High Roller Dice Roller (Worm/Wiki Warrior)

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Some call chaos the spice of life. Others would say it's something that should be stamped out in the name of order.

Madison just wants random terrifying junk to stop appearing in her goddamned living room.

Crossposted from Spacebattles
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Dice 1.0: Would You Like To Play A Game?

The girl was floating, drifting weightlessly through an inky black sea. She was alone in the void, no light, no sound…she simply was, within this pitch black abyss. No thoughts, no worries, none of the tiny voices in her head constantly nagging at her. It was pure bliss…

Until, somewhere within the darkness a light burst forth into being. It was a flickering, meager thing, yet in the darkness she had been wrapped in even the smallest light may as well have been the brightest of stars. She squirmed, recoiling as the light disrupted her simple, tranquil existence, turning away from it and snuggling deeper into the dark like a child burrowing into their blankets.

The light did not care for her desires however, and it prickled at her senses and slowly, the peace she was wrapped in evaporated, and neither grabbing at the fleeing dark as best she could, or waving her arms wildly in a vain attempt to force away such rude and unpleasant brightness, could block the light, and so slowly, blearily, the girl opened her eyes, grumbling.

There were no walls where she had laid, or even a ceiling, she realized, as she stared up at the endless expanse hanging up above her. For a moment she would have thought she was outside, looking up at a starless night sky, yet the sensation of a wooden floor of all things beneath her back threw that thought into turmoil.

Standing slowly, the feeling of cold wooden planks against her skin had her looking down and seeing her own bare feet, poking out from the long white robe that was draped over her body, so long on her that it felt like a sheet.

In the back of her mind a voice whispered that this was wrong, that she had gone to bed in fluffy pink pajamas, but for the life of her she wasn't sure why she would think that. All she could remember was the comfort of the void and waking up on this floor after all. If anything the return of naggy, whiny voices after the comforting silence she had been enjoying only annoyed her.

Despite any annoyance, yet another voice squeaked in the back of her mind, sounding frightened almost, saying that she shouldn't be here, but once again the girl paid it no mind. She wasn't sure where she should be anyways, so why not be here instead?

'Here' was, in fact, a seemingly simple room. If not for the missing ceiling, and the lack of walls to hide the inky darkness that seemed to stretch on forever, the almost shockingly plain wooden flooring beneath her toes could have been pulled from any old house.

In the center of the room, upon a wooden table only a bit shorter than her, a trio of candles, each of varying heights, sat lit with flames dancing upon their wicks, the only source of light in this strange place. She realized then that those candles must have been the same rude light that had dragged her from her bliss, and she couldn't help but frown looking at them.

Stepping over to the table, the girl had every intention of snuffing out those candles and returning to her rest, yet she paused the moment she stood before it, looking down on just what was illuminated by the shifting candlelight.

On the table was a slip of paper, creased and yellowed to the point it should have been illegible, yet the ink upon the page was just as dark as the not-walls and not-ceiling surrounding her, easily read even by her still-sleepy eyes.

Not that there was much to read anyways though. All that was written upon the paper were seven words: "Would you like to play a game?"

Beneath the question were the words Yes, or No, and the girl held the paper in her hands, utterly confused. Once more in the back of her mind the voices chimed in, telling her, begging her to just put the paper down and go back to bed, that whatever game this was would be anything but fun, to listen to them for once and make a good decision-

Without a second thought the girl wrote a check through the word Yes, black ink just like the words on the page dripping from the tip of a quill that she only tangentially realized had not been in her hand just a moment ago. Why would she say no to a game? It wasn't like she had any reason to listen to the voices anyways.

The moment the ink sat fully on the paper it, and the quill, both disappeared before, falling from the empty void above, two small orbs fell through the air, landing on the table with a quiet clatter that did not suit the distance they had seemingly fallen.

The orbs bounced as they landed, rolling, and the girl realized they were dice, each with twenty sides to them. Plain, unadorned metal dice, the same kind someone could buy at any game store for a few bucks that slowly came to a stop, landing on a one and a twenty.

Was this the game that the paper wanted to play? Dice? The girl shook her head as she reached out to pick the toys up. 'Honestly, I kind of expected a bit more for some reason…' she thought, as her fingers touched the metal and her existence became nothing but burning pain-

[The System thanks the Roller for accepting to play the game! It hopes she enjoys her time! As a welcome gift to the game, the Roller gets 1 (One) Boosted Roll on her next roll! Please touch the D20 to initiate rolling!]

Was this the game that the paper wanted to play? Dice? The girl shook her head as she reached out to pick the toys up. 'Honestly, I kind of expected a bit more for some reason…' she thought, as her fingers touched the metal and her existence became nothing but burning pain-

[1-20: Dreamgate - Allows the wielder to travel instantly through dream. With a Natural Power of 20, Madison does not require a Dream Nail to create or warp through Dreamgates, nor does she need to fuel the gates with Essence.]

[Congrats on your first roll! The System wishes you good luck in all future rolls, and looks forward to the Chaos you will bring!]

1. The System operates off of Origins, drawing from alternate realities for the lucky Roller's pulls! To begin, the Roller can pull items, powers, and even characters from an initial 20 Origins.
1. Hollow Knight
2. Armored Core
3. Dark Souls
4. Elden Ring
5. Bloodborne
6. Pokemon
7. Legend of Zelda
8. Fallout
9. Halo
10. Mass Effect
11. Star Wars
12. RWBY
13. Hellsing
14. One Piece
15. Naruto
16. Bleach
17. Type-MOON (1. Type MOON 2. FGO)
18. Warhammer (1. Fantasy 2. 40k)
19. The Elder Scrolls (1. UESP, 2. The Elder Scrolls Wiki)
20. Dungeons & Dragons (1. Forgotten Realms Wiki 2. Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki)

2. There will be no time duration on Summons barring unique circumstances and rolls leading to particular interpretations from the System being necessary. Instead, a d20 will be used to instead determine the Power of a Summon, i.e how strong it is. For example, summoning a lightsaber on a 2 will lead to an ancient, damaged, and barely functional laser blade, while a summon on a 19 will gift the summoner with a pristine, recently built, and incredibly efficient and powerful lightsaber.

3. The exception to Rule 2 is Natural 1s and Natural 20s. On a Natural 20, not only will the summoned item, object, or person be enhanced or in their prime, but some other, positive effect will occur. This could be as simple as producing more of the item, or it could be something entirely unique to the summoned thing. No matter what however, the initial boost will always be positive for the summoner on a Natural 20. On a Natural 1, however, can either simply be incredibly weak to the point of uselessness, or depending on what is actually summoned, the summoned thing could instead be just as strong as it would be if summoned by a Natural 20, and will come with an effect of its own. This effect will however be entirely negative to the summoner and possibly the world at large, though not immediately so. In terms of items, using the previous lightsaber, on a 20 this saber may be uniquely attuned to the Light Side of the Force, emanating an aura of tranquility, or could come with instructions on a lightsaber's construction. On a 1, however, the lightsaber may instead be attuned to the Dark Side, possibly even possessed by the dark spirit of a Sith Lord, and could even be deposited somewhere randomly in the world for some random passerby to pick up and be possessed by.
For characters however, the System could roll Radahn, Conqueror of Stars, and on a 19 he would be brought into the world in his prime, before he was infected with the Scarlet Rot. On a 20 however, there is the chance the Radahn summoned would be a Radahn who lived through his years as a mindless beast, and has had his body and sanity restored, and has come out of this terrible experience possibly wiser and tempered, despite being a conqueror. On a 1, however, Radahn will be summoned in the state most are familiar with him in, a wild, rampaging berserker deposited into the world at large somewhere (but always far enough away that immediate harm will not befall the Roller, as per Rule 6).

4. Characters summoned by the System will be differentiated based on a few factors, such as personality and the circumstances of their summoning, as Companions and Acquaintances. Companions will be those joining the central "group" in a sense, having greater involvement in the Roller's actual story, while Acquaintances may end up just that: people or beings that may simply be too powerful, uncaring, or perhaps even evil to be directly involved in events. These labels will not be set in stone however, and story moments could lead to an Acquaintance becoming a Companion (and vice versa as well).

5. Some Summons are too abstract to directly summon, so they're instead converted to some alternative power or effect. For example, if "The Curse of Strahd" module is rolled, the System cannot rip the realm of Barovia from the Shadowfell and insert it into Earth-Bet. A Natural One however could pull the titular Vampire Lord from his reality to this new one.

6. The summoner cannot summon anything that poses an outright and immediate threat to themself or the world as a whole. For example, if a bomb is summoned, this bomb will not have a lit fuse. There are some exceptions to this (see Ex. Nat 1 Radahn in Rule 3 for instance) but the limit will be things that would just immediately destroy the city, country, planet, etc. instantaneously. Such outcomes would be displeasing to the System.

7. Some things are outright too powerful to be summoned directly, such as Gods. The System is only near omnipotent after all! Instead, they will be interpreted and converted in some other form than direct summoning to the land, for better or worse!

8. To ensure maximum exposure and Chaos, there will be a limit upon the system of each Origin only being able to be summoned from once, until all Origins have been pulled from, in which case the counter resets. The amount of Origins, as well as how many times they can be pulled from, are set, but can be changed/increased with Rolls that can only be interpreted as Rule Changes. This will of course be left solely be up to the dice, as all things should be!

9. Certain realities have been determined to be too dull for the System to pull from, and as such will not be included in the Origins ever. The System apologizes to all residents of "Normal Earth" for any offense.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hello there! Recently felt the urge to try my hand at my own Wiki Warrior attempt, and well, here we are! First off, I'd like to credit and thank Donutdodongo for both advice on how to write a Wiki Warrior fic, and for the general framework for this as just straight up their system for this kind of thing is great. Hopefully I'm putting enough of my own spin on it for this, but they deserve the credit for the initial idea so please check out their work like A Realm Randomized and Super Randomizer Lux!
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Dice 1.1: Let The Games Begin
Brockton Bay, October 18th, 2010

Madison Clements shot up suddenly with a yelp, and slammed her head against the baseboard of her bed, the ache in her skull overriding the lingering phantom pain in her fingers.



[3-19: Homing Soulmass - Sorcery developed by Big Hat Logan, the great sorcerer who left the Dragon School in an age long past. Releases homing soulmass. With a Power of 19, Madison can now cast this spell near effortlessly, and can produce the maximum of 5 soulmasses immediately.]

Madison held her aching head in her hands, praying that there wouldn't be a bruise. Today was sooooo not the day for this shit. Emma had told her that after school today, they were all going to go to a photoshoot with-and this was the insane part that had had Madison's jaw on the floor-the freaking Wards of all people, and if she had an ugly mark right on her forehead when she met Aegis or Gallant she was going to kill someone.

Why did she even do that anyways? Madison remembered she had a decently strange dream. Something about…darkness and dice for some reason? Why would she even be dreaming about dice? Trying to look back on it now, the dream only seemed stranger to her, and got extra fuzzy right at the end. It hadn't felt weird at the time but, well, that's how dreams were right? A bunch of weirdness that you forgot by breakfast.

It didn't matter anyways. If she wanted to get to meet goddamn superheroes today, she had to be looking pretty and cute enough for Emma or any of the other girls to not be able to make any snippy remarks, which meant she had, according to her alarm clock….30 minutes to get read-

Her head snapped back to the alarm clock, staring in horror at the blinking lights spelling out the time.

"It's 7 already?! Whyyyyyyyyyyyy!?! What's the point of this alarm clock if it can't even do time right?!"

Madison's room became a whirlwind of motion as she threw herself from her bed and began to speed through her daily rituals-or as much as she had the time to do anyways. Blessings were counted for having had the foresight to have showered before bed as fluffy pink pajamas were discarded in favor of an outfit just a bit better suited for attending highschool (and still pink of course). A white blouse paired with an expensive pink skirt, cute and comfy knee high socks, all wrapped up with an even more expensive and pink jacket came together to create an outfit that would be scandalous on anybody else, but was simply…well, cute on her.

That was her brand after all: the cutesy one of the group, a moniker that definitely did not frustrate her to no end, thank you very much.

Putting such frustrating thoughts aside for a time when she wasn't on a time crunch, with 25 minutes to spare it was time for her favorite part of the morning, getting her hair just right and her makeup on point. Sitting down at her vanity, her hair was simple enough today at least. While her sleep may have been…odd to say the least, it at least hadn't been too rough on her hair. With very few stray ends to wrench back into shape, Madison had her shoulder length brown locks neat and orderly, just as she always did. With the addition of her two signature sky blue pins, her hair was perfect for the day.

Makeup was….less easy, and with how much of a rush she was already in, mistakes were inevitable.


"Ahk-fuck, my eye!"


[20-15: Khamsin - A potent magical poison sometimes used by holy slayer assassins of the Wind of Fate in Zakhara. Smelling of honey, Khamsin is a contact poison that, upon skin contact, quite literally turns their victims to dust in minutes. With a Power of 15, its potency remains the same, but the amount increases, creating a jar of the poison about the size of a large perfume bottle. It manifests on Madison's vanity.]

First slamming her head against her bed, then her alarm not working, now somehow jabbing herself in the eye with her stupid mascara stick?! "What the fuck is this morning…"

Shaking off her building frustration (and checking to make sure she didn't get makeup in her eye, since that seems to be just her luck today), Madison took her time with the rest of the ritual before she was finally almost, somehow with 10 minutes to spare.

"Just need some perfume....huh?" On her desk, Madison noticed a glass bottle on her desk, standing out primarily because of the odd symbol on it, and the fact that she had no memory of purchasing such a thing. "Did mom put this here as a gift?"

Picking it up, Madison closely examined the bottle. It looked like perfume, but for some reason it looked…blueish, of all things, instead of the normal clear liquid, and something just felt off about it. With no sprayer at the stopper either, Madison pulled the top of the jar off herself, giving it a quick sniff.

"I mean…it smells pretty good I guess….but no, today is totally a strawberry day, not honey." Putting the cap back on, the odd bottle was left to sit on her desk, quickly forgotten as Madison finished up her morning rituals before rushing downstairs, hoping she at least had enough time to eat something.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Downstairs in the Clements household, Madison's mother, Jennifer, was just finishing her own delicious breakfast with a nice, warm cup of coffee. In many ways, Jennifer and Madison were spitting images of each other, the mother a more…matured and blossomed version of her daughter (only slightly, however. The apple didn't fall that far from the tree). What she wasn't, however, was as crass as her daughter , who came barrelling down the stairs, swearing up a storm under her breath that left Jennifer staring crossly at her.

"Madison, I know you're running late but you know that's no excuse to have such a sailor's mouth." At her mother's reprimand, Madison froze before wilting, not in such a rush that she would consider getting into an argument this early in the morning.

"Sorry Mom, just, my alarm didn't go off, and then I banged my head and just…" The daughter's eyes narrowed before she glared at her mother.

"How come you didn't wake me up?" Madison accused, to which Jennifer rolled her eyes.

"I opened your door and you said you were up right at 6. It's not my fault you decided to roll back over and sleep in." The answer however, did little to assuage her daughter's anger, and Madison could feel her eye twitching (though whether that was from stray makeup or annoyance she wasn't entirely sure).

"Moooooooom! You know when I do that I'm not actually awake! Ugh, I can't believe this bull-" Just as she began her rant however, Madison stepped forward, not paying attention to where she was moving, and slammed her toe, still clad only in her socks, against the leg of the table.



[17-15: Learning With Manga!Fate/GrandOrder - An anime short skit series adaptation of Learn with Manga! FGO, the 15 minute animation centers around chibi versions of Olga Marie Animusphere and Mash Kyrielight attempting to teach Gudako about Fate/Grand Order, while Gudako is constantly distracted by her gacha addiction and lust for female Servants. With a Power of 15, Madison is now more easily frustrated by learning interruptions, and is also more aware of girls, and feels some measure of attraction to them! The System congratulates her on her journey of self discovery and offers it's full support! Chaos is a rainbow after all!]

As Madison collapsed to the floor, cussing once more while massaging her aching foot, all her mother did was sip her coffee and say, "That's just karma, dear."

All Madison could do was grit her teeth and sigh loudly, unable to fully deny her mother's words even if they only made her more pissed off at this awful morning. "Yeah…I get it…can you just…can you just drive me to school before I scream, Mom?"

Jennifer pursed her lips and nodding, humming as she thought before replying in a sing-song voice, "Welllll…..maybe I can if my daughter that I raised better says the magic words?~"



Madison's cheeks flushed a bright red, a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance flooding her. "....thank you and I love you?"

Jennifer snickered at her daughter's words, which only earned her an ice cold glare, and Jennifer held her hands up in surrender. "Alright alright, I'll stop teasing. Just go start the car for me and I'll be right out."

Jennifer pushed the car keys on the table towards Madison, and with a desperation that only late highschoolers can manage, Madison rushed outside. It was only once they were halfway to school that Madison was painfully reminded by her growling stomach that she had forgotten to get anything to eat.


Dread it, run from it, homosexuality comes for Worm fics all the same. Honestly the funniest roll I could have hoped for when I saw she got a Type-MOON summon this early hahaha. With my luck I might've ended up with a Grail War in the background. If I had a nickel for every time that happened to a Wiki Warrior fic huh?
If you don't want a Holy Grail War is better if you don't use Type Moon wiki, it would come eventually

Oh no I don't care if it shows up at some point, just would have found it hilarious since I know of two other fics with this format that ended up with a Holy Grail War in the background quite early haha. I am way too much of a Fate fan to not include that wiki too lol
Great to see a another Wiki Warrior story, looking forward to seeing how it will develop.

[20-15: Khamsin - A potent magical poison sometimes used by holy slayer assassins of the Wind of Fate in Zakhara. Smelling of honey, Khamsin is a contact poison that, upon skin contact, quite literally turns their victims to dust in minutes. With a Power of 15, its potency remains the same, but the amount increases, creating a jar of the poison about the size of a large perfume bottle. It manifests on Madison's vanity.]
"I mean…it smells pretty good I guess….but no, today is totally a strawberry day, not honey." Putting the cap back on, the odd bottle was left to sit on her desk, quickly forgotten as Madison finished up her morning rituals before rushing downstairs, hoping she at least had enough time to eat something.
Also really hoping that Madison figure out what that bottle actually is before she accidentally kill somebody with it
I'd rather theres a reason for being bi/homo like this than it just being oh there like that it makes more sense to me this way and is not annoying like most fics where the MC is unsure exactly why but yeah
Character Compendium
Character Sheet Format
Status: Character's name, age, gender, etc.
Abilities: Powers that the character possesses, whether they are granted via the System, or natural abilities tied to the character
Effects: Passive effects inflicted by either the System or other sources, both positive and negative, that do not result in an active ability
Equipment: Tools, gear, etc. that the character both possesses, and is actually aware of


Name: Madison Clements
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Current Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

-Dreamgate: Mover-Class Power - Allows the wielder to travel instantly through dream. With a Natural Power of 20, Madison does not require a Dream Nail to create or warp through Dreamgates, nor does she need to fuel the gates with Essence. There is no limit to this ability in terms of distance that can be traveled, only that there can be only one warp point placed at any singular moment.

-Homing Soulmass: Blaster-Class Power - Sorcery developed by Big Hat Logan, the great sorcerer who left the Dragon School in an age long past. Releases homing soulmass. With a Power of 19, Madison can cast this spell near effortlessly, and can produce the maximum of 5 soulmasses immediately, disregarding any Intelligence requirements. Does not deal damage to the surroundings, but will track and hit (to the best of their ability) anything identified as hostile to the caster. As they are bolts of pure soul energy, the Homing Soulmass has no non-lethal option when living (or undead) beings are struck by it.

-Learning With Manga!Fate/GrandOrder: Mental Effect - The influence of a gag anime has permanently altered Madison's cognition, the effects representing the plot and main characters of the skit, specifically both Olga Maria and Mash in the form of a newfound frustration with interruptions during lessons, and Gudako, in the form of a newfound and decently sizeable attraction to the female gender.

N/A at this time
Wait, is the Homing magic insta-kill (on non-brute I assume) ?

Pretty much, in the same way a loaded gun is an insta-kill on someone. If Madison had gotten a Nat 20 I probably would have given her the ability to control the 'damage' or even modulate how many she makes with a cast, but a 19 is just the absolute peak of the spell so she can cast it super efficiently at its max damage, since you can't do any of that in game (this could change if she rolls and gets proper sorcery skills rather than just the one spell as well tho). As it stands, since its just basic Soulmass and not Crystal, a normal person with no form of heightened durability or protection def dies to all the projectiles, but could maybe take one or two, especially if they're hit in the legs or arms and such
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Dice 1.2: Something's Weird Today
Winslow High School, October 18th, 7:45 AM

Madison's walk into school was, to her immense consternation, accompanied by yet another rumbling as her empty stomach as it announced its displeasure at being denied its morning sustenance. She had implored her mother to turn around, or even take a detour so she could a donut or something (even if a meal like that would be terrible for her diet) just so she wouldn't have to sit through her morning classes starving until it was time for lunch, but, well…..

"Please please please it won't even take us that long-" She pleaded, but Jennifer did not even glance at her, eyes focused on the road as she shook her head.

"You should have just remembered to eat dear. We're already cutting it close, and if you're late to school, that just means I'll be even later."

"But Moooom-" Just then they drove past a drive-thru donut shop, but before she could even start begging for her mother to turn the corner Madison's pleas caught in her throat when she spotted the painfully long line extending all the way out onto the street. She huffed and looked away from her mother without saying anything, hoping she would just let this go, but Madison was already imagining the little smirk of vindication her mother was wearing as she spoke up.

"See? What did I tell you? We stop and you won't be at school until 8 o'clock at least, and then I won't be at work until 8:30, and then I'll be fired, and given you're wearing the jacket I bought you last week I don't think you'd enjoy that, would you missy? This is why you should always listen to your mother you know, I told you you were up too late reading those forums thingums or whatever it is you like-" Madison tried to tune her mother out, ignoring both her voice and the bright red blush across her pale cheeks at the mention of her late night browsing (which she hadn't even stayed up that late for for once even!), leaning her head against the car window, wishing for something to come and interrupt this latest annoying part of an already obnoxious day.

The Underground Maze - One of two choices for the fifth mission in Armored Core: Project Phantasma. In it, the Raven is instructed to destroy all of the 'Doomsday Organization's' research. With a Power of 3, Madison now has knowledge of the mission briefing and can bring it up if prompted.]

"Are you listening to me Madison? It's very rude to not pay attention-" Anything would be better than this, even Doomsday-Jennifer snapped her fingers at her daughter, and Madison wanted to scream.

Sadly her wishes had gone ungranted, and Madison was forced to endure her mother's teasing lecture about responsibility, politeness, and just how well she was raised the entire car drive. It was pure torture for the teenage girl, but at least she was somewhere….well she couldn't necessarily call Winslow better. Even just walking to her locker was enough time for anyone to recognize just how shitty this school was. Gang tags were sprayed out in the open, the building was both filthy and falling apart, staffed by way too many vapid idiots (well she would admit it was mostly just Gladly, but Gladly was certainly enough to drag down the school a lot) and populated by both vicious teenage girls and Nazis in equal supply were all perfect ways to describe Winslow instead.

As she shuffled through her locker for everything she needed for the day, Madison couldn't help but briefly lament not trying just a bit harder in middle school. She hadn't had the grades for Arcadia, but she could have…maybe had them? Possibly? Her family at least definitely could have made the money stretch for her to attend.

But she hadn't had the grades (or the money to not need the grades) so here she was with nothing to show for it.

There was a bang of metal as the locker next to Madison was opened, and she was pulled out of her thoughts only for her brain to short circuit as she looked at Emma Barnes.

Objectively, Madison, as well as everyone in Winslow with eyes, knew that Emma Barnes was just about the hottest girl in school. Madison, able to count herself as probably Emma's second best friend behind Sophia, knew that better than most thanks to the numerous times they had held slumber parties together, or helped each other with their makeup in the bathroom between classes (She was still frustrated that Emma could manage to look good even without makeup but that wasn't here nor there).

For the first time ever now, though, Emma's good looks were registering to Madison a lot differently today. She knew Emma had beautiful skin, but the smattering of freckles across her face drew her eyes in before the pleasant shade of green in her eyes made Madison's heart skip a beat. She knew wayyyy too well that Emma was taller than her, but for once the height seemed like a bonus rather than something to hold against the other girl. She knew Emma was curvy but staring at her now….Madison gulped as she realized she was staring at Emma, her face once more lighting up like a Christmas tree, until her brain caught back up to itself and registered what she was thinking.

'Ok, maybe there's one good thing about being he-wait Madison what the hell, you see Emma every day you know she's pretty-gorgeous even-but-wha-why can't I stop complimenting her incredible looks or luscious-'

"Mads, are you even listening to me?" Madison realized she hadn't stopped staring at Emma, and if she hadn't been bright red before, she certainly was now.

"Ah, sorry Ems I was just-ah-well…d-did you do anything differently with your hair today? It looks so good today-"

'What the fuck am I even saying please something shut me the fuck up ahhhhhhhhhhhh-'

[19-7: Deathbrand Gauntlets - A set of enchanted light gauntlets, forged of Stalhrim and once worn by their eponymous pirate owner, Haknir Death-Brand, as part of a complete set. When worn, the gauntlets increase one's skill with one-handed weapons, the enchantment strengthening with every piece of the set worn. With a Power of 7, the enchantment has been slightly weakened (10 -> 7). The gauntlets manifest in Madison's open backpack.]

Luckily for Madison, her prayers were answered almost instantly. Sadly for Madison, the answer to her prayers was Sophia Hess walking up to both her and Emma, a grin on her face. It normally made Madison a bit worried, whenever she saw the rather….intense girl smiling instead of wearing the scowl she typically had across her face, but right now all she could notice was how nice her teeth were, and the fullness of her lips and the lean muscles of her arms and why was she thinking all of thisssssssss!

While Madison was busy having an internal mental breakdown over why the hell her brain was so weird today, Sophia's focus was on Emma, thankfully distracting the redhead from Madison for the moment as well.

"Emma, there you are. Did you just get in? I've been looking for you." Emma's eyes always lit up in a strange way whenever Sophia came near, a way that Madison still couldn't quite understand, but it wasn't something she would question today as whatever Emma was about to say to her was cut off by Sophia.

"Oh, Sophia! Yeah, traffic was awful this morning, it was so fucking dumb. What do you need though? Is this about uh…" Emma glanced down at Madison, who was only barely paying attention, still stuck in her own head as she was, and half whispered, "...extracurriculars?"

Sophia stared at Emma for a second before her eyes widened in understanding and she shook her head. "Nah, no this has nothing to do with that bull. No, I was thinking about what we talked about last night some more, and I think I've got the perfect idea. Real fitting for a gross geek like her."

If Madison had been paying attention to the conversation, she would have seen Sophia's grin become wider, toothier even, a twisted, almost feral smile far removed from the confident grin that had thrown her thoughts into disarray, all while Emma's eyes lit up once again, a sinister look in those pretty green orbs.

Instead, it took Emma snapping her fingers in her face to bring her back to reality. Madison jumped as she was snapped out of her stupor, stumbling backwards-right over her bag, which she had left sitting on the floor. She should have just stepped on the bag, crushed the fabric and been annoyed at messing it up. It had been empty anyways, there shouldn't have been anything to trip on, yet there was a weight to the satchel that Madison hadn't expected. Madison's foot caught on her bag, the rest of her body kept moving, and-




[15-19: Time Reservoir - A technique unique to members of the Ōtsutsuki clan. A member of the Ōtsutsuki clan can manipulate the mental space of an individual to send their conscience to a certain point back in time. The user creates a doorway which will enable an indictable to travel to the past. The individual sent back in time can only observe past events, they can not interfere or make changes. However, under three conditions, the individual can be sent back in time, both mentally and physically: An unstable space that can control the principles of time must be used, it must occur under a full moon to make use of a natural ley line, and the user must possess an item that holds a connection to both the traveler and a person of the past, with their Chakra mixed in. With a Power of 19, Madison is capable of using this technique with incredible ease akin to the most skilled Otsutsuki members, and the third requirement for full time travel can be ignored at the cost of difficulty controlling where in time the traveler ends up.]

Everything went white.

Alright, finally weird stuff is happening with Madison actually noticing. Poor girl is having a rough morning. Woke up late, keeps hurting herself in confusion, forgot to eat, was having a sudden gay awakening while looking at her two pretty friends, and now a sudden mental trip back in time? Wow, whoever's doing this to her must be an assh-


Anyways, first roll of the chapter was just straight up a dud. A 3, and its a tiny mission with an extremely small wiki page from one of the earliest installments in Armored Core? Goes by with barely any fanfare lol.

Second roll was what I thought would be the first thing Madison would actually notice. Not right this moment, but later in the day when she needed to go through her bag, ya know? BOY was I wrong lmao. Shame on the power roll but I think she'll live haha.

Time Reservoir was not a thing I knew was a thing in Naruto, but I won't apologize for ignoring the entirety of Boruto's existence. I might be taking some artistic liberties in how this works, with it activating when she banged her head and suddenly had the power, but like...come on. That high of a roll? The System is legally obligated to time travel this girl at that point lmao. May Chaos reign and all that fun stuff.

Thank you to everyone who's commented already by the way, really appreciate the feedback and kind words. I'm still a bit new to Worm and a loooot of my knowledge of the setting comes from fanfiction and such so please let me know if I do I have something a bit off from how it should be!
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Sophia stared at Emma for a second before her eyes widened in understanding and she shook her head. "Nah, no this has nothing to do with that bull. No, I was thinking about what we talked about last night some more, and I think I've got the perfect idea. Real fitting for a gross geek like her."

If Madison had been paying attention to the conversation, she would have seen Sophia's grin become wider, toothier even, a twisted, almost feral smile far removed from the confident grin that had thrown her thoughts into disarray, all while Emma's eyes lit up once again, a sinister look in those pretty green orbs.
So this story takes place before Taylor got shoved into her locker then, if I'm understanding this correctly. That is interesting, looking forward to seeing how that will effect the story.
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Huh. You can turn the story into a groundhog loop series of sequences. Whenever Madison encounters something stressful, scary she summoned and is not with her. Assuming the time travel doesn't allow double Madisons.

Good roll for backing away from bad decisions, which this girl really needs.

In that narrative context, I wish you'd decided to actually set this the day before or the actual day of the locker and not allow (self) time travel before getting the power. More early drama. Homura it up.
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Huh. You can turn the story into a groundhog loop series of sequences. Whenever Madison encounters something stressful, scary she summoned and is not with her. Assuming the time travel doesn't allow double Madisons.

Good roll for backing away from bad decisions, which this girl really needs.

In that narrative context, I wish you'd decided to actually set this the day before or the actual day of the locker and not allow (self) time travel before getting the power. More early drama. Homura it up.

Well in my defense I had absolutely 0 idea time travel was going to come up so early LMFAO. Virtue of randomizing everything with dice rolls haha.
I mostly chose a few months before the Locker just because, to me anyways, the Locker is where the Trio just becomes a bit irredeemable purely because of just how vile that whole mess is. So far, yeah, multi-year campaign of bullying, but everything up till now (in comparison to the Locker) isn't...as bad. Like it's the difference between normal, if intense and constant, highschool bullying and a literal biohazard murder attempt lol. Sure, could've bypassed that whole dilemma by making someone not morally suspect the protagonist but like...eh. I'm just a sucker for messy redemption stories
Dice 1.3: Let's Do The Time Warp Again
Brockton Bay Suburbs, August, 2009

Consciousness came back slowly to Madison. Everything was fuzzy as she slowly woke up, a splitting headache pounding in her skull, distorting everything even further. Her vision was blurry, and so Madison pawed at the ground, forcing herself to sit up on the dirt she was on, feeling the soft grass beneath her palms, blinking as the burning sun blazed down on her in the clear blue sky-

Wait, that didn't seem quite right.

Madison rubbed her eyes, clearing her vision, hoping her brain was just playing more tricks on her, but all that did was help her better see where she was. She wasn't just outside, she realized, she was in the suburbs of all places, surrounded by pleasant houses and sitting on someone's lawn. Madison blinked then, half-expected to open her eyes and be right back where should be in Winslow, then blinked some more when she saw she was still sitting on the same random lawn.

'Ok Madison, you just…woke up on some random jackass's lawn, with no idea how you got here. That's fine. Cool even. No need to panic, don't panic, I said don't panic-oh wow is my heartbeat supposed to be that loud-'


[12-3: Chapter 9 - The 9th chapter of the RWBY manga adaptation published by Shueisha, depicting Yang Xiao-Long's fight with Junior Xiong in his club in search of information on her mother. With a Power of 3, Madison now knows how to make a perfect Strawberry Sunrise! How tasty!]

Madison took a deep breath, trying to calm her pounding heart even as her brain raced through her thoughts, trying to figure out just what was going on with her today.

"Ok I was at school, in the hallway, talking to Emma, thinking about-oh-" Memories of the new, wild (and not exactly unappealing to her) thoughts that had been running rampant through her head brought a blush back to Madison's cheeks. "Whyyyyyyyy….whatever, so I might be gay…in a school full of Nazis……ok nope, nuh uh. Today is not the day to be figuring this shit out."

Madison got up off the ground, standing and banishing all thoughts of her suddenly fluctuating sexuality. There would be plenty of time to figure out whether or not she wanted to kiss girls some other time, like when she hadn't randomly woken up on someone's lawn when she last remembered being in school. Step One was to try and figure out just where she was. Sorting out those thoughts could be Step Ninety Nine for all she cared.

Step One at least proved remarkably simple once Madison actually took a moment to breathe and really look at where she was. With more than a second's glance while panicking, the lawn she was on didn't look so random, and the houses surrounding her were not nearly as unfamiliar as she had thought. In fact…

"Am I really-How the hell did I end up at Emma's house? I was in the hallway at school!"

Despite her disbelief however, Madison's eyes did not lie. She knew that big Colonial-style house, hell she had just been inside it not even a week ago, doing hers and Emma's nails (not Sophia's, who would have probably growled at Madison if she had offered) and coming up with new barbs to hurl at their favorite punching bag, Taylor-

A hand, a leg, then an entire person stepped through Madison from behind as she stood in front of Emma's house, and Madison's heart leapt out her throat as she shrieked.



[13-4: Psyoblade - The 10th and penultimate chapter of Hellsing Volume 8. In the chapter the duel between the Monster of The Devil, Alucard, and the Monster of God, Alexander Anderson, comes to its climax as Anderson strikes Alucard in the head with a final bayonet, engulfing his entire being in thorns and holy flames. With a Power of 4, Madison now has a talent for throwing bladed weapons such as knives and bayonets, and will find it easier to learn how to use such weapons.]

Hyperventilating, Madison stared down at her hands, watching them shake, her heart once more pounding like a drum in her ears. That did not just happen-what the hell-how could that even-


[10-2: Fuel Depot - A massive structure used for the storage of fuel, which can then be purchased by ship captains as needed, placed throughout the galaxy by the various Citadel Races. With a Power of 2, the wreckage of a fuel depot destroyed by the Reapers, with its stores of fuel fully depleted, appears in orbit of Earth…in 2009.]

"Jesus Christ am I dead? No there's no way I could just be dead from hitting my-" Madison's eyes lit up as an idea flitted across her mind, the thought instantly helping to calm her down. "Wait a minute…I tripped on fucking something, and hit my head, which means this is all just a really weird dream! Holy…hahaha!"

Madison couldn't help but laugh, giggling at just how absurd her panic had been. Sure, it wasn't exactly good or healthy that she had gotten knocked out by hitting her head on the floor (she still wasn't sure how she had even tripped) but this weird experience all made so much more sense if her brain was just playing some random crap in her head. The real question now, in Madison's opinion, was just why she was dreaming about Emma's house and-

"Hi, Emma! Ah, we have so much to catch up o-Oh, who's your new friend?"

….Taylor Hebert?

But something was off. Madison's brain was registering the girl as Hebert, but she couldn't be Hebert. Hebert was an ugly, gloomy loser. She couldn't dress well to save her life and wasn't capable of smiling, though, Madison had to admit, she did have amazing hair. Otherwise though Madison…didn't really care about her. She was just something to do at school, someone to mess with with her friends. Hell, fucking with Hebert was practically a rite of passage at Winslow if someone wanted to be in Emma's good graces. It's not like Hebert did anything to dissuade anything they did either. She just stood there, looking sad and taking every bit of it.

The girl on Emma's front steps right now though? Madison could barely believe that she was even looking at the same person, but the resemblance was too uncanny to deny. It didn't make sense though, because this girl looked…fine. Maybe a bit…dweeby in the way she was dressed, but she was actually wearing normal clothes instead of the drug dealer outfit she always had on at school, and the sense of gloom Madison associated with Hebert was burned away by just how bright and sunny this girl was, inanely chattering away with no sign of stopping. It did not compute to Madison, and she could scarcely believe how a girl like this could become the Hebert they all made fun of in the hallways, or through spitballs at, or-

"What are you doing here Taylor?" Madison's train of thought was cut off by the icey voice of Emma, and Madison realized that both she and Sophia were standing in the doorway of Emma's house now.

"Oh! Well, sorry I didn't call ahead, I tried but no one picked up? And well, you know, since I was at camp all summer I was just thinking, well, we haven't hung out at all this summer, and I remembered my dad said we had a call from you wanting to hang out before I got back, so I just thought, well, we should get some time in as besties! You can even introduce me to your new friend, and we can maybe do our nails even or something fun like that, and oh by the way Emma did you decide to cut your hair? It looks really good on you-" The off-Hebert was saying so many words, more words than Madison had ever heard the normal Herbert say, to the point that it was giving her a headache just trying to keep track. She didn't get it at all. How the hell was this the same person?

"No I mean, why the fuck do you think I'd want to hang out with a loser like you?" Emma's voice cut through Taylor's chatterbox rant like a vicious knife, her tone harsh enough to even snap Madison out of her thoughts. It was a tone that Madison had heard many times from Emma, the same tone Emma would have whenever she encountered Taylor in the halls, accompanied by the same vicious sneer that they had all directed at the gloomy loser so many times, yet seeing it directed at this weird, kind of annoying, but altogether not that bad version of Taylor? Despite herself, despite her own apathy towards Hebert, Madison felt a twisting in her gut, like everything about this was wrong.

"I-Emma, w-what do you me-" Madison couldn't see her face, but already Taylor's voice was cracking, warbling with a mixture of confusion and hurt, but Emma was relentless, barely letting the other girl get another word in.

"I mean, a weakling like you isn't welcome here, Taylor. It's been so annoying, letting you pester me all these years, you know? I thought you'd get the fucking hint that I didn't want you around sooner, but I guess that's my fault for thinking a social mess like you could actually pick up hints."

'Oh. So this is how Herbert ended up how she is.' Madison had known Emma and Taylor used to be friends, the redhead had brought it up against Taylor more than enough certainly, but Madison had always assumed that Emma had dumped Taylor because she was already the gloomy loser Madison knew. But watching Emma cruelly cut Taylor out of her life now, Madison struggled to understand just why Emma would want to get rid of her. There wasn't anything wrong with her. Nothing that made Madison think she deserved this anyways.

"I don't…why am I even dreaming of this shit?" Madison hadn't even really gotten to know Emma and Sophia until a few weeks into freshman year, she had never seen this other version of Herbert, so how the hell was she dreaming of stuff she hadn't even been there for?

"E-Emma I don't…I don't understand…" Taylor's words were intermixed with sobs, and Madison could easily imagine the tears welling up in the other girl's eyes. "Did I do something wrong? I-I can come in and we can talk about this, I-I'm so sorry-"

Before she could finish again however, Sophia stepped up, getting in front of Taylor and roughly shoving her away, forcing her off the steps and onto the pavement as Taylor completely failed to keep her balance, falling flat on her ass staring up at Sophia and Emma, right at Madison's feet.

"God that skull of yours is thick, dumbass." Sophia's voice was filled with just as much vitriol as Emma's. "Either get the fuck out of here, or I can beat the shit out of you, bitch. It's your choice."

The gleam in Sophia's eyes as she said that brought an inadvertent shiver down Madison's spine. She could tell which option Sophia was hoping for, and Taylor likely could as well, as Madison watched her gulp suddenly before scrambling to her feet, running away from Emma's house with tears streaming down her cheeks as Emma and Sophia watched, laughing at the pathetic retreat.

Madison glanced at Taylor's retreating form, before glancing back at Emma and Sophia as the duo disappeared into Emma's house. Part of her wanted to head inside, follow the two and try to understand just what was going through Emma's head, to brutally cut Taylor off for seemingly no reason, but…

"Stupid fucking gay thoughts…"

The sight of Taylor's face, tear streaked and runny, tugged at Madison's heart strings in a way they never had before, the sight of a sweet girl in that much pain for seemingly no reason suddenly unpleasant to Madison. That still didn't stop the frustrated sigh that escaped from her as she turned around and ran after Hebert.

A Park In Brockton Bay, August, 2009

Catching up to Hebert proved more challenging than Madison would have expected. While she was no athlete like Sophia, those long legs of hers weren't just for show (especially when Madison's own were so short). It felt like she had run through half the city before Madison finally caught up to her, huffing and puffing as she came upon Hebert sitting on a solitary park bench, bawling her eyes out.

"Why…are you so…fucking tall…" Madison took a moment to catch her breath. She was not a runner, and there was a reason she hated gym class so much goddammit, besides the havoc it wreaked on her makeup every time. Once she was no longer wheezing like a chainsmoker however, Madison directed her attention towards the whole reason she was out of breath in the first place: the weeping girl on the bench.

"Hey, uh…Hebert…that uh…that sure was rough…" Madison started awkwardly, unsure of exactly what to say to Taylor. When she didn't even look up in response to Madison's words however, Madison tried to put her hand on the girl, only to watch dumbfounded as her hand passed right through Taylor.

"Oh, right…you can't even fucking hear me….aghhhh!" Madison kicked at the dirt as she yelled in frustration. "This is so stupid! Why am I even here? Shoulda just followed Emma and Soph…" All of her own whining was only met by more sobbing from Taylor.

"Ughhhh…can you at least just stop crying? It's really fucking sad and rude to do this in public you know!"


[14-2: Eisen Whip - A sword owned by Ohm, a priest of God and a member of God's Army. As a weapon, the Eisen Whip possesses the ability to change its form at Ohm's command thanks to the Eisen Dial installed in it. With a Power of 2, the Eisen Whip is brittle and rusted, and the Eisen Dial has been removed from its hilt. It manifests on the ground in front of Madison.]

Suddenly a sword manifested out of thin air, right in front of Madison, the shocking sight nearly making her jump out of her skin.

"Holy shit is that a fucking sword? Is that real?! Where the hell did a sword come from?!" Taylor, still weeping into her hands, didn't even seem to hear the rusted metal clank against the dirt.

Madison bent down to inspect the blade, and it was clear even to her, who was unfamiliar with swords for obvious reasons, that this thing was so rusted it was basically useless. She briefly tried to pick it up before she was reminded she could not touch anything in this…dream…

"Wait, that's it! This is like some weird lucid dreaming crap, isn't it? I can just make her stop crying!" That must have been where the sword came from, though why her brain threw a literal real-ass sword, even if it was a useless one, at her as a solution provoked questions she was not sure she even wanted answers to.

Still proud of her sudden epiphany despite that, Madison focused her thoughts on Taylor, willing her to stop crying and cheer up already.


[5-13: The Old Hunters - The singular DLC of Bloodborne, The Old Hunters introduced new areas, weapons, enemies, and bosses in the form of a new horrific nightmare realm. With a Power of 13, a nightmare realm connected to Brockton Bay manifests, tied in form and essence to the city, rather than being a copy of the Yharnam Nightmares. Some cracks in reality now exist throughout the city, where people can slip into the realm, while others may find their dreams pulling them into the new Brockton Nightmare.]

Aaaaaaand nothing happened. Come on, this was her dream, she should be in charge!


[16-15: Byakuya Kuchiki - The 28th Head of the Kuchiki Clan, one of the four great noble clans of Soul Society, and the Captain of the 6th Division of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, Byakuya Kuchiki is an immensely powerful Shinigami. With a Power of 15, he is summoned to the world in the state he is in immediately prior to the Thousand Year Blood War. However, due to both Madison and Taylor lacking any form of spiritual awareness, they are unable to see him, nor is Byakuya able to see Madison.]

Ok this was getting annoying, and Taylor was only crying louder, so if something could please just make it stop-!


[11-20: Luke Skywalker - The last student of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Grandmaster Yoda. The son of Anakin Skywalker. A Jedi, like his father before him. Luke Skywalker is an incredibly powerful Force-user, one of the most skilled lightsaber combatants in history, and a truly wise and kind being. With a Natural Power of 20, Grandmaster Luke Skywalker manifests in his prime, returned from being one with the Force following his peaceful retirement and subsequent passing in 45 ABY. The System is so proud of the Roller's most chaotic roll yet!]

Oh come on, something had to happen already-

"Hello there!"

"Fuck!" Madison jumped off the ground as a man suddenly spoke up behind her, and she whipped around to see…a blonde guy in a cape and some pajamas?

He was handsome in a sense, a nice jawline and clear blue eyes, shaggy blonde hair atop his head, but he didn't really look like all that much. Besides the weird outfit, he wasn't even a foot taller than Madison (which said something considering she was barely 4'10") and he just looked like some guy.

Despite that though, there was something about him, something about the look in his eye, the way he seemed to actually be looking at Madison…

"You might want to go back to where you belong, you know." He said, and Madison's heart skipped a beat. Could he actually see her? "I could help you if you can't do it yourself."


"N-no, uh, sir I'm just…j-just…" Before Madison could respond, Taylor spoke up, and Madison almost wanted to hit herself. Of course he couldn't see her, he was just talking to Taylor. But that look in those blue eyes of his…

Taylor couldn't even finish her sentence, and the man frowned before sitting down beside her on the bench.

"You know, in my experience, a sympathetic ear is all you need when you're having a bad day." Taylor took a long heaving gasp before side-eyeing the strange man.

"You know, I t-think my dad would have s-something to say about talking to strangers…"

In response to her suspicion the man only laughed, a warm, boisterous and disarming sound that sounded strangely pleasant to Madison, before sticking out his hand towards Taylor.

"Then let's not be strangers anymore. I'm Ben." Taylor eyed the offered hand hesitantly, but maybe it was the way he smiled, or the kindness she could see in his eyes, or something about him…


While watching all of this, Madison couldn't help but smile at herself as well. Ok, this Ben guy seemed a bit weird, but hey. Taylor stopped sobbing! Mission accomplished in her book. Now she just needed to wake up…somehow.
Ben's eyes switched away from Taylor, and this time Madison would swear on her life he was looking directly at her. His eyes lingered on her for a bit, and Madison couldn't help but squirm under his gaze…before the blonde blue-eyed bastard winked at her and waved his hand. Her jaw dropped even as her vision suddenly began to go blurry again, but Madison was barely paying attention to anything other than Luke as she glared at him.


Everything went white once again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Alright so we're doing a time travel on....chapter 4. This is fine, everything's fine, while we're at it let's make the decision to have summons appear in the year Madison is mentally present in cause that just kinda makes more sense to me, I'm sure nothing will come of it-


3P0 please do not tell me the odds of this happening. This might be a mistake. Letting this broken ass motherfucker come in here might be a terrible awful no good very bad mistake. Buuuuuuuuut fuck it we ball. The dice and random page demand it. Who am I to defy their will?

Emma and Sophia running of Taylor the first time

I rolled two dice to decide when she would end up. a d4 to decide between days, weeks, months, or years, and a d100 to determine amount. I got a 3 and a 15, so 15 months in the past...which since I VERY RANDOMLY picked October, wound up to be about August 2009, aka exactly when this would happen. Did you pay the dice off? lmfao

Anyways, this ended up being a very long, very weirdly skewed chapter. A loooot of really low rolls. Madison learned how to make a Strawberry Sunrise, developed a talent for throwing bayonets, deposited weird space trash into the atmosphere with the rest of the Simurgh's junk, and summoned a really shitty sword to 2009. Alright, cool, kinda boring but that's fine, let's see what else she summons-

Old Hunters DLC: Honestly this was the best interpretation I could figure for something like this. I could have just dropped the DLC into the like, metaphysical space of Brockton Bay but making up a Brockton style Hunter's Nightmare seems more interesting. Crazy and will cause problems but that's what we want

Byakuya goddamn Kuchiki: First character...and he's dropped into 2009. Oops. Sorry timeline, but hey, at least it's a Shinigami who's just gonna be super hands off on everything. The Byakuya summoned is decently chill and a better person than he is at his first appearance, buuuuuuut he's also not the type to step into bs. Timeline is sa-


It's broken, it's all broken, we're four chapters in and the timeline is soooooo fucked. But you know what? I'm here for it. This shit's gonna get weird. Who knows what the fuck Madison is gonna come back to in late 2010, after letting Luke and Byakuya (mostly Luke) run rampant for a year and change. Could I have interpreted it differently? Eh maybe but like, Natural 20? By my own rules that is the strongest form of the character possible, i.e Grandmaster Luke Skywalker. Hell I might be technically nerfing him since he's no longer one with the fucking Force. Hope you all enjoy this chaos, we'll see if I'm laughing or crying by the end of this lmao
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Then I could see a Nat 1 Palpatine immediately converting Taylor to the Dark Side, so when Madison returned it was to seeing Darth Taylor ruling Winslow, and likely Palpatine controlling a decent chunk of land. Nat 20 Palpatine would likely just discretely take over anything he could as long as no Jedi showed up, likely removing Coil in the process. At least with a Nat 20 Luke Taylor will likely become someone who is further distanced from, or in control of, her emotions, making her a pointless target, meaning the trio likely targeted someone else instead if anyone was targeted.
Then I could see a Nat 1 Palpatine immediately converting Taylor to the Dark Side, so when Madison returned it was to seeing Darth Taylor ruling Winslow, and likely Palpatine controlling a decent chunk of land. Nat 20 Palpatine would likely just discretely take over anything he could as long as no Jedi showed up, likely removing Coil in the process. At least with a Nat 20 Luke Taylor will likely become someone who is further distanced from, or in control of, her emotions, making her a pointless target, meaning the trio likely targeted someone else instead if anyone was targeted.
Which Luke is this though? I can't find a reference to him dying in 45 ABY.