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Heretic's Wake: A card game based off an old version of Emperor's Tarot to gauge the deeds of...


Manic Mech Mechanic
Kansas City, MO
Heretic's Wake: A card game based off an old version of Emperor's Tarot to gauge the deeds of certain persons of interests in a highly rote manner. This rather static interpretation of divination limits how accurate the readings can be and has fallen out of favor. The practice's prime problem as a divination tool made it a prime tool for gamblers seeking a more complicated game to con people out of their hard earned thrones. The game uses the standard Tarot deck and each player tries to use their hand to tell the 'most interesting to get points and earn the pot. Not favored in most casinos due to the complex rules and being more skill based than pure luck, it is a favorite of tired manufactorum workers and bored guardsmen to pass the time.

Inquisitorial Cypher GLS-195
Astropathic Hymn: Barieldon Clairvoyance chant
Sending: Temple Psykana Magister Aberlaine Henshrow
Receiving: Adept Horace Ronsik under the care of Inquisitor [REDACTED]
Records on Agent

I hope that the Primaris Aeysha Marlikath who has found holy service in your company [REDACTED] has proven quite useful in your endeavors and that she is serving the Emperor well. The further history of Primaris Marlikath that you requested has run into a few difficulties. Unfortunately a lot of her history is lost to time with only her knowing for certain background events and from what she has provided, some things even she does not know. To compensate for this, I have performed a reading of the Emperor's Tarot Chalian pattern to help fill in some of the gaps. Emperor willing, you will get an accurate insight on who she is and what her future might entail.

We start out with the three things we all share, our parents, our home world, and background before she started training at the temple psykana.

For her mother, we have the Sigilite, sign that she was a forceful woman that was constantly overshadowed by someone else. Likely her father, which is not that uncommon. For the last card it is

[ ] The Martyr: One of the many Imperial Saints laying broken. A sign of her Perseverance, Duty, and willingness to die for a higher power.
[ ] The Noble: A king in front of a castle loaded with coins. A sign of great fortune, loyalty to family, and the ability to lead.
[ ] The Inquisitor: A member of the Holy Ordos standing gloriously over his slain enemies. A sign of Authority, Secrecy, and False Appearances.

Her father is a lot harder to nail down. The cards were most uncooperative in indicating who he was, but eventually we pulled the Crusader. Her father was obviously a great man that did things and can could not abide his enemies to live. Likely a member of the Imperial guard, an officer or a noble of some sort with a great destiny. The last card is

[ ] The Astropath: A robed Astropath with his empty eyes gazing at the stars. A sign of Willpower, Ingenuity, and mastery of the dire.
[ ] The Rogue Trader: A mighty captain on a bridge of a ship with a mysterious world in front of him. A sign of bravery, an adventurer, and troublemaker.
[ ] The Angel of Death: A space marine on the battlefield. A sign of a great warrior, a hero of old, and excellence.

The home world leaves a lot of psychic remnants in a person's mind, if they realize it or not just from all of the experiences the person has on it. Aeyshas are a little odd, what was drawn is the Explorator, a sign that whatever her birth world was, she was not on it for long. The official records we have collaborates this as the Black Ship brought her to Terra when she was 12. There are several planets that this particular ship visited during it's long trek across the stars. We have narrowed it down to

[ ] The Golden Throne: The titular artifact on Terra. A sign of Splendor, brilliance, and holy majesty. Likely indicating a pleasure, shrine, or capital imperial world.
[ ] The Eye of Terror: The dark nebular staring back at the viewer. A sign of hidden darkness, criminal enterprise, and corruption. While the initial ideas would be she grew up on a daemon world that is most unlikely from the reading. It is likely she grew up on a Hive Word, voidship, or penal colony.
[ ] The Stranger: A person in a plain traveling robe with his back towards the viewer. A sign of mystery, apparent normalcy, and something possibly dangerous in there. Odd to find this in this one, it indicates a world full of intrigue that is skirting the border of normalcy. Could indicate a Forge world, Frontier World, or Death World.

This one is a little more well known, what type of person she is and where she went once inducted into the Temple Psykana. To couple it up with her home world we have come up with

[ ] The Witch/Warlock: A rogue psyker being driven mad by the power coming from their head. A sign of freedom, ambition, and forbidden knowledge.
[ ] The Senator: An elected official speaking before a group of people. A sign of compromise, legality, and debate.
[ ] The Primarch: One of the 18 sons of the Emperor in relief. A sign of perfection, action, and being an ultimate warrior.


Hey everybody, this is my first quest though I've been reading things and wanted to try something here.

This came about primarily because of the Wrath & Glory RPG being in development this is going to be the close of the whole Dark Heresy range of games that I have spent a lot of time reading through a lot of the books, playing, and even running pretty much every game in the line for my live group. I got a few dozen pages worth of notes and ideas for various games that fell by the wayside due to games imploding on themselves due to player drama or arguments of tone or expectations.

I remember when the 1st edition game came out and Aeysha was the first character I played in it. Over the years, I used Aeysha several times as a go to for various forum games when I just wanted to get in. Primarily it was a desire to figure out the difficulty in how to make a properly effective psyker since I've heard it was difficult and wanted the challenge. Eventually I got to like the character, being Dark Heresy for me in a lot of ways for all of it's trials, there were a lot of fun times in there. I have taken the character through pretty much every game in the line with some different backgrounds that are contradictory that it is sort of hard to remember which iteration of her did which.

Which is pretty much where this game comes in, I want to see her get to the big leagues level of the game that was denied to her multiple times. I am going to be using Dark Heresy 2nd Edition for the rules and rolls here, though since there's pretty much 5 books for the whole line I'm going to be doing something to spice things up. The main thing is that I am going to be using bits from all of the other games since I got the dead tree version of all of them right besides me, so there's going to be all sorts of extra things tossed in here. This is in addition to some special homebrew things like a few alien races rolling about the Segmentum Obscuras that are a bit more of a dark gray flavor than full on omnicidal maniacs, I think cannon has us covered on that end.

The second is that rather than the traditional 'Choose A to do X at a certain percentage' I want to make things a little more interesting. I would like to utilize the Emperor's Tarot, as spelled out rather nicely by Green Knight here, to choose what course of action to take. It will add some uncertainty to the game play but will give people enough information on what will come. When in the middle of a dinner party and you pick the Captain card, you're pretty certain some humble small talk and diplomatically resolve the situation. We are going to try it here in character creation, the results of which are already set for the most part, but I do encourage others to debate the interpretation of these cards. They may alter the end result in your favor. Now I do wish for some civility in discussing the cards meanings, saying that you think that this choice might turn out to be Y instead of X is good. Insulting someone's interpretation of the choice to put forward your own take on it is not. If you need some further explanations on the cards, I will post them in a follow up after this goes up.

I will put this up front, my view of 40k is heavily influenced by Caiaphas Cain and some of the earlier things that put more humor in the setting rather than the Grimdark derpiness a lot of modern writers put in. The setting is a joke for weird stories that I intend to use to the fullest. This will play in part of the character creation, in those various choices here will determine the type of story we will play and determine how she will develop. Will she become in Interrogator as the right hand of an Inquisitor uncovering grand conspiracies? Will she be cast out to become a renegade psychic witch princess? Will she become a Rogue Trader to ply the stars for profit and power? Will she become a victim of weird experimentation to become an Astartes and have to find a new place for her in this universe? The choices listed each can steer her in that direction, with a few actually amplifying that direction.

So hope that I get a bunch of people ready to get this and I hope that this quest proves to separate itself from the other 40k games on here.
This is for the Emperor's Tarot and character sheet

Aeysha Rosa Marlikath
Homeworld: Shrine World
Background: Adeptus Astra Telepathica
Divination: Do not ask why you serve. Only Ask How
Roles: Mystic, Warrior, Hierophant
Aptitudes: General, Fellowship, Offense, Social, Toughness, Willpower
Influence: 25
Psy Rating: 9

Ballistics: 46
Strength: 53 + 4 Unnatural
Toughness: 50 + 4 Unnatural
Agility: 40
Intelligence: 50
Perception: 44
Willpower: 66 + 1 Unnatural
Fellowship: 52

Wounds: 18
Fate Points: 5

Insanity: 13
Corruption: 7

Speak Language (Low Gothic, High Gothic) (Int)
Awareness (Per) +20
Common Lore {Adeptus Astra Telepathica +10, Ecclesiarchy} (Int)
Deceive (Fel) +30
Forbidden Lore {The Warp +20, Archeotech, Daemonology, Xenos} (Int)
Psyniscence (Per) +30
Dodge (A) +20
Scholastic Lore {Beasts, Occult} (Int)
Scrutiny (Per)
Logic (Int) +10
Athletics (S)
Charm (Fel) +20
Parry (WS) +20
Command (Fel) +30
Tech Use (Int)

Weapon Training (Las, Low-Tech, Chain, Bolt)
Air of Authority
Resistance (Cold, Heat, Poisons, Psychic Powers)
Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing)
Strong Minded
Bastion of Iron Will
Die Hard
Quick Reload
Sound Constitution x6
Double Team
Combat Master
Hip Shooting
Swift Attack
Crushing Blow
Sweep the Masses
Lightning Attack
Bulging Biceps
Unarmed Warrior

Faith in the Creed
The Constant Threat
Unnatural Strength +4
Unnatural Toughness +4
Regeneration 1
Unnatural Sense (Smell)
Unnatural Willpower +1
Size (Hulking)

Psychic Powers

Telepathic Link: Create a Mental Connection with Target
Erasure: Remove a Memory of up to 10 x PR Minutes from a Target's Mind
Dominate: Force a Target to follow a Single Command
Hallucination: Cause target that fails WP test to see phantasm.
Terrify: Can dredge up the worst fears of a target on an opposed Willpower Roll
Invisibility: Subject gains Stealth + 5 x PR
Beast Speech: Able to communicate with animals

Invigorate: Removes levels of Fatigue equal to PR
Smite: Attack Target with bio-lighting that does 1d10+PR E Pen 4 damage in a Barrage
Shape Flesh: Alter target's appearance
Endurance: Heal Multiple Target's Wounds up to ½ PR
Enfeeble: Stun a subject that fails Toughness test and cause Fatigue when it rolls doubles
Life Leech: Drain 1d10+PR Toughness damage to subject and gain UN Toughness for every 5 points drained

Manipulate Flame: Causes fire to move at your mind's desire
Spontaneous Combustion: Psychic bolt that ignites target dealing 1d10+2+2xPR E Damge
Flame Breath: Psychic Barrage that causes 1d10+2+2xPR E damage to a target

Cryostasis: Cause a subject's body to shut down, eliminating blood loss, suffocation, or hunger for up to PR days or until the Psyker stops sustaining this power.
Void's Touch: 5m x PR streak of ice forms between Psyker and target, ignoring cover to deal 1d5 + PR E Damage Pen 6 and a Level of Fatigue

BQ Godwyn-De'az Bolt Pistol (40m, S/2/-, 1d10+6 X, Pen 4, Clip 10, Full Reload, Reliable Tearing)
3 Bolt Pistol Reloads
BQ Mercy Pattern Chainsword (Melee, 1d10+6 R, Pen 2, Tearing, )
GQ Carapace Armor w/ Hexagramic Wards
Psykana Mercy Knife
Dataslate x3
Pict capture
Deck of Cards

Warning: Spoilers ahead for later developments

Her mother was Palatine Laurine, a sister of battle of the Order of the Pure Spirit that was an Order Famulous secret project from a radical Thorian Inqusitor regarding those with high degree of Emperor/Primarch DNA. Skirting along the whole Sensei heresy, they were doing their best to see if they could breed a new Primarch naturally using what is left of them in the human genome. The encounter of her father was very unfortunate and intentional that drove her to almost become a Repentia if she wasn't guided by the Grand Inquisitor to keep the child and became one of their catspaws. She joined the Hereticus retinue while leaving young Aeysha was left in the charge of an Schola orphanage to take care of her, until she started to develop psychic powers. The puritan caretakers were not willing to do much more to take care of a mutant, so was sent aboard the nearest Black Ship and got lost in the paperwork.
Willpower +5, Toughness +5, +3 Wounds, Psy Rating +1, 1d4 Hidden mutations along the lines of Space Marines.


Her father is Alornius the Cunning, an Alpha Legionnaire that is in command of a pirate fleet that operates several smuggling trades across the Obscuras Segmentum and attacking the odd transport when it favors him. He is a major facilitator of several cults, transporting materials and supplies they need for their profane rituals. He has masqueraded as several loyalist chapters to gain trust with the Imperials before taking what he wanted, this time including Aeysha's mother. When things started to go south, he left behind a few small ships before escaping in his flag ship to raid another day. When he discovers her, Alornius hopes to bring her into the fold as a valuable and powerful captain in his fleet.
Fellowship +5, Agility +5, +1 Psy Rating, Gain Air of Authority and add 30 to ship requisition points if already going rogue trader, else adding some ship from the Chaos armada.

The world of Archimain is a lovely world of rolling hills who's people have worshiped the Emperor since they were brought into the Imperium. A general world that is the capital of the Pentagram Stars Subsector of the Ixaniad sector, with multiple suns in the system that bathed the world in the constant light of the Emperor. It is still a planet of intrigue that has a slight undercurrent of darkness in the shadow of it's brilliant lights.
Shrine World, gain skill Knowledge (Ecclesiarchy)

Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Mystic Role, +2 Psy Rating, Telepathy discipline with 500 exp in addition to regular psychic discipline

Arbitrator/Prophet: Gain the Warrior and Heirophant secondary advancs, 6,000 xp for the first and 10,000 for the second. Gain 1d10 Sanity

While working with the library of Temple, some Reclimators uncover some mysterious Xenos artifact that is giving them the willies. Turns to be some ancient psychic computer that goes to try and corrupt anything mechanical to it's will that she has to put down.
Gain Resistance Psychic Powers, Forbidden Lore Archeotech, and 1d10 Insanity points

The Inquisitor
A cult dealing with rather strange Warp utilizing strange tech to control some mutations and better bind some of the daemonic servants. This does not work out as they expected when they try to use some young psykers in their rituals that could mass produce daemonhosts.
Gain +2 Psy Rating, Forbidden Lore Daemonology, and Strong Minded

Turngasak Champion
Gain Pyromancy +500 exp, Command Skill, +1d10 Corruption, and the local's undying worship

Old Mother Crow
Gain Forbidden Lore Xenos and 1d10 Corruption

The Gifted Child
Gain Size +1, Bulging Biceps, Beast Speech and Tech Use

Repulsive Grand Cruiser Zirnitra
Speed: 7 Maneuverability: +11
Detection: +20 Hull Integrity: 85
Armour: 20 Turret Rating: 3
Space: 90/90 Power: 92/95
Crew: 100% Morale: 102%

Modified Saturine Class 5 Drive
Strelov 2 Warp Engine
Geller Field
Triple Void Shield Array
Fleet Flag Bridge
Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer
Clan-kin Quarters
Deep Void Auger Array

Port Best Quality Hectour-pattern Plasma Broadside (Str: 5, Dmg 1d10+3, Crit: 4, Rng: 12)
Port Jovian-pattern Landing Bay (Str: 2 )
Starboard Best Quality Hectour-pattern Plasma Broadside (Str: 5, Dmg: 1d10+3, Crit: 4, Rng: 12)
Starboard Jovian-pattern Landing Bay (Str: 2 )
Prow BQ Godsbane Lance Battery (Str: 2, Dmg: 1d10+3, Crit: 3, Rng: 12)
Dorsal BQ Turbo Ryza pattern Plasma Battery (Str: 4, Dmg: 1d10+5, Crit: 4, Rng: 12)

Astropathic Choir Chambers
Pilot's Chambers
Medicae Deck

Grand Cruiser
Cursed: -10 Difficulty on navigation rolls
Martial Hubris: +5 Ballistic tests, -15 on pilot checks to disengage combat.
Wrested from a Space Hulk
Fleet Command: All ships in 30 VU gain +10 on Command tests, +5 on Navigation and Piloting Tests
For Hearth & Home: +5 to Command tests to defend against boarding & Hit & Run attacks, reduce Morale by 1.
Psy-Locus: +10 to Focus tests while in there and extend Psychic Power range by 5 VU
Replenishing Supplies: +2 to Morale and double time before a crew check for being out of space so long.
Research Facility: +20 to skill checks to identify artifacts or other phenomena.
Reinforcements: +200 to Military Endeavors and +20 to Command test to repel boarders
Combat Rating: +2 to all small craft rating.
Diagnostic and Treatment: +20 Medicae Skill

Navigator: Katrina Barbazon, young lady of a Navigator's Dynasty that is well known for taking unnecessary chances. Seems to be more temperate than her kin, but still has a bad reputation with other space farers.
Engiseers: 5th Rescisco Explorators lead by Halek Morcock, a more enterprising group of engineers well trained in Archeotech and Searching for it. Are willing to go into more possible archeological digs while the zone is still hot for some Magos while having a reputation for not going far enough once it is in their possession.
Armsmen: Brigader Alistair McKinnley of the Calrissian 2nd Airborne Regiment that integrates ground troops with naval personel and superior training. Their equipment is a little on the light side, but better to integrate with the troops for boarding Missions
Lightning Interceptors: +10 Craft Rating, 12 VU, 30 Size, Atmospheric Fighter that does not reduce speed or maneuverability in nebulae or gravity well.
Marauder Bombers: +2 Craft Rating, 6 VU, 15 Size, Atmospheric Fighter that does not reduce speed or maneuverability in nebulae or gravity well.
Valkyrie Assault Carrier: +6 Craft Rating, 8 VU, 16 Size, Atmospheric Fighter that does not reduce speed or maneuverability in nebulae or gravity well.
Ship Chiergeon: Maxcilla Orbest of the Hospitaller Order of the Twin Serpent a skilled medicae practitioner that has handled several high end hospitals. Personal gift from Grand Inquisitor DeSaine.

In Debt: 9
Last edited:
[X] The Inquisitor: A member of the Holy Ordos standing gloriously over his slain enemies. A sign of Authority, Secrecy, and False Appearances.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A mighty captain on a bridge of a ship with a mysterious world in front of him. A sign of bravery, an adventurer, and troublemaker.
[X] The Golden Throne: The titular artifact on Terra. A sign of Splendor, brilliance, and holy majesty. Likely indicating a pleasure, shrine, or capital imperial world
[X] The Witch/Warlock: A rogue psyker being driven mad by the power coming from their head. A sign of freedom, ambition, and forbidden knowledge.
[X] The Noble: A king in front of a castle loaded with coins. A sign of great fortune, loyalty to family, and the ability to lead.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A mighty captain on a bridge of a ship with a mysterious world in front of him. A sign of bravery, an adventurer, and troublemaker.
[X] The Golden Throne: The titular artifact on Terra. A sign of Splendor, brilliance, and holy majesty. Likely indicating a pleasure, shrine, or capital imperial world
[X] The Senator: An elected official speaking before a group of people. A sign of compromise, legality, and debate.
[X] The Martyr: One of the many Imperial Saints laying broken. A sign of her Perseverance, Duty, and willingness to die for a higher power.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A mighty captain on a bridge of a ship with a mysterious world in front of him. A sign of bravery, an adventurer, and troublemaker.
[X] The Golden Throne: The titular artifact on Terra. A sign of Splendor, brilliance, and holy majesty. Likely indicating a pleasure, shrine, or capital imperial world.
[X] The Witch/Warlock: A rogue psyker being driven mad by the power coming from their head. A sign of freedom, ambition, and forbidden knowledge.
[X] The Martyr: One of the many Imperial Saints laying broken. A sign of her Perseverance, Duty, and willingness to die for a higher power.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A mighty captain on a bridge of a ship with a mysterious world in front of him. A sign of bravery, an adventurer, and troublemaker.
[X] The Stranger: A person in a plain traveling robe with his back towards the viewer. A sign of mystery, apparent normalcy, and something possibly dangerous in there. Odd to find this in this one, it indicates a world full of intrigue that is skirting the border of normalcy. Could indicate a Forge world, Frontier World, or Death World.
[X] The Witch/Warlock: A rogue psyker being driven mad by the power coming from their head. A sign of freedom, ambition, and forbidden knowledge.
[X] The Inquisitor: A member of the Holy Ordos standing gloriously over his slain enemies. A sign of Authority, Secrecy, and False Appearances.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A mighty captain on a bridge of a ship with a mysterious world in front of him. A sign of bravery, an adventurer, and troublemaker.
[X] The Golden Throne: The titular artifact on Terra. A sign of Splendor, brilliance, and holy majesty. Likely indicating a pleasure, shrine, or capital imperial world
[X] The Witch/Warlock: A rogue psyker being driven mad by the power coming from their head. A sign of freedom, ambition, and forbidden knowledge.

[X] The Inquisitor: A member of the Holy Ordos standing gloriously over his slain enemies. A sign of Authority, Secrecy, and False Appearances.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A mighty captain on a bridge of a ship with a mysterious world in front of him. A sign of bravery, an adventurer, and troublemaker.
[X] The Golden Throne: The titular artifact on Terra. A sign of Splendor, brilliance, and holy majesty. Likely indicating a pleasure, shrine, or capital imperial world
[X] The Witch/Warlock: A rogue psyker being driven mad by the power coming from their head. A sign of freedom, ambition, and forbidden knowledge.
[X] The Inquisitor: A member of the Holy Ordos standing gloriously over his slain enemies. A sign of Authority, Secrecy, and False Appearances.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A mighty captain on a bridge of a ship with a mysterious world in front of him. A sign of bravery, an adventurer, and troublemaker.
[X] The Golden Throne: The titular artifact on Terra. A sign of Splendor, brilliance, and holy majesty. Likely indicating a pleasure, shrine, or capital imperial world
[X] The Witch/Warlock: A rogue psyker being driven mad by the power coming from their head. A sign of freedom, ambition, and forbidden knowledge.
[X] The Martyr: One of the many Imperial Saints laying broken. A sign of her Perseverance, Duty, and willingness to die for a higher power.
[X] The Astropath: A robed Astropath with his empty eyes gazing at the stars. A sign of Willpower, Ingenuity, and mastery of the dire.
[X] The Stranger: A person in a plain traveling robe with his back towards the viewer. A sign of mystery, apparent normalcy, and something possibly dangerous in there. Odd to find this in this one, it indicates a world full of intrigue that is skirting the border of normalcy. Could indicate a Forge world, Frontier World, or Death World.
[X] The Primarch: One of the 18 sons of the Emperor in relief. A sign of perfection, action, and being an ultimate warrior.
[X] The Noble: A king in front of a castle loaded with coins. A sign of great fortune, loyalty to family, and the ability to lead.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A mighty captain on a bridge of a ship with a mysterious world in front of him. A sign of bravery, an adventurer, and troublemaker.
[X] The Stranger: A person in a plain traveling robe with his back towards the viewer. A sign of mystery, apparent normalcy, and something possibly dangerous in there. Odd to find this in this one, it indicates a world full of intrigue that is skirting the border of normalcy. Could indicate a Forge world, Frontier World, or Death World.
[X] The Witch/Warlock: A rogue psyker being driven mad by the power coming from their head. A sign of freedom, ambition, and forbidden knowledge.
[X] The Martyr: One of the many Imperial Saints laying broken. A sign of her Perseverance, Duty, and willingness to die for a higher power.
[X] The Astropath: A robed Astropath with his empty eyes gazing at the stars. A sign of Willpower, Ingenuity, and mastery of the dire.
[X] The Stranger: A person in a plain traveling robe with his back towards the viewer. A sign of mystery, apparent normalcy, and something possibly dangerous in there. Odd to find this in this one, it indicates a world full of intrigue that is skirting the border of normalcy. Could indicate a Forge world, Frontier World, or Death World.
[X] The Primarch: One of the 18 sons of the Emperor in relief. A sign of perfection, action, and being an ultimate warrior.
Thanks for voting everybody!

Though what's the usual time frame to close down voting on these sorts of things?
[X] The Inquisitor: A member of the Holy Ordos standing gloriously over his slain enemies. A sign of Authority, Secrecy, and False Appearances.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A mighty captain on a bridge of a ship with a mysterious world in front of him. A sign of bravery, an adventurer, and troublemaker.
[X] The Stranger: A person in a plain traveling robe with his back towards the viewer. A sign of mystery, apparent normalcy, and something possibly dangerous in there. Odd to find this in this one, it indicates a world full of intrigue that is skirting the border of normalcy. Could indicate a Forge world, Frontier World, or Death World.
[X] The Witch/Warlock: A rogue psyker being driven mad by the power coming from their head. A sign of freedom, ambition, and forbidden knowledge.
Going over Primaris Marlikath's Black Ship records, the most likely place she came from is the world of Archimain. A rather developed world in the Ixanid Sector that is bathed in the light of five suns in it's system. Apparently the sub sector that it's the capital of is known for having multiple suns, nebula, and other stellar objects that have some value for plasma fuel, not to mention supposed divination uses. Apparently Archimain was the home of Saint Gregg the Resolute, that was a native to the planet while the Crusade of the 38th Millennium was trying to crack this area of space. It was lead by a heinous Chaos warlord known as the Witch-King of the Arcanum Main that the Imperial forces could not best. That is when Saint Gregg raised a rebellion and eventually threw the Witch-King from his Tower Palace shattering resistance to the crusade and helping the various other worlds of the sector to join the rest of humanity. Apparently there is some trouble there now with some supposed noble corruption, both monetarily and spiritually, with rumors of the Witch-King being reborn to curse the sector into two thousand years of darkness.

Appears to be a nice enough place to grow up.

Though the strange stellar energies from that many suns might explain her more unusual physical attributes. Nothing truly overt like some other psykers who have dallied with the Warp too much before being picked up by the Black Ships, though potent. Though her records state that Primaris Marlikath has an affinity for the Biomancy school of psychic powers, with the slight regeneration and heightened senses being subliminal uses of her untrained powers. For someone so skilled that they could withstand the Sanctioning with her eyes mostly in tact, she gained a permanent places with the Astra Telepathica Temple rather than being sent to a Guardsman Regiment or an Arbiter Verispex Detective team. Here she has proven herself admirably in the role of

[ ] Arbitrator: An Arbitrator in full riot gear in a dark alley. A sign of Discipline, order, authority, and Imprisonment.
[ ] Prophet: A holy man giving a sermon to a crowd. A sign of Holy wisdom, sacred lore, and Education
[ ] The Governor: An Imperial high official that is operating behind a desk. Parental figure, stern but fair, hard choices.

Before your arrival to our hallowed hall, Primaris Marlikath had already proven herself invaluable to the Adeptus through the resolution of a particular crisis

[ ] The Renegade: Abaddon the Despoiler charging into battle. A sign of Discord, Narrow-mindedness, and work interrupted
[ ] The Explorator: An Adeptus Mechanicus scout uncovering some archeotech in a junk pile. A sign of the unknown, mystery, and expansion
[ ] The Unclean One: A man afflicted with all sorts of boils and sores in a filthy robe. A sign of disease, corruption, and immortality

This was simply a prelude to the fulcrum point of her life, defending the sanctity of the Temple against a foe you are most familiar with

[ ] The Daemon: A twisted daemon that is hard to even look at in this illustration. A sign of disaster, weird, and revelations
[ ] The Heretic: A normal man save for looking slightly off in manner and symbols he wears. A sign of Sedition, traitors, and attacks from within
[ ] The Xenos: An eldar pirate hauling a human away on a barbed leash. A sign of danger without, the unknown, and invasion


Thanks for everybody that has voted. I am glad that the Mother voting was so close, and have the initial roll up of the character sheet above if you are rather curious at what your choices made.
[X] Prophet: A holy man giving a sermon to a crowd. A sign of Holy wisdom, sacred lore, and Education
[X] The Renegade: Abaddon the Despoiler charging into battle. A sign of Discord, Narrow-mindedness, and work interrupted
[X] The Daemon: A twisted daemon that is hard to even look at in this illustration. A sign of disaster, weird, and revelations
[X] The Governor: An Imperial high official that is operating behind a desk. Parental figure, stern but fair, hard choices.
[X] The Explorator: An Adeptus Mechanicus scout uncovering some archeotech in a junk pile. A sign of the unknown, mystery, and expansion
[X] The Xenos: An eldar pirate hauling a human away on a barbed leash. A sign of danger without, the unknown, and invasion
[X] The Governor: An Imperial high official that is operating behind a desk. Parental figure, stern but fair, hard choices.
[X] The Explorator: An Adeptus Mechanicus scout uncovering some archeotech in a junk pile. A sign of the unknown, mystery, and expansion
[X] The Daemon: A twisted daemon that is hard to even look at in this illustration. A sign of disaster, weird, and revelations
[X] Arbitrator: An Arbitrator in full riot gear in a dark alley. A sign of Discipline, order, authority, and Imprisonment.
[X] The Explorator: An Adeptus Mechanicus scout uncovering some archeotech in a junk pile. A sign of the unknown, mystery, and expansion
[X] The Heretic: A normal man save for looking slightly off in manner and symbols he wears. A sign of Sedition, traitors, and attacks from within
[X] Arbitrator: An Arbitrator in full riot gear in a dark alley. A sign of Discipline, order, authority, and Imprisonment.
[X] The Explorator: An Adeptus Mechanicus scout uncovering some archeotech in a junk pile. A sign of the unknown, mystery, and expansion
[X] The Xenos: An eldar pirate hauling a human away on a barbed leash. A sign of danger without, the unknown, and invasion
[X] Prophet: A holy man giving a sermon to a crowd. A sign of Holy wisdom, sacred lore, and Education
[X] The Renegade: Abaddon the Despoiler charging into battle. A sign of Discord, Narrow-mindedness, and work interrupted
[X] The Daemon: A twisted daemon that is hard to even look at in this illustration. A sign of disaster, weird, and revelations
Oh, had a long night last night and will be updating this later on tonight.

And I will say that yes, the choices can add some more 'oddities' to Aeysha to go either the Social Rogue Trader, the physical Deathwatch alterations, and mental straight Dark Heresy advancements.
I do hope that the Tarot choices are working for everybody.
[X] The Governor: An Imperial high official that is operating behind a desk. Parental figure, stern but fair, hard choices.
[X] The Explorator: An Adeptus Mechanicus scout uncovering some archeotech in a junk pile. A sign of the unknown, mystery, and expansion
[X] The Heretic: A normal man save for looking slightly off in manner and symbols he wears. A sign of Sedition, traitors, and attacks from within
[X] Prophet: A holy man giving a sermon to a crowd. A sign of Holy wisdom, sacred lore, and Education
[X] The Renegade: Abaddon the Despoiler charging into battle. A sign of Discord, Narrow-mindedness, and work interrupted
[X] The Daemon: A twisted daemon that is hard to even look at in this illustration. A sign of disaster, weird, and revelations