I Wanna Be the Main Character! (Touhou)

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Every time you read the newspaper it's always the same thing.

Shrine Maiden Kicks Vampire's...


Funfact: I like funfacts.
Every time you read the newspaper it's always the same thing.

Shrine Maiden Kicks Vampire's Ass!
Magician Shoots the Moon...Princess!
Sakuya Stabs Shouty Celestial!
Half-Ghost Gardener Cuts Prince Down to Size!

...And other variations of such nonsense. It was especially aggravating during the whole religion war last summer, where a newspaper appeared at your doorstep what seemed like every hour with the feats of So-And-So fighting Such-And-Such in a climactic duel.

Why does this aggravate you?

Why does this piss you off?

Why does this make you grind your teeth to almost no end?

Because you know that it'll never be you on the front pages.

You're weak.




If you even wanted to do what those girls do on a regular basis, you know you'd get shot down immediately, without a second thought.

It's been hard to fall asleep these days, with these thoughts swirling in your head.

As you lie down for the time being, you try to banish these thoughts from your mind. All they do is make you irritated and restless.

It takes a while, but you finally fall asleep. Maybe tomorrow you'll finally do something about this funk you've been in.

...Who are you, anyways?

(write-in for all of these)
[x] Name
[x] Species
[x] Unique Ability

And how do you plan to cheer yourself up when you wake up?

(choose one)
[x] Go see a good friend.
[x] Try to find some entertainment (specify where).
[x] Maybe those moonies have some kind of drug for this?
[x] Praying to the gods for some good fortune could help (specify which shrine).
[x] Write-in
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Heya, though I've lurked for quite a while, this is my first time actually hosting a quest. Hope I do well.

(1: look up)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

Name: Suzuki Aika
Species: Human
Ability: The ability to the extent of being loved by tools.
Age: 27
Occupation: Blacksmith/Repairwoman Courier

Current Inventory: Travel food, Tools (hammer, screwdriver, pliers, mallet, nails, wrench, scissors), collapsible tent, sleeping bag

Spellcards: None, as of yet.

By Renu

1: Despite the tone of the opening post, this quest isn't all that serious. Feel free to be creative, as there's no real "bad ends," as it were.
2: That said, please don't pick incredibly stupid decisions or wildly OOC choices.
3: I'll add more rules if I feel need be. I trust you guys to make this an interesting story with no bad drama happening in-between updates.
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[JK] Wriggle Nightbug
[JK] Luciola cruciata
[JK] Commanding bugs

...right, srstime.

[X] Suiyoubi Shizuka
[X] Kappa
[X] Flow Manipulation
[X] Name - Shaku Kuruza
[X] Species - Wani (Dragon+Crocodile = Sea Monster)
[X] Unique Ability - Shadow-Swimming

[X] Go see a good friend.

No appearance vote?
[X] Name - Chuugoku (I am no good with names...)
[X] Species - Long Gui (龙龟, dragon turtle essentially)
[X] Unique Ability - Protection from North and East

"Protection from North and East" is a reference to how the Long Gui is a combination of the Black Tortoise and the Blue Dragon, governing those two spheres. It does things like "Increase defense in Spring" and "Be protected from foes from Hokkaido". The kind of ability that is kinda broken and yet inpossible to use, so one has to make up for it with brute strength and danmaku.
It also sounds like a weird Magic the Gathering Keyword.

Other fun things to be would be a nurikabe, random tsukumogami or the ever-popular Youkai Animal. (I recommend a turtle)
Notice how I never specified what gender you are in the openipfffahaha yeah sorry can't even finish that thought.

The main character is a gal, sorry.
We want to be the main character. No chance of being that with a Y-chromosome.

We could, however, pick a shape-shifting species and disguise ourselves as a man. Or go the Ichirin route and ally ourselves with a male youkai.

That's not a species, that's a kingdom!
And every one of its inhabitants is a possible character. C:

EDIT: Fixed a rather misleading typo...
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[x] Name - Danielle
[x] Species - Coyote
[x] Unique Ability - shape shifting and cantrips/stage magic
[x] Go see a good friend.
[x] Name: Mera
[x] Species: Gorgon
[x] Unique Ability: turn any living being to stone if they look at your face
Given the amount of shape shifters in setting already, I wouldn't doubt that we could learn how to shape shift later on.

Edit: Plus shape shifting as a power doesn't seem to be unique.
Edit: Plus shape shifting as a power doesn't seem to be unique.

Ah, sorry, I guess that choice was a tad misleading. My bad.

When I say "unique," I'm just talking about the ability that's attributed to every Touhou character. For example, Nitori's stated ability is to "manipulate water," though I'm fairly certain that every kappa can do this.
Um. If we want to be the male character, we do need a Y chromosome.
Hmm. Maybe a more traditional kitsune type? Illusions and shapeshifting?
That was an extraordinarily dumb typo for me to make.

I meant "main character", not male.

Although if we were a reptile (like a turtle), we could still be male without Y-chromosomes. Had the rules allowed it, of course.
[?] Mima
[?] Evil Spirit
[?] Magic Use

One can dream, can she not?

[X] Hirako Yui
[X] Tsukumogami (book*)
[X] Use of Runic Magic
[x] Praying to the gods for some good fortune could help (Hina).

*A collection of old poems from the outside world, gathering dust on a bookshelf for entirely too long.
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[x] Suzuki Aika
[x] Human
[x] The ability to the extent of being loved by tools.

I tried to make the character as Touhou-ish as possible. Aika is a combination of Ai (love) and ka (many meanings, including 'questioning', fire, and flower); the former relates to her ability, the latter relates to her passion and aim as per the quest's premise.

Suzuki is the second most common surname in Japan, making her surname feels ordinary, rather symbolizing that she's just a footnote in a long list of names. Though, I'm a bit conflicted by this choice, as Satou is the most common name and it actually has relations to Fujiwara and Sado. I the end I chose Suzuki because of how poetic it would be for even her family name to not be the number one family name.

I made the ability 'to the extent of' as a reference on how canon abilities are presented. By being loved by tools, she could basically use all tools at their 100% regardless of any obstacle, protections, or lack of knowledge (though she will have to experiment first before understanding the actual method of usage and the extent of the tool's ability). She can force it to 120% but that could break the tools. Basically it's like Gandalfr and Myoznitnirn (or however it's spelled) power from ZnT but applied to all tools as well.

Which is awesome and all for us, but not particularly amazing for a Gensokyo resident. Still, it would be fun making Spell Cards based on multiple weapons/tools.

Oh, and human because it's human's role to solve incidents. Youkai are supposed to cause incidents, though they can sometimes help solve them from time to time, but not too often.

[x] Go see a good friend.
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[x] Suzuki Aika
[x] Human
[x] The ability to the extent of being loved by tools.
[x] Go see a good friend.

I like it. Humans are tool users after all, it is their main feature as a species. I can see many hilarious things come from this, like a gang of Tsukumogami in love with us.
[x] Suzuki Aika
[x] Human
[x] The ability to the extent of being loved by tools.
[x] Go see a good friend.

I like this plan, actually.

Let's get our hands on some Kappa-tech!
I like it. Humans are tool users after all, it is their main feature as a species. I can see many hilarious things come from this, like a gang of Tsukumogami in love with us.
You read my mind on that one. We're basically going to be a True Neutral/Neutral Good Seija Kijin, aka, the glorious mofo who trolled everyone in Gensokyo, forced them to drop the Spell Card rules against her, and then beats them with only the help of some items.

Though it does reminds me that there was a tsukugami legion a few chapters ago in Ibarakasen... and that the plot of DDC is basically tsukumogami rebellion... it would be fun if it were to actually win.