Guardians of the Grove (IC) (Original)

Where angels fear to tread.
It is a nice and peaceful day in the Forest. The birds chirp happily in the branches, the boars play around in the mud, and Jim the Bear is just waking up from hibernation.

That was a good nap. He think to himself. He gets up, and starts stretching. One paw up, claws extend, retract. Two paw up, claws extend, retract. He lifts up one back leg, and shakes it a bit, then does the same to his other leg. Being limber leads to a better older life.

He steps out of his cave and looks around. The annoying birds are at it again, but it matters little. Jim reaches a paw out and a small wooden hand reaches out from the tree one of the pest are chirping from. The bird panics, but can't resist his Magic. He pulls it close then uses one of his claws to silence it. He brings it to his mouth and takes a bit, grimacing. Would it hurt to get a proper stream through here? Sure, all the nutrient needs for the plants are provided by the Heart, but I could kill for some salmon.

He wanders a bit, noticing how the trees are regrowing some of the leaves lost in the winter, but a few are still fairly bare. Well, except Kedougou's, but it's unfair to compare moderately magical trees to actively infused ones.

He scratches a tree here and there, marking them to keep the boars away from his cave and hunting grounds. He passes near Vachyll's Groves and ignores the hollers of the insufferable monkeys.

He stops by Fufluns Groves and waves to one of the passing dryads. Giggling, said dryad returns the gesture, albeit overly exaggerated. They know perfectly well how to wave back properly. He grumbles.

He steers clear of both Okko and Zedai's Groves, because one needs to be a special kind of stupid to want to interact with the death tree and the one that he's pretty sure eats souls. Good luck figuring out which is which.

He ends off his rounds by glancing about Ol' Lailoken's part of the Forest. Not a bad guy, but he's way too trusting. One of these days that'll come back to bite him.

Jim lays down somewhere between Okko's and Lailoken's areas. He's not much of a fan of those Treants, but most of them are alright, even that Zedai fellow. Okko, however... Best not to dwell on that.

@Zedalb @CausalityCircle @VoidZero @Janus @Yomshara @Paloneia
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Vachyll glances in the direction he hears the holler's of his minions probably one of the boar's riling them up again he returns to careful inspection of his grove after winter checking which one's have thrived and which one's have just survived looking for those undeserving of his grove
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Lailoken notices Jim. "Oh. A mortal man comes into this forest."
"We are very close to Okko's groves."
"If I may ask, what is your business here, stranger?"
Lailoken notices Jim. "Oh. A mortal man comes into this forest."
"We are very close to Okko's groves."
"If I may ask, what is your business here, stranger?"
Jim looks up at the Treant talking to him. Mortal ma- what? Has he finally gone senile?

Jim raises his furred head and turn to Lailoken, "Old Oak, you know as well as I do that I'm a bear, not some gangly furless creature with pitiful claws," He tilts his head, "As for being here? It's the furthest from any of you Treant's Groves, not that it stopped you from seeking me out. I'd just like to sleep off a meal."
Jim looks up at the Treant talking to him. Mortal ma- what? Has he finally gone senile?

Jim raises his furred head and turn to Lailoken, "Old Oak, you know as well as I do that I'm a bear, not some gangly furless creature with pitiful claws," He tilts his head, "As for being here? It's the furthest from any of you Treant's Groves, not that it stopped you from seeking me out. I'd just like to sleep off a meal."

"Oh, excuse me, I had some amber in my eyes."
"Your'e practically in my grove, just barely."
"Anyway, look for Okko. Mister Jim Bear."
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"Oh, excuse me, I had some amber in my eyes."
"Your practically in my grove, just barely."
"Anyway, look for Okko. Mister Jim Bear."
Jim looks around, his brown eyes widening, "So it would seem I am. Huh. You'll have to excuse me, I woke up from hibernation not long ago and it looks like I'm still a bit groggy," Jim pauses, "Though why should I look for Okko? If I'm near your groves then I'm fairly far from that... being."

You never know if she's listening. The trees have ears around here.
Vachyll after having weeded out those undeserving of his Grove focuses on his Bountiful Scions he meticulously checks them over before being interrupted by the Biggest of the Tyrant ape's and its lieutenants stepping forwards the rest of the pack steering well clear of the area understanding only the favored are allowed near the Scions.

The apes, bow in submission hands forward they hold like that for a moment before Vachyll nods in approval carefully plucking the mature nut's and fruit from the tree handing them to the Alpha who keeps eye contact before he breaks it and starts walking again the Alpha immediately starting to gorge itself leaving the least of the bounty to its lieutenant's Vachyll leaves to see how the others doing and how the forest has changed after winter
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It was Spring. Spring was Fufluns favorite time of the year! After snow melts(snow was pretty but really cold) plants starte growing and animals start roaming again and flowers start blooming, It was always thrilling and exciting! First, Flufluns went and talked to the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad.

The Sweet Tree Blossom Squad were a group of dryads that Flufluns had made, and were great friends of hers. Of course the other treants were her friends t0o, but they were often busy with their own stuff. But the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad were always available to play! Of course, Flufluns had not only made the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad to play with, after some of the other treants had said that Flufluns needed a way to protect Flufluns grove, Flufluns decided to make the best protectors ever! Each one of the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad was given as much room as Flufluns could give them along with the best homes for their trees that Flufluns could give them, and Flufluns gave them all the magic the Flufluns knew! The could change their shapes just like Flufluns, and they knew every spell that Flufluns knew. They were great friends and they were strong!

While Flufluns was playing with the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad, Plum Blossom told Flufluns that Jim the Bear had passed by. It was great to know that Jim was awake! Flufluns would have to bring him a treat later. Flufluns would ask him what he would want next time that Flufluns sees him. For now, Flufluns wanted to go talk to Lailoken. Flufluns wanted to learn more about magic and how Flufluns could make the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad even better!
And with that, Flufluns shifted into one of the faster birds Flufluns had seen, and flew over to Lailoken's place.
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Okko moved, branches stretching out and upward toward the spring sunlight. She had spent much of the winter in a pleasant daze, but with the warming of the air came lucidity and growth

Birds flittered through her branches getting drunk off the fermented berries left over from the fall. Happily sharing the news from their migrations. The many crows who roosted near her and the creek that went through her territory rather enthusiastically shared the news from the forest. Apparently over the winter a deer, unused to her stretch of the forest, had come in ate too much and died. The crows had eaten rather well and were happy enough to direct her towards the bones for an easy source of phosphorus and calcium.

Micol, the strongest of the current flock hopped toward Okko's "face"

"Hello, Hello, Hello. Good Things should be said thrice."

"Hello to you too Micol. Any news?"

"Okko's favored deer still toxic, bleh. Bee's survive winter, willing tithe towards flock working, guarding in spring and summer for food in winter. Thanking Okko for suggesting."

"Micol that was five generations back, you weren't even born back then."

The Crow looked shifty "Thanking Okko for suggesting."

"Micol what did you guys do."

Micol started in "Jim" The other crows chimed in "Hated, Hated." "Eat the flesh from from his bones." "Peck out his eyes" With one particularly verbose "May his name be forgotten and his line die out." Micol ruffled his feathers and continued on as if he hadn't been interrupted "Has awoken. He's avoiding your area after your last chastisement." "Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude."

Okko blinked "Thats somewhat unexpected, even if the poison laid him out for a couple of weeks, all I required was for him to stop eating you guys, and your latest generation is toxic enough that I no longer have to make him regret it directly"

Micol started preening. "Okko did eat Jim's liver."

"You guys said you'd take care of that memory."

All of the crows started looking shifty.

"He needed a new liver anyway. I was doing him a favor!"

She sighed "Well whatever he'll come back when the fish start getting big, and the fruits get ripe. I can deal with this then."

One crow started whistling guilty, before being punted from the branch by its neighbor.

Okko narrowed her eyes. "Micol~ is there something you want to tell me."

Micol puffed up his feathers from the sudden chill and tried to take flight, but Okko had manipulated her tree to capture the legs of the crow.

"Micol~ you weren't trying to fly away just now right~"

Micol rapidly shook his head. Out of the corners of his eyes he could see that many crows shared his predicament.

"Good~" "How about you tell me what's got the flock so guilty~ Alright~"

Micol remained mute


One of the older crows already in the air interrupted "Followed -Devourer of Chicks- Jim (Hated). Found Sleeping rest false imitation of exalted (Treant). Flock strong enough now. Stole memories of creek, and spring. Hid nests, and Honey. No more Jim"

The rest of the flock joined in "No more Jim! No More Jim! No more Jim!"


In the Distance on the wind. Jim and Lailoken could hear the crows voices raising in manic frenzy. "no more Jim!" drifting past.
Okko moved, branches stretching out and upward toward the spring sunlight. She had spent much of the winter in a pleasant daze, but with the warming of the air came lucidity and growth

Birds flittered through her branches getting drunk off the fermented berries left over from the fall. Happily sharing the news from their migrations. The many crows who roosted near her and the creek that went through her territory rather enthusiastically shared the news from the forest. Apparently over the winter a deer, unused to her stretch of the forest, had come in ate too much and died. The crows had eaten rather well and were happy enough to direct her towards the bones for an easy source of phosphorus and calcium.

Micol, the strongest of the current flock hopped toward Okko's "face"

"Hello, Hello, Hello. Good Things should be said thrice."

"Hello to you too Micol. Any news?"

"Okko's favored deer still toxic, bleh. Bee's survive winter, willing tithe towards flock working, guarding in spring and summer for food in winter. Thanking Okko for suggesting."

"Micol that was five generations back, you weren't even born back then."

The Crow looked shifty "Thanking Okko for suggesting."

"Micol what did you guys do."

Micol started in "Jim" The other crows chimed in "Hated, Hated." "Eat the flesh from from his bones." "Peck out his eyes" With one particularly verbose "May his name be forgotten and his line die out." Micol ruffled his feathers and continued on as if he hadn't been interrupted "Has awoken. He's avoiding your area after your last chastisement." "Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude."

Okko blinked "Thats somewhat unexpected, even if the poison laid him out for a couple of weeks, all I required was for him to stop eating you guys, and your latest generation is toxic enough that I no longer have to make him regret it directly"

Micol started preening. "Okko did eat Jim's liver."

"You guys said you'd take care of that memory."

All of the crows started looking shifty.

"He needed a new liver anyway. I was doing him a favor!"

She sighed "Well whatever he'll come back when the fish start getting big, and the fruits get ripe. I can deal with this then."

One crow started whistling guilty, before being punted from the branch by its neighbor.

Okko narrowed her eyes. "Micol~ is there something you want to tell me."

Micol puffed up his feathers from the sudden chill and tried to take flight, but Okko had manipulated her tree to capture the legs of the crow.

"Micol~ you weren't trying to fly away just now right~"

Micol rapidly shook his head. Out of the corners of his eyes he could see that many crows shared his predicament.

"Good~" "How about you tell me what's got the flock so guilty~ Alright~"

Micol remained mute


One of the older crows already in the air interrupted "Followed -Devourer of Chicks- Jim (Hated). Found Sleeping rest false imitation of exalted (Treant). Flock strong enough now. Stole memories of creek, and spring. Hid nests, and Honey. No more Jim"

The rest of the flock joined in "No more Jim! No More Jim! No more Jim!"


In the Distance on the wind. Jim and Lailoken could hear the crows voices raising in manic frenzy. "no more Jim!" drifting past.

Jim pauses, and rubs his ear with his front left paw, "Old Oak, did you hear something? I could have sworn I just heard those flying thieves again, but that can't be. They should know well enough not to bother me," Jim grins, "I still have a few anti-air spells in case they get rowdy. They do so like the mushrooms I grow."

He shakes his head, "Nevermind that," Jim looks back up at Lailoken, "So what have you been doing over the Winter? I don't see you just lazing about, but you might have wanted to rest your ol' joints. If Treants even have those."
"Oh the truth is, I have been sharing my time with a Wizard man for the past season." Lailoken states. "He has quite a few tricks up his sleeve, so to speak." Anyway we should get you out of harms way". The oak states.
"Oh the truth is, I have been sharing my time with a Wizard man for the past season." Lailoken states. "He has quite a few tricks up his sleeve, so to speak." Anyway we should get you out of harms way". The oak states.

Jim looks at Lailoken askance, "What harm? Okko? I know how dangerous she can be, but it's not like she... I am going to stop there. No need to tempt fate. Anyways, this Wizard? Did he show up before winter and hide or did he show up just recently?"

Jim's eyebrows raise and he look at Lailoken, "Can he summon small river creatures? Salmon, specifically."
Vachyll wanders through the forest, the rumble of his step alerting the animals who look but don't run away noticing he is not a predator, Vachyll closes his eyes listening to the ambiance of the forest as it shakes off winter.

He listens as the birds sing their songs, the plant eaters run through the tall grass and hills, and how the predators stalk them. Everything is as it should be. The Grand spectacles called life playing itself out.

He arrives at the edge of Okkos Grove and waits for a moment before walking in, careful not to snap the smaller trees in his rumbling stride, "Okko, are you awake!" He bellows out.
Okko shakes the birds off her branches, watching as they temporarily block out the sky.

Once she determines that they are far enough away to not be harmed. She yells back "I'm Awake"
before slowly and carefully extracting her long roots from the soil to form legs.
As the grove awakens from the depths of winter, the treeant that commands it has but one thought at the newly awakening life "Eww".
Groggy he commands his grove to grow towards the unclaimed section in the center, he has designs and plans to being working upon designs upon the only thing that matters.

Sure age will never take him as it does the creatures of flesh, but that simply means it is only a matter of time until something comes along and finishes the job. He knows he must evolve beyond that. However does on defeat a foe without understanding it though? How can one master and surpass even death without understanding it? No his focus was chosen with intent. Death will succumb to me

Now with an area that he will surround on all sides he will have his workshop of death. A labor of love for the thing that matters most to him, himself. It will take time to claim the clearing but time is his most abundant resource and he has no issue spending it, as long as it is not wasted. So he wastes not a moment and gets to work.
Jim looks at Lailoken askance, "What harm? Okko? I know how dangerous she can be, but it's not like she... I am going to stop there. No need to tempt fate. Anyways, this Wizard? Did he show up before winter and hide or did he show up just recently?"

Jim's eyebrows raise and he look at Lailoken, "Can he summon small river creatures? Salmon, specifically."

"I don't know."
"As for how long he's been here, perhaps three seasons in this Human region's time."
"Technically he's been here before winter. A war drove him to seek sanctuary here. In return, although he didn't need to repay me, he teaches me the odd thing here or there."
Okko shakes the birds off her branches, watching as they temporarily block out the sky.

Once she determines that they are far enough away to not be harmed. She yells back "I'm Awake"
before slowly and carefully extracting her long roots from the soil to form legs.

Vachyll looks on as a massive flight of birds fly out from the trees chuffing in amusement. He starts taking great strides the earth rumbling as thick barked legs groan and stomp through the path he had always traveled. Periodically checking over his form, scraping of any unwanted attachments from winter

He arrives as Okko finishes shaking off the dirt coming to a stop Vachyll kneels to better speak to Okko

" The Core has stayed safe through winter, and no Marauders tried to invade the forest. My Grove endured, how has your side of the forest endured winter Okko?" he says his hands reflexively having clenched in anger at the thought of the thieves his voice like the rumble of earth deep and having an echoing quality.
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Winter. What terrible thing. Plants and animals left to die in silence. A pitifully soundless death, no great battle, not a struggle to survive, but inescapable dulling of sense until nothing remains. Slowly, Kedougou opened his eyes once more. Layers of ash breaks apart, most falling to the ground but some are carried away by the air. Kedougou retracts his many limbs from both above and below, sheathing the radiance once more, just like what he did for all winters. He starts to feel his bark covering his limbs once more, soothing the aches and numbing the tingling. All around the grove, animals lower their heads in respect then leaves. Herds upon herds departs, much fatter and more numerous than before.

Kedougou begins to walk, to loosen up, to check the grove, and to prepare for new learnings. He sees a branch leaking off-colour sap, it was a healthy branch hurt by either animal or wind, and the tree was not strong enough to recover. A moment of silence was given then the tree is touched, setting it ablaze for mere seconds until only ashes remained. The sick is eased of pain and its body now nourishes the young.

Kedougou continues, with leaves and bark once again covering his form. Each step a step for life.

Animals, bugs, fungus, grass are all life. Yet life requires something to be taken into them, a fuel. Then a conundrum, what to do when the fuel-life balance is unbalanced? Wolf eat deer eat shrub, but a destroyed shrub means other animals and plants starve; creating further imbalance. An avalanche of problems, too intwined and too fast to be dispersed of. A reset then, a great firestorm to release the animals and plants and land from the trouble. Life is good, but rampant life becomes bad. Such is the way of fire, not a seed of destruction but part of a greater cycle.

Our kind have seen much, witness much; we know of the greater unseen. My distant kins are fearful of flame, and it is right that they feared it. But fear is part of learning, fear is unmoving like stone. We seen stone crumble.

Fire is wild and living, it does not understand fulfillment nor limits. Fire will bite everything it touches and it touches everything, like a cub. A cub will one day mature and birth more cubs. We witnessed this.

Fire is renewal, it consumes the stagnant and the rot. New life sprouts from the residual ash stronger than before. Fire is life quicker than hundred running streams. This is my truth; fire is brilliance manifest.
Vachyll looks on as a massive flight of birds fly out from the trees chuffing in amusement. He starts taking great strides the earth rumbling as thick barked legs groan and stomp through the path he had always traveled. Periodically checking over his form, scraping of any unwanted attachments from winter

He arrives as Okko finishes shaking off the dirt coming to a stop Vachyll kneels to better speak to Okko

" The Core has stayed safe through winter, and no Marauders tried to invade the forest. My Grove endured, how has your side of the forest endured winter Okko?" he says his hands reflexively having clenched in anger at the thought of the thieves his voice like the rumble of earth deep and having an echoing quality.

Okko looks up at the massive form of Vachyll, even kneeling he towers over her.

"My Grove endured the winter well, and no marauders were reported near the creek." She shifts a bit "I am not an evergreen Vachyll, my awareness in the winter months is a bit limited."

Suddenly remembering something Okko turns to the sky "Micol!" before facing back towards Vachyll "The crows made some chatter about Lailoken having a wizard guest over the winter. I don't know if it's still here."
Side-story: Kytherian Politics
King Yundas sighs into his hand. I'm the most powerful human in Muntar, and yet I have to listen to this drabble.

The King was referring to his advisors, suggesting this and that to aid this family or hinder that group. Sure, it is probably good advice, but it doesn't help. The Collective is still haunting the shadows of his Empire, and getting minor favors from the smaller nobles isn't going to change that any time soon. That's not even considering the Ymuxians, but they are way too strong to deal with right now.

As the King delved deeper into how weak the Empire is, he was interrupted by a familiar voice, "My King! I have made a discovery!"

The King lifts his gaze and looks at his Royal Mage, his friend. One of the few he has. Abakivir approaches, much to the dismay of the Advisors, "My King, I have found a new resource!"

King Yundas stands up from his throne of regal majesty and walks over, "Good to hear. Shall we discuss this elsewhere? I fear that if I sit for much longer, I may fuse to that seat."

Abakivir barks a laugh and places his arm over the King's shoulder, "I'm surprised you haven't yet! Sure, let's visit my tower. That way I can properly show you what I found."

Abakivir and the King walk through extravagant halls, banners from fallen armies here and there, with the odd technological marvel every now and then. The servants bow to them as they pass, until the pair find themselves at a stonelike door.

Abakivir opens it for Yundas, and they walk through, up the tower. They pass by alchemical labs, a tinkerer's workshop, and a divination room, until they reach a floor that holds a small stove and pantry, as well as some chairs and a table.

King Yundas sits down on one of the enchanted Orc leather chairs and leans his elbows onto the table, "So you found it?"

Abakivir is over by the stove, prepping a kettle for some tea, "Yes, Yundas. I found it."

Yundas nods, and leans back, "Then we have to go about this carefully. The wards are up?"

The tea set to boil for a bit, Abakivir looks over to him, "Yeah. Still can't believe your own kids tried to assassinate you."

Yundas scowls, "They take after their mother," he pauses, then sighs, "So there really are still remnants of them. I want to save them, they don't deserve what was visited upon them."

Abakivir looks over at the kettle and back, "No one deserves that. Can you imagine what it would be like for that to happen to the Humans? Or even just the Kytherian Empire? I mean, I know that the magical gods are powerful, but-"

Yundas cuts him off, "No, not here. Your wards are powerful, but not enough to block their gaze."

They sit in silence for a bit, when Abakivir grabs a couple of ceramic cups and fills them with the tea. He takes them over to the table and set one down in front of each of them.

Yundas takes a sip and gags, "You are so good at alchemy, yet you still suck at making tea!"

Abakivir chuckles, "Hey, it's not like I have much time on hands when I'm occupied trying to find the lost facility of a race that was reduced to Mana."

Yundas sets his cup to the side with a grimace, "And where did you find it?"

Abakivir makes a motion with his hands, and a map of the Kytherian Empire forms out of light before them. A dot appears, near a logging city, "Around there, under that forest it seems. Shouldn't be too hard to get to. Now, without drawing attention… that will be trickier."

Yundas nods, "So we will have to be discreet. Not that hard. Just slow."

Abakivir hums a bit, then says, "Well, yes. There is an odd detail, however."

Yundas waves his hand, "Go on."

Abakivir pauses, "There is some interference. I can't tell if it's from the facility, but something is messing with the Mana signature near it. Something big. It could be an old piece of tech left by them, but somehow I doubt it."

Yundas feels some sweat on his forehead, "It's not the Ymuxian Dracocracy, is it?"

Abakivir shakes his head, "No, they aren't exactly subtle when they do something. But the Mana there feels… old. It's hard to describe, but I'd recommend sending some specialized individuals. Maybe some from the Squad?"

Yundas shakes his head, "No, that would draw too much attention. One of the spies?"

Abakivir seems like he's weighing something with his hands, then nods, "That should work. No one prone to aggression, however. It wouldn't do well to poke the dragon, so to speak."

Yundas grunts, "That narrows the selection down quite a bit. It's frankly upsetting how many of the Empire are rooting for war. Well, it's not like that's something I can change in the near future."

Yundas gets up, "Well, I'll go set up the necessary people to hire the people to hire the people to keep my name as far away from the whole thing as possible. Thanks, Aba. Maybe we can salvage something from that debacle.

Abakivir gets up and leads King Yundas back down, "It's no issue. Just take care of yourself, I don't want to lose another friend to politics."

Yundas waves his hand, "Please, I've been in this game longer than some people have been alive. I can do this."

Abakivir opens the door, and watches King Yundas walk back to his throne room, and his mouth presses into a line, "I hope you can," and walks back into his tower.
Fufluns loved flying! When Fufluns was flying, Fufluns could go anywhere! Fufluns especially loved flying with the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad. Fufluns and the Squad would race around in the air and even through the forest if they wanted to make it a challenge. All of them had ran into quite a few trees during their races before they got better.

Today Fufluns wasn't racing, but visiting Lailoken. Lailoken was very smart! Lailoken knew all sorts of things about magic, much more than Fufluns. Fufluns had taught the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad everything Fufluns could, so Fufluns wanted to talk to Lailoken to learn more about magic and how Fufluns could make the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad even better!

While Fufluns was flying, Fufluns heard crows yelling "No More Jim!" from Okko's place. Fufluns would have to visit Okko later, Fufluns knew that the crows didn't get along with Jim, but that didn't mean that they needed to be mean to him! Fufluns would have to talk to them. Unless Okko talked to them first.

Fufluns reached Lailoken's grove and was delighted to see that Jim was there talking to Lailoken! Now Fufluns wouldn't have to find Jim to ask what treat they wanted! Fufluns flew to a safe height (Fufluns had learned what a safe height was through trial and error) above them and shifted out of bird form to land next to them.

"Hi Jim! Hi Lailoken!"
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Fufluns loved flying! When Fufluns was flying, Fufluns could go anywhere! Fufluns especially loved flying with the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad. Fufluns and the Squad would race around in the air and even through the forest if they wanted to make it a challenge. All of them had ran into quite a few trees during their races before they got better.

Today Fufluns wasn't racing, but visiting Lailoken. Lailoken was very smart! Lailoken knew all sorts of things about magic, much more than Fufluns. Fufluns had taught the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad everything Fufluns could, so Fufluns wanted to talk to Lailoken to learn more about magic and how Fufluns could make the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad even better!

While Fufluns was flying, Fufluns heard crows yelling "No More Jim!" from Okko's place. Fufluns would have to visit Okko later, Fufluns knew that the crows didn't get along with Jim, but that didn't meant that they needed to be mean to him! Fufluns would have to talk to them. Unless Okko talked to them first.

Fufluns reached Lailoken's grove and was delighted to see that Jim was there talking to Lailoken! Now Fufluns wouldn't have to find Jim to ask what treat they wanted! Fufluns flew to a safe height (Fufluns had learned what a safe height was through trial and error) above them and shifted out of bird form to land next to them.

"Hi Jim! Hi Lailoken!"
Jim jumps back from the descending tree, then yells out, "Fufluns! Don't ever do that! Again!"

Jim ruffles his fur back down, "At the very least, give a warning, Fufluns," he sighs, "Now, what are you here for? I hope you aren't so childish as to travel such a distance without a plan."
height (Fufluns had learned what a safe height was through trial and error) above them and shifted out of bird form to land next to them.

"Hi Jim! Hi Lailoken!"

"Oh. Hello Fuflun."
"And uh, Jim is here, yes. Let's face it, Okko knows he's here."
"Anyway what can I do for you Fuflun?"
Okko looks up at the massive form of Vachyll, even kneeling he towers over her.

"My Grove endured the winter well, and no marauders were reported near the creek." She shifts a bit "I am not an evergreen Vachyll, my awareness in the winter months is a bit limited."

Suddenly remembering something Okko turns to the sky "Micol!" before facing back towards Vachyll "The crows made some chatter about Lailoken having a wizard guest over the winter. I don't know if it's still here."
Vachylls nods understanding, then frowns at the mention of the wizard " I would not know why Lailoken tolerates inviting one to his grove they all succumb to their greed eventually" he says letting out a huff in frustration rustling the leaves of nearby tree's
Jim jumps back from the descending tree, then yells out, "Fufluns! Don't ever do that! Again!"

Jim ruffles his fur back down, "At the very least, give a warning, Fufluns," he sighs, "Now, what are you here for? I hope you aren't so childish as to travel such a distance without a plan."
"I came to talk to Lailoken, but it's great that your here too! I wanted to ask what you would like for a after-winter treat. Also, the crows are up to something. I plan on talking to them, but be careful just in case.
"Oh. Hello Fuflun."
"And uh, Jim is here, yes. Let's face it, Okko knows he's here."
"Anyway what can I do for you Fuflun?"
I wanted to learn more about magic! I taught the Sweet Tree Blossom Squad everything I knew, so I need to learn more; And you know more about magic than anyone else I know!