Guardians of the Grove (IC) (Original)

Fufluns sighs. "They all have as such easier time if rather than fighting they worked together. If the crows and Jim worked together, they would be able to do so much!" then Fufluns smiled and said "Speaking of working together, I have taught the Sweet Tree Blossom squad everything I know, so I'm going around to ask everyone if they could teach me anything to make them even better!"
Okko's attention sharpens "Why should the crows forget their dead. Don't forget Fufluns, birds aren't like us, they do not want their seeds to be eaten. Their bodies regrowth is slow and they easily perish. Their grudges might not be ours, but that's no reason to disregard them as meaningless."

Her roots start digging into the ground. Before relaxing and retreating back.

"Jim's actions brought about the flocks response. If you truly believe they should work together perhaps consider what that will mean."

She claps he hands together. "Enough with all that. You're here to learn my magic!"

"You already know Ingrain, even if you're not really suited for it. Payback or Beat Up would likely suit you best. ~hmm this is for the Tree Blossoms though. Well Beat Up is good in general, the crows are very proud of it. I would normally teach Forest's Curse as a matter of course, but you're not really inclined towards that kind of longterm malice. Ahh~ this is hard."

"How about you tell me what kind of thing you want, and if I have a spell for it, I'll teach you. But in return you have to help me build the magic for something I want. ~Seems fair right?"
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Jim scowled, an odd expression on a bear, as are many others. Slowly, he lowers his head to look at the floor, muttering, "Just think of the salmon, Jim. Just think of the delicious, smooth yet crunchy, salmon."

With a deep breathe, he looks back up, and roars into Zedai's groves, "Zedai?! I need to ask you a question!"

With a shudder, he sits down to wait.

Zedai isn't a bad person, just a bit caught up with his experiments and corpses. Hopefully, he heard me.

... Just think of the salmon, Jim.
Okko's attention sharpens "Why should the crows forget their dead. Don't forget Fufluns, birds aren't like us, they do not want their seeds to be eaten. Their bodies regrowth is slow and they easily perish. Their grudges might not be ours, but that's no reason to disregard them as meaningless."

Her roots start digging into the ground. Before relaxing and retreating back.

"Jim's actions brought about the flocks response. If you truly believe they should work together perhaps consider what that will mean."

She claps he hands together. "Enough with all that. You're here to learn my magic!"

"You already know Ingrain, even if you're not really suited for it. Payback or Beat Up would likely suit you best. ~hmm this is for the Tree Blossoms though. Well Beat Up is good in general, the crows are very proud of it. I would normally teach Forest's Curse as a matter of course, but you're not really inclined towards that kind of longterm malice. Ahh~ this is hard."

"How about you tell me what kind of thing you want, and if I have a spell for it, I'll teach you. But in return you have to help me build the magic for something I want. ~Seems fair right?"
"What would be most helpful are more ways for the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad to deal with whatever would threaten the forest. I want them to be able to help protect the forest from anything! And of course I would be willing to do whatever I can to help you with whatever you need help with, we are friends and we can do more to protect the forest by working together than we would by ourselves."
Jim scowled, an odd expression on a bear, as are many others. Slowly, he lowers his head to look at the floor, muttering, "Just think of the salmon, Jim. Just think of the delicious, smooth yet crunchy, salmon."

With a deep breathe, he looks back up, and roars into Zedai's groves, "Zedai?! I need to ask you a question!"

With a shudder, he sits down to wait.

Zedai isn't a bad person, just a bit caught up with his experiments and corpses. Hopefully, he heard me.

... Just think of the salmon, Jim.

Zedai stops his experiments mentally for a moment before responding to the bear.
"Yes?" He asks in his normal abudance of verboseness.
"What would be most helpful are more ways for the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad to deal with whatever would threaten the forest. I want them to be able to help protect the forest from anything! And of course I would be willing to do whatever I can to help you with whatever you need help with, we are friends and we can do more to protect the forest by working together than we would by ourselves."

"Well if its just a matter of killing things, I'd recommend filling the air with poison and then having Kedougou light it on fire." A single flower buds and then blooms on her branches. She brings the flower closer to Fufluns.

"Now feel my mana flow." A faint sweet smell of bitter almonds drifts from the flower. "The amount being released isn't enough to really trouble more than insects. But this is cyanide air, it interferes with the blood." The bloom closes and withers. "It's easy for me because I already contain cyanide. If you don't, the process may be a bit more difficult."

"Now there are some things to watch out for. It's lighter than normal air, so it's prone to dispersement. Not the best for long term traps. Also it's obviously incredibly flammable as well as deadly to anything with a beating heart."

Okko tilts her branches a bit. "That's probably a bit too indiscriminate for you." Her mana flares to visibility. A beautiful pattern emerging. "You can consider this a distillation of one of the philosophies of Poison." She straightens out, allowing Fufluns to circle around and fully observe the pattern. "It's something like a pact. Payback. As long as I do not strike first, my power is twice again what it should be. My spells will be stronger, hit harder, there are some other benefits but that's for you to discover on your own."

"As for what I want. I've been trying to extend my awareness outside my territory, and this forest for many seasons now. Unfortunately the best I've been able to achieve is when one of the crows is willing to lend its senses to me." Okko suddenly looks embarrassed. "I mentioned beat up as being suited for your needs, but I must admit I'm somewhat unskilled in it's use."

"I only got it working with Zedai's help, and it's still weaker than the crows version. He mentioned that it came down to not fully believing. The crows take it as a matter of course that their flock will back them up. Some of them even get my shade to appear with the spell." a frustrated huff. "I guess I just don't get it. At this point the bee's may have a better chance of mastering the spell before I do." The wind through the leaves sounds like a sigh. "Maybe try getting the spell from them first, I don't want to cripple your understanding of the spell."
Zedai stops his experiments mentally for a moment before responding to the bear.
"Yes?" He asks in his normal abudance of verboseness.
Jim can feel when Zedai turned his attention onto him. Gulping, he responds, "Zedai, I seem to have forgotten where the Forest's river stream is. I am hoping you might know where it is, since Fufluns and Lailoken didn't seem to know."

Jim looked up. Is it just me, or did it get dark? I thought the moon took longer to appear. Probably those carrion eaters again.
"Well if its just a matter of killing things, I'd recommend filling the air with poison and then having Kedougou light it on fire." A single flower buds and then blooms on her branches. She brings the flower closer to Fufluns.

"Now feel my mana flow." A faint sweet smell of bitter almonds drifts from the flower. "The amount being released isn't enough to really trouble more than insects. But this is cyanide air, it interferes with the blood." The bloom closes and withers. "It's easy for me because I already contain cyanide. If you don't, the process may be a bit more difficult."

"Now there are some things to watch out for. It's lighter than normal air, so it's prone to dispersement. Not the best for long term traps. Also it's obviously incredibly flammable as well as deadly to anything with a beating heart."

Okko tilts her branches a bit. "That's probably a bit too indiscriminate for you." Her mana flares to visibility. A beautiful pattern emerging. "You can consider this a distillation of one of the philosophies of Poison." She straightens out, allowing Fufluns to circle around and fully observe the pattern. "It's something like a pact. Payback. As long as I do not strike first, my power is twice again what it should be. My spells will be stronger, hit harder, there are some other benefits but that's for you to discover on your own."

"As for what I want. I've been trying to extend my awareness outside my territory, and this forest for many seasons now. Unfortunately the best I've been able to achieve is when one of the crows is willing to lend its senses to me." Okko suddenly looks embarrassed. "I mentioned beat up as being suited for your needs, but I must admit I'm somewhat unskilled in it's use."

"I only got it working with Zedai's help, and it's still weaker than the crows version. He mentioned that it came down to not fully believing. The crows take it as a matter of course that their flock will back them up. Some of them even get my shade to appear with the spell." a frustrated huff. "I guess I just don't get it. At this point the bee's may have a better chance of mastering the spell before I do." The wind through the leaves sounds like a sigh. "Maybe try getting the spell from them first, I don't want to cripple your understanding of the spell."
"I'll tell the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad to come over every day and tell you everything they see that you would want to know! As for the magic, Is there a poison or something else that can put things to sleep? If we find someone and they are an enemy, we can finish them off, but if they are not an enemy, we can just let them wake up without harm. As for payback, it sounds really good. Finally for beat up, it sounds awesome! And if it works by believing that others will back you up, try summoning me with it! As I have said before, if you need help, I will help you no matter what. So if you believe that I will come help you, you should be able to summon me with beat up! If you want, we can even try learning it together, it would be fun!"
"I'll tell the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad to come over every day and tell you everything they see that you would want to know! As for the magic, Is there a poison or something else that can put things to sleep? If we find someone and they are an enemy, we can finish them off, but if they are not an enemy, we can just let them wake up without harm. As for payback, it sounds really good. Finally for beat up, it sounds awesome! And if it works by believing that others will back you up, try summoning me with it! As I have said before, if you need help, I will help you no matter what. So if you believe that I will come help you, you should be able to summon me with beat up! If you want, we can even try learning it together, it would be fun!"
Okko shifts uncomfortably "Thats very kind Fufluns, but if all I wanted was reports on the forest the crows would do an adequate job. Besides shouldn't your 'Sweet Tree Blossom Squad' have more important duties than acting as scouts and gossips?"

"On your other request... There are poisons that can put the red blooded in a state adjacent to sleep, but it's not like they're harmless things. The easiest to wrap your roots around would be nightshade and I'm sure I don't have to explain why dosage would be tricky. Fundamentally to poison someone without harming them is something that requires trust, a controlled environment, and knowledge of dosages."

"If you're asking for some sleep powder that has none of those problems" She shrugs. "I won't say it's impossible, but I know of no effect that can crumple a being to unconsciousness and not cause it harm. Even if the only harm that comes to them is gravity."
Okko shifts uncomfortably "Thats very kind Fufluns, but if all I wanted was reports on the forest the crows would do an adequate job. Besides shouldn't your 'Sweet Tree Blossom Squad' have more important duties than acting as scouts and gossips?"

"On your other request... There are poisons that can put the red blooded in a state adjacent to sleep, but it's not like they're harmless things. The easiest to wrap your roots around would be nightshade and I'm sure I don't have to explain why dosage would be tricky. Fundamentally to poison someone without harming them is something that requires trust, a controlled environment, and knowledge of dosages."

"If you're asking for some sleep powder that has none of those problems" She shrugs. "I won't say it's impossible, but I know of no effect that can crumple a being to unconsciousness and not cause it harm. Even if the only harm that comes to them is gravity."
"Well, that is a lot trickier. I will have to think about it. In the mean time, if there is anything else you want help with, let me know and I will do my best to help! For now though, I am going to go talk to the others, perhaps talking to them will give me an idea!" and with that, Fufluns jumped up, shifted, and flew away.