Holy Wiki Warrior, Batman! (DC Wiki Warrior SI)

06- Pencils & Pennies.
I had gotten up, my hand brushing up against the frog from last night, causing it to glow.

"Bonjour," The frog said in French, with a heavy French accent.

Really? Again? I don't have the time for this.

I quickly walked over to the source of the screaming, to see a bloodied man in a green pinstriped suit, running away from a... humanoid pencil? Who was walking after him, as if nothing was going on.

"Help me! For God's sake! Help me!" The man shouted fearfully, "I- if anybody helps! I'll pay you!"

The pencil-man continued to calmly walk after the man, and other bystanders just watched from afar.

"Hey man, over here!" I said, beckoning the man over to me, "I can help!"

"Oh thank you!" The man said, as he ran in my direction, quickly passing me.

The pencil-man walked up to me, and glared.

"What business do you have, interfering in The Eraser's business?" The pencil-man, now known to me as The Eraser, said coldly, before jumping up, and it was then that I noticed that his shoes were tipped with pencil-point blades.

I quickly dodged out of the way, and then... the music began, and the wheel turned.

Eventually, it landed on [List of Colt AR-15 and M16 rifle variants.]

Well, that certainly seemed useful.

[List of Colt AR-15 and M16 rifle variants.

This article describes the many variations of the Colt AR-15 and M16 rifle family of weapons produced by Colt's Manufacturing Company. Weapons patterned on the original ArmaLite AR-15 design have been produced by numerous manufacturers and have been used by nations around the world, some of which created their own variations. The tables here are split in a variety of categories, and provide an overview of different subtypes. For purposes of these tables, bold model numbers are weapons used (or previously used) by the U.S. Military while italic model numbers are weapons for commercial or export sale. See Glossary of terms for an explanation of each column.

Power(s): Gun (AR-15/M16) Summoning, Firearm Proficiency.

17 (Permanent)]

Okay, so I can summon Colt AR-15's, and M16's... and have the aim of a person with extensive firearms training.

I can work with this.

I quickly summoned a M16 into my hand, and fired upon the pencil-themed supervillain.

"What the!?" The Eraser shouted in shock, as he jumped back a little too late, a bullet having already pierced his shoulder, "This is… unexpected"

I just glared at the man in his ridiculous costume, and aimed the gun at him.

"Now, either you leave... or I pull the trigger. And sir, I won't miss" I said, already aiming the gun, ready to shoot the man in a non-lethal area.

"Hmm... I'd say that's a tempting offer, but the man behind you has a piece of evidence that I simply must erase. If you can get me that, I shall leave you and the man alone" The Eraser said, pointing at the bloodied man in the green pinstriped suit, he seemed to be clutching a penny.

"Wait, the penny? That's the evidence?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yes. It has my client's DNA on it. I'd much prefer not to kill the man, or yourself, but I shall do what I have to do" The Eraser said.

"No! I'm not giving up this penny! It's mine!" The man shouted, as he backed away from me.

"Listen man... just give me the penny, and we can both go free. I'll, uh... I'll give you five pennies in exchange?" I suggested, having an inkling as to the identity of this man.

"...Fine. But I want the pennies first" The man who I suspected to be The Penny Plunderer said with a scowl.

"No, you might just take the pennies and run. We'll exchange them at the same time, alright?" I said, knowing what sort of play he'd make... I grew up with nine siblings, I knew those sorts of tricks, hell. I've done those tricks.

"...Drat, alright," The Penny Plunderer said, as we exchanged coins.

I then turned back to The Eraser and handed him the penny.

"Thank you," The Eraser said, as he placed the penny on the eraser part of his costume, and it... simply disappeared, "Now. I must go back to my client for my payment"

The Eraser then calmly walked away, as if nothing happened. Not even noticing the lizards watching him, ready to take him down if he had taken even a step closer to me.

"So... let's make some introductions. I'm Jordan... Wallace, pleasure to meet you" I said with an awkward smile.

"Ah, Joe Coyne. Also known as The Penny Plunderer, you may have heard of me?" Joe said with a grin.

"...Yeah, you're the guy with the giant penny, right?" I asked.

"Yes! Exactly! Everybody thinks that was Two-Face because of the whole coin gimmick, but it was I! Penny Plunderer!" Joe said, pointing at himself with a smug grin.

"Ah, that's pretty neat," I said with a smile, looking at Jacob who was... still fast asleep.

I have no idea how he managed to sleep through all that, but... he did, weirdly enough.

"So... about that payment," I said, while I still would've helped him without payment... getting more money's always good.

"Ah! Of course! Here, take this. It's practically worthless to me, but it may be of some use to you!" Joe said as he handed me a briefcase, opening it, I found it full of $100 bills.

"I- how much is in there?" I asked, as I stared at the money.

"Around... $10,000? I don't know, I was more focused on my pennies" Joe said as he started rolling the five pennies in his hands, through his fingers, "So... what was with the gun thing?"

"I'm a meta," I said, not expanding upon it whatsoever.

"Right, yeah. Makes sense, anyway... I'm off, but I may have some business opportunities for you, if you're interested" Joe said, before leaving.

Huh, well... that was neat. I might have made an actual contact in the criminal underworld, sure it's just Penny Plunderer... but, it's a start.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Any and all feedback is appreciated, and... any suggestions for the French frog's name would also be appreciated.
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Why would you want contacts in the criminal underworld? You've got money, gtfo of Gotham.

I mean, it'd make for a terrible story, but there has to be a proper reason to want to be a criminal, even if it's just 'I feel like it'.
Le frog.

Collette (victory)

Inna (rough stream) actually masculine name. Weirdly enough

Also imagine walling down the street one day and then realizing you have learned chess at a grandmaster level and French. What do you do? I mean it's not bad and no one will ever belive you.
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For clarification, you can only summon the specified weapons above fully loaded but can't summon the required ammo separately?
Fucking Penny Plunder, literally a annoyance who got sentenced to death. Not even the joker got death, but this penny obsessed man did.
Why would you want contacts in the criminal underworld? You've got money, gtfo of Gotham.

The SI and Batman may not necessarily share values, but there's a reason even he probably maintains a network of informants and contacts (maybe including Catwoman, if she counts).
07- Oh look, a bike- nevermind.
I had quickly walked back to the 'spot'... we should really come up with a better name for it.

The frog from before hopped over to me, before landing on my hand.

"Salutations, mon roi, j'ai rencontré Gabrielle et j'aimerais un nom à moi" (Greetings, my king I have met with Gabrielle, and would like a name of my own) The frog had said in its thick French accent.

"Alright, what about... hmm... Freddo?" I suggested, causing the newly named Freddo to jump up and down on my hand.

I had named him after a chocolate brand from my home country of Australia. Freddo Frogs were a fucking classic, like Caramel Koalas and Tim-Tams.

"Oui! Freddo, je porterai avec honneur ce nom que seul un Français aurait!" (Yes! Freddo, I shall bear this name with honor that only a Frenchman would have!) Freddo said happily, doing a small bow before hopping away to do God knows what.

And so, I continued back to the 'spot'.

On the way there, I accidentally knocked over a can, causing the previously sleeping Jacob to bolt upright, awakening in an instant.

"Who the fuck is- oh, it's just you man" Jacob shouted, before calming down upon seeing me, "...What's up with the briefcase?"

"...Hold up, how the fuck were you still asleep? I fired a gun literally an alley away! And on that matter, how did a fucking can of all things wake you up?" I asked, honestly confused.

"Ah, when you're in Gotham you get used to gunshots nearby... a can being knocked over in your alley, though? That means a potential threat" Jacob said, "Now once again... what's with the briefcase?"

"Oh, well... I encountered a few of Batman's... uh, villains, I guess?" I said, causing Jacob to cringe, "Penny Plunderer, and The Eraser... Eraser was after Penny Plunderer, and I kind of... saved him? So, for my help he gave me a briefcase of what he said was $10,000"

"$10k!? Fucking hell man... and all you had to do was what, get in a fight with The Eraser? Guy's creepy as hell, even with his... dumb costume, so what're you gonna spend it on?" Jacob asked.

As I made to answer, the music began and the wheel spun once again.

It eventually stopped on [Norton Interpol 2]


[Norton Interpol 2.

The Interpol 2 is a Norton motorcycle produced from 1984 to 1989. It has an air-cooled twin rotor 588 cc (35.9 cu in) Wankel engine.

Its model name refers to the Norton Interpol, a 1970s police version of the Norton Commando. However, the Interpol was a piston-engined model and is mechanically unrelated to the Interpol 2.

Towards the end of the production run one machine was built for development purposes with a new water-cooled version of Norton's twin-rotor Wankel engine. This machine was designated Interpol 2A. When production of the Interpol 2 ceased it was succeeded by the P52 version of the Norton Commander.

Norton did not sell the Interpol 2 to the general public. Sales were restricted to fleet customers: civilian police forces, military police forces (particularly the Royal Air Force Police), and the RAC.

Power(s): A Norton Interpol 2 is instantly summoned in front of the user of the Wiki Warrior.

3. (A few minutes)]

And just like that, a fucking motorbike appeared right in front of the two of us.

"Holy, Jesus! Where the fuck did the bike come from?" Jacob asked, completely distracted from the prior conversation.

"Uh, I think that was my power... it says that it'll only last for... a few minutes. Not the best thing to get, especially with the arbitrary time limit... a few minutes could be anywhere from... five, to thirty minutes... I'm not driving that thing, purely because I don't want to die when it disappears under me" I said, staring at the bike, feeling a bit annoyed... it was a fucking motorbike! And I couldn't even ride it, due to the concerns to my safety.

"Huh. I thought you could just do animals, and stuff like that" Jacob said.

"Nah, I can do guns too now," I said, as an AR-15 appeared within my hands.

"...Hold up, let me check that out," Jacob said, as he walked over to me.

"Sure," I said, holding the gun out to him.

"Wait... what the hell?" Jacob said, grabbing the firearm and checking it over, looking for... something.

He then looked at me with a grin.

"Mate, what types of guns can you make and how many? Can you make ammo? Because I think we just hit a fucking goldmine. The gun doesn't have serial numbers man, they can't be fucking tracked!" Jacob said, his grin growing wider as he looked at me.

"Uh, I can make any variation on an AR-15 and M16. .223, 5.56x45, 7.62x39, 9x19... Armor Piercing, Incendiary, some with trackers in them... I could even give the guns tungsten bullets... I might even be able to make some explosive ammo, rubber bullets would work, same with... for some reason, paintballs... that's kind of neat" I said, summoning the various gun and ammo types.

"Alright, listen. I'm gonna get in contact with Dave, this could make the both of us a lot of money... you could definitely get yourself out there as an excellent gun smuggler, even with just the two weapon types, as long as you have no limit" Jacob said, as he pulled out a fairly... old-looking flip phone, and started talking to someone on the other side.

This was perfect... I just knew that $10k wouldn't be enough to live off of wherever I go, so this was probably my chance to make some more money... I'd have to avoid Batman as much as I could, though. I don't want to get my lights knocked in.

And so, after about an hour of waiting, and watching the motorbike pop out of existence, a nondescript van arrived at my location, and the doors opened, revealing Jim, Bob, and Dave from the other day.

"Alright, Jacob. Where's the gun guy?" Dave asked, looking around, completely overlooking me.

"Uh, hey guys," I said with an awkward smile and wave, the pile of guns behind me, with Gabrielle and Freddo having somehow climbed onto my head while I was distracted.

"...You gotta be shitting me" I heard Jim mutter to himself, as Jacob, Gabrielle, Freddo, and I got into the van.

I had no idea where we were going, but I felt confident in my chances against the three men, if I had to fight my way out.

YiteWrite here, I decided to go with Freddo, I know it wasn't one of the options you all suggested, but the inspiration to use it just randomly hit me. Anyway, let me know your thoughts, I thrive off of feedback.
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At some point you REALLY need to stop going with the flow. Because Gun Smuggler is the opposite of getting out of Gotham or getting a lawful identity/job.
Hey, Don't mind with this "go with the flow attitude". I genuinely think it's great. He's a man just trying to survive. What's lawful doesn't matter. In a world where meta's are sent to secret government facilities, the process does not matter. As long as it keeps him alive.

Edit: Though I do think he should quit when he's ahead. Open a pizzeria somewhere and live his days out.
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Hey, Don't mind with this "go with the flow attitude". I genuinely think it's great. He's a man just trying to survive. What's lawful doesn't matter. In a world where meta's are sent to secret government facilities, the process does not matter. As long as it keeps him alive.

Edit: Though I do think he should quit when he's ahead. Open a pizzeria somewhere and live his days out.
Not quite what people are getting at. IC, the MC stated the Goal was to leave Gotham and "probably" get a lawful job or at least avoid the cape scene.

The latest action puts him smack drab in the middle of it. The whole goal of getting money was to leave and he just got 10k. But now he wants to be a gun smuggler.

It is contrary to the stated motivation of the Char.
Not quite what people are getting at. IC, the MC stated the Goal was to leave Gotham and "probably" get a lawful job or at least avoid the cape scene.

The latest action puts him smack drab in the middle of it. The whole goal of getting money was to leave and he just got 10k. But now he wants to be a gun smuggler.

It is contrary to the stated motivation of the Char.
Making more money this way is a good idea.....just not a great idea. I agree that he didn't "need" to do it. But, think about it. Make a lot of money now and he'd live a good life later. It's a push in, pull out scenario.