I Can't Be the Only Pokémon Trainer in this Town! [Pokémon]

Voting is open

Asahi Santori
Rookie Trainer, 25
Plant Lv.1
Grass Lv.1

Sir Francis Bacon
Sextuplets Exeggcute attacks three times in one turn, but takes triple damage from AoE attacks.
Naturewalk Gain 1 advantage dot in Grassland and Forest.
Underdog This Pokémon is likely to be underestimated.
If the opponent does not have Underdog, negates advantage on their first turn.
Grass / Psychic

Sir Francis Bacon's charsheet is now updated.
Assuming advantage and advantage dots are the same system does underdog remove all their advantage dots or drop them until they're the same as ours?
Assuming advantage and advantage dots are the same system does underdog remove all their advantage dots or drop them until they're the same as ours?
Removes all advantage dots. :) But assuming your opponent isn't an underdog you're mostly fucked anyway and that just gives you a better chance to run away.

Unless you train up your underdog by a lot.
(redacted) 3. Previously On... (A Beginner's Guide to Tactics and Training)
While Sir Francis Bacon recovers, your brother dutifully 'shows you the ropes', as promised.

"Exeggcute are pretty smart, so once you train yours enough, you'll be able to tell it to use specific Techs."

"Uhh, Techs? Like Techniques?"

"Yeah." He nods. "Remember when Bacon used Leech Seed, or when Growlithe used Ember?"

You grimace, remembering the flames that scattered your poor Bacon. "Ember is that exploding fireball thing?"

"That's the one. All Pokémon can attack normally by biting, tackling, kicking, or anything like that. But depending on their Type, they can also use Mana to perform special techniques like those. That's what we call a Tech."

"Ohh... And all Pokémon can use Techs?"

"Yep. But untrained, it's all instinctive. They don't necessarily know what they're doing, or the best way to do it. A Wild Growlithe's Ember isn't gonna look the same as a trained one's. Eventually, you'll be able to teach your Pokémon more difficult Techs, and command it to use any Tech on cue."

Huh. You suppose that makes sense.

"Just like you get tired and run out of breath, a Pokémon can also run out of Mana, though."

"And Bacon only has enough Mana to use Leech Seed once in a fight?" You grimace. "That hardly seems fair."

He smiles vaguely. "That's only because the Exeggcute siblings attack together, but draw from the same Mana pool. It may use up Mana three times as fast as other Pokémon, but if it bides its time and Defend, it can recover Mana three times as fast, too."

Combat occurs in Turns, during which a Pokémon can either Move, make a Basic Attack, or use a Tech.
Most Attacks and Techs can only be used at a specific
Range, making positioning an important factor in combat.
Some Pokémon can also
Fly, Levitate, Dig, or Swim, allowing them to Move in 2-dimensions or make use of Terrain.

Basic Attacks come in 3 flavours: a fast Attack, a strong but slow Break, and a Defend.
Attack allows you to whittle down an opponent's Guard.
Break depletes your own Guard in exchange for more damage.
Defend mitigates damage, and allows you to replenish your Guard and your Mana.

Techs are powerful and come with myriad effects, but cost Mana, which doesn't regenerate during combat.
A Pokémon's
Mind Stat determines the number of Techs it can learn, its Mana Capacity, as well as its Mana Recovery.

You grimace. "Ugh. Does that mean my strategy against your Growlithe was wrong?"

"Nah, you had the right idea." Your brother shrugs. "Using Leech Seed's superior range and Exeggcute's burst output... That's already the optimal strategy. You just needed to land a few more Leech Seeds to immobilise my Growlithe, and then you could've gotten out of range and waited out the rest of the fight."

"Hmph." You pout. "But Bacon didn't have enough Mana, right?"

He grins. "If it had properly defended to recover some Mana, it could've thrown out another one. Or it could've used whatever Mana it had left, and still get a few more stacks of Leech Seed."

"But it didn't! It just ran around in circles and headbutted your Growlithe instead!"

"Hahahahaha!" Your brother laughs, reaching out a hand to ruffle your hair. You let him, this time. "Barely trained Starter Pokémon, remember? There's a limit to how much you can tell it to do, and your Pokémon won't always obey you, either. You already did good overcoming Exeggcute's natural disadvantage against Growlithe. Now you just need to teach Bacon more commands."


All captured Pokémon have an instinct to obey the Trainer that holds their Pokéball, and begin at Command Level 1.
The higher a Pokémon's
Mind Stat, the faster its Command Level will rise, but the less likely it is to obey your commands.
A Pokémon's Command Level cannot be higher than its Mind Stat.

Command Level
1 : Can be ordered to Fight, or Return to its Pokéball.
Commend Level
2 : Can be ordered to Attack or Defend.
Commend Level
3 : Can be ordered to Break the opponent's guard, Change target, or make some Distance.
Commend Level
4 : Can use specific Techs on cue.
Commend Level
5 : Can follow complex commands.

Commend Level 6 : Can be taught strategy, and independently make decisions more optimally than Asahi.

Sir Francis Bacon
Sextuplets Exeggcute attacks three times in one turn, but takes triple damage from AoE attacks.
Naturewalk Gain 1 advantage dot in Grassland and Forest.
Underdog This Pokémon is likely to be underestimated.
If the opponent does not have Underdog, negates advantage on their first turn.
Grass / Psychic

Knock-knock. "...Hello."

A quiet voice calls out.

You barely hear the knock and the voice, but you walk over to the window and part the curtains so you can see who's outside.

"Uhh, Bro? Someone's here."


He strides to the front door, and curious, you follow behind him. When he swings it open with a grin, a young girl is standing there, adjusting a fancy looking cap with a gloved hand. A stack of large wooden crates are piled up behind her, where a delivery van is parked on the edge of the road, its engine still running with a low, clattering hum.

Gimlet Rose, Courier, 17♀
"Oh, hey, Ginny!"

"...Don't call me that, please."

"Ooh, that uniform looks good on you." You have to admit that she does look mighty handsome in the fitted dark uniform. "Is it your first day working for the post?"

She blinks at him. "No. You've got mail."

"Sure. I've been expecting it."

"Please sign here."

"Uh-huh. Here?" Scribble-scribble. "...And, there."

"Thank you."

"Oh, meet my sister, by the way. She's the new boss of the ranch." He steps aside, and you come face-to-face with the young girl. "Asahi, this is Ginny. It's her first day running mail for the town. Ginny, Asahi."

"I told you it's not my first day." She shakes her head. "...Hi. It's Gimlet."

You give her a small wave. "Hello."

"I'll be off then." She gives the two of you a small bow, then goes straight back to her van.

"Friendly," you mutter, then turn your attention to the stack of wooden crates. "What is all of this?"

He flashes you a grin. "Grab me a crowbar from the garage, and I'll show you."


After half a day of work, you've finally managed to install everything that was in the crates.

"That's right, kiddo. This is what Ranch Trainers use to beef up their Pokémon." Your brother gives the heavy sandbag a sturdy pat-pat. "My background is still a Travelling Trainer, so I've never been too fond of these things, but they should be very useful for you."

Out in the clearing in front of the house, you now have several simple Training Machines installed. Being used for Pokémon Training, they're supposedly pretty sturdy and resistant to the elements, so it's fine to leave them out in the open... or that's what the manual tells you, at least.

"So this Sandbag is for training physical strength, and this Crystal Ball is for training magical power... The Trampoline is for training speed and balance?"


"What about this creepy thing?" You point to the boxing ring in front of you, where a creepy wooden mannequin is sitting lifelessly against one corner.

"That's a Mokujin. It's an automaton that your Pokémon can spar with to improve its normal attacks. Cool, huh?"

Yeah. Sure. About as cool as a Claydol, maybe.

"Just normal attacks? Does that mean Bacon can't train its Leech Seed on it?"

"Sadly, yeah. Tech Training Machines are a little bit trickier to get your hands on. Too bad we don't have a decent Engineer in town who can help us to design one. But don't worry! I'll help you figure out how to train your Pokémon's Techs before I leave."

Somehow, you're not very confident about that...

To improve your Pokémon's Stats and Techs, you need Training Machines.
The higher a Pokémon's Stat is increased
above baseline, the more difficult it is to raise.
Certain Stats, such as
Move, Body, and Mind, are extremely difficult to raise at all.

Sandbag unlocked. You may now raise a Pokémon's POW to +2.
Crystal Ball unlocked. You may now raise a Pokémon's MAG to +2.
Trampoline unlocked. You may now raise a Pokémon's SPD to +2.
Mokujin unlocked. You may now raise a Pokémon's Basic Attacks to Rank C.

Asahi's Training is now Lv.3.
You can now distribute
3 Training Actions between your Pokémon every week.

Just in time! Your brother got the Gym installed right as Sir Francis Bacon recovered fully from its injuries...

Wait, did he plan this?

In any case, time to give the Gym a test run! You'll let your Exeggcute try its hand (so to speak) at every Machine under your brother's supervision, just so you know how they're supposed to be used, but Bacon should also focus on one Machine after that to get more significant gains, right..?

Choose one Training Machine to focus on over the next few weeks :
[x] Sandbag
[x] Crystal Ball
[x] Trampoline
[x] Mokujin
[x] Use every Machine equally.
[x] Write in a Training Plan.
[X] Write in a Training Plan.
-[X] Alternate three days for trampoline, then three days for crystal ball, going back and forth.

So, a gin and lemon... Sounds good, but also bitter :B And TM's are actual machines now, uhh? xD Interesting. I wonder if we can still train our techs against wild mon, instead of having to use a machine... Though that's also dangerous, given how long it takes to heal.

For the plan... Well, I just think those two will be the most important for us, so we can act fast and hit hard. Sure, we waste too much mana right now, but this will pass, and our techs as both grass control and psy should focus on mag. I'll be open to other ideas, though.
[X] Write in a Training Plan.
-[X] Alternate three days for trampoline, then three days for crystal ball, going back and forth.

Focusing half and half on Mag and Spd should be good for now, since Mag is probably a good psy and leech seed focus and Spd is it's weakest stat.

Question @wdango do we know yet what Move and Body do? I'm a bit confused about them.
"Oh, meet my sister, by the way. She's the new boss of the ranch." He steps aside, and you come face-to-face with the young girl. "Asahi, this is Ginny. It's her first day running mail for the town. Ginny, Asahi."

"I told you it's not my first day." She shakes her head. "...Hi. It's Gimlet
Not sure if they are old friends and he's giving her shit and/or repeating in-jokes, or if he is just aggressively not paying attention to anything about her.
That's right, kiddo. This is what Ranch Trainers use to beef up their Pokémon."
Just in time! Your brother got the Gym installed right as Sir Francis Bacon recovered fully from its injuries...
Just in time for a plucky young trainer in a cap to challenge us!
So, a gin and lemon... Sounds good, but also bitter
At first I was like "I don't recall there being any lemons. Or characters called Lemon.

Then I realises you were talking about Gimlet (which is gin and lime, if memory serves)
ove is movement speed yes.

You don't know what Body does yet
Gets the pokemon into summer shape, ready to attract babes down by the beach. :p

[X] Training plan: Low Hang the Fruit
-[X] Work on each stat until it levels up, then move on to the next.
-[X] Speed, then basic attack, then strength, then magic.

I figure this way maximises the combat utility per XP spent, due to the diminishing returns. Absent any particular build ideas, that seems the best approach.
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Wait a minute. Bacon's MAG is 4. Does this mean that we can't increase his MAG since it's past 2, or can we only use the Crystal Ball to increase a Pokemon's MAG by 2 points, no matter where they're starting from?
You're at +1 at the moment, so with the help of the Crystal Ball you can raise it by another +1. To go beyond that you'll need to either upgrade your Machine, or do good ole combat.

You'll unlock more details on the charsheet as your Training/Tactics improve to higher levels.

I figure this way maximises the combat utility per XP spent, due to the diminishing returns. Absent any particular build ideas, that seems the best approach.
Keep in mind MAG already has +1, so you'll be trying for +2.
Then I realises you were talking about Gimlet (which is gin and lime, if memory serves)

The problem with translations, they are all lemons over here xD

On another note, people are very focused on gains RIGHT NOW, but seeing the others talk of it I noticed I am not. We are not battle trainers, it shouldn't be constant fighting, the most probable is that we'll have several updates between fights, though we can't focus just on training because we got a ranch to take care of. So taking it slow and building towards his evolution isn't wrong.

Yet, things would be REALLY easier if we got one or two more mons, so even if we got someone hurt we can still hold down the fort. If next update isn't about plantation or something else important, maybe we could go capture a mon?
The problem with translations, they are all lemons over here xD

On another note, people are very focused on gains RIGHT NOW, but seeing the others talk of it I noticed I am not. We are not battle trainers, it shouldn't be constant fighting, the most probable is that we'll have several updates between fights, though we can't focus just on training because we got a ranch to take care of. So taking it slow and building towards his evolution isn't wrong.

Yet, things would be REALLY easier if we got one or two more mons, so even if we got someone hurt we can still hold down the fort. If next update isn't about plantation or something else important, maybe we could go capture a mon?
I'm not worried about constant fighting; I'm worried about if we get into a fight after the few-weeks training period, maybe to capture a second pokemon. I'd rather that Bacon have a concrete gain when going into his next fight so that he's less likely to be badly hurt.

Actually, I think I should probably check if I'm misunderstanding something. @wdango, is there going to be a time skip to the end of the "few weeks" we're voting for? Or are we voting for what training is going on in the background while the PC continues to do other things like possibly try to capture a second pokemon?
The problem with translations, they are all lemons over here xD

On another note, people are very focused on gains RIGHT NOW, but seeing the others talk of it I noticed I am not. We are not battle trainers, it shouldn't be constant fighting, the most probable is that we'll have several updates between fights, though we can't focus just on training because we got a ranch to take care of. So taking it slow and building towards his evolution isn't wrong.

Yet, things would be REALLY easier if we got one or two more mons, so even if we got someone hurt we can still hold down the fort. If next update isn't about plantation or something else important, maybe we could go capture a mon?
You are right in that we may not be time pressured to be fight-ready, (unless defending from wild mon is a thing). That said, we are pretty vulnerable until we catch a second mon, and will have to fight at least one battle in that state. Going for the best improvements per unit XP now minimises the risk and potential cost of that fight(s), which I think is valuable.

Once we have our second, we can afford to start thinking more long-term though.

Edit: also, it may be a while until we can handle two mon, bassd on what our bro said when he only gave us one starter.

Also also, I edited my vote.
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I'm switching my vote to the low-hanging fruit plan. MAG will probably take a while to level up since it's at +1 already, and I want to get Bacon in the best state we can before his next fight.

[X] Training plan: Low Hang the Fruit
Voting is open