How would you make a video game based off worm

Some optional example questions.

What's the core gameplay loop?

What genre is it?

What's the story?

Honestly I'd either make it.

A fighting game

A early final fantasy style jrpg where you play as the undersiders throughout the story.

a asura's wrath style simple combat/quick time event though the story.

A wario ware style game where you do mini games.

Or a rythem game.
Off the top of my head:

-An action role-playing game with RTS elements, where Taylor's bug control is portrayed as similar to Pikmin or the Overlord games, and quest and overall story structure is similar to the Witcher

-Taylor is pretty fragile to encourage you to play strategically

-Atlas can be summoned as a mount, Relay bugs could act as an upgrade system

-take liberties with the source material as needed (granted, I say that as someone who has a lot of problems with Worm; don't hate it, just think it needs a couple hundred hours with a good editor)
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Do something similar to the Harebrained Schemes Shadowrun games, if not just do it as a full conversion mod of those games.

- Isometric RPG with relatively simple graphics, characters represented with portraits.

- Grid based turn-based RPG gameplay with a mix of guns, melee weapons and powers.

- Game cantered around a hub world area with story content, with missions being self contained levels full of encounters and different ways of dealing with obstacles.
A game with 2 sistems would be good, a Telltale system for the interpersonal relationships and a RTS sistem for the fights, they would be conected by a resource managment sistem, with your choices and conversations you would decide what kind of resources and units you will be able to use in the RTS section
Five Nights at Freddy's style game except the SS9 are after you.

Quite like the idea of a Shadowrun/XCOM esque game where you play a PRT trooper squad/mercenary outfit.

Adventure style game playing as Lisa, except most effort is spent on avoiding clues^^.
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Fighting game. I really think its the only way you can capture the feel of all the different ways people use their powers. Anything else would be too complicated to feasibly mechanicize all the powers
It would be an FPS/TPS, where you play as an ex-special forces security guard who kills a cape in the first mission through sheer skill, getting notoriety enough to push a career in the PRT, as a hench, or a proper mercenary.

The game would be ludicrously hard vs capes, nearly or actually impossible in some cases without tinkertech purchases. At certain points of the story, you can fail a mission hard without getting a game over and instead trigger to get powers of your own, or you can save up enormous sums of money to buy them from Cauldron.
I once wrote a character introduction ala LoL for Taylor, guess this is as good a place as any to post it:
(It's obviously not balanced.)

Skitter: The warlord of Brockton Bay

Passive: Arthropodomancy
Skitter posesses a unique Energy type called Swarm. Her swarm is constantly growing at 1 per second capping out at 30(?)
Skitters abilities as spellcaster are severly limited by her cooldowns as her energy bar AND her ability cooldowns both are governed by cooldown reduction. the main utility items she needs should provide armour, cooldown reduction and lifegain/-reg. her "swarm" energy recharge is not enchanced by manareg.

Every passive Mob or enemy Player will start collecting "insect tags" if they move into Skitters range of perception. They will gain 1 Tag per 3 (5, 10?) sec. they spend in the range of Skitter and the tick speed is increased if they move through tall grass or water. Skitter Perceives every tag while moving through the Rift. The number of Tags one can passivly aquire is 5. After Gaining the Max passive amount of tags, the target becomes identified for Skitter. (instead of just being a few dots running around the map. skilled players may recognize the gait of the lights and predict even earlier which enemy is walking.) Even if the passive amount of counters is over 5 they will not time out unless they leave her radius or are aware of her.

If the Enemy Player was attacked by Skitter or one of her Swarm Clones or if they themselves attack her, they become aware of the Insect Tags on their Person. Unless they are attacking or being attacked, the tagged player will slowly (5sec/tag) clean their person of unwanted vermin and thus hide from Skitters perception. A player could also choose to stop moving or attacking to swiftly(1sec/tag) rid themselfes of unwanted passengers. Such players won't be able to get tagged again until a short cooldown has passed.

Maybe another hidden passive that conveys a percentage of the cooldown she gains from equipment to any cooldowns of active use gear such as Zhonya's to drive home how much Taylor had perfected her use of different equipment to help her fight.

Attack type and battlefield role: Meelee type Spellcaster, poker, roamer.

Q: Sting, Bite, Gnaw
All insect tags on the victim, swarm-points(cost of the spell) and tags on neutral creeps in a medium radius close onto the Target and start doing flat dmg that continues until [Insect Tags x Seconds] have passed or the Target has othervise rid themselves of the infestation. Standing still reduces the timer to [Insect Tags x 0,5 Seconds].

W: Swarm Double (max 2.)
Skitter can create a max. of two Swarm Doubles that can operate indipendently from her as long as they are within her Range of Perception. It collects its own Swarm at a reduced pace and can use her Q or R.
If attacked the Swarmdouble may either be triggered to transform to a cloud of insects and attack the enemy for a short period of time only while multitasking is active, or simply latch onto the enemy adding its own energy levels to the insect tag counter they already posessed.
Swarm Doubles look the same as Skitter unless attacked, recognized by a special ward or seen by some champion abilities.
Swarm doubles can still be controlled if Skitters main body is held in any paralysis/stasis effect. (Morroring how QA is still continuing the last task Taylor set her insects to even if unconscious or depowered.)

E: Multitasking
Pressing E activates a view encompassing all of skitters current range of perception (The range grows slightly proportionally to how much health Skitter lost). The view circle is zoomed out like for example Jhin's Ultimate. overall perception size is about double the normal zoomed out monitoring size.
She can program waypoints for her own body and her Swarm Doubles to move through and thus successfully confuse the enemy.
Switching between her own body and those of her Clones is done with number keys or TAB. Item effects or champion spells may be activated while multitasking is running but if a Swarm Double uses an Item Effect, the cooldown is slightly prolonged unless Skitter visits the spot it was used at and "collects" the Item Icon. This can be done by her or a new Swarm Double. It takes no time to switch between normal view and Multitasking.
If Skitter crosses the paths of one of her clones and her real body while in view of enemy Players, her bodies will briefly merge and camouflage her escape by looking the same after splitting up again. skitters lifepoints are always hidden until you actively damage her, thus masking the position of the real body even further.

R: Biblical Swarm
Briefly channelling, Skitter makes all Insect Tags visible to the Enemies but also doubles (triples?) each counter. Then she equally destributes all Insect counters in her range to Enemy Players (favoring those with the least amount of life points) in her perception range and roots them for 2 seconds. After the root starts the insects start to eat the enemy the same was as with Q but leftover insect tags get redistrebuted again if an enemy champion gets killed within the time the ultimate lasts. This Skill always uses 75% of her available Energy directly correlating the possible DMG to the overall amount of Counters and Energy she has available.

Deathrattle bonus power:
After recieving a death blow skitter is instantly switched to Multitasking view and has about 1/4th the time of her revive cooldown to give out a chain of commands to her remaining swarm. Swarm counters on her body remain for the duration of her deathrattle ability and all subsequental ability use but do not regenerate like when she is alive. Her ultimate or any other action will then play out. This cannot be interrupted.

Special Interactions:

Some times a champion with a higher Lv. than Skitter attacks her for the first time:
"Don't underestimate me!"
"I don't need a blade to emasculate you!" (Male Enemy)
"I don't need a weapon to asphyxiate you!" (Female Enemy)

When meeting any kind of cyborg or robot champion:
"A Tinker? Here?"
"Are you creator or creation?"

"So you turn into a Dragon too? ugh..."
"A Fiery Dragon? Not again!"
"Don't turn into a Dragon, it never helps."
"There is only one Dragon i respect!"

"A gadget wielding Gloryhog? Not again!"
"Do you print your face on Girls' underwear too?"
"I bet you steal other peoples credit too!"

"Tidebringer? I have nightmares about the sea."
"Come any closer and i'll stick that polearm where the sun don't shine."

Unspecified Demacian:
"A whole country of rabid bigots."
"Imagine all your accomplishments if you just worked together..."
"It's like fighting the Empire all over again."

Encountering someone from Bilgewater:
"Fresh fish and rotten wood? I know this smell..."
"Try harder, i am the daughter of a dockworker."

"Free will, eh? I wish i could have introduced you to someone."
I am thinking of something in the style of Disco Elysium. The problem with gamefying superpowers is that there is a hard limit to how distinct you can make them in most gameplay systems. Better to go whole hog on narrative, as a gritty street focused story with branches.

Due to the extremely personal nature of powers in the setting it is probably better that the player character has an established backstory, with customization coming foremost from narrative choices.
a DC Online style MMORPG with semi destructible environment and full PVP with the option of choosing to play a perma death mode that gives higher rewards
a DC Online style MMORPG with semi destructible environment and full PVP with the option of choosing to play a perma death mode that gives higher rewards

wait, like, what if some kind of full on roguelike-type mmo- names are recyclable, and information about prior users are listed, but once your hero/villain dies, you can't use them anymore- although you can basically remake the character- maybe with a wait period so that it couldn't be immediately remade? Like, the name can't be used again for another ten or twenty days?
A top-down 2D game taking the insect control and running with it. With boids flocking behaviours and a lot of particle-system shenanigans it is possible to do massive swarms without making a computer cry, so you have a top-down and distantly viewed city (probably procedurally generated in some way because citygen is a well studied topic and building an entire city by hand is a pain), you have Skitter who you can run around as via WASD, and you have the Control Cursor, the mouse, which represents her power. Various insects are represented by different colours and can be found in various places/nests about the world. Hold right click to draw insects nearby to the Cursor. Left click to contextually sicc them on things. Probably with button modifiers, ie hold Space + Left Click to do Thing A and Ctrl + Left Click to do Thing B, whilst Space + Right Click only gathers wasps or whathaveyou.

That's it, that's the game. No missions or anything, just a general 'clean up the gangs' objective. Gangs are out there in the world so go get 'em tiger. There'd obviously need to be a few more systems on top of this tracking how notorious / well-known you are, gang territory/numbers and faction relationships, and in the interests of developer sanity if a hostile cape reaches Skitter she dies, because trying to slap a personal combat system on top of bug controls would be hell (and with how zoomed out the camera would need to be, nigh impossible to control anyway).

A game of stealth, mayhem and siccing ungodly numbers of bees on people.
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wait, like, what if some kind of full on roguelike-type mmo- names are recyclable, and information about prior users are listed, but once your hero/villain dies, you can't use them anymore- although you can basically remake the character- maybe with a wait period so that it couldn't be immediately remade? Like, the name can't be used again for another ten or twenty days?
more or less with a grace period to pick up your old gear if you already have another toon attached to your account of say an hour or so before your tinkertech/gear/epi pens drop as public loot so as not to give to much disadvantage to playing a Tinker type
more or less with a grace period to pick up your old gear if you already have another toon attached to your account of say an hour or so before your tinkertech/gear/epi pens drop as public loot so as not to give to much disadvantage to playing a Tinker type
I wasn't even thinking of having the inventory drop as public loot, just being lost forever. This has given me the idea of it going to your team (or whatever we're calling guilds) if you die. This would actually kind of incentivize treacherous behavior? Which is fitting for the world of Worm, but might not make for a fun experience for those not deep into role playing or grim dark stuff...
I wasn't even thinking of having the inventory drop as public loot, just being lost forever. This has given me the idea of it going to your team (or whatever we're calling guilds) if you die. This would actually kind of incentivize treacherous behavior? Which is fitting for the world of Worm, but might not make for a fun experience for those not deep into role playing or grim dark stuff...
then make it a toggle like the perma death or a Team option with a trust/cohesion/loyalty meter that rewards teamwork with bonuses such as increased rewards from missions
if a Team has the setting on it adds a trust bonus but if for instance they pick up a team mate's gear before it goes public and fails to return it in 3 days the trust goes down Teams with zero trust are auto disbanded and must be reformed thus incentivising people to vote out untrustworthy members this feels like a good mix of carrot and stick to keep Teams honest with themselves whilst still allowing coil style plots