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It is the hour between night and dawn. It is the hour when most people die, when sleep is deepest, when nightmares are most real. It is the hour when the sleepless are haunted by their deepest fear, when ghosts and demons are most powerful, when the fated are born. It is the Hour of the Wolf. Your hour.
Character Sheet
Name: Kasled Leitfeld
Class: Healer - a literate man who made a living doing everything from delivering babies to creating healing poultices and tinctures to aid the sick.

Mission: To get revenge on those who destroyed Roslas and justice for those who suffered.
Duty: To help those who are sick and injured.
Craving: Pleasures of the flesh

  • Stats
    Body: 4
    Coordination: 4
    Sense: 3
    Knowledge: 4
    Command: 2
    Charm: 2

    +2 Dodge
    +2 Fight
    +3 Fascinate
    +2 Graces
    +3 Heal
    +2 Languages (Classical)
    +3 Lore
    +1 Lie
    +2 Parry
    +1 Plead
    +1 Run
    +3 Stealth
    +5 Student: Medicine
    +5 Student: Plants and Herbs

    Regeneration (5)

    Wounds Table
    Roll To hitLocationWounds
    1Left leg[o][o][o][o][o]
    2Right leg[o][o][o][o][o]
    3-4Left arm[o][o][o][o][o]
    5-6Right arm[o][o][o][o][o]
    7-9Torso [o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o]

    Dice Pool Table
    SkillUsual StatDice PoolDescription
    DodgeCoordination6 (2+4)Dodge lets you (and only you) avoid attacks. This differs from parry in that you can't protect people by dodging attacks.
    FightBody6 (2+4)A versatile skill that can be used to wrestle, punch, or use any hand-to-hand weapon, as long as its use is unsubtle and obvious. Anything that requires finesse, special training or an explanation can't be used with Fight. It's the crude Skill of hard clobbering, so weapons like whips, bows and lassos are beyond its purview.
    FascinateCharm5 (3+2)Fascinate is the skill you use when you want to try and ingratiate yourself with someone or when you want to distract someone from something conversationally. It's a very open ended skill.
    GracesCharm4 (2+2)The skill that keeps you from looking like an idiot/making a fool of yourself.
    Even if you've never met someone
    before and have no clue about their culture, Graces makes you sufficiently sensitive to nuances of posture and expression that you're able to abort rude actions before completion– or perform them in a way that it's clear you intend no offense.
    HealKnowledge7 (3+4)The healing skill. When used on the battlefield/as first aid, it can be used to quickly bind wounds, splint broken limbs, etc, but only removes shock damage. When used outside of those instances, it can remove one point of killing damage per day of rest.

    Notably, it can also be used to torture people, but we (probably) won't be doing that.
    Languages (Classical)Knowledge*6 (2+4)A weird one that won't come up, but it's the skill that determines if you're able to understand what someone is saying in classical/reman (I.E what's written in old doctor's books and such)
    LoreKnowledge7 (3+4)A catch all skill for knowing stuff that's useful as a fallback. Generally speaking, it's accompanied by a slightly higher difficulty than the skill you would normally use. E.G if you need to identify a poison but you don't have Student: Plants and Herbs, you could use Lore, but it would be harder to succeed.
    LieCharm3 (1+2)The skill that governs your ability to bullshit people. Can be seen through with an Empathy roll, or another roll if it's more relevant (I.E a merchant can do a sense+scrutinize roll to see if you're lying about the quality of something you're trying to sell)
    ParryBody6 (2+4)The skill that lets you directly block someone's attacks. Unlike dodge, it does let you protect a third party.

    Note: You need something tough/hard to parry.
    PleadCharm3 (1+2)If you roll a success while pleading, the
    person to whom you plead feels really,
    really bad if they don't do what you want. That said, it's not a get out of jail free card given the number of demonically evil things in Warhammer.
    RunBody5 (1+4)This governs your ability to run further than the 15 feet (5 meters) you can run automatically each round. Each success adds another 5 feet (1.5 meters). Useful when chasing, being chased, etc.
    StealthCoordination7 (3+4)The skill that lets you hide. Works kind of like dodge/parry, but for being seen/heard/smelled, etc
    Student: MedicineKnowledge9 (5+4)Like lore, but narrower. As such, it's either not going to have a difficulty threshold you need to meet or one that's lower than the one for lore.
    Student: Plants and HerbsKnowledge9 (5+4)Like lore, but narrower. As such, it's either not going to have a difficulty threshold you need to meet or one that's lower than the one for lore.
    Regeneration (5)N/A5A custom one. Once per round, roll your die pool and regenerate x damage where x is the number of successes you achieve in a roll. Heal shock first, then killing damage.

    Fire adds a difficulty threshold to the limb whose value is dependent on the severity of the burn. Damage that has been dealt with magic cannot be regenerated with this skill/trait (I.E you need to wait and let it heal naturally, if it heals at all).
    TransformN/AN/AThe thing that lets you turn into a hybrid or wolf form

  • Stats
    Body: 5
    Coordination: 5
    Sense: 4
    Knowledge: 4
    Command: 2
    Charm: 2

    +2 Bite [Width Killing, Width Shock]
    Claws MD [Width Killing]
    +2 Dodge
    +4 Fight [Width Killing]
    +3 Fascinate
    +2 Graces
    +3 Heal
    +2 Languages (Classical)

    +3 Lore
    +1 Lie
    +2 Parry
    +1 Plead
    +2 Run
    +3 Stealth
    +5 Student: Medicine
    +5 Student: Plants and Herbs

    Armor Rating (1): For every point of AR, the armor stops one point of Shock damage and one point of Killing damage. (This is equivalent to wearing boiled leather all over)
    Regeneration (5)

    Wounds Table
    Roll To hitLocationWounds
    1Left leg[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    2Right leg[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    3-4Left arm[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    5-6Right arm[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    7-9Torso [o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o]

    Dice Pool Table
    I've removed some stuff you straight up can't do as a wolfman (Dr Wolfman M.D is not a thing, alas), but I'm open to letting you do shit like find healing herbs and whatever. I'm not a cop.
    SkillUsual StatDice PoolDescription
    BiteCoordination7 (2+5)A bite attack. Added separately from fight skill since it's a natural weapon
    ClawsCoordination5+MD (0 + 5) + MDA claw attack. Added separately from fight skill since it's a natural weapon
    DodgeCoordination7 (2+5)Dodge lets you (and only you) avoid attacks. This differs from parry in that you can't protect people by dodging attacks.
    FightBody9 (4+5)A versatile skill that can be used to wrestle, punch, or use any hand-to-hand weapon, as long as its use is unsubtle and obvious. Anything that requires finesse, special training or an explanation can't be used with Fight. It's the crude Skill of hard clobbering, so weapons like whips, bows and lassos are beyond its purview.
    LoreKnowledge7 (3+4)A catch all skill for knowing stuff that's useful as a fallback. Generally speaking, it's accompanied by a slightly higher difficulty than the skill you would normally use. E.G if you need to identify a poison but you don't have Student: Plants and Herbs, you could use Lore, but it would be harder to succeed.
    ParryBody7 (2+5)The skill that lets you directly block someone's attacks. Unlike dodge, it does let you protect a third party.

    Note: You need something tough/hard to parry.
    RunBody7 (2+5)This governs your ability to run further than the 15 feet (5 meters) you can run automatically each round. Each success adds another 5 feet (1.5 meters). Useful when chasing, being chased, etc.
    StealthCoordination8 (3+5)The skill that lets you hide. Works kind of like dodge/parry, but for being seen/heard/smelled, etc
    Student: MedicineKnowledge9 (5+4)Like lore, but narrower. As such, it's either not going to have a difficulty threshold you need to meet or one that's lower than the one for lore.
    Student: Plants and HerbsKnowledge9 (5+4)Like lore, but narrower. As such, it's either not going to have a difficulty threshold you need to meet or one that's lower than the one for lore.
    Regeneration (5)N/A5A custom one. Once per round, roll your die pool and regenerate x damage where x is the number of successes you achieve in a roll. Heal shock first, then killing damage.

    Fire adds a difficulty threshold to the limb whose value is dependent on the severity of the burn. Damage that has been dealt with magic cannot be regenerated with this skill/trait (I.E you need to wait and let it heal naturally, if it heals at all).
    TransformN/AN/AThe thing that lets you turn into a hybrid or wolf form

  • Stats
    Body: 4
    Coordination: 3
    Sense: 5
    Knowledge: 4
    Command: 2
    Charm: 2

    +3 Bite [Width Killing]
    +3 Dodge
    +3 Fascinate
    +2 Graces
    +3 Heal

    +3 Hearing
    +2 Languages (Classical)
    +3 Lore
    +1 Lie
    +2 Parry
    +1 Plead

    +3 Run
    +4 Stealth
    +5 Student: Medicine
    +5 Student: Plants and Herbs
    +2 Sight
    +2 Scrutinise + Master Die (the main feature of a master die is that I can set its value after rolling the others in a pool, guaranteeing a success)

    Regeneration (5)
    Movement (20)

    Wounds Table
    Roll To hitLocationWounds
    1Right Foreleg[o][o][o]
    2Left Foreleg[o][o][o]
    3-4Right Hind leg[o][o][o][o]
    5-6Left Hind leg[o][o][o][o]
    7-9Torso [o][o][o][o][o][o]

    Dice Pool Table
    I've removed some stuff you straight up can't do as a wolf (Captain Wolf is not a thing, alas), but I'm open to various things so long as you can argue it properly. I'm not a cop.
    SkillUsual StatDice PoolDescription
    BiteBody7 (3+4)What it says. It's the skill that governs biting people
    DodgeCoordination6 (2+3)Dodge lets you (and only you) avoid attacks. This differs from parry in that you can't protect people by dodging attacks.
    HearingSense8 (3+5)Hearing helps you notice things that most others would miss/which are trying to stay quiet. I.E the drawing of a bowstring, someone sneaking behind you, etc.
    LoreKnowledge7 (3+4)A catch all skill for knowing stuff that's useful as a fallback. Generally speaking, it's accompanied by a slightly higher difficulty than the skill you would normally use. E.G if you need to identify a poison but you don't have Student: Plants and Herbs, you could use Lore, but it would be harder to succeed.
    RunBody7 (2+5)This governs your ability to run further than the 15 feet (5 meters) you can run automatically each round. Each success adds another 5 feet (1.5 meters). Useful when chasing, being chased, etc.
    StealthCoordination8 (3+5)The skill that lets you hide. Works kind of like dodge/parry, but for being seen/heard/smelled, etc
    Student: MedicineKnowledge9 (5+4)Like lore, but narrower. As such, it's either not going to have a difficulty threshold you need to meet or one that's lower than the one for lore.
    Student: Plants and HerbsKnowledge9 (5+4)Like lore, but narrower. As such, it's either not going to have a difficulty threshold you need to meet or one that's lower than the one for lore.
    SightSense7 (2+7)The skill you use to notice things visually. Useful for identifying distant figures, finding something hidden, etc.
    ScrutiniseSense7 +MD (2+5) + MDThis skill helps you analyse your environment. Useful for reconstructing events, tracking paths through places, etc.
    Regeneration (5)N/A5A custom one. Once per round, roll your die pool and regenerate x damage where x is the number of successes you achieve in a roll. Heal shock first, then killing damage.

    Fire adds a difficulty threshold to the limb whose value is dependent on the severity of the burn. Damage that has been dealt with magic cannot be regenerated with this skill/trait (I.E you need to wait and let it heal naturally, if it heals at all).
    TransformN/AN/AThe thing that lets you turn into a hybrid or wolf form

  • Items of Note
    • A healer's bag (Full)
    • One small bottle (empty, finely made Tilean glass)
    • A small bottle of giant spider venom [unknown effect, unknown potency]
    • A small peasant blade [Width Shock, 1 Killing]
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Other Character Sheets

  • Stats
    Body: 4
    Coordination: 3
    Sense: 3
    Knowledge: 3
    Command: 2
    Charm: 2

    +3 Dodge
    +2 Eerie
    +2 Fight
    +2 Heal
    +2 Languages (Animal)
    +3 Lore (Woods)
    +3 Parry
    +3 Plead
    +2 Weapon (bow) +1 ED
    +1 Run
    +1 Sorcery
    +3 Vigor

    Regeneration (5)

    The first time you meet someone, they roll their Eerie pool. If they get a success, something about you just makes them feel creepy. You can still win them over with charm or bribery or an obvious display of good deeds, but you start out with one social strike against you.

    Martial Path

    Note: I haven't bothered changing any of these names yet, so they're weird compared to what you'd expect from Warhammer.

    Eye of Death
    Goddess in the Grave (1 point): If you take a round to aim, you add 2d to your pool. If you take two rounds to aim, you add 4d to your pool. Otherwise, aiming works as usual.

    Arrow of Gentle Repose (2 points): Any time you fire, and it's not part of a multiple action, you can bypass 1AR that's provided by armor. AR from martial techniques or sorcery still defends.

    The School of the Insouciant Monkey
    Monkey Dodge (1 point): You do not take a penalty for adding a Dodge to any action.

    Wounds Table
    Roll To hitLocationWounds
    1Left leg[o][o][o][o][o]
    2Right leg[o][o][o][o][o]
    3-4Left arm[o][o][o][o][o]
    5-6Right arm[o][o][o][o][o]
    7-9Torso [o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o]

  • Stats
    Body: 5
    Coordination: 4
    Sense: 4
    Knowledge: 3
    Command: 2
    Charm: 2

    +2 Bite
    Claws MD
    +3 Dodge
    +2 Eerie
    +4 Fight
    +2 Heal
    +2 Languages (Animal)
    +3 Lore (Woods)
    +3 Parry
    +3 Plead
    +2 Weapon (bow) +1 ED

    +1 Run
    +1 Sorcery
    +3 Vigor

    Armor Rating (1): For every point of AR, the armor stops one point of Shock damage and one point of Killing damage. (This is equivalent to wearing boiled leather all over)
    Regeneration (5)

    Wounds Table
    Roll To hitLocationWounds
    1Left leg[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    2Right leg[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    3-4Left arm[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    5-6Right arm[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    7-9Torso [o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o]

  • Stats
    Body: 4
    Coordination: 2
    Sense: 5
    Knowledge: 3
    Command: 2
    Charm: 2

    +3 Bite
    +3 Dodge
    +2 Eerie
    +2 Heal
    +2 Hearing
    +2 Languages (Animal)
    +3 Lore (Woods)
    +3 Parry
    +3 Plead
    +2 Weapon (bow) +1 ED

    +1 Run
    +1 Sorcery
    +2 Sight
    +2 Scrutinise + Master Die (the main feature of a master die is that I can set its value after rolling the others in a pool, guaranteeing a success)
    +3 Vigor

    Regeneration (5)
    Movement (20)

    Wounds Table
    Roll To hitLocationWounds
    1Right Foreleg[o][o][o]
    2Left Foreleg[o][o][o]
    3-4Right Hind leg[o][o][o][o]
    5-6Left Hind leg[o][o][o][o]
    7-9Torso [o][o][o][o][o][o]
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