Hangar Queens: A Modern Military Mecha Satire

Separatist leaders have denied that the presence of mechas constitutes a violation of the Minsk II accords, which were signed in 2015 by representatives of Russia, Ukraine, and the two separatist republics. "The Minsk agreements only prohibit the deployment of tanks and heavy artillery," an unnamed spokesman for the Donestk People's Republic said. "Mechas are not tanks or heavy artillery, and so there is no restriction on their use."

Russia denied that any of its mechas were present in Ukraine at all. "This is clearly the work of local hobbyists with a deep fondness for Soviet military equipment," President Vladimir Putin said in a statement to the press. "One ought to commend them for their keen enthusiasm and fine attention to detail."
Nailing the satire.

[X] Rifleman.
So... I feel genadier would benefit most from our stats? Heavy. Big Boom. Maybe the combat malus would be less important when our role is to bomb the fuck out of things. Even better because due to our low speed, we would usually not be at the front.

[X] Grenadier

Sharpsshooter sounds tempting, too...
We'll have buddies to back us up, right? In that case I think with good maintenance score and less combat and leadership, we have to bring the pain. We can be heavy arty that blows things up for the rest of the squad.

[x] Grenadier.
[X] Rifleman.

Our strength is being able to keep our mech going and repair, so I figure a general style will make our constant presence more useful, as opposed to being more finicky.
What are you talking about? AR-15 is great at everything!

:V :V :V :V :V

Of course if you don't play gfl you won't get the joke. *Sigh*

[X] Sharpshooter.

But M4A1's buffs are so much better....

Also, [X] Sharpshooter

Big guns and it's not just 1-time use.
(also, can we weld a bayonet lug? Who needs a sword when you've got a bayonet.)
[X] Sharpshooter.

Air Force time. Aerial superiority. We should avoid being placed in close combat or potential positions of authority anyway.
[X] Rifleman.

I don't want to accidentally blow up our squad or miss an easy overwatch-breaking shot to start off combat. This is closet to 'tank' and won't put us in a role that requires super heavy combat skills like pointman
The ties, they burn!

I'm gonna be at work today so I'll give it another 12 hours again.

We'll have buddies to back us up, right? In that case I think with good maintenance score and less combat and leadership, we have to bring the pain. We can be heavy arty that blows things up for the rest of the squad.

[x] Grenadier.
You'll have backup in most situations in the form of your squadron, who'll be getting introduced next update.

How much you actually want to rely on them is up for debate.
Adhoc vote count started by Tayta Malikai on Dec 29, 2019 at 3:35 PM, finished with 18 posts and 17 votes.
[X] Grenadier.
A heavy weapons and area denial role, with the Q-35's signature maneuverability being sacrificed for even greater firepower. Your mecha is outfitted with a wide assortment of rocket pods, anti-tank missiles, canister rounds, and smoke grenade launchers that will make mincemeat of any massed opposition.
The only problem with this is that your mecha is really slow and heavy, less able to adapt to evolving situations. Inertia is a real drag.
Most effective against vehicles.

We suck at combat. Just go for heavy firepower far from the frontlines.
[X] Sharpshooter

While doing the *BOOM*...*BOOM* or the BANG BANG BANG is pretty cool, I'd rather have us do the KTHOOM instead.

Ya know what I mean?