Guardian Of The Monster Girls (Experimental)

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Yeah, I have no idea what I'm doing, hence...


A Wandering Soul
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[!] Name - Baize
[!] Type - Gauntlets & Greaves

[!] Prestige

[!] Stats
-[!] LVL 11
-[!] EXP 225/250
-[!] HP 22
-[!] MP 11
-[!] STR 22
-[!] AGI 22
--[~] Available Stat Points: 18

[!] Abilities
-[!] Active
--[!] Wrathful (Novice) - Empowering your body for great Offense but at weakened Defense, you do 50% more damage; every 11 Stat Points of STR or MP adds 5% Damage. Grants a +10 to all Offense Rolls but a -10 to all Defense Rolls when active. 50% + 10% STR + 5% MP = 65% Damage Buff.

[!] Traits
--[~] Trait Points Available: 1

-[!] Positive
--[!] Endure (Minor) - Provides additional HP during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides +1 HP per level-up and +4 to HP Rolls.
--[!] Power (Minor) - Provides additional STR during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides +1 STR per level-up and +4 to STR Rolls.
--[!] Swift (Minor) - Provides additional AGI during Level Ups and a bonus to related rolls. Currently provides +1 AGI per level-up and +4 to AGI Rolls.

-[!] Negative
--[!] Drained (Average) - Penalty to MP related rolls. Currently deducts -10 to MP Rolls.

[!] Rolls
-[!] +8 to HP-R.
-[!] +8 to STR-R.
-[!] +8 to AGI-R.
-[!] -8 to MP-R.


Every 11th in a Stat provides +2 to a relevant roll.

LVL - Every Level-Up provides 3 Stat Points. Every 5th Level provides a Trait Point. Every 6th Level increases Stats by one. (LVL 33 provides 4 Stat Points and 2 Trait Points and LVL 66 provides 5 Stat Points and 3 Trait Points)

EXP - Every Level-Up increases the requirement by 25 EXP.

HP - Toughness rating.
MP - Magic Proficiency rating.
STR - Power rating.
AGI - Speed rating.

Traits must be bought with a Trait Point. Traits can be leveled up with 1 Trait Point, or by 5 Stat Points at Minor with increments of 5 Stat Points.
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-[~] Beast Girls - They all have fluffy fur for warmth but various other appendages for detection. They are a tight-knit pack, who share many things, and are willing to die for one another. They fight using their claws and teeth.

-[~] None

[!] POPULATION - 540
-[~] STATUS - Normal
-[~] RESPECT - Uncertain +3
-[~] KARMA - Negative -57 | Positive +41

-[~] "Pack Leader"

-[!] Experience Growth: Normal
--[~] Level 2
--[~] Health Point 4
--[~] Magic Point 3
--[~] Strength 3
--[~] Agility 8

-[~] So Fluffy! - They are quite fluffy but, other than that, they have a fairly Human appearance.
-[~] Warning! - Their various senses are especially attuned to danger and they can perceive unknown or incoming threats before it has even arrived.
-[~] Escape! - Given a head start, they can be quite hard to catch.
-[~] Nobody Gets Left Behind! - Their overprotective nature means nobody fights alone or dies alone. They're pretty bad at retreating because of this.
-[~] Tooth & Nail! - They may look cute and fragile but don't underestimate them! When cornered, they might just get the last throat-ripping bite!
-[~] One Big Family - They have strong bonds with one another.
-[~] Affectionate - They are rather easy to please.
-[~] Might Makes Right! - They respect those with strength, preferring action over words.
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[!] TYPE: Beast Girl
[!] TRUST: Neutral +2
[!] RELATION: Mutual Assistance -2

[!] STATS: [LVL 3] [EXP 10/50] [HP 9] [MP 9] [STR 9] [AGI 15]


[!] PERSONAL TRAITS: [I Am The Leader!]
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You are a Guardian Hero, a type of spiritual-entity given charge of one race and tasked with their survival.

The last time you had descended upon the Mortal Realms was during an age of unequivocal strife, where the extermination and extinction of many species had occurred due to the rampant Outsiders that once roamed upon the earth and slaughtered everything in their way.

Few Guardian Heroes were able to ensure their races survival.

You were not one of them.

Since then, for thousands of years, you have merely watched as civilizations thrived and fell, new species of life growing and changing. But a sinister shadow was now creeping over the lands, for the barriers which once separated the Higher-Planes and the Mortal Realms were fading fast. It seemed that the return of the Outsiders was an inevitable course.

Set free once more, you promised yourself that you would not fail again.

You are...

[X] Name/Title
[X] Appearance (Humanoid)

Your Type as a Guardian Hero is...

[ ] Bow & Arrow - The distant attacker. (LVL 5) (HP 10) (MP 10) (STR 15) (AGI 20)

[ ] Gauntlets & Greaves - The fighter. (LVL 5) (HP 15) (MP 10) (STR 15) (AGI 15)

[ ] Hammer - The heavy-hitter. (LVL 5) (HP 15) (MP 10) (STR 20) (AGI 10)

[ ] Shield - The defender. (LVL 5) (HP 25) (MP 10) (STR 10) (AGI 10)

[ ] Spear - The far-reaching striker. (LVL 5) (HP 10) (MP 10) (STR 20) (AGI 15)

[ ] Sword - The warrior. (LVL 5) (HP 10) (MP 15) (STR 15) (AGI 15)
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[X] Bow and Arrow

Ranged > Melee 75% of the time (the other 25 is when the fighter can get close before you put him down or ambushes close)
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention (though it should be obvious), if you've got any questions then feel free to ask!
I'll answer them to the best of my abilities.
How Abstract and powerful are the Gaurdians?
Spirit level
God level
Concept level

Is magic a thing the Guardians can use?
Is magic a thing our Guarded Race can use?
What tech level is the setting?
[x] Gauntlets & Greaves - The fighter. (LVL 5) (HP 15) (MP 10) (STR 15) (AGI 15)
How Abstract and powerful are the Gaurdians?
Spirit level
God level
Concept level
Is that Nasu-verse rankings?
Uh... think of the initial manifestation of the Guardian Heroes like Kuzuki+Reinforcement from Caster that let him kicked Saber's ass. Close but not quite Heroic Spirit.

The Guardian Heroes can't manifest directly onto the Mortal Realms. By the will of the Planet, they all share a reserve of energy to create an Avatar. However, that vessel can't immediately contain their true powers all at once, so leveling-up is required, and even then they probably won't reach their full-strength in time.

Is magic a thing the Guardians can use?
Is magic a thing our Guarded Race can use?
What tech level is the setting?
Yes, all Guardian Heroes are magically-inclined, though none of them really specialize in the arcane-arts due to their Type.

Yes, they can eventually learn to use magic.

Typical-fantasy, so medieval-ish.
[X] The Corsair
[X] Dashing muscular Humanoid Male in dark-coloured swashbuckler garb, a rapier by his side and an Ouroboros tattoo on his right arm

[X] Sword - The warrior. (LVL 5) (HP 10) (MP 15) (STR 15) (AGI 15)
[X] Baize

[X] Gauntlets and Greaves
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[x]Schlock the Helpful Sociopath
[x]Gauntlets & Greaves - The fighter. (LVL 5) (HP 15) (MP 10) (STR 15) (AGI 15)

Maybe a style that revolves around eating his opponents?