused with the products for boys, beyblades!

Again, not really beyblades. I barely know anything about them. No one I knew ever bought any for their kids and literally the only thing I picked up through meme osmosis was that apparently dranzers were bullshit.

But same concept. An arena, which will probably be kinda pricey. It'll need to be a big metal bowl with a mostly flattish bottom. A wok, maybe. The launcher will be the same as for the ballet fliers, but will need some sort of triggered launch mechanism.

I know that beyblades were more complicated than just a spinning top, but I don't know the details. The first generation will probably be kinda simple. A few different tip geometries, a few different weight profiles, and a variety of different knobby rings for hitting and being hit.

Toys work best with an attached story, so I had to come up with something. I was thinking some sort of League of Legends/DOTA style 'warriors from all over' plot, with lots of easily recognizable characters grabbed from cultures all across the world. Roman centurions, dual axe wielding fighters, samurai, halberdiers, spearmen, just all kinds of stuff. Whip up some art, get some prototypes made, write a story…

Too bad I can't draw comics. I'll need to find someone. Maybe someone in Eden. Anyway, it's a longer term project. Don't want to use all my sleeve cards in the first hand. But being seen working on this stuff at school in my free time, then getting an actual toy company to make it, should impress people nicely.

One of the more fun things I did before school started was use that typewriter and bang out some stories. Nothing directly plagiarized, though my fantasy story about the girl and her giant fucking bird looks a lot more original now that it predates all of the stuff it cribs from.

All of that stuff took pretty much all the time I had between the interview and school actually starting. It was really busy. I didn't really have time to truly study, not that I apparently need to. Really, the only true school prep stuff I did was exercising and the very beginning of being taught ballet from Yor.

The time appeared to go by in a flash for me. I had my job, 'be a genius', and that was what I focused on, to the exclusion of most else.

I imagine that time period looked very different through the eyes of the people around me.

AN: Here's something from the last of the patreon posts, with minor edits. Patreon is shut down, since I have a full time job now. Thanks to everyone who supported me and helped me survive.

I ain't saying things are perfect now, I'm still having some lingering health issues and my new insurance, despite being ludicrously expensive, still doens't want to pay for me to get an actual insulin pump. Also going from no schedule to fixed schedule always sucks. The biggest complaint I have is not having time and energy to write much, but that's typical. Everything is super busy at work right now because of back to school but in another couple of months all that calms down and I'll have more time and energy.
Erhard? I'm nocking a point off my

My actual, function range is more like about a third of that,

focuses on, and he's Loids main support.

but they probably had women's' fencing somewhere.

embarrassing him with the face that his eyes
Haahhahahahnaha oh man she looks like the type to take a challenge like that and go whole hog on it when properly motivated and with the right resources lol like from their perspective Loid asked for a smart kid and more or less got more than he was expecting by a fairly large margin.
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Chapter 14: Interlude Yor
xxxxxxxxx Yor POV

"Anya, it's time to wake up," Yor prompted, sitting on the little girl's bed where she was face down in the crack between her pillow and the bed.

"Mmph. Scratch my back," the girl pleaded sleepily.

Obligingly, Yor began scratching her adopted daughter's back. Slowly at first, then increasing speed. The pink haired girl grunted happily and contorted beneath her hands, luxuriating in the stimulus and arching her back like a cat.

When Yor stopped, she didn't whine or complain, she merely sighed happily and lay still for a moment, but immediately started climbing out of bed as soon as Yor stood up.

It was quite early in the morning, and Yor found it interesting that, while the girl positively delighted in sleeping until quite late in the morning, she was also happy to get up and join Yor in her morning exercises.

Yor had work to go to, and did require a fair bit of time to bathe, dress, and apply makeup, but to keep herself in shape she also usually needed about an hour and a half for a proper morning exercise.

Loid, too, had been joining her, proving to be both capable of keeping up with her and similarly devoted to his exercise regime. Although if left to his own devices, he'd generally do it much later in the morning, he was perfectly willing to adapt to her schedule. He didn't require the same amount of primp time she did.

Mindful of her new family, she kept herself to a light workout. A good pre-workout stretch, followed by two hundred each of handstand pushups, inverted situps, and a series of slow ballet moves which trained strength, balance, and endurance, all followed by a thirty minute run, which usually worked out to be about five kilometers since she was just jogging.

Loid actually kept up with her through all but the ballet moves, which was both surprising but also extremely gratifying. She'd never noticed it before, but working out could be lonely. Having someone there with her as a partner felt good.

Little Anya couldn't come close to keeping up, but did her best to at least follow along with easier pushups and situps, starting with an easy twenty each. Unlike Loid, who moved on to a more traditional martial arts exercise, Anya did her best to follow along with the ballet moves. Although it cut into her own exercises, Yor didn't mind taking the time to help Anya begin the training to start ballet.

Her morning run was also easily adapted to the company. She and Loid did wind sprints back and forth on the block while Anya did her series of sprints, then a cool down jog. At first they often had to carry their daughter back to the apartment, but as everyone learned how to work together, they judged things more accurately. Anya would go back inside and clean up first, then start breakfast prep while they finished their runs.

Loid would then take over and cook breakfast while Yor bathed. The lies they told during the school interview notwithstanding, Yor's culinary skills were limited to bakery bought goods and simple fixings like muesli with milk. Loid was incomparably superior, though Yor had been making efforts to learn.

They'd eat together, then he'd quickly clean up while she and Anya washed the dishes, then Yor went and dressed. He generally even had time to shave before he had to finally surrender the bathroom to the goddess of fashion, at least until Yor left for work.

Anya was perfectly okay with the early morning efforts, especially since she generally had the time to grab another hour or two of sleep after breakfast.


It was the weekend, and Anya glanced around curiously from her position in the passenger seat of the rented car. She had a couple of maps stacked beside her, and was trying to follow their route as they passed street signs.

Yor smiled faintly as she drove.

Ordinarily, Loid would be the one driving, but even though he didn't have any work related tasks to do this weekend, Anya had requested to go with just Yor, and make it a mother-daughter day.

They were headed to an area bordering the Miriquidi forest in lower east Ostania, an area pointed out by Franky as a good place to hunt for old, near-rotten stumps, which her step-daughter Anya needed for… some reason. It was just over 180 kilometers away, and Anya intended to bring back some things, so Yor had needed to rent a car with a sizeable boot in the back.

While there were doubtlessly closer places to look, removing natural features from a park would be a crime, as would be trespassing. But the area Franky had found was a large bit of hilly land near the Ore mountains that had been used for timber for generations, and the owner lived in Berlint, so it was a simple matter to get permission to visit.

Anya was decently helpful as a navigator, not that Yor really needed the assistance, but it was appreciated. Mostly, they spent the approximately three hour trip in a mix of conversation and contemplation.

"…That's why you must be careful with light colors," Yor explained. "While they certainly feel cool and summery, the least little thing can leave an embarrasing stain."

"Wouldn't pure white be better than pastels or brights, then?" Anya asked. "Because then you could just use bleach."

"That's true, but it weakens the fabric if you use it very much. That's okay with some things, but not with others," she replied. With how active she had to be in combat at times, any weak spots in her clothes had an awfully embarrassing tendency to tear.

"Oh, yes. You do move like a superhuman gymnast," Anya said, out of nowhere. "I can see how rips would be a problem. But what about other stain removers? I've heard hydrogen peroxide is good on blood stains."

Yor glanced at the girl in surprise before turning her eyes back on the road. They'd been talking about dirt, grass, and ink stains beforehand. Sometimes it seemed like her stepdaughter had very morbid thoughts. "Well, yes," she agreed, a touch awkward. "Peroxide is good at removing blood stains, but it does cause bleaching on many colors."

Anya's face lit up in realization. "Oh, yeah, the oxygenation! I suppose that would mess with many dyes."

They sat in silence for a while, Anya clearly thinking hard.

Yor left her to it. Anya's thoughts, while often seeming to come out of nowhere, were frequently interesting, at the least.

Still, it nearly startled her into a swerve when Anya suddenly yelled:


"Hah?!" Yor replied, her heart pounding.

"Bromelin! It's an enzyme in meat tenderizer used for cooking. It breaks up proteins, and I'm pretty sure it breaks up some other kinds of chemical bonds, too. I think it would work for removing blood stains, and should be safe for fabrics, too," Anya gushed excitedly.

Yor had never heard of anyone using meat tenderizer as a stain remover, but Anya was a genius, after all. "So how would you use it?" she asked, smiling at the excited girl.

Anya opened her mouth. "Ah… Hmm. Probably just use it as a paste. But you have to let meat soak it in for a while. That might just be to let it actually get into the meat, but it might be a reaction speed thing? Hmm. Well, we'll just have to experiment, also known as just messing around, but you write down the results. SCIENCE!" Anya cried, her tiny fist shooting up.

"Science!" Yor echoed with a smile.

They ultimately had a very pleasant day driving out to the forest lands. Once there they prowled around, hiking through the hills and valleys. Anya had several botany books, and Yor carried a bag full of tools.

It took a while, as Anya was searching for something specific according to her own inscrutable standards, but near a small creek flowing between two hills, they finally found a small tree stump she liked.

It was about 30cm across, and the wood had turned black with age and rot. It also had a coating of green moss, and several shelf mushrooms growing on its side, which Anya had, after some effort with her books, identified as either blushing brackets or a particularly brown example of mossy maze polypore.

Neither species was edible, unlike the several clusters of sulphur shelf mushrooms they had collected during their hike.

The stump was somewhat rotten, but still firm enough to not crumble under their touch. It had several spreading roots, but was reasonably compact overall. Anya loved it.

By herself, she couldn't have done much with it. But while Yor was no ditch digger, neither a shovel nor a saw was hard to use, and she plucked it from the ground with less than thirty minutes of work. Most of the time was spent just being careful.

Once they had it removed, they bagged it up in a large canvas sack and carried it home.

Anya nattered about her plans for it as part of an art piece, and Yor drove.

'This motherhood business isn't so bad,' Yor thought happily to herself.

Anya leaned over from the passenger seat and gave her a hug.


AN: Kinda short, but Yor is hard. Next chapter is a bit longer, and features Franky. It's on my Patreon.

Note: I am writing again. I had stopped my patreon about a year ago, because I got a new job and didn't have much time for writing. Things went well for a while. New insurance helped me pay for my meds, things looked good.

Then I got sicker. And sicker. And lost the new job.

I am now unemployed and on medicaid. I'm broke. I'm also pretty sick, and it doesn't look good for getting better. This is probably the downward spiral.

So the Patreon is back up. I can't promise a rigid schedule due to health reasons. But I AM writing as much as I can. There's new chapters of both Then Be Batman and Ice Pie on my patreon.

Nugar | creating Original Fantasy and/or Scifi, and occasional fan proje | Patreon

Some other new stories and new materials are also incoming. Your support is appreciated!

Edit: I forgot the link. I have a new story up, Then be Batman. Let me know what you think.
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I hope you get better soon! And not just from getting sick, I hope everything gets better for you!

By the way, why is Anya collecting so much fungus? Is she planning on setting up a mushroom farm? Some of the more exotic mushrooms taste good, and can get you a pretty penny if Ostania never had them before.

Or is she trying to cultivate ones to develop some antibiotics?

By the way, if I were the SI, had telepathic abilities and was ignorant about the setting, I'd probably be spending huge amounts of time trying to bend spoons. Because in my mind, if I were psychic, I'd ask, "can I have telekinesis, too?"

I know that in a social environment, telepathy is better. And I know that Anya would probably never develop that, either in this fic or in canon. But like I said, if I didn't know, I'd be practicing everyday, because Force chokes, Force chokes for everyone!
I always enjoy your updates. This was my introduction to Spy X Family, actually, and I think I generally prefer it to canon.
(I also loved That Gnawing Worm, Cancer. Still my favorite Worm AU worldbuilding; it solves all my baseline problems with the altpower genre.)
I am now unemployed and on medicaid. I'm broke. I'm also pretty sick, and it doesn't look good for getting better. This is probably the downward spiral.
Oh boy. Well, I'll be praying for you.
(It's diabetes, right? And you're some degree of doctor, based on that other SI of yours. So you probably already knew to test your bloodsugar every meal - or ideally just use one of the continuous monitor patches, to catch delayed reactions - so you know what foods spike bloodsugar for your specific metabolism, and did so a long time ago. Probably.)
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I always enjoy your updates. This was my introduction to Spy X Family, actually, and I think I generally prefer it to canon.
(I also loved That Gnawing Worm, Cancer. Still my favorite Worm AU worldbuilding; it solves all my baseline problems with the altpower genre.)

Oh boy. Well, I'll be praying for you.
(It's diabetes, right? And you're some degree of doctor, based on that other SI of yours. So you probably already knew to test your bloodsugar every meal - or ideally just use one of the continuous monitor patches, to catch delayed reactions - so you know what foods spike bloodsugar for your specific metabolism, and did so a long time ago. Probably.)

I've got the beetus, yes, but I've had that for years. It's mostly under control. The worst thing about it is the damned nerve pain, which is sort of a motherfucker. But now, I'm having heart issues, and they're proving sort of difficult to treat.
I've got the beetus, yes, but I've had that for years. It's mostly under control.
Hm. Stop me if I'm being too nosy, but does 'mostly' mean your average blood sugar is in the 'pre-diabetic' range, or that you aren't getting the spikes that do the actual damage? I know someone who recently did her thesis on this, so it's sort of an interest of mine.
Hm. Stop me if I'm being too nosy, but does 'mostly' mean your average blood sugar is in the 'pre-diabetic' range, or that you aren't getting the spikes that do the actual damage? I know someone who recently did her thesis on this, so it's sort of an interest of mine.

I had an insulin pump that kept me in the right range most of the time, so no huge spikes and also the right range. But medicaid won't pay for it, nor the more expensive insulin it takes. So actually, I'm now being forced to revert to the cheap shit. I'm very, very insulin resistant, and on u100 I have to inject so much that it's hard for my body to even absorb that much fluid. So they put me on u500, but it's like $700 a month. Medicaid says 'No, we're not paying for that'. Doc says 'But he actually needs it.' Medicaid does not give a shit.

I was also on Bydureon. It's like $800 a month. They wouldn't pay for it, either, so shit's already getting worse from that.

So I'm just now switching to the u100. I highly suspect my numbers are going to go to shit, which will make the heart issues worse, and the neuropathy worse.

My aunt, one of the few extended family members I liked, had the same problem, it's genetic. A couple weeks ago, her heart got so bad they put her in the hospital. She stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks. Medicaid said 'Oh, that's all we'll pay for.' So they sent her home. Where she promptly died. That was last week.

The american healthcare system is fucked.

So yeah. I can see my end from here. I'll write till I can't. Then die.
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Honestly if you can make it go on a pilgrimage to Canada. Insulin is cheap as fuck here Thank god for universal healthcare.
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So, I consulted said thesis-writer. She mentioned two things. The first is that you might find Blood Sugar 101 useful, and the second is that most states - Alabama and Georgia are bad, but most states - have a Medicaid appeals process, which they won't tell you about, but which exists and you can keep hammering at.
Beyond that, any chance you can move to Canada or Mexico? Last I heard it was legal for American citizens to visit either for a year without a visa, and they both have better medical systems.
Take a vacation week. Get a bus or car and go to a Canadian pharmacy. Insulin is cheap and plentiful here. explain to the pharmacist of your economic woes and they probably give you a bulk supply.
I once had occasion to spend a while researching Canadian sources for insulin for Americans; it seems a quite reasonable route as long as you independently confirm you're buying a Health Canada approved drug from a licensed pharmacy--big shock, the internet has con artists on it! If they have a Canadian street address listed, that can be checked on Canadian government websites, but there's also the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy website, or buying from a Canadian International Pharmacy Association member. Bear in mind also that many drug manufacturers have discount programs for their drugs here in the US.

Of course that was two or three years ago, so I'm open to being corrected if things have changed since then, and you may want to do your own research to confirm. And sorry if I'm telling you things you already know, but I just wanted to be sure.
She minored in Murder Studies.
Graduated suma cum blood and got her bachelor's degree in Applied Violence.

By the way, why is Anya collecting so much fungus? Is she planning on setting up a mushroom farm? Some of the more exotic mushrooms taste good, and can get you a pretty penny if Ostania never had them before.

Or is she trying to cultivate ones to develop some antibiotics?
This chapter is coincident with the previous one; she's making an art piece consisting of a stump covered in mushrooms, with colour-changing lights in the bottom to make it light up like a fairy grotto.