Hard Vacuum: Tetralian Colonial Military Research Institute

[x]Interplanetary Transport Chassis Mk3
The major changes to Mk3 are the addition of self improvement protocols, fusion drives/reactors, fabrication attachments (optional), and dedicated bays for pickler missiles.
How is this for our revision?
Also @I just write can we designate what price we want to aim for? I.E make a tank that is the absolute best we can make, and say to aim for national effort for its cost, or a carrier with the same thing on it, with the upside of those things having greater quality.
So, what's the consensus in this thread anyway?

... Errr... Would you accept "Answer Cloudy, ask again later?"

We seem to have three options.
1. Revise our Mining Bots to be better at combat
2. Revise our Mining Bots to be better at mining, and hopefully gain another Ore.
3. Revise our SSTO Interplanetary Transport to use the now unlocked fusion engines, incorporate a permanent missile bay and (hopefully) allow the attachment of fabrication suites...

I'm going to go for Option 2. Let's see if we can't get better Mining Bots for that metal. And we can also modify them so they're better at subterranean combat. After all, what's scarier than your defences being breached from a direction you never expected?

My thoughts are we improve the mining bots capabilities to mine as well as maybe give them an internal reactor? Microfusion if that's actually possible (I don't think it is? You mind saying one way or the other @I just write ?) and Fission if it isn't. Try and get their operational time longer than the current 12 hours maximum at low power use. I mean, thanks to our gain in He3, we can afford to splurge a bit.

Hell, looking back over things... If we get an extra Ore from our upgraded Mining Bots, the original Lux Defensive Installation is CHEAP.
... Errr... Would you accept "Answer Cloudy, ask again later?"

We seem to have three options.
1. Revise our Mining Bots to be better at combat
2. Revise our Mining Bots to be better at mining, and hopefully gain another Ore.
3. Revise our SSTO Interplanetary Transport to use the now unlocked fusion engines, incorporate a permanent missile bay and (hopefully) allow the attachment of fabrication suites...

I'm going to go for Option 2. Let's see if we can't get better Mining Bots for that metal. And we can also modify them so they're better at subterranean combat. After all, what's scarier than your defences being breached from a direction you never expected?

My thoughts are we improve the mining bots capabilities to mine as well as maybe give them an internal reactor? Microfusion if that's actually possible (I don't think it is? You mind saying one way or the other @I just write ?) and Fission if it isn't. Try and get their operational time longer than the current 12 hours maximum at low power use. I mean, thanks to our gain in He3, we can afford to splurge a bit.

Hell, looking back over things... If we get an extra Ore from our upgraded Mining Bots, the original Lux Defensive Installation is CHEAP.
Miniaturized fusion is possible, but it's really quite difficult to achieve.
Miniaturized fusion is possible, but it's really quite difficult to achieve.

Okay, that is very nice to know. I'm going to guess it's mid-late game. We probably have the ability to mass produce them, though not the precision needed to prevent faults appearing, and it definitely would be [Complex] or whatever the equivalent is right now. We also don't have anywhere near the experience in the field to actually make the needed breakthrough.

I am leaning towards the revised transport and going for a totally new bot in the future

... Looks like we have 2 votes for Revise Interplanetary Transport, and one for Revise Mining Bot.

Okay, speaking of other things...

Guys? Next turn I think we might really want to spend our Design on producing a genuine Mining/Subterranean Combat Bot. Why? Because if we get one more Ore, then everything we have is Cheap. Also, we're not going to be able to get any more He3 from out starter planet as we've already hit the 'Possible Resources can double from initial yield, but further improvements are much harder, and less productive'.
For the ore, better transportation will do that on it's own, kinda, and also I want to make a different revision on the transport.
[x]Interplanetary Transport Chassis Mk3
The major changes to Mk3 are the addition of self improvement protocols, fusion drives/reactors, fabrication attachments (optional), the ability to mount a dedicated Ewar suite module (ecm eccm etc)(also an optional attachment), dedicated bays for pickler missiles, point defense systems (lux lights, also for defending against ground attack), minimization/direction of emissions (pointing the emissions from our ships towards where we know they are not) to decrease enemy detection by passive sensors, and tilting the armor so it reflects active sensor pings in such a way that we are much harder to find.
This much bigger revision would make this ship something to be reckoned with, and the stealth systems will help in a wide variety of ways.
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Sounds a bit ambitious. But if we make this, robots next.

[x]Interplanetary Transport Chassis Mk3
Sounds a bit ambitious. But if we make this, robots next.
Robots next period are a necessity, we need ground troops that are actually designed to be such. I could also edit the idea to make it less ambitious and most of what it is adding is updates to the systems, a bay for pickler missiles, a few optional modules which are not the priority, and stealth systems which are a must in space combat.
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