[X] Optimised Integration: HDD Augmentation (x1.5)

[X] Dreamcaster Array: May summon mundane versions of CPU weapons freely in mortal form. (2 GB)

[X] Does what Noire don't: Becomes exceptional at understanding and emphathizing with people. Chance of turning an enemy into an ally. (2 GB)

[X] Power Katana (1 GB)

[X] HYPP-EM-X-77 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Hyperpenetrator Railgun (5 GB) <<ERROR: INSTRUMENT DOES NOT EXIST MUST FABRICATE FROM MEMORY>>

Railguns best.
[X] Optimised Integration: HDD Augmentation (x1.5)
[X] Expansion Ports: May equip one additional Processor Unit. (2 GB: Limit of 2 purchases.)
[X] Dreamcaster Array: May summon mundane versions of CPU weapons freely in mortal form. (2 GB)
[X] Does what Noire don't: Becomes exceptional at understanding and emphathizing with people. Chance of turning an enemy into an ally. (2 GB)
[X] Power Katana (1 GB)
[X] Powered Shortblade (1 GB)
[ x] Optimised Integration: HDD Augmentation (x1.5)
[ x] Does what Noire don't: Becomes exceptional at understanding and emphathizing with people. Chance of turning an enemy into an ally. (2 GB)
[ x] Power Katana (1 GB)
[ x] Mega Drive: Bonus to the first round of attack if beginning with a charge, or attacking from the sky. (2 GB)
[x ] HYPP-EM-X-77 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Hyperpenetrator Railgun (5 GB) <<ERROR: INSTRUMENT DOES NOT EXIST MUST FABRICATE FROM MEMORY>>
[X] Optimised Integration: HDD Augmentation (x1.5)
[X] Dreamcaster Array: May summon mundane versions of CPU weapons freely in mortal form. (2 GB)
[X] Does what Noire don't: Becomes exceptional at understanding and emphathizing with people. Chance of turning an enemy into an ally. (2 GB)
[X] Power Katana (1 GB)

[X] HYPP-EM-X-77 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Hyperpenetrator Railgun (5 GB) <<ERROR: INSTRUMENT DOES NOT EXIST MUST FABRICATE FROM MEMORY>>

I would really want to grab Blast Processing or Mega Drive, but I think we really need a high priority threat killer asap and Dreamcaster has a lot of good stealth/intrigue potential for the future.
Ok, decided to switch over to Alectai's plan. Mega Drive is a great starting Augment.
Alright then, it's time for... PLAN: MOON PRINCESS!

In the model of this lovely lady, and her dashing silver knight!

[X] Optimised Integration: HDD Augmentation (x1.5)

[X] Expansion Ports: May equip one additional Processor Unit. (2 GB: Limit of 2 purchases.)

[X] Does what Noire don't: Becomes exceptional at understanding and emphathizing with people. Chance of turning an enemy into an ally. (2 GB)

[X] Power Katana (1 GB)

[X] Powered Shortblade (1 GB)

[X] PW-E-44 Sidearm (1 GB)

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[X] Optimised Integration: HDD Augmentation (x1.5)
[X] Dreamcaster Array: May summon mundane versions of CPU weapons freely in mortal form. (2 GB)
[X] Does what Noire don't: Becomes exceptional at understanding and emphathizing with people. Chance of turning an enemy into an ally. (2 GB)
[X] Mega Drive: Bonus to the first round of attack if beginning with a charge, or attacking from the sky. (2 GB)
[X] Power Katana (1 GB)
So Hyped!

Plan APL

[x] Optimised Integration: HDD Augmentation (x1.5)
//Hard Drive Divinity: Specialist Augments
[x] Expansion Ports: May equip one additional Processor Unit. (2 GB: Limit of 2 purchases.)
[x] Does what Noire don't: Becomes exceptional at understanding and emphathizing with people. Chance of turning an enemy into an ally. (2 GB)
//Integrating Armaments
[x] Power Katana (1 GB)
[x] HYPP-EM-X-77 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Hyperpenetrator Railgun (5 GB) <<ERROR: INSTRUMENT DOES NOT EXIST MUST FABRICATE FROM MEMORY>>

I'd love to have all the options. But I want a HDD version of that big gun more. :p
Sorry, Kaiser, but Hyperdimension Neptunia doesn't have anything close to the sheer batshit crazy of Endless Frontier where weapons are concerned.
[X] Optimised Integration: HDD Augmentation (x1.5)
[X] Dreamcaster Array: May summon mundane versions of CPU weapons freely in mortal form. (2 GB)
[X] Does what Noire don't: Becomes exceptional at understanding and emphathizing with people. Chance of turning an enemy into an ally. (2 GB)
[X] Mega Drive: Bonus to the first round of attack if beginning with a charge, or attacking from the sky. (2 GB)
[X] Power Katana (1 GB)
So Hyped!

Plan APL

[] Optimised Integration: HDD Augmentation (x1.5)
//Hard Drive Divinity: Specialist Augments
[] Expansion Ports: May equip one additional Processor Unit. (2 GB: Limit of 2 purchases.)
[] Does what Noire don't: Becomes exceptional at understanding and emphathizing with people. Chance of turning an enemy into an ally. (2 GB)
//Integrating Armaments
[] Power Katana (1 GB)
[] HYPP-EM-X-77 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Hyperpenetrator Railgun (5 GB) <<ERROR: INSTRUMENT DOES NOT EXIST MUST FABRICATE FROM MEMORY>>

I'd love to have all the options. But I want a HDD version of that big gun more. :p
11 gigs APL.
nvm can't count. need sleep.
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Vote optimised. Because in optimised, we lose Nepnep.

Instead, we gain PURPLE HEART NEPTUNE-SAMA with Rie Tanaka voice set to "sultry."

Note that after the henshin goes away we get normal nepnep back. :V

[x] Plan: Super Nep

Now we just need to get henshins for Noire, Nepgear and Uni.
[X] Optimised Integration: HDD Augmentation (x1.5)
//Hard Drive Divinity: Specialist Augments
[X] Dreamcaster Array: May summon mundane versions of CPU weapons freely in mortal form. (2 GB)
[X] Does what Noire don't: Becomes exceptional at understanding and empathizing with people. Chance of turning an enemy into an ally. (2 GB)

//Integrating Armaments
[X] PW-E-44 Sidearm (1 GB)
[X] HYPP-EM-X-77 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Hyperpenetrator Railgun (5 GB) <<ERROR: INSTRUMENT DOES NOT EXIST MUST FABRICATE FROM MEMORY>>

The correct answer is always 'Give the cute girl the BFG'. Duh.
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[X] Optimised Integration: HDD Augmentation (x1.5)
//Hard Drive Divinity: Specialist Augments
[X] Expansion Ports: May equip one additional Processor Unit. (2 GB: Limit of 2 purchases.)
[X] Dreamcaster Array: May summon mundane versions of CPU weapons freely in mortal form. (2 GB)
[X] Does what Noire don't: Becomes exceptional at understanding and emphathizing with people. Chance of turning an enemy into an ally. (2 GB)

//Integrating Armaments
[X] PW-E-44 Sidearm (1 GB)
[X] HYPP-EM-X-77 Turbo Maximus-Pattern Hyperpenetrator Railgun (5 GB) <<ERROR: INSTRUMENT DOES NOT EXIST MUST FABRICATE FROM MEMORY>>

The correct answer is always 'Give the cute girl the BFG'. Duh.
We don't have enough GB for that.
[X] Optimised Integration: HDD Augmentation (x1.5)
[X] Dreamcaster Array: May summon mundane versions of CPU weapons freely in mortal form. (2 GB)
[X] Does what Noire don't: Becomes exceptional at understanding and emphathizing with people. Chance of turning an enemy into an ally. (2 GB)
[X] Mega Drive: Bonus to the first round of attack if beginning with a charge, or attacking from the sky. (2 GB)
[X] Power Katana (1 GB)