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Did you know @open_sketch made a new RPG and, as her clone, it is my legal obligation to run a quest playtesting it? I'm not going to summarize this at all, it's funnier if you don't know and have to make sense of it in situ. Trust me, it's great, just click on the thread already. C'monnnn. C'monnnnnnn!

No, Not the Dorkalizer! (0.1)
Beneath the glittering dome of black and white sparkly bullshit, the sunlight of Earth failed to quite reach ground in the beautiful city of San Francisco. Oh, it still lit everything up, and plants still grew, but the sun-ness of the light was filtered out before it got anywhere close to the ground. There had been debates, back in the day, about the exact composition of the dome - debates hampered badly by the fact that the Paracausal Technology Board was staffed by a painfully politically correct sweep of citizens of the Federation...which meant only one of them actually had any chance of actually understanding what the dome did exactly. The rest had to skate by on the quasijustifications of 'atemporal shifting of metastatic quasithought forms through the inner level of the upper subquantum dimensional modalities' and just hope that the geeks and nerds knew what they were doing.

And, well, since Sebastian wasn't bursting into flames as he drove the skycar through the air and towards Nerdland Central, Tiffany Winters supposed the dorks must have done something right.

"This...suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks!" Tiffany groaned, slouching.

"Tiffany, if you want to be a member of Survey, you need to...actually...graduate the Academy," Sebastian said, his voice casual.

Tiffany reiterated.

"This turbosuuuuuuuuuuuucks!" She wriggled in the seat, her safety harness snapping in a second of unregistered twitchiness. She blinked, then sheepishly tried to hide the fact that an errant thigh twitch had broken hardened leather designed to keep people in an aircar when it impacted Earth at sixty five freedom units per mile. She shot Sebastian a grumptacular look. "This sucks more than you do on the weekend."

Sebastian did not blush. He could, but he'd consider it a waste of resources.

Cause he was a dork.

Guh, a cute dork, though, Tiff thought.

"Once again," he said. "I think that we should be more cautious in our relationship. Going forward."

"You're three hundred and six years younger than me!" Tiff exclaimed.

"Cryogenic storage does not count, Tiff," Sebastian said, looking straight at her, his lips pursed. "You know it doesn't."

Tiff groaned.

The skycar settled before Survey Academy. The large building had been constructed in the aftermath of World War 3 - while San Francisco had been one of the primary targets that had been saved at the last second during that hideous spasm of extinction that had nearly dragged humanity and everyone else down the drain with it, there had been enough urban fighting between factions to level a huge chunk of space that had been turned into a garden by a tribe of Garou called the Shardcrafters. The Shardcrafters had erected a big cairn to sooth the spirits that dwelled within the blasted landscape, and gently massaged the thin barrier between this world and the other until the spirits stopped coming through to try and murder random people - and slowly, over the centuries, the park had bloomed enough that the Shardcrafters felt comfortable allowing the Survey Academy to be built there.

The Academy's choice had been a kind of awkward three way compromise - since both the Antediluvian Society and the Reformed Technocracy had maintained their presence in SF after the closing of WW3 and the exiles of the Augments, they both wanted Survey to be nearby. Since every other city that had wanted it hadn't quite the same population figures as SF at the time due to irregular and patchwork growback processes, the vote tallies had been pretty definitive.

And...while Tiffany would never be so gaucharonic as to say that school needed to exist, if anyone in the whole universe needed a school, it'd be the Panhuman Federation Deep Space Survey Service.

As the skycar parked, Tiff tried one last time.

"Okay, Sebastian," she said, turning to face him. "Remember how, uh, last year I...killed Khan? And saved the entire Federation from the Augments?"

"I do somewhat recall, yes," Sebastian said, pursing his lips.

"Like, I'm totes already in Survey! I saved the day! Captain Tuamonen was right there, he watched it happen, and he's in Survey! Just make me an acting ensign or something, like Wesly Crusher!"

"Who?" Sebastian asked.

"The guy, from the fuckin...the...Star...Star Trek! That show!"

Sebastian gave her the thinnest of smiles. "Tiffany Winters, it will never cease to amuse and bemuse me that you will...continually...constantly...unendingly reference 20th century pop culture ephemera that I'm fairly certain was obscure even in the 1990s. I was born in 2350, Tiffany, why would I ever know who Wesley Crusher is?"

"But you're a vaaaampiiire!" Tiffany said, grumbling. "...Victor would have known who Wesley Crusher is."

"Victor Enache was three hundred years old when he started dating you, and I still have half a mind to find him and give him a piece of...of my mind!" Sebastian said. "You were, what, eighteen?"

Tiffany blinked at him.

"Sure! Sure, lets say that, we'll...yeah, sure," she said, unbuckling the seatbelt. Since she had ripped the connection to the shoulder strap off with her wriggling, this meant the entire belt came free in her hands and hung like a spiderweb around her hand. She and Sebastian looked at it. He sighed, quietly. "I'll pay for it!" she said, sheepishly. "Wait, no, sorry. Post sacario economooh. I'll...not pay for it." She winked.

"You don't need to wink, I'll just replicate a new car," he said, dryly.

"Wink!" Tiffany winked at him again.

Sebastian took the straps from her hand and sighed. "Listen. Just. Try and engage with the Academy. You may find yourself enjoying it."

"Yeah rightaroid," Tiffany muttered, opening the gull-wing of the skycar. She swung free, then stepped out. Then she hurried and leaned back in, kissing her boyfriend on the cheek. "See ya later, younger boyfriend!"

"I'm twenty two..." Sebastian muttered, grabbing the gullwing and swinging it shut.

"I'm three hundred!" Tiffany called up after the skycar as it flew up. She sighed, then turned back to the Academy building. It was a big white structure, with two wings, lots of gardens, walkways. A bunch of solar panels, which, like, there was a magical sunblocking spellio overhead, what the frick were the solar panels even solaring? She frowned and shook her head at the idea, muttering under her breath. "Stupid Camarilla cryogenic storage chambers..." She kicked at the ground as she started walking along.

Tiffany Winters did not exactly regret that she had been punted three centuries into the future and the depths of space by a vampiric plan to remove the Hunter from the equation. It was actually kinda smart: Hunters reincarnated, as the ancient mystical spirit of the destroyer of all supernatural evil jumped from body to bod. So, if she had just merked it in one of her fights, then her Hunter spirit would zip zop zoop into a new teen girl and everything would go on as normal. So some jerkus had grabbed her, crammed her into an experimental cryogenic storage capsule in the 1990s and shot her into frigging space.

What had the doctor said? Tiff thought.

Right, right. If she hadn't been the Hunter, blessed with superhuman strength, endurance, regeneration, reflexes and all that, then the cryopod would have...just...totally McKilled her deader than a McNugget.

"Stupid Hunter powers," she muttered under her breath. "Stupid Academy..."

She wanted to be in the Survey. But she wanted the fun parts, like being on a spaceship and seeing brave new worlds and punching space bad guys. She did not want to learn how to...to...do...

Whatever it was they did in the Academy. SHe frowned, slightly, as she came to the huge mob of new classmates. They were all in the same uniform she was: Skintight red and black spandex space uniforms. Yeah, yeah, she knew it was based on some new fancy space material sciences, but it still said spandex to her. Most of them were conversing with one another, but a few were on their handcomps, holograms and glittering lights and some cheerful sound effects filling the air. A lot of them...

Take her head, yank it back, that exposes her chest, throws her off balance. Stake through the heart.

Werewolf, definitely, silver poisoning any place skin stab do it kill stab-

Tiff bit her lip, slightly, then squared her shoulders. Her Hunter spirit was acting up. She had managed to get it to re to the lax around Sebastian. Course, that had been when a shapeshifting god-emperor of the Omni-Imperium had stabbed her in the throat and she had needed to guzzle vampire blood to survive, blood bonding her to the science officer of the ship had found her drifting in space. So, like. Normal boyfriend/girlfriend first meeting situation there. Tiff breathed in, and squared her shoulders even more squarely.

How do you introduce yourself to the first person you see?

[ ] Find the dorkiest girl, you were a cheerleader in the 1990s, so, you if you surround yourself with dorks, you will be cooler by comparison (SELFISH NATURE)
[ ] Find the preppist girl, since, like, obviously, you can be as cool now as you were in the 90s and you will totally not embarrass yourself (SELF DESTRUCTIVE NATURE)
[ ] You do not have a type. You just want to talk to the big hunky werewolf because he's interesting. (IMPULSIVE NATURE.)
Guh, Jennifer, You Can't Just Ask Why Someone's Cryostored (0.2)
Tiff stretched her arms behind her head. She had been one of the pop, hip kids in school. Ya know. Before the whole savior of the world Hunter spirit incarnated thing. After that, her cooless had dropped precipitously - it was, like, kinda hard to go to parties when Miss Christian was like 'Tiff, Tiff, there's a new portal to a nether dimension opening up under the graveyard' and 'Tiff, Tiff, a rogue Tzmarkias vampire fleshcrafting the faculty into monsters' or 'Tiff, Tiff, i think that the murders are because of a haunted video tape' or...

Tiff stopped herself. That hole just...kept going.

It kept going to bad places.

To cyber places.

To zombie places.

To cyberzombie places.

Still, Tiff had a good brain sense for the whole what what on the whose happening thing. Her eyes skimmed along the people coming to the Survey Academy. The Panhuman Federation was supposed to be the smallest of the big mojo major space places - there was the Buffers, the Omni-Imperium, the Narine, the Centurions...uh...she forwned, slightly. "Do the We count? Do they count as a major space place?"


Tiff glanced over. The short, frilled dinosaur looking lady with the big pink bowtie on her head - which was Tiff's main sense for why she was a lady, since she was otherwise more dino to the saur than girl to the ter - and blushed. "Sorry, uh, no, just, talking to myself."

"R-Right. I'm new to Earth too..." The dinosaur - a Brawler, if Tiff remembered from her crash course on Panhuman Federation members right.

"Well, uh, good luck!" Tiff said, nodding and backing away, squaring her shoulders a bit. She had been cool once. She was gonna be cool again - and so, as she swept her gaze back over the crowd, she saw some fellow teens who were tapping away at data pads - nerds, definitely. She saw a few big buff fit looking guys - jocks, definitely. Then she saw a gaggle of girls and boys who were standing taller, trimmer, and looking more eager than anyone else to be here. In their center was a star elf with blue skin, dark green-blue hair, and bright red eyes. She had a tiny bit of flair on her jacket. Tiff liked flair. She sighed and looked down at her spandex - she'd have killed for just some skirts and a backpack. She could find some cool pins for the backpack...


She had once needed to fight her way into and outta Archambeau Towers with nothing but a katana, she could handle talking to some space cheerleaders from space. Also, unlike some of the vampire or werewolf students, aliens didn't twig the Hunter spirit's murder instincts. Win win!

Tiff walked over, ears perked, as she heard the blue space elf saying: "So, yeah, I managed to insert into geostationary orbit."

"With only 4.3 mps of delta-V left? With that much wobble from the gas giant?" one of the other girls asked, stars in her eyes.

"It's all about apogees and perigees," the self (space elf) said, smirking slightly.

"Oh, you're a pilot?" Tiff asked, grinning as she slid her arms over her chest. Everyone in the group turned to her, blinking slightly. The space elf gave her a dazzling smile.

"My family were pilot-indentures in the Centurion Empire before mom and dad stole a jumpliner and flew to Federation space," she said, making the others oooh and aww even more. Tiff blinked slightly.

"Oh sick!" she said, excitement bubbling. "I visited Centurion space once. Well, kinda."

"Oh?" The bself asked.

(Blue space elf.)

Tiff held out her hand. "Tiff! By the way. And yeah, it was this free planet thingy between the Centurions and the Capellan Trade Union."

Every Earthly type in the group - one vampire girl, one boy who might have been a shifter of some kind, and two humans - perked up. "...you're not...Tiffany Winters, right?" The vampire girl asked.

Tiff gulped, then stood up a bit straighter too. Straight as a ruler. Straightzoned in the backbutt. "Yeah," she said, trying to sound cool and casual. Everyone surrounded her in excitement, looking like they were all bubbling over in excitement, save for the bselfio, who looked a bit annoyed that everyone was now looking at Tiff with excitement. And a little fear.

"I'm afraid I don't understand the significance, is this a famous Earther?" she asked.

"She's Tiffany Winters! She's the last Hunter," the vampire said, excitedly. "Oh my God, my sire is an Libertine, he's such a huge fan!"

"Uh, thanks?" Tiff asked, nervously. Vampire politics, vampire politics. Not for the first time, she wished her mentor wasn't three and change centuries dead, Miss Christian always kept abreast of vampire politics. To Tiff, it all kinda got blurry once you got past 'any vampire who calls himself a prince is probably some kind of a dickhead.'

"So, basically," the werewolf boy said to the blue elf. "You've read up on the Triumverate, right?"

The bself was looking annoyed now. She crossed her arms over her chest. "You mean the Panhuman Federation's artificial intelligences?"

"No, those are different," a human said, nodding. "Oh, I'm Mark. This is Helen." He gestured to the vampire. "And this is Chewie." He gestured to the shifter, who grinned cheerfully.

"I'm Lupis," he said.

"Oh, so, you're a werewolf that started as a wolf, then shifted into a human on a full moon?" Tiff asked, excitedly.

"Yeah!" He said, and if a human could wag a tail, he sure would have been.

The bself blinked. Like she had just been flicked right in the middle of her blue brows. Like, zuahwaaa? Tiff was feeling more confident now, glowing as everyone started to excitedly drop some basic Earthian hot topic history on the alien girl. Mark took off the bat by going: "So, there are three quasiparacausal suprasentient non-corporeal entities created by the interface between sentient life and the ecosystem of our planet, we have the Weaver, the Wyrm and the Wyld, which form the gestalt entity called Gaia. Right?"

The bself was looking like she was starting to reconsider things. "...I thought...that was...a religion," she said, slowly.

"It is, they're also real," Mark said.

"In the Centurion Empire, they say that all the Federation claims are just lies," the bself said, slowly. "That vampires are genetic augments, like, our Enforcer class."

"Ehh..." Helen waggled her palm, grinning and flashing her fangs.

Grab her hand. Break her arm. Make it less dangerous. There's a branch there, snap it off, shove her into it, back first, turn her to dust, do it-

Tiff, humming quietly, bounced on her toes until the Hunter spirit shut up. She was enjoying how excited Mark was at explaining things.

"So, basically, early human/vampire/shifter relationships weren't the best," Mark said.

"You could say that again," the other human muttered - he still hadn't gotten a name thrown into the name ring.

"Some premodern specialists in paracausal technology, uh, what we used to call magic, basically took a chunk of the Wyrm, the inherent destructive force of nature, and crammed it into a human spirit, then tied it to reincarnation effects - so, every time a Hunter dies, a new Hunter is created as the spirit jumps from body to body," Mark said. "It was a feat of paracasual engineering on par with...with the early Apollo program. Like, yeah, it's easy now, but they did it without slide rules!"

Tiff blinked, suddenly frowning. "Hey, it's not...that easy."

"Well, I mean, 21st century humans did make more," Mark said, shrugging.

"No they did not!" Tiff snapped. "Augments are totally different! They don't have any Wyld spirits and I kicked their asses, so, there."

Everyone was looking at her again.

"Wait...that hasn't hit the nets yet..." Mark said, while Helen leaned in and Chewie gasped.

"The Augments are back from exile?" He whispered. "Where were they hiding?"

"Did they have a diakliave?" Helen asked.

"What the fuck is a daiklaive?!" the bself asked. "And...wait, I read the basic sum up on the way to Earth - your minor atomic war, you also called it the Hunter's War because it was fought by those augments, and those augments were to replace the Hunter. So, if there was no Hunter, how is...she...here?" She looked at Tiff, frowning. "Are you four hundred years old?"

"Uh..." Tiff said, coughing. "No. I was kinda sorta jammed into a cryopod and launched into space."

"Why?!" The bself sounded very frustrated by all this human absurdity.

Due to Tiff's origin, she has her +4's already set in Violence and Finesse - she's extremely good at physical activities, both good and bad. but her +5 (average) and +6 (bad) are up in the air!

[ ] Come up with a cooooooooool reason (+5 Manipulation, +5 Secrets, +6 Empathy, +6 Academics)
[ ] Take pity and tell her the real reason (+5 Empathy, +5 Academics, +6 Manipulation, +6 Secrets)
[ ] Tell her the real reason...but also mention that you DID kill Khan, the worst of the Augments. Like, you did that. Cause you're cool. (+5 Empathy, +5 Manipulation, +6 Academics, +6 Secrets)
[ ] Write in (Arrange your +5s and +6s as you see fit, the skills are Empathy, Manipulation, Academics and Secrets.)
So, Like, Is This Backstory Gonna Be On The Test? (0.3)
Tiff drew in a slow breath. This was one of those times, she wished she had a backpack so she could slip her hands through the straps and tug on them. Stupid future jumpsuits and no backpack, no skirts, no fun. She looked up at the sky, kicked her foot at the ground, then said: "Okay, so, in 1997, this total dorkus named Matt...er...Mark, or something, whatever, he saw me fighting some bad guy monster beasts and realized that there was a big busted Masquerade so he sold me out to the local prince by giving him the idea of cramming me into a freezer and shooting me into space so the Hunter spirit didn't reincarnate but secretly Mark had this big idea to profit off the collapse of the Masquerade and he managed to leverage his tech billions, which he got cause he was one of the first people to invest into something called Google, into making lots of tiny cameras and shit which..."

She took a deeper breath, her face having gone quite red.

"...is why the Hunter War started since all the tiny cameras and shit saw vampires and werewolves and then that kicked off Project Solar which made the Augments by mimicking the HUnter spirit reincarnation system while combining it with human past lives to enhance a single human to the perfect level of human humanity human style, and he was one of the first ones cause he was jealous of being Hunters, but the Solars were all bugfuck crazy and they started the Eugenics War by sterilizing people and trying to make..."

Another gasp.

"A perfect Utopia, so they got kicked off the planet by the early Federation and THEN I got picked up by a deep space exploration ship from the Survey and it turns out that the Capellan Trade Union was secretly a front for the Augments and Mark and his cabal of jerks were all ready to come back and take over Earth and then!" SHe paused, her cheeks bright red more from lack of air than anything else as the students gaped at her in increasing shock. "...I convinced the second in command to stab Mike slash Khan in the back since he was going total Disney movie villain by the end there. Absolute whacko jacko."

They all blinked at her.

"So the surviving Augments went home to keep running Capella and shit," Tiff said, a bit lamely. "I mean, like, it's a win for us, since, no Federation take over, ya know. Plus, Khan is dead! Until his Augment essence spiritio widget goes zip zop zoop into a new guy, but, like, since when is that gonna happen!" She shrugged her shoulders, then put her hands were her backpack straps would be, if she had had backstrap backs for her pack. She dropped her hand lamely.

"Wow," Helen said, her bright red eyes blinking.

"Oh, and I met a Harrower!" Tiff said, cheerfully. "You know, space god, kinda looks like some old actor?"

"You met a Harrower too? What's next, the We Collective?" The beself asked, shaking her head. "This is ridiculous. This is absurd. There's no way you have done all that and now come to the academy - you should be promoted to, like, acting ensign at the very least."

Tiff pointed at her. "See! She gets it! What's your name, by the way?"

The bself sighed, then let out a strange gargling screech that trilled up and down the register, far outside of even superhuman pronunciation ranges. "Or, you can call me the Terran name i picked for myself," she said, smiling slightly. "I chose one from your most popular and enduring traditions."

"Oh, what, uh..." Tiff tried to think. "...Bawlin?"

That was a name from Tolkien, right?

The bself scowled at her. "B...Bawlin? No, I picked a more respectable name. You may refer to me as Drizzit." She put her hand over her chest.

Hellen grinned. "Oh that's cool, where's that one from?"

"A pretty significant 20th century elf-themed artist," Drizzit said, her voice smug. SHe turned her head, brushing her hand through her hair. "Now, you were saying?"

"RIght, Drizzo, here-"

"Drizzit," Drizzit said, frowning.

"Drizlliozola," Tiff said, nodding. "She gets it! I should be off doing space punches and kickflips. In space. Not going to school again. I already had enough school back in the 20th century."

"Um..." Helen looked at her, her brow furrowing. "Wasn't that the era where American literacy dropped from 80% to 50% in a mere thirty years?"

"Yeah, do you even know, like, the basic fundamentals of lycanthropic physics, or bioregulation for vampire based technology?" Mark asked, curiously. "Like, you need to actually know that stuff before you get onto a Survey starship, the crew will vote you off in a hot second if you don't."

Tiff crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, duh." She blushed as the obvious lie did nothing to phaserate her fellow school dudes and duettes. Still, feeling defensive about her century, she spoke up to add: "And the literacy rate wasn't that bad. I read, like, a book."

Helen grinned at her. "Come on, it won't be so bad," she said, her fangs glinting and making Tiff wanna go all...stabby stabby stabby again. She pushed the thoughts down, and instead smiled back, shyly.

"Well. I guess not. Like, this is future school, it can't be as boring as pasty school," Tiff said, hesitantly. "And my friend Sebastian isn't assigned to any ships, so, it's not like he's gonna go on space adventures."

"Friend?" Helen asked, curiously.

"There's nothing weird about it, I'm older than him!" Tiff said.

Drizzit sighed, falling in beside them despite her grumpus attitude, Mark shaking his head as the four unlikely new friends walked together towards the front of Academy, the smooth while building glittering in the not-quite sunlight as, overhead, the dome continued to pulse with arcane power. The doors shut after them.

We cut too something ominous. Something dangerous! This is the COLD OPEN, where we cutaway to the threat that will bedevil our ostensible high school in this supposed utopia (it actually is a utopia, there's, not, like anything secretly sneaky going on, the Panhuman Federation is a genuinely nice place to live, this is star trek after all.)

[ ] A weird glow in the Chimerstry Room
[ ] A bubbling beaker in Transuranics
[ ] The half-broken experimental transporter
[ ] The teacher's rec room