I went to SV for the escapism, and all I got was this lousy college quest

As a typical human being we are neither superhumanly good nor subhumanly bad at anything.

In fact, I'd say we're pretty much average.

[X] Plan "Aggressively Average"
STR: 6
DEX: 6
END: 6
INT: 6
CRE: 6
RES: 6
PRE: 6
PER: 6
COM: 6
[X] Female
[X] Medium - You're living expenses are paid for at least.
[X] Large Urban State School
[X] Double

[x] Plan "My mind is somewhere else"
[X] Female
[X] Medium
[X] Private Liberal Arts College
[X] Triple

[X] Plan "Withdrawn Schoolgirl"
STR: 5
DEX: 7
END: 5
INT: 10
CRE: 7
RES: 8
PRE: 1
PER: 8
COM: 3
Ooh, I like Voodoo Shark's vote. But it must be renamed.

[X] Female
[X] Easy - A lot is paid for you, but you'll have some loans waiting for you.
[X] Large Urban State School
[X] Quad

[X] Plan "Ridiculously Average"
STR: 6
DEX: 6
END: 6
INT: 6
CRE: 6
RES: 6
PRE: 6
PER: 6
COM: 6
[X] Male
[X] Medium
[X] Large Urban State School
[X] Triple

[X] Plan "Withdrawn Schoolgirl"
STR: 5
DEX: 7
END: 5
INT: 10
CRE: 7
RES: 8
PRE: 1
PER: 8
COM: 3
Wow, a lot more voters than I was expecting. Female, Medium Difficulty, Private Liberal Arts College, and Triple are all in the lead currently. Plan Withdrawn Schoolgirl is in the lead by one vote, closely followed by Plan Real wdango and Plan Social Butterfly. Voting will remain open until 6:00 PM EST time.

Male: 7
wdango, Vanestus, Ψυχή, Ramble, kinglugia, Illusion, Negative Horizon

Female: 14
EtchedSteel, Harly, Sk8torchic, Oh I am slain!, aeqnai, lavanderjasmine, Pensive Rumination, inventive alias, drake_azathoth, TheOneMoiderah, Ugolino, edmantgoog, Scify, Scia
Easiest: 5
wdango, Illusion, kinglugia, ramble, Ψυχή

Easy: 5
Oh I am slain!, drake_azathoth, Harly, Vanestus, edmantgoog

Medium: 7
NegativeHorizion, Scia, Scify, inventive alias, Pensive Rumination, aeqnai, Sk8torchic

Hard: 4
TheOneMoiderah, Ugolino, lanvanderjasmine, EtchedSteel
Private Liberal Arts College: 11
wdango, Sk8torchic, Ψυχή, ramble, kinglugia, Illusion, inventive alias, edmantgoog, Scia, aeqnai, Pensive Rumination

Community College: 1

Ivy League: 1

Large Urban State School: 8
Oh I am slain!, drake_azathoth, TheOneMoiderah, Ugolino, EtchedSteel, lavanderjasmine, Scify, NegativeHorizon
Single: 5
wdango, Illusion, kinglugia, ramble, Ψυχή

Double: 3
Vanestus, Harly, Scify

Triple: 11
Sk8torchic, aeqnai, Pensive Rumination, inventive alias, drake_azathoth, TheOneMoiderah, Ugolino, EtchedSteel, lavanderjasmine, Scia, NegativeHorizion

Quad: 2
Oh I am slain!, edmantgoog

Plan Withdrawn Schoolgirl: 6
Sk8torchic, aeqnai, inventive alias, drake_azathoth, Scia, NegativeHorizion

Plan real wdango: 5
wdango, Ψυχή, ramble, kinglugia, Illusion

Plan Social Butterfly: 4
TheOneMoiderah, Ugolino, EtchedSteel, lavanderjasmine

Plan My Mind is somewhere else: 2
Pensive Rumination, Scify

Plan Aggressively/Ridiculously Average: 2
Vodoo Shark, Oh I am slain!

Plan [Plan Name]: 1

Plan Stronk(wo)man : INVALID VOTE

Plan Mediocre: INVALID VOTE
[X] Female

[X] Medium - You're living expenses are paid for at least.

Type of College:
[X] Private Liberal Arts College

Dorm Room:
[X] Double

[X] Withdrawn Schoolgirl
Last edited:
[X] Female
[X] Medium
[X] Private Liberal Arts College
[X] Triple

[X] Plan "Withdrawn Schoolgirl"
STR: 5
DEX: 7
END: 5
INT: 10
CRE: 7
RES: 8
PRE: 1
PER: 8
COM: 3
Wow, a lot more voters than I was expecting. Female, Medium Difficulty, Private Liberal Arts College, and Triple are all in the lead currently. Plan Withdrawn Schoolgirl is in the lead by one vote, closely followed by Plan Real wdango and Plan Social Butterfly. Voting will remain open until 6:00 PM EST time.

Male: 7
wdango, Vanestus, Ψυχή, Ramble, kinglugia, Illusion, Negative Horizon

Female: 14
EtchedSteel, Harly, Sk8torchic, Oh I am slain!, aeqnai, lavanderjasmine, Pensive Rumination, inventive alias, drake_azathoth, TheOneMoiderah, Ugolino, edmantgoog, Scify, Scia
Easiest: 5
wdango, Illusion, kinglugia, ramble, Ψυχή

Easy: 5
Oh I am slain!, drake_azathoth, Harly, Vanestus, edmantgoog

Medium: 7
NegativeHorizion, Scia, Scify, inventive alias, Pensive Rumination, aeqnai, Sk8torchic

Hard: 4
TheOneMoiderah, Ugolino, lanvanderjasmine, EtchedSteel
Private Liberal Arts College: 11
wdango, Sk8torchic, Ψυχή, ramble, kinglugia, Illusion, inventive alias, edmantgoog, Scia, aeqnai, Pensive Rumination

Community College: 1

Ivy League: 1

Large Urban State School: 8
Oh I am slain!, drake_azathoth, TheOneMoiderah, Ugolino, EtchedSteel, lavanderjasmine, Scify, NegativeHorizon
Single: 5
wdango, Illusion, kinglugia, ramble, Ψυχή

Double: 3
Vanestus, Harly, Scify

Triple: 11
Sk8torchic, aeqnai, Pensive Rumination, inventive alias, drake_azathoth, TheOneMoiderah, Ugolino, EtchedSteel, lavanderjasmine, Scia, NegativeHorizion

Quad: 2
Oh I am slain!, edmantgoog

Plan Withdrawn Schoolgirl: 6
Sk8torchic, aeqnai, inventive alias, drake_azathoth, Scia, NegativeHorizion

Plan real wdango: 5
wdango, Ψυχή, ramble, kinglugia, Illusion

Plan Social Butterfly: 4
TheOneMoiderah, Ugolino, EtchedSteel, lavanderjasmine

Plan My Mind is somewhere else: 2
Pensive Rumination, Scify

Plan Aggressively/Ridiculously Average: 2
Vodoo Shark, Oh I am slain!

Plan [Plan Name]: 1

Plan Stronk(wo)man : INVALID VOTE

Plan Mediocre: INVALID VOTE
I should have posted this earlier.


I have a bad headache tonight, so update should be tomorrow or Friday.
Noooooooo. By one vote! :(

I know! I coulda been a contenda written a normal(ish) person. It's half the reason the update isn't guaranteed tomorrow, since I need to come up with 2-3 different versions of a person who is so bad at interacting with people to justify a presence of 1, yet is very insightful into social situations. Though, this might be more interesting in the long run.
Nobody notices her, but she's good at interacting when someone else strikes up a conversation?
Dang I wanted to be student athlete.
[X]Dwayne Rhodes
[X] Male

[x] Easy - A lot is paid for you, but you'll have some loans waiting for you.
Type of College:
[X] Rural State School
Dorm Room:
[X] Double

[X] Plan "NFL Hopeful"
STR: 8
DEX: 8
END: 8
INT: 6
CRE: 3
RES: 6
PRE: 5
PER: 7
COM: 3

Let's be a slight flusterable talented jock.
Dang I wanted to be student athlete.
[X]Dwayne Rhodes
[X] Male

[x] Easy - A lot is paid for you, but you'll have some loans waiting for you.
Type of College:
[X] Rural State School
Dorm Room:
[X] Double

[X] Plan "NFL Hopeful"
STR: 8
DEX: 8
END: 8
INT: 6
CRE: 3
RES: 6
PRE: 5
PER: 7
COM: 3

Let's be a slight flusterable talented jock.

I should have posted this earlier.


I have a bad headache tonight, so update should be tomorrow or Friday.

Sorry, a bit late bud.
I know! I coulda been a contenda written a normal(ish) person. It's half the reason the update isn't guaranteed tomorrow, since I need to come up with 2-3 different versions of a person who is so bad at interacting with people to justify a presence of 1, yet is very insightful into social situations. Though, this might be more interesting in the long run.
the one guy from medaka box who had unsung hero as his abnormality before it was changed to theme song
Choose your Character
The Ice Queen
You remember how excited you were on your first day of school. As an only child, you rarely got to talk to anyone your own age, and your parents were usually too busy to play with you. Living in the country, there weren't many neighborhood kids to play with, so you were excited, though it was a little nerve wracking to be away from your parents for half the day. Still, you went in all smiles. You met a few other girls who wanted to be your friend, and everything seemed to go well.

That only lasted for about a week. It only took a short time before you saw the true nature of humanity. You had told Hannah, one of your new friends, a secret yet before snack time everyone knew about it. It wasn't your fault that you still slept with a security blanket, and were keeping it in your backpack. You know that this isn't that weird for a kid, and one of your classmates even brought a stuffed animal with them to school. Yet, despite the fact that probably half your classmates still had their own security blankets, they made fun of you, called you a baby. You tried to get them to stop, but this seemed to just egg them on. So you started avoiding them, which worked while you were in the classroom. Your "friends" cornered you on the playground later that day to resume their teasing. You just wanted to get away, but they had surrounded you. So, you did the only thing you could. You pushed Hannah out of your way and ran.

Of course she told on you. The teachers found you hiding in the bushes on the edge of the playground just as you had managed to stop crying. The teachers yelled at you. When you got to the Principal's office, she yelled at you and said you'd have to stay at home for a week. When your parents arrived, they yelled at you, and you were grounded, not allowed to play outside, watch TV, play with your toys, or read your books for a whole month. A lifetime at that age.

So you changed. When you went back to school, you no longer spoke to the other students. You didn't raise your hand, and if the teacher called on you in class, your constant refrain became "I don't know." However, that didn't mean you ignored or shut out what was going on. You performed all your assignments perfectly, doing more than anyone else. You learned to listen carefully, and most importantly watch what was going on around you. And when someone teased you or you got mad (and boy did you get mad sometimes), you always knew what to say or reveal to reduce them to tears.

It turns out adults don't get very mad when you don't touch anyone.

So you continued your schooling in this way, content in your isolation from the idiots surrounding you. You just wanted to quietly do your work, but before you knew it everyone knew who you were. They called you the "Ice Queen," at least where teachers could hear. They had another name for you, but you made sure they learned not to use it in front of you. By the time you entered high-school even teachers and seniors knew your reputation and steered clear. Everything was how you wanted it to be.

At least, until you started your college applications. Your grades were perfect (you were valedictorian), you had both in school and out of school extra curriculars, your SAT and ACT scores were nearly perfect, and you knew that you made no mistakes on the application process. However, you were shocked when you started receiving response letters. Harvard: Rejected. Yale: Rejected. Princeton: Rejected. Brown, Columbia, Penn, Cornell, Dartmouth were all the same, rejected, Rejected, REJECTED!

You realized that it must have been your recommendations. The salutatorian had been accepted to several Ivy Leagues, despite not taking a single Advanced Placement class and only having Marching Band as her extra-curricular. On paper, you were better than her in every way. You had thought that as long as you did your work perfectly, that you showed you were smart, you would be fine. However, you realized, that one of the teachers you had asked for recommendations must have written a negative letter. They had sabotaged your future because they didn't like you.

You didn't take it well, but there was nothing you could do. Recommendations were confidential.

You still were accepted to two schools that you had applied to simply because you were too intelligent to apply only to Ivy League schools, even if you never dreamed of being rejected by all of them. Fugue State University had accepted you almost immediately. Heck, they probably didn't even bother with your recommendations and took you on grades alone. But you didn't want to go to a state college. So you end up going to the nearby Liberal Arts school, Johnson College. You learned something from all this, that it isn't enough to have perfect grades, you need to be liked to succeed. How's that is supposed to happen you have no idea.

The Artist

What were you thinking about again? Oh, right, how you got here. Well, you just kinda went along with the flow, like you always have. You knew your parents and teachers expected you to go to college, so you picked a pretty looking place, filled out the application and now you're off to college. You don't think it'll be that different, though it'll be nice to have a change of scenery, see more of the world.

You spend most of your time in your own head, daydreaming. You like to watch people, imagining what is going on in their lives, what would it be like if your Math teacher was secretly a Geomancer, using the power of geometry to access the hidden power of the earth! You know most people think you're weird and don't understand you, but that's okay.

You don't expect to be understood.

Maybe you were a fairy changeling, switched at birth? How would people know, these days? It isn't like cold worked iron was particularly common in a society with stainless steel. Though that was another profession you couldn't do. Blacksmith. It would ruin your fairy magic!

School was interesting to you. No, that's wrong. School, an institution for educating children, was booooorrring. You knew all this already. You wish you didn't spend a whole class on how Mr. Gatsby was obsessed with the green light (he can't stare at Daisy, so he stares at the green light instead. Were you even reading?), or that the square root of -1 is i and that means i squared is -1 (That's how all square roots work!) What you found interesting were the students. How they mix and mingled, wore different clothes to say different things to each other (Hey, what would it be like if instead of clothes, humans had plumage?), formed friendships, lost friendships.

Even that had gotten boring after awhile. You knew all these people, and it wasn't even difficult to predict that Susan and Kevin weren't going to last the week as a couple, or that Sara was crushing on her oblivious best friend Laura. It was fun to image what people would do if they woke up one day with giant heads, or if aliens attacked, but still, it had gotten a little stale.

So it wasn't a bad thing to be going to college, and you heard the person it was named after had gone crazy. What if he wasn't crazy, and there really were vast testing grounds for experimental scientific apparatus beneath the school? Wait, that wasn't how science worked. You guess he was actually crazy then.

The Nerd

Your interests are your life. You could spend all day talking about them, that is, if anyone was willing to listen. Sadly, no one is cool like you are at your school. All they want to do is spend their time being "popular." Like that's worth anything beyond high school. You would know, you've read it in a ton of books! Fortunately, you have a smart phone, so you can spend most of your time in school on the internet. You just keep to yourself, and above all the stupid teen drama that goes on around you. Everyone is just so insecure, putting up fronts and acting like they're such mature adults. Anything that comes along and challenges that makes them either childishly retaliate, or childishly crumple. Dumbasses.

It's not your fault that you're not popular. It's just that all the sheeple think your interests are 'uncool' and are too scared learn anything about them. After all, anyone who bothered learning anything about your interests would instantly see how awesome they are.

Still, high school is over and done with. You are headed to college, and you're sure that you'll find fewer idiots there. You'll finally have real classes and maybe there would even be a club you'd want to join?

The options here are write-in heavy, simply because as a RL quest, your options are about as varied as real life is. To make things easier, please start all votes as [] Plan [Insert witty name here]. I'll include a few stereotypical examples. Write-ins are encouraged and assume all write-ins are OK unless I explicitly come out and veto it.

Who are you?
[] The Ice Queen Ira
[] The Artist Acedia
[] The Nerd Superbia

What school clubs/activites were you in? (Pick One)
[] Marching Band
[] Cheerleading
[] Sports
-[] Soccer
-[] Write-in
[] Student Government (Insufficient PRE)
[] Orchestra
[] Write-In
[] None (pick ONE additional hobby OR out of school activity)

Out of school activity? (Pick One)
[] Sports
-[] Golf
-[] Write-in
[] Volunteer Work
-[] Details
[] Band (Insufficient PRE to start band)
[] Write-in
[] None (pick ONE additional hobby OR school activity)

Hobbies? (Pick one)
[] Reading
[] Video Games
[] Sufficient Velocity/SpaceBattles
[] Guitar
[] Drawing
[] Write-in
[] None (pick ONE additional school activity OR out of school activity)

Boons (can be an object, unusual skill or trait, or even a childhood friend. You have three points to spend. Most options cost 1 point unless I say otherwise. I've given some examples so you know what to expect).
[] Gaming Desktop Computer
[] Smart Phone
[] Car (Two Points)
[] Luxury Sports Car (Three Points)
[] Childhood Piano Lessons
[] Black Belt in Judo (Two Points)
[] AB+ Blood type
[] Attractive
[] Perfect Pitch (two points)
[] Sibling/Relative
[] Childhood Friend Attending College(Two Points)
[] Write-in

Flaws (Pick Three two)
[X] Near-Sighted (LOCKED)
[] Sore-Loser
[] Intolerance
-[] To who?
[] Impatient
[] Afraid of
-[] The Dark
-[] Heights
-[] Write in
[] Unattractive
[] Frequent Nightmares
[] Write-in
Last edited:
[X] The Nerd Superbia
[X] Orchestra
[X] Video Games
[X] Gaming Desktop Computer
[X] Childhood Friend Attending College(Two Points)
[X] Afraid of
-[X] Heights
[X] Frequent Nightmares