I Dream of Dragons : 5e Amalgam Quest

Hmm just realized but our chance at beating a Damaged Flesh Golem might actually be in the positives or even moderately likely. Cause it only has 5 HP and isn't immune to psychic damage meaning Phantasmical Force can deal actual damage through it's physical immunities (it can't be hurt by mundane bludgeon, slash, or pierce damage).

Issue is that it has magic resist which means it gets advantage on saving throws against the P-Force ensnaring it in an illusion though that still might not help it since P-Force is an int saving throw and this golem has a -2 to int.

There's also the fact we can fiat our illusion as whatever which means we can take advantage of Fleshy's Aversion to Fire trait to copy the pixie and illusion it into thinking its on fire and the Golem will treat it as if it were on fire making it panic and make it harder for it to break the illusion.

So then we just have to hope the golem stays within range of the illusion (it's only a 10 ft cube which means if it panic and runs it can get out in a single action) and that our per turn d6 of damage rolls high enough fast enough to kill it before it sees through it.

Kind of risky still what with us only having the one spell that can do damage (it can't be polymorphed and we have no other way to get through its immunities) so if it doesn't work we kind of just need to accept the death unless we can be tricky and like try and burn down the library with the Golem inside? Maybe polymorph ourselves into something that has other damage types (can we transform into a pixie to get another charge of P-Force?).

Anyways this is a fight that can make us immune to the primary physical damage types so we should really think about it soon
I know a punching bag that can kill it!

First-Year Student has the attack Magic Flare. This is listed as an Action, not as a spell, so we can do this all day long. Magic Flare uses Force damage, with an average of 7 damage a hit.

...If we get Immutable Form, can we still voluntarily cast Polymorph on ourselves or not? Actually, I think any form of self-Polymorph at our level is probably worse than our baseline superman self, so it's probably for the best.
I know a punching bag that can kill it!

First-Year Student has the attack Magic Flare. This is listed as an Action, not as a spell, so we can do this all day long. Magic Flare uses Force damage, with an average of 7 damage a hit.

...If we get Immutable Form, can we still voluntarily cast Polymorph on ourselves or not? Actually, I think any form of self-Polymorph at our level is probably worse than our baseline superman self, so it's probably for the best.
While Student seems like a really useful target I kind would feel bad for killing one. Like even if the Dream creatures aren't real (and we don't know that for sure) I would still feel bad for picking a literal student as a target. At least maybe we can write it in as a evil monster type since we should be able to pick race and alignment?

Side note we should get a Undead Foritude kill eventually since having a revive would be handy. Husk Zombie has it and is CR 1 and it also has Curse of the Husk which makes human kills spawn zombies which could be useful if they're on our side
While Student seems like a really useful target I kind would feel bad for killing one. Like even if the Dream creatures aren't real (and we don't know that for sure) I would still feel bad for picking a literal student as a target. At least maybe we can write it in as a evil monster type since we should be able to pick race and alignment?

It does bring up the question of "how detailed do we make a mook before we have to start thinking of them as a person?". Like, F'yorl isn't just a random Mind Flayer, he was specifically tortured and set up as a sacrifice as part of an adventure called Icewind Dale: Rise of a Frostmaiden. How granular do we want to get with this?

Cazna the Drow looks out from her dorm room window to gaze at the towering buildings of Strixhaven University. The competition for earning a scholarship for this prestigous school was cutthroat, but a bit of blackmail, a public shaming, and an exqusitely artful assassination later, her rivals all fell away. Now she would master the arcane arts and rise as an exemplar of her race. That little coterie of first-years who had asked her to join their "study group" would make for good practice in manipulation. Perhaps she would have them at each others throats by the end of the month-

Cazna suddenly found herself in a forest. A voice sounded in her head, "Kill the Human, and you shall be granted one Wish." ...Well, a little less than optimal, but adaptability and ambition were old friends of Cazna by this point. How hard could it be?
So, I realized that we have a bit of a puzzle ahead of us if we get First-Year Student (or possibly the Apprentice Wizard, who has a similar force spell attack with a ridiculous 120-ft range).

Once we have invisibility AND a reliable ranged magic attack, we may need to figure out a "proper" opponent, in addition to all the punching bags we can get. The Damaged Flesh Golem can't fly, has no ranged attacks, and we will no longer have the risk of NOT finding a working projectile that makes fighting the Sacred Stone Monk a challenge. Heck, we might as well wear down the "regular" Flesh Golem and get the 93 HP and the CR 5 experience. This means that we'll probably have to fight either a flying melee opponent, or a ranged attacker who can see through our invisibility.

...The real trap of the Dream isn't the starter opponents we're facing now, but the need to think of ever increasing challenges to fulfill our danger quota in order to keep the Disposition high.
...The real trap of the Dream isn't the starter opponents we're facing now, but the need to think of ever increasing challenges to fulfill our danger quota in order to keep the Disposition high.
We don't need to keep the disposition high, just above -10. Once the mc has a good spread of abilities, we can just feed him punching bags and occasionally send him really challenging emcounters to keep the dream happy.

Even after that, what's the worst the dream can do if the MC reaches a good enough power level? It can only control how an encounter starts and after a certain point, no amount of environmental disadvantages would hinder the mc especially as we can set the enemies. At that point let the Dream rage in its impotency, I say.
Even after that, what's the worst the dream can do if the MC reaches a good enough power level? It can only control how an encounter starts and after a certain point, no amount of environmental disadvantages would hinder the mc especially as we can set the enemies. At that point let the Dream rage in its impotency, I say.

One possibility is that if the Dream Dispostion gets too low, there may be a chance the Dream will include a "surprise" opponent the questers didn't select in order to shake things up. Or we're dropped into a particular situation that we HAVEN'T earned the traits to counter yet (i.e. extreme heat or cold, starting underwater, etc.). Of all the dragons and abominations in the world, there is no greater threat than a vindictive Dungeon Master.

Edit: Looking at the last story post, and it looks like our votes have been locked in. May the odds be ever in our favor.
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I do want to think about the Acolyte, soonish. Buffs, heals, and sanctuary? That's good shit.

Cure Wounds will definitely be useful to us, and Bless will give Andrew a boost as long as he doesn't get hit and lose concentration. However, Sanctuary goes away once the target makes an offensive action, so we would have to "attack, bonus action Sancutary" each round to make use of it, and we only have 3 spell slots.

It'll probably be a good punching bag to toss into the mix, once we get enough HP for some wiggle room in terms of how many combatants we face at once.
...I was thinking in the waking world, to be clear.

...Next thought: Animated Broom, for all the condition immunities and the immunity to poison and psychic, as well as the hiding. Though I don't know if we already have that.
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...I was thinking in the waking world, to be clear.

Oh, yes, those spells would be great as part of a larger party... but right now, our situation in the Waking World has no party, no plan, and no clear objectives right now other than "don't get caught" and maybe "getting everyone out of here." We can't keep hiding forever, but we need a LOT more information before we can start really being proactive on that front.

...Next thought: Animated Broom, for all the condition immunities and the immunity to poison and psychic, as well as the hiding. Though I don't know if we already have that.

I think we got some condition and damage immunities from the Paper Bird, and the Superior Invisibility from the Pixie is probably better in terms of stealth, but the Flyby trait will be good for hit and run, and we'll gain condition immunties for:
  • Blinded
  • Deafened
  • Paralyzed
  • Petrified
  • Prone
Not a bad pick, but we'll hopefully be able to keep Dream Dispostion high enough to be aware beforehand that we might get attacked by a broom, lest it catch Andrew by surprise (it's one of the few enemies that can both see through our invisibility AND fly).
Brainstorming for future fights here.
Strixhaven Campus Guide might be a good encounter at some point. Univocal speech and unusual nature are definitely good, and immunity to charm means we just need to be able to survive the slam attack.

Ashen warhorse is relatively simple fire immunity, though a bit challenging.

Blink dog can teleport.

Changeling might be worth picking just for the shapeshifting.
