So, Like, Is This Backstory Gonna Be On The Test? (0.3)
Tiff drew in a slow breath. This was one of those times, she wished she had a backpack so she could slip her hands through the straps and tug on them. Stupid future jumpsuits and no backpack, no skirts, no fun. She looked up at the sky, kicked her foot at the ground, then said: "Okay, so, in 1997, this total dorkus named Matt...er...Mark, or something, whatever, he saw me fighting some bad guy monster beasts and realized that there was a big busted Masquerade so he sold me out to the local prince by giving him the idea of cramming me into a freezer and shooting me into space so the Hunter spirit didn't reincarnate but secretly Mark had this big idea to profit off the collapse of the Masquerade and he managed to leverage his tech billions, which he got cause he was one of the first people to invest into something called Google, into making lots of tiny cameras and shit which..."

She took a deeper breath, her face having gone quite red.

"...is why the Hunter War started since all the tiny cameras and shit saw vampires and werewolves and then that kicked off Project Solar which made the Augments by mimicking the HUnter spirit reincarnation system while combining it with human past lives to enhance a single human to the perfect level of human humanity human style, and he was one of the first ones cause he was jealous of being Hunters, but the Solars were all bugfuck crazy and they started the Eugenics War by sterilizing people and trying to make..."

Another gasp.

"A perfect Utopia, so they got kicked off the planet by the early Federation and THEN I got picked up by a deep space exploration ship from the Survey and it turns out that the Capellan Trade Union was secretly a front for the Augments and Mark and his cabal of jerks were all ready to come back and take over Earth and then!" SHe paused, her cheeks bright red more from lack of air than anything else as the students gaped at her in increasing shock. "...I convinced the second in command to stab Mike slash Khan in the back since he was going total Disney movie villain by the end there. Absolute whacko jacko."

They all blinked at her.

"So the surviving Augments went home to keep running Capella and shit," Tiff said, a bit lamely. "I mean, like, it's a win for us, since, no Federation take over, ya know. Plus, Khan is dead! Until his Augment essence spiritio widget goes zip zop zoop into a new guy, but, like, since when is that gonna happen!" She shrugged her shoulders, then put her hands were her backpack straps would be, if she had had backstrap backs for her pack. She dropped her hand lamely.

"Wow," Helen said, her bright red eyes blinking.

"Oh, and I met a Harrower!" Tiff said, cheerfully. "You know, space god, kinda looks like some old actor?"

"You met a Harrower too? What's next, the We Collective?" The beself asked, shaking her head. "This is ridiculous. This is absurd. There's no way you have done all that and now come to the academy - you should be promoted to, like, acting ensign at the very least."

Tiff pointed at her. "See! She gets it! What's your name, by the way?"

The bself sighed, then let out a strange gargling screech that trilled up and down the register, far outside of even superhuman pronunciation ranges. "Or, you can call me the Terran name i picked for myself," she said, smiling slightly. "I chose one from your most popular and enduring traditions."

"Oh, what, uh..." Tiff tried to think. "...Bawlin?"

That was a name from Tolkien, right?

The bself scowled at her. "B...Bawlin? No, I picked a more respectable name. You may refer to me as Drizzit." She put her hand over her chest.

Hellen grinned. "Oh that's cool, where's that one from?"

"A pretty significant 20th century elf-themed artist," Drizzit said, her voice smug. SHe turned her head, brushing her hand through her hair. "Now, you were saying?"

"RIght, Drizzo, here-"

"Drizzit," Drizzit said, frowning.

"Drizlliozola," Tiff said, nodding. "She gets it! I should be off doing space punches and kickflips. In space. Not going to school again. I already had enough school back in the 20th century."

"Um..." Helen looked at her, her brow furrowing. "Wasn't that the era where American literacy dropped from 80% to 50% in a mere thirty years?"

"Yeah, do you even know, like, the basic fundamentals of lycanthropic physics, or bioregulation for vampire based technology?" Mark asked, curiously. "Like, you need to actually know that stuff before you get onto a Survey starship, the crew will vote you off in a hot second if you don't."

Tiff crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, duh." She blushed as the obvious lie did nothing to phaserate her fellow school dudes and duettes. Still, feeling defensive about her century, she spoke up to add: "And the literacy rate wasn't that bad. I read, like, a book."

Helen grinned at her. "Come on, it won't be so bad," she said, her fangs glinting and making Tiff wanna go all...stabby stabby stabby again. She pushed the thoughts down, and instead smiled back, shyly.

"Well. I guess not. Like, this is future school, it can't be as boring as pasty school," Tiff said, hesitantly. "And my friend Sebastian isn't assigned to any ships, so, it's not like he's gonna go on space adventures."

"Friend?" Helen asked, curiously.

"There's nothing weird about it, I'm older than him!" Tiff said.

Drizzit sighed, falling in beside them despite her grumpus attitude, Mark shaking his head as the four unlikely new friends walked together towards the front of Academy, the smooth while building glittering in the not-quite sunlight as, overhead, the dome continued to pulse with arcane power. The doors shut after them.

We cut too something ominous. Something dangerous! This is the COLD OPEN, where we cutaway to the threat that will bedevil our ostensible high school in this supposed utopia (it actually is a utopia, there's, not, like anything secretly sneaky going on, the Panhuman Federation is a genuinely nice place to live, this is star trek after all.)

[ ] A weird glow in the Chimerstry Room
[ ] A bubbling beaker in Transuranics
[ ] The half-broken experimental transporter
[ ] The teacher's rec room
[X] The half-broken experimental transporter

Either Tiff meets her transporter clone uh Fanny? Or, Tiffany fuses with Drizzit to make Drizzany :V
[X] A weird glow in the Chimerstry Room
I'm a sucker for the classics, and mysterious glows are the foundation of sci-fi horror!
[X] A weird glow in the Chimerstry Room
Dammit Roxanne turn off that red light!!!