Holy Wiki Warrior, Batman! (DC Wiki Warrior SI)

Holy Wiki Warrior, Batman! (DC Wiki Warrior SI)
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SI ends up in DC with the Wiki Warrior. Simple enough.
01- Waking up.

My bed was really cold, and hard.

Wait…where are my blankets?

"Wait a minute…" My eyes were glued together, and I could barely see more than the warm orange lights through my eyelids and the color red.

But, as I shielded my eyes and gave them some time to adjust, I quickly came to a conclusion, as I began to realize where I was. Two brick walls, some dumpsters, and orange street lights in the night sky, the scenery perfectly blending together to make the most cartoonishly generic alleyway I have ever had the displeasure of seeing.

I pinched myself…

Nope, not a dream like usual.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Alright, think Jordan, think... what's the most logical reason for you waking up in a random alleyway?

A prank? Hm… no, none of my brothers would do something this boring, they'd rather do something easier, like… I don't know, a pie to the face?

Standing up with some difficulty, my mind clears.

Then, I realized that I possibly could've been kidnapped, and the implications were... pretty bad, to say the least.

I quickly got up, feeling a panic come to me, when... I heard something clicking, and spinning, before leading to victory music.

What the fuck was going on!?

My eyes darted around the alleyway, looking for the source of the noise, but there was nothing there.

"Great, I'm hearing things no-" Before I could finish my sentence, a translucent lottery wheel faded into existence right before me, spinning at impossible speeds.

The wheel then suddenly stopped on the words [South Korea at the 2002 Winter Olympics.]

And just like that, my body started to... morph.

My clothes had completely ripped apart, the layers of fat slid off of my body, as my bones creaked and stretched alongside the growth of my muscular structure, and after a while, it ended.

And so, I stood there, naked, covered in gross layers of fat and... grease that swiftly fell off of my body, but still leaving a… grimy feeling, at least seven inches taller, with the body of an Adonis... and I seemed able to speak... Korean? What the fuck?

I wasn't even cold, even though it looked to be the dead of night.

Words then appeared in my head.

[South Korea at the 2002 Winter Olympics:
South Korea, as the Republic of Korea, competed at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, United States.
Abilities Gained: Olympic-level Body, Korean Comprehension, Cold Resistance]

Okay, what the fuck? Was this some sort of System... or... what?

I was internally panicking, when someone grabbed me from behind.

"What the fuck!?" I shouted, as I looked at the person who grabbed me.

He was a fairly scraggly man, with a ratty beard, a crooked nose, various missing yellowed teeth, and ragged clothes. Oh God, I was going to get mugged, wasn't I?

"Hey mate, ya can't be in alleyways at night, 'specially naked... not a good idea in Gotham," The man said with a... cockney? Accent.

"I-... Gotham?" I said in confusion, am I drugged? Is he drugged as well!? Are we hallucinating!?

"Yeah mate, you're in Gotham... listen, I can see it in your eyes, you're scared... probably just woke up from a night of drinkin', completely naked too? I'd be scared too... follow me, and I'll give ya some clothes. They ain't nothing fancy, but at the very least you won't freeze out here. Oh, my name's Jacob. What's your name?"

"Oh, uh... I'm Jordan. N-nice to meet you Jacob" I said with a nervous smile, as I followed him behind a store, to a... dumpster?

Asking him about it, he told me that it was where the thrift stores threw out any unusable clothes.

Hesitantly, I took a deep breath, and dived into the dumpster.

And so, I took a few minutes searching it, until I managed to find a decent enough shirt with a few stains on it, some underwear that looked clean enough that they wouldn't give me any diseases, a pair of lightly torn sweatpants, and a thick jacket with a large slash in the right sleeve with... what seemed to be a faded bloodstain on it, and a pair of mismatched socks.

I didn't think I looked too bad, sure... the lack of shoes was annoying, but at least I was clothed.

"I... thanks for showing me this, Jacob," I said, honestly thankful.

"It's fine man, someone did this for me too when I became homeless... and I decided to pay it forward, you know?" Jacob said as he grinned at me.

"Yeah Jacob, honestly though... thanks again... just... give me a minute, gonna sit down and get my head straight," I said, before sitting down, just... thinking of things.

Like, how the fuck I was in Gotham... like, that couldn't be real, right? Jacob's just drugged like I am, or fucking with me... unless he isn't and I've been fucking ROBed or just randomly isekai'd here.

But, if I was in Gotham... I'd have to figure out which specific series I was in, and then weep because I didn't really pay attention to the DC cartoons... or comics... or anything, really.

Fuck, am I in Young Justice? Teen Titans?... Maybe Batman: Brave and The Bold? I remember watching a decent amount of that one a few years ago... or am I in the actual DC comics?

Oh, fuck! Am I in Injustice? Or some other elseworld?

I probably shouldn't even be worrying about this... I mean, Jacob just had to be fucking with me, right?... Right?

I took a breath, and then looked around, to get a sense of my surroundings again, Jacob was just sitting next to me quietly, with a hat laid out in front of him, having already gotten a few coins during my mental panic attack. There was also...

Is that the bat signal!?

I was actually in Gotham... I was in DC.


"Oh God, I think I'm gonna..." I said, before darkness filled my vision... and I passed out.

What's up everyone, YiteWrite here and I decided to do a Wiki Warrior Self Insert, this is my first foray in actually writing something that's not a quest or a snippet, for a while. So I hope it turned out good.

Now, I'm going to be using the normal system for Wiki Warrior, I just decided to keep the first thing rolled, because... well, it's the first thing rolled.

I'm going to be doing it every 1000 Words, so literally next chapter, there'll be another Article rolled for then.

Oh yeah, this is sort of a mixture of all the DC media I can find, so... have fun with that.

Hope you all enjoy it. Any and all feedback is appreciated.
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Watched with anticipation. More fics in the vein of Wiki Warrior are always welcome.
It was enough superpower for the old justice society, but it is probable not enough for the current age.
Perhaps a Korean Olympic body. Would be fun if it was one of gymnastics.
Even still, the level of acrobatics say, Nightwing, can do is beyond literally anyone in existence. Dude has rubber bones, but is also strong enough to shatter concrete, durable enough to have shotgun pellets bounce off his pecs when he tenses them and is fit enough to sprint 30km non-stop, DC "Peak Human" is near any other universes low to low-mid tier super human.
So a Olympic body is a good start, but not a finishing one.
...what's wiki warrior?

Seems to have started as a worm fic.
Taylor gains the power of Wikipedia, able to summon almost anything contained within.

Basically an alternative version to random super power rolling. Like Celestial Forge, but instead of (crafting) perks, you get Wiki pages and either summon or embody an idea based on it.
Check the hyperlink above, or this stories first chapter for the Korean Olympics.

If you rolled...
Sufficient Velocity said:
"Sufficient Velocity" or "SV", is a XenForo Internet forum dedicated to the things that go bump against planets at just enough speed.

Abilities Gained: Imminent future events are projected into your mind in the form of a webforum with notifications from what appears to be from the lens of said forums users with your life shown under the guise of a story in /user-fiction.2, the more pertinent to your immediate survival appear to have a physical component that hits you at sufficient velocity.


Abilities Gained: Upon ejecting an item at an object, the item will make contact upon said object at sufficient velocity to activate or disable. Limited to stellar objects such as planetoids.
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So a Olympic body is a good start, but not a finishing one.
It said about giving Olympic body, but not about stay that way without good workout. However, cold resistance and korean comprehension... Helpful bonus for a start.
02- The fuck's a Tegu?
Hn… 5 more minutes!


Hey, don't shake me around so much… wait, why is my bed so hard?


What? What are you saying?


I don't understand you... speak up!


I open my eyes, fully awakened.

"Jordan! Wake up man, Jesus... what happened to you?" Jacob asked worriedly.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I shout, seeing Jacob's face right up against mine.

I look around, seeing the alleyway again.

Wait, the alleyway!? In a panic, I see the bat signal still in the sky.

And just like that, my body feels like it's getting weaker as the world around me darkens.

"Oh no, you don't!" Jacob grabs me by the shoulders and begins shaking me, getting me out of my stupor.

The darkness that seemed to be enveloping me had vanished as quickly as it arrived, and I looked around in confusion.

"You doing alright there, man?" Jacob asked with a worried look.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm uh... fine. Where did you say we were again?" I asked, making sure to not lose sight of the bat signal in the sky.

"Gotham. Are you sure you're alright?" Jacob asked, seeming to grow more worried by the minute, "I mean... I can't take you to the hospital because of how much they charge, but I know a couple of back alley docs, if you want a check-up?"

"No, no... I'm fine just a tad disoriented... sorry" I said, as I brushed the dirt and grime off of myself, note to self, don't pass out in the streets of Gotham... it's not very sanitary.

As I thought that, the clicking and spinning of the wheel had rung out.

"Jacob, do... do you hear that?" I asked, as I looked around for the wheel.

"No?" Jacob asked, looking around in confusion.

Then, the victory music sounded out, and the translucent lottery wheel faded into existence right before me, once again spinning at impossible speeds.

It then abruptly came to a halt on the word [Tegu]

What the fuck was a Tegu? Wait, isn't that the Japanese monster… Yokai thing? With the long nose?

The words had once again appeared in my head.


is a common name of a number of species of lizards that belong to the families Teiidae and Gymnophthalmidae. Tegus are native to Central and South America. They occupy a variety of habitats and are known for their large size and predatory habits.

Power: Lizard (Tegu) Summoning.


Oh... it was some sort of... lizard.

As I thought of the word lizard, a... well, a fucking lizard had appeared on my shoulder.

"Ah! What the hell?" Jacob shouted, as I stared at the lizard in shock and a small amount of fear.

Lizards always weirded me out, most reptiles do.

I used to think I was fine with them, until my brother got a Bearded Dragon, and a fucking Snake.

Damn you Cuddles... you were NOT made for cuddles!


Back to the lizard on my shoulder.

It was a small, black and white lizard that was just chilling out on my shoulder. Definitely passing the vibe check.

"Hey there, uh... little buddy," I said, as I tentatively rubbed its chin, flinching slightly at the feeling of its scales.

The lizard then started crawling on my hand, causing me to tense up in fear for a moment, before calming down... I just knew that it wasn't going to do anything to me, weirdly enough.

"Okay, Jordan... how did you just... spontaneously create a lizard? You a Meta or somethin'?" Jacob asked, looking at the little lizard on your hand in a mixture of shock, awe, and fear.

Should I lie to him? No, I'm not really good at lying, and it leaves a pretty bad taste in my mouth… I'll just partially tell the truth.

"I'm going to be honest... I have absolutely no idea, and I'm kind of internally panicking. I-I sure as hell couldn't do this before" I said, watching the lizard on my hand lay down and rest.

Jacob looked at me for a moment, and... I think he could tell that I at least thought I was telling the truth, because his shoulders slumped slightly.

"So, what is it that you can do? You're obviously a Meta of some kind, is it just creating lizards? Can you control how big they are? How many can you make?" Jacob asked, visibly getting more and more excited with every minute.

"I- uh... I don't know. I think I can make as many as I want, but I don't think I can control how big they are... I feel like they listen to what I want them to do, but nothing more than that... why are you so interested anyway?" I asked the man, stepping back slightly.

"Ah, crap... sorry about that man. I just really... like, Meta's. Used to look up to the Justice Society, you know? The old Green Lantern was one of my favorite heroes as a kid, so knowing you have powers just made me really... excited. Sorry man" Jacob said apologetically, as he rubbed his head.

"It's... it's all fine, man. I'd be excited to meet someone with superpowers too" I said, as the little lizard on my hand woke up, and scurried into my jacket through its torn sleeve.

And so, the two of us just sat in a sort of... awkward silence for a while, as the little lizard scurried about my body, climbing in my jacket, and even tugging on my beard... it wasn't completely unpleasant, at least it was distracting me from the whole... ending up in another world, thing.

People had walked past the two of us, occasionally dropping spare change into Jacob's hat, but that was really it.

Well, at least until two large men walked up to the two of us.

"Jacob, I see that you've taken in another kid. Good on you" One of the men said with a mocking grin.

"...Walter. What do you want? You already took my protection money" Jacob said, sounding annoyed.

"Yeah, you did. But... this guy didn't. And we just can't allow someone to walk our streets without... giving, to the community" The now named Walter said.

"Lay off the man, Walter! It's his first day. C'mon, have some heart!" Jacob said.

"Hmm... nah, sorry Jacob. But it's just business" Walter said, as he took out a pair of brass knuckles.

...Well, this doesn't look good.

Not good at all.

Oh no! How are Jordan and Jacob going to get out of this one! Stay tuned for the next chapter of Holy Wiki Warrior, Batman! To find out!
Unless MC can summon a literal truckload of Tegu's to swarm them I don't think they are gonna do much.
A olympic icehockey player (which others winter sport would cause clothes breaking Muscle increase)and his army of distraction lizards should be enough for two thugs that must ressort to collecting protection money from the homeless in a town with a huge henchmen demand.
When in doubt... Summon the Teguzilla. Or summon the Tegu plague. In fact, drink cactus juice and let the world know that you are the Tegu Overlord.
03- Rise of The Tegu.
I looked at Walter, with a bit of fear, still not used to my whole... being what seemed to be an Olympic-level athlete, and lizard summoning.

"So, what's it gonna be? Are you gonna give us some cash, or do we have to break your legs?" Walter asked as he put the brass knuckles on.

"Come on Walter. He's got nothing, have some fucking heart man. At least give the guy some time to pay it off!" Jacob shouted, standing up to Walter, pushing and pulling on Walter to stop him from coming closer, practically begging him to not beat me.

"Shut the fuck up Jacob!" Walther shouted while pulling himself away from Jacob, before punching him straight to the cold cement floor.

Alright, fuck these guys.

"I... how much money will it cost?" I asked hesitantly, a plan coming to mind.

"Oh, just $200. Not much at all, is it?" Walter said, glaring at Jacob, with a sneer on his face.

"Alright, uh... here," I said, reaching into my pocket, stalling as I summon as many Tegu lizards as I could at once.

Rather anticlimactically, hundreds of lizards of varying sizes just… popped into existence

For a few seconds, everyone freezes in shock

Finally, the man beside Walter broke the ice, muttering, "What the fuck was that?".

"I've got you now, asshole! Get his ass!!" I shouted, as I watched the swarm of lizards rush the two men.

They tried to stomp the lizards, but I just kept summoning more and more, watching as they flinched and screamed in pain from the scratches and bites, after the lizards crawled on their bodies, they tried to claw at the lizards on holding onto them, no matter how pointless, it obviously didn't work, and they eventually ran away after getting bitten and scratched a bunch. You could definitively say that they wouldn't bother you again... well, unless they got some help.

"A job well do-" I stopped talking when I heard Jacob's rough coughing, remembering the brass knuckle sandwich he tasted, I rushed over to him in worry.

"Jacob, are you alright?" I asked, as I helped the man up to his feet.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine man. Fucking hell... that was awesome!" Jacob said, grinning with child-like glee that did not really... fit his appearance, "The lizards just swarmed them! They couldn't do anything, Jesus Christ man that was badass!"

"Uh, yeah... thanks Jacob," I said, sheepishly rubbing the back of my head, like a fucking Anime Protagonist.

Wait, if DC's real, doesn't that mean that most anime is? Huh, neat.

Would've been awesome to go to One Piece... the adventure of a lifetime, really.

After I thought that, the music sounded out, and the translucent lottery wheel once again faded into existence right before me, spinning at speeds that I could barely even fathom.

Once again, it came to a stop on the word... name? [Han Yingying]

Alright... what does this one do?

As I thought that, the words appeared in my head, alongside a flood of... knowledge.

[Han Yingying:

Han Yingying (Chinese: 韩颖颖; pinyin: Hán Yǐngyǐng; born April 20, 1986) is a female Chinese Taekwondo practitioner.

Power: Taekwondo Proficiency.


I suddenly knew how to do Taekwondo.

Okay, seriously power. What the fuck? What even are you!?

I started going through various high kicks, jumping spinning kicks, along with a few fast kicking techniques, as the hundreds of lizards below me began to crawl onto my body, looking for optimal places to rest.

Holy shit, my power turned me into a martial artist. Awesome!

"Where the hell did you learn to do that, Jordan?" Jacob asked me.

"...I'll be honest, I have no fucking idea. But it's cool, right? Would've been useful against those assholes" I said with an excited grin.

"So... I'm gonna be serious here for a moment man. What are you looking to do? Because I don't think you can just... survive on the streets, not like me at least... and I'm definitely not gonna be around to help you out... so, what are you looking to do?" Jacob asked, suddenly getting serious.

"Well... I was thinking of... I don't know, doing some odd jobs before getting the hell out of Gotham, and going home?" I said, wondering if I even had a home to go back to... was there a multiversal equivalent of myself at my home? Did I never even exist? Does my family exist?... oh God, that's another existential crisis.

"Not a bad idea, but it'd need some dough, right?" Jacob asked, to my nod, "Exactly. Now, I know a few people... not the most reputable folks, kinda like Walter but better than that asshole... I could get you a couple of jobs watching over some shipments and stuff for them. I'll personally vouch for you. Not gonna say shit about your powers if you don't want me to, so... what do you say?"

"Hmm... I mean... would I be doing anything illegal?" I asked, wanting to be sure I wouldn't get motherfucking Batman after me.

"Oh no... well, kinda? It's technically a smuggling ring, but for food and shit that people need to survive. No drugs, well... there is some weed, but that's about it. You in?" Jacob asked once again.

"I... I mean, if it's only pot... well, that's not really going to ruin any lives... I, fuck it. I'm in" I said, hoping I hadn't just doomed myself to becoming a Batman villain. Because that would suck, what would I even be called? 'Lizard Lord'? Ha!

"Great! I'll set up a meeting with Gary for tomorrow, it's pretty late... just get some sleep, alright man?" Jacob said.

"...Sure, yeah. Alright, uh... thanks Jacob" I said, honestly thankful to the man for helping me out this much.

Then, I went to sleep on a pile of cardboard... it wasn't very comfortable, but a lot better than the hard ground. The occasional screaming and gunshots didn't really help either.

Tomorrow, it looked like I was going to get started on an actual job...

Alright, and that's Chapter 3.

Any and all feedback is appreciated.

Also, if you spot any spelling mistakes, or me using 'you' instead of 'I' for the internal monologue, just tell me.

And finally, I'm thinking of porting this over to SB at 5 Chapters. Thoughts on this?
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