I think I found all sci-fi concepts in Star Wars. Did I miss any?

New York
Star Wars is such an enormous setting and the EU has introduced tons of concepts from other sci fi mediums. I searched Wookieepedia and I found almost all of them. Are their any sci fi tech/science/concepts that haven't appeared?

Here's my research - Extra-dimensional space. Store stuff in a space bigger than what it would appear. -


Dimension Shift

Dimension Shift was a Force power that could only be used by those strong in the Force. Use of the power would shift any amount of matter either into an alternate dimension or compressing the molecules, making it completely vanish. Once the object had made its way through the space occupied by...

-Shrink Ray-


Molecular disruptor

Molecular disruptors were large devices that resembled mirrors and had the ability to shrink objects that came into contact with them. Governor Koong of Roon's Tawntoom province used the devices as traps for intruders at the Fortress of Tawntoom. R2-D2 was shrunk by one such device in 15 BBY...

-Matter replicator-


Food synthesizer

Food synthesizers, also known as food processors, were devices that could create edible organic matter from a number of different raw materials (including sugars and carbohydrates). They could be programmed to make a large variety of food items, making them compatible with unique alien tastes...


Star Forge

The Star Forge is the glory of the Builders, the apex of their Infinite Empire. It is a machine of invincible might, a tool of unstoppable conquest.The Overseer The Star Forge was a giant automated shipyard, designed to create the most powerful army of all time. It was constructed by the Rakatan...




Teleporters were devices that were developed by the Rakata's Infinite Empire. These machines allowed their creators to transport beings from one site to another. They were installed on the prison world of Belsavis at the Tomb where they allowed rapid transit around the planet as well as beyond...




Terraforming will continue, and that is final.Ambassador Ketas Terraforming was a process in which a planet's environment was altered, in order to ensure biologic conditions for most sentient species of the galaxy to live and prosper, such as atmosphere and terrain. The Solodoe species wished to...



Iokath system

The Iokath system was a star system located in the galaxy's Unknown Regions. At some point before the end of Manderon period, an outside species chose the system to implement Project Iokath. Every orbital body in the system, down to the last asteroid, was demolished and salvaged for core...

-Weather control-


Weather-control station

The weather-control station was a structure located on the planet of Khorm that could create various atmospheric phenomena. During the Battle of Khorm, it was destroyed by a small Jedi strike force. There was also a weather control station located on Bonadan just outside the perimeter of Bonadan...




Mechs were a type of walker used by those who called the poisoned planet Carnelion IV their homeworld. The faction called Open utilized mechs during the mission to Carnelion IV, the last skirmish of the Open-Closed war.[1] While the mechs can be classified as walkers, they have a different body...

-Sex robots-


Sex droid

Sex droids were a type of droid that was used for recreational sexual activities. The local CEO of the Loronar Corporation Gnifmak Dymurra often used sex droids and vibrobaths in his luxurious lifestyle on Antemeridias.[1] Planet of Twilight (First mentioned)

-Time machine-


Harbinger (Sith dreadnaught)

The Harbinger was a Sith dreadnaught active in 5000 BBY, during the Great Hyperspace War. It was commanded by Saes Rrogon, a Jedi-turned-Sith Lord. The Harbinger and another dreadnaught, the Omen, were transporting Lignan ore to Sith Lord Naga Sadow when the two ships were ambushed by a Jedi...

-Mind uploading-


Mind uploading

Mind uploading was the process of copying or transferring a conscious mind from a brain to a computer system. The bounty hunter Arlain Zee was able to evade capture by the Republic by downloading his consciousness into R5-Q3. "Lockdown" — Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic 6.47 (First appearance)

-Parallel universes-



A timeshadow was a version of a person that lived in an alternate timeline. Each timeshadow existed simultaneously with a person in the galaxy and was an exact copy of that person. Though, when the person died, their body would vanish and be replaced by the timeshadow, allowing the person to...

-Gender change-


Reconstructive surgery/Legends

Reconstructive surgery was a medical procedure used to repair injuries or alter a being's anatomy. Darth Vader required extensive reconstructive procedures to repair and rebuild his body after his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar. Reconstructive surgery was a medical procedure that repaired...

-Nootropics (Cognitive enhancers)-


Neural stimulant

A neural stimulant was a chemical. Quarlo I'Shibix laced eldratz spice with a neural stimulant to encourage higher productivity amongst his Kluuzot workers. "For a Few Kilotons More" — Twin Stars of Kira


Mnemiotic drug

Mnemiotic drugs were given to all Imperial Intelligence trainees, soldiers, and assassins to boost their memory retention rate. Overuse of the drug could cause hallucinations and brain damage. "Payback: The Tale of Dengar" — Tales of the Bounty Hunters (Mentioned only) "Traitor in our Midst" —...

-Fully immersive virtual reality-


Virtual reality

Virtual reality was a holographic realm accessed by such devices as mind evaporators. Mermeia existed within virtual reality. The Nubian Palace contained a virtual reality suite,[1] and the Otherworld Encounter allowed customers to simulate walking around the surface of Bespin's inner core.[2]...




Nanotechnology was technology that operated on a nano scale. Typically molecular in size and nature, nanotechnology encompasses a great deal of technology, including nanogene droids, nano-droids, nanotechs, and nanoviruses. Said microscopic machines were typically extremely expensive to...

-Smaller than nanotech-


Chu-Gon Dar cube

The Chu-Gon Dar cube was a very special item, capable of transmogrification. It was made by Jedi Master Chu-Gon Dar thousands of years before the Clone Wars. This item was only compatible with objects with a special Force aura. These objects, after several volcanic eruptions, rose from the old...

*Note: Transmogrification of this sort would be femtotechnology



Sekotan Personal Starship

The Sekotan Personal Starships were organic ships, handcrafted by the skilled ship builders of Zonama Sekot.[2] The Zonama Sekotan ships were rumored to be the fastest in the Galaxy. Since they were actually alive, they were not unlike those used by the Yuuzhan Vong.[3] Although each customer...

-Wormhole travel-

Hyperspace wormhole

A hyperspace wormhole was a tunnel in hyperspace itself that connected two realspace locations to one another. Though a rare sight, they were sometimes able to be used as a shortcut, allowing for faster than normal travel. The use of a gravitic polarization beam could create hyperspace...

Uplift- Project Chubar
-Panopticon- Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center

-Augmented reality- Translation visor

-Digital afterlife- Gatekeeper
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There's little to nothing on, say, transhumanism used for gender or other forms of expression. There is *one* transgender character and that was for disguise.

It's pretty limited in alternate cultures, the effect of different species' perception therein, and so on.

Like... I'm going to name three books. Ancillary Justice, Murderbot Diaries, and Quantum Thief. Read through any of them and you'll be able to expand your list considerably.
There's little to nothing on, say, transhumanism used for gender or other forms of expression. There is *one* transgender character and that was for disguise.

It's pretty limited in alternate cultures, the effect of different species' perception therein, and so on.

Like... I'm going to name three books. Ancillary Justice, Murderbot Diaries, and Quantum Thief. Read through any of them and you'll be able to expand your list considerably.
Is that what the OP is about, though? It specifically mentions concepts brought in from other media.

I think the purpose is just to point out that there's a little more to Star Wars than pew-pew ships and laser swords.