Voting will open in 1 hour, 56 minutes and close in 7 days, 23 hours
[x] The Survivors
Hope and terror. Safety and danger. Braying herds shake the walls and spill steaming blood on the snow; hungry eyes turn north to a familiar town.
[X] The Survivors
Hope and terror. Safety and danger. Braying herds shake the walls and spill steaming blood on the snow; hungry eyes turn north to a familiar town.
I'm closing the vote at 5pm my time, so get your ballots in now.
That's weird. Well the elector-count option won by 1 vote.
BTW, I also commissioned my mate @Falchion to do a profile pic for Kasled and a couple other characters since I have more dollars than sense. :V

He's a pathetic little blorbo.

Link to full size image here.
I like this, he looks kinda-pathetic but an average regular guy doing a 9-5 job.

Well assuming if the vote is a flashback then the PC might be a noble before ending up as a werewolf in the frontier. Meaning that he lived in a enviroment that's closer to 21st century rather than most of the people so He might looked more pampered then normal.

Also let's be honest his warfrom would look much more faresome. Like that's half the appeal of being a werewolf, any unassuming guy could become a rabid beast at a moment notice.
We'll he's family might not have known that's he's a child of Ulric until the first change.

It was quite clearly stated in the beginning that the village had several Children of Ulric and its definitely a hereditary blessing so it's more likely that the village is made up of families that all share that aspect or are otherwise deeply devoted Ulricans who ses the condition as a Blessing and are isolating themselves because the wider empire isn't as accepting of their powers/blessing...

After all, Skinwolves of Norsca seems to be canon and they are definitely not followers of or blessed by Ulric.
It was quite clearly stated in the beginning that the village had several Children of Ulric and its definitely a hereditary blessing so it's more likely that the village is made up of families that all share that aspect or are otherwise deeply devoted Ulricans who ses the condition as a Blessing and are isolating themselves because the wider empire isn't as accepting of their powers/blessing...

Hmm it could be that blessing skipped a few generations of his family and he was quickly shipped off to the village after his first change to prevent being burnt on a stake. Or his father was the chef of the village.

Who knows rally.

Assuming the next post is a flash back.
Just a heads up that the next post will come out a bit later than I was hoping as my mum's visiting. It won't be too crazy a delay, but I thought I should mention it.
Voting will open in 1 hour, 56 minutes and close in 7 days, 23 hours