Guilt (Worm AU)

Dead? Nah, I'm guessing Contessa and Custodian. Drop her into an isolated cell and keep her around for the end times.

Why because if she could make people feel guilt I'm sure Cauldron wouldn't want her within a 100 miles of them. After all they all have done some pretty horrific things. Especially Countessa and ole David might realize that he was responsible for millions of lives being lost, they let the 9 run around basically slaughtering people left and right for the dumbest plan in any multiverse and Alexandria and the rest aren't any better.

I hate that Taylor is dead..........I was hoping she could just randomly travel and spread the joy. The PRT in BB ought to be empty with all of the shit they covered up and their actions toward anyone not with their program. GG over maiming people there seemed that there could be a lot more but I'm grateful for what we got. Great story.......poor Taylor.
Ehh I don't know. The ending seems rather ham-fisted and, to be perfectly frank *blunt*. You have Taylor die from 'blood poisoning' even though she was in the locker for significantly less time than canon, not to mention that it's very difficult (almost impossible actually) to get 'blood poisoning' from superficial injuries/cuts. (If it were otherwise we'd all be dead ten times over) you have Lisa give the martyr speech for Taylor to make everyone like her, even though by going live with it she had a far higher chance of that backfiring more than anything, especially if the PRT was gonna spin a 'positive story' for Taylor as she stated, their PR machine is much more powerful and consistent than she is, so it's an excersize in redundancy; you kept saying 'Emma feels guilty' but they were just words, no action to back it up other than going home and eating ice-cream, no questions from her family, nothing from Danny, Armsy, the teachers or *anyone* other than Emma.

The ending feels disconnected from its own narrative, as well as the narrative of the entire story. Its less of 'all the themes/pieces coming together in a culmination of these events' and more of a ramshackle of little ideas stitched together to form something to send off the fic very hastilly.

All n all, the story, as a whole was fun and interesting, with a shiny new premise/power but the ending was, at best 'meh' and really really *really* brings it down sorry to say :(
The prt use foam not because they are trying to keep parahumans alive.

Its because its the only thing that works that you can safely use that can take down a cape in an urban enviroment safely.

Anything you could use to take down a cape 7.62 nato .50 cal bmg 40mm grenades tow missiles are hidiously dangerous if they miss
@Fencer Thank you for this little trip into a dark place with a silver lining. Also, can you tell us if Scion got caught in the effect and was properly affected too? :p Or roaming S9? :D Eidolon? :rofl:
TBH I'd rather have no ending than this one. I mean, maybe this was honestly the best you could think of, but it's pretty lackluster. As others have said, it's less the story ending than just stopping. I get you're under no obligation to us, and again maybe this is actually the best you could think of, but it's still disappointing. A good ending is paramount to the enjoyment of any story.

Anyway, I enjoyed the journey for the most part, and I wish you well on future endeavors.
I liked the ending. It is possible for someone to die as Taylor did, I don't mind that Lisa decided that the girls name should be remembered rather than whatever the PRT would make up for her moniker, and I think it is good and complete. Sure you could write more chapters about others we don't know, but only if you want.
if she could make people feel guilt I'm sure Cauldron wouldn't want her within a 100 miles of them. After all they all have done some pretty horrific things.
While they've done bad things, they're already aware of it. They accept that they're guilty, but that they've got no other choice than doing it or sitting on their hands doing nothing. That, and the fact that their actions have, potentially, actually made things better for a lot more people than they've harmed, would probably be enough to let them sail through Taylor's scream. After all, Amy saw more than just the direct lives she'd touched.

The PRT in BB ought to be empty with all of the shit they covered up and their actions toward anyone not with their program.
Bad fanon. The PRT barely knew anything about Taylor at all. Outside of Sophia's actions to Taylor, what have they covered up? They are incredibly short staffed and unable to do much, but at least they try. A shitty job is, sometimes, the best you can do.

GG over maiming people

She'd be more likely to feel guilty over convincing Amy to cover it up, or for not coming clean to her family about her issues. Her 'maiming people' was only ever by accident, which you're not going to get slapped with massive amounts of guilt over, otherwise everyone would be in a lot of trouble.
It's the accidental semi-mastering or not noticing her sister's troubles that are more likely to guilt Glory Girl than the violence . It's Taylor's beliefs on violence which despite her denials pretty much match Vicky's. You shoudn't be so violent(even if some people really do deserve it.)
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It's the accidental semi-mastering
She can hardly be blamed for something that she's not aware of and completely unable to turn off or reliably control. It's Amy that tells everyone Vicky's aura doesn't affect her.

not norting her sister's troubles
She is not her sister's keeper in any way. Not noticing that someone is having trouble with something isn't her fault in any possible sense.
No, but remember everyone was hit with Taylor's beliefs with what was wrong. And knowledge of what actually happened. Guilt is not the same as blame. And of course mastering someone is wrong, and not noticing or helping someone when depressed is wrong. Her violence is likely to wash over her. The other two? Those are going to hit Victoria. The second likely less hard than the first becausde Victoria did try. But the first, well.
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Regardless of me wanting more I still like this fic and the ending is ok if not great. Some story's work better with an open end it lets people think on things.
New head canon: Contessa organised Taylor's replacement with a fake, and later uses her on Scion.

Scion feels every death and harm caused by all the Cycles, and realises he's been in an abusive relationship but now he's free. Soon: Path to Feeling Better- competent hero Scion burns through all his energy removing all the bad and doing all the good.
My problem is not how the story ended but that its so short I guess this idea is so good I expected this to go on longer so we could really unpack the consequences