Guardian Of The Monster Girls (Experimental)

Votes Locked!

[X] John Black The Corsair >> 2
JeffJway, Carinthium

[X] Baize >> 5
Divider, Kurowari, Thozmp, Azrael, LostDeviljho

[X] Alexsander 'Backstabber' Frost >> 3
permeakra, akumanaka, Troglodyte

[X] Schlock The Helpful Sociopath >> 1


[X] Bow & Arrow >> 4
lordchaos99, permeakra, akumanaka, Troglodyte

[X] Gauntlets & Greaves >> 8
wdango, AnonymousRabbit, Divider, Hangwind, Kurowari, Thozmp, Azrael, LostDeviljho

[X] Sword >> 2
JeffJway, Carinthium


[X] Dashing muscular Humanoid Male in dark-coloured swashbuckler garb, a rapier by his side and an Ouroboros tattoo on his right arm >> 2
Jeffjway, Carinthium

[X] Bandit >> 5
Divider, Kurowari, Thozmp, Azrael, LostDeviljho

[X] Shadowy Ranger >> 3
permeakra, akumanaka, Troglodyte

You are...
[X] Baize
[X] Bandit-like

Your Type as a Guardian Hero is...
[X] Gauntlets & Greaves - The fighter. (LVL 5) (HP 15) (MP 10) (STR 15) (AGI 15)


Updating Character Sheet...



So, head's up, there are dices in this Quest; however, they aren't use to determine everything.

For example, if your Guardian Hero fights an equal-leveled opponent, if you fight smart then the dices won't be used. But if you want, say, uppercut the opponent and have them land in an exact spot because you have a trap set there or something, that's when a dice will be rolled.

Naturally, if you fight an opponent that outclasses you, then expect a lot of rolling. Or things that require a bit of karma. Otherwise, your ability to do stuff is reliant more on Skill than Luck.

Basically, the dices will be used when your Guardian Hero's competence is put into question.
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Which monster girls we are talking about here?

Is it the Monster Girl Encyclopedia girls, the ones from 12Beast/Daily Life with Monster Girl, or a completely new/original setting?

Just wanted to make sure that we are on the same page.

Your name was Baize and your Type was Gauntlets & Greaves.

The power of life-creation was shared amongst your fellow Guardian Heroes, thus your Avatar could not bear the true might of your existence. It was a meager filling, not enough to ensure your survival nor victory against the Outsiders. However, power was power and you could not complain for every little bit given to you.

You now must pick and choose what abilities you could take with you.

Your Avatar only has 1 Slot for an Ability.

[ ] Power Strike (Novice) - Empowering your Arms and Legs, you do 30% more damage; every 11 Stat Points of STR or MP adds 3% Damage. Currently stands at +33% Damage Buff. Grants +3 to Offense Rolls at Initial Strike and Ending Strike but only works once per fight.

[ ] Wrathful (Novice) - Empowering your body for great Offense but at weakened Defense, you do 50% more damage; every 11 Stat Points of STR or MP adds 5% Damage. Currently stands at +55% Damage Buff. Grants a +10 to all Offense Rolls but a -10 to all Defense Rolls when active.

[ ] Blast Of Might (Novice) - Fires a blast of energy, you do 75% damage from normal; every 11 Stat Points of MP adds 5% Damage. Currently stands at 75% Damage. Grants +5 to Combat Rolls when used.

You also had enough energy to take on some Traits.

You have 5 Slots; the 1st and 2nd are free; but the 3rd, 4th, and 5th requires you to take a Negative Trait for each that are filled in.

[ ] Positive
-[ ] Endure (Minor) - Provides additional HP during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 HP and +4 to HP Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[ ] Magical (Minor) - Provides additional MP during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 MP and +4 to MP Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[ ] Power (Minor) - Provides additional STR during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 STR and +4 to STR Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[ ] Swift (Minor) - Provides additional AGI during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 AGI and +4 to AGI Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[ ] Lucky (Minor) - Provides a bonus to all rolls. Currently provides +3 to all rolls. <2 Slots>
-[ ] Studious (Minor) - Provides a bonus to EXP Gain. Currently provides 10% EXP Bonus. <2 Slots>

[ ] Negative
-[ ] Ouch (Average) - Penalty to HP related rolls. Currently deducts -10 to HP Rolls.
-[ ] Drained (Average) - Penalty to MP related rolls. Currently deducts -10 to MP Rolls.
-[ ] Wimp (Average) - Penalty to STR related rolls. Currently deducts -10 to STR Rolls.
-[ ] Coward (Average) - Penalty to AGI related rolls. Currently deducts -10 to AGI Rolls.

With this, you were ready to manifest your Avatar.
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Right, time for a bit of breakdown of the abilities.

Note that this is how I interpret the skills, and should not be taken as pure fact when making a decision.

Power Strike (Novice)

This is a boosted opening or finishing blow. Not the best, but it's still a "level 1" skill, so I expect it to improve. The fact it is one-use per fight is... unfortunate, but such is the way of things. Scales with both STR and MAG (MP?) so has long term potential. In my opinion it seems like a low/medium-risk moderate reward option.
EDIT: WoG says the damage boost lasts as long as the skill is active. The one-use part is only for the +hit on opening and finishing blows.

Wrathful (Novice)

Akin to a Barbarian's Rage ability in D&D, trade increased attack potential for Defense. +50% damage and +10 to hit at "1st level" is a huge boon. -10 to defense is rough, especially right now when we have so little health. Scales well with both STR and MAG. All in all, it seems like a high-risk high reward option.

Blast Of Might (Novice)

As it stands this sounds like a bad ability for us. Based on the text, it seems to be a ranged option, which is a plus. However, it has reduced damage and scales solely off of an ability score we (probably) won't focus on. Low-risk Low Reward. Should we go down this route, I suspect this is a more long-term route, with low-damage abilities to start and eventually becoming OP... just like all mages in D&D.

@Shintouyu Can you give an example of average EXP gain per fight (for example if we were to fight off a group of bandits). I ask so I can get a sense of how quickly we would be getting EXP to properly analyze the Studious trait.
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[X] Power Strike (Novice) - Empowering your Arms and Legs, you do 30% more damage; every 11 Stat Points of STR or MAG adds 3% Damage. Currently stands at +33% Damage Buff. Grants +3 to Offense Rolls at Initial Strike or Ending Strike but only works once per fight.
[X] Studious (Minor) - Provides a bonus to EXP Gain. Currently provides 10% EXP Bonus. <2 Slots>

Exp gain is always a good thing, and our stats are pretty balanced so I'm fine without any other traits.
[X] Wrathful (Novice) - Empowering your body for great Offense but at weakened Defense, you do 50% more damage; every 11 Stat Points of STR or MP adds 5% Damage. Currently stands at +55% Damage Buff. Grants a +10 to all Offense Rolls but a -10 to all Defense Rolls when active.
[X] Endure (Minor) - Provides additional HP during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 HP and +4 to HP Rolls. <1 Slot>
[X] Power (Minor) - Provides additional STR during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 STR and +4 to STR Rolls. <1 Slot>
[X] Swift (Minor) - Provides additional AGI during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 AGI and +4 to AGI Rolls. <1 Slot>
[X] Drained (Average) - Penalty to MP related rolls. Currently deducts -10 to MP Rolls.

EDIT: Changed vote.
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Power Strike (Novice)

This is a boosted opening or finishing blow. Not the best, but it's still a "level 1" skill, so I expect it to improve. The fact it is one-use per fight is... unfortunate, but such is the way of things. Scales with both STR and MAG (MP?) so has long term potential. In my opinion it seems like a low/medium-risk moderate reward option.
Active Ability, so the Damage-Buff stays on the entire fight.

It's the Rolling portion of the ability that can only only be used per fight (technically twice since it's Initial Strike and Ending Strike).

@Shintouyu Can you give an example of average EXP gain per fight (for example if we were to fight off a group of bandits). I ask so I can get a sense of how quickly we would be getting EXP to properly analyze the Studious trait.
I'm using a relatively simple system.

Enemies are basically ranked into these categories:
[!] Harmless - Essentially incapable of hurting you. (0 EXP)
[!] Weak - Expect a few scratches. (10 EXP)
[!] Caution - Can be dangerous. (30 EXP)
[!] Threat - Be wary or suffer death. (80 EXP)
[!] Destructive - Extremely lethal, best to avoid. (250 EXP)​

There might be +EXP or -EXP determining on some factors. But otherwise, these are generally the minimal of each rating.

Depending on the Bandit, I would rate each individual as probably either Weak or Caution.

As for Traits, they have 3 ranks:
Minor >> Average >> Major

Edit: Ah, right, Abilities have 5 ranks:
Novice >> Beginner >> Intermediate >> Skilled >> Mastered
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[X] Power Strike (Novice) - Empowering your Arms and Legs, you do 30% more damage; every 11 Stat Points of STR or MAG adds 3% Damage. Currently stands at +33% Damage Buff. Grants +3 to Offense Rolls at Initial Strike or Ending Strike but only works once per fight.
[X] Power (Minor) - Provides additional STR during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 STR and +4 to STR Rolls. <1 Slot>
[X] Studious (Minor) - Provides a bonus to EXP Gain. Currently provides 10% EXP Bonus. <2 Slots>
[X] Drained (Average) - Penalty to MP related rolls. Currently deducts -10 to MP Rolls.
Two more questions

Does MP in this system determine how many rounds/fights we can use each ability in, or is it merely a measure of our magical talent?
Related: is MP the MAG stat the abilities mention, or is MAG gained later?

(assumptions based on naming structure)
HP is our health and constitution, STR is physical damage and melee skill. AGI is Athletics, skill with ranged weapons, initiative, and dodging (defense).
Is this an accurate representation of the stats @Shintouyu ?
[x] Wrathful (Novice) - Empowering your body for great Offense but at weakened Defense, you do 50% more damage; every 11 Stat Points of STR or MAG adds 5% Damage. Currently stands at +55% Damage Buff. Grants a +10 to all Offense Rolls but a -10 to all Defense Rolls when active.
-[x] Endure (Minor) - Provides additional HP during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 HP and +4 to HP Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[x] Lucky (Minor) - Provides a bonus to all rolls. Currently provides +3 to all rolls. <2 Slots>
-[x] Drained (Average) - Penalty to MP related rolls. Currently deducts -10 to MP Rolls.

changed vote
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Two more questions

Does MP in this system determine how many rounds/fights we can use each ability in, or is it merely a measure of our magical talent?
Related: is MP the MAG stat the abilities mention, or is MAG gained later?

(assumptions based on naming structure)
HP is our health and constitution, STR is physical damage and melee skill. AGI is Athletics, skill with ranged weapons, initiative, and dodging (defense).
Is this an accurate representation of the stats @Shintouyu ?
Measure of your Magical Talents.

Whoops, my bad, MAG is MP. Got confused with another system.

Your Character Sheet answers some things... a bit.

Yeah, more or less, that's it.
Thank you for responding.
With that information in mind, here is my proposed skill/trait block

[X] Wrathful (Novice) - Empowering your body for great Offense but at weakened Defense, you do 50% more damage; every 11 Stat Points of STR or MP adds 5% Damage. Currently stands at +55% Damage Buff. Grants a +10 to all Offense Rolls but a -10 to all Defense Rolls when active.

[X] Positive
-[X] Endure (Minor) - Provides additional HP during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 HP and +4 to HP Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[X] Power (Minor) - Provides additional STR during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 STR and +4 to STR Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[X] Swift (Minor) - Provides additional AGI during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 AGI and +4 to AGI Rolls. <1 Slot>
[X] Negative
-[X] Drained (Average) - Penalty to MP related rolls. Currently deducts -10 to MP Rolls.

We chose a character designed to be on the front lines. Traits boost your stat gains/level, meaning the earlier we take these, the faster our primary and secondary stats become stronger. I chose the negative to MP as MP is a tertiary stat for this character, and while it may become important later, for now it is not that important.

The Lucky and Studious traits are nice, I will admit. However Lucky becomes less effective in the mid-late game as it is a flat bonus. Studious will likely become better once we get to higher levels and have to fight higher-level enemies. For now though, 10% exp boost isn't that important. We can likely get it later as well, assuming we can save a trait point at level 10 and use it at level 15 to get a 2-point trait.
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I wish there was a EXP0 Trait like in KH. This quest would be so hard but satisfying...

...that sounded better in my head...
There's a Negative Trait called [Idiot]. On <Average> it's a -30% to EXP.
If you get afflicted with it, well...

That said, hahaha, technically, as long as you don't spend Stat Points, your stats will remain low enough for Hard Mode. You would then need to rely on your Monster Girls to pull a lot of the weight though.
Thank you for responding.
With that information in mind, here is my proposed skill/trait block

[X] Wrathful (Novice) - Empowering your body for great Offense but at weakened Defense, you do 50% more damage; every 11 Stat Points of STR or MP adds 5% Damage. Currently stands at +55% Damage Buff. Grants a +10 to all Offense Rolls but a -10 to all Defense Rolls when active.

[X] Positive
-[X] Endure (Minor) - Provides additional HP during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 HP and +4 to HP Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[X] Power (Minor) - Provides additional STR during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 STR and +4 to STR Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[X] Swift (Minor) - Provides additional AGI during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 AGI and +4 to AGI Rolls. <1 Slot>
[X] Negative
-[X] Drained (Average) - Penalty to MP related rolls. Currently deducts -10 to MP Rolls.

We chose a character designed to be on the front lines. Traits boost your stat gains/level, meaning the earlier we take these, the faster our primary and secondary stats become stronger. I chose the negative to MP as MP is a tertiary stat for this character, and while it may become important later, for now it is not that important.

The Lucky and Studious traits are nice, I will admit. However Lucky becomes less effective in the mid-late game as it is a flat bonus. Studious will likely become better once we get to higher levels and have to fight higher-level enemies. For now though, 10% exp boost isn't that important. We can likely get it later as well, assuming we can save a trait point at level 10 and use it at level 15 to get a 2-point trait.

I'll back this
[X] Wrathful (Novice) - Empowering your body for great Offense but at weakened Defense, you do 50% more damage; every 11 Stat Points of STR or MP adds 5% Damage. Currently stands at +55% Damage Buff. Grants a +10 to all Offense Rolls but a -10 to all Defense Rolls when active.

[X] Positive
-[X] Endure (Minor) - Provides additional HP during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 HP and +4 to HP Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[X] Power (Minor) - Provides additional STR during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 STR and +4 to STR Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[X] Swift (Minor) - Provides additional AGI during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 AGI and +4 to AGI Rolls. <1 Slot>
[X] Negative
-[X] Drained (Average) - Penalty to MP related rolls. Currently deducts -10 to MP Rolls.
[X] Wrathful (Novice) - Empowering your body for great Offense but at weakened Defense, you do 50% more damage; every 11 Stat Points of STR or MP adds 5% Damage. Currently stands at +55% Damage Buff. Grants a +10 to all Offense Rolls but a -10 to all Defense Rolls when active.

[X] Magical (Minor) - Provides additional MP during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 MP and +4 to MP Rolls. <1 Slot>
[X] Power (Minor) - Provides additional STR during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 STR and +4 to STR Rolls. <1 Slot>
Votes Locked!

[X] Power Strike >> 2
Azrael, Thozmp

[X] Wrathful >> 6
JPVeigar, Arkatekt, LostDeviljho, paintedspear, JeffJway, wdango


[X] Studious >> 2
Azrael, Thozmp

[X] Endure >> 5
JPVeigar, Arkatekt, LostDeviljho, paintedspear, wdango

[X] Power >> 7
JPVeigar, Thozmp, Arkatekt, LostDeviljho, paintedspear, JeffJway, wdango

[X] Swift >> 5
JPVeigar, Arkatekt, LostDeviljho, paintedspear, wdango

[X] Magical >> 1

[X] Drained >> 6
JPVeigar, Thozmp, Arkatekt, LostDeviljho, paintedspear, wdango

Your Avatar only has 1 Slot for an Ability.

[X] Wrathful (Novice) - Empowering your body for great Offense but at weakened Defense, you do 50% more damage; every 11 Stat Points of STR or MP adds 5% Damage. Currently stands at +55% Damage Buff. Grants a +10 to all Offense Rolls but a -10 to all Defense Rolls when active.

You also had enough energy to take on some Traits. You have 5 Slots; the 1st and 2nd are free; but the 3rd, 4th, and 5th requires you to take a Negative Trait for each that are filled in.

[X] Positive
-[X] Endure (Minor) - Provides additional HP during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 HP and +4 to HP Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[X] Power (Minor) - Provides additional STR during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 STR and +4 to STR Rolls. <1 Slot>
-[X] Swift (Minor) - Provides additional AGI during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides 1 AGI and +4 to AGI Rolls. <1 Slot>

[X] Negative
-[X] Drained (Average) - Penalty to MP related rolls. Currently deducts -10 to MP Rolls.


Updating Character Sheet...

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