High Roller Dice Roller (Worm/Wiki Warrior)

I, for one, am slightly concerned about what would happen if the Time Reservoir Jutsu triggered while Madison is touching Carol Dallon.
I, for one, am slightly concerned about what would happen if the Time Reservoir Jutsu triggered while Madison is touching Carol Dallon.

Well, Carol is the one who would most likely be sent back in time actually. The actual description of Time Reservoir describes it as something used to send other people into the past funnily enough, creating a mental 'doorway' (or an actual doorway through space for the physical). It's just both extremely obscure and small in terms of wiki page, and also has nothing stating that it can't be used on yourself, that that's just how I've decided to interpet it. The only reason Madison ended up at the moment in time she did was because 1.) she was right next to Emma and Sophia, 2/3 of that event, and 2.) the dice REALLY wanted it to happen when it rolled the like, exact amount of time needed to pick that moment perfectly out of like, literal decades. I was fully prepared for her to be thrown 100 years into the past lol

In reality though, beyond that 3rd requirement for physical time travel, and her initial jump being influenced because she was unconscious, the people around Madison have no bearing on the Time Reservoir jutsu beyond, say, Madison wanting to postcognition to a certain date to look at certain events and such
So two years ago, up in the atmosphere is an alien fuel depot. There's also the nightmare world stuff from Bloodborne and then of course Luke Skywalker who very clearly just changed time.

All three of those are massive. The fuel depot is going to make Scion, Simurgh, and world governments concerned.

The Nightmare world stuff is going to concern the PRT/Protectorate massively.

Luke's got some changes going on, no idea on everything he changed but right now it's massively derailed canon for Taylor and honestly she comes off as a Jedi Apprentice from what hints about her we got.

Now good ole Madison has once more warped the bay with Pre-War Fallout portions of Vegas in the Docks and restored to its former glory, not to mention the entire robots loyal to government and anti-gang stuff from them. Oh and then technically the UNSC body armor is decently valuable considering studying it brings up future science gains that are replicable unlike most Tinker's stuff.
List of Origins
You know I love the fact you included the elder scrolls wikis because it means that there's this particular concept among other things sitting in the possible rolls like a hidden bomb that's likely gonna blow up the story if its rolled with anything higher than a 9 (if its even rolled anyways).

Because if rolled I see two options.

If lower than nine Madison disappears because that's what happens if you fail at Chim.

if higher than 9 she's probably gain some sort of fourth wall breaking or godhood.

Just speculation though, I'm sure there's equally overpowered stuff in the other wikis, and only the author knows how their gonna handle any rolls that come up.
You know I love the fact you included the elder scrolls wikis because it means that there's this particular concept among other things sitting in the possible rolls like a hidden bomb that's likely gonna blow up the story if its rolled with anything higher than a 9 (if its even rolled anyways).

Because if rolled I see two options.

If lower than nine Madison disappears because that's what happens if you fail at Chim.

if higher than 9 she's probably gain some sort of fourth wall breaking or godhood.

Just speculation though, I'm sure there's equally overpowered stuff in the other wikis, and only the author knows how their gonna handle any rolls that come up.

That may or may not get veto'd by the "No Gods" rule. Of course, I do admit it would be hilarious if a nat20 gets her console commands.

The big one I'm looking forward to from Elder Scrolls is a Dragon Break. Because, if you thought the thirty minute time travel played jump rope with the timeline, oh boy, I can't wait to see how Bet handles that insanity.
That may or may not get veto'd by the "No Gods" rule. Of course, I do admit it would be hilarious if a nat20 gets her console commands.

The big one I'm looking forward to from Elder Scrolls is a Dragon Break. Because, if you thought the thirty minute time travel played jump rope with the timeline, oh boy, I can't wait to see how Bet handles that insanity.
Yeah a dragon break would play so much havok, the entities probably wouldn't even notice non-linear time stuff because I doubt they have a normal perception of time in the first place.
Honestly? I'm waiting for her to summon something absolutely crazy from warhammer. No gods probably protects her from most of the things that want to eat her in the warp, but can you imagine if she summoned like, one of the Von Carstines? Or even just one of the lords of the Azur? Or the Azrai? Or just a dragon of any flavor?
I mean I hope she doesn't die in the process, but even still, that's going to be very wild, especially if she starts picking up powers from all over the place.
Honestly? I'm waiting for her to summon something absolutely crazy from warhammer. No gods probably protects her from most of the things that want to eat her in the warp, but can you imagine if she summoned like, one of the Von Carstines? Or even just one of the lords of the Azur? Or the Azrai? Or just a dragon of any flavor?
I mean I hope she doesn't die in the process, but even still, that's going to be very wild, especially if she starts picking up powers from all over the place.

There is a lot of high powered stuff in most of the origins, like pretty powerful, the only weak origins (fallout, halo, and armored core) are still pretty damm strong; like halo despite being one of the weakest settings here has a pretty powerful superweapon.
There is a lot of high powered stuff in most of the origins, like pretty powerful, the only weak origins (fallout, halo, and armored core) are still pretty damm strong; like halo despite being one of the weakest settings here has a pretty powerful superweapon.
… if she has access to all of halo? She could summon mini Dyson spheres and accidentally break the solar system. Otherwise yes, most of the personal scale gear isn't that strong compared to magic. But Halo does have some of the biggest and most deadly Star ships around, even if none of them belong to the UNSC or the Covenant. Hopefully she doesn't summon the flood? That would be… bad.
There are several sci-fi franchises so the solar system may get wacky yeah, there's already a fuel depot in orbit.
Right, I forgot about that. At least it didn't dump a bunch of Eezo into the atmosphere, that stuff is suuuper toxic.
Honestly, by the end of this I'm expecting the solar system to look like something out of a space hulk art with all the random bits floating around.

… do you think she can Terraform planets? We haven't seen any terrain effects yet have we?
List of Origins

1. Hollow Knight
2. Armored Core
3. Dark Souls
4. Elden Ring
5. Bloodborne
6. Pokemon
7. Legend of Zelda
8. Fallout
9. Halo
10. Mass Effect
11. Star Wars
12. RWBY
13. Hellsing
14. One Piece
15. Naruto
16. Bleach
17. Type-MOON (1. Type MOON 2. FGO)
18. Warhammer (1. Fantasy 2. 40k)
19. The Elder Scrolls (1. UESP 2. The Elder Scrolls Wiki)
20. Dungeons & Dragons (1. Forgotten Realms Wiki 2. Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki)
Ok, i'm going to take a guess here that you choose those wiki because you are familiar with those universes and that's fine, one always write what one knows but... you are missing an oportunity here, some of those are just too similar between thrn, the last three are basically the same just darker and more darker, Halo and Mass Effect, Dark Souls and Blood Borne, theee is a lot of other options that give you more variety, like Adventure Time, Mario World, Master of The Universe or even The Lord of The Mysteries to name a few, you don't need to be familiar with those worlds, the wiki already give you the information that you need
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Ok, i'm going to take a guess here that you choose those wiki because you are familiar with those universes and that's fine, one always write what one knows but... you are missing an oportunity here, some of those are just too similar between thrn, the last three are basically the same just darker and more darker, Halo and Mass Effect, Dark Souls and Blood Borne, theee is a lot of other options that give you more variety, like Adventure Time, Mario World, Master of The Universe or even The Lord of The Mysteries to name a few, you don't need to be familiar with those worlds, the wiii already give you the information that you need

Oh yeah I'll freely admit I just chose my favs for the initial origins list lol. First go-around with the Wiki Warrior format so I decided I just wanted what I like lol.

That is very fair on Halo and Mass Effect I'll admit however, probably could have chosen one or the other for something a bit zanier, but I gotta disagree with you on Dark Souls and Bloodborne being too similar lol, and while surface level wise Elder Scrolls, WH and DnD are similar the deeper you go the wilder and more varied it all gets haha

Still fair to say the list could be more varied tho, luckily got a pool of new sources to potentially be added as it comes up in story
Ehhhh Bloodborne and Dark souls have similar formats but lore wise have a fair number of Distinct differences once you start getting into the type of things a wiki warrior fic draws from
What about Touhou, Overwatch or Sonic?

All possible options that I'll add to the table. When it comes up I'll probably be rolling from that table to see what to add. Some options already there that I just put down myself are like, DMC, God of War, Persona, Cyberpunk, LOTR, Chainsaw Man, Terminator, Tekken, and more
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this is peak Wiki Warrior zaniness, love it. Can Worm normies be Force sensitive, I wonder? If yes, Luke has almost definitely started a New New Jedi Academy by now. Also, that poor Wurmple did nothing wrong, Mads and Emma better go apologize to it later :mad:

Honestly? I'm waiting for her to summon something absolutely crazy from warhammer. No gods probably protects her from most of the things that want to eat her in the warp, but can you imagine if she summoned like, one of the Von Carstines? Or even just one of the lords of the Azur? Or the Azrai? Or just a dragon of any flavor?
I mean I hope she doesn't die in the process, but even still, that's going to be very wild, especially if she starts picking up powers from all over the place.

Does gods cover daemons? Be'lakor showing up would basically be a new Endbringer to deal with, or even a minor Daemonette would be a pain in the ass to deal with. And shit, if she summoned more than one Skaven things would get out of hand very fucking quickly.
Daemons are not blocked by the No Gods rule :)

I should clarify actually, I separate things into two mental categories for that rule: Capital G Gods and lower case g gods
Capital G Gods are the Big Guys Upstairs in my mind, so Arceus, Abeloth, the Chaos Gods, Big E (no matter what he says!), DnD Gods, FromSoft Outer Gods from BB and ER, Din, Nayru, and Farore, etc. These guys cannot be directly summoned to Earth Bet.
Lower case g gods are just superbeings that may or may not be called gods but aren't omnipotent or the Big Guy Upstairs. These are like Kratos, Thor and Zeus from GoW, Be'lakor and other assorted Chaos entities, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, Gandalf, the Greek Gods from Hades, and more. These guys CAN be summoned, for better or worse lol
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