I, Jaune: Or, Underpowered Alcoholic Makes Huntsman School Noticeably Worse [RWBY]

I, Jaune: Or, Underpowered Alcoholic Makes Huntsman School Noticeably Worse [RWBY]
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A petty, self-obsessed kid who is suspiciously similar to Jaune Arc finds out that he is Jaune Arc. Armed only with having watched two-three~ seasons of RWBY, a history of substance abuse, and about two years experience with Information Technology in the United States Army, he and team B.A.S.S. (Blake, Arc, Schnee, & Shadow Person or something—I don't know, I never learned their name) must survive as the world's least competent B-team. But don't worry, he's done this once before, and it's only ended in tragedy once!

If you're looking for insane crack, you're half there. But if you're looking for a sort of dialogue-heavy character study of your favorite waifus under the influence of someone charitably best described as "a loose collection of character flaws," you're in the right place. The following is serious crack with heart dealing with drug addiction, socioeconomics, past failures, and making amends to people you've hurt, as well as a deconstruction of the SI genre. Enjoy a cast of broken, neurotic weirdos up to their eyes in trauma and psychoses trying their best to be Huntsmen!

And yes, if you seen this on SB or FF, then you should know on SV I do use a whacky alternative title.
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