{Hiatus, till 1/1 being rewritten} A Snake Am I ?

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Hello, @Electric_Zhengyi. As @TotalAbsolutism has shown, you appear to have liberally copy-pasted from someone else's story without previously asking permission, which would constitute a clear case of plagiarism. To add to the issue, you've done so from a user who was banned from SV for posting terribly-written stories which violated site rules (JakeCrown). While I'm grateful that the parts you've effectively copied are 'just' terribly-written, this is still problematic behavior for several reasons.

On the one hand, plagiarism is both obviously not OK and would warrant an infraction. Even if I assume that JakeCrown's retroactive permission put you in the clear, though, you're still effectively rehosting stuff that was originally written by a banned user. This is also not OK, since it defeats the purpose of banning people in the first place. I think this was an honest mistake rather than you trying to do either, so I'm not going to punish you quite as harshly, but this situation is just ridiculous and could've been avoided with a little bit more foresight on your part. Please exercise it in the future.

I'm going to give you 50 infraction points, which'll put you at a day-long tempban, and leave this story locked. If you want to rehost it on this site, please rewrite it without copy-pasting from what other people have written.
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