I, Sith (SW)

Well that space fight is going to be interesting. I wonder if they're going to duke it out in fighters, or if the villain is going to stay on his ship.
I was having a hard time with this one so I just kind of ground it out. That's all.
Just found this fic. I am really enjoying it. Looking forward to wear you go from here. Love the title too, reminded me of one of my favorite books, I, Jedi.
But, finally, I did.

He wore the title of Sith, but in the end that was not who he was. He was Dan Jor Kel, a Master of the Force, and that was something I could live up to.

I would be Rena Van. Nothing more, and absolutely nothing less. Rena Van would do this because she wanted to.
And she's finally learning the lessons a good Sith Master can teach: Be who you are. Do what you know you want and know why. And never let someone else define you. Rena's finally started to grok that, and that alone shows she's a better student than Taelin.
It was only after the lift started to descent that he broke the silence. "Do you have a plan, or is this one by ear?"

I felt a smile at the corner of my mouth, "it was only a few cycles ago that I was a pleasure slave. I've got a capital ship under my command now. I haven't needed a plan yet."
She's got a pretty good point, there...

"Since this is your party, you can be... Blue One. I'll be Blue Too."

I fought the urge to rub my temples and instead opened up the return channel. "Des, you're far too preoccupied with my color. Is this really necessary?"

"It's completely necessary. Blue is a beautiful color and we need call signs. I'm taking off now, follow me out, Blue One."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. He'd earned the right to a little bit of teasing, with all he'd done for me so far. "Fine, Blue One it is. Cutting the repulsorlifts in now, I'll follow you out."

I wasn't a snubfighter pilot. I could fly, but I wasn't an expert. The A-Wing was a difficult fighter to master, but it was faster than the TIEs we'd be facing and the T-65 X-Wings didn't really have the shield power to go toe to toe with them.

The choice was obvious; speed is life.

I was, perhaps, a bit too cautious with my control inputs. A gentle nudging of the control yoke caused a lazy drift towards the open central pathway, far from the aggressive lurch the A-Wing's reputation had led me to expect.

Regardless, I found myself in the central area of the hanger, outside of the forcefield protected side chambers, in the total vacuum of space. Far ahead I could just make out the pin-pricks of light that were the engines Des's A-Wing.

I twisted the throttle aggressively and my fighter lurched forward, stumbled, then got its legs under it and took off at a sprint. Injectors probably needed to be rebuilt, to say nothing of the rest of the thing, but it worked at least.

Basteer wouldn't have sent his best, and if this was the worst they might actually have a chance.

"You're not a starfighter pilot, so just follow my lead. We'll go in full throttle, shallow turns, and blast on our way through the pack. If you miss, just shift to the next target. We'll come about when we're clear of the field. High speed slashing attacks, don't slow down and don't get into a turning fight."

I could do that. Our superior speed meant that they'd only have a narrow window in which to try to land hits on us. "I copy. Ready to begin attack run."

And like that, the battle was met. Half a dozen TIE fighters flashed past my canopy, too far off axis to line up a shot, until one lined up for a head on pass. Two bursts glanced off my forward deflector, and then I fired a dual-linked blast that tore through the center of the ball cockpit and sent the solar panels flying off in opposite directions.

One down, infinity to go.

Des fared far better than I did. His blasters churned out a steady stream of fire that raked across the enemy TIE formation and left dozens of explosions in its wake. The very best pilots they were not, that much was clear.

A stray shot bounced off my deflector screen and reminded me that even an idiot can get lucky, more so if there are dozens of them. In this case lucky idiots made dead twi'leks and I was predisposed to the opposite of that.

I rolled the throttle up into the danger zone, I could overheat the drives but for the extra speed... well I shouldn't need it too long. With the main cloud of TIE fighters behind me our two man formation accelerated hard towards the interdictor.

The guns could take us out, they could have a reserve of fighters. I might be so unlucky as to simply crash, and what an ignominious end that would be. A journey of self discovery and involuntary heroism punctuated by a brief stint as a cloud of expanding plasma.

A twitch in my lekku made me feel that something was... wrong. Not that it was too easy, it wasn't. There was something else that tugged at me, tried to make me see-- It didn't matter if we took the interdictor out if we had nowhere to land when we were done.

I hauled the control yoke back to my chest and fire-walled the throttle, throwing the nimble A-wing fighter through a tight loop back towards the Resolve. The fight was wrong. The interdictor was missing more than it was hitting and what shots did land weren't to critical areas of the Resolve. They were stalling us.

"Rena, what--" Des started before I cut him off.

"It's a trap! They're just buying time, I think Taelin is on the Resolve already!" I yelled into the communicator as I plowed my way through the cloud of fighters that had filled the space between me and the ship. The engines screamed behind me as I ran them to their limit and the system warned me that I was overheating my cannons by firing them so recklessly, but it didn't matter.

The more I considered that I was right, the more the panic filled the very fiber of my being. Nobody on that ship would be able to stand up to Taelin. I had my doubts that everyone working together could deal with him.

"This is Rena Van to the Resolve, I... I feel Taelin on the ship. Secure the bridge and do not engage him! I'm on my way back!" I yelled into my headset as I finally burst through the other side of the TIE formation.

The closer I got to the ship, the more I felt I was right. He must have been hiding in one of the landers, or maybe he came in on one of the refugee ships. It didn't matter either way, I could feel the stain he left on the force. How it had taken me that long to notice...

I didn't get an answer from the bridge over the comm. I was already descending into the hangar, though, so I continued on with a little more urgency, lowering the landing gear and coming in well above normal speed.

Sparks kicked up off the deck as my skids touched down, the fighter bounced and skipped before it finally came to rest in a deserted landing bay. The cockpit canopy popped open with a hiss and the old smelling air from the hangar poured in. The sick feeling in the pit of my stomach threatened to overpower my will but, somehow, I kept it in check.

I was half way out of the cockpit when I jumped on pure instinct. I launched myself higher than should have been possible as a red light saber swiped through the side of the fighter and the space my legs had been occupying a moment before.

I flipped through the air and landed in a crouch with the lightsaber lit and grasped in my right hand. A crackle of plasma against plasma, another swing that I'd blocked on instinct. Another clash, another block. My arm was moving, if not on its own, than with reflexes I didn't know I had.

No, they'd always been there, I just hadn't noticed.

"Do you still think you can oppose me?" he asked me with that sneer I knew all too well. He was holding himself loosely, fluid, ready to strike. An attempt at aping a style that wasn't his own, one that I too knew.

"I've done well so far. Do you still think you're Sith?" I asked him from behind the red glow of my master's—no, of my lightsaber. I could feel the hate boiling off of him but I wasn't afraid, because I wasn't alone.

I let his power flow through me, down through the lightsaber hilt and into my body, into my soul. It felt like an electric ripple over my skin, exciting every nerve ending, a static shock. My eyes met Taelin's with a confidence behind them that I'd never managed before. A confidence... borrowed, from--

"More than you will ever be," he answered with an almost calm tone, though his body language betrayed his true disdain. His saber was held in an ice-pick grip, he wasn't going for non-lethal anymore.

It was a notion I could get behind, I would not be satisfied if more than one of us left this hangar alive.

Time seemed to shift into slow motion as he made his move, an aggressive lunge, straight for the killing blow. His hands raised into an overhand strike, he meant to push the blade through my head in a decisive blow.

I felt the electricity coursing through my body, collecting and focusing down, traveling into my left hand. I clenched that hand into a fist as I raised my right, and the lightsaber, to block. I understood, without being told, exactly what this was.

Our blades clashed and I put my strength into holding him at bay. My left hand curled into a fist and lashed out like a stinger, almost faster than I could see. Arcs of electricity crackled over my skin as my fist connected with Taelin's flank and we were thrown apart in a flash of light and heat.

I found myself a half dozen meters back from where we'd met and he was a dozen or so behind that. The electric tingle faded for a moment before returning as strong as ever, and I understood. I'd seen the move before, back when he had been alive.

"Do you see now, Taelin!? Unlike you, I am not alone! I am the one he chose! I, not you! I am the inheritor to his domain, I. Am. Sith!" I screamed at him as I charged him. The force flowed through me, guided by my will and need. My feet pounded against the deck plate, my lekku bounced against my back, and then I was upon him again.

Our blades met again as the world around us moved in slow motion, our own battle playing out at normal speed. Red blade against red blade, though mine felt as though it burned brighter. No thoughts, only the hand of fate itself seemed to guide my blade through slash and parry.

I could taste the sting of the plasma on the air as our blades crashed against one another again and again as he pushed me back towards the aft bulkhead. He wanted to corner me and use his superior strength to force me to submit.

Maybe a dozen meters left before I hit the back wall and it was all over. It was time. I grit my teeth as I went down to my right knee, the static charge built up again, I felt it travel through me, focus into my hand...

The recoil from my blow was soaked into the floor instead of knocking me back this time, and the flash blinded me, same as it would have him, it would have had to have. It didn't matter, it was over. I reached back for what I knew would be there...

"You always were a fool, slave. You've blinded yourself or you'd have already taken my head. I will be the first to recover and then you will be the first to die. The first of... Many."

I closed my left hand and turned my head towards his voice. Twi'lek ears may not have been ideal for in-ear communicators, but they were absolutely peerless at pinpointing sounds. At least, mine were. My legs uncoiled like springs and I launched myself towards Taelin even as my vision started to clear.

I came in low, his saber was already up and ready to deflect my blow. Our eyes met as our blades clashed and as before I brought my left hand up... and pressed my thumb down on the activation catch. A blue blade sprung forth and passed through Taelin's double handed grip.

His blade spun through the air and extinguished itself as it hit the deck, along with his hands. He had threatened me with the same, and so it felt fair. Fair, that was the kind of Sith my master had been. That was the kind I would be.


"I told you!" I yelled at him as I stood, holding both light sabers lit and to my sides. "I am not alone! I will never again be alone. He was never alone either, because he had me."

I pointed my right arm towards the lift behind me, "You were so arrogant, you couldn't predict them--"

I found myself cut off as a red blaster bolt sailed past me and hit Taelin in the chest. Another followed, and then a blue bolt, and another. Taelin hit the ground with a dull thump a moment later.

As I turned around my eyes locked with Lucky's first, and then Biff. "What the--"

"Look!" Biff yelled as he gestured with his blaster rifle, "Hear me out, alright? You were giving him a chance to, I don't know, do something. He definitely won't now."

I turned my eyes back to Lucky "Okay, twitchy storm trooper I buy. What about you?!" I demanded as I pointed my red blade accusingly towards him.

Lucky looked at me for a moment, then to Biff, and then to Taelin's cooling body, and then back to me again. "Biff has a good point, you know."
Shit, two years? I'll have to start reading this from the beginning again, I have no idea what this fic is about nor any memory of it, or of putting it on my watchlist.
I found myself cut off as a red blaster bolt sailed past me and hit Taelin in the chest. Another followed, and then a blue bolt, and another. Taelin hit the ground with a dull thump a moment later.
aaaand well done to the 'twitchy storm trooper' for remembering the rule. Kill enemy first, then gloat.

seriously though, I honestly didnt expect to see this fic updating again.
And here's me just finding this fic today, I'm happy now I didn't have to wait so long for that cliffhanger. :)
"Look!" Biff yelled as he gestured with his blaster rifle, "Hear me out, alright? You were giving him a chance to, I don't know, do something. He definitely won't now."

I turned my eyes back to Lucky "Okay, twitchy storm trooper I buy. What about you?!" I demanded as I pointed my red blade accusingly towards him.

Lucky looked at me for a moment, then to Biff, and then to Taelin's cooling body, and then back to me again. "Biff has a good point, you know."

Rule 8: Mockery and derision have there place, it's on the far side of the airlock. :rolleyes:
Biff with the perfect timing.
"You were so arrogant, you couldn't predict them--."
Nor could she it seems.
Edit: Tho kill-stealing is poor poor form.

She has the mindset of a Sith with the methods of the Jedi.
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Biff with the perfect timing.
"You were so arrogant, you couldn't predict them--."
Nor could she it seems.

She has the mindset of a Sith with the methods of the Jedi.
"I didn't do it because it was the right thing to do, I did it because it was the thing I wanted to do."
So, Biff has read the Evil Overlord List:
  • #4: Shooting is not too good for my enemies.
  • #6: I will not gloat over my enemies' predicament before killing them.
  • #7: When I've captured my adversary and he says, "Look, before you kill me, will you at least tell me what this is all about?" I'll say, "No." and shoot him. No, on second thought I'll shoot him then say "No."
Edit: Also, maybe it's just because I just read a fic which reminded me that KOTOR chargen does allow you to choose a female PC, but: Rena Van. Coincidence?
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Wait where did this Sith Master and Apprentice pop up from in-universe? I thought Snoke, Kylo and the Knights were the only official force users in the First Order.
Well sure because Taelin and Rena's master were both dead before The Force Awakens :V
Yeah but who trained Rena's Master and how are they connected to Snoke? Although I suppose then the question becomes how were Snoke and Rena's Master connected to Palpatine. That's why Snoke was unexpected for me when I watched Force Awakens. I was under the impression that the only Sith around in the Empire were Palpatine and Vader, and a bunch of dark force-users who were still less than Sith.