How To Prevent WW2?

Execute Hitler like the treasonous dog that he was when his first go at a dictatorship failed and he was convicted of high treason instead of giving him a few years time out, a bed, a nice room, some time to produce his manifesto and the street cred that goes with being a "revolutionary" that did time.

It's possible with this you get Nazis with someone else leading them. I do think German revanchism was inevitable, and that would have started WWII.
I said prime directive so the Japanese would be allowed to be isolated like the sentinaliese for all eternity with the might of America nuking to hell anyone who tries anything.
In 1853 America had no nukes as far as I know, and definitely couldn't tell Britain they can't meddle in East Asia. Edit: Also completely ignoring the fact that the Japanese were totally aware of what was happening outside of the country, contrary to your "sentinelese" perception, the Opium Wars, the Treaty of Nanking and the Taiping Rebellion were important factors for the bakufu leadership to concede to Perry's demands.
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It's possible with this you get Nazis with someone else leading them. I do think German revanchism was inevitable, and that would have started WWII.

Like @Susano said you may, or even probably have had a dictatorship or bog standard fascism.

But Nazism? That one was all on Hitler and his little book.

Frankly Nazism was fascism on steroids and them taken up to 11.
Prevent WWI through personal diplomacy with the various emperors just deciding to not go to war, logistics be damned. Have an early Cold War situation with air power and poisonous gas keeping people scared of war. With the largest economies in the world still intact and millions of people alive who would otherwise be dead, technological progress is massively accelerated, and you get true MAD a few years earlier.
Prevent WWI through personal diplomacy with the various emperors just deciding to not go to war, logistics be damned. Have an early Cold War situation with air power and poisonous gas keeping people scared of war. With the largest economies in the world still intact and millions of people alive who would otherwise be dead, technological progress is massively accelerated, and you get true MAD a few years earlier.

I don't think folks could be terrified of those things until they are used on great powers. If anything, MAD was accelerated by WWII, without WWII I doubt we get nuclear power until the 1950's at the earliest- there would be no Manhatten project.
Prevent WWI through personal diplomacy with the various emperors just deciding to not go to war, logistics be damned. Have an early Cold War situation with air power and poisonous gas keeping people scared of war. With the largest economies in the world still intact and millions of people alive who would otherwise be dead, technological progress is massively accelerated, and you get true MAD a few years earlier.

There is the question if preventing WW1 is a good thing, though. Without WW1, you still have the Kaiserreich, Austria-Hungary and the Czar's Empire, and the colonial power will probably not be weakened enough for decolonization to happen. Basically, you will end up with every singe prison of nations still intact.
There is the question if preventing WW1 is a good thing, though. Without WW1, you still have the Kaiserreich, Austria-Hungary and the Czar's Empire, and the colonial power will probably not be weakened enough for decolonization to happen. Basically, you will end up with every singe prison of nations still intact.

How long can Austria-Hungary survive though?
The soviets only engaged in those conflicts because Stalin correctly figured no one would bother to interfere if they were already busy with Germany.

This is a weird assertion that in no way accounts for the Winter War or the wars fought after WW1 with Poland, and is thus wrong.

Killing Hitler early enough is actually completely viable. Even if you say the Weimar Republic is doomed anyway, well, chances were aways it would be replaced by a bog standard reactionary military junta. The Nazis and their genocial awfulness truly were something special in that regard, and that does first of all derieve from the personalities of their leaders.

Okay but that doesn't stop the Second Great European Civil War.
Okay but that doesn't stop the Second Great European Civil War.
Well of course not, because such a thing never existed.

Now if you mean WW2 - why not? The thing about Hitler is that he wanted a war. That fit with his darwinist ideology and destruction fantasies. He went straight towards starting such a war. This wouldn't be a common trait, though.
I don't think folks could be terrified of those things until they are used on great powers. If anything, MAD was accelerated by WWII, without WWII I doubt we get nuclear power until the 1950's at the earliest- there would be no Manhatten project.

No Manhattan project, maybe. But there would be thousands of schools that were never bombed into rubble, tens of millions of people who never lost their lives, intact infrastructure, intact economies, and possibly a political climate that allows knowledge to proliferate across national borders.

Nothing slows technological growth like a war.

There is the question if preventing WW1 is a good thing, though. Without WW1, you still have the Kaiserreich, Austria-Hungary and the Czar's Empire, and the colonial power will probably not be weakened enough for decolonization to happen. Basically, you will end up with every singe prison of nations still intact.

Sounds right.
This is a weird assertion that in no way accounts for the Winter War or the wars fought after WW1 with Poland, and is thus wrong.
It exactly accounts for the Winter War. Britain and France were too busy with Germany to declare war on the Soviet Union over Finland which is why the Soviet Government felt bold enough to engage in the move, the reasoning for the timing of the move is pretty clearly laid out in Soviet internal documents. Had there been no war with Germany the Soviet Union would never have made its land grabs in 1939 and 1940 due to the Stalin era government's hyper-cautious approach to foreign policy. The Polish-Soviet war was also run by a government that had very few of the same people in the top echelons of power as the Stalin government and was much more aggressive about internationalism than the "socialism in one country" approach of the Stalin era USSR. Following the failure of the German revolution, the Soviet government under Stalin adopted an extremely cautious foreign policy that avoided confrontation with France and Britain whenever possible and only engaged in the operations against Poland, Finland, Rumania, and the Baltic states because France and Britain were unwilling to go to war over them when they were already fighting the Germans.

Studying internal Soviet documents paints a pretty clear picture of the reasoning behind the various moves the Soviet Union made between the collapse of efforts to contain Germany at Czechoslovakia and the German invasion of the Soviet Union. With the failure to form a coalition for the defense of Czechoslovakia the Soviet Union decided the next best thing was to wait out the storm, profit where they could while the Germans and Italians were busy fighting the French and the British, then roll in and crush the weakened victor. The Stalin era government's foreign policy was absolutely averse to picking fights with other great powers at full strength without back up and the directives sent to Soviet diplomats as well as internal discussions about the direction of Soviet foreign policy make this pretty clear.

The Stalin government was monstrous but it was also cowardly. Ascribing the same sort of maniacal belligerence to them that Germany and Japan did where they deliberately picked fights that they did not have any reasonable chance of winning is simply not born out by what was revealed in the Soviet archives.
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