HEXED! (Magic has never been this colorful!)

[X] A boy
[X] Gelbenburg, the most industrial district. Since the discovery of electric power a mere hundred years ago, the previously uneventful backwater of Gelbenburg has risen into a thriving industrial metropolis, the hub of the city's railway system and the backbone of its economy. The sun's yellow rays struggle to pierce through the thick smog produced by hundreds of factories manufacturing and exporting everything from steel and cement to the latest hot invention, the automobile. (You think that last one's probably just a fad.) Your father is a reasonably important businessman who owns shares in several factories, and has his business friends over for dinner every week. The thick smoke caused you to come down with a chest infection, once, and since then you've had a high tolerance for pain. [+Contacts: New Money, +attribute bonus: RESILIENCE]
[X] Ms. Gbiv, a heavily-accented genius from a foreign land, forced to flee by a dictatorial regime. [Starting spell: CYAN]
[X] Defensive magic, channelling spells into your own body to use for defence and counterattack. You've learned to cast your spells in the shape of a circle, allowing you to protect yourself against the magic of others, while channelling spells into physical weapons in order to attack your enemies using the Blade Pigment technique. [Starting spell: DEFENSIVE CIRCLE, Starting technique: Blade Pigment]
x13[X] Boy
x4[X] Girl
x2[X] Neither

x9[X] Distretto Ciano
x4[X] Al'Arjwani
x4[X] Gelbenburg
x3[X] Chateau Bleu
x0[X] Fort Chartreuse
x0[X] Costa Roja

x9[X] Mr. Essvee
x5[X] Mr. York
x3[X] Mrs. Hugh
x2[X] Mrs. Gbiv
x1[X] Mr. Jibi
x0[X] Ms. Skope

x11[X] Offensive Magic
x6[X] Defensive Magic
x3[X] All kinds of magic

In the year that you've been a student at Iris Academy, you've mastered the basics of offensive magic. It's a school of magic associated with more outgoing types, and while that is in some part a stereotype, that doesn't mean there's no truth to it at all. Every spell consists of two parts: a Cipher, and a Style. The Cipher is the identity of the spell - its essence. The spell's soul, to be concise. But a spell's Cipher is useless without a Style. The Style is what puts a spell into a effect, and if the Cipher is the spell's soul, the Style is the body, the thing which holds the immaterial soul and gives it a vessel to impact the world.

While a Cipher exists all on its own, a Style must come from the mage who casts the spell, and the Offensive Triangle Style in particular requires for you to be able to focus your soul itself on the world around you, on impacting the world, on how you interact with your environment, rather than the more introspective Style of the Defensive Circle.

You're certainly thinking about the world around you right now - or more specifically, the people in it. Like you, the five students in this room are top of all their classes. They're prodigies, fast learners, extraordinarily hard workers, or some combination of the three. Sebastian Cobalt-Klein is sat on a desk, idly kicking at thin air with his feet. He's the heir to some huge railway company in Gelbenburg, but although he dresses the part of the wealthy corporate scion, he's mostly known for a happy-go-lucky approach to life, and a fun-loving and somewhat hedonistic streak that often gets him into trouble. Despite that, he's brilliant, if lazy, and his mastery of offensive magic is nothing to sniff at.

Caroline Folly is an altogether different creature, so cool and icy that you're surprised she can drink water without it freezing at the touch of her lips. Descendant of some noble family or another, she's just as wealthy as Sebastian, but puts a lot more weight in it. She's proper, prim, and polite as one can be while constantly dropping remarks passive-aggressive enough to make a cliff face wilt. Expected to succeed since birth, you can't help but wonder just how far she's pushed herself to gain her mastery of defensive magic. Her arms are crossed, and she's testily tapping one of her feet as she glances at the door.

Scowling at the room around her with her hands clenched by her sides is Miranda Lima, a girl who hasn't had half the opportunities or good luck in simply being born as most of the students here and has still managed to climb to the top, some say violently. Hot-headed, irascible, and prone to taking risks, an upbringing in the slums of Costa Roja can probably explain how belligerent she is. Her specialization in offensive magic is only to be expected, seeing as how despite her intelligence, her usual reaction to a problem in her way is first to punch it, then to punch it some more.

Smiling nervously over at her is James Amber, a shy and friendly kid who you're pretty sure is so nice that he'd offer up his organs if he felt like someone needed them more than he did. You're not sure how the son of one of the most controversial figures in the country's military history can be such a doormat, but James is always going out of his way to make things easier for everyone he encounters, even if he does seem terminally terrified of other people. Considering this, his lean towards defensive magic is unsurprising.

The final figure in the room, Celeste, is as much of a mystery as they come. She's quiet, but not because she's shy - you get the impression, on the precious few occasions on which you've interacted with her, that she's constantly analyzing everything around her. Whenever she does speak, her tone is flat and emotionless, and her words are calculating and cold, not in the icily aggressive way that Caroline's are, but simply callous and almost violently disinterested. All you know about her is that she comes from Al'Arjwani, and that she's taken the remarkable path of learning both offensive and defensive magic.

Of course, you haven't spent a year being the top six students in the school and totally ignoring each other, of course. During the course of your first year, you've grown to be pretty good friends with: (Pick TWO)

[] Sebastian Cobalt-Klein [Blue, offensive magic, high RESILIENCE]
[] Caroline Folly [Red, defensive magic, high SUBTLETY]
[] Miranda Lima [Green, offensive magic, high AGILITY]
[] James Amber [Yellow, defensive magic, high MIGHT]
[] Celeste [Cyan, defensive and offensive magic, no starting techniques, high INTELLECT]

You can't get along with everyone, of course. You don't seek out disagreements, but over inevitably clashes in personality, you've developed a strong mutual hated with the student you now consider your worst enemy: (Pick ONE, can't vote someone as both friend and enemy)

[] Sebastian Cobalt-Klein [Blue, offensive magic, high RESILIENCE]
[] Caroline Folly [Red, defensive magic, high SUBTLETY]
[] Miranda Lima [Green, offensive magic, high AGILITY]
[] James Amber [Yellow, defensive magic, high MIGHT]
[] Celeste [Cyan, defensive and offensive magic, no starting techniques, high INTELLECT]

Everyone's attention, however, is quickly captivated when Mr. Essvee bursts through the door, dressed in a strikingly magenta tailcoat over a three-piece suit in a much darker shade of indigo. He beams at the assembled students, making sweeping, extravagant gestures as he speaks.

"Hello, hello, hello! Now, look at you, you bunch of clever-clogs! You've all been working very hard throughout the year, well, most of you, anyway." At this point he winks and:

[] Looks at other members of the class. You work hard like anyone else. Being of above-average talent doesn't hurt sure, but you've worked to get where you are, dammit. [Gain trait: Working Hard]
[] Gives you a meaningful look - you have a reputation as being a "brilliant but lazy" type, completely unable to pay attention and mostly coasting through on natural talent. [Gain trait: Hardly Working]

"I want you all to listen to me, and not just because the sound of my voice is the most beautiful sound you'll ever hear - don't roll your eyes like that, students, you know it's true - I want you to listen to me because what I'm about to say is very important. Other planes are, almost certainly, the most dangerous place you'll ever visit. No, trust me. Even if you've been at risk of death a thousand times - I know the feeling, I once saw my reflection in the hallway and nearly fell down the stairs in shock at how beautiful I was - the magical planes will be far, far, more dangerous, because they're the only place where it's possible to experience a fate worse than death. Understand me? I don't want any of you getting out of my sight, and I definitely don't want you wandering off alone. Make sure that you're with someone else at all times, and that you're never too far away for me to keep a careful eye on you. Now, follow me."

He spins on his heel, throwing open the door and walking down a corridor, towards the stairs. The students, yourself included, file after him. You all know what's at the top of this tower: one of the only portals to the magical planes in the kingdom, perhaps even in all the world. Access to these is only one of the reasons why Iris Academy is the only school of magic worth going to. It certainly had the potential to get you what you wanted, which was:

[] The ability to help people: Ever since you were young, you've always wished that you could do something more to help. To make the world a better place, and above all, to stop anyone who wishes to do others harm. You came to this school to become a hero, and that's exactly what you'll do. [Gain trait: In The Face Of Evil]
[] Power, for power's sake. You don't have any lofty goals, any noble aspirations. You just want to be in control for once in your life, and you won't stop at anything in order to get there. [Gain trait: Everybody Wants To Rule The World]
[] Knowledge. You want to know the most that you can about the world around you, and what is a bigger and more enthralling mystery than the machinations of magic? You're determined to read every last book on the subject even if it drives you mad. [Gain trait: You Know What I Like A Lot More Than Materialistic Things?]
[] Fame! Who can blame you, right? You just want to be the name on everybody's lips, a star, a shining beacon of light known the world over! People might call you attention-seeking or petty, but screw them, you're following your dreams. [Gain trait: Lights, They Blind Me]

You're still thinking about your hopes and dreams when you arrive at the top floor of the tower, and Mr. Essvee hands out the light-absorbing goggles that are compulsory wear for anyone travelling through a portal. Even with them on, just looking at the flickering, flashing, constantly warping kaleidoscope of light shining from the doorway makes your eyes hurt a little. You can only imagine what the portal will be like; you've heard stories, sure, but they've all been vague, and conflicting, and all of them use the word 'indescribable' , which you think is quite possibly the least useful word in any language, ever. You can't help but watch in rapt fascination, heart pounding with anticipation, as Mr. Essvee opens the door with the excruciating slowness of someone who well understands dramatic timing.
[X] James Amber and Celeste

[X] Caroline Folly

[X] Gives you a meaningful look - you have a reputation as being a "brilliant but lazy" type, completely unable to pay attention and mostly coasting through on natural talent. [Gain trait: Hardly Working]

[X] Fame! Who can blame you, right? You just want to be the name on everybody's lips, a star, a shining beacon of light known the world over! People might call you attention-seeking or petty, but screw them, you're following your dreams.
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You can't get along with everyone, of course. You don't seek out disagreements, but over inevitably clashes in personality, you've developed a strong mutual hatred with the student you now consider your worst enemy
Other planes are, almost certainly, the most dangerous places you'll ever visit.

Scowling at the room around her with her hands clenched by her sides is Miranda Lima, a girl who hasn't had half the opportunities or good luck in simply being born as most of the students here and has still managed to climb to the top, some say violently. Hot-headed, irascible, and prone to taking risks
A kindred fiery spirit to our Magenta flamboyance! I want to be friends with her so bad!

A bit torn about whether to hook up with Sebastian or James as the second choice, but I feel like the contrast of an extreme doormat and a belligerent hothead as our best buds would be interesting to behold. So...

[X] Miranda Lima [Green, offensive magic, high AGILITY]
[X] James Amber [Yellow, defensive magic, high MIGHT]

On the other hand, the enemy is clear.

[X] Caroline Folly [Red, defensive magic, high SUBTLETY]

Subtlety, WHAT'S THAT? It was in the pitch! :p

The cold bitch just does not understand the passion that burns in our veins!

Of course, since we are destined for greatness, we are too magnificent to toil like all the mundane, boring people.

[X] Gives you a meaningful look - you have a reputation as being a "brilliant but lazy" type, completely unable to pay attention and mostly coasting through on natural talent. [Gain trait: Hardly Working]
[X] Fame! Who can blame you, right? You just want to be the name on everybody's lips, a star, a shining beacon of light known the world over! People might call you attention-seeking or petty, but screw them, you're following your dreams. [Gain trait: Lights, They Blind Me]
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[X] Gives you a meaningful look - you have a reputation as being a "brilliant but lazy" type, completely unable to pay attention and mostly coasting through on natural talent. [Gain trait: Hardly Working]

This is the trait I care most about.
[X] Miranda Lima [Green, offensive magic, high AGILITY]
[X] Celeste [Cyan, defensive and offensive magic, no starting techniques, high INTELLECT]

[X] Caroline Folly [Red, defensive magic, high SUBTLETY]

[X] Looks at other members of the class. You work hard like anyone else. Being of above-average talent doesn't hurt sure, but you've worked to get where you are, dammit. [Gain trait: Working Hard]
Fame! Who can blame you, right? You just want to be the name on everybody's lips, a star, a shining beacon of light known the world over! People might call you attention-seeking or petty, but screw them, you're following your dreams. [Gain trait: Lights, They Blind Me]
[x]Plan Fabulous Attack

[x] Sebastian Cobalt-Klein [Blue, offensive magic, high RESILIENCE]
[x] Miranda Lima [Green, offensive magic, high AGILITY

[x] Caroline Folly [Red, defensive magic, high SUBTLETY]

Work Ethic
[x] Gives you a meaningful look - you have a reputation as being a "brilliant but lazy" type, completely unable to pay attention and mostly coasting through on natural talent. [Gain trait: Hardly Working]

[x] Fame! Who can blame you, right? You just want to be the name on everybody's lips, a star, a shining beacon of light known the world over! People might call you attention-seeking or petty, but screw them, you're following your dreams. [Gain trait: Lights, They Blind Me]
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[] Sebastian Cobalt-Klein [Blue, offensive magic, high RESILIENCE]
[X] James Amber [Yellow, defensive magic, high MIGHT]

[X] Caroline Folly [Red, defensive magic, high SUBTLETY]

[X] Looks at other members of the class. You work hard like anyone else. Being of above-average talent doesn't hurt sure, but you've worked to get where you are, dammit. [Gain trait: Working Hard]

Fame! Who can blame you, right? You just want to be the name on everybody's lips, a star, a shining beacon of light known the world over! People might call you attention-seeking or petty, but screw them, you're following your dreams. [Gain trait: Lights, They Blind Me]
[x] Celeste [Cyan, defensive and offensive magic, no starting techniques, high INTELLECT]
[x] Sebastian Cobalt-Klein [Blue, offensive magic, high RESILIENCE]

[x] Caroline Folly [Red, defensive magic, high SUBTLETY]

[X] Gives you a meaningful look - you have a reputation as being a "brilliant but lazy" type, completely unable to pay attention and mostly coasting through on natural talent. [Gain trait: Hardly Working]
[X] Knowledge. You want to know the most that you can about the world around you, and what is a bigger and more enthralling mystery than the machinations of magic? You're determined to read every last book on the subject even if it drives you mad. [Gain trait: You Know What I Like A Lot More Than Materialistic Things?]
[X] Friend - Celeste [Cyan, defensive and offensive magic, no starting techniques, high INTELLECT]
[X] Friend - Caroline Folly [Red, defensive magic, high SUBTLETY]

[X] Enemy - Sebastian Cobalt-Klein [Blue, offensive magic, high RESILIENCE]

[x] Gives you a meaningful look - you have a reputation as being a "brilliant but lazy" type, completely unable to pay attention and mostly coasting through on natural talent. [Gain trait: Hardly Working]

[X] The ability to help people: Ever since you were young, you've always wished that you could do something more to help. To make the world a better place, and above all, to stop anyone who wishes to do others harm. You came to this school to become a hero, and that's exactly what you'll do. [Gain trait: In The Face Of Evil]
[X] Miranda Lima [Green, offensive magic, high AGILITY]
[X] James Amber [Yellow, defensive magic, high MIGHT]

[X] Caroline Folly [Red, defensive magic, high SUBTLETY]

[X] Gives you a meaningful look - you have a reputation as being a "brilliant but lazy" type, completely unable to pay attention and mostly coasting through on natural talent. [Gain trait: Hardly Working]

[X] Fame! Who can blame you, right? You just want to be the name on everybody's lips, a star, a shining beacon of light known the world over! People might call you attention-seeking or petty, but screw them, you're following your dreams. [Gain trait: Lights, They Blind Me]
No plan this time; I don't feel this vote warrants one as much as the last vote does.
[X] Miranda Lima
[X] James Amber

Choices, choices! In the end though, I went with these two. Miranda is, of course, our friendly rival with whom we will inevitably ascend to ever-greater heights! She can serve as both a partial check on Chroma's probably-sizable ego and as our similarly hot-blooded sparring partner. Miranda could also provide Chroma with some insight into how the less-privileged in the city actually live, in supplement to his experiences in art shows and philosophical discussions.

James Amber, on the other hand, is far more our Chroma-proclaimed protege whom Chroma probably took in both as someone who would be willing to boost his ego, and out of the desire to see someone with so much potential truly bloom into something absolutely beautiful. He'll serve as a nice contrast to both Miranda and Chroma himself, and is likely to provide the voice of reason when the two's hot-bloodedness boils over into utter foolishness. That is, if he manages to find the courage to speak up against the two.

[X] Caroline Folly

Was there ever any doubt? I can easily hear the Uchiha-esque "hn"s whenever Chroma starts up a speech. And the prompt, ice-cold snark that inevitably comes afterwards. And I can easily imagine Chroma trying to get a date with her on the first day, only to be rebuffed and embarrassed in front of the class.
[X] Looks at other members of the class. You work hard like anyone else. Being of above-average talent doesn't hurt sure, but you've worked to get where you are, dammit. [Gain trait: Working Hard]

Remember, Chroma wishes to be a star. Not some two-bit wannabe magician who found a cushy, well-paying job thanks to his degree, a star. And what do stars do?

Stars burn. Every second of every day, for thousands of years, stars constantly sacrifice their reserves of hydrogen and helium, burning away their very own life-force to churn out heat and pressure, fighting against the inevitable crushing force of gravity, until they burn out every last reservoir of energy. And the stars who shone the brightest? Well, they go out in the singular most glamorous way possible: a Supernova.

What I'm saying is, reward does not come without sacrifice. And Chroma's willing to put in that effort, that sacrifice, pushing the cells of his body, the signals in his brain and the reservoirs of magic locked within his soul to their very fullest, so that at the very end of the day, even if he dies, he will go out with a damn BANG.

Raison D'être

[X] Fame! Who can blame you, right? You just want to be the name on everybody's lips, a star, a shining beacon of light known the world over! People might call you attention-seeking or petty, but screw them, you're following your dreams. [Gain trait: Lights, They Blind Me]

After all, Chroma's not gonna let himself have anything less than his own name scratched down into the bedrock of history.
[X] Plan SunsetStar

I would have preferred In the Face of Evil over Lights, They Blind Me, but what can you do? The hotbloodedness is too convincing.
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Our teacher is... Mr. SV?

Good friends with: (Pick TWO)
[X] Caroline Folly [Red, defensive magic, high SUBTLETY]
[X] Celeste [Cyan, defensive and offensive magic, no starting techniques, high INTELLECT]

Your worst enemy: (Pick ONE, can't vote someone as both friend and enemy)
[X] James Amber [Yellow, defensive magic, high MIGHT]

He winks and:
[X] Looks at other members of the class. You work hard like anyone else. Being of above-average talent doesn't hurt sure, but you've worked to get where you are, dammit. [Gain trait: Working Hard]

What you wanted, which was:
[X] Fame! Who can blame you, right? You just want to be the name on everybody's lips, a star, a shining beacon of light known the world over! People might call you attention-seeking or petty, but screw them, you're following your dreams. [Gain trait: Lights, They Blind Me]
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Stars burn. Every second of every day, for thousands of years, stars constantly sacrifice their reserves of hydrogen and helium, burning away their very own life-force to churn out heat and pressure, fighting against the inevitable crushing force of gravity, until they burn out every last reservoir of energy.
Sure, but do stars work? They can't help it, they were born that way! It is their nature to burn away!

Something that is one's nature takes no effort of one's part. Do we constantly maintain the air of fabulousness around us? We are a NATURAL, not a try-hard!
I can tell this is going to be fun. :p
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x9[X] Miranda Lima [Green, offensive magic, high AGILITY]
x9[X] James Amber [Yellow, defensive magic, high MIGHT]
x5[X] Celeste [Cyan, defensive and offensive magic, no starting techniques, high INTELLECT]
x3[X] Sebastian Cobalt-Klein [Blue, offensive magic, high RESILIENCE]
x2[X] Caroline Folly [Red, defensive magic, high SUBTLETY]

x12[X] Caroline Folly [Red, defensive magic, high SUBTLETY]
x1[X] Sebastian Cobalt-Klein [Blue, offensive magic, high RESILIENCE]
x1[X] James Amber [Yellow, defensive magic, high MIGHT]
x0[X] Miranda Lima [Green, offensive magic, high AGILITY]
x0[X] Celeste [Cyan, defensive and offensive magic, no starting techniques, high INTELLECT]

Work Ethic:
x8[X] Working Hard
x7[X] Hardly Working

x12[X] Lights, They Blind Me
x1[X] In The Face Of Evil
x1[X] You Know What I Like A Lot More Than Materialistic Things?
x0[X] Everybody Wants To Rule The World

It's weird, but the first thing you even notice about the portal is how goddamn big it is. It's hard, really, for the human brain to conceive scale. You know this, on a logical level, but it's only when you see something like this, so vast that it feels like a second sky, that you realize how ineffectual your imagination is when it comes to imagining big. It's huge, a twisting, pulsing snarl of different colors, pulsing as they change in what could be dismissed as random order by a casual observer. But you know better. You haven't studied the colors of magic for the last year in order to not understand these things, after all.

The shape of it is like a fractal in three dimensions, every now and then folding in on itself completely and popping back up in a different form. The only thing that remains constant about it is the tiny, tiny sphere of pure white at the center of it. This sphere, you know, has a Style and a Cipher of sorts, like every spell, and anchors the shifting energy of the portal to this plane. The Style and Cipher, of course, aren't ones that are yet known by magic.

There are a lot of things left unknown by magic. But hey, you've gotta get famous for something, right? Even with the eye protection goggles on, the portal is almost painfully bright to look at. You wish you were this bright. Sometimes, you dream about light shining from every part of your body, light so bright it blinds everyone in the neighborhood, in the district, in the city. There's nothing in the world you want more than to be noticed, but right now you and everyone around you save Mr. Essvee are entranced by the movements of the portal. James' jaw, bless his soul, is hanging down so low you almost worry about it scraping on the ground, and even the usually emotionless Celeste seems taken aback.

"It's quite something, isn't it, class?" Mr. Essvee has the sort of smile on his face that is the sole domain of someone showing someone else something they find cool. "There's only eleven like it in the known world, and one of them is right here, at our very own academy. The academy was, of course, actually built around the portal. One of the only institutions in this country older than the current royal line, and, dare I say it, just as prestigious." He grins at the students, almost shaking with glee. "Cool or what?"

"Impressive." Celeste acknowledges, that air of mild disinterest still not having left her tone.

"Im-fuckin'-pressive? This is the fuckin' coolest shit I've ever seen, man." Miranda's smile is the sort of smile you would think twice before allowing near anything flammable.

"Hell yeah, it's cool!" Sebastian Cobalt-Klein's fidgeting make it quite clear that he's itching to get through the portal, and you can't blame him.

"Now, class, we're going to have to step through the portal. It might be a strange experience, but there's really nothing to it. Just follow my example, you will, after all, have the best of teachers."

And with that, he takes off at a brisk pace up to the stairs leading up the portal, and steps into it, vanishing in an especially vibrant pulse of magenta light. You all stand there, hesitant for a few seconds, before Miranda charges ahead gleefully, through the portal before anyone else has even started moving. Hating to be outdone, you step forward the moment she's gone, racing Sebastian Cobalt-Klein to it, while the others follow behind you. As soon as you come into contact with the portal, you feel... gone.

You feel as if you are nothing. As if you are not only empty, but nothing, no sight or sound or touch or smell. You are weightless, but more than that, you are paralyzed, nothing but thoughts in an impossibly large and impossibly empty blackness. You are a speck of dust - no, less than a speck. Your are nothing, in the face of a void that wants to swallow you and eat you from the inside out. And then, without warning, you are. Not only the color but the sound, the feeling, the very essence of the world around you is bright, burning light, searing out your eyes and burning up your insides and destroying you and purifying you. It is too bright, too loud, and you would do anything for it to go away and stop, anything, you would -

And it's over. The emptiness and the whiteness are both gone, and you stand on a smooth, grassy hill. It would be picturesque, were the grass not black. Miranda and Sebastian are a few paces away with Mr. Essvee, who beckons you over. As you walk over to them, you see the other students arrive, in varying degrees of discomfort and disorientation.

"And over here," announces Mr. Essvee, "Is a chromatic pool. It reacts to magic in a way nothing in the mortal world does. Plus, you can use it to check out your reflection. Or, if you want to see something really beautiful, my reflection."

"Do you ever find Mr. Essvee's vanity a little boring?" you whisper to Miranda, looking with interest at the pool and nodding along to whatever Mr. Essvee says without really listening.

"Do you ever find you're a fuckin' hypocrite?" Miranda whispers back, although 'whispering' for Miranda is what anyone else would call 'speaking normally instead of yelling.'

"Not at all. When I'm vain, you see, it's charming and lovable." You give her a grin which she doesn't return, and push past her a little to look deep into the pool.

You catch a good, long look at your reflection - your short, dark hair has been carefully tousled to a perfectly calculated level of 'just messy enough to look good without looking like you care'. You've been thinking of dyeing it, recently, but have had trouble thinking of a color. Your eyes, naturally blue, are tinted a deep purple by your Soul Tint technique.

You grin at your reflection - it's a well-practiced expression, charming and so rakish that you could use it to get leaves off a garden path. You're wearing a long, dark coat over a bright magenta waistcoat and matching tie, buckles on your high boots shining, and white gloves on your hands - the height of fashion, this year at least.

Of course, looks aren't everything. You're also:

[] Bombastically audacious enough to convince people of frankly ridiculous things. [+Skill expertise: Bluff]
[] Persuasive and wily enough to get almost anything you want from people. [+Skill expertise: Charm]
[] Able to project the illusion of someone highly dangerous, even if you're really not. [+Skill expertise: Intimidate]

You're snapped out of contemplating your good points (of which there are many) when Miranda punches you in the arm. "Hey, loser, let's wander off and fuckin' explore. I didn't sign up for this trip to look at some fuckin' lame pools."

Miranda and you hit it off ever since the first day of school, where your argument over who was right on a magical theory question escalated into a physical altercation, which, per school policy, was punished with several weeks of detention. During this time, the two of you managed to form a bond of sorts, and although the two of you compete viciously in any field that it's possible to compete in, you'd probably trust each other with your lives.

"Uh... m-maybe that's not such a good idea. Mr. Essvee said we should stick by him. And he's g-going to show us some ruins. It might be interesting..." James Amber pipes up, nervously. By your third week, you'd seen the guy get pushed around by everyone and their dog, and decided that you had to do something about it . Not really out of the goodness of your heart, mind you, you'd mostly wanted the school's gossip to be about you for a few weeks, but you did proclaim that he was your friend and that anyone hurting him would have to go through you, and since then, he's clung to you and Miranda like a small, nervous puppy. You like him, really. He's a nice guy.

"Everyone knows they don't show you the coolest stuff on field trips. They show you all the boring lame shit that you could just read about in a book or whatever. You don't get to see anythin' cool unless you're willing to take a risk and explore."

The two of them look to you expectantly as a tiebreaker.

[] Agree with Miranda
[] Agree with James

The next update will bring with it a character sheet and dramatis personae!
[X] Bombastically audacious enough to convince people of frankly ridiculous things. [+Skill expertise: Bluff]

[X] Agree with Miranda