Question, what happens if there was a tie for this vote?

Ordinarily, if there is a tie, I will either extend the voting a little further or simply play tiebreaker. If the choice seems well and truly hung, then I may actually reflect this in-character by having the person you are representing unable to make up their mind as well.
So I went and edited to strip out the Speedrunner vote. I know this puts us in a three-way tie, but I have a reason for this. While the Speedrunner concept is totally hilarious, it distracts just a tad too much from this quest's deconstructive parody theme.
....and now we have a 3 way tie.... does this mean there are multiple armies lead by each one of the options? (Jk)..... unless...?
....and now we have a 3 way tie.... does this mean there are multiple armies lead by each one of the options? (Jk)..... unless...?

Well I didn't say that the options not taken -wouldn't- exist somewhere else...

So I went and edited to strip out the Speedrunner vote. I know this puts us in a three-way tie, but I have a reason for this. While the Speedrunner concept is totally hilarious, it distracts just a tad too much from this quest's deconstructive parody theme.

That's fair and understandable, but I will say I wouldn't have offered the option if I didn't still have ideas for it. They might end up being rather more 'a distant and uncommunicative boss with unreasonable and inscrutable demands' than being all meta all the time; but vote with your heart.
Well I didn't say that the options not taken -wouldn't- exist somewhere else...

That's fair and understandable, but I will say I wouldn't have offered the option if I didn't still have ideas for it. They might end up being rather more 'a distant and uncommunicative boss with unreasonable and inscrutable demands' than being all meta all the time; but vote with your heart.

....Is there a guild, group chat (via owl mail) or association of quartermaster just done *tm* with their tacticians/leader running around?
Because I can just imagine a group of QM going to a tavern and complaning about the armies they work for.
"Speedruner" QM: ..... and then from out of the blue the dadstards says: 5+ warp!? ILL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK! And spends every piece of the war chest and guess who has to find a way to fund the resources needed for reapairs for broken shi*e? This guy!? Dragoms dammit.
"Dragom child" QM: Ouch... i feel ye. The "glorius" leader of our group keeps getting us in political shit simce they dont know about the tje different powers, and yet "SOMEHOW" they managed to get scott free since a lot of the "Holiest" leaders of the *insert name here* church vouch for them. At this rate Im expecting them to somehow charm the Empires princess by complete accident!

"Naive brat" QM: Ehh our "leader" is at least trying to be peaceful, but they are 1 reality check away from a mental breakdown, homestly why let the un bloodied child lead am army when their accomplished siblings are right there ill never know.

"Pair up" QM: I homestly envy you guys slightly, our "strategist" is a walking political incident waiting to happen. If i have to go through one more couple therapy seminar, im going to break my new hammer on "something" that isnt armor.....

"Evil Cult/Empire/ Demon army" QM: *Dark voice/demonic whispers*: I hear ya.... im not even the first QM of my group, im the 6th! Our dear leaders, oh sorry *ahem* Glorious Dark lords that will bring "salvation" to this land *ahem* are really stab happy when something doesnt go right. I swear if it werent for Lord *insert defector/ loyal to a fault general here* or Lady *insert not so evil princess/ dragon child here* i would have left years ago! At least their not going anywhere any time soon.

*All of tjem* HERE HERE! *DRINK*
....Is there a guild, group chat (via owl mail) or association of quartermaster just done *tm* with their tacticians/leader running around?

There is now. It won't be super formal, but having the occasional bit with the 'pen pals' feels like a good way to act on a three way tie.

Whiiich we appear to have.

Welp, voting is closed and I'm started on writing the 'winner'. See y'all soon.