Wait, are we using the previous thread's potential world list and criteria?
I imagine that there's likely to be at least
some changes, given that there are going to be some settings the old GM was familiar with that the current one probably isn't, but unless you have a specific setting you'd like to suggest (probably in PMs) I would expect the list to stay...mostly similar at least. We're probably a ways out from adding to our worlds-accessed list though, so maybe not a pressing issue, however important.
That and "Crafting" tends to be super OP, so working on that just makes sense.
I know I suggested Engineering, and I stick with that, but I'll also mention that unless we have a reason to suspect that we can bookworm our way through training somehow (like with anatomy, or with most engineering tasks) we're going to need some resources to train ourselves higher, meaning we find ourselves somewhere in the Tinker's tech loop; need materials to make stuff, need to make stuff to get materials. One of the reasons I'm looking at tech pollination from Mahon to Bet & back again is so we can file off the serial numbers from Stark's latest holographic cell phone and patent it in Bet and get cash that way. This is a case of needing, or at least benefitting from, several skills; legal knowledge to figure out how to keep from getting hammered by anti-cape economics laws, bartering to get the best deal, economics to know what would be a good product, the actual engineering knowledge to make/understand the stuff, etc. We don't have to get everything to 10 to make the attempt obviously, and if we tried we'd lose out on a lot of opportunity costs, but it's something to bear in mind.
That said, I'm sure we could probably set up a hideout somewhere in Brockton Bay where we could have a workshop for stuff. Alternatively, we could try to get fancy and have a base of operations in Mahon we keep stuff we can't/won't keep on the Going Merry. That'd be an interesting special project, actually; set up hideouts in various cities.
Like in general, I do think buffing her language skills and building skills is a good idea- If she's gonna be hopping around, then making Language as easy as possible to learn will only be valuable.
Going by the languages training rates posted earlier, I think our best bet would be to pick up Korean; it's 100% chance to get it to 0, and a 75% chance to get it to 1. The more and higher we train a skill the easier it's going to be to pick up the other skills, and Korean isn't going to be useless in Brockton Bay (though it likely won't be as immediately helpful as picking something like Spanish or Chinese I imagine), and I low key want to hold off on learning German until we can get Kurt to teach us at Xavier's, just as a social thing. Still, I imagine it would be easy enough to go from Japanese to Korean to Chinese, then maybe something like Thai or Vietnamese before we start looking at '100% chance to get language to 3, 75% chance to get it to 5' or something like that. (Also, I want to pick up Latin at some point, just so we're classier than Coil. It'd probably make Romance languages easier to learn, but I'm trying to be transparent about my true motivations here)
Go down the rabbit hole of Langue more, and Robin probably wouldn't be needed. Definitely need more medicine stuff before Chopper ever becomes invalidated.
Even ignoring the language issue, Robin is an accomplished archeologist with numerous black market contacts as well as a formidable combatant and a cool, responsible head that could (probably, unless we butterfly away her joining the Straw Hats) join the crew. I'd be delighted to add her to the crew.
Crafting skills could be helped along by projects like upgrading the Merry.
They also give you superior products, like a Merry rigged for submerged operations. (Not sure if that's a good idea or not though)
ublic speaking and leadership will probably help Taylor finally get rid of that damned social malus. I wasn't sure about the idea of a public debut on the boardwalk because Taylor just isn't good at social yet.
I don't think it would eliminate the social malus, but I do think it would help mitigate it somewhat. Worthwhile to try, at least, and should help make her efforts when
not subjected to the malus more effective.