Hundred Night Blade (A Magical Girl Quest)

[X] Arts Specialization

[X] Beginnings XP Plan
-[X] Muramasa's Blade (10 XP)
-[X] Emblaze The Fire (10 XP)
-[X] Mold The Wax (10 XP)
-[X] No Wall Can Stop Me (30 XP)
I can, that was a tentative start tbh.

Having played the base game, I really feel we should get Barrier Smasher, and we look to be getting around 50 XP per arc, so its not a quick purchase if we need it.

[X] Arts Specialization

[X] Beginnings XP Plan v2
-[X] Muramasa's Blade to level 3 (30 XP)
-[X] Emblaze The Fire (10 XP)
-[X] Mold The Wax (10 XP)
-[X] Reinforced Steel (10 XP)
-[X] No Wall Can Stop Me (30 XP)

I also was thinking to keep some XP in the bank, but eh.
[X] Arts Specialization

[X] Beginnings XP Plan v2
-[X] Muramasa's Blade to level 3 (30 XP)
-[X] Emblaze The Fire (10 XP)
-[X] Mold The Wax (10 XP)
-[X] Reinforced Steel (10 XP)
-[X] No Wall Can Stop Me (30 XP)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by InfiniteDaze on Feb 8, 2021 at 10:39 PM, finished with 17 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Arts Specialization
    [X] Beginnings XP Plan v2
    -[X] Muramasa's Blade to level 3 (30 XP)
    -[X] Emblaze The Fire (10 XP)
    -[X] Mold The Wax (10 XP)
    -[X] Reinforced Steel (10 XP)
    -[X] No Wall Can Stop Me (30 XP)
    [X] Beginnings XP Plan
    -[X] Muramasa's Blade (10 XP)
    -[X] Emblaze The Fire (10 XP)
    -[X] Mold The Wax (10 XP)
    -[X] No Wall Can Stop Me (30 XP)
    [X] Exp Plan Sharpening the Blade (80 exp, 14 remaining)
    -[X] Upgrade Muramasa's Blade to level 4 (60)
    -[X] Upgrade Emblaze the Fire to level 2 (10)
    -[X] Upgrade Mold the Wax to level 2 (10)
    [X] Physical Specialization
    [X] XP Plan Embrace the Blade (90XP)
    -[X] Upgrade Muramasa's Blade to 3 (30XP)
    -[X] Purchase Reinforced Steel and Level to 3 (40XP)
    -[X] Upgrade Emblaze the Fire to 2 (10XP)
    -[X] Upgrade Mold the Wax to 2 (10XP)
Went through a bit of journey to make this, but here we are. Thank you for shopping at Momohime-R-Us.

Weapon Upgraded!

Muramasa Blade
Level 1 -----> 2 -----> 3
Base Damage: 50 -----> 100 -----> 150
Attacks Per Turn: 1

Reinforced Steel Purchased
Health: 500 -----> 650

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Oya oya. So you finally drew blood with the Blade, hm? Well, let's see what I can do about that..."

Youkai Defeated: 2
Health: 650 -----> 800 -----> 950
Ability Upgraded!

Emblaze The Flame
Level 1 -----> 2

Base Resilience: 75 -----> 150
Magic Modifier: 25 -----> 50

Mold The Wax
Level 1 -----> 2

Health: 150 -----> 300

Ability Purchased!

Reinforced Steel
Increases the Muramasa Blade's health by 150. Can Be Leveled

Barrier Smasher
In a single slice, the walls will fall, but there's always a price to pay. Shatters the Muramasa Blade.

90 EXP Spent
4 EXP Remaining
The Requirements for Divine Blade have not yet been met

Word of Beta Reader
[X] Intellect Specialization

With Momohime's role as the heart, it is imperative that she understands things easily to reach the insights needed for completion and recompletion.
So thought I should give an update on what's going on.

Updoot has been written and finished at 9.9k words (What the fuck?!) for several days now. But then God decended upon us and the graphics designer got busy having to redo one of the graphics so I'm currently waiting on that. There is a version ready to go though, so I might just ask for opinons on whether to just update with the old version and then implament the new one later or if ya'll want to just wait.
Post it now I'd say?

Unless you know he's going to be done tomorrow.

But if the eta is several days out or unknown, then the old version should probably be gone with.
It was hard for Momohime to believe that her life could change so suddenly. Yet in the blink of an eye, the things that she used to take for granted had been stripped away from her. To be quite honest, the former office worker wasn't sure how to process it. Luckily, she had someone to express her emotions for her.

"We're free!" Chika proclaimed over the phone for the fifth time in the past three minutes. "You hear that Momohime?! Freedom! WHEEEE!"

"I know, I know." Momohime replied with an awkward smile. "It was only a matter of time, really."

With all the constant media attention that was being hounded on her old workplace, it's darkness was quickly exposed to the light. For days, the news had been filled with a constant stream of testimonials. It wasn't long before the company's name had suffocated in the mud. After all, even if the horrible work culture it participated in wasn't anything unique to them, nobody likes to see a black stain on their clothing. And it wasn't like it was a particularly large company either. Faced with the constant battering ram, eventually the dam broke and it did the one thing it could do - Go broke.

"Ah, I feel so refreshed!" Chika exclaimed with a breath of relief. "I've gotten a full night's rest for several days in a row!! Days! And those bastards were even forced to give severance pay as well! Not having to work at all is bliss~!"

"I-Is that so?" The mousy woman replied with nervous laughter. "I've been busy so I haven't been able to relax."

"What?!" Momohime had to pull the phone away from her ear as Chika roared. "Who're the bastards forcing you to suffer?! You deserve this vacation just as much as I do!"

"Oh! No! It's nothing like that, really!" She spoke quickly. "This is something I've chosen to take on myself."

"You trying to find a new apartment or something?" Her friend replied casually. "I can help you out if you want. I have so much free time now I don't even know what to do with it! In fact, we definitely need to meet up sometime soon! Treat ourselves for surviving that hell. Have a girl's day out, you know?"

"Well, um, hopefully my schedule clears up soon!" Momohime cheered, though her voice wasn't really into it. "The thing is…"

There was a sound of deep silence as Chika processed her response. "...Are you serious? You're trying to get another job?! Momohime, you aren't a workaholic right?!"

"I wish I was. Then this might be bearable... " She muttered to herself before shaking her head. Now, how to put this without saying anything about the Night World. "But it's not really anything like a full time job, really! It's more like I'm trying to get my government license in order to practice it? I'll probably still be working closely with the government but I'm honestly not sure about employment status."

"I dunno, this sounds pretty sketchy to me." Chika responded. "If you insist you can go through with it but if they ever start mistreating you, call me up right away! I have power now! No matter who they are, I'll expose their evil schemes and rescue you from danger!"

Momohime whined. "I'm not that helpless… Really!"

"If you say so~" Her friend intoned in a sing-song voice, causing the mousy woman to make an offended noise. The two former office ladies paused before sharing a laugh. Soon however, Chika's laughter died down as she began to speak in a wistful tone. "A job huh… You're right, I should be putting some thought into my career from here. But whenever I think about working the only thing that comes to my mind is, well, that."

That. That suffocating office. That power abusing boss. That slave-driving workload. That stale, stagnating company that gave off the stench of death and decay.

"I wonder what would've happened if I didn't have you with me Momohime. If I had just been there all by myself." Chika continued on as Momohime closely listened. "Or even if I had just continued on like that, wasting my life away. A slave in all but name. It was basically a miracle that we got out of there really, but at the same time it only happened because someone else snapped first. I'm sure that under different circumstances, I could've ended up just like Satoshi-"

"Sahou." The princess interrupted. "His name is Sahou Rokuki."

"Right, yeah, that's what the news said wasn't it?" Her friend sighed. "I'm just so used to calling him Satoshi that I hadn't even realized…"

No one else had. No one else had ever reached out to him. They were all too busy looking out for their own survival.

"I think you'll be fine." Momohime declared calmly. "Sahou was all alone, but he was also scared. Scared of getting hurt. He kept making excuses and that's what pushed him to act the way he did. I think that as long as you can push back that fear of yours, you can shine bright Chika."

The other woman was silent for a time. Finally, she spoke up again, though the black haired woman couldn't see her on the other end of the line, Momohime knew Chika well enough to tell when she was smiling. "Thanks. Really. But when did you become so wise?"

"U-Um! That's…" When she had awoken as a magical girl and begun fighting enemies unseen by the rest of society. "Let's just say that I had a strange encounter with a tree?"

"Ho ho! Playing Coy I see." Chika playfully replied. "Well, I'll leave it be for now, but one day you have to give me the full story!"

Momohime fidgeted. "I don't think you'd really believe me…"

"Hey, if you can believe in me, then I can believe in you. What goes around comes around, am I right?" The other woman laughed. "Yeah, I can feel my heartbeat pumping! I'm gonna strike while the iron is hot and get to work on my future! This time, nothing's gonna stop me from doing what I want! You take care too, alright Momohime?"

"Yeah, you too Chika." Momohime smiled before the line went dead. Slowly, the aspiring exorcist turned around back towards the shrine behind her.

The waters of the lake seemingly rippled as her reflection was replaced by that of Demon Blades. "She seemed nice."

"She's one of the kindest people I know." Not that it was a particularly high bar. "Though I'm worried she might go and do something reckless. She sounded a bit, um, drunk on life."

"The only blade we have to worry about right now is ours." The magical girl declared as she gave her counterpart a look. "Break time's over."

"Right." Momohime nodded before muttering under her breath. "Here we go again…"

Let's turn the clock back a few days.

The week before had been, quite frankly, hell for Momohime. A familiar hell, but hell nonetheless.

With absolutely no time to waste, the aspiring exorcist had quickly found herself plunged into the murky depths of the Night World. Her chosen field of specialization had Kongiku lecturing her from sunrise to sunset. It had gotten to the point where Momohime had spent nights sleeping at the shrine instead of her own apartment. Though contrary to the slave driving company she had worked at before, the exhaustion reminded the former office lady of her hazy memories of school.

This wasn't even mentioning the things that Kongiku had her do outside of her specialization.

"Well, congratulations Momohime." The kitsune smiled as she placed an envelope on the table. "Your application to take the Exorcist Exam has been approved."

"Yay." The young woman exhaustedly muttered as she slumped over, not even bothering to reach for the letter.

Yes, what her benefactor had neglected to mention was that the Exorcist Exam actually had a pre-test application to actually be able to participate in the main exam. The qualification for which was obvious in hindsight but still put Momohime through the ringer. Because of course someone who exorcised Youkai from the weighted world at the behest of the government would have to know about the laws in place.

"How did so many of these laws even get through into our legislature?" The black haired woman complained as she put a hand to her head. "Wouldn't someone have said something? This is all legal right?"

"Of course it's legal. The bills properly passed through parliament after all." Kongiku smiled serenely. "Whether those not connected to the night world noticed them, however, is a different story."

...Momohime decided to ignore the admission that these laws might as well have been written in invisible ink.

"Moving along." Orange robes furled as the fox lady clapped her hands. "With this, I can proudly say that you've passed the first part of this supplementary class. I was a bit worried at first, but you turned out to be a surprisingly quick learner. It was honestly quite a pleasure to teach you."

"Um, thank you very much?" The young woman nervously laughed. "T-Though not to be rude but your teaching method is a bit…"

"Unorthodox?" Kongiku giggled. "True, true. But this was the technique devised by our founder and leader. It works quite well at getting those not accustomed to the night world into the right mind set."

Momohime glanced at the textbooks sitting next to her. They were, coincidence or not, two of the books she had been given when she first wet her feet in the nightworld. The Ministry of Japan's Official Guide to the Night World, 2e and it's sister book, So You've Just Contracted A Youkai? Things You Should Know. Both of which, as it turned out, had to be read at the same time. Simultaneously. Otherwise the first book made no sense but held crucial information, while the second book made a lot of sense but didn't include what she needed to know.

"This all seems a bit overly complex." Her headache worsened as she just thought about it. "Couldn't you have just spelled it out for me to read?"

"Perhaps." The kitsune answered vaguely. The tone of her voice had become one that was familiar to Momohime. One that signified that she had entered another one of the beauty's tests. "But can you tell me just why it was written this way?"

The aspiring exorcist nodded before beginning to think. That was the first rule of surviving the night world. Never ever take anything at surface value. After all- "The Night World is obscured behind layers of metaphor and symbolism. Even when contracted with those of the weighted world, Youkai still speak in this strange manner. I think this is what the second book refers to as the Yokai Dialect?"

At Kongiku's nod, Momohime continued. "In order to properly convey the Night World, the first book is written entirely in this dialect. But because it's so obscure, the second book is written as a guide that one needs to cross reference with the first book. This slowly teaches the readers how to better understand the Youkai Dialect and the way the night world operates. Um, am I correct?"

"Perfectly spot on." The kitsune nodded, a smile blossoming on her face. "I think that we can now go over to the main part of your training, Hougi."

"Right!" Energy instantly shot through the young woman's veins as she jumped, sitting perfectly straight. "That's the Arts Demon Blade uses, right?"

"Yes and no." Kongiku replied. "Hougi, the Secret Arts, is less of a 'power' per say, but more the manipulation of… Hm, I believe that the best way to explain it to you would be to first bring up what separates it from Mahou. After all, you are both a Mahou and a Hougi user. Tell me, do you feel anything different when you use both powers?"

"Anything different?" The black haired woman blinked before putting a hand to her cheek and tilting her head. "Well Demon Blade is the one who really understands how the power works…"

"Correct." Momohime nearly jumped when she heard her own voice speaking in her head. "I am an existence of Mahou in a weightless world. Just speaking my name can tear many of it's pages asunder. However, I put aside that aspect of my existence."

"Put aside?"

"It would be more accurate to say that I neglected it." Demon Blade elaborated. "It was easy, since there wasn't much magic that I could perform anyways. So I focused my aim on the Arts, for the sake of completing my blade. That night when I first walked the Weighted World was the first time I had ever used the Magical side of my Girlish existence. Considering the things that you have experienced, I'm sure you're also qualified to answer this question."

"The things that I have experienced huh?" The fromer office lady asked herself as she thought back to that first week. The only thing that really stood out to her was- "Ah!"

Kongiku remained silent as Momohime quickly began to babble. "Whenever I go to sleep and find myself at the shrine my form is just a ball of fire until I declare who I am! But when Demon Blade users her ability to enter people's minds, for some reason I feel super stable!"

"Yes, that's an excellent example." Her fox ears twitched as her tail began to waggle. "The analogy most often associated with Mahou(Witchcraft) is construction. Something that I find to be quite apt. Mahou users all have affinities in their souls. When utilizing magic, Mahou users gather in energy and then use their affinities as the structure and foundation in order to use their spells. Even their runes and circles are ultimately just another way of taking energy and crafting it into their desired phenomenon. It is, in essence, a very solid power. One that is both supported and, of course, natural."

"Hougi however, is not an act of creation." The kitsune declared with a wave of her hands. "It is a skill, yes. It is a technique, yes. But most importantly, it is an Art. It is the act of painting using reality as your canvas. To turn simple lines into a greater depth. When those with a connection to the realm beyond the horizon use it to cause phenomena in reality, that is what we refer to as Hougi."

The beauty paused to take a sip of her tea before continuing. "If Mahou literally creates Phenomenon, then Hougi metaphorically causes it. No, in this case, it would be more of a simile then a metaphor."

"I… See?" Momohime let out before she ultimately slumped and glanced away. "Actually… No, I um, I don't. It still sounds like magic to me."

"Yes, it is usually hard for beginners to understand the difference at first." Kongiku consoled her. "After all, to your eyes, you can see what looks like the fantastical occurring right in front of you. Now that your body has grown accustomed to it, the fog of the Night World has begun to obscure your vision. In order to properly utilize Hougi, you must learn to see past your own eyes. Which is what you've been practicing for the past week, right?"

"Oh!" Momohime suddenly exclaimed as she glanced at the books.

With a chuckle, the kitsune reached under the table before placing an unlit candle on to the table. "Now, I'm going to demonstrate the usage of Hougi in a way you should be able to understand. Watch carefully, alright?"

The beauty took in a deep breath before waving her hands above the candle. Under her breath, she chanted something Momohime couldn't hear. It was on the third pass around, when the candle was obscured from the aspiring exorcist's vision, something happened. Almost as if the young woman had blinked and missed it, Momohime suddenly found herself staring at a candle that had been fully lit. A bright green flame burning atop it's wick.

"There." Kongiku declared proudly. "Now, stick your finger in the fire."

"...Excuse me what?" Momohime asked as she leaned back. "I-I must have misheard you."

"Oh is that so? Then I shall repeat, stick your finger in the fire."

The aspiring exorcist reeled. "Seriously?!"

"I assure you that it's perfectly safe." The kitsune placated. "Now, stick your finger in the fire."

Did she have to repeat it like that every time?!

"A-Alright…" Momohime hesitantly lifted her hand before slowly beginning to approach the blaze. Grimacing, the young woman took the plunge and shoved a finger right into its core. Seconds passed as she waited for the pain to come. Only… "Huh?"

"You can see it now right?" Kongiku asked as she began to stroke the flame. "That the fire lighting this candle isn't real."

"It doesn't burn." Her eyes widened as she began to examine the candle closer. "The wick isn't burning, the wax isn't melting. I don't even feel any heat coming from the fire."

"And for the final step," The foxy beauty reached into her bountiful kimono before pulling out a pair of glassless frames. With a smile, she handed them to Momohime. "Please put these on. They'll allow you to see clearly."

"See clearly?" The black haired woman parroted before slowly dawning the frames. Suddenly, as if merely an illusion, both Kongiku and the flame on the candle vanished. "Woah!"

"Don't worry, I'm still here." The vixen's voice rang clear in her ears. "These Frames have been enchanted using Mahou. Many would find it to be a useless device but for those connected to the Night World, it allows one to gain the perspective of those whose visions aren't clouded. As a manifestation of Hougi myself, naturally I'd disappear from view. But please, focus your attention on the candle."

Momohime's eyes glanced back to the now unlit candle on the table. For a moment, she wondered just what it was she was looking for before she realized it. "It's still glowing?!"

"Quite so. As if the candle was lit, we bask in it's glow." She heard Kongiku intone. The former office lady yelped as suddenly, the candle was lifted off the table by something she couldn't see. "And as if someone was there, the candle began to move on its own. Ah, you can take off the frames now."

The aspiring exorcist quickly took off the glasses only to find Kongiku holding the candle, an amused smile on her face. Momohime gave her a look. "That's not funny!"

"Oh don't pout." Kongiku struggled to contain her giggles. Pout? Who was pouting?! Momohime didn't pout! "You see now what I mean right? Hougi users paint over reality with metaphors in order to cause phenomena to happen. But in the end, we're still restricted to the 'likes' and 'as'. That is to say, like Youkai contracts, Arts need a specific object in the weighted world for the technique to hold. We call this the 'anchor'."

"Now for Youkai contractors like Yon." The fox in question lifted her head upon hearing her name. Momohime watched as it trotted over to the table before plopping it's head down upon her lap. "Your first Art is something that the Youkai gives you as part of the contract. Typically it's anchored in the users themselves. For example, the Savage Bloodlust of the Amanojaku user. 'As if his rage was contagious, his spirit polluted the world around him. Or the Withered Bloom of the Jubokko 'Like a mighty tree, he stood steadfast'. Though I will admit that you are a… special case. I've never heard of someone starting with two Arts before."

"Three." Demon Blade corrected, though only Momohime could hear her. "I've created three blade arts during my travels."

Momohime quickly relayed the magical girl's words, causing Kongiku nod thoughtfully. "I see. All of her Arts were something she devised herself? That's… unusual."

"Is there something wrong with creating Arts?" The young woman asked.

Kongiku chuckled. "No, no. Like I said, just unusual. For a Youkai Contractor that is. But the night world is wide, and there exist those who have no contract and focus their efforts on perfecting their Arts instead. In a sense, Demon Blade seems to be more like them than your average Contractor. The ones who we call the Onmyouji."

The kitsune paused before suddenly her eyes widened. "Ah, I see now. So that's what she means by seeking 'Inspiration'. Yes, this is an excellent time to move into the second part of Hougi."

With a swirl of her fingers, the fire on the flame began to flicker. "Unlike the practitioners of Mahou, Hougi users aren't limited to the Affinities in their souls. As long as one has the understanding of a concept, one can utilize it in their art. They are the ink to the anchor's paint brush. This well of colors that can be drawn from are the latter half of an Art, it's 'Attributes'. Take the candle in front of you for instance. Right now, I've only given this Art the element of 'Light' but if I were to add the 'Flame' attribute..."

Her fingers snapped, and suddenly Momohime could feel a burning heat in front of her. The smell of smoke filled her nose as melting wax hit the basin with a splotch. "Only now does it correlate to the phenomena of 'a lit candle'."

Kongiku waved her hands, snuffing the candle out. "It sounds quite simple no? But the truth is, having enough understanding to truly comprehend an attribute is quite a difficult task. Many spend days, weeks, months, and sometimes even years studying one specific element. More often than not though, it comes simply from life experience. This is what Demon Blade seeks when she wants inspiration. Although a more accurate word for it would be 'Enlightenment'."

Though she couldn't see it, the aspiring exorcist could feel her counterpart nod her head silently.

"Youkai however, are made up of attributes." The kitsune continued. "Sometimes, you may find, there is very little difference between an Art and a Youkai. I am like a painting, my body composed of many different colors in order to give the illusion of the being known as 'Kongiku'. Most humans also have an unconscious understanding of attributes, which forms their personality. By gaining a connection to the Night World, your memories, your thoughts, you become the paint that fills your palette."

Yon gave a tired sigh before rolling over on Momohime's legs. Idly, the aspiring exorcist began to stroke the fox's fur, and she responded in turn by snuggling up to her. An exhausted smile appeared on Kongiku's face. "And of course, there's the backlash. In the world of ever shifting tides, there's little holding one back from painting the medium. The weighted world however, has a disdain for such a fluid power. To cause a phenomenon without constructing something is unnatural. One has to push against the world itself to dye it in their colors. For simple Hougi like what I displayed, the cost of such is physical exhaustion. But the works which can properly be called Arts take a toll on their users' health."

"In our case, the Muramasa Blade is the one taking the brunt of it." Demon Blade grunted. "The mixing of Hougi and Mahou cause it to become unstable. Too much of this, and it shatters."

"...H-Honestly this is a lot to take in all at once?" Momohime replied, scratching her cheek. "I think it's going to give me a headache if I think about it too much."

"Well, intuitive understanding will become instinct with time." Kongiku smiled. "And of course, the clock is striking now. From this moment onwards, you're going to be spending the rest of the week learning how to cast Arts."

"Eh?!" The aspiring exorcist exclaimed. "Now?! Already!?"

"But of course. After all, you have one major weakness." The kitsune pointed at Momohime, looking her dead in the eye with all due seriousness. "You've been talking to Demon Blade throughout this conversation, am I right? And when Demon Blade takes over, you're still conscious. But during that time, you can't speak, am I right?"

"That's, that's right." The aspiring exorcist nodded. "Demon Blade has control over my entire body. I can't really do anything when she's active. Is… that bad?"

"In certain situations, it could be fatal." Kongiku declared. "For instance, if you figure something out and need to tell someone, you have to first tell Demon Blade and have her relay the message. During hectic and tense moments, this delay could cause injury, death, or even something much worse. Simply put, your inability to act is a major burden. Luckily, it also coincides with the basics of all Arts. It is what allows me to be here in this very room with you even though I don't exist. The projection of the self."

Standing up, a fox tail trailed behind the woman as she moved a mirror over to the room. "Now, I believe from what you say that Demon Blade already has a good understanding of the principle-"

"I've figured it out." The magical girl in question interrupted as she took Momohime's place in the reflection. Both of the women in the weighted world jumped as her voice entered the room. "No, to be more accurate, I've figured out a variant of it. But I feel very little need to project myself into the waking world. Right now, being the other side of the mirror is enough to satisfy me."

"Hm…" Kongiku muttered as she leaned in closer to the mirror. "So you're the magical girl in question. It's a pleasure to meet you, Magical Girl Demon Blade."

"A pleasure." She nodded in response. "But I do believe that the one who you should be focusing on is Momohime and not myself."

"Yes!" The kitsune nodded before turning over to Demon Blade's other side. "Momohime, for the next week you will learn how to project yourself into the weighted world in one form or another. Failure is not an option."

Kongiku's eyes narrowed and Momohime felt a shiver go down her spine. "If you fail to do so then I will revoke your right to take the exorcist exam. Do you understand?"

"I-It's a bit sudden but I understand." Suddenly every second seemed to tick against the aspiring exorcist's skin. "But, um, I don't really know where to start?"

"That is not a problem." The fox lady smiled as she glanced at Demon Blade in the mirror. "I'm your teacher, and I'll help to guide you through this. A unique situation requires a unique method, after all. For starters, I have an idea that requires Demon Blade's cooperation to implement..."

Now, the present.

Tick tock.

Sitting in a dark room was a certain woman in a Kimono. Her eyes were closed, her body sitting perfectly still as she sat in seiza. Fragrances of incense entered her nose as she breathed in deeply. The Muramasa Blade sat on the floor, it's bloodlust sealed behind several talismans. In this moment, Magical Girl Demon Blade was the embodiment of serenity.

Momohime, the girl inside her, was a different story.

"AH!" She screamed again as she tried once more to project herself. "C-Come on…!"

The swordswoman opened her eyes before mummering under her breath. "Not even close."

"Why…" The aspiring exorcist moaned. Ever since the day Kongiku had declared her ultimatum, this is where she had found herself spending most of her time. The training was simple in theory. While Demon Blade was in control, she would sit in this stagnant room and meditate. All Momohime had to do was project herself on to reality, and the training would be over. "But that doesn't explain how I'm supposed to do such a thing!"

"I already told you, I can't guide you." The magical girl replied. "We have the same color, but different shades. You will have to figure out a method that works for you on your own."

"But I can't figure anything out on my own!" Momohime cried. "I'm slow and dull and-"

"Calm yourself." Demon Blade instructed, not moving a muscle. "You aren't going to get anywhere if you panic."

"Right, right." Momohime took a moment to collect herself before she sighed, or she would have if she could move. "Sorry this is just… Getting to me."

Uncaring to her feelings, the clock was marching forward. She could do nothing to fight time as she was forced to sit here in this dark room. The aspiring exorcist felt a gnawing sense of anxiety form within her stomach while the rest of her cares drifted away. A prisoner to her own body, Momohime felt a sense of weightlessness. With no way to interact with the world around her, did she even qualify as being real?

"Quit that dangerous line of thought." The magical girl sniped. "If you continue to deny your own existence, you'll never go back to who you are."

"It's not like I was denying who I was." Momohime replied. "I was just, contemplating the nature of my existence at the moment. Is this what several hours of sleep paralysis feel like?"

Her counterpart merely closed her eyes. "I wouldn't know. I don't sleep. I dream."

"How do you even stand it?"
The former office lady asked. "Aren't you bored sitting in this room all day?"

"...It is not like I have much time to spend in the waking world." Demon Blade shifted and Momohime was startled by the sudden sensation. "This training session has also made me aware of my own limitations."

Eight hours. That was how long each session of training had to be. Enough time for a good night's rest before the magic holding the girl together ran out, causing her to vanish back into the world of the night as if she were a mere fading dream.

"I only have one purpose. To complete the sword." The magical girl declared. "Whether I'm living a fulfilling life is not something I have to care about. That is your job. You are the heart, so you must beat."

"I'm the heart huh…" Momohime muttered before falling silent. Eventually, the two women returned to their meditation.

They made no progress that day.

It was with only two days left, that Momohime asked something out of idle curiosity.

"S-So, I've been wondering." She timidly began. "Why are you so obsessed with completing the Muramasa Blade anyways?"

Demon Blade refused to say anything for a few seconds before she ultimately spoke. "...Because I broke it."

"Huh?!" Her counterpart shouted. "You broke it?!"

"No. To be more accurate, you broke it." The swordswoman accused. "What little memories I have of the weighted world have long since faded away, but I've always held the vague impression of the night we made our contract."

"Why didn't you say so?!" Momohime exclaimed, causing Demon Blade to wince from the sudden headache. "Do you remember what our wish was?!"

"No. That's why I didn't think it was necessary." The magical girl replied. "All I remember is that whatever our wish was, it ultimately shattered the Blade into its current state. Not long after was when I became lucid in the Night World."

"Speaking of," Momohime began as she gathered courage in her stomach. "If I'm the heart, like you say, and you're also Momohime Tsukigami… What does that make you?"

"There's no answer I can give that would satisfy you. I am Magical Girl Demon Blade." Her reflection declared. "I don't bother to think of such things. It's rather pointless when I can always feel the weight of my existence."

"...But I can't." The black haired woman voiced the thoughts wiggling in the back of my head. "Surviving the youkai attacks, taking the exorcists exams, this is all only possible because of you. Because of Demon Blade. Momohime Tsukigami isn't needed, after all."

"Is that what you think?" Demon Blade asked slowly. "I suppose it only makes sense that the both of us would feel ephemeral."


"Being a Magical Girl will never be able to replace being Human." The swordswoman replied cryptically. "I never can and never will be able to replace you. My name carries weight, but you are my counterbalance. Your heart is heavier than you think, Momohime."

With that, the day ended. One more day was left. The young woman could feel the gluttonous beast inside them begin to grow. Anxiety, frustration, the emotions all started to melt her from the inside out. It was only because Demon Blade was controlling her breathing did Momohime not fall victim to a panic attack.

Instead, unable to focus her mind on anything, she continued to ask herself questions.

"How did you come up with your Arts."

"I simply held an impression of a given subject and deepened my understanding before incorporating it into my blade."

"Do you have any friends?"

"I don't need to support anyone other than myself."

"Do you think Humans have a core self or are we all constantly in flux?"

Demon Blade opened her eyes. "An odd question to ask. I didn't think you were much interested in philosophy. In an age where the study of souls has become a science of its own, could you not find the answers yourself?"

"Y-Yes but… I want my own answer." Momohime replied. "The only way I'm able to answer the question is if I find it in myself but, I'm unable to come up with an answer."

"You…" The magical girl angrily sighed. "Isn't this the exact reason that you've been having trouble all week?"

Momohime's eyes would've widened if she could. "Did you figure something out!?"

"Why am I the one being enlightened here?" Demon Blade asked herself before facing her counterpart. "Did you not listen to what the kitsune said? In order to utilize Attributes, one must first have gained a deep understanding of the concept. The projection art you are trying to utilize is one that'll put Momohime Tsukigami into the weighted world. Of course you would be unable to use it if you don't understand yourself."

The words hit the aspiring exorcist like a lightning bolt. She couldn't say anything in response. "Ah…"

"You've been living in a daze for too long." The swordswoman clicked her tongue. "The attributes make up the personality of Momohime Tsukigami. Your personality is made of your memories. Your memories form your sense of self. But your haphazard life has merely formed a haphazard identity. There is nothing for you to latch on to. Your ink has run dry."

"I understand but…" Momohime was fundamentally, an empty human. Her heart had long grown numb. It felt impossible for her to suddenly set it ablaze.

"Tell me." Demon Blade pressed a hand to her chest. "Was it not because you didn't want to live like this that you decided to become an exorcist?"

Despite the numbness, her reflection's words cut into Momohime. It stung, striking directly at the raw part of her heart.

"To answer the question from earlier." The magical girl continued on. "Whether the self has a core or is constantly in flux doesn't matter. You are who you are in the moment. Who you were in the past or will be in the future doesn't matter if you can't be yourself now. An empty human will not be an empty human forever. By living life, one will naturally fill themselves up with emotions."

Momohime didn't respond. After a while, her reflection sighed before returning to her usual pose. "Ask yourself just who you are, and the answer will show itself."

The final day.

Every hour now was precious. If the aspiring exorcist didn't figure out how to project herself before the exam tonight, she wouldn't be able to take it. Her dream would end right there.

But, that wasn't what she was thinking about.

Just who was Momohime Tsukigami?

An empty human being. That's what she felt like. A few weeks ago, she'd have said that it's all she ever was.

But the memories of her encounters with the Youkai Contractors swirled in her mind. Demon had been the one to fight them off, but Momohime had been one to dive deep into their minds and follow the trail of their memories. It was her that had ordered the magical girl to exorcise their demons.

Ever since Demon Blade had entered her life, that empty human being had begun to feel alive. The embers of courage had begun to spark inside her once more.

"So then why do you want to become an exorcist?" Demon Blade asked her. "If you just wished to complete yourself, all you need to do is live your life. The numbness would naturally fade on its own with time. That's just how humans are."

"Maybe that's true. But that's not the kind of person Momohime Tsukigami is." The young woman declared. Her reflection remained silent, but she could feel it urging her to go on. "I am not unique. Maybe an extreme, but there are people like me everywhere. That's what I've learned from my encounters so far. Those Youkai Contractors who have allowed themselves to become weightless. Empty. And I… I can't allow anyone to live life like I have! I want to save them! I want to save myself!"

A stone was dropped into the lake of her heart. Ripples formed on its surface, stirring the stagnant waters. Slowly, the princess dipped her numb hand into the water. Her memories, thoughts, feelings, it soaked the hand and burned the skin with a boiling heat.

"The ink has been prepared." The magical girl declared as she closed her eyes. "My sword is my paintbrush. How about you?"

"My paintbrush is my sword."

"Then we shall ask again. Who is Momohime Tsukigami?"

There wasn't enough for a full painting. A masterpiece was asking for too much. But at the very least, she could write her name.

"This Momohime desires a life with meaning. I am no swordswoman, I'm not intoxicated with victory, but my Will is fire." The princess intoned. With a gentle hand, she scooped up the water from the lake and used it to wet her brush. Taking her pen, she began to write. "Who am I? Gaze upon this Momohime's works and you shall know. I am Momohime Tsukigami."

Demon Blade's eyes didn't open, but Momohime could see her. She glanced around the dark room before smiling. "Ah, I actually managed to do it!"

"Then, congratulatio-" Demon Blade began only to stop herself. Slowly, an amused smile appeared on her face. "It seems that things didn't go as well as you hoped."

"Eh?" The aspiring exorcist let out as she glanced through her reflection's vision. The body of Momohime Tsukigami didn't stare back at her. Like the first time she had entered the world beyond the horizon on her own, the young woman had become a spectral flame floating in the air. If she squinted, then she could see her face in the flame, but other than that her body was completely formless. "Eh?!"

"Well, for someone like you, this was probably the best we could hope for." Demon Blade ran a hand through her hair. "Though, it should certainly work for that kitsune. Regardless, now that you've accomplished the art of projection, my presence is no longer necessary. I'll take my exit now."

"Wait a minu- te?!" Momohime tried to shout, only to find herself suddenly shot back towards her own body as Demon Blade canceled the transformation. A sense of deep exhaustion ran through her as she collapsed onto the floor. Her entire body was sore, like she had pushed against something with every essence in her being. At that moment, merely existing felt indescribably heavy. Still, the reality of what had just occurred hit her, and Momohime laughed. "Demon Blade you jerk. Did you have to leave me to bear the cost on my own?"

The last of her strength was used to roll herself on to her back. Slowly she stared up at the ceiling before smiling. "I think I'm going to take a nap."

With that, Momohime Tsukigami closed her eyes and entered into a pleasant dream.

By the time that Momohime had woken up, the sun had already begun to set. It wasn't long before the time for the exam had begun to approach. With deep breaths, she tried to calm herself. Mentally preparing as best as the young woman could.

"How are you feeling?" Kongiku asked as the two women began to close up the shrine. "Hougi usage is quite exhausting, especially for a first timer."

"I'm feeling better now, really." Momohime replied before patting the pouch that now sat on her waist. "The medicine you gave me really helped."

"Don't rely on it too much." The kitsune warned her. "It's better to let your body build up stamina on its own rather than relying solely on medicine."

"Got it." The black haired woman nodded before pausing. "Hey Kongiku… Did you know what I needed to realize in order to use Arts the whole time?"

"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't." A cryptic reply came from the vixen's mouth, but the smile on her face gave the answer. "Regardless, I think the result turned out quite well. Though it did take you a bit longer than I expected. Waiting until the very last minute, you really know how to tease a lady hm?"

"D-Don't say it like that!" A burning red dyed Momohime's cheeks as she looked away.

Kongiku giggled before shutting the door close. "I'm just getting you to relax a bit. You're so tense right now. Are you having any second thoughts? Waiting until the next exam is still in the cards."

"No." The aspiring exorcist shook her head. "I'm a bit worried since I've only been preparing for two week but that's about it. This is something I have to do, so I'm going to face it head on."

"Very well." The youkai nodded. Yon quietly plotted down next to her side before giving Momohime an approving look. "Then let us be off."

Contrary to the young woman's expectations however, they didn't make a move to exit the shrine but rather to go deeper into it. The group made their way behind the building and Momohime gasped at the sight before her. Even though they were in the middle of a concrete jungle, the path behind the shrine was unmistakable that of a dirt road going through a forest trail.

"It's like we aren't even in Tokyo anymore." The former office lady said in awe as Kongiku led her forward.

"Our founder and director specializes in the attribute of 'direction'." The kitsune explained as they continued to walk. "All the shrines belonging to the PR department in the city are set up with these paths. Usually, they'd lead to our headquarters, but right now the angle was adjusted to that they'd instead go to where the exam is being held."

"Where is the headquarters anyways?" Momohime asked, staring at the trees. For some reason the leaves looked off. Like they were green, but too vivid to be reality.

"Why, it's in Tokyo but it isn't. There are many paths leading to it, but only one road to exit." The fox lady tilted her head before pausing. "Unless you mean the actual physical location of the building. It's about thirty minutes away by train, give or take. Though I hear that most of our employees enter through shrines like mine rather than take the train."

"Really? Why's that?"

"If I recall correctly from our latest workplace survey the answer was…" Kongiku tapped her chin. "'Having to pay the train fare when I can get there faster is a pain'. You should always try to save money where you can, right?"

"Oh right, money…" Momohime's face instantly paled as a realization dawned on her. "Oh, oh no."

"What's the matter?" The kitsune gave her a concerned look. "Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, I just, um, It just hit me what will happen if I fail this exam." The former office lady gulped. "I'll be unemployed for the next six months."

She wasn't some young kid who could just do what they wanted while letting their family take care of them. Momohime was a respectable adult who had to pay for things like food and rent. The money she had saved up so far could probably last her the duration… Maybe… About three months? One?

"I can't fail this." Momohime declared, fire burning in her eyes. "I absolutely, without a doubt, can not fail this."

"I'm glad you understand the importance of the secular world." Kongiku giggled. The black haired woman glared at her benefactor. It wasn't funny. "That kind of attitude will serve you well as an exorcist."

"Are you sure you can't tell me anything about the test?" The aspiring exorcist asked. "Even just a little hint?"

"Sorry, but that's something I cannot divulge. Just trust in your skills, and you should know what to do." The kitsune paused before exclaiming. "Ah, there is one thing I can tell you though."

"What's that-" Momohime let out, only to bump into someone. "Oh I'm sorry- Huh?"

Her eyes glanced at the person she just ran into only to shiver as she realized that it wasn't even a human being. It was merely a black silhouette that even turned to face her as it phased through the former office lady's body. A chill ran down Momohime's neck as her head quickly glanced around her surroundings. The forest had faded, once more they were back in the city, but it wasn't the Tokyo that she knew.

There wasn't any human in sight. Merely a sea of the black silhouettes, all walking down the streets with a blank stare. She couldn't read any of the signs, the letters had been replaced with sprawled scribbles with heavily distorted pictures. The cold night air caressed her skin and the scent of steel and smoke filled her nose.

"Shocking isn't it?" Kongiku replied. "The only thing I can say is that we've almost arrived. The meeting place is just up ahead."

With wide eyes, the aspiring exorcist slowly nodded as she continued to walk down the streets of the distorted city. It wasn't until they took a turn did Momohime realize just where exactly they were. A massive series of crosswalks lied before her, devoid of the people who usually filled the plaza. From here, she could see the train station, a familiar dog statue, and of course, the towering building with the words '109' blazing into the air.

"Shibuya?!" Momohime couldn't help but exclaim. "But, but we were nowhere near Shibuya!"

"Shh." Her kitsune guide placed a finger to her lips. "That's something that'll be explained soon. Let's meet up with the main group now, alright?"

Standing in the center of the plaza was a group of kitsunes dressed in a kimono like her guide's. They chatted amongst themselves as they formed a crescent. Kongiku quickly moved to take her place in the formation as Momohime followed her. Next to each of them was a group of about 35 other people of all ages and genders. It took Momohime a few seconds to realize just who exactly they were. Some were glancing around the place in wonder, others kept themselves busy.

The other examines.

"If it isn't Kongiku~!" The kitsune next to her guide, and just as beautiful, smiled as they exchanged greetings before she turned to look at the mousy woman. "And this must be the so-called magical girl that you mentioned before."

"It's not so called." Kongiku replied coyly. "She really is a Mahou user."

"Well if she is, I'd prefer if she kept that weight to herself. I'm a delicate maiden, you know?" The other kitsune joked. "I'm already exhausted as is having to deal with my candidate. He's a good kid but a bit… much sometimes. High schoolers, you know?"

"I've had the pleasure of not having to deal with any of those myself yet." Momohime's benefactor scowled. "Personally, I'm not a fan of involving kids in our problem. A seed needs soil to grow. Grains of sand will not serve as an adequate substitute. It is only when they've bloomed should we admire their beauty."

"We are farmers, not gardeners. And starving ones at that." The aspiring exorcist's eyes widened as she quickly realized the kitsune had fallen into the Youkai Dialect. "But at the very least, our crops grow better than some others I could name. Haven't you heard the news? You aren't the only one to bring in a unique examinee."

"Oh?" Kongiku raised an eyebrow. "Do go on."

"There's a Hanyou among us tonight." Momohime blinked as Kongiku let out a gasp. "Quite the skilled swimmer, if what the crows say is true. Apparently those dawdling fools down in Kawasaki couldn't properly test her so she's taking the Tokyo exam. And the less said about those brainless harlots from Ginza the better. Really, what were they thinking? Bringing in a-"

A gong resounded throughout the street, causing the two kitsune to fall silent before standing up straight. Kongiku turned to glance back at Momohime before whispering. "It's starting."

There was no grand declaration. It was merely a woman walking out from the 109 building to meet the group. The only thing that really signified her entrance was the howling of the wind. Still, despite this, there was something about her that drew everyone's gaze. As if she was just meant to be there.

The woman in question was similar to the kitsune that stood next to her as attendants. She wore a bright pink robe that showed off entirely too much skin for Momohime to feel comfortable looking at her. Light blonde hair was tied up into a trail that descended down to her waist while the top of her hair had the familiar fox ears. Although on closer inspection, the aspiring exorcist realized that it was merely a stylized hairdo rather than the genuine articles of the kitsune. Her eyes were heavy with eyeliner and her eyebrows had been meticulously trimmed, but other than that it didn't seem like she was wearing any makeup whatsoever.

One of her attendants stepped forward before glancing at the group in front of them. "Declare yourselves and pay respects to the director."

One by one, the kitsune descended upon their knees before giving a deep bow. Even their fox partners bowed their heads.

"Kongiku pays her respects." Momohime's benefactor declared as she followed suit. It wasn't long until the entire crescent had bowed, leaving only the test takers to stand and glance amongst themselves. Eventually, the kitsune attendant who had given the order nodded before returning to bow at her master's side.

The woman at the center of it all stepped forward. Everyone waited with bated breath. Thoughts raced through Momohime's heads as she tried to figure out what kind of personality she would have.

Then, she spoke.

"Yo! I see we've got a fine group of applicants this time. Nice night we're having right?" Her decorated eyes sparkled with life as she gave a laid back life. "You don't have to do anything fancy like the kitsune here, that's just something they like to do. I used to try and get them to stop it, but that was too much of a pain so I just let them have their fun."

One of the attendants at her sighed gave a completely, totally, 100% respectful cough.

"Oh you know it's true." Her master teased before turning back to the applicants. "I suppose I must introduce myself. Some of you know me, and some of you probably don't. I'm the founder of the Japan's PR department and also its current acting director. By day I'm the award winning mangaka Yumeko Houshi but in the world of the Night, the name I go by is Abe no Seimei."

The name felt heavy, as if it alone could crush Momohime's soul entirely. Of course, the aspiring exorcist recognized it as the name of the legendary Onmyouji, born and dying in the Heinan period at the end of classical japanese history. Yet here someone stood, claiming to be that very same person.

"I've not contracted with a Youkai, as some of you are no doubt thinking right now." Momohime's eyes widened. The woman's gaze seemed like it was staring right through her. "I can assure you that as I live and breathe, that I am the same Abe no Seimei from 900 years ago."

"Does that mean you're like, super old?" One of the test examinees called out. A young boy with obviously dyed blonde hair wearing a hoodie. Everyone turned to face him and Momohime gulped as she noticed the twitching eyes of the kitsune Kongiku was talking to moments before. "What? It's a valid question!"

"You know it's rude to ask a lady her age." Yumeko (Seimei?) replied with a light laugh. "But if you must know I recently turned 37 this year."

"Wow…" The boy gasped. "You really are old."

"Excuse me!" With a low growl, the kitsune next to Kongiku suddenly stood up before marching on over to where the boy was gripping his arm like a snake. "Please pardon me while I discuss something with my candidate here."

"You're excused." The Director declared with an amused wave.

"Ow! Ow! Hey!" The boy cried as he was quickly dragged down the streets and into a corner. "I get it!"

He quickly disappeared and everyone tried not to stare. A very audible smacking sound echoed through the city, causing Momohime to wince. Under her breath, she could hear Kongiku mutter the words 'A bit much huh?'. It wasn't before long that a very irate voice reached her ears. "You rude little-!"

With a wave of Yumeko's hands, the corner that they disappeared down rippled before vanishing entirely. A stunned silence fell upon the crossing as the examinees slowly turned their attention back to the amused lady.

"Well, that amusing little distraction allowed me to demonstrate something you've no doubt figured out by now." She stated as she began to wave her hands. "The exam isn't being held in the Shibuya of the weighted world. Nope! I've created a little replica of the city so that you can go buck wild as much as you like! Allow me to formally welcome you to-"

"The exam for tonight is quite simple. In order to pass, you must exorcise the youkai holding this space together and escape." Yumeko continued as her attendants brought out three paper envelopes. Painted on each were three symbols. A chain, a kunai, and a pair of headphones. "Inside each of these packets is a piece of paper that will guide you to one of the examiners. Each of the examiners will have a trial prepared for you. Pass, and you will be rewarded with a hint. From that point on, you can take the trial of another examiner or you may spend your time trying to exorcise the youkai."

The director reached into her robes before pulling out an origami bird. Suddenly, it began to flap and flutter on it's own, flying around Abe no Seimei's head. "Of course, there are failure conditions. If you have not managed to escape by the time the sun rises or if you are judged to be in no condition to continue the exam, then you shall be returning home empty handed. We don't give out participation trophies you know?"

"Furthermore, every hour or so we will be unsealing a Youkai throughout the city." The Onmyouji said as she raised a paper talisman. "I assure you, they're nothing you don't have the skill level to handle. But keep in mind that the longer you spend dealing with them, the less energy you have to focus on passing the trial or escaping."

"A moment please." Another young man spoke up, though this time a bit more polite then the one before him. He was quite a thin man with long black hair tied up in the same style as the director. More eye catching however, was his outfit. A long black cloak covered his shoulders, concealing a pure crimson suit and the sword that sat upon his waist. "This one is just wondering, what is the difference between each of the packets? A mere symbol is not enough to go on."

"Well I was going to just let you pick whichever you felt like but." Yumeko put a hand to her cheek. "I suppose that would just be random guessing now wouldn't it? Very well, I'll answer. Pay close attention now, got it?"

The kitsune lifted the first envelope at her Master's gesture. "'The chain of the beast is not to cage it, but to bind it.'"

The second. "'The gear of the past makes up the machine of the future.'"

And finally, the headphones. "As for this one… Well, I don't have anything to say really. That guy is just an old fashioned, out-of-date, hipster. Forgotten tunes that refuse to go silent with the final note."

She paused before turning back to the one who asked the question. "Is that good enough for you?"

"This one has found it sufficient." He nodded.

"Good good. Now then." Abe no Seimei nodded as she turned to the examination. "If you've found any meaning from those words, then line up one by one. When you get to the kitsune, state your name before requesting which trial you would like to undergo. And with that!"

Yumeko snapped her fingers. Suddenly all the blank television screens came to life, displaying a large countdown that began to tick downwards.

"The Tokyo Branch Exorcist Examination will now begin." The director declared before winking. "Good luck and good night!"

With that, she walked off back into the 109 building before disappearing from her view entirely. Kongiku stood up from where she had knelt before turning back to Momohime and giving her a smile, though it was a bit bittersweet."I can't help you anymore. You're on your own from here."

"T-Thank you for everything, I mean it." The black haired woman bowed. "We haven't known each other for long but you've taught me so much!"

"You can raise your head." Her benefactor laughed. "If all goes well, then we're going to be working together as partners in the future."

"Yes!" Momohime nodded her head firmly. "I'll make sure to pass!"

"Then I'll leave it up to you." Kongiku declared before walking off with the rest of the kitsune into the distance. It was only when she vanished from view did the aspiring exorcist really feel like she was on her own.

But there wasn't time to waste thinking about those kinds of things. Momohime had an exam to take.

"Yet again, another choice of three." Demon Blade muttered as the princess thought about which trial to undergo. "These kitsune really do seem to like that number."

"Do you have any idea which one I should take?" The young woman asked herself.

"No. I don't particularly care which one you undergo." The magical girl replied. "You may choose what you wish."

Momohime nodded at the words before making her decision.

The one she wanted to go with was…

[] The Chain
[] The Kunai
[] The Headphones

+30 EXP Met Yumeko Houshi(Abe no Seimei)
+10 EXP Write Your Name

4 + 40 = 44 Total EXP
Post it now I'd say?

Unless you know he's going to be done tomorrow.

But if the eta is several days out or unknown, then the old version should probably be gone with.

AN: The point. It's too valid. And with that, we raise the curtain on the Exorcist Exam!

Literally busted my ass all the way down to Shibuya for this. Turns out, Shibuya is pretty boring, all things considered. That's why I need to make the place exciting myself! Yeah! Good luck everyone!
So... magic builds the building in full while hougi throws paint at a wall to make a convincing lie of a building but gets washed away really quickly.


Which is why you only need to understand what a building should look like instead of needing to know every little thing that goes into building one. IE you can learn to fake things you don't have the Affinity to make.
"Sahou." The princess interrupted. "His name is Sahou Rokuki."
*tilts head* I think I've noticed this before, but I'm not sure if that sudden change in narrative address should mean something or not.
I'm not sure how. Are these supposed to be hints for the test the examiners give or where they are or... I don't know. Youkai Dialect only makes sense with context, like the kitsune sniping at each other was easy, but these are, uhh... not sure.
I'm not sure how. Are these supposed to be hints for the test the examiners give or where they are or... I don't know. Youkai Dialect only makes sense with context, like the kitsune sniping at each other was easy, but these are, uhh... not sure.

"Inside each of these packets is a piece of paper that will guide you to one of the examiners.

In case I wasn't clear, it's more of the former. The packet you pick will tell you where the examiner is hosting their trial. Don't worry, I'm not so bad as to not even tell you where the trial is.
[X] The Headphones

Out of a WAG that this lines up more with Arts, which was the voted specialization.
[X] The Headphones

Out of a WAG that this lines up more with Arts, which was the voted specialization.

no one trial matches up directly with any one specialization. you have a choice, after all. It would be most rude to let you shoot yourself in the foot like that.