[] Rifleman.
A generalist, jack-of-all-trades role, which mainly exists to round out the capabilities of more specialist members of the squadron. In lieu of any special equipment, your Q-35 is able to haul significantly more 30mm magazines to the battlefield. You can also deploy with a massive ballistic shield in situations that warrant it, boosting your ability to hold the line.
The price of not being particularly good at anything is not being particularly good at anything.
Most effective against infantry.
[] Pointman.
A reconnaissance-based role, in which your Q-35 will always be ahead of the squadron and operating in unknown territory. To facilitate this, your engines and radar have been swapped out for more powerful models, while your servos receive top priority during maintenance cycles.
Your mecha is fast and light, with greater capability in close-quarters combat than peer models. However, its performance suffers against larger numbers of opponents and in longer-range engagements.
Most effective against mechas.
[] Grenadier.
A heavy weapons and area denial role, with the Q-35's signature maneuverability being sacrificed for even greater firepower. Your mecha is outfitted with a wide assortment of rocket pods, anti-tank missiles, canister rounds, and smoke grenade launchers that will make mincemeat of any massed opposition.
The only problem with this is that your mecha is really slow and heavy, less able to adapt to evolving situations. Inertia is a real drag.
Most effective against vehicles.
[] Sharpshooter.
A battlefield control and overwatch role, this variation of the Q-35 spends most of its time in the air, which is made possible by a greatly extended fuel capacity. Whenever it does sight a high-value target off in the distance, the replacement of its standard assault cannon with a heavier 120mm tank gun allows it to strike instantly and brutally.
However, you will have to pay a heavy price for this power: you will be unable to equip a sword and will have no close-quarters ability whatsoever.
Most effective against tanks.